J.O. v. Township of Bedminster , 433 N.J. Super. 199 ( 2013 )

    DOCKET NOS. A-1838-11T3
    October 31, 2013
    Argued April 8, 2013 – Decided October 31, 2013
    Before    Judges      Ashrafi,      Espinosa     and
    On appeal from Superior Court of New Jersey,
    Chancery Division, General Equity Part,
    Bergen County, Docket No. C-35-10.
    J.O. Jr., argued the cause for
    appellant in A-1838-11 and respondent in A-
    Richard J. Guss argued the cause for
    Township of Bedminster and Nancy Arraial,
    respondents in A-1838-11 and appellants in
    A-3182-11   (DiFrancesco,   Bateman,   Coley,
    Yospin, Kunzman, Davis, Lehrer & Flaum,
    P.C., attorneys; Mr. Guss, on the briefs).
    Scott D. Rodgers, Deputy County Counsel,
    argued the cause for respondent County of
    Somerset in A-1838-11 (William T. Cooper,
    III, Somerset County Counsel, attorney; Mr.
    Rodgers, on the brief).
    Mary C. McDonnell argued the cause for
    respondents   Robert  Saul  &   Borough  of
    Westwood in A-1838-11 (Pfund McDonnell,
    P.C., attorneys; Ms. McDonnell and David T.
    Pfund, on the brief).
    The opinion of the court was delivered by
    Although it was enacted in 1979, there are no published
    opinions    that   interpret   or   apply   the   Subpoena   First    Act,
    N.J.S.A.    2A:84A-21.9   to   -21.13   (the   Act),1   which   has   been
    described as "narrowly circumscrib[ing] the situations in which
    the State can properly search and seize materials acquired in
    the course of newsgathering."        In re Woodhaven Lumber and Mill
    1 L. 1979
    , c. 488, § 1 (effective Feb. 28, 1980).
    2                            A-1838-11T3
    123 N.J. 481
    ,    491   (1991)    (analyzing    the    Shield   Law,
    N.J.S.A. 2A:84A-21 to -21.8); see also In re Subpoena Issued to
    114 N.J. 14
    ,    24    (1989)   (same).      In   this   case,    we
    consider the application of the Act to a suspect in a criminal
    investigation who asserted a claim to its protection based upon
    his status as an "internet publisher" after a search warrant was
    executed and his suppression motion was denied.                    We affirm the
    dismissal of plaintiff's complaint against all defendants.                       As
    for his claims under the Act, we hold that plaintiff waived any
    claim to protection; that the officers here were not required to
    conduct    an   investigation        to   determine   whether    plaintiff      was
    protected by the Act prior to seeking a warrant; and that, even
    if plaintiff had timely asserted his claim, he was not entitled
    to the Act's protection because the materials sought were not
    obtained in the course of newsgathering activities.
    Defendants Township of Bedminster and Nanci Arraial (the
    Bedminster defendants) appeal from the denial of their motion
    for counsel fees pursuant to Rule 1:4-8.                 For the reasons that
    follow, we affirm that denial as well.
    It is generally acknowledged that the Act, like its federal
    counterpart, the Privacy Protection Act (PPA), 42 U.S.C.A. §§
    2000aa-aa12, was a legislative response to the United States
    3                              A-1838-11T3
    Supreme Court's decision in Zurcher v. Stanford Daily, 
    436 U.S. 547
    , 567-68, 
    98 S. Ct. 1970
    , 1982-83, 
    56 L. Ed. 2d 525
    , 543 (1978).
    See Sennett v. United States, 
    667 F.3d 531
    , 535 (4th Cir. 2012);
    Guest    v.    Leis,      
    255 F.3d 325
    ,          340   (6th      Cir.    2001);      Byrnes,
    Current New Jersey Arrest, Search & Seizure 573-74 (2012-13);
    Debra L. Stone, The Criminal Justice System and the News Media:
    Recent Developments, 7 Crim. Just. Q. 178, 196 (1980).
    Zurcher had its roots in an April 1971 demonstration at
    Stanford University Hospital that devolved into a violent clash
    in which a group of demonstrators, armed with sticks and clubs,
    attacked and injured nine police officers.                            Zurcher, supra, 
    436 U.S. at 550
    98 S. Ct. at 1973-74
    56 L. Ed. 2d at 532
    Articles      and    photographs       published           in   the    Stanford         Daily,    a
    student newspaper, suggested that a Daily staff member might
    have photographed the assault on the officers.                               Although there
    was    no    allegation     that      any       members     of       the   Daily    staff      had
    engaged in unlawful activity, the Santa Clara County District
    Attorney's      Office      obtained        a    warrant        to    search      the    Daily's
    office for negatives and photographs that would assist in the
    identification of the persons who assaulted the officers.                                      
    Id. at 551
    98 S. Ct. at 1974
    56 L. Ed. 2d at 532
    .                                         When the
    warrant was executed, the only photographs found were those that
    had already been published.                 No materials were removed from the
    4                                       A-1838-11T3
    Daily's office.       
    Id. at 551-52
    98 S. Ct. at 1974
    56 L. Ed. 2d at 533
    The student newspaper and various staff members brought a
    civil action, seeking declaratory and injunctive relief under 
    42 U.S.C.A. § 1983
    , against the law enforcement officials involved
    and the judge who issued the warrant.             Judgment was entered in
    favor of the newspaper and its staff members and affirmed by the
    Court of Appeals.        However, the Supreme Court reversed, stating,
    [W]e decline to reinterpret the [Fourth]
    Amendment to impose a general constitutional
    barrier against warrants to search newspaper
    premises, to require resort to subpoenas as
    a general rule, or to demand prior notice
    and hearing in connection with the issuance
    of search warrants.
