Appeal of Mary Allen & a. ( 2018 )

  • NOTICE: This opinion is subject to motions for rehearing under Rule 22 as well
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    Site Evaluation Committee
    No. 2017-0313
    (New Hampshire Site Evaluation Committee)
    Argued: January 25, 2018
    Opinion Issued: May 11, 2018
    Donahue, Tucker, & Ciandella, PLLC, of Exeter (Eric A. Maher on the
    brief and orally), for petitioners Mary Allen & a.
    The Law Offices of Kelly E. Dowd, PLLC, of Keene (Kelly E. Dowd on the
    brief and orally), for petitioner Frederick Ward.
    McLane Middleton, Professional Association, of Manchester (Wilbur A.
    Glahn, III, Barry Needleman, and Rebecca S. Walkley on the brief, and Mr.
    Glahn orally), for the respondent, Antrim Wind Energy, LLC.
    HANTZ MARCONI, J. The petitioners, Mary Allen, Fred Ward, and other
    interested parties, appeal the decision of the New Hampshire Site Evaluation
    Committee (Committee) authorizing the respondent, Antrim Wind Energy, LLC
    (Antrim Wind), to construct and operate nine wind turbines in the town of
    Antrim. We affirm.
    The record supports the following facts. Antrim Wind is a Delaware
    limited liability company formed as a special purpose entity to develop, build,
    own, and operate a wind turbine project. Antrim Wind originally filed an
    application (Antrim I) with the Committee in January 2012, seeking
    authorization to construct ten wind turbines along Tuttle Ridge and Willard
    Mountain in Antrim. The wind turbines were to have a height of approximately
    492 feet. “Six of the turbines would be equipped with red flashing aviation
    obstruction lights.” The project was also to consist of four miles of new gravel
    surfaced roads, a joint electrical system, an interconnection substation, and a
    maintenance building. Antrim Wind further proposed to construct a
    meteorological tower between turbines three and four to obtain wind data,
    dedicate 800 acres of land to conservation easements, and install a radar
    activated lighting system. Competing photo simulations were prepared by
    Antrim Wind and parties in opposition to the Antrim I application.
    After holding adjudicative hearings, a subcommittee of the Committee
    denied Antrim Wind’s application. In its April 2013 decision, the subcommittee
    found that the Antrim I project was “simply out of scale in [the] context of its
    setting and adversely impact[ed] the aesthetics of the region in an
    unreasonable way.” It further found that the proffered mitigation plan was
    “insufficient to mitigate the visual effects” of the project on the regional setting.
    In response, Antrim Wind moved to reopen the record to present a revised plan
    with new documents and evidence. The subcommittee denied the motion,
    finding that Antrim Wind was seeking to “introduce evidence which would
    materially change the original [a]pplication and would require extensive de
    novo review as opposed to a full consideration of the issues presented at the
    hearing.” (Quotation and underline omitted.) Antrim Wind did not appeal the
    subcommittee’s denial.
    In 2013 and 2014, the legislature amended the statute governing the
    Committee’s review of site and facility applications. See RSA 162-H:10, VII
    (2014) (amended 2017). RSA 162-H:10, VII required the Committee to adopt
    substantive rules including “specific criteria to be applied in determining if the
    requirements of RSA 162-H:16, IV [(2014)] have been met by the applicant for a
    certificate of site and facility.” See Laws 2013, 134:2; Laws 2014, 217:16. The
    Committee proceeded to promulgate rules in accordance with the foregoing.
    See generally N.H. Admin. R., Site 301.06-301.18. Among other changes, the
    rules set substantive limits for operational noise emitted from a wind energy
    facility, see N.H. Admin. R., Site 301.14(f)(2)(a), and for shadow flicker, see N.H.
    Admin. R., Site 301.14(f)(2)(b), (f)(3), and require the subcommittee to consider
    seven distinct categories of impact with regard to aesthetics, see N.H. Admin.
    R., Site 301.14(a)(1)-(7).
    Subsequently, on October 2, 2015, Antrim Wind filed a second
    application (Antrim II) with the Committee, seeking authorization to construct
    nine wind turbines along the “Tuttle Hill ridgeline spanning southwestward to
    the northeastern slope of Willard Mountain.” In this proposal, the height from
    foundation to blade-tip for eight of the turbines is 488.8 feet and the ninth
    turbine is 446.2 feet, which is a downward departure from the ten 492-feet
    turbines proposed in Antrim I. Antrim Wind also proposed to construct a
    meteorological tower between turbine two and three, a main access road, and
    two spur roads. A joint collector system, interconnection substation, and
    operations and maintenance building would also be constructed. The
    mitigation plan is similar to the plan in Antrim I, but provides an additional
    one hundred acres of conservation land, a grant of $100,000 to the New
    England Forestry Foundation, additional public benefits to the town of Antrim,
    and a shadow control protocol. Also new to the Antrim II application is a visual
    assessment report, a sound level report, and a shadow flicker analysis, in
    conformance with New Hampshire Administrative Rules, Site 301.08, .16, .18.
