  •                                 NOT FOR PUBLICATION WITHOUT THE
    This opinion shall not "constitute precedent or be binding upon any court." Although it is posted on the
    internet, this opinion is binding only on the parties in the case and its use in other cases is limited. R. 1:36-3.
    DOCKET NO. A-4094-19
    Submitted April 27, 2021 – Decided May 18, 2021
    Before Judges Haas and Natali.
    On appeal from the Superior Court of New Jersey, Law
    Division, Morris County, Municipal Appeal No. 19-
    Law Offices of Jef Henninger, attorney for the
    appellant (Jonathan Poling, on the briefs).
    Robert J. Carroll, Acting Morris County Prosecutor,
    attorney for respondent (Paula Jordao, Special Deputy
    Attorney General/Acting Assistant Prosecutor, on the
    Defendant Kenneth Kearstan appeals from a Law Division order denying
    his petition for post-conviction relief (PCR) and motion to withdraw his guilty
    plea. We affirm.
    After being charged with driving while intoxicated (DWI), N.J.S.A. 39:4-
    50, leaving the scene of an accident, N.J.S.A. 39:4-129, and failure to report an
    accident, N.J.S.A. 39:4-130, defendant entered a conditional guilty plea in the
    Washington Township municipal court to the DWI offense. As part of the plea
    agreement, the State dismissed the remaining charges.
    Defendant's DWI conviction was based on events that took place on April
    18, 2017. At that time, defendant and his wife were in the midst of divorce
    proceedings, had been separated for nine months, and he was no longer residing
    at the marital home.
    At approximately 5:20 p.m., defendant arrived at his former residence
    with damage to his car. Defendant's wife saw the vehicle, called 911, and while
    on the phone with the operator, learned that defendant had used a key to unlock
    the door to the house and entered the basement without her knowledge. She
    reported that defendant had an alcohol issue, and believed he was intoxicated,
    as he "smell[ed] a little."
    Specifically, in her statement to the police, defendant's wife told police he
    arrived at the house "impaired and slurring his words." When she asked him to
    leave, defendant stated he "could not secure a ride." Defendant also told his
    wife, "in a slurred voice," that he took a Xanax in the morning.
    A Washington Township police officer, Michael Thompson, arrived at the
    residence at approximately 5:50 p.m. to conduct a welfare check. Defendant's
    wife met Thompson at the front door and invited him into the home. Thompson
    testified at the suppression hearing that prior to entering the home, he too noticed
    damage to defendant's vehicle. In his investigation report, Thompson indicated
    he heard a "metal popping" sound coming from defendant's car, which was
    "indicative of a recently operated motor vehicle." Thompson also observed the
    rearview mirror of the vehicle's passenger side was damaged as well as scrapes
    to the front passenger side bumper.
    As soon as Thompson entered the home, defendant's wife informed him
    that defendant was in the basement and believed he had taken medication and
    was intoxicated. She repeatedly stated her concern for defendant's well-being,
    but was worried that defendant was in the home, as she had previously informed
    him that he was not permitted in the house when inebriated.
    Thompson testified that he stood at the top of the stairs and called down
    to defendant to come up from the basement.        When defendant entered the
    stairway, he was off balance, staggering, and his pants were falling down.
    Thompson stated that he detected an odor of alcohol emanating from defendant ,
    that it was clear that defendant was "extremely intoxicated," and that he needed
    assistance simply to stand up.
    Thompson also testified that he asked defendant to exit the home so they
    could speak outside in order to avoid an altercation between defendant and his
    wife and so defendant's children would not witness their interaction. While on
    the porch, Thompson began questioning defendant and observed that defendant's
    eyes were bloodshot, and his speech slurred. Thompson testified that he again
    smelled alcohol emanating from defendant.
    Defendant told Thompson that he had no memory of being involved in an
    accident but acknowledged the vehicle was not damaged the previous day. After
    initially denying drinking that day, defendant eventually admitted to consuming
    three small airplane-sized bottles of alcohol. Defendant also told Thompson that
    he did not consume any alcohol after entering the marital home, and Thompson
    did not find any alcoholic beverages in the home after checking the basement
    and speaking with defendant's wife.
    In light of his observations and defendant's statements, Thompson
    attempted to administer standard field sobriety tests. After defendant stated he
    was unable to complete the walk-and-turn test, Thompson decided to cease
    administering the remainder of the tests out of concern that defendant's
    condition would cause him to fall and injure himself.