    [Id. at 567, 
    98 S. Ct. at 1982
    56 L. Ed. 2d at 543
    The    Court    added,   "Of   course,   the   Fourth   Amendment   does     not
    prevent or advise against legislative or executive efforts to
    establish nonconstitutional protections against possible abuses
    of    the   search   warrant   procedure[.]"      
         Congress     and    a
    number of state legislatures,2 including New Jersey, accepted the
    invitation to establish such protections.
    Or. Rev. Stat. § 44.520
    (2) (2011); 
    Wash. Rev. Code § 10.79.015
    (3) (2013); 
    Wis. Stat. § 968.13
    (1)(d) (2013); 
    Conn. Gen. Stat. § 54
    -33j(a) (2013); Tex. Code Crim. Proc. art.
    18.01(e) (West 2001); 725 Ill. Comp. Stat. 5/108-3(b) (2013).
    5                             A-1838-11T3
    The protection provided by the federal statute does not
    turn on whether the person who possesses the materials sought is
    a member of the news media.    Rather, the prohibition applies
    when the person in possession has "a purpose to disseminate to
    the public a newspaper, book, broadcast, or other similar form
    of public communication."   42 U.S.C.A. § 2000aa(a), (b).      The
    PPA has certain limited exceptions, which include a "suspect"
    [T]his provision shall not impair or affect
    the ability of any government officer or
    employee, pursuant to otherwise applicable
    law, to search for or seize such materials,
    (1) there is probable cause to believe
    that the person possessing such materials
    has committed or is committing the criminal
    offense  to   which  the  materials  relate
    . . . .
    The prohibition in New Jersey's Act provides in pertinent
    Any person . . . engaged on, engaged
    in, connected with, or otherwise employed in
    gathering,      procuring,      transmitting,
    compiling,     editing,    publishing,     or
    disseminating news for the public . . .
    shall be free from searches and seizures, by
    . . . law enforcement officers with respect
    to any documentary materials obtained in the
    course of pursuing the aforesaid activities
    whether or not such material has been or
    will be disseminated or published.
    6                         A-1838-11T3
    [N.J.S.A. 2A:84A-21.9.]
    Like    the    PPA,     the    Act       has    exceptions        to    the     general
    prohibition,        which   include        a       "suspect"      exception      virtually
    identical to that in the federal statute:
    This section shall not restrict or impair
    the ability of any law enforcement officer,
    pursuant to otherwise applicable law, to
    search for or seize such materials, if there
    is probable cause to believe that:
    a. The person, corporation, partnership,
    proprietorship or other entity possessing
    the materials has committed or is committing
    the criminal offense for which the materials
    are sought . . . .
    That the statute was a legislative response to Zurcher is
    reflected in the distinction between the Act's application to
    materials     possessed       by    persons          who    are   not     suspects       in    a
    criminal investigation and its explicit exception for situations
    where the person in possession is suspected of "committing the
    criminal     offense    for    which       the      materials     are     sought."            The
    salient facts in Zurcher that caught the public's attention were
    related to the unequivocal status of the persons in possession
    as   journalists      doing    their    job.           No   Daily   staff      member       was
    suspected    of     criminal       activity,         and    the   items      sought     –     the
    photographs and negatives – were unquestionably obtained in the
    course of newsgathering activity.                      As the Assembly Judiciary,
    7                                      A-1838-11T3
    Law,    Public     Safety   and      Defense   Committee   Statement      on    this
    legislation explained:
    The purpose of this bill is to preserve
    the first amendment's freedom of the press
    by insuring that the files of the news media
    shall not be the subject of searches and
    seizures   by  law   enforcement  officials,
    except . . . in specifically enumerated
    special cases.     The exceptions [include]
    where there is probable cause to believe
    that: the news media is involved in a crime
    . . . .
    [Assembly Judiciary, Law, Public Safety and
    Defense Committee, Statement to A.1535 (June
    28, 1979) (emphasis added).]
    This distinction is further evident in the nature of the
    remedy    provided.         If   a    search   or   seizure   is    conducted     in
    violation of the Act, the aggrieved party may bring a civil
    action.    N.J.S.A.     2A:84A-21.11.          However,    the     Act   does    not
    provide for the suppression of evidence seized in violation of
    the statute.
    We now turn to the facts of this case, which are derived
    from the record and the trial court's decision.
    Detective Nanci Arraial of the Bedminster Township Police
    Department initiated an investigation in 2007 after Amy Wollock,
    an     associate     dean    at      Rutgers    University,        contacted     her
    concerning a website, amywollock.com.               Wollock told Arraial she
    advised plaintiff, a master's degree student, that he needed
    8                               A-1838-11T3
    some additional humanities classes before she would approve his
    certification to become a teacher in New Jersey.                          Plaintiff
    threatened to sue Rutgers if he was not approved for a teacher
    certification.         Wollock     told    Arraial       she     was     afraid     of
    Amywollock.com was a self-described "web gripe site."                      The
    text on the website began,
    I have a gripe with Amy Wollock (former
    Director   of   Teacher   Education)   of  the
    Rutgers   University    Graduate   School   of
    Education    (GSE),    New    Brunswick,   NJ.
