  •                                  NOT FOR PUBLICATION WITHOUT THE
    This opinion shall not "constitute precedent or be binding upon any court ." Although it is posted on the
    internet, this opinion is binding only on the parties in the case and its use in other cases is limited . R. 1:36-3.
    DOCKET NO. A-4888-17T2
    Submitted June 1, 2020 – Decided June 26, 2020
    Before Judges Sumners, Geiger and Natali.
    On appeal from the Superior Court of New Jersey, Law
    Division, Passaic County, Indictment No. 76-03-0377.
    Joseph E. Krakora, Public Defender, attorney for
    appellant (Laura B. Lasota, Assistant Deputy Public
    Defender, of counsel and on the brief).
    Camelia M. Valdes, Passaic County Prosecutor,
    attorney for respondent (Ali Y. Ozbek, Assistant
    Prosecutor, of counsel and on the brief).
    In 1976, defendant Eugene Belton was sentenced to a life term for murder
    and was initially eligible for parole after serving less than seventeen years. A
    few years before Belton reached his first parole eligibility date, he participated
    in a prison riot and was criminally prosecuted and convicted, receiving a
    consecutive term of fifteen years' imprisonment with seven-and-one-half years
    of parole ineligibility. Thereafter, he was repeatedly denied parole. In 2014,
    the Parole Board (Board) imposed a 144-month future eligibility term (FET).
    After unsuccessfully appealing the Board's decision, Belton moved to
    correct an illegal sentence under State v. Zuber, 
    227 N.J. 422
    (2017). The
    motion court denied the application, determining that his sentence was not the
    functional equivalent of life without parole and his prolonged imprisonment was
    due primarily to his inmate infractions and conviction for crimes committed
    while incarcerated. In this appeal, Belton challenges that decision.
    In March 1976, Belton and a co-defendant were indicted under Title 2A—
    which has since been repealed and replaced by Title 2C—on the following
    charges in relation to a January 1976 incident: murder, N.J.S.A. 2A:113-1;
    armed robbery, N.J.S.A. 2A:151-5; robbery, N.J.S.A. 2A:141-1; conspiracy to
    commit robbery, N.J.S.A. 2A:98-1; and entering a dwelling with intent to steal,
    N.J.S.A. 2A:94-1. Belton was seventeen years old at the time.
    The following month, two additional indictments were returned against
    Belton. The first charged him with an October 1974 assault with the intent to
    rob, N.J.S.A. 2A:90-2. The second charged, in relation to a November 1974
    incident, escape from a youth corrections center, N.J.S.A. 2A:104-6; entering
    with intent to steal, N.J.S.A. 2A:94-1; and theft of a vehicle, N.J.S.A. 2A:119-
    Belton was waived to adult court. In April 1976, Belton entered a plea of
    non vult to the January 1976 murder charge and the November 1974 entering
    with intent to steal charge in exchange for dismissal of the remaining charges.
    At the plea hearing, Belton testified he had completed the sixth grade and
    was able to read and write English "a little bit." He acknowledged that he
    understood that by pleading non vult to murder he could be sentenced to life
    Belton admitted that on January 23, 1976, he went to an apartment in
    Paterson with a knife intending to commit robbery. He and his co-defendant
    pushed open the door and he stabbed the victim in the throat. While looking for
    money to steal, Belton saw a hammer and used it to strike the victim on the head
    causing his death. Belton then stole a television.
    Belton also admitted that on November 3, 1974, he broke into a garage in
    Wayne and stole a vehicle. Belton said he understood the penalty for this
    offense was up to seven years' imprisonment or a $2000 fine. The trial court
    accepted both guilty pleas.
    During the sentencing hearing, defense counsel urged the court to
    recommend placement in a reformatory, arguing that "all of the authorities seem
    to think he needs some kind of a structural environment." Counsel asserted that
    when Belton was five years old his mother died, and his father abandoned the
    family. "From that point up until today . . . all he did was drift from foster home
    to foster home, institution to institution."