    Defendant was placed under arrest and Thompson and another officer
    requested that a first aid squad meet them at police headquarters, as Thompson
    was concerned defendant was exhibiting signs of an overdose. Defendant was
    subsequently transported to Hackettstown Hospital where he signed a consent
    form to draw and test his blood. The test revealed defendant had a blood alcohol
    concentration (BAC) of 0.29%, well above the legal limit. The summonses,
    however, listed defendant's address as a location in Edison rather than at the
    marital home.
    Before the municipal court, defendant moved to suppress the results of his
    blood alcohol test and the incriminating statements he made to Thompson
    claiming the police violated his Fourth and Fifth Amendment rights under the
    United States Constitution and corresponding rights under the New Jersey
    Constitution. Specifically, defendant maintained that Thompson improperly
    entered his home without consent and failed to administer Miranda1 warnings.
    At the conclusion of the suppression hearing in which Thompson was the
    only testifying witness, the municipal court judge denied defendant's motion,
    concluding that defendant's wife knowingly and willingly invited the police into
    the family home. The judge also concluded that the warrantless entry was
    justified under the community-caretaker and emergency-aid doctrines. Finally,
    the judge determined that the subsequent questioning of defendant did not
    constitute a custodial interrogation warranting Miranda warnings. Instead, the
    judge characterized the arresting officer's questioning as similar to the
    preliminary, roadside investigation of an individual suspected of drunk driving.
    After denying defendant's motion, the court granted his counsel's request
    to briefly adjourn the proceedings to discuss a conditional plea agreement with
    a stay of any sentence. Counsel concluded his plea discussions and defendant
    indicated to the court he was prepared to plead guilty plea to the DWI charge.
    The court informed defendant that what he "say[s] in court today, should
    [he] win [an] appeal, cannot be used against [him] at any subsequent trial."
    See Miranda v. Arizona, 
    384 U.S. 436
    Defendant did not respond directly to the court's statement, resulting in the court
    offering to conduct the plea hearing "another time."
    Defendant stated he was "really confused."        His counsel accordingly
    reiterated the court's comment that defendant's statements would not "jeopardize
    [his] rights to appeal the decision that the judge made today on the statements
    and on the search." Defendant responded "[o]kay," and that he understood his
    counsel's statements.
    The court proceeded to elicit from defendant a factual basis. Defendant
    admitted he was "operat[ing] a motor vehicle . . . [while] under the influence of
    alcohol." He stated he consumed three "airplane type bottles" of vodka before
    operating his vehicle, and that his BAC was analyzed at .29%. Defendant also
    stated there was no issue with the way the blood test was administered and that
    it was "unsafe and improper" for him to operate his vehicle in his state of
    impairment on April 18, 2017. He testified that he understood it was his second
    offense and that corresponding fines and penalties would follow.          Finally,
    defendant told the court he was "entering this plea both knowingly and
    voluntarily," and he was satisfied with his counsel's services.
    Based on defendant's testimony, the court found defendant understood the
    charges against him and his right to a trial. It also found defendant gave a
    sufficient factual basis for the plea, to which he knowingly and voluntarily
    Because this was defendant's second DWI conviction, the court assessed
    mandatory fines and penalties, revoked his driving privileges for two years, and
    required him to complete forty-eight hours of treatment at the Intoxicated
    Driver's Resource Center. Defendant was also obligated to install an ignition
    interlock device on his vehicle for one year upon restoration of his driving
    privileges. Finally, the court stayed defendant's sentence pending appeal.
    Defendant appealed his conviction to the Law Division. On de novo
    review, the Law Division affirmed the municipal court's suppression ruling and
    similarly concluded the police did not violate defendant's Fourth or Fifth
    Amendment rights. The court imposed the same sentence as the municipal court
    and similarly stayed his sentence, but ordered defendant to abstain from using
    alcohol, and appear periodically in court for compliance monitoring.