    On October 20, 2015, the Committee appointed a seven-member
    subcommittee to preside over the application, two of whom were members of
    the public pursuant to RSA 162-H:4-a (Supp. 2017). One of the public
    members subsequently resigned and the Committee appointed an alternate
    public member (the alternate).
    The subcommittee conducted two site visits and held adjudicative
    hearings over thirteen days between September and November 2016. After
    three days of deliberations, it voted 5-1 to grant Antrim Wind’s application
    subject to certain conditions. The subcommittee found that there had been a
    “substantial change” between the Antrim I and Antrim II applications and that
    the project as proposed in Antrim II would not have an unreasonable adverse
    effect on the health, safety, or aesthetics of the region. The petitioners filed
    motions for rehearing, which the subcommittee denied. This appeal followed.
    On appeal, the petitioners argue that the subcommittee’s decision was
    unreasonable, unlawful, and unjust for the following reasons: (1) the
    subcommittee was unlawfully constituted; (2) the denial of Antrim I barred
    Antrim Wind’s Antrim II application under the doctrine of res judicata as well
    as the subsequent application doctrine as set forth in Fisher v. City of Dover,
    120 N.H. 187
    (1980) (hereafter, the Fisher doctrine); and (3) there is insufficient
    evidence in the record to support the subcommittee’s finding that the project
    proposed in Antrim II will not have an unreasonable adverse impact on
    aesthetics, public health, and safety.
    Decisions by the subcommittee are reviewed in accordance with RSA
    chapter 541. See RSA 162-H:11 (2014). Under RSA 541:13, we will not set
    aside the subcommittee’s order except for errors of law, unless we are satisfied,
    by a clear preponderance of the evidence, that it is unjust or unreasonable.
    RSA 541:13 (2014). The subcommittee’s findings of fact are presumed prima
    facie lawful and reasonable. 
    Id. In reviewing
    those findings, our task is not to
    determine whether we would have found differently or to reweigh the evidence,
    but, rather, to determine whether the findings are supported by competent
    evidence in the record. See Appeal of Malo, 
    169 N.H. 661
    , 668 (2017). We
    review the subcommittee’s rulings on issues of law de novo. See 
    id. at 666.
    We first address the petitioners’ argument that the subcommittee was
    not lawfully constituted and, thus, the subcommittee’s decision approving the
    Antrim II application was invalid. Specifically, the petitioners argue that the
    subcommittee did not have two public members participate in all stages of the
    adjudication because, following one public member’s resignation, the alternate
    appointed “was not present for any hearing, including the adjudicative and
    deliberative sessions.” Antrim Wind asserts that the petitioners did not raise
    this issue until after the order was issued and, therefore, it should be deemed
    waived. Antrim Wind further contends that the petitioners’ argument is
    meritless because the subcommittee always consisted of seven members ― two
    of whom were public members.
    “Interested parties are entitled to object to any error they perceive in
    governmental proceedings, but they are not entitled to take later advantage of
    error they could have discovered or chose to ignore at the very moment when it
    could have been corrected.” Fox v. Town of Greenland, 
    151 N.H. 600
    , 604
    (2004) (quotation omitted). The petitioners argue that they could not have
    known of the alternate’s absence until after deliberations because she could
    have reviewed the record on her own and then participated in deliberations.
    We assume, without deciding, that the petitioners raised this issue at the
    earliest possible time; however, we agree with Antrim Wind that the
    subcommittee was nevertheless lawfully constituted.
    The subcommittee’s creation and composition is governed by RSA 162-
    H:4-a, I: “The chairperson may establish subcommittees to consider and make
    decisions on applications, including the issuance of certificates . . . .” RSA
    162-H:4-a, II provides:
    When considering the issuance of a certificate or a petition of
    jurisdiction, a subcommittee shall have no fewer than 7 members.
    The 2 public members shall serve on each subcommittee with the
    remaining 5 or more members selected by the chairperson from
    among the state agency members of the committee. . . . Five
    members of the subcommittee shall constitute a quorum for the
    purpose of conducting the subcommittee’s business.
    If a public member is not available for good reason, the chairperson of
    the Committee “shall appoint the alternate public member.” RSA 162-H:3, X
    (Supp. 2017). This process is applicable to both the Committee and
    subcommittee members. See RSA 162-H:3, XI (Supp. 2017).
    There is no ambiguity in RSA 162-H:4-a. The plain language simply
    requires that a subcommittee consist of seven members. See Franklin v. Town
    of Newport, 
    151 N.H. 508
    , 509 (2004) (when the language of a statute is plain
    and unambiguous, we do not look beyond it for further indications of legislative
    intent). Here, at all times, the subcommittee consisted of such.