    Unfortunately,     I     was    systematically
    threatened and excluded from opportunities
    to file a formal grievance against Amy
    Wollock while I was a student at Rutgers, so
    this web site had become my only recourse.
    The website had a photograph of Wollock, with a countdown
    feature immediately below that stated, "Only 208 days until the
    fun begins."     The number of days was reduced on a daily basis.
    The    website   did   not   explain      what   was     meant   by    "the    fun."
    Plaintiff invited readers to return to the site to "tell your
    own horror story" and promised not to publish names or contact
    information unless requested to do so.
    Through the use of grand jury subpoenas, Arraial learned
    that    amywollock.com       was   created       using    an     email     account,
    amywollock@gmail.com, and that the registrant for that account
    was listed as Amy Wollock.          Arraial confirmed that Wollock had
    9                                    A-1838-11T3
    not created the email account and, investigating further, was
    able to ascertain, through the IP address, that the creator of
    the website was J.O.
    Arraial filed a complaint against plaintiff alleging that
    amywollock.com constituted harassment in violation of N.J.S.A.
    2C:33-4(a).    Plaintiff was found guilty in Bedminster Municipal
    Court and sentenced to probation in February 2009, with the
    conditions that plaintiff have no contact with Wollock and was
    prohibited from "using [his] computer to make inquiries of any
    kind about" her.     Plaintiff appealed and was found not guilty by
    the Superior Court on July 23, 2009.
    However, on June 10, 2009, before plaintiff's conviction
    was      reversed,        Wollock      contacted     Arraial      regarding
    amywollock.wordpress.com, a website she believed violated the
    municipal court's order.            The wording on the website mirrored
    the nature and content         of amywollock.com.        In addition, the
    website included hyperlinks to: a mapping system that showed
    Wollock's home address with an aerial map of her home; Wollock's
    email address, phone number, and a background check on her; and
    other links to websites that offered personal information such
    as the names of several of Wollock's relatives, her previous
    addresses,    date   of    birth,    average   income,   and   average   home
    10                           A-1838-11T3
    Through the use of grand jury subpoenas, Arraial obtained
    subscriber        information         for    the        website          and    learned     that
    amywollock.wordpress.com              was     registered            on     June    30,    2007.
    Arraial    also       learned    the    subscriber's           username          (amywollock),
    user   email      (amywollock@gmail.com),               and    IP    address.         None    of
    these were created by Wollock.                  Through the IP address, Arraial
    determined that the website and email account were created and
    used on plaintiff's computer.
    In November 2009, the Somerset County Prosecutor's Office
    applied    for    a     search   warrant/communications                   data    warrant    for
    plaintiff's residence in Westwood.                       The stated purpose of the
    warrant        application             was         to         obtain           evidence       of
    impersonation/theft             of     identity,          N.J.S.A.             2C:21-17(a)(1);
    trafficking in personal identifying information pertaining to
    another person, N.J.S.A. 2C:21-17.3(a); forgery, N.J.S.A. 2C:21-
    1(a)(2); and uttering, N.J.S.A. 2C:21-1(a)(3).
    The warrant was issued by a Superior Court judge and, on
    November     9,      2009,     executed       by    Arraial,         another        Bedminster
    detective,        and     two        Somerset       County          Prosecutor's          Office
    detectives.       Robert Saul, a police detective from the Borough of
    Westwood       who       had     been        involved          in        prior,      unrelated
    11                                       A-1838-11T3
    investigations concerning plaintiff,3 was present as local law
    enforcement.      He did not participate in the search and seizure
    of   plaintiff's     property.        Approximately       eighteen     items,
    including   plaintiff's     computers     and   related   equipment,      cell
    phone, and digital camera, were seized.
    According to plaintiff, when the officers arrived at his
    home at 9:00 a.m. on November 9, 2009, they announced they were
    executing   a   search   warrant/communications      data    warrant.         He
    asked what this was about.       One of the officers replied that it
    was "about a website."      Plaintiff replied that he had "a lot of
    websites"   and     asked   which   one    they    were     talking    about.
    Plaintiff stated the officers did not respond but threatened him
    with arrest for obstruction.        He testified he told the officers,
    "I need to call my attorney.        I need to see the search warrant."
    The officers passed the search warrant through the door, and
    plaintiff then called his attorney.
    In March 2005, Saul conducted an investigation after a
    complainant informed him that his deceased father's name had
    been used as the registrant of westwoodcops.com.        Saul's
    investigation revealed that plaintiff was the operator of the
    site, but no charges were filed because the victim suffered no
    monetary loss.
    12                               A-1838-11T3
    At no time before, during, or after the execution of the
    warrant did plaintiff advise the officers that he was entitled
    to the protection afforded by the Act.4                 He testified,
    I told them that I had websites.     So they
    were on notice that I was an internet
    publisher. I don't have to be a journalist
    under the statute.   I could be a publisher
    of news and information.   Via an electronic
    Plaintiff filed a motion to suppress the seized evidence.
    The   motion     judge     found     that   the    application        for   the     search
    warrant was supported by sufficient evidence to establish the
    requisite probable cause and denied the motion on January 19,
    2010.     Plaintiff did not appeal the denial of his suppression
    motion or his subsequent motion for reconsideration.                          Plaintiff
    was   never    charged       with    any    of    the   offenses      listed      in    the
    In January 2010, more than two months after the search
    warrant    was      executed    and    approximately          one   week    after       his
    challenge      to    the    search    warrant      failed,     plaintiff       filed       a
    verified complaint against the Bedminster defendants, Somerset
    County,    and      the    Borough    of    Westwood    and    Saul    (the    Westwood
    defendants), seeking injunctive relief and damages.                           It was in
    Given the relative obscurity of the Act, it could be that
    plaintiff was unaware of its existence at the time the warrant
    was executed. However, neither he nor Arraial claimed a lack of
    knowledge of the Act as an explanation for their conduct.
