  •                              NOT FOR PUBLICATION WITHOUT THE
    This opinion shall not "constitute precedent or be binding upon any court." Although it is posted on the
    internet, this opinion is binding only on the parties in the case and its use in other cases is limited. R. 1:36-3.
    DOCKET NO. A-5414-18T2
    Argued telephonically May 19, 2020 –
    Decided June 25, 2020
    Before Judges Fisher and Accurso.
    On appeal from the Superior Court of New Jersey,
    Law Division, Hunterdon County, Docket No. GP-
    Jef Henninger argued the cause for appellant Reb
    Russell, II.
    Jeffrey L. Weinstein, Special Deputy Attorney
    General/Acting Assistant Prosecutor, argued the
    cause for respondent State of New Jersey (Michael
    J. Williams, Acting Hunterdon County Prosecutor,
    attorney; Jeffrey L. Weinstein, on the brief).
    Reb Russell, II appeals from the trial court's July 25, 2019 order denying
    his application for a carry-permit, finding he failed to establish justifiable need
    to carry a handgun in New Jersey. See N.J.S.A. 2C:58-4. Russell contends the
    court erred in that finding, that it failed to consider "all the appropriate facts"
    he presented, should have accorded more deference to the Superintendent of
    State Police, that Russell's failure to have retained counsel to represent him at
    the hearing conducted by the court hindered "his ability to properly articulate
    his argument," and that a remand is required in light of the Supreme Court's
    recent opinion in In re Carlstrom, 
    240 N.J. 563
    , 565 (2020), holding a hearing
    must be held whenever the Law Division "contemplates denying a handgun
    carry-permit that has been approved by the police chief or superintendent."
    We find no merit in any of Russell's arguments and affirm, substantially for
    the reasons provided in Judge Borkowski's comprehensive opinion entered
    after a hearing.
    Russell holds a Ph.D. in the sciences and works in the pharmaceutical
    industry. After his twenty-three-year marriage ended in divorce in 2018, he
    started a side business as a firearms instructor. When he applied to State
    Police for a carry-permit, he resided in Doylestown, Pennsylvania, the same
    town in which his ex-wife resides. Russell has held a concealed-carry permit
    in Pennsylvania for twenty years.
    Lieutenant Stephen Mazzagatti, acting on behalf of the Superintendent,
    approved the application on June 4, 2019. The approval noted that Russell
    "successfully completed a handgun qualification course, with a Glock 19, . . .
    under the direction of Instructor Reb Russell, II." The approval also noted that
    Russell's application was endorsed by three individuals all of whom indicated
    they had known him for more than three years and could attest to his reputable
    character and behavior. See N.J.A.C. 13:54-2.4. The approval stated that no
    information suggested Russell was subject to any disability included in
    N.J.S.A. 2C:58-3(c), but did not address his justifiable need to carry a
    handgun, N.J.S.A. 2C:58-4(c). It did, however, state that in the event Russell's
    application was approved, "the restrictions should be that the applicant can
    only carry a weapon in the performance of his duties during working hours ,"
    and that it would be "null and void" if that employment terminated.
    Following approval by the State Police, Russell submitted his
    application to the Superior Court on June 17, 2019, see N.J.S.A. 2C:58-4(d),
    which was opposed by the Hunterdon County Prosecutor. In support of the
    application, Russell submitted a two-page single-spaced letter detailing his
    background, education and work history. The bulk of the letter was devoted to
    addressing his need for the permit.
    Russell explained that he'd been the "victim of domestic abuse" for the
    entire length of his twenty-three-year marriage, although he "never reported
    anything due to the social stigma." He claimed his ex-wife wife suffered from
    borderline personality disorder and refused treatment. Russell stated she had
    threatened him, saying "there is a special place in hell for [him] and she will
    personal[ly] ensure [he] get there quickly and if [she] can't have [him] no one
    will." He claimed he took her threats seriously, knowing "what she is capable
    of from experience," especially as he had "move[d] on in a committed
    relationship," which had "further enraged" her.
    Russell explained both his parents and the woman he was seeing lived in
    New Jersey and that he spent several days a week at the latter's home. He
    contended his ex-wife was "someone who scares [him] with her rage,
    impulsive behaviors, lies, manipulation and abuse." He noted he had "the legal
    means" to protect his person in Pennsylvania where he had "some sense of
    safety and peace" and was requesting the same in New Jersey. Russell
    asserted he "shouldn't have to live in fear and should be free from the real and
    constant threat [his] ex-wife is to [him]." He closed by saying "[t]he potential
    for danger is real" and the bias and shame that had prevented him from
    previously coming forward "are not."
    The court conducted a hearing on the application on July 24, 2019.
