Paterson Police Pba Local 1 v. City of Paterson, Etc. , 433 N.J. Super. 416 ( 2013 )

    DOCKET NO. A-1263-11T1
    November 27, 2013
    CITY OF PATERSON, a municipal
    corporation of the State
    of New Jersey,
    Argued April 29, 2013 – Decided November 27, 2013
    Before Judges Graves, Espinosa and Guadagno.
    On appeal from Superior Court of New Jersey,
    Chancery Division, General Equity Part,
    Passaic County, Docket No. C-33-11.
    Brian W. Kronick argued the cause for
    appellant   (Genova,  Burns,   Giantomasi  &
    Webster, attorneys; Mr. Kronick, of counsel;
    David K. Broderick and Brett M. Pugach, on
    the briefs).
    Mark C. Rushfield argued the cause for
    respondents (Shaw, Perelson, May & Lambert,
    LLP, attorneys; Mr. Rushfield, of counsel
    and on the brief).
    Robert Fagella argued the cause for amicus
    curiae New Jersey State Police Benevolent
    Association    (Zazzali,   Fagella, Nowak,
    Kleinbaum & Friedman, attorneys; Paul L.
    Kleinbaum, of counsel and on the brief;
    Marissa A. McAleer, on the brief).
    Eileen   Schlindwein   Den   Bleyker,  Senior
    Deputy Attorney General, argued the cause
    for   amicus   curiae   Division    of  Local
    Government    Services    and    New   Jersey
    Department of the Treasury, Division of
    Pensions and Benefits (Jeffrey S. Chiesa,
    Attorney General, attorney; Robert Lougy,
    Assistant Attorney General, of counsel; Ms.
    Den Bleyker, on the brief).
    Matthew Weng, Staff Counsel, argued the
    cause for amicus curiae New Jersey State
    League of Municipalities (William J. Kearns,
    Jr., General Counsel, attorney; Mr. Weng, on
    the brief).
    Craig S. Gumpel argued the cause for amicus
    curiae New Jersey State Firefighters' Mutual
    Benevolent Association (Fox & Fox, LLP,
    attorneys; Mr. Gumpel, on the brief).
    The opinion of the court was delivered by
    After    collective     negotiation    agreements    (CNAs)    between
    defendant City of Paterson and plaintiffs, Paterson Police PBA
    Local   1   and   Paterson   Police   PBA   Local   1   Superior   Officers
    Association,1 expired, the parties engaged in compulsory interest
    Plaintiffs Paterson Police PBA Local 1 (PBA) and Paterson
    Police PBA Local 1 Superior Officers Association (SOA) are
    public sector labor organizations organized under the laws of
    the State of New Jersey.   The PBA is the collective bargaining
    representative for all rank-and-file police officers of the City
    of Paterson, and the SOA is the collective bargaining
    2                            A-1263-11T1
    arbitration.      The resulting award required, in part, that police
    officers     "shall      make    contributions            toward     health     insurance
    coverage in the amount of 1.5% of base salary" pursuant to L.
    2010, c. 2.       Defendant interpreted base salary as an officer's
    base    pensionable       salary       and        made     deductions         accordingly.
    Plaintiffs initiated this action, contending that "base salary"
    meant base contractual salary and excluded additional items of
    compensation      such    as     longevity,         educational         incentives,      and
    night and detective differentials.                      The trial judge agreed with
    plaintiffs and entered judgment in their favor.
    Although base salary was not defined in either the statute
    or the award, it was defined in a subsequent statute that was
    applicable to the award here.                See N.J.S.A. 34:13A-16.7.              In the
    absence    of    any     statement     to         the    contrary,       we   assume     the
    arbitrator      used   the      term   "base       salary"    as        directed    by   the
    Legislature.       Therefore, and for the reasons that follow, we
    agree     with     defendant's         interpretation              of     the      interest
    arbitration award and reverse.
    On February 8, 2010, the Legislature introduced Senate Bill
    Numbers 2, 3, and 4, which were passed and signed into law on
    representative for all superior police officers in the ranks of
    sergeant through deputy chief.
    3                                     A-1263-11T1
    March    22,    2010.         The   three     bills      implemented     some       of    the
    recommendations         of    the   Joint    Legislative         Committee     on    Public
    Employee Benefits Reform, Final Report (Dec. 1, 2006) (Final
    Report),2 which was created to identify "proposals that will
    terminate abuses of the pension systems and control the cost of
    providing       public    employee        retirement,        health    care    and     other
    benefits."       Id. at 1; see also Commc'ns Workers of Am. v. State
    of N.J., Dep't of Treasury, 
    421 N.J. Super. 75
    , 83 (Law Div.