    Counsel argued that no one except one of his sisters cared what happened
    to Belton. His behavior in the institutions was aggressive and assaultive, and
    while the institutions made recommendations for him, counsel alleged Belton
    never received the "psychological or psychiatric help, which he obviously
    need[ed]." Counsel urged the court to not "double up on him at this juncture"
    by imposing consecutive terms and by placing him in prison with adults. Given
    Belton's aggressive behavior, psychiatric problems, and young age, counsel
    argued that placing him in adult prison would be "pretty much the end of this
    The State urged the court to impose the maximum term of life
    imprisonment for the murder due to the heinous and "extremely violent" nature
    of the crime. It sought a consecutive term for the November 1974 breaking and
    entering, based on Belton's criminal history.
    The sentencing court imposed a term of life on the murder conviction and
    a concurrent term of six-to-seven years on the breaking and entering conviction.
    Both judgments of convictions recommended transferring Belton to the New
    Jersey Youth Correction Institution for the beginning of his term.
    In so sentencing Belton, the court began by stating: "It's a terrible thing
    to see you before this [c]ourt charged with an offense of this type at [age
    seventeen]." The court said that it had never seen "such a completely anti-social
    person" who had "completely refused to accept the fact that you are part of
    society and as part of society you do owe certain obligations to society just as
    we owe to you." The court noted that the amount of time Belton would serve in
    prison depended on his activities while incarcerated. The court declined to
    impose consecutive terms because it did not "think any purpose would be
    served" by doing so.
    Belton appealed his sentence. We affirmed, explaining that "the entire
    record, including the circumstances attendant upon the commission of these
    offenses and the presentence report (inclusive of defendant's prior convictions),
    satisfies us that the sentences are neither unduly punitive nor manifestly
    excessive." State v. Belton, No. A-0331-76 (App. Div. May 1, 1978) (slip op.
    at 1-2).
    Belton was not a model prisoner. From October 1976 to August 1987,
    Belton was found guilty of thirty-nine serious asterisk infractions,1 which
    included: fighting; conduct that interfered with or disrupted prison security;
    possession of drugs or a prohibited substance; threatening another; engaging in
    or encouraging group demonstration; rioting; assault; and weapon possession.
    From October 1976 to January 1990, he was found guilty of sixty-two additional
    infractions, which included: refusing to obey an order; being in an unauthorized
    area; unexcused absence from work or assignment; obscene or abusive language;
    unauthorized possession of an object; interfering with the taking of a count;
    failing to stand count; possession of another's property; destroying or damaging
    Asterisk infractions denote the most severe offenses committed by an inmate.
    See N.J.A.C. 10A:9-2.13(a), (b), (c).
    property; failure to follow safety or sanitary regulations; and refusing to work
    or accept an assignment.
    In August 1990, when he was thirty-two years old, Belton participated in
    a prison riot that prison authorities believed he and his cohorts had organized
    and preplanned. According to prison records, Belton and four other inmates
    used shanks and five-pound weights to attack seven unarmed prison guards in a
    gym corridor, including a captain and senior officer. Belton and two others
    stabbed the captain "in the face and head and bludgeoned him in the head with
    a weight." The captain also suffered a collapsed lung.
    Belton and his cohorts "stabbed and bludgeoned" the senior officer "into
    an unconscious state."     They "struck [his] head, stabbed and kicked [him]
    repeatedly and his cheekbone was crushed by a weight." Another officer was
    forced into an area where Belton and his cohorts "repeatedly tried to stab him in
    the face." The five inmates then fled the attack and fought the responding
    In May 1991, a grand jury indicted Belton and the other four inmates on
    multiple charges relating to the riot. A jury convicted Belton of four counts of
    varying degrees of aggravated assault and possession of a weapon for an
    unlawful purpose.
    On July 30, 1993, the sentencing court imposed an aggregate term of
    twenty-one years and six months' imprisonment with a parole-bar of ten years
    and nine months to run consecutively to his life sentence. Belton successfully
    appealed this sentence, and on September 26, 1997, he was resentenced to an
    aggregate term of fifteen years' imprisonment with seven-and-one-half-years of
    parole ineligibility, to run consecutively to his life sentence.
    In 2006, Belton was first denied parole due to his extensive criminal
    history, the substantial likelihood that he would commit another crime, prison
    infractions, a lack of deterrence, and a lack of attempt to participate in programs.
