State v. Weathers ( 2017 )

  •                           IN THE NEBRASKA COURT OF APPEALS
    (Memorandum Web Opinion)
    Filed January 3, 2017.    No. A-16-305.
    Appeal from the District Court for Douglas County: SHELLY R. STRATMAN, Judge.
    Joseph Kuehl for appellant.
    Douglas J. Peterson, Attorney General, and Kimberly A. Klein for appellee.
    MOORE, Chief Judge, and RIEDMANN and BISHOP, Judges.
    RIEDMANN, Judge.
    Brandon J. Weathers appeals from his convictions in the Douglas County District Court of
    two counts of first degree sexual assault of a child. Because we find no merit to the arguments
    raised on appeal, we affirm.
    Weathers was charged with two counts of first degree sexual assault of a child. The
    evidence presented at trial established that the 13-year-old victim, H.A., was a foster child placed
    in Weathers’ home in April 2014. Although H.A. was removed from Weathers’ care in June 2014,
    she became pregnant in October, and DNA testing proved that Weathers was the father of the
    child, which H.A. ultimately miscarried. Weathers’ defense at trial was that he never had sexual
    intercourse with H.A.; rather, the pregnancy occurred as a result of H.A. using a syringe containing
    Weathers’ semen. Following his conviction, Weathers filed this appeal. Because the errors
    Weathers raises do not involve the circumstances underlying the charge, we limit our recitation of
    the facts to those pertinent to our analysis.
    The State initially filed an information charging Weathers on November 26, 2014. The
    State amended the information narrowing the charges to two counts of first degree sexual assault
    of a child. Shortly before trial was scheduled to begin, Weathers filed multiple unsuccessful
    motions to continue trial. Also prior to trial, Weathers filed a motion to produce for examination,
    requesting that the State produce to him a cell phone seized and examined in connection with the
    case. The district court denied the motion.
    Jury trial began on December 7, 2015. Although the district court strongly advised against
    it, Weathers was permitted to represent himself at trial, and his previously appointed counsels were
    appointed as his legal advisors. During a break on the third day of trial, Weathers was standing
    outside the courtroom in handcuffs when several jurors walked out of the jury room. He moved
    for a mistrial, arguing that the jurors may have seen him in handcuffs. The district court denied the
    The jury ultimately found Weathers guilty of both counts. He was sentenced to two
    consecutive terms of 50 to 80 years’ imprisonment. He now appeals to this court.
    Weathers assigns that the district court erred in (1) denying his motions to continue trial,
    (2) denying his motion for mistrial, (3) denying his motion to produce for examination, (4) not
    allowing him to refresh the recollection of a witness, and (5) imposing an excessive sentence. He
    also asserts that we should review the evidentiary issues in the case for plain error, that he received
    ineffective assistance of counsel in various respects, and that the culmination of errors at trial
    denied him his right to a fair trial.
    Motions to Continue.
    In November and December, 2015, Weathers filed numerous motions to continue trial, all
    of which were denied, and trial ultimately began on December 7. In his brief on appeal, he
    specifically argues that the district court erred in failing to grant two of his motions to continue.
    First, Weathers requested a continuance on November 4, 2015, arguing that neither he nor
    his trial counsel had received copies of reports of the data extracted from the cell phones seized in
    connection with the case, including text message information. The State agreed to ensure that all
    of the reports from the cell phone analysis had been turned over to Weathers, and the district court
    denied the motion, finding that Weathers had a month remaining to prepare for trial.
    In addition, Weathers moved to continue trial on December 3, 2015. At that hearing, he
    argued that he still believed text messages were missing from one of his cell phones and reported
    that his law library time had been suspended. The court denied the motion to continue.
    A decision whether to grant a continuance in a criminal case is within the discretion of the
    trial court and will not be disturbed on appeal absent an abuse of discretion. State v. Edwards, 
    278 Neb. 55
    767 N.W.2d 784
    (2009). An abuse of discretion occurs when a trial court’s decision is
    based upon reasons that are untenable or unreasonable or if its action is clearly against justice or
    conscience, reason, and evidence. 