    2011).     The law at issue here, which provided changes to the
    health benefits program, was introduced as S. 3, enacted as L.
    2010, c. 2, and codified as amended at N.J.S.A. 40A:10-21.                                The
    two other bills provided changes to public pension benefits (S.
    2, enacted as L. 2010, c. 1), and employee benefits (S. 4,
    enacted as L. 2010, c. 3).
    In    the     Final       Report,      the     Committee        noted    that       its
    investigation       of       "health      benefits      issues    revealed     a     system
    plagued    by     the    skyrocketing        costs      of   health    care    that      have
    dramatically       increased        the    cost    of   health    benefits      for      both
    current and retired public employees."                       Final Report, supra, at
    57.      The    Committee       recommended        forty-one      reforms      to    public
    employee       pensions,      health      care    benefits,      and   other    employee
    Available   at
    OPI/jcpe_final_report.pdf (last visited on Nov. 20, 2013).
    4                                      A-1263-11T1
    benefits, which it found were long "overdue."                Id. at 2-5.      With
    regard to health care costs, the Committee recommended that the
    Legislature     require   all   active      public    employees    and     future
    retirees   to   pay   some   portion       of   the   cost   of   their    health
    insurance premiums.       Id. at 113-18.         The resulting legislation
    was "designed to improve the fiscal strength of State and local
    governments, reduce taxpayer burdens, and ensure the health and
    pension systems remain viable for current and future employees."3
    Commc'ns Workers of Am., supra, 
    421 N.J. Super. at 83
    L. 2010, c. 2, added subsection (b) to N.J.S.A. 40A:10-21.
    As amended, N.J.S.A. 40A:10-21(b) provides:
    Commencing on the effective date [May 21,
    2010] of P.L. 2010, c. 2 and upon the
    expiration    of    any   applicable  binding
    collective negotiations agreement in force
    on that effective date, employees of an
    employer shall pay 1.5 percent of base
    salary, through the withholding of the
    contribution from the pay, salary or other
    compensation,    for   health  care  benefits
    coverage provided pursuant to N.J.S. 40A:10-
    17, notwithstanding any other amount that
    may be required additionally pursuant to
    subsection a. of this section for such
    In June 2011, the Legislature enacted a successor health
    benefits law, L. 2011, c. 78 (codified in part at N.J.S.A.
    40A:10-21.1), that requires all public employees, including
    employees covered under local unit self-insured programs, to
    contribute to their health benefits based on a percentage of the
    cost of coverage, and not base salary, which shall under no
    circumstances be less than 1.5% of an employee's base salary.
    5                                  A-1263-11T1
    "Base salary" is not defined under the statute.                        Adding to
    the   resulting       ambiguity       is    the     fact    that     the    employee's
    contribution        is     made     "through        the     withholding          of    the
    contribution        from    the    pay,     salary    or    other     compensation."
    N.J.S.A.     40A:10-21(b)         (emphasis       added).       No    administrative
    regulations    defining       the   term     "base    salary"      were    promulgated
    under the amended statute.
    However, guidelines were published by the State Department
    of the Treasury, Division of Pensions and Benefits (DPB), and
    the   New   Jersey       Department    of    Community      Affairs,       Division     of
    Local Government Services (DLGS) to be provided to the affected
    groups.      DLGS was established in the Department of Community
    Affairs     under    the    Local     Government      Supervision          Act   (1947),
    N.J.S.A.     52:27BB-1       to     -23,     and     exercises       regulatory        and
    supervisory powers over local governments.                    It is authorized to
    "assist local government in the solution of its problems, and
    plan and guide needed readjustments for effective local self-
    government."        N.J.S.A. 52:27BB-6.            To this end, the Director of
    DLGS may provide instruction to local government units through
    Local Finance Notices (LFNs).               N.J.A.C. 5:30-1.8.
    DLGS issued LFN 2010-12 to provide "guidance for complying
    with" N.J.S.A. 40A:10-21(b) to local units, such as defendant,
    that provide non-State Health Benefits Program (SHBP) coverage.
    6                                    A-1263-11T1
    LFN   2010-12    highlighted   important      elements   of   the   law     and
    included Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) in which it defined
    "base salary" as the "salary on which pension contribution . . .
    is based."      This definition was consistent with the definition
    of base salary in a statewide informal guideline issued by the
    DPB for the administration of SHBP.4
    Defendant sought to comply with the dictates of N.J.S.A.