    Defendant appealed and we affirmed. In our unpublished opinion, we
    explained that Thompson's initial questioning of defendant was brief, occurred
    inside and then outside the home, and took place only after he was expressly
    invited into the residence by defendant's wife. State v. Kearstan, No. A-5867-
    17 (App. Div. Sept. 20, 2019). Based on those circumstances, we rejected
    defendant's claim that the police violated his Fourth or Fifth Amendment rights
    and agreed with the trial court that "Thompson had a lawful right to be in the
    home based on valid consent obtained from defendant's wife, and appropriately
    questioned defendant without the need for Miranda warnings." Kearstan, slip
    op. at 7.
    Defendant did not seek further review of his conviction with the Supreme
    Court. Instead, he filed a motion to withdraw his guilty plea under State v.
    Slater,2 and argued he received ineffective effective assistance of counsel under
    198 N.J. 145
    (2009). In Slater, the Supreme Court identified the following
    four factors for courts to evaluate when considering an application to vacate a
    guilty plea: "(1) whether the defendant has asserted a colorable claim of
    innocence; (2) the nature and strength of defendant's reasons for withdrawal; (3)
    the existence of a plea bargain; and (4) whether withdrawal would result in
    unfair prejudice to the State or unfair advantage to the accused."
    Id. at 150.
    "Trial courts should consider and balance all of the factors discussed above in
    assessing a motion for withdrawal of a plea. No factor is mandatory; if one is
    missing, that does not automatically disqualify or dictate relief."
    Id. at 162.
    the two-part test detailed in Strickland v. Washington3 and State v. Fritz4
    (Strickland/Fritz).     The municipal court heard oral arguments and denied
    defendant's application, reinstated his sentence, and directed that he surrender
    his driver's license.
    Defendant, thereafter, sought de novo review in the Law Division and
    contended that his trial counsel was ineffective for failing to argue that he could
    not be convicted of violating N.J.S.A. 39:4-50 as there was no proof he was
    operating his car on April 18, 2017 while intoxicated, and that the original
    summonses contained an incorrect address for his former residence. He also
    sought to withdraw his guilty plea maintaining that he had a colorable claim of
    466 U.S. 668
    (1984). To establish a prima facie case of ineffective assistance
    of counsel, a defendant must prove:
    First, . . . that counsel's performance was deficient.
    This requires showing that counsel made errors so
    serious that counsel was not functioning as the
    "counsel" guaranteed the defendant by the Sixth
    Amendment. Second, the defendant must show that the
    deficient performance prejudiced the defense. This
    requires showing that counsel's errors were so serious
    as to deprive the defendant of a fair trial, a trial whose
    result is reliable.
    [Id. at 687.]
    105 N.J. 42
    innocence, his plea was not voluntary, and the State would not suffer prejudice
    if his plea was vacated.
    During oral argument, and at defendant's counsel's request, Judge Michael
    E. Hubner permitted defendant to testify regarding the voluntariness of his guilty
    plea. Defendant stated his attorney "basically told [him his] only option was to
    do a plea and to move on" and that he only agreed to plead guilty because he
    "was very nervous and anxious and . . . really didn't understand the whole
    parameters of what would happen going forward."
    Judge Hubner denied defendant's application and memorialized his ruling
    in an order and written opinion issued on June 24, 2020. The judge initially
    considered defendant's Slater arguments and concluded that under a "totality
    analysis of the facts, evidence, and case law," defendant had not asserted a
    colorable claim of innocence, 
    Slater, 198 N.J. at 150
    , as he was satisfied that
    defendant operated a motor vehicle contrary to N.J.S.A. 39:4-50 because the
    facts circumstantially established defendant operated his car while intoxicated.
    In this regard, the judge noted that: 1) defendant's wife noticed that
    defendant smelled of alcohol when he arrived at the marital residence, 2)
    defendant admitted to consuming three airplane-sized bottles of alcohol earlier
    in the day, 3) his blood alcohol level was nearly four times the legal limit, and
    4) he told Thompson that he did not consume any alcohol at the home. Further,
    Judge Hubner noted that the record contained no mention that a third party drove
    defendant to the residence or that he used public transportation.
    Judge Hubner next considered the "nature and strength of [defendant's]
    reasons for withdrawal," 
    Slater, 198 N.J. at 150
    , and determined that defendant's
    proffered bases, including the State's error on the original issuing summonses,
    failed to warrant withdrawal of his fully informed plea agreement. Finally, the
    judge concluded that the State would not be prejudiced if defendant was
    permitted to withdraw his plea.