    Judge Borkowski began the hearing by explaining the carry-permit statute
    assigned the decision of whether the permit should issue to the court,
    notwithstanding input from the State Police "as to whether or not a carry
    permit should be permitted and whether or not the there is a justifiable reason
    for that," which is why the court was conducting a hearing. The prosecutor
    was permitted to question Russell and began by asking whether they could talk
    about the letter Russell submitted to the court as to why he "should have a
    carry permit" in New Jersey. Russell responded "that it's tough, but [he]
    realize[d] [he] ha[d] to."
    Russell explained his primary reason for seeking the permit was his
    "abusive ex-wife." He testified that he stayed in his marriage "for the kids,"
    although his wife was verbally abusive and "became physically abusive." He
    explained that because he was "bigger than she is" he "didn't think about it
    much from that perspective" and explained it also was "an embarrassment."
    He testified she would be happy at times and "would apologize, . . . but they
    make you think — she made me think it was my fault at times until finally it
    was enough." He claimed his ex-wife is "a good person," but "still really
    weaponizes the kids" and, as he "understand[s] it from working with people,
    she has an emotional dysregulation issue where she can just fly into rages."
    He explained that he'd had a carry-permit in Pennsylvania since 1999, and
    although he'd worked in New Jersey for over a decade, it was only recently
    when he began spending more time at his girlfriend's, seeing what his ex-wife
    was "capable of, and understanding what's really going on" that he sought a
    carry-permit here.
    In response to the prosecutor's questions as to whether Russell's ex-wife
    had ever followed him into New Jersey or caused alarm to him here, Russell
    responded that he "can't say [he'd] noticed that she's followed [him], but [he]
    can't say that she hasn't." He expressed the belief "that probably most of the
    time as [he understood] this disorder she's stable but when she runs into rages
    and becomes impulsive . . . I mean the risk is probably small, but it's 100
    percent lethal if it happens." Asked by the prosecutor whether he felt local law
    enforcement in New Jersey would be able to protect him were his ex-wife to
    appear in New Jersey, although he had not seen her here, Russell responded
    that he didn't feel they could "in most cases" because "there's a response time,
    right, to everything."
    The judge also engaged Russell at length. She noted he had certified
    himself as to his proficiency with a handgun and asked how the prosecutor
    might confirm his ability to safely handle a firearm in that circumstance.
    When Russell explained he could certify himself because the National Rifle
    Association had certified him as an instructor, the judge noted he had not
    submitted those documents to the court. Russell had a photo of his
    certification on his phone, which the court reviewed and read into the record.
    Turning to justifiable need, the judge asked whether Russell had ever
    sought a restraining order against his ex-wife or the assistance of the police.
    When Russell said he had done neither, instead choosing to stay away from her
    and mentioned she had their children call him because he wouldn't speak to
    her, the court inquired as to whether his ex-wife had been awarded custody of
    their children. Russell explained they had joint custody, which he had not
    opposed. When the judge asked whether he felt comfortable with the children
    being in his ex-wife's custody given what he had testified to about her, he
    replied that he did not feel comfortable. He noted, however, that the children
    were "older now" and he had been advised by counsel there was little to do in
    such cases, "I don't have the evidence, ma'am."
    When the judge asked whether his ex-wife had ever attacked him,
    Russell responded that she had not attacked him since they separated over two
    years before, but that she knew in Pennsylvania "that would be a bad thing —
    but she also knows in New Jersey, you know, based on my history that I
    wouldn't have the same capabilities." Asked what he meant, Russell responded
    that his ex-wife knew he "had a concealed carry in Pennsylvania, but [he'd]
    never had one in New Jersey."
    When the judge pointed out that Russell could seek a restraining order
    that would protect him if threatened by his ex-wife, he responded saying,
    "yeah, you can put that in place I'm assuming, but that doesn't stop people." In
    response to the court's question as to the last time his ex-wife had threatened
    him, Russell responded that "it's probably about a year ago." When he
    expressed that he just did not "feel comfortable with her, ma'am, especially
    given [her] condition," the judge noted his ex-wife would be held in contempt
    if she violated the restraining order and asked whether that wouldn't "be a
    different way to deal with it rather than obtaining a carry permit." Russell
    replied that the judge's question "assumes that that wouldn't be a terminal
    effect at that point . . . I mean you can violate a restraining order . . . and it's
    fine if the outcome isn't extreme." Russell admitted, however, that his wife
    had never approached him with a weapon, and he did not know whether she
    possessed one.