    40A:10-21 by following LFN 2010-12.            Accordingly, it deducted
    1.5% of base pensionable salary from all its employees' pay as
    their contribution toward their health benefits.
    Prior to the enactment of N.J.S.A. 40A:10-21(b), plaintiffs
    and defendant were parties to two separate CNAs, which governed
    the terms of employment of all member police officers, including
    salary ranges by step and rank, and percentage increases for
    longevity.      Officers assigned as detectives received an annual
    $2000 "detective differential" that was "payable bi-weekly in
    addition to their base pay."         An officer who worked the night
    shift received a five percent "night differential," as part of
    his or her "regular base salary," and an officer who completed
    eighteen   years    of   service   received    an   annual    "base    salary
    See also New Jersey State League of Municipalities' website,      (last
    visited Nov. 20, 2013).
    7                                A-1263-11T1
    increase" of $2000.            As part of his or her "regular salary," an
    officer received an "education incentive reimbursement" in the
    amount of $22.50 for each credit hour earned toward a degree or
    certificate.         Officers also received periodic compensation for
    overtime, court attendance, rescheduled duty tours, clothing and
    equipment    allowances,           and    off-duty             assignments.           Under    the
    agreement, officers paid deductibles for medical care, but did
    not   contribute         toward     the     cost          of    their       health     insurance
    Because      the    parties        were       unable       to   negotiate        successor
    agreements,       their     CNAs    expired          on    July       31,    2008,     and    they
    submitted     to      compulsory          interest             arbitration      pursuant       to
    N.J.S.A. 34:13A-16 with New Jersey Public Employment Relations
    Commission (PERC).             Hearings were conducted by an arbitrator in
    October 2009.         On February 17, 2011, the arbitrator issued an
    Interest Arbitration Decision and Award, which established the
    terms of the CNAs between the parties for August 1, 2008, to
    July 31, 2012.        The arbitration award set a new salary schedule
    and   modified        the      longevity            schedule,         but     continued       the
    provisions      of       the    prior      agreements             regarding          educational
    incentives, and night and detective differentials.
    The arbitration award recognized the applicability of the
    amendment    to    N.J.S.A.        40A:10-21.              Noting      that    neither       party
    8                                       A-1263-11T1
    "made a proposal regarding employee co-payments toward health
    insurance," the arbitrator nevertheless took "official notice of
    an act by the New Jersey Legislature requiring the payment of
    1.5% of base salary towards health insurance effective May 21,
    2010."   Accordingly, the award included the following language
    in Article 31:
    Pursuant to P.L. 2010, c. 2, unit employees
    shall   make   contributions  toward   health
    insurance coverage in the amount of 1.5% of
    base salary.       This level of employee
    contribution shall be inclusive of, rather
    than   in    addition   to,  any    statutory
    obligation towards an employee's requirement
    to make contributions toward the payment of
    health insurance.
    Neither party filed an appeal of the award to PERC.
    After the arbitrator's award was issued, defendant began
    withholding 1.5% of each police officer's pensionable salary,
    retroactive to the effective date of the statute.                  Defendant
    calculated   pensionable    salary       as   base     salary    wages   plus
    additional   items   of      compensation,           including    longevity,
    educational incentives, and night and detective differentials,
    but not overtime pay.      Plaintiffs filed a verified complaint to
    confirm the February 17, 2011, compulsory interest arbitration
    award pursuant to N.J.S.A. 34:13A-16, challenging defendant's
    calculation of base salary, as well as an order to show cause
    for summary action pursuant to Rule 4:67-1.             Defendant filed an
    9                               A-1263-11T1
    answer and counterclaim, alleging that it had withheld 1.5% of
    each employee's "pensionable salary" in accord with LFN 2010-12.
    Defendant   also    sought       modification      or     correction     of     the
    arbitrator's award to clarify that "it shall withhold 1.5% of
    pensionable salary in conformance with P.L. 2010, c. 2 . . . ."
    The trial court held that defendant could not assert a
    counterclaim to "modify the award" because it failed to appeal
    the arbitrator's decision to PERC and because defendant failed
    to establish grounds for such modification pursuant to N.J.S.A.
    2A:24-9.    The    court    found   the    award    was    "still     subject   to
    confirmation . . . as written on its face."               The court concluded
    that the "clear and common meaning of the term 'base salary' in
    P.L. 2010, c. 2" excluded "additional payments or allowances . .