    Notwithstanding the petitioners’ claim that the alternate did not participate in
    various stages of the proceedings, there is no evidence that the alternate took
    any sort of leave — which the Committee does not recognize — or otherwise
    vacated her position as a subcommittee member during the pendency of the
    The petitioners do not challenge that a quorum existed, nor could they
    given that there were always five members of the subcommittee present. See
    RSA 162-H:4-a, II. Though the alternate did not attend the hearings, given the
    plain language of RSA 162-H:4-a, there is no requirement that she do so. See
    Petition of Malisos, 
    166 N.H. 726
    , 729 (2014) (when interpreting a statute we
    will not consider what the legislature might have said or add language that the
    legislature did not see fit to include). There is also no requirement that the
    quorum meet the same composition requirements as a subcommittee. See
    Appeal of Keene State College Educ. Ass’n, 
    120 N.H. 32
    , 35 (1980) (when
    statute governing the board’s total membership has guidelines as to the
    particular composition, but the statute governing the quorum does not, “no
    such balance is required of a quorum”).
    To the extent that the petitioners assert policy reasons as to why public
    members should be present for the entire adjudication, such arguments should
    be addressed to the legislature, rather than to this court. See, e.g., Petition of
    156 N.H. 632
    , 645 (2007). Because we conclude that the subcommittee
    was properly constituted — always consisting of seven members — we need not
    address the petitioners’ remaining arguments regarding the composition of the
    Next, the petitioners argue that the subcommittee should have denied
    the Antrim II application because its decision in Antrim I was binding under
    the doctrines of res judicata and Fisher. Specifically, they argue that Antrim II
    did not meaningfully resolve the fundamental issues identified in Antrim I and,
    thus, the subcommittee was precluded from granting the Antrim II application.
    Antrim Wind counters that Antrim II is materially different from Antrim I and
    the subcommittee’s order is otherwise lawful and reasonable.
    We construe the petitioners’ argument regarding the Fisher doctrine to
    encompass their res judicata claim; that is, that the Antrim II application did
    not “meaningfully resolve” the fundamental issues that the subcommittee
    identified in Antrim I and, therefore, it is barred from review. Though we have
    yet to decide whether the Fisher doctrine applies to successive applications
    submitted to the Site Evaluation Committee, it is not contested by either party,
    and thus, we assume without deciding that Fisher’s reasoning could be
    extended to this case.
    Applying the Fisher doctrine in this context, an applicant
    before a [subcommittee] bears the burden of demonstrating that a
    subsequent application materially differs in nature and degree
    from its predecessor. The determination of whether changed
    circumstances exist is a question of fact. This determination must
    be made, in the first instance, by the [subcommittee]. On appeal,
    the [subcommittee’s] factual findings are deemed prima facie lawful
    and reasonable. We will uphold the [subcommittee’s] decision
    unless it is not supported by the evidence or is legally erroneous.
    CBDA Dev., LLC v. Town of Thornton, 
    168 N.H. 715
    , 724 (2016) (quotation and
    citations omitted).
    Here, in determining that the Antrim I application would have an
    unreasonable adverse effect on the aesthetics of the region, the subcommittee
    found that: (1) the turbines would appear out of scale and context; (2) the
    project would have an unreasonable adverse effect on the viewshed from
    Willard Pond and the dePierrefeu Wildlife sanctuary; and (3) the proposed
    mitigation measures were insufficient to mitigate the visual effects of the
    project. Acknowledging these issues in the Antrim II application, Antrim Wind
    specifically addressed them in its visual assessment. Antrim Wind proposed to
    remove turbine 10, lower turbine 9, and enter into a mitigation agreement with
    Antrim town officials regarding Gregg Lake Beach. It further proposed to pay
    $100,000 for offsite land conservation, include a landscaping plan to provide
    visual screening to reduce potential impacts associated with the construction
    of the substation and operation and maintenance building, commit to restore
    and re-vegetate roads and cut/fill slopes and to break up the roads after
    decommissioning, and to preserve the entire ridgeline of the project. As Antrim
    Wind points out, “these changes reduced the size of the [p]roject by more than
    10 percent” and the added mitigation measures “would now conserve 908 total
    acres,” which is 100 more acres than that proposed in Antrim I.
    The petitioners argue that the foregoing changes in Antrim II
    nevertheless do not meaningfully resolve the concerns raised by Antrim I.
    According to the petitioners, the photo simulations do not reveal a significant
    change between the visual impact in Antrim I and Antrim II. The record
    reflects that the subcommittee deliberated and “individually analyzed every
    photo-simulation prepared by each expert” to find that the project would not
    have an unreasonable adverse impact on the scenic resources. Although the
    petitioners may disagree with the subcommittee’s ultimate assessment that the
    visual impact between Antrim I and Antrim II differs, they have not
    demonstrated that the subcommittee’s finding is unreasonable.