    Judge Hubner next addressed defendant's ineffective assistance of counsel
    claims and concluded he failed to satisfy the first prong of the two-part
    Strickland/Fritz test.     In concluding counsel's performance was not
    constitutionally deficient, the judge considered that defendant entered the plea
    voluntarily and knowingly, that he expressed satisfaction with his counsel 's
    services, and that defendant's counsel moved to suppress defendant's
    incriminating statements. Finally, the judge explained that counsel's failure to
    raise the operation issue did not amount to deficient performance because there
    was "no certainty that such an argument would have been successful" in light of
    the circumstantial evidence supporting defendant's operation of his vehicle on
    April 18, 2017.
    On appeal, defendant presents the following arguments for our
    The Trial Court Erred in Finding That Defendant Has
    Not Asserted A Colorable Claim of Innocence.
    The Trial Court Erred in Finding That Defendant Has
    Not Met the Burden to Establish Ineffective Assistance
    of Counsel.
    The Trial Court Erred in Finding That an Incorrect
    Address Holds Little Weight.
    The Trial Court Erred in Finding Defendant Entered
    into The Plea Knowingly and Voluntarily.
    We first address the significant procedural infirmities with respect to
    defendant's appeal. We note that the record on appeal does not include a copy
    of defendant's PCR petition. See R. 7:10-2. This is not an inconsequential
    omission. Rule 2:6-1(a)(1)(I) requires an appellant to include in the appendix
    to his brief "such . . . parts of the record . . . as are essential to the proper
    consideration of the issues." Because "filed documents in the action bearing on
    the issues on appeal are required to be included in the appendix[,] . . . the
    [a]ppellate [c]ourt may decline to address issues requiring review of those parts
    of the trial record not included in the appendix." Pressler & Verniero, Current
    N.J. Court Rules, cmt. 1 on R. 2:6-1 (2021); see also Cmty. Hosp. Group, Inc.
    v. Blume Goldfaden Berkowitz Donnelly Fried & Forte, P.C., 
    381 N.J. Super. 119
    , 127 (App. Div. 2005) (noting that an appellate court is not "obliged to
    attempt review of an issue when the relevant portions of the record are not
    Further, as we explained in State v. Brewster, Rules 3:22-8 and 3:22-10(c)
    "require that the facts a defendant alleges be provided by means of a verified
    petition or a supplementary affidavit or certification." 
    429 N.J. Super. 387
    , 396
    (App. Div. 2013); see also State v. Cummings, 
    321 N.J. Super. 154
    , 170 (App.
    Div. 1999). We also note defendant, without seeking to supplement the record,
    see R. 2:5-5, included a "[c]ertification . . . in support of appeal" in his
    appendix.5 As the certification is dated October 27, 2020, after the court's May
    In general, defendant's certification includes statements related to his plea
    similar to those made when he testified at oral argument, and which we address
    22, 2020 order, it could not have been presented to the trial court, and it is
    improper to submit the certification for our consideration in the first instance.
    See Liberty Surplus Ins. v. Nowell Amoroso, P.A., 
    189 N.J. 436
    , 452 (2007)
    ("Our appellate courts will not ordinarily consider evidentiary material that is
    not in the record below." (citation omitted)).
    Although we could reject defendant's ineffective assistance of counsel
    claims based on these procedural infirmities, we nevertheless address
    defendant's arguments substantively and find no merit to any of his contentions
    and affirm substantially for the reasons stated by Judge Hubner in his June 24,
    2020 written decision. We agree with Judge Hubner that the defendant failed to
    establish the first prong of the Strickland/Fritz test and similarly failed to carry
    his burden under Slater to withdraw his guilty plea. We provide the following
    additional comments to amplify our decision.
    infra pp. 21-22. He also certified, in part, that he was in the marital residence's
    basement on April 18 "working on a house project," and consumed "hidden"
    alcohol while there, contrary to Thompson's investigation report and his wife's
    statements and observations. Other statements contained in the certification are
    inconsistent with the admissions he made before the plea court, such as
    operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol. We also note
    that at no point in the record below, or in his certification submitted to us, did
    defendant attest that he informed his counsel of these facts.
    A request to withdraw a plea and a petition for PCR based on ineffective
    assistance of counsel are "distinct, and governed by different rules of court."
    State v. O'Donnell, 
    435 N.J. Super. 351
    , 368 (App. Div. 2014). "They must be
    considered separately."