    13                                    A-1838-11T3
    this complaint that plaintiff asserted for the first time that
    the execution of the search warrant was a violation of the Act
    because   he   "is   a   person   engaged      in    gathering,      procuring,
    transmitting, compiling, editing, publishing, or disseminating
    news for the public, via the internet."
    In June 2010, the Bedminster defendants filed a demand for
    withdrawal of frivolous pleadings pursuant to Rule 1:4-8.                    All
    parties filed motions for summary judgment.                   The trial court
    granted summary judgment in favor of Somerset County and the
    Westwood defendants, dismissing the claims against them.                     The
    court denied the summary judgment motions of plaintiff and the
    Bedminster defendants.
    The    court     conducted    a    hearing       to   determine     whether
    plaintiff qualified as a news media person within the meaning of
    N.J.S.A. 2A:84A-21.9.     Following the Supreme Court's decision in
    Too Much Media, LLC v. Hale, 
    206 N.J. 209
     (2011), the court
    heard re-argument and issued a written decision finding that
    plaintiff did not qualify as a newsperson under the Act.
    The   Bedminster     defendants    filed     a   motion    for   attorney's
    fees and costs pursuant to Rule 1:4-8, which was denied by the
    trial court.   They appeal from that order.
    Plaintiff appeals from the trial court's dismissal of his
    claims against all defendants.             He argues that the trial court
    14                               A-1838-11T3
    erred    in    dismissing      his   claims        that    defendants    Township      of
    Bedminster, County of Somerset, and Borough of Westwood violated
    the    Act    because     he   is    a    person     protected    by    the     Act   and
    therefore      enjoys     absolute       freedom    from    searches    and    seizures
    (Points I and VI).             He challenges the trial court's findings
    that    the    defendants      had   a    good     faith   defense     under    the   Act
    (Point II); that Arraial neither knew nor had a duty to know
    that he is a newsperson (Point III); and that Somerset County
    was not a proper party (Point IV).                   Plaintiff also argues that
    defendants violated the Act because they failed to obtain the
    approval of the Attorney General or the Bergen County Prosecutor
    prior to obtaining the warrant (Point V).                        Finally, plaintiff
    argues that the trial court erred in dismissing his allegations
    that Arraial and Saul violated the New Jersey Civil Rights Act,
    N.J.S.A. 10:6-2(c) (Point VII).
    We hold that plaintiff's claims resting upon the Act were
    properly dismissed.            Because defendant did not appeal from the
    order denying his motion to suppress evidence, the argument that
    the warrant was not supported by probable cause advanced in
    Point VI is not properly before us.                        We also conclude that
    plaintiff's claims based upon alleged violations of the Civil
    Rights       Act   were   properly       dismissed.         Plaintiff's        remaining
    15                                  A-1838-11T3
    arguments    lack     sufficient       merit        to   warrant       discussion    in    a
    written opinion.          R. 2:11-3(e)(1)(E).
    The    facts        concerning      plaintiff's         activities       and    the
    issuance and execution of the search warrant are essentially
    undisputed.        The issue here is the legal significance of those
    facts.      Therefore, our review is de novo.                      Manalapan Realty,
    L.P. v. Twp. Comm. of Manalapan, 
    140 N.J. 366
    , 378 (1995).
    The    Act     declares      that    persons         engaged       in   enumerated
    activities are "free from searches and seizures" of documentary
    materials obtained during the course of those activities, with
    certain exceptions.           N.J.S.A. 2A:84A-21.9.                Significantly, the
    Act is designed to reach searches and seizures that would be
    sanctioned     if    only    subject      to    a    Fourth      Amendment    analysis.
    Plaintiff's arguments require us to address "who" and "what" the
    Legislature intended to protect and the obligations of claimant
    and law enforcement when a suspect in a criminal investigation
    who   claims        the    Act's    protection           lacks     a     connection       to
    traditional news media.
    "In reading and interpreting a statute, primary regard must
    be given to the fundamental purpose for which the legislation
    was enacted."        N.J. Builders, Owners & Managers Ass'n v. Blair,
    60 N.J. 330
    , 338 (1972).            "To discern the Legislature's intent,
    16                                   A-1838-11T3
    courts    first    turn      to    the    plain    language    of   the      statute      in
    question."       In re Young, 
    202 N.J. 50
    , 63 (2010); DiProspero v.
    183 N.J. 477
    , 492 (2005); Hubbard v. Reed, 
    168 N.J. 387
    392   (2001).          "If   the    plain    language       leads   to   a    clear      and
    unambiguous result, then [the] interpretive process is over."
    Richardson v. Bd. of Trs., Police & Firemen's Ret. Sys., 
    192 N.J. 189
    , 195 (2007).              "However, where a literal interpretation
    would    create    a    manifestly        absurd   result,     contrary       to    public
    policy, the spirit of the law should control."                       Turner v. First
    Union Nat'l Bank, 
    162 N.J. 75
    , 84 (1999).                     "Thus, when a literal
    interpretation of individual statutory terms or provisions would
    lead to results inconsistent with the overall purpose of the
    statute,    that       interpretation        should    be    rejected."         Hubbard,
    168 N.J. at 392-93
        (internal       quotation       marks       and
    citations omitted).
