Brass v. State , 2014 NV 35 ( 2014 )

  •                                                    130 Nev., Advance Opinion       55
    STEPHANIE BRASS, AS PERSONAL                        No. 56146
    Appellant,                                                   FILED
    THE STATE OF NEVADA,                                         MAY 2 9 2014
    Respondent.                                                 ACJE K. LINDEMAN
    Appeal from a judgment of conviction, pursuant to a jury
    verdict, of conspiracy to commit kidnapping and murder, first-degree
    kidnapping, and first-degree murder with the use of a deadly weapon.
    Eighth Judicial District Court, Clark County; Douglas Smith, Judge.
    David M. Schieck, Special Public Defender, and JoNell Thomas and
    Michael W. Hyte, Deputy Special Public Defenders, Clark County,
    for Appellant.
    Catherine Cortez Masto, Attorney General, Carson City; Steven B.
    Wolfson, District Attorney, Steven S. Owens, Chief Deputy District
    Attorney, and David L. Stanton and Nancy A. Becker, Deputy District
    Attorneys, Clark County,
    for Respondent.
    (0) 1947A   ce                                                                   14-11'303
    By the Court, DOUGLAS, J.:
    In this opinion, we consider whether a judgment of conviction
    must be vacated and the prosecution abated when a criminal defendant
    dies while his or her appeal from the judgment is pending. We hold that
    although a deceased appellant is not entitled to have his or her judgment
    of conviction vacated and the prosecution abated, a personal
    representative may be substituted as the appellant and continue the
    appeal when justice so requires. In this appeal, we reverse the judgment
    of conviction based on an error during jury selection.
    The State charged Ronnie Brass and his brother, Jermaine
    Brass, as codefendants with burglary, grand larceny, conspiracy to commit
    kidnapping, first-degree kidnapping, conspiracy to commit murder, and
    murder with the use of a deadly weapon. Jermaine and Ronnie jointly
    filed a motion to sever their trials. The district court denied the motion,
    and the two were tried together.
    During voir dire, defense counsel argued that the State
    violated Batson v. Kentucky, 
    476 U.S. 79
     (1986), because it exercised a
    peremptory challenge to exclude prospective juror no. 173 not based on
    lack of qualifications, but based on the prospective juror's race. Prior to
    holding a hearing on Jermaine and Ronnie's Batson challenge, the district
    court excused a number of prospective jurors, including prospective juror
    no. 173. Subsequently, the district court conducted the Batson hearing
    and—after concluding that the State had race-neutral reasons for its
    peremptory challenge—denied the defense's Batson challenge.
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    At the conclusion of the trial, the jury found Jet   aine guilty
    on all six counts and found Ronnie guilty on four counts, excluding
    burglary and grand larceny. The brothers filed separate appeals.
    In Jermaine's appeal, this court reversed his conviction and
    remanded the matter for a new trial based on our conclusion that the
    district court committed reversible error during the jury selection phase of
    Jermaine and Ronnie's trial. See Brass v. State, 128 Nev. , 
    291 P.3d 145
     (2012). Specifically, we held that "[Jermaine and Ronnie] were not
    afforded an adequate opportunity to respond to the State's proffer of race-
    neutral reasons [for its peremptory challenge of juror no. 1731 or to show
    pretext because the district court permanently excused juror no. 173
    before holding a Batson hearing," and that such dismissal of juror no. 173
    "had the same effect as a racially discriminatory peremptory challenge
    because even if [Jermaine and Ronnie] were able to prove purposeful
    discrimination, they would be left with limited recourse."    
     at , 291
    P.3d at 149. We concluded that reversal of Jermaine's conviction was
    warranted because the "discriminatory jury selection constitute[d]
    structural error that was intrinsically harmful to the framework of the
    trial." Id.
    On appeal, Ronnie raises the same Batson issue. However,
    after the parties completed briefing in this matter, Ronnie died while in
    prison. The district court appointed his mother, Stephanie Brass, as his
    personal representative, and she substituted in as a party to this appeal
    under NRAP 43. Upon substitution, Stephanie filed a motion to abate
    Ronnie's judgment of conviction dueS to his death. Stephanie's motion
    presents a novel issue in Nevada: Should a judgment of conviction be
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    vacated and the criminal prosecution abated when a defendant dies while
    his or her appeal from the judgment of conviction is pending?
    There are three general approaches when a criminal
    defendant dies while his or her appeal from a judgment of conviction is
    pending: (1) abate the judgment ab initio, (2) allow the appeal to be
    prosecuted, or (3) dismiss the appeal and let the conviction stand Tim A.
    Thomas, Annotation, Abatement of State Criminal Case by Accused's
    Death Pending Appeal of Conviction—Modern Cases, 
    80 A.L.R. 4th 189
    (1990). We will discuss each approach in turn.
    Abatement ab initio
    Abatement ab initio is the abatement of all proceedings in a
    prosecution from its inception. United States v. Oberlin, 
    718 F.2d 894
    , 895
    (9th Cir. 1983). This requires an appeal to be dismissed and the case
    remanded to the district court with instructions to vacate the judgment
    and dismiss the indictment or information.       
       Courts that apply the
    abatement oh initio doctrine believe that when death deprives a defendant
    of the right to an appellate decision, justice prohibits that defendant from
    standing convicted without a court resolving his or her appeal on its
    merits. United States v. Moehlenkamp, 
    557 F.2d 126
    , 128 (7th Cir. 1977).