    Id. And there
    is no abuse of discretion by the court in denying a
    continuance unless it clearly appears that the party seeking the continuance suffered prejudice as
    a result of that denial. 
    Id. Weathers’ requests
    for continuances were premised on his belief that at least one, if not
    two, of the cell phones seized during the investigation contained text messages between him and
    H.A. that would exonerate him. He claimed that the State was either refusing to turn over reports
    containing those pertinent text messages or had deleted the text messages so they would not appear
    on reports turned over to Weathers. He argued that trial should have been continued so that the
    State could turn over all cell phone information to him and so that he would have had sufficient
    time to review those reports. However, there was no additional information to be provided to
    Weathers. The State continually insisted that it had turned over all cell phone information to
    Weathers, and at each hearing on Weathers’ motions to continue, the State agreed to
    “double-check” to ensure it had provided all cell phone extraction reports to Weathers. No
    additional unreported information was found or disclosed to Weathers on the eve of trial.
    Therefore, Weathers has not established that he suffered any prejudice by the denial of his motions
    to continue. Accordingly, this assignment of error has no merit.
    Motion for Mistrial.
    On the third day of trial, Weathers moved for mistrial on the ground that several jurors may
    have seen him in handcuffs during a break in the trial. A sheriff’s deputy testified that while
    Weathers was in the hallway handcuffed, a juror was sitting nearby on her cell phone, and upon
    noticing her, the deputy and another sheriff’s deputy stood in front of the juror to block her view
    of Weathers. A minute or two later, five or six other jurors walked out into the area, but the deputies
    and Weathers’ legal advisors were still standing near Weathers blocking the view of the handcuffs.
    The situation lasted one or two minutes. The deputy testified that there was no indication any of
    the jurors saw anything but acknowledged that it was possible they could have seen Weathers in
    handcuffs. The district court declined to grant a mistrial, finding that Weathers failed to establish
    that a juror actually saw him in handcuffs.
    Whether to grant a motion for mistrial is within the trial court’s discretion, and an appellate
    court will not disturb its ruling unless the court abused its discretion. State v. Dixon, 
    286 Neb. 334
    837 N.W.2d 496
    (2013). In alleging error in failure to grant a motion for mistrial, the defendant
    must prove that the alleged error actually prejudiced him or her, rather than creating only the
    possibility of prejudice. State v. Robinson, 
    271 Neb. 698
    715 N.W.2d 531
    The general rule is that a defendant who is on trial should be free from shackles unless they
    are necessary to prevent violence or escape. State v. 
    Dixon, supra
    . This is because it is central to
    the right to a fair trial, guaranteed by the 6th and 14th Amendments, that one accused of a crime
    is entitled to have his or her guilt or innocence determined solely on the basis of the evidence
    introduced at trial, and not on grounds of official suspicion, indictment, continued custody, or other
    circumstances not adduced as proof at trial. State v. 
    Dixon, supra
    . But application of the general
    rule must be tempered with some measure of common sense. 
    Id. -3- Jurors
    are aware that the defendant did not arrive there by choice or happenstance. 
    Id. It is
    not possible to eliminate from trial procedures every reminder that the State has chosen to marshal
    its resources against a defendant to punish him for allegedly criminal conduct. 
    Id. In State
    v. Dixon, the defendant moved unsuccessfully for mistrial after prospective jurors
    may have seen him in leg restraints during jury selection. In affirming the denial of his motion, the
    Supreme Court considered the incident in the context of the entire proceeding, including the fact
    that the record was unclear whether any prospective juror actually ever saw him in leg restraints.
    Similarly, in the present case, it is unclear whether any juror actually saw Weathers in
    handcuffs. Once it became apparent that a juror was in the area, the deputies took immediate steps
    to conceal the handcuffs from both the view of the juror sitting in the area, who appeared focused
    on her cell phone during the incident, and the juror who subsequently walked out into the hallway.