    The petitioners further contend that “[i]t defies reason that these off-site
    mitigation measures would not be suitable to mitigate aesthetic effects in
    Antrim I but can now form the basis for the subcommittee’s finding that the
    [Antrim II] application meaningfully resolved the [subcommittee’s] stated
    concerns in Antrim I.” The subcommittee stated, in the Antrim I decision,
    however, that a suggested reduction in the size of the project and the
    elimination of two turbines “may substantially mitigate the unreasonable
    adverse effect on aesthetics.” Because the Antrim II application was modified
    and reduced in size, it cannot be said that it was unreasonable for the
    subcommittee to find that the “additional measures offered by [Antrim Wind]
    sufficiently mitigate, minimize and avoid impacts of the [p]roject on aesthetics.”
    The petitioners also argue that the change in law between the Antrim I
    and Antrim II applications does not materially change the subsequent
    application. We disagree. As the subcommittee found, the differences in the
    law between Antrim I and Antrim II are “material changes that alter the
    The changes in the regulations provided specific criteria for the
    subcommittee to consider when assessing whether there is an unreasonable
    adverse effect on aesthetics in the Antrim II application. See N.H. Admin. R.,
    Site 301.14(a)(1)-(7). The change in regulations also led to the submission of
    more detailed analysis by Antrim Wind’s witnesses. Specifically, the
    subcommittee found that “[t]he changes in the substantive administrative rules
    altered the situation for [Antrim Wind] and provided ‘fixed targets’ in the form
    of substantive limitations on impacts to be met in any new application.” The
    petitioners contend that the subcommittee that denied Antrim I considered
    many of the factors now codified in New Hampshire Administrative Rules, Site
    301.14(a). However, the petitioners have not demonstrated that the Antrim I
    subcommittee considered or applied to the Antrim I application each of the
    factors to the degree now delineated in the regulations.
    In addition, the petitioners contend that the subcommittee erred in
    finding, in its Antrim II decision, that its denial of Antrim Wind’s motion to
    reopen the record in Antrim I invited the filing of a modified application.
    Evidence of an invitation to submit a modified application to meet an agency’s
    concerns, however, merely acts as additional evidence that a subsequent
    application so modified is materially different. See Hill-Grant Living Trust v.
    Kearsarge Lighting Precinct, 
    159 N.H. 529
    , 536 (2009) (“[I]t is logical to
    presume that if [an agency] invites submission of a subsequent application
    modified to meet its concerns, it would find an application so modified to be
    materially different from its predecessor, thus satisfying Fisher.”). Thus, we
    need not decide whether the subcommittee invited the re-filing of an
    application in Antrim I, because it is not required in order for the
    subcommittee to find that a subsequent application meets the requirements of
    Fisher. In light of material changes between the Antrim I and Antrim II
    applications, as discussed above, it was not unreasonable for the
    subcommittee to find that Antrim Wind’s subsequent application resolved the
    concerns raised in Antrim I and, thus, Antrim II is not barred by the Fisher
    Lastly, the petitioners argue that there was insufficient evidence for the
    subcommittee to make a number of its factual findings regarding aesthetics,
    public health, and safety. The legislature has delegated broad authority to the
    Committee to consider the “potential significant impacts and benefits” of a
    project, and to make findings on various objectives before ultimately
    determining whether to grant an application. See RSA 162-H:16, IV. When
    faced with competing expert witnesses, “a trier of fact is free to accept or reject
    an expert’s testimony, in whole or in part.” Appeal of N.H. Elec. Coop., 
    170 N.H. 66
    , 74 (2017) (quotation omitted). When reviewing the subcommittee’s
    decision, it is not our task to determine whether we would have credited one
    expert over another, or to reweigh the evidence, but rather to determine
    whether its findings are supported by competent evidence in the record. See
    Appeal of 
    Malo, 169 N.H. at 668
    The petitioners essentially contest the subcommittee’s decision to credit
    Antrim Wind’s experts and reports over their own. Specifically, the petitioners
    challenge the subcommittee’s findings regarding the sound assessment,
    shadow flicker assessment, visual impact, impact on property values and
    development, and the economic feasibility of implementing various mitigation
    measures. After review of the record, we conclude that there is competent
    evidence to support all of the subcommittee’s factual findings. The
    subcommittee deliberated about each of these assessments and impacts and
    determined which experts ― Antrim Wind’s ― it found to be more credible. The
    subcommittee also imposed certain mitigation measures and conditions to
    address remaining concerns and to ensure regulatory compliance. Accordingly,
    we conclude that the petitioners have failed to show reversible error.
    LYNN, C.J., and HICKS, J., concurred.

Document Info

Docket Number: 2017-0313

Filed Date: 5/11/2018

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 5/11/2018