    The following year he was again denied parole for similar reasons. By
    that point, he had incurred a total of 127 institutional infractions from October
    1976 to September 2003, forty-three of which were considered serious. The
    Parole Board found that he continued to minimize his participation in his crimes,
    displayed insufficient problem resolution skills, and tended to react to stress and
    confrontation with violent behavior.      However, the panel also recognized as
    mitigating factors that Belton had participated in some programs, attempted to
    enroll in others but was not admitted, received "average" institutional reports,
    and had commutation credits restored.
    In December 2010, Belton was denied parole. The Board panel found that
    he also had a substance abuse problem that he had not sufficiently addressed and
    that while he was "beginning to direct his attention to his criminal thinking," he
    "remain[ed] unaware of the depth of his anger." In June 2012, the Parole Board
    once again denied parole for similar reasons.
    In June 2014, a two-member Board panel denied parole, writing that
    Belton "need[ed] to address some emotional/mental issues; especially anger
    issues" and did not have an adequate plan to assist him with reintegration. As
    mitigating factors, the panel recognized that his last infraction was in 2003 and
    he had participated in various programs since. Belton sought further review. In
    November 5, 2014, a three-member Board panel denied parole and imposed a
    144-month FET, concluding that "the depth of [Belton's] pathology renders the
    usual presumptive [twenty-seven-month] FET insufficient."
    In its January 26, 2015 decision, a three-member Board panel found there
    was little evidence that anything had reduced Belton's "propensity for criminal
    and antisocial activity." The panel wrote that Belton's early criminal behavior,
    which began at age eight when he set fire to a chair and inappropriately touched
    a younger child, had progressed with time and resulted in placement in the State
    Home for Boys (SHB) by age twelve.          SHB reported that Belton "made no
    progress" and became "more aggressive, insubordinate and assaultive" while
    there. A psychiatric evaluation concluded he was "emotionally explosive under
    stress." The panel noted that his criminal behavior also included three robberies,
    arson, burglary, and larceny before he committed the murder.
    According to the panel, his record while in prison did not show that he
    had progressed from an angry child to a "balanced individual who no longer
    presents as a substantial threat of criminal activity." When asked to explain why
    he had committed the murder at age seventeen, Belton repeatedly blamed it on
    being under the influence of alcohol, heroin, and cocaine, which he claimed he
    had begun using "routinely" by age twelve. He expressed remorse for what he
    had done and said, "emotionally, I was dealing with a lot." According to the
    panel, his responses, coupled with the heinous nature of the murder, the
    numerous infractions he had committed in prison, and the assaultive behavior
    he exhibited during the 1990 prison riot, demonstrated that he still lacked insight
    into his criminal behavior.
    The panel also found that Belton had no plan to address his substance
    abuse issues, seek employment, and secure housing if he were released. Belton
    indicated he planned to live in an unspecified "placement" setting and obtain a
    job, hopefully as a guidance counselor, before requesting permission to move to
    the South to be with his family. Belton was then fifty-five years old and had no
    more than a seventh-grade education. The panel deemed his intention to work
    as a guidance counselor, which required at least a bachelor's degree, to be
    unrealistic. His plan to live in a "placement" facility, with no other support and
    no job skills, was insufficient. Further, while he had participated in a narcotics
    abuse program, he still had "no insight" into his addiction, stressors , and factors
    that contributed to his criminal behavior.
    The panel considered Belton's mitigation letter, in which he claimed he
    better understood his behavior and had taken steps to "adopt[] rehabilitative
    techniques" that he had learned in the programs he completed.               Belton
    underscored that he had remained infraction free for the past eleven years. The
    panel found these steps did not outweigh the factors supporting a FET far beyond
    the presumptive term. Based on the 144-month FET, less commutation credit
    he had earned, the panel noted that Belton's parole eligibility date was March 7,
    2023, but if he continued to accrue work credits, that date could be further
    Belton filed an administrative appeal of the panel's decision; it was
    affirmed by the full Parole Board. Belton appealed the parole denial and FET
    to this court. We affirmed, finding that the Parole Board's decision was not
    arbitrary, capricious, or unreasonable and was supported by substantial and
    credible evidence in the record. Belton v. State Parole Bd., No. A-4181-14
    (App. Div. Aug. 3, 2017) (slip op. at 5-7).