    Those jurors walked past Weathers without hesitation on their way to the restroom or elsewhere
    during a break in trial, and the entire event lasted only one or two minutes. The jury was aware
    that Weathers had been charged with a serious crime, and evidence was presented over the course
    of a four-day trial. Based on the foregoing, we conclude that Weathers has failed to prove that the
    alleged error actually prejudiced him, rather than creating only the possibility of prejudice. We
    therefore find no abuse of discretion in the denial of Weathers’ motion for mistrial.
    Motion to Produce for Examination.
    Prior to trial, Weathers filed a motion to produce for examination. He requested that the
    State provide to him a cell phone seized from him during the investigation of his case, because he
    believed there were text messages on that phone that did not appear on any report. The State agreed
    that it would ensure all of the cell phones had been analyzed and the reports turned over to
    Weathers; however, it objected to allowing Weathers access to the phone itself. The district court
    observed that generally a defendant is provided a report after evidence has been analyzed, not the
    evidence itself, and denied the motion.
    Weathers cites to no authority which would allow the district court to authorize the release
    of a piece of physical evidence to the defendant directly, and we have found none. We note that
    Weathers was not requesting that the cell phone be released to an independent expert for
    examination; rather, he wanted the actual device delivered to him at the prison where he was
    incarcerated pending trial. We conclude the district court did not err in denying his request.
    Refresh Recollection.
    During his cross-examination of H.A. at trial, Weathers posed numerous questions to her
    regarding information she provided during a November 2014 forensic interview. H.A. repeatedly
    indicated she did not remember what she said during the interview. Weathers then requested
    permission to have H.A. watch a video recording of the interview in order to refresh her
    recollection. The court denied the request. Weathers challenges this decision on appeal.
    We first note that the Rules of Evidence provide that the judge shall exercise reasonable
    control over the mode and order of interrogating witnesses and presenting evidence, in part, to
    avoid needless consumption of time. See Neb. Rev. Stat. § 27-611(1) (Reissue 2008). Weathers’
    request came in the middle of a jury trial, and the district court observed that H.A. had already
    testified that she lied during her interview to protect him. In addition, although Weathers argues
    that the court erred in denying his request to play the videotape to refresh H.A.’s recollection, he
    does not indicate how the denial was prejudicial. We find it was not.
    Weathers’ request came after H.A. repeatedly stated that she did not remember what she
    had said during the November 2014 forensic interview. None of the questions Weathers posed
    were directed at his defense theory that H.A.’s pregnancy was the result of using a syringe and not
    the result of a sexual relationship. Rather, the questions were designed to attack H.A.’s credibility
    and establish inconsistencies in responses she gave during the interview and her responses at trial.
    However, at one point during cross-examination, H.A. replied, “I don’t remember what I said to
    [the interviewer during the November 2014 interview], because it was probably all a lie. So I really
    don’t remember.” At another point, H.A. responded to Weathers’ question about the November
    interview by saying, “I actually lied just to protect you.” Thus, H.A. herself admitted that she lied
    during the interview, and any additional evidence attacking her credibility, particularly with
    respect to the November interview, would have been cumulative.
    Where the Nebraska Evidence Rules commit the evidentiary question at issue to the
    discretion of the trial court, an appellate court reviews the admissibility of evidence for an abuse
    of discretion. State v. Ramirez, 
    287 Neb. 356
    842 N.W.2d 694
    (2014). We cannot find that the
    district court abused its discretion in refusing to allow H.A. to watch the videotape of her forensic
    interview as an attempt to refresh her recollection during trial.
    Plain Error in Evidentiary Issues.
    Weathers argues that there were numerous instances where testimony was heard by the
    jury when a timely objection would have prevented the jury from hearing that evidence. He cites
    numerous instances where, for example, a witness was allowed to provide hearsay statements
    without objection. He urges us to review those instances under the plain error doctrine and find
    that, when taken as a whole, they prejudiced him and denied him a fair trial.