    Many state courts employ this approach.      See State v. Griffin, 
    592 P.2d 372
    , 372-73 (Ariz. 1979); Thomas, supra, 80 A.L.R. 4th at 191.
    Allow the appeal to continue
    Some jurisdictions have determined that a defendant who dies
    while pursuing an appeal from a judgment of conviction is not entitled to
    have the criminal proceedings abated ab initio; they instead resolve the
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    appeal on its merits. See, e.g., State v. Makaila, 
    897 P.2d 967
    , 969 (Haw.
    1995) (citing cases that follow this approach). These courts have
    rationalized that 'it is in the interest of both a defendant's estate and
    society that any challenge initiated by a defendant to the regularity or
    constitutionality of a criminal proceeding be fully reviewed and decided by
    the appellate process." State v. McDonald, 
    424 N.W.2d 411
    , 414-15 (Wis.
    1988) (quoting Commonwealth v. Walker, 
    288 A.2d 741
    , 742 n.* (Pa.
    1972)). Some courts allow the appeal to continue only if a personal
    representative is substituted for the deceased appellant; Makaila, 
    897 P.2d at 972
    ; State v. McGettrick,     
    509 N.E.2d 378
    , 382 (Ohio 1987);
    however, other courts decline to impose this requirement.       See State v.
    551 P.2d 801
    , 803-04 (Kan. 1976); see also McDonald, 424 N.W.2d
    at 415.
    Dismiss the appeal and let the conviction stand
    Courts that have dismissed the appeal and let the conviction
    stand have done so on mootness grounds or out of public policy
    considerations. See State v. Trantolo, 
    549 A.2d 1074
    , 1074 (Conn 1988)
    (finding that where an appeal would not affect the interests of a decedent's
    estate, it was moot); Perry v. State, 
    575 A.2d 1154
    , 1156 (Del. 1990)
    (finding that there was no real party in interest because a cause of action
    based upon a penal statute did not survive death, thus the appeal was
    moot); State v. Korsen, 
    111 P.3d 130
    , 135 (Idaho 2005) (holding that the
    provisions of a judgment of conviction related to custody or incarceration
    are abated upon the death of the defendant during the pendency of a
    direct appeal, but provisions of the judgment of conviction pertaining to
    payment of court costs, fees, and restitution remain intact because those
    provisions were meant to compensate the victim); Whitehouse v. State, 364
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    N.E.2d 1015, 1016 (Ind. 1977) (finding that the right to appeal was
    personal and exclusive to the defendant and that any civil interests of
    third parties may be separately litigated).
    The appeal shall continue
    The abatement ab initio and outright dismissal approaches
    are extreme and have substantial shortcomings. Vacating the judgment
    and abating the prosecution from its inception undermines the
    adjudicative process and strips away any solace the victim or the victim's
    family may have received from the appellant's conviction. Outright
    dismissal could prevent a defendant's family from potentially clearing a
    loved one's name. And both approaches would preclude this court from
    correcting a deprivation of an individual's constitutional rights. Although
    the appellant is deceased, rectifying a constitutional error nevertheless
    benefits society because it decreases the chances that another person
    would fall victim to the same error.
    We now adopt the position articulated in Makaila and allow a
    deceased criminal defendant's direct appeal to continue upon proper
    substitution of a personal representative pursuant to NRAP 43 when
    justice so requires. 1 This approach allows all parties to present
    arguments, and then, the court can make an informed decision regarding
    the validity of the deceased appellant's conviction. Further, a challenge to
    i-Cf. State v. Salazar, 
    945 P.2d 996
    , 1003-04 (N.M. 1997) (noting that
    appellate courts may consider "the best interests of [a] decedent's estate,
    [any] remaining parties, or society" in determining whether an appeal may
    continue after an appellant's death).
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    the regularity of Nevada's criminal process presents a live controversy
    regardless of the appellant's status because, as stated in Commonwealth v.
    288 A.2d 741
     (Pa. 1972), society has an interest in the
    constitutionality of the criminal process. Therefore, we deny Stephanie's
    motion for abatement oh initio but conclude that, as Ronnie's properly
    substituted personal representative, she is entitled to continue his appeal.
    Ronnie's appeal
    Stephanie asserts that the district court erred in denying
    Ronnie's Batson challenge. 2 In Jermaine's appeal, we concluded that a
    reversal of his judgment of conviction was warranted because the district
    court's mishandling of Jermaine and Ronnie's Batson challenge was
    intrinsically harmful to the trial's framework. Brass, 128 Nev. at , 291
    P.3d at 149. Ronnie suffered the same harm as Jermaine and is entitled
    to the same relief. We recognize that the jury found sufficient evidence to
    convict Ronnie of the conspiracy, kidnapping, and murder charges.
    2Stephanie raises several other issues on appeal. But, in light of our
    determination regarding the Batson challenge, we need not address these
    additional issues.
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    However, the jury was not properly constituted, and its
    decision does not override the constitutional error Ronnie suffered.
    Accordingly, we reverse the judgment of conviction. 3
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    3A remand for further proceedings is unnecessary because Ronnie
    cannot be retried.
    NEVADA                                                8
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