    Belton then moved to correct an illegal sentence under Miller v. Alabama,
    567 U.S. 460
    (2012), and Zuber. Belton argued he was seventeen years old
    when he committed the original offenses, he was now a changed person, and his
    de facto life sentence violated the prohibition against cruel and unusual
    punishment. Belton also asserted that the sentencing court did not consider that
    he acted under the influence of his adult co-defendant.
    The motion court assigned counsel to represent Belton. Counsel argued
    that the motion court should reduce Belton's sentence under the Miller factors
    because he was serving the functional equivalent of life without parole. Counsel
    contended that Belton's childhood had been chaotic and that his juvenile
    offenses and the homicide were substantially the result of the lack of a stable
    family structure and absence of emotional support.
    The State argued that parole eligibility for a life sentence under Title 2A
    was far different than under Title 2C, noting that under Title 2C, a life sentence
    would result in sixty-three years and nine-months of parole ineligibility pursuant
    to the No Early Release Act, N.J.S.A. 2C:43-7.2. The State contended that
    Belton remained imprisoned because of the heinous crimes and numerous
    infractions he committed while in prison, coupled with his failure to recognize
    the underlying reason for his violent behavior; concerns about his resumption of
    drug use if released; and the lack of any plan for housing upon release. The
    State further argued that the facts and sentences imposed in Graham v. Florida,
    560 U.S. 48
    (2010) (upon which Miller was partially premised), Miller, and
    Zuber, were readily distinguishable from this case.
    Following oral argument, the motion court issued a May 1, 2018 order
    denying Belton's motion. In its subsequent written statement of reasons, the
    court comprehensively reviewed the crimes Belton committed, his plea
    agreement, the sentencing process, his inmate infractions, and the parole
    decisions. It explained that the sentencing court had considered Belton's youth
    and his difficult upbringing when it sentenced him in 1976, that he had been
    previously eligible for parole, and that he was denied parole because of his
    behavior in prison, which this court affirmed.
    The motion court noted Belton's "sad and chaotic childhood" and that "he
    was raised primarily in foster homes, as well as in a juvenile reformatory," after
    his mother died and his father left the family when he was five years old. The
    court found these circumstances had a "devastating" and "tragic" impact on his
    The Parole Board advised the motion court that Belton's initial parole
    eligibility date for his life sentence was September 28, 1992—sixteen years, four
    months, and eighteen days from his date of sentence. That date considered the
    award of 109 days of jail credit and the application of 3027 days of projected
    commutation credit. The Parole Board noted his parole eligibility date could
    have been further reduced to November 28, 1991, by applying the 305 days of
    work credit Belton had earned. Inmates serving a life term imposed under Title
    2A generally become eligible for parole in the range of fourteen and one-half
    years to fifteen and one-half years.
    The court noted that the Miller and Zuber factors "are largely intertwined
    with the factors considered by the Parole Board." It emphasized that the assaults
    of the corrections officers in 1990 were committed when Belton was thirty-two
    years old. Further, his "multiple and serious institutional infractions spanned
    the first twenty-seven years of his custodial term." Moreover, "Belton had
    already accumulated a long and serious and violent juvenile offender history"
    before committing the murder.
    The court found Belton has remained in prison far beyond his initial parole
    eligibility date "as a direct result of his post-sentence behavior while in prison"
    and the reasons cited by the Parole Board.
    This appeal followed. Belton raises the following single point:
    Miller, 567 U.S. at 479
    , the Supreme Court declared mandatory life
    imprisonment without parole for a juvenile sentenced as an adult
    unconstitutional under the Eighth Amendment. In so ruling, the Court built upon
    prior decisions, which recognized that "children are constitutionally different
    from adults for purposes of sentencing" because they "have diminished
    culpability and greater prospects for reform," and thus "'are less deserving of the
    most severe punishments.'"