    Ibid. A motion to
    withdraw a plea may be made after
    sentencing "if the movant shows a 'manifest injustice.'"
    Ibid. (quoting R. 3:21-
    1). "By contrast, a petition for PCR must be filed within five years of the
    challenged judgment of conviction, absent excusable neglect where enforcement
    of the bar would result in a 'fundamental injustice.'"
    Id. at 368-69
    (quoting R.
    3:22-12(a)). "[C]onsideration of a plea withdrawal request," however, "can and
    should begin with proof that before accepting the plea, the trial court followed
    the dictates of Rule 3:9-2."
    Ibid. (quoting Slater, 198
    N.J. at 155).
    We review a judge's decision to deny a PCR petition without an
    evidentiary hearing for abuse of discretion. 
    Brewster, 429 N.J. Super. at 401
    (citing State v. Marshall, 
    148 N.J. 89
    , 157-58 (1997)). However, where no
    evidentiary hearing was conducted, we "may review the factual inferences the
    court has drawn from the documentary record de novo." State v. Blake, 444 N.J.
    Super. 285, 294 (App. Div. 2016).
    We will not disturb a trial court's denial of a defendant's request to
    withdraw his guilty plea unless there was "an abuse of discretion which renders
    the lower court's decision clearly erroneous." State v. Simon, 
    161 N.J. 416
    , 444
    (1999). We review a trial court's Slater analysis under an abuse of discretion
    standard "because the trial court is making qualitative assessments about the
    nature of a defendant's reasons for moving to withdraw his plea and the strength
    of his case and because the court is sometimes making credibility determinations
    about witness testimony." State v. Tate, 
    220 N.J. 393
    , 404 (2015).
    "The withdrawal of a guilty plea is not an 'absolute right,'" 
    Simon, 161 N.J. at 444
    (citation omitted), and the defendant bears the burden of establishing
    a basis for relief. 
    Slater, 198 N.J. at 156
    . "[F]indings made by the trial court
    when accepting the plea, constitute a 'formidable barrier' which defendant must
    overcome before he will be allowed to withdraw his plea." 
    Simon, 161 N.J. at 444
    (quoting Blackledge v. Allison, 
    431 U.S. 63
    , 74 (1977)). "That is so because
    '[s]olemn declarations in open court carry a strong presumption of verity. '"
    Ibid. (alteration in original)
    Blackledge, 431 U.S. at 74
    Additionally, whether a defendant seeks to withdraw a plea before or after
    sentencing, "[t]iming matters." 
    Slater, 198 N.J. at 160
    . Thus, at or before
    sentencing, a "defendant shall be permitted to withdraw" a guilty plea if "the
    interests of justice would not be served by effectuating the [plea] agreement,"
    Rule 3:9-3(e), and, in such cases, "courts are to exercise their discretion liberally
    to allow plea withdrawals." 
    Slater, 198 N.J. at 156
    (citation omitted). Applying
    these standards, we discern no reason to reverse the denial of defendant's PCR
    petition or his motion to vacate his plea agreement.
    Here, we evaluate the court's denial of defendant's PCR petition under an
    abuse of discretion standard and apply de novo review to any factual inferences,
    as we do not consider defendant's testimony at oral argument as an evidentiary
    hearing regarding the ineffective assistance of counsel claims he asserts before
    us.   Applying that standard of review, we agree with Judge Hubner that
    defendant's counsel was not constitutionally ineffective for failing to challenge
    the State's claim that he was operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated
    contrary to N.J.S.A. 39:4-50(a). It is well-settled that the "failure to raise
    unsuccessful legal arguments does not constitute ineffective assistance of
    counsel." State v. Worlock, 
    117 N.J. 596
    , 625 (1990) (citing 
    Strickland, 466 U.S. at 688
    Fritz, 105 N.J. at 52
    A person is deemed to have been driving while intoxicated if that person
    "operates a motor vehicle while under the influence of intoxicating liquor,
    narcotic, hallucinogenic or habit-producing drug." N.J.S.A. 39:4-50(a). "Actual
    operation is not required . . . ." State v. Ebert, 
    377 N.J. Super. 1
    , 10 (App. Div.
    2005). "'Operation' may be prove[n] by actual observation of the defendant
    driving while intoxicated," by defendant's admission, or through circumstantial
    evidence reflecting circumstances that the defendant was driving while
    Id. at 10-11
    (citations omitted).