    The "who" element of the Act establishes a category of
    persons who may seek its protection, identifying them by their
    engagement        in     enumerated          activities,        i.e.,        "gathering,
    procuring,       transmitting,           compiling,    editing,      publishing,          or
    disseminating news for the public."                   N.J.S.A. 2A:84A-21.9 (news-
    persons).        There is also a "what" component that limits its
    application to documentary materials obtained in the course of
    pursuing news activities.                 "Documentary materials" are defined
    17                                    A-1838-11T3
    as "materials upon which information is recorded and includes,
    but   is    not        limited   to,        written     or   printed     materials,
    photographs, tapes, videotapes, negatives, films, outtakes and
    interview files."         N.J.S.A.      2A:84A-21.12(a).        The Act does not
    require    that   the     material     in    question    "has   been    or   will   be
    disseminated or published."            N.J.S.A. 2A:84A-21.9.
    Plaintiff has never been employed as a journalist by any
    conventional news outlet.            He argues that he is protected by the
    Act   because     he    considers    himself     "a   legitimate       gatherer     and
    publisher of news and information for the public."                     It is clear,
    however, that a person does not become "free from searches and
    seizures" under the Act solely by virtue of a claimed newsperson
    status.    Cf. Too Much Media, 
    206 N.J. at 240-42
    .                     As the
    Court recognized in addressing the application of the Shield
    Law, it requires little analysis to determine whether a person
    associated with traditional media may claim the privilege under
    that law. 
    Id. at 241-42
    .               However, when, as here, a "self-
    appointed" journalist or publisher claims statutory protection,
    more scrutiny is required.           
    Id. at 242
    Analyses of the Shield Law provide limited guidance.                            A
    person who claims the privilege afforded by the Shield Law must
    show a connection to "news media" as defined in the statute,
    i.e., "newspapers, magazines, press associations, news agencies,
    18                               A-1838-11T3
    wire   services,   radio,    television   or    other     similar   printed,
    photographic, mechanical or electronic means of disseminating
    news    to   the   general    public."         N.J.S.A.     2A:84A-21a(a).5
    Accordingly, the Court's "focus" in Too Much Media was on the
    meaning of "news media."      
    206 N.J. at 231
    A similar nexus to "news media" was included when the Act
    was first proposed.     The Assembly Judiciary, Law, Public Safety
    and Defense Committee Statement (June 28, 1979) declares the
    bill, A.1535, was intended "to preserve the first amendment's
    freedom of the press by insuring that the files of the news
    media shall not be the subject of searches and seizures by law
    enforcement officials."       (Emphasis added).         However, the terms
    "news" and "news media" were not defined and "news media" was
    not even mentioned in the final version of the Act.6
    N.J.S.A. 2A:84A-21.3(a) requires claimants to make a prima
    facie showing that (1) they have the requisite connection with
    news media, (2) they have the necessary purpose to gather or
    disseminate news, and (3) the materials subpoenaed were obtained
    in the ordinary course of pursuing professional newsgathering
    "News media" is mentioned in the headnote for the Act.
    However, because headnotes are not the product of legislative
    action, N.J.S.A. 1:3-1; State v. Darby, 
    246 N.J. Super. 432
    440-41 (App. Div.), certif. denied, 
    126 N.J. 342
     (1991), they
    are not deemed part of the legislation itself and do not assist
    in statutory interpretation.   N.J.S.A. 1:1-6; State v. Malik,
    365 N.J. Super. 267
    , 279 (App. Div. 2003), certif. denied, 
    180 N.J. 354
    19                               A-1838-11T3
    As introduced, the "who" component of the Act tracked the
    language of the Shield Law to identify the category of persons
    covered.     But    amendments   to   the    bill   arguably   expanded      the
    category   of    persons   who   might      claim   its   protection.        For
    example,   the     amendments    deleted     language     requiring   that     a
    protected person be employed "by news media for the purpose of"
    news    gathering    and   disseminating       activities.7       The      word
    "professional" was deleted from the description of activities.
    Publishing was added to the enumerated activities that could
    provide a basis for protection under the Act.
    For clarification, we provide the amendments to the relevant
    paragraph,   with  deletions   struck  through   and  additions
    Any    person,    corporation,     partnership,
    proprietorship or other entity engaged on,
    engaged in, connected with, or otherwise
    employed by news media for the purpose of in
    gathering,       procuring,       transmitting,
    compiling,     editing,      publishing,     or
    disseminating news for the general public,
    or on whose behalf news is so gathered,
    procured,   transmitted,    compiled,   edited,
    published or disseminated has a privilege to
    shall be free from searches and seizures, by
    State, county and local law enforcement
    officers,    for    with    respect    to   any
    documentary materials obtained in the course
    of pursuing his professional the aforesaid
    activities whether or not such material has
    been or will be disseminated or published.