    Id. at 471
    Graham, 560 U.S. at 68
    The Miller Court stated that a mandatory life sentence without parole for
    a juvenile convicted of homicide:
    [1] precludes consideration of [the juvenile's]
    chronological age and its hallmark features—among
    them, immaturity, impetuosity, and failure to
    appreciate risks and consequences.
    [2] It prevents taking into account the family and home
    environment that surrounds him—and from which he
    cannot usually extricate himself—no matter how brutal
    or dysfunctional.
    [3] It neglects the circumstances of the homicide
    offense, including the extent of his participation in the
    conduct and the way familial and peer pressures may
    have affected him.
    [4] Indeed, it ignores that he might have been charged
    and convicted of a lesser offense if not for
    incompetencies associated with youth—for example,
    his inability to deal with police officers or prosecutors
    (including on a plea agreement) or his incapacity to
    assist his own attorneys.
    [5] And finally, this mandatory punishment disregards
    the possibility of rehabilitation even when the
    circumstances most suggest it.
    [567 U.S. at 477-78.]
    Miller did not preclude the possibility of a life sentence for a juvenile but
    reaffirmed the determination made in Graham that such a sentence may not be
    mandatory and should be "uncommon" given a juvenile's "diminished
    culpability and heightened capacity for change." 
    Miller, 567 U.S. at 479
    . In the
    "rare" situation where the juvenile's "crime reflects irreparable corruption" or
    incorrigibility, the court may impose a life sentence.
    Id. at 479-80
    Roper v. Simmons, 
    543 U.S. 551
    , 573 (2005)).
    In Graham, the Court determined that a sentencing court may not make
    the determination "at the outset" that the juvenile will forever pose a risk to
    society. 560 U.S. at 75
    . The juvenile must have "some meaningful opportunity
    to obtain release based on demonstrated maturity and rehabilitation."
    Ibid. The Court left
    the "means and mechanisms for compliance" with its decision to the
    Ibid. In Montgomery v.
    Louisiana, the Court determined that Miller was
    entitled to retroactive effect and held that where a sentence was imposed
    contrary to Miller, the constitutional infirmity could be remedied by a
    resentencing or consideration for parole. 577 U.S. ___, 
    136 S. Ct. 718
    , 733-36
    (2016). The Court explained: "Allowing those offenders to be considered for
    parole ensures that juveniles whose crimes reflected only transient immaturity—
    and who have since matured—will not be forced to serve a disproportionate
    sentence in violation of the Eighth Amendment."
    Id. at 736.
    In Zuber, our Supreme Court extended the holding of Miller to any life
    sentence without parole or its functional 
    equivalent. 227 N.J. at 447-48
    . The
    Court held that when a juvenile is tried as an adult and is subject to a lengthy
    aggregate term that is "the practical equivalent of life without parole," the
    sentencing court must consider the Miller factors in addition to the aggravating
    and mitigating sentencing factors set forth in N.J.S.A. 2C:44-1(a) and (b).
    Zuber, 227 N.J. at 429
    , 445-47, 450.
    Where consecutive terms are an option, the court must consider the
    Yarbough2 factors under "a heightened level of care."
    Id. at 450.
    While the
    Court did not define the meaning of a "heightened level of care," it couched it
    in terms of the "concerns that Graham and Miller highlight" and the "overriding
    importance" of Miller.
    Ibid. Like the Miller
    Court, the Court in Zuber did not
    preclude the possibility of a life sentence for a juvenile but instructed that few
    juveniles should receive de facto life terms because "it is only the 'rare juvenile
    offender whose crime reflects irreparable corruption.'"
    Id. at 451
    Miller, 567 U.S. at 479
    The Zuber Court did not define a de facto life term by any specific length
    and rejected the use of life expectancy tables in deciding whether a lengthy term
    is effectively a life term.
    Id. at 450.
    The Court instructed sentencing courts to
    consider "the real-time consequences of the aggregate sentence."
    Id. at 447.
    State v. Yarbough, 
    100 N.J. 627
    , 643-44 (1985).
    It suggested the possibility that a lawfully imposed sentence of life, or the
    functional equivalent of life, may later be rendered unconstitutional by
    subsequent facts that establish reform and rehabilitation before expiration of the
    parole bar.