    . such as overtime pay, educational incentives, detective and
    night   differentials,     and   longevity    pay."        The   court   entered
    final judgment, ordering defendant to "immediately adjust the
    deductions taken from its police employees' wages to reflect a
    deduction of 1.5% of 'base salary' for health contributions,
    excluding   from    'base    salary'       such    benefits      as   longevity,
    overtime, educational incentives, and night and detective pay
    differentials."     The judge also ordered defendant to refund the
    amounts in excess of that definition previously deducted from
    police officers' salary.
    10                                 A-1263-11T1
    The judge later issued an order that granted a stay as to
    retroactive      excess      deductions,          but   denied       a    stay    of     the
    prospective      deductions.         After        defendant     filed      a    notice   of
    appeal, we granted defendant's motion for a stay.
    Defendant argues that the trial court erred in interpreting
    the   term   "base     salary"     as    meaning        base   contractual         salary,
    rather than "base pensionable salary," and thereby improperly
    excluded such additional items of compensation as educational
    incentives, detective and night differentials, and longevity pay
    from the calculation of base salary.                    Amici DLGS, DPB, and the
    State   League    of      Municipalities         support    defendant's          position.
    Amici    New     Jersey      State       Firefighters'           Mutual         Benevolent
    Association      (FMBA)      and     New     Jersey        Policemen's          Benevolent
    Association support plaintiffs' interpretation of base salary.
    The judgment, which enforced an arbitration award pursuant
    to    N.J.S.A.     34:13A-19,           turned      upon       the       trial     judge's
    interpretation       of    the   term    "base      salary"     in   the       arbitration
    award and, in effect, as used in N.J.S.A. 40A:10-21(b).                                When
    construing a law, a reviewing court conducts "a de novo review"
    and does not "accord any special deference to a trial court's
    interpretation."          US Bank, N.A. v. Hough, 
    210 N.J. 187
    , 198
    11                                    A-1263-11T1
    (2012).     See Manalapan Realty, L.P. v. Twp. Comm. of Manalapan,
    140 N.J. 366
    , 378 (1995).
    We    first    review    the    nature    of   the    award    that   was   the
    subject of interpretation by the trial court and now, in this
    Compulsory interest arbitration, which is governed by the
    "Police and Fire Public Interest Arbitration Reform Act" (the
    Reform Act), N.J.S.A. 34:13A-14(a) to -19, provides a mechanism
    for   the   speedy    resolution      of   collective       negotiation     disputes
    between     police    and     fire     departments     and     their    employers.
    Hillsdale PBA Local 207 v. Borough of Hillsdale, 
    137 N.J. 71
    , 80
    (1994).      Arbitration conducted pursuant to the Reform Act is
    subject to a statutorily mandated procedure.                        The arbitrator
    must "decide the dispute based on a reasonable determination of
    the issues, giving due weight to [enumerated statutory factors]
    that are judged relevant for the resolution of the specific
    dispute."     N.J.S.A. 34:13A-16(g); see also In re City of Camden,
    429 N.J. Super. 309
    , 325 (App. Div.), certif. denied, 
    215 N.J. 485
    The arbitrator's decision is final and binding upon the
    parties.       N.J.S.A.       34:13A-16(f)(5).         There    is,    however,      a
    procedure     for    appealing       the   decision    to    PERC.      See    
    12                               A-1263-11T1
    Although none of the parties appealed, they were permitted to
    seek     enforcement          of   the        decision      in    the    Superior       Court.
    N.J.S.A. 34:13A-19.            In our view, the relief sought by defendant
    was not a modification of the award but rather, a clarification
    that use of the term "base salary" in the award was consistent
    with applicable law.
    The new Article 31 in the award explicitly referred to L.
    2010, c. 2, reciting the requirement that employees contribute
    1.5% of their "base salary" toward the cost of their health
    insurance.           Therefore,       to      understand         the    meaning    of    "base
    salary" within the award, we must determine the meaning of that
    term in the statute.
    The        court's     "task      in     statutory        interpretation         is   to
    determine and effectuate the Legislature's intent."                               Bosland v.
    Warnock Dodge, Inc., 
    197 N.J. 543
    , 553 (2009).                                 Courts "look
    first to the plain language of the statute, seeking further
    guidance only to the extent that the Legislature's intent cannot
    be derived from the words that it has chosen."                                 McGovern v.