    20                              A-1838-11T3
    At the time the Act became law, the enumerated activities
    were performed by readily identifiable, traditional newspersons.8
    Today,    the    performance        of     those    activities,      made   far     more
    accessible through the widespread use of electronic media, is a
    commonplace.      See Reno v. ACLU, 
    521 U.S. 844
    , 853, 
    117 S. Ct. 2329
    ,    2335,   
    138 L. Ed. 2d 874
    ,     886   (1997)    ("Any   person    or
    organization      with    a   computer       connected      to     the   Internet    can
    'publish' information."); Too Much Media, LLC v. Hale, 
    413 N.J. Super. 135
    , 154 (App. Div. 2010), aff'd in part and modified,
    206 N.J. 209
     (2011); Developments in the Law -- The Law of
    120 Harv. L. Rev. 990
    , 993 (2007).                        Today, a cellphone
    can be used by a pedestrian to take a video of an incident of
    police    brutality      that       will    be     played   on     the   evening    news
    broadcast.       The same phone can be used to record a kitten who
    refuses to leave a warm bath, producing a video seen by close to
    four million people on YouTube.                     In each case, it could be
    argued that the person who took the video engaged in an activity
    described in the Act.               Nonetheless, we are confident that the
    Legislature      did   not    intend       to    provide    protection      above    and
    Indeed, the statement issued by the Governor's Office after
    the bill became law states the Act "imposes a strict prohibition
    against searches and seizures of a newsman's 'work product'
    materials, except in specific situations."      (Feb. 28, 1980)
    (emphasis added).
    21                                A-1838-11T3
    beyond that provided by the Fourth Amendment to someone based
    upon the posting of a video of a wet kitten on the Internet.
    The absence of a definition of "news" and the deletion of
    language requiring a nexus to "news media" and "professional"
    activities invite an evaluation of the newsworthiness of the
    material published that is bound to be subjective in nature.                  In
    light of the stated purpose to preserve freedom of the press,
    such a result is undesirable.          Cf. Too Much Media, supra, 
    206 N.J. at 242
     ("Hearings       [to determine whether the Shield Law
    privilege applies] should not devolve into extensive questioning
    about an author's editorial, writing, or thought processes.").
    As a self-described "internet publisher," plaintiff's claim
    to protection under the Act merited more scrutiny than a claim
    made by a member of traditional news media.             See 
         From the
    officers'   perspective,    they   went    to   plaintiff's    residence     to
    execute a lawfully issued warrant to search for evidence of
    offenses committed by plaintiff relating to his two "web gripe
    sites"   regarding   Amy   Wollock.        Asked   if   she   could   make   an
    evaluation as to whether plaintiff was "a legitimate gatherer
    and publisher of news and information for the public" based upon
    the content of his websites, Arraial testified:
    If there were any indication based on the
    facts that I had at any point that Mr.
    O was a news-reporting individual, I
    could look at a website and decide that.
    22                              A-1838-11T3
    But there was absolutely no indication
    whatsoever that Mr. O was reporting
    news    during     my    investigation    of
    amywollock.wordpress.com   or    any   other
    investigation that I've done on behalf of
    Ms. Wollock with regard to Mr. O as
    a suspect.
    Arraial's     opinion         that    the    websites    failed      to    establish
    plaintiff's     status      as    "a   news-reporting       individual"         was   not
    unreasonable.     Plaintiff used a subterfuge to distance himself
    from the Amy Wollock websites, creating an email account in her
    name and using that to create the websites.                         Consistent with
    that conduct, the stated purpose of the warrant application was
    to obtain evidence that plaintiff used his computer to engage in
    identity theft and related offenses.
    Moreover,        plaintiff's         own    conduct    when    the    warrant     was
    executed failed to alert the officers to any claim of protected
    status.    When the officers announced their purpose, plaintiff
    demanded   to   see    the       search    warrant.        He     did    not   tell   the
    officers that the warrant was invalid because he was free from
    searches and seizures under the Act.                In fact, he did not assert
    this claim until more than two months later, after a court had
    determined    that    the    search       and    seizure    did    not    violate     his
    constitutional rights.
    Plaintiff argues, however, that he had no obligation to
    identify himself as a newsperson.                 He contends that the officers
    23                                   A-1838-11T3
    were on "inquiry notice" as to his status because he "told them
    [he] had websites," and Arraial knew he had other websites based
    upon Saul's prior investigation.9                      As a result, he argues that
    the officers had an obligation to conduct an investigation to
    determine     if     he    was   protected        by    the    Act     before    seeking     a
    warrant.      We disagree.
    As support for his position that the officers had a duty to
    investigate     his       status,    plaintiff         cites    Steve     Jackson       Games,
    Inc. v. U.S. Secret Service, 
    816 F. Supp. 432
     (W.D. Tex. 1993),
    aff'd   on    other       grounds,    
    36 F.3d 457
        (5th    Cir.     1994).      His
    reliance is misplaced.
    In       Steve    Jackson       Games,    the      Secret        Service    agents     had
    probable cause to believe that an employee of Steve Jackson
    Games (the company) had hacked into Bell South's 911 program and
    stored the information on his computers at home and at work.
    They obtained a warrant for the company's offices, believing
    Plaintiff identified four other websites, which he relies upon
    to establish his bona fides as a newsperson.         The website
    mrwestwood.com identifies itself as "Westwood, NJ – Pascack
    Valley Blog" and contains news and information about that
    municipality.    Plaintiff also created and maintained uhaul-
    sucks.com and uhaulsucks.wordpress.com "after a horrible moving
    experience" and described the websites as containing news and
    information about unsafe equipment rented by the company.      On
    jo.com, plaintiff identifies himself as a biology,
    chemistry, science, and tech teacher; SAT and ACT tutor; and
    publisher, and blogs about related topics. This last website is
    the only website on which plaintiff used his real name.