    Asked by the court whether he was asserting justifiable need on any
    ground other than personal protection, Russell replied it would be easier with
    his firearm instruction business. If he had a carry-permit he would not be
    limited to transporting a gun to a firing range from his home, but could carry
    the weapon to work, for example, and meet a student at the range after work,
    without having to return home first to retrieve his weapon. He testified,
    however, that while it would make things easier for him, that was not why he
    was seeking the permit. The court also inquired as to the recommendation by
    State Police that the permit be restricted so as to only allow Russell to carry a
    handgun "in the performance of his duties during working hours," when his
    application reflected he only traveled to New Jersey to visit his parents or his
    girlfriend and not for work. The prosecutor offered that the restriction was not
    specific to Russell but something he believed the State Police "put . . . in every
    Judge Borkowski issued a written opinion denying the application the
    day after the hearing. In a comprehensive opinion discussing the law
    governing the issuance of carry-permits and making clear factual findings
    based on Russell's application and the evidence and arguments adduced at the
    hearing, the judge found Russell was a person of good character and not
    subject to any of the disabilities in N.J.S.A. 2C:58-3(c). And although noting
    that "common sense dictates that applicants should not certify themselves" as
    to their familiarity with the safe handling and use of handguns required by
    N.J.S.A. 2C:58-4(d) and N.J.A.C. 13:54-2.4(b), the court found Russell's
    testimony as to his qualifications credible and the documentation he submitted
    at the hearing authentic. The court accordingly found Russell was also
    "thoroughly familiar with the safe handling and use of handguns," satisfying
    the requirements of N.J.S.A. 2C:58-4(d).
    Although noting that Russell's application had been approved by the
    Division of State Police, thus implying a required finding of justifiable need
    pursuant to N.J.S.A. 2C:58-4(c), Judge Borkowski found an "express
    determination of justifiable need" was "noticeably absent" from the Division 's
    investigation report and approval. Based on her own review of Russell's
    application and his testimony at the hearing, Judge Borkowski concluded
    Russell had "not provided the specific detail necessary to conclude that there is
    an urgent necessity" for self-protection as required by statute, and that
    Russell's "generalized fear" of his ex-wife could not support issuance of a
    carry-permit under In re Preis, 
    118 N.J. 564
    , 571 (1990).
    Specifically, the court noted Russell provided only a few generalized
    verbal threats from his ex-wife, the most recent occurring a year ago. He
    could not say that she had followed him since their divorce or ever threatened
    him with a weapon. Indeed, he was not aware of whether she even possessed
    one. And although he contends his ex-wife suffers from bi-polar disorder, he
    offered no documentation of that or any certification or testimony from a
    qualified and unbiased third-party to substantiate she suffers from that illness
    or legitimize the fear Russell expressed. The judge noted defendant's
    testimony that he had never sought the assistance of the police or attempted to
    obtain a restraining order against his ex-wife, or taken other reasonable means
    of protecting himself before seeking a carry permit.
    The court concluded Russell's
    own actions contradict his fear of his wife. Although
    recognizing a victim of domestic violence may
    hesitate to report abuse because of the stigma
    attached, prior to resorting to carrying a weapon for
    protection, the applicant never reported any past or,
    more pertinent to this action, any present abusive
    conduct, has never requested a temporary or final
    restraining order, has chosen to reside and operate his
    business in the same town where his ex-wife lives
    although he testified that he rarely spends time there,
    did not contest his ex-wife having joint custody of his
    children. Moreover, the applicant characterized his
    ex-wife's disorder and behavior as being stable most
    of the time. He also testified that he was advised
    when she throws rages and acts on impulses it can
    result in lethal consequences, however he asserted that
    the "risk [of lethal consequences] is probably small."
    The last verbal threat was approximately one year ago.
    The code requires the applicant to demonstrate a
    "special danger to the applicant's life that cannot be
    avoided by reasonable means other than by issuance of
    a permit to carry a handgun." The applicant has not
    satisfied that burden. Therefore, the court does not
    find the applicant's described fear of his ex-wife
    provides a justifiable need to carry a firearm in this
    state as he has not demonstrated an urgent threat
    As to Russell's side business as a firearms instructor, the court found no
    evidence to support his need for a carry-permit in connection with that
    endeavor. The judge noted Russell did not need a carry-permit to lawfully
    transport a firearm from his residence in either Pennsylvania or New Jersey
    directly to any range in New Jersey. Although Russell testified he maintained
    an office in Ewing, that office was for Russell's pharmaceutical work, not his
    firearms instruction. Based on Russell's testimony, the judge concluded it
    would be convenient for Russell to travel directly from work to the range, but
    his convenience could not support a justifiable need for a carry-permit in
    connection with his self-employment as a firearms instructor.