    211 N.J. 94
    , 108 (2012) (quoting Bosland, 
    197 N.J. at 553
    As    noted,     "base      salary"       is   not    defined      in   the   statute
    itself       or    in   any    administrative            regulation       promulgated        to
    13                                   A-1263-11T1
    implement the statute.              Moreover, it is susceptible to multiple
    interpretations.            "Salary" has been defined as "monies received
    by a person on a fixed and continuous basis, i.e., normally paid
    in    regular    periodic      intervals      in           specific    regular       amounts."
    Koribanics v. Bd. of Educ. of Clifton, 
    48 N.J. 1
    , 6 (1966);
    Wilson v. Bd. of Trs. of Police and Firemen's Ret. Sys., 
    322 N.J. Super. 477
    ,     481    (App.    Div.           1998);    see     Black's      Law
    Dictionary 1454 (9th ed. 2009) (defining salary "[a]s an agreed
    compensation      for       services    .     .        .    usually    paid     at     regular
    intervals on a yearly basis"); but see Webster's II New College
    Dictionary 92 (1995) ("defining base pay" as "[a]n amount or a
    rate of compensation for a specified job or activity, excluding
    any other payments or allowances").
    We therefore turn to "extrinsic evidence from which [we]
    hope[] to glean the Legislature's intent."                              Klumb v. Bd. of
    Educ. of Manalapan-Englishtown Reg'l High Sch. Dist., 
    199 N.J. 14
    ,    24   (2009)    (citing       Bedford       v.       Riello,    
    195 N.J. 210
    ,   222
    (2008)).     "When a statute is subject to more than one plausible
    reading," the court's "role is 'to effectuate the legislative
    intent in light of the language used and the objects sought to
    be achieved.'"         Velazquez v. Jiminez, 
    172 N.J. 240
    , 256 (2002)
    (quoting State v. Hoffman, 
    149 N.J. 564
    , 578 (1997)).                                "Both the
    statute's words and its goals must be considered."                             Kas Oriental
    14                                       A-1263-11T1
    Rugs, Inc. v. Ellman, 
    407 N.J. Super. 538
    , 569 (App. Div.),
    certif. denied, 
    200 N.J. 476
    Such     extrinsic         evidence        properly        includes      legislative
    history and statutory context.                    See McGovern, supra, 211 N.J. at
    108; TAC Assocs. v. N.J. Dep't of Envtl. Prot., 
    202 N.J. 533
    541 (2010).          As we have noted, the enactment here was part of a
    comprehensive         legislative          effort      to   control     costs    by    making
    changes to public employees' pension benefits, health benefits
    programs, and other benefits.
    In   addition,        we     have    the       benefit     of   other    legislative
    action, enacted by the same legislative body in the same year as
    L.    2010,     c.    2,    which    also        served     the   legislative      goal       of
    controlling costs associated with public employees compensation
    and benefits.          N.J.S.A. 34:13A-16.75 amended the provisions of
    the    Reform    Act       applicable       to    compulsory       interest     arbitration
    involving police and firefighters, the arbitration that led to
    the award here.             It imposed a two percent "cap" on police and
    firefighter arbitration awards issued from January 1, 2011 to
    April 1, 2014, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 34:13A-16.9.6                              In addition,
    5 L. 2010
    , c. 105, § 2 (effective Jan. 1, 2011).
    N.J.S.A. 34:13A-16.7(b) states:
    An arbitrator shall not render any award
    pursuant to [N.J.S.A. 34:13A-16] which, on
    15                                   A-1263-11T1
    N.J.S.A.   34:13A-16.7(a)   provides   the   definition   for   "base
    salary" to be used in police and firefighter arbitrations:
    "Base salary" means the salary provided
    pursuant to a salary guide or table and any
    amount   provided  pursuant   to  a    salary
    increment, including any amount provided for
    longevity or length of service.      It also
    shall include any other item agreed to by
    the parties, or any other item that was
    included in the base salary as understood by
    the parties in the prior contract. Base
    salary shall not include non-salary economic
    issues, pension and health and medical
    insurance costs.
    "Non-salary   economic  issues" means  any
    economic issue that is not included in the
    definition of base salary.
    an annual basis, increases base salary items
    by more than 2.0 percent of the aggregate
    amount expended by the public employer on
    base salary items for the members of the
    affected employee organization in the twelve
    months immediately preceding the expiration
    of the collective negotiation agreement
    subject to arbitration; provided, however,
    the parties may agree, or the arbitrator may
    decide, to distribute the aggregate monetary
    value of the award over the term of the
    collective negotiation agreement in unequal
    annual   percentages.     An  award   of  an
    arbitrator shall not include base salary
    items and non-salary economic issues which
    were not included in the prior collective
    negotiations agreement.