    24                                     A-1838-11T3
    that its business was to "put out games."                     
    816 F. Supp. at 436
    But, unlike here, there was never any suspicion that the owner
    of   the   company   or      any   other    plaintiff         had    engaged    in   any
    criminal activities.          
    Id. at 435
    .        It was for this reason that
    the District Court faulted the agents for failing to conduct any
    investigation regarding the nature of the company's business.
    Id. at 436, n.4
    Indeed,   Steve     Jackson     Games          provides       support    for   the
    concept that the claimant's timely assertion of the statutory
    protection   should     be    considered        by    the    court    in   determining
    whether the protection applies.                 Unlike here, an employee told
    the agent that the company was in the publishing business at the
    time the warrant was executed.              
    Id. at 437
    .         It was because the
    Secret Service agents were advised of facts during the search
    that put them on notice of probable violations of the PPA that
    the Court found the continued seizure of the items thereafter
    was a basis for liability under the PPA.                    
    Id. at 440-41
    Plaintiff also argues that he was not required to divulge
    his claimed status to law enforcement, relying upon language in
    Too Much Media, supra, 
    206 N.J. at 239
    .                     Again, his reliance is
    First of all, the Court did not state that a newsperson
    need not assert his status in order to invoke the privilege
    25                                  A-1838-11T3
    under the Shield Law.             To the contrary, the Court observed that
    N.J.S.A.      2A:84A-21.3        "outlines         a    procedure   for    invoking     the
    newsperson's privilege."               Too Much Media, supra, 
    206 N.J. at 240
    .    Before a newsperson is permitted to withhold information
    otherwise       subject     to     compulsory            disclosure,      the   claim   of
    privilege must be invoked and the requisite prima facie showing
    must be made.        See 
    Although the Act does not address this issue, the case for
    timely disclosure is even stronger when the protection afforded
    is to be "free from searches and seizures."                            By their nature,
    there is a measure of urgency in securing items sought in search
    warrants.       See Sgro v. United States, 
    287 U.S. 206
    , 210-11, 
    53 S. Ct. 138
    , 140, 
    77 L. Ed. 260
    , 263 (1932) ("[I]t is manifest
    that the proof [of probable cause] must be of facts so closely
    related to the time of the issue of the warrant as to justify a
    finding    of    probable      cause     at    that       time.")   (emphasis     added);
    State v. Novembrino, 
    105 N.J. 95
    , 124 (1987).
    Freedom      of   the     press   is        not    compromised      by   requiring
    persons who claim protection under the Act to assert that claim
    as early as practicable.             In this case, that would have been at
    the    time   the    officers      arrived         at     plaintiff's     residence     and
    announced they had a warrant.                  However, not only did plaintiff
    fail to assert his claim, he demanded to see the warrant as a
    26                                 A-1838-11T3
    condition   of   admission,     an   act   that   ratified     the   officers'
    belief they were acting in full compliance with applicable laws.
    Moreover, plaintiff's failure to timely advise the officers
    of his claimed status deprived them of the opportunity to comply
    with the requirement of N.J.S.A. 2A:84A-21.10 that applications
    to the court for warrants sought under the Act be approved in
    advance by the Attorney General "or the prosecutor of the county
    in which execution of the warrant will take place."                   The Act
    carved out an exception to the statutory prohibition for lawful
    searches and seizures where there is probable cause to believe a
    person who possesses the materials to be seized "has committed
    or is committing the criminal offense for which the materials
    are sought."     N.J.S.A. 2A:84A-21.9(a).         The search and seizure
    here    unequivocally   falls    within     the   four   corners     of   this
    "suspect"   exception   as    the    sufficiency    of   the    evidence      to
    support a finding of probable cause is established.                   However,
    the warrant was approved by the prosecutor of Somerset County,
    not the prosecutor of Bergen County, where it was executed.                 The
    presence of Saul at the execution of the search warrant suggests
    an awareness and tacit approval of the search by Bergen County
    law enforcement authorities.         It is reasonable to conclude that,
    if plaintiff had made his position known to the officers before
    the warrant was executed, the approval of the Bergen County
    27                              A-1838-11T3
    Prosecutor would have been secured or the search would have been
    abandoned.         No purpose identified by the Legislature is served
    by permitting a suspect in a criminal investigation to evade the
    application of the suspect exception by concealing his claim to
    protected status under the Act.
    In   sum,      the    legislative      intent       to    preserve         the     First
    Amendment's freedom of the press is not compromised by requiring
    persons    who      claim     protection       under   the          Act    to    alert    law
    enforcement officers to that fact in a timely manner.                              And, in
    our view, it would place a wholly unnecessary burden upon law
    enforcement        officers     to    require      them        to     conduct      Internet
    searches of postings by the targets of criminal investigations
    to determine whether those persons might be protected under the
    Act   prior    to    obtaining       validly     issued    search          warrants      under
    circumstances such as those here.
    We   therefore        hold     that   the    detectives             here   were     not
    required      to    conduct     an    investigation        to        determine      whether
    plaintiff was protected by the Act under the facts known to them
    when they sought and executed the warrant.                                We further hold
    that, by failing to assert his claim to such protection when the
    warrant was executed, plaintiff waived any right to pursue a
    civil action under the Act.