    The court summarized her denial of Russell's application as follows:
    The court denies the applicant's request for a
    permit to carry because of a lack of specific detail
    provided in his application and testimony of justifiable
    need, the generalized nature of the threats, the lack of
    immediacy or urgency of any threats, and the lack of
    supporting documents. Although the applicant has
    demonstrated that he is of good character, suffers from
    no impediments to owning or carrying a firearm and is
    knowledgeable about the safe and proper use of a
    firearm, the court finds that he has not shown he has a
    justifiable need to carry a firearm. In essence the
    applicant failed to establish that he will be subjected
    to a substantial threat of serious bodily harm and
    carrying a handgun is necessary to reduce the threat of
    unjustifiable serious bodily injury.
    "The permit to carry a gun is the most closely-regulated aspect" of the
    "careful grid" of New Jersey's gun-control laws. Preis, 
    118 N.J. 564
    , 568
    (quoting State v. Ingram, 
    98 N.J. 489
    , 495 n. 1 (1985)). Under the rule
    established by our Supreme Court in Siccardi v. State, 
    59 N.J. 545
    , 557 (1971),
    and reaffirmed in Preis, an applicant must "establish an urgent necessity for
    carrying guns for self-protection" under the statute. "The requirement is of
    specific threats or previous attacks demonstrating a special danger to the
    applicant's life that cannot be avoided by other means." 
    Preis, 118 N.J. at 571
    The law is well settled that "[g]eneralized fears for personal safety are
    inadequate" to establish the need for a carry-permit in this State. Ibid.; In re
    433 N.J. Super. 560
    , 614 (App. Div. 2013). In reviewing a trial
    court's decision to grant or deny the permit, we are bound to accept those
    factual findings with substantial credible support in the record. In re Return of
    Weapons to J.W.D., 
    149 N.J. 108
    , 116-17 (1997). Our review of the trial
    court's legal conclusions, of course, is plenary.
    Id. at 117.
    Applying those standards here, we find no basis to question Judge
    Borkowski's conclusion that Russell failed to establish justifiable need for a
    carry-permit. She was obviously correct that no deference was due Lieutenant
    Mazzagatti's approval of the application on behalf of the superintendent in the
    absence of any express finding by the lieutenant that Russell had established
    justifiable need in accordance with N.J.S.A. 2C:48-4(c) and N.J.A.C. 13:54-
    2.4(d)(1). Moreover, the statute regulating issuance of a carry-permit makes
    clear that although the superintendent may approve an application, only a
    Superior Court judge may issue the permit, making the judge's exercise of her
    independent judgment critical. See In re Pantano, 
    429 N.J. Super. 478
    , 485-86
    (App. Div. 2013).
    Contrary to Russell's arguments on appeal, a review of the hearing
    transcript and Judge Borkowski's careful findings makes clear the judge
    considered all the facts he put forth in support of his application. Although we
    cannot say whether Russell's choice to not retain counsel "hindered his ability
    to properly articulate his argument," counsel has not suggested what that
    argument might be in light of the facts Russell presented in support of his
    Finally, we reject the argument that the Court's recent decision in
    Carlstrom requires a remand here. Russell was afforded a prompt hearing on
    his application for a carry-permit. See 
    Carlstrom, 240 N.J. at 572
    . And, as his
    response to the prosecutor's initial questions at that hearing makes clear, he
    knew and was prepared to address the critical issue of whether the condition
    and behavior of his ex-wife was sufficient to establish his need for a carry-
    permit in New Jersey. See
    ibid. Judge Borkowski afforded
    him the
    opportunity to present his reasons as to why he satisfied the statutory standard ,
    and he responded to her questions at length.
    Ibid. Further, Judge Borkowski
    permitted Russell to submit pertinent documents stored on his phone in the
    course of the hearing, which she relied on in finding he satisfied the
    requirements of N.J.S.A. 2C:58-4(d). See 
    Carlstrom, 240 N.J. at 572
    Finally, she sent Russell a detailed statement of reasons for her denial of the
    permit the day after the hearing. See
    id. at 572.
    Russell was provided the full
    and fair hearing contemplated by the Court in Carlstrom as required by
    Administrative Directive #06-19. Nothing more was required.
    Because Judge Borkowski's conclusion that Russell did not establish
    justifiable need for a carry-permit is in accord with well-settled law, and
    Russell has provided us no basis to reverse that conclusion, we affirm,
    substantially for the reasons expressed by Judge Borkowski in her thorough
    and thoughtful statement of reasons of July 25, 2019.

Document Info

Docket Number: A-5414-18T2

Filed Date: 6/25/2020

Precedential Status: Non-Precedential

Modified Date: 6/25/2020