    As we have noted, neither party appealed the arbitration award
    to PERC and neither party contends that the award failed to
    comply with these limitations.
    16                          A-1263-11T1
    Significantly, the arbitration award here was not issued until
    February 17, 2011, after the effective date of N.J.S.A. 34:13A-
    16.7, and therefore was subject to these definitions.
    "[T]he arbitrator in a public employment case is obliged to
    resolve [a dispute] in accordance with the law and the public
    interest."       Commc'ns Workers of Am., Local 1087 v. Monmouth
    Cnty. Bd. of Soc. Servs., 
    96 N.J. 442
    , 453 (1984).                   If an award
    in a public sector case is contrary to existing law, it may be
    vacated by the court.        N.J. Tpk. Auth. v. Local 196, I.F.P.T.E.,
    190 N.J. 283
    , 294 (2007); see, e.g., Monmouth Cnty. Bd. of Soc.
    Servs., supra, 
    96 N.J. at 453-55
    ; In re City of Camden, supra,
    429 N.J. Super. at 334; Jersey City Educ. Ass'n v. Bd. of Educ.,
    218 N.J. Super. 177
    , 188 (App. Div.), certif. denied, 
    109 N.J. 506
    The       arbitrator     was    therefore    required      to    employ     the
    definition of "base salary" the Legislature mandated for use in
    making    arbitration      awards    involving   police      and    firefighters.
    Had he failed to comply with this statutory mandate, the award
    would    be   subject   to   being    vacated.     In    the   absence    of    any
    affirmative     statement    by     the   arbitrator    to   the    contrary,    we
    assume the arbitration award used the term "base salary" as
    directed by the Legislature in N.J.S.A. 34:13A-16.7(a).
    17                             A-1263-11T1
    We also note that, months before the award was rendered,
    DLGS issued LFN 2010-12 and sent it to all public employers to
    provide guidance for complying with L. 2010, c. 2.                    The FAQs in
    LFN   2010-12     advised,    "'base       salary'      on    which    the      1.5%
    contribution     is   calculated"    is    the   "salary      on   which   pension
    contribution . . . is based."              This definition was consistent
    with that contained in the guidelines published by DPB, also
    prior to the award, to assist public employers in complying with
    L. 2010, c. 2, regarding SHBP and the School Employees Health
    Benefits Program.
    The guidelines issued by DLGS were informal in nature and
    not the equivalent of an administrative agency's interpretation
    of a statute it is empowered to enforce, which would warrant our
    "substantial deference."          See Klumb, 
    199 N.J. at 24-25
    Baylor v. N.J. Dep't of Human Servs., 
    235 N.J. Super. 22
    , 37
    (App. Div. 1989) (Petrella, P.J.A.D., dissenting), aff’d, 
    127 N.J. 286
     (1990).       Still, the guidelines merit our consideration
    because   they    represent   the    practical       interpretation        of    the
    statute   by     the     agency     charged      with        instructing      local
    governmental units on how they were to comply with the new law.
    Id. at 36-37.
    The Legislature did not disavow the interpretation adopted
    by DLGS and DPB.       Generally, "the fact that the Legislature has
    18                                   A-1263-11T1
    not acted in response to an agency's interpretation . . . is
    'granted great weight as evidence of its conformity with the
    legislative intent.'"          Klumb, 
    199 N.J. at 24-25
    Malone v. Fender, 
    80 N.J. 129
    , 137 (1979)).                    That conformity is
    evident by the Legislature's action in enacting N.J.S.A. 34:13A-
    16.7 after the guidelines were issued and effectively adopting
    the   same    definition       of    base   salary      for   use    in    police      and
    firefighter arbitration.             It is, therefore, reasonable to infer
    that the arbitrator was aware of the applicable guidelines from
    DLGS as well as the statute that governed the arbitration here
    and acted in conformity therewith.7
    The    orders    dated    October      12   and    November     3,       2011,   are
    reversed     because     the        arbitration      award    must        be    enforced
    consistent with the definition of "base salary" contained in
    N.J.S.A. 34:13A-16.7(a).
    Reversed and remanded for further proceedings consistent
    with this opinion.       We do not retain jurisdiction.
    We note further that the definition of "base salary" we find
    applicable   here  has   the  salutary   effect  of   serving  a
    "longstanding" legislative goal to provide "uniformity in health
    benefits among all government employees."    Commc'ns Workers of
    Am., supra, 
    421 N.J. Super. at
    19                                   A-1263-11T1