    Contrary to defendant's argument, there existed substantial circumstantial
    evidence in the record to support the conclusion that defendant operated the
    vehicle while intoxicated. Defendant arrived at the marital residence shortly
    before his wife called the police. According to Thompson's report, which is
    included in the record, defendant admitted to consuming alcohol earlier in the
    day, acknowledged there was no alcohol in the home, was observed visibly
    intoxicated shortly after he arrived, and reported a BAC well in excess of the
    legal limit. Thompson also reported the vehicle exhibited a "metal popping"
    noise, suggesting recent operation. Finally, there was no certified statement in
    the record, see 
    Cummings, 321 N.J. Super. at 170
    , to support any inference that
    defendant arrived at the house with the assistance of a third-party driver or by
    public transportation.
    We also reject defendant's claims that the purported incorrect address on
    the summonses supported either withdrawal of his plea under Slater, or post-
    conviction relief under the Strickland/Fritz test.          Specifically, defendant
    contends the summonses listed an address that "does not exist," and contrary to
    that identified on his license and the residence where he was arrested.
    As the Supreme Court has instructed in State v. Cummings, where "[n]o
    complaint has been raised concerning that error" and "no prejudice resulting
    from it" has been identified, dismissal of the charge is not required. 
    184 N.J. 84
    , 90 n.1 (2005). To hold otherwise would place "form over substance," an
    approach disfavored in our State. State v. Fisher, 
    180 N.J. 462
    , 472 (2004); see
    also R. 3:7-3(a) ("[E]rror in the citation [to a statute] or its omission shall not be
    ground for dismissal of the indictment or accusation or for reversal of a
    conviction if the error or omission did not prejudicially mislead the defendant.");
    State v. Latorre, 
    228 N.J. Super. 314
    , 319 (App. Div. 1988) (holding officer's
    failure to sign a DWI summons did not deprive the summons of its
    effectiveness); State v. Ryfa, 
    315 N.J. Super. 376
    , 383 (Law Div. 1998)
    (concluding traffic complaint that failed to specify the municipality of the
    offense was not invalid).
    Here, it does not appear that defendant raised the issue of the purported
    inaccurate address listed on the summonses with the municipal court prior to his
    conditional plea, preventing the court from issuing corrected charging
    documents. In any event, defendant was fully informed of the charges against
    him as evidenced by his Miranda challenge to his inculpatory statements, and
    the filing of a direct appeal. He suffered no prejudice as a result of the alleged
    incorrect address on the summonses.6 As such, any error with regard to the
    address listed on the summonses does not warrant relief under Slater or
    Finally, we reject defendant's request for post-conviction relief based on
    his claim that his plea was not entered on a voluntary and knowing basis because
    his attorney "rushed" him to accept the plea. At his plea hearing, defendant was
    given the opportunity to reschedule the sentencing but after conferring with
    counsel, and after being assured that his statements at the plea hearing could not
    be used against him, provided a detailed factual statement in which he admitted
    he operated his vehicle while intoxicated. Defendant also acknowledged that he
    entered the plea voluntarily and knowingly.
    As noted, at oral argument, defendant testified that his counsel "told [him
    his] only option was to do a plea and to move on" and that he only agreed to
    We note that according to the investigative report, defendant provided
    Thompson with his then-current address, which was different from that on his
    license. We cannot discern if the police relied upon such information received
    from defendant when completing the summonses.
    plead guilty because he "was very nervous and anxious" and "didn't understand
    the whole parameters of what would happen going forward." Here, in rejecting
    defendant's argument, Judge Hubner considered defendant's initial plea colloquy
    as well as his testimony at oral argument and determined that defendant entered
    a voluntary and knowing plea. We are satisfied from our review of the record
    that Judge Hubner's decision was not an abuse of discretion. 
    Simon, 161 N.J. at 444
    . As noted, defendant's "[s]olemn declarations in open court [when he
    entered his plea] carry a strong presumption of verity," ibid., and require
    rejection of his claim that his plea was ill-informed or involuntary, warranting
    relief under Slater.
    To the extent we have not addressed defendant's remaining arguments, it
    is because we have determined that they lack sufficient merit to warrant further
    discussion in a written opinion. R. 2:11-3(e)(2).