    28                                     A-1838-11T3
    Even     if    plaintiff        had    alerted    law    enforcement       to   his
    claimed   status     in   a    timely      manner,    he    was    not   entitled    to
    protection under the Act.            Rather than provide a blanket freedom
    from otherwise lawful searches and seizures, the Act limits the
    prohibited    searches        and    seizures    to    those       for   "documentary
    materials obtained in the course of pursuing" the enumerated
    activities, N.J.S.A. 2A:84A-21.9, or what might be described as
    work product materials.
    The materials sought by warrant here were not obtained by
    plaintiff    in     any   newsgathering          activity,        and    he   has   not
    identified    any     seized        item    as   such.            Plaintiff    created
    amywollock.com to publish his personal "gripe" with Amy Wollock
    and invited others to "tell your own horror story."                       The website
    acknowledged its limited purpose, stating, "Web gripe sites are
    a protected form of free speech, well-established by case law.
    If you encounter the RU Screw or any other injustice, keep notes
    and wait until the time is right for your story to be safely
    told."    The second website, amywollock.wordpress.com, described
    a similar purpose: "We hope that this website will be a place
    where kindred spirits can come together to heal and to learn how
    to enjoy life after escaping from Amy Wollock."
    29                                 A-1838-11T3
    Implicitly      acknowledging      that       these      websites       were    not
    employed in newsgathering, plaintiff contends that the removal
    of amywollock.com from the Internet in 2007 and the condition
    attached      to     his   probationary        sentence      prevented         him    from
    developing      the    websites    as   he     had    developed        other    Internet
    websites.       However, his unrealized aspirations for the websites
    will not validate his claim to protection under the Act.                               Cf.
    Too Much Media, supra, 
    206 N.J. at 218-21, 238
    .                            We therefore
    conclude      that    plaintiff     was      not     "free      from    searches       and
    seizures" of the materials sought in the warrant because they
    were    not    documentary       materials     obtained         in   the    pursuit     of
    activities enumerated in the Act.
    In    Point    VII,   plaintiff       argues    that      Arraial        and   Saul
    violated      N.J.S.A.     10:6-2(c)    by     "act[ing]        in   bad    faith,     and
    without probable cause that plaintiff had committed any crimes,
    to deprive plaintiff of his rights . . . and to confiscate" his
    property.      He argues their involvement in the search and seizure
    of     his    property     was    "retaliatory        in     nature,"       based     upon
    "harbored      ill    will   toward     plaintiff"         as    a     result    of    his
    publishing activity and his successful appeal of the harassment
    conviction.        He states their actions violated N.J. Const., art.
    30                                     A-1838-11T3
    I,   ¶¶   6,   7,    and   that     they    are       not     entitled    to    qualified
    immunity.      These arguments lack merit.
    Plaintiff's       challenge     to     the       search       on   constitutional
    grounds was rejected in the denial of his suppression motion and
    again in the denial of his motion for reconsideration.                               He did
    not appeal either of those decisions and cannot relitigate the
    sufficiency of the evidence to establish probable cause for the
    issuance of the warrant now.               See Velasquez v. Franz, 
    123 N.J. 498
    , 505 (1991).           Because plaintiff has not been "deprived of
    any . . . substantive rights, privileges or immunities secured
    by the Constitution or laws of this State," his claim under
    N.J.S.A. 10:6-2(c) fails.
    We next turn to the Bedminster defendants' argument that
    the trial court erred in denying their motion for counsel fees
    pursuant to Rule 1:4-8.            This court's review of an order denying
    a    motion    for     attorneys'    fees        is    guided       by   the    abuse      of
    discretion standard.            See Packard-Bamberger & Co. v. Collier,
    167 N.J. 427
    , 444 (2001); Barr v. Barr, 
    418 N.J. Super. 18
    , 46
    (App. Div. 2011).
    Rule     1:4-8    provides    litigants          with    "a   monetary        sanction
    remedy    including        an   attorney's            fee     allowance"       to    punish
    "frivolous pleadings."            Pressler & Verniero, Current N.J. Court
    31                                       A-1838-11T3
    Rules, comment 1 on R. 1:4-8 (2014); see R. 1:4-8(d)(2).                              Our
    courts have strictly construed the nature of conduct warranting
    sanction under R. 1:4-8, LoBiondo v. Schwartz, 
    199 N.J. 62
    , 116-
    17 (2009), mindful that "honest and creative advocacy should not
    be discouraged."         Wyche v. Unsatisfied Claim and Judgment Fund
    of State, 
    383 N.J. Super. 554
    , 561 (App. Div. 2006) (quoting
    Iannone v. McHale, 
    245 N.J. Super. 17
    , 28 (App. Div. 1990)).
    Therefore, an award of attorney's fees under Rule 1:4-8 will not
    be appropriate where there is an objectively reasonable belief
    in the merits of an argument, see First Atl. Fed. Credit Union
    v. Perez, 
    391 N.J. Super. 419
    , 433 (App. Div. 2007); K.D. v.
    313 N.J. Super. 561
    ,       574-75   (App.    Div.),      certif.
    156 N.J. 425
     (1998); or where the plaintiff is engaged
    in   a    legitimate     effort   to        extend   the   law     on    a    previously
    undecided issue.         See Wyche, 
    383 N.J. Super. at 560-61
    see also N.J.S.A. 2A:15-59.1(b).
    As we have noted, there have been no published opinions
    that interpreted or applied the Act in more than three decades.
    Under     the    circumstances,       the    trial   court   did        not   abuse   its
    discretion in declining to award counsel fees to the Bedminster
    defendants pursuant to Rule 1:4-8.
    32                                 A-1838-11T3