    Id. at 451
    -52. The defendant might "ask the court to review factors
    that could not be fully assessed when he was originally sentenced—like whether
    he still fails to appreciate risks and consequences, or whether he may be, or has
    been, rehabilitated."
    Id. at 452
    Miller, 567 U.S. at 477
    In State v. Bass, we addressed the length of sentence that may qualify as
    a de facto life term. 
    457 N.J. Super. 1
    , 13-14 (App. Div. 2018), certif. denied,
    238 N.J. 364
    (2019). We held that a life sentence with a thirty-five-year parole-
    bar imposed on a juvenile was not the functional equivalent of a life sentence,
    and thus, the defendant was not entitled to resentencing under Zuber, even
    though the sentencing court had not considered the Miller factors when it
    imposed sentence.
    Ibid. We further held
    that any rehabilitative actions the
    defendant had taken while incarcerated were matters for the parole board to
    consider and did not render the sentence unconstitutional.
    Id. at 14.
    [D]efendant's sentence is not illegal because he now
    claims to be rehabilitated as a result of his
    incarceration. We do not minimize defendant's efforts
    to rehabilitate himself . . . . However, consideration of
    these accomplishments is exclusively the province of
    the parole board and not a means of collateral attack on
    defendant's sentence—which has been affirmed on
    direct appeal.
    Belton contends the motion court erred in denying his motion to correct
    an illegal sentence because he was sentenced to life sentence for the murder he
    committed when he was seventeen years old and under Zuber, a court may not
    impose a life sentence, or a de facto life sentence, without first considering the
    Miller factors. He argues the sentencing court did not properly consider his
    youth or the Miller factors, and the mere possibility of parole is insufficient to
    satisfy Zuber.
    Belton claims a court must consider the real-time he has served in prison
    and underscores that he has now been incarcerated over forty-four years. He
    labels the reasons for denying his most recent requests for parole as "hollow and
    circular." He emphasizes that his most recent infraction was in 2003 and that
    his failure to provide a suitable release plan should be understandable given the
    length of his incarceration. He also notes that the Parole Board did not consider
    his youth or the Miller factors. We are unpersuaded by these arguments.
    We reject the contention that Belton received the functional equivalent of
    life without parole. He received a life sentence subject to a parole-bar of less
    than seventeen years for the murder he committed at age seventeen. He was
    initially eligible for parole when he was thirty-three or thirty-four years old,
    depending on the amount of work credits he earned. We adhere to the reasoning
    in Bass. A life sentence with a less than seventeen-year parole-bar was not the
    functional equivalent of a life sentence, and thus, Belton was not entitled to
    resentencing under Zuber, even though the sentencing court had not considered
    the Miller factors. The rehabilitative actions Belton has taken while incarcerated
    are matters for the Parole Board to consider and did not render the sentence
    Belton remains imprisoned for four principal reasons. First, his conduct
    in prison, from 1976 to 2003, was abysmal. He incurred some 127 infractions,
    forty-three of which were serious. As a result, he received sanctions, including
    the loss of commutation and work credits. Second, he committed new serious
    crimes in prison, at age thirty-two, for which he ultimately received an aggregate
    consecutive fifteen-year sentence with seven-and-one-half years of parole
    ineligibility. Third, the Parole Board imposed a 144-month FET for reasons we
    previously found supported by the record. Fourth, the Parole Board remained
    concerned about Belton's unresolved anger issues, lack of insight into why he
    committed the homicide, future substance abuse, and lack of suitable living
    Belton committed every prison infraction and the riot-related crimes as an
    adult, after he was sentenced for the murder. His defiant conduct while serving
    his murder sentence refutes any claim that he is reformed and rehabilitated.
    Further, the murder and other crimes Belton committed hardly "reflect[s] only
    transient immaturity." 
    Montgomery, 136 S. Ct. at 736
    More fundamentally, we are unaware of any published opinion that has
    extended the principles announced in Miller and Zuber to prolonged
    incarceration primarily resulting from prison infractions. We decline to do so.

Document Info

Docket Number: A-4888-17T2

Filed Date: 6/26/2020

Precedential Status: Non-Precedential

Modified Date: 6/26/2020