    Although an appellate court ordinarily considers only those errors assigned and discussed
    in the briefs, the appellate court may, at its option, notice plain error. State v. Nadeem, 
    284 Neb. 513
    822 N.W.2d 372
    (2012). Plain error is error plainly evident from the record and of such a
    nature that to leave it uncorrected would result in damage to the integrity, reputation, or fairness
    of the judicial process.
    We decline to review for plain error the evidentiary issues Weathers identifies in his brief.
    He acknowledges that a timely objection would likely have successfully prevented such evidence
    from reaching the jury; however, Weathers elected to represent himself at trial, against the advice
    of the district court.
    A criminal defendant who proceeds pro se is held to the same trial standard as if he or she
    were represented by counsel, and it is not up to the trial court to conduct the defense of a pro se
    defendant. State v. Gunther, 
    271 Neb. 874
    716 N.W.2d 691
    (2006). It is undeniable that in most
    criminal prosecutions defendants could better defend with counsel’s guidance than by their own
    unskilled efforts. 
    Id. And although
    he may conduct his own defense ultimately to his own
    detriment, his choice must be honored out of “that respect for the individual which is the lifeblood
    of the law.” 
    Id. at 889,
    716 N.W.2d at 704. A defendant who elects to proceed pro se cannot
    thereafter complain of the quality of his or her own defense. State v. Pullens, 
    281 Neb. 828
    , 800
    N.W.2d 202 (2011). Because Weathers elected to proceed pro se at trial, he cannot now complain
    about evidentiary errors which could have been prevented by a timely objection at trial.
    Excessive Sentence.
    Weathers argues that the district court abused its discretion in imposing an excessive
    sentence. We disagree.
    Weathers was convicted of first degree sexual assault of a child, which is a Class IB felony
    with a maximum prison sentence of life and a mandatory minimum of 15 years. Neb. Rev. Stat.
    §§ 28-319.01 (Reissue 2008) and 28-105 (Supp. 2015). Thus, Weathers’ consecutive sentences of
    50 to 80 years’ imprisonment fall within the statutory limits. Nevertheless, he argues that his
    sentences are excessive because the district court failed to consider all relevant factors instead
    focusing on him not accepting responsibility for his actions.
    An appellate court will not disturb a sentence imposed within the statutory limits absent an
    abuse of discretion by the trial court. State v. Custer, 
    292 Neb. 88
    871 N.W.2d 243
    (2015). When
    imposing a sentence, a sentencing judge should consider the defendant’s (1) age, (2) mentality, (3)
    education and experience, (4) social and cultural background, (5) past criminal record or record of
    law-abiding conduct, and (6) motivation for the offense, as well as (7) the nature of the offense,
    and (8) the violence involved in the commission of the crime. 
    Id. The appropriateness
    of a sentence
    is necessarily a subjective judgment and includes the sentencing judge’s observation of the
    defendant’s demeanor and attitude and all the facts and circumstances surrounding the defendant’s
    Id. At sentencing,
    the district court indicated that it considered the required factors and
    information contained in the presentence investigation report. In fashioning Weathers’ sentences,
    the court acknowledged Weathers’ failure to take responsibility for his actions. But more
    importantly, the court relied on the nature of the offenses and Weathers’ actions after the
    investigation began. H.A. was Weathers’ 13-year-old foster daughter, and the sexual assaults
    began during the 7-week period she resided in his home. After she was moved from Weathers’
    home, he continued to sneak cell phones to her, followed her around, and maintained a sexual
    relationship with her, impregnating her more than 4 months after she was removed from his care.
    The district court observed that Weathers was the only father figure H.A. ever had, which made
    his violation of her trust that much worse. And H.A.’s caseworkers were extremely fearful for
    H.A.’s safety and exhausted almost all of their options trying to keep her away from Weathers.
