  •                                 NOT FOR PUBLICATION WITHOUT THE
    This opinion shall not "constitute precedent or be binding upon any court ." Although it is posted on the
    internet, this opinion is binding only on the parties in the case and its use in other cases is limited. R. 1:36-3.
    DOCKET NO. A-0607-20
    RHODA, by and through his
    Executor, KAREN RHODA,
    Submitted March 9, 2021 – Decided May 4, 2021
    Before Judges Fisher and Moynihan.
    On appeal from an interlocutory order of the Superior
    Court of New Jersey, Law Division, Cumberland
    County, Docket No. L-0704-16.
    Marshall Dennehey Warner Coleman & Goggin,
    attorneys for appellants South Jersey Extended Care,
    H.W./WEIDCO/REN LLC, Bridgeton H & V Realty
    LLC, Comprehensive Healthcare Management and
    Boadway Healthcare (Walter F. Kawalec, III, Lynne N.
    Nahmani, Sharon C. Suplee, and Evan H. Holland, on
    the briefs).
    German, Gallagher & Murtagh, PC, attorneys for
    appellant Robert Patitucci, M.D., join in the briefs of
    appellants   South      Jersey     Extended       Care,
    H.W./WEIDCO/REN LLC, Bridgeton H & V Realty
    LLC, Comprehensive Healthcare Management and
    Boadway Healthcare.
    Davis & Brusca, LLC, attorneys for respondents (Mark
    W. Davis and Michael Brusca, on the brief).
    On leave granted, defendants South Jersey Extended Care (SJEC),
    H.W./Weidco/Ren, LLC, Bridgeton H&V Realty, LLC, Comprehensive
    Healthcare Management and Broadway Healthcare (collectively the nursing
    home defendants)1 appeal from the trial court's order denying their motion to
    file a third-party complaint joining Inspira Medical Centers, Inc., Inspira
    Medical Center Vineland (collectively Inspira) and Delaware Valley Urology,
    LLC to an action filed against SJEC based in negligence, violation of the New
    Jersey Nursing Home Responsibilities and Rights of Residents Act, N.J.S.A.
    The nursing home defendants claim they were improperly pled and should
    have been named as H.W./Weidco/Ren, LLC, d/b/a South Jersey Extended Care.
    This issue has no impact on our analysis.
    30:13-1 to -17, and willful and wanton acts resulting in an infection that led to
    a partial amputation of plaintiff James Rhoda's penis.2
    "The grant or denial of a motion for leave to proceed against a third-party
    defendant is a matter left to the sound discretion of the trial" court. Scott v.
    82 N.J. Super. 446
    , 451 (App. Div. 1964). We will overturn the trial
    court's determination only when there is a clear abuse of discretion.
    Ibid. We have sustained
    a trial court's exercise of discretion where it "refuse[d] to permit
    new claims and new parties to be added late in the litigation and at a point at
    which the rights of other parties to a modicum of expedition will be prejudicially
    affected." Du-Wel Prods., Inc. v. U.S. Fire Ins. Co., 
    236 N.J. Super. 349
    , 364
    (App. Div. 1989). We do not perceive that to be the case here and reverse.
    Plaintiff was admitted as a resident of SJEC, a nursing facility, in August
    2014. He alleged the nursing home defendants failed to: (1) adequately monitor
    and care for plaintiff's Foley catheter which led to an infection, specifically
    Fournier's gangrene; and (2) assess and treat that infection leading to a partial
    penectomy, penile debridement and placement of a suprapubic tube through
    Plaintiff's wife also brought a per quod claim. Plaintiff passed away from
    causes unrelated to this action during its pendency.
    plaintiff's lower abdomen performed at Inspira on December 23, 2014, following
    his admission to the hospital three or four days earlier.3
    Plaintiff did not file a direct claim against third-party defendants. In
    August 2020, the nursing home defendants sought leave to file a third -party
    complaint and to extend the then-August 21, 2020 discovery end date (DED) for
    120 days. The nursing home defendants, if it was determined they were liable
    to plaintiff, sought contribution from third-party defendants—including
    Delaware Valley Urology, LLC, which treated plaintiff before his admission to
    SJEC and after his admission to Inspira—alleging they improperly assessed,
    monitored and treated plaintiff's urological needs, and that their delay in
    diagnosing the infection—which was not confirmed until the day of plaintiff's
    surgery—and treatment led to plaintiff's injuries.
    The trial court found "[t]he problem/concern with the motion is timing."
    Noting the complaint was filed on October 17, 2016, the court recognized the
    case was "nearly four years old," the DED had been extended ten times and had
    The record is not clear as to the exact date plaintiff was transferred to Inspira.