    Based on the foregoing, we cannot say that the sentences constitute an abuse of discretion.
    Ineffective Assistance of Counsel.
    Weathers claims that during the time he was represented by counsel, he received ineffective
    To prevail on a claim of ineffective assistance of counsel under Strickland v. Washington,
    466 U.S. 668
    104 S. Ct. 2052
    80 L. Ed. 2d 674
    (1984), the defendant must show that his or her
    counsel’s performance was deficient and that this deficient performance actually prejudiced the
    defendant’s defense. State v. Filholm, 
    287 Neb. 763
    848 N.W.2d 571
    (2014). An appellate court
    may address the two prongs of this test, deficient performance and prejudice, in either order. 
    Id. -6- To
    show prejudice, the defendant must demonstrate a reasonable probability that but for counsel’s
    deficient performance, the result of the proceeding would have been different. 
    Id. Weathers first
    claims that trial counsel was ineffective for failing to file a pretrial motion
    challenging the DNA evidence which established that he was the father of H.A.’s baby. We
    conclude that Weathers failed to demonstrate that he was prejudiced by such inaction, because he
    admitted to fathering the child. Weathers’ testified on his own behalf at trial and stated, “I helped
    this girl get pregnant.” His explanation was that he masturbated into a baggie, placed the contents
    of the baggie into a syringe, and gave the syringe to H.A. who then impregnated herself. Therefore,
    he cannot demonstrate a reasonable probability that he would not have been convicted if the DNA
    evidence would have been excluded as evidence at trial.
    Weathers next claims that trial counsel was ineffective for failing to file a pretrial motion
    challenging search warrants which were used to collect his DNA and search various cell phones
    found in his possession. He asserts that “damaging evidence” was obtained as a result of the search
    warrants, but he does not elaborate. Based on the broad nature of Weathers’ allegation, the nature
    of the “damaging evidence” is unclear, and we are unable to discern whether the evidence was
    cumulative, as explained above. He does not identify any specific evidence which should have
    been suppressed, nor does he specify any legal basis for filing such a motion. Therefore, Weathers
    has not alleged deficient performance with sufficient particularity, and this claim is not properly
    raised in this appeal. See State v. Ash, 
    293 Neb. 583
    878 N.W.2d 569
    In his next ineffective assistance of counsel claim, Weathers argues, liberally construed,
    that trial counsel was ineffective in failing to obtain an expert witness to examine a cell phone for
    missing text messages. We find the record is insufficient to address this claim on direct appeal.
    Weathers repeatedly insisted that the cell phone reports he received from the State were missing
    information on text messages he exchanged with H.A. We are unable to discern from our record
    trial counsel’s reasoning for not requesting the appointment of an independent expert to examine
    the cell phones and determine whether any additional text messages were present.
    Finally, Weathers asserts that trial counsel was ineffective in failing to secure the presence
    of two witnesses to testify at trial. He names the witnesses he asked his legal advisors to subpoena,
    but the record does not indicate whether Weathers informed trial counsel that he wanted these
    witnesses to be called to testify at trial prior to the time Weathers elected to represent himself. We
    therefore find that the record before us is insufficient to address this claim.
    Cumulative Errors.
    Weathers argues that the cumulative nature of the errors that occurred at trial violated his
    constitutional right to a fair trial. We find no merit to this argument.
    The Nebraska Supreme Court has recognized the doctrine of cumulative error in the context
    of a criminal jury trial, explaining that although one or more trial errors might not, standing alone,
    constitute prejudicial error, their cumulative effect may be to deprive the defendant of his
    constitutional right to a public trial by an impartial jury. State v. Smith, 
    292 Neb. 434
    873 N.W.2d 169
    (2016). Having found no merit to any of Weathers’ assigned errors, we conclude that Weathers
    was not denied the right to a public trial by an impartial jury.
    We find no merit to any of the errors assigned on appeal. We therefore affirm the
    convictions and sentences.