    The nursing home defendants' merits brief avers plaintiff "was transferred to the
    emergency department at Inspira" and, without factual citation, further claims
    "[n]one of [the] medical personnel attending [plaintiff] at Inspira diagnosed
    [him] with Fournier's gangrene on December 19, 2014." The balance of the
    record sets plaintiff's admission date as December 20, 2014.
    only fifteen days remaining when the nursing home defendants' motion was filed
    and only some experts' depositions had not yet been taken because of COVID-
    related delays. The court, which had been actively managing the case, observed
    the motion to join the third parties had never before been mentioned. It found:
    There are at least [twelve] expert reports that have been
    exchanged. The adding of [two] medical defendants
    would require additional expert reports that may or may
    not challenge or introduce liability or causation issues
    not addressed earlier requiring supplemental expert
    report[s] from the [twelve] existing experts. Though
    defendant at oral argument suggested that adding these
    parties would not prejudice . . . plaintiff, this court is
    not at all convinced. Although this case will not be
    tried in the foreseeable future because of COVID
    restrictions, this case will be substantially delayed if
    this motion is granted.
    The only prejudice specified by the trial court was the delay caused by the grant
    of the motion, finding "[t]his delay, not caused by . . . plaintiff in any fashion,
    is prejudice itself." The trial court concluded "the equities of judicial economy
    in having the entire matter litigated at the same time weighed against the
    prejudice to . . . plaintiff which is delay and having even more experts added to
    this already complicated case" warranted denial of the motion. We cannot abide
    the court's exercise of discretion that was too deeply wed to "delay" which, in
    this case, was inevitable.
    We first note, as set forth in plaintiff's merits brief, many of the discovery
    extensions were requested by plaintiff. Moreover, the trial court realized when
    it adjourned the trial without date that the COVID-19 pandemic has caused a
    tremendous trial backlog; that situation is extant even though remote civil trials
    have slowly been implemented. The trial court has shepherded this case from
    inception and, without doubt, can strictly control the limited discovery that will
    be engendered by granting defendant's motion; the added sixty-day delay may
    even be reduced by the trial court for good cause. See R. 4:24-1(b).
    The resulting damages plaintiff excruciatingly suffered were allegedly
    caused by the lack of care he received prior to the partial penectomy and related
    procedures.    It will be up to a jury to determine if the lack of care occurred
    before he was admitted to the nursing home, while he was in the nursing home,
    after he was admitted to Inspira, or during any combination of those time
    periods. They are the series of transactions out of which arose the accrual of
    plaintiff's cause of action. See R. 4:8-1(a). "If there is common liability to
    plaintiff at that time—that is, common liability as a matter of fact even although,
    necessarily, then unadjudicated—defendant[s] cannot be deprived of [their]
    inchoate right by reason of plaintiff's loss thereafter of [their] own right of direct
    action against the joint tortfeasor[s]." Markey v. Skog, 
    129 N.J. Super. 192
    200-01 (Law Div. 1974).
    The trial court correctly opined defendants could pursue a claim for
    contribution against third-party defendants if and after a judgment against them
    is rendered. But the claims now proposed by the nursing home defendants, if
    litigated in this action, would present to the jury the continuum of care—or lack
    thereof—afforded plaintiff before, during and after his stays at SJEC. The jury
    would be able to determine, on an economy of proofs, the total amount of
    damages due plaintiff and the percentage of each party's negligence or fault, see
    N.J.S.A. 2A:15-5.2(a), allowing the judge to mold the judgment, see N.J.S.A.
    2A:15-5.2(d). If the jury determines defendants are sixty percent or more
    responsible for plaintiff's damages, plaintiff may still recover the full amount
    from them, see N.J.S.A. 2A:15-5.3(a), but the need for a second contribution
    trial will be obviated because the jury will have allocated that percentage based
    on the actions of all purported tortfeasors, see Mejia v. Quest Diagnostics, Inc.,
    241 N.J. 360
    , 373-74 (2020).
    We agree with the trial court that the long delay—almost four years after
    plaintiff filed the complaint—before the instant motion was filed cannot
    ordinarily be countenanced. But, on balance, the better exercise of discretion
    under the unusual circumstances occasioned by the COVID-19 pandemic would
    allow third-party defendants to be joined and pause proceedings for a period not
    exceeding sixty days. 4 We would not normally tolerate such a delay, but the
    pandemic would have caused delays whether or not the motion was granted.
    Adding third-party defendants to the action would result in, as Judge Pressler
    cogently and eloquently stated, "the most orderly and logical manner in which
    proof of common liability can be established[.]" 
    Markey, 129 N.J. Super. at 200
    see also Bendar v. Rosen, 
    247 N.J. Super. 219
    , 237 (App. Div. 1991) ("While
    technically a right of contribution does not arise until a tortfeasor has paid more
    than his pro rata share, the entire-controversy doctrine and judicial economy
    militate for the claim being asserted in the underlying tort action.") (citing Tino
    v. Stout, 
    49 N.J. 289
    , 298 n.3 (1967)).
    We do not pass on the merits of the nursing home defendants' claims
    against third-party defendants and leave any motion practice after the
    completion of discovery to the trial court.
    We note the trial court granted the nursing home defendants' motion to extend
    discovery, and the last DED extension ended December 19, 2020. Discovery
    should have continued during that extension, reducing the need for protracted
    ongoing discovery.
    Reversed and remanded for proceedings consistent with this opinion. We
    do not retain jurisdiction.