  •                                 NOT FOR PUBLICATION WITHOUT THE
    This opinion shall not "constitute precedent or be binding upon any court ." Although it is posted on the
    internet, this opinion is binding only on the parties in the case and its use in other cases is limited. R. 1:36-3.
    DOCKET NO. A-4327-18T2
    Argued June 4, 2020 – Decided October 19, 2020
    Before Judges Suter and DeAlmeida.
    On appeal from the Superior Court of New Jersey, Law
    Division, Passaic County, Docket No. L-0895-19.
    Zachary D. Wellbrock argued the cause for appellants
    (McCusker Anselmi Rosen & Carvelli, PC, attorneys;
    Asaad K. Siddiqi and Zachary D. Wellbrock, on the
    Michael P. De Marco argued the cause for respondents
    (De Marco & De Marco, attorneys; Michael P.
    De Marco, on the brief).
    The opinion of the court was delivered by
    SUTER, J.A.D.
    Defendants appeal the May 30, 2019 order denying reconsideration of an
    earlier order that enforced subpoenas issued in a private arbitration. We affirm
    in part and modify in part the order denying reconsideration and the order
    enforcing the subpoenas.
    Nicholas Matahen, Maher Al Badri, Mahmoud Abu Romi and Mobin A.
    Sheikh (plaintiffs) allege they are current or former members of the Islamic
    Center of Passaic County (ICPC).           Defendants include the ICPC, Mazooz
    Sehwail (Sehwail), the then secretary of the ICPC and former employee, Nabil
    Abbassi,1 the then chairman of ICPC's Board of Trustees and former employee,
    Mohamed Qatanani, the Imam of the ICPC, and Fouad Rashed, Samir
    His name is spelled "Abbassi" throughout the appendix but not in the caption.
    Obedallah, Omar Awed, Nasir Salim, Abdul Kader, and Mahmoud Karkis
    (collectively, defendants).
    In 2015, plaintiffs sued defendants to "restrain financial abuses at ICPC"
    which they alleged violated the ICPC's by-laws. They alleged Sehwail used an
    ICPC credit card for hotel charges and other personal expenses. Plaintiffs
    alleged that Abbassi "improperly authorized payment from ICPC funds for
    school tuition for [his] three . . . children."         The complaint alleged
    "mismanagement of and/or self-dealing concerning ICPC funds" and sought an
    accounting. It alleged unjust enrichment, conversion, and fraud and requested
    damages. It also alleged violations of the by-laws by defendants and requested
    removal of the then current members of the Board of Trustees.
    Defendants denied the allegations and moved to dismiss the complaint,
    alleging that an arbitration clause in the by-laws compelled all the claims to be
    submitted to arbitration. In 2016, we reversed an order of the trial court, which
    required some, but not all, of the claims to be arbitrated, determining that all
    claims were to be referred for arbitration. See Matahen v. Sehwail, No. A-4312-
    14 (App. Div. March 24, 2016) (slip op. at 2). The complaint was dismissed
    from the Superior Court.
    In December 2018, plaintiffs advised the arbitrators that they proposed to
    subpoena records from New Jersey Manufacturers Insurance Company (NJM),
    which was Sehwail's homeowners' insurer, and from York Restoration
    Corporation (York), Abbassi's employer. Plaintiffs claimed Sehwail used an
    ICPC credit card to pay for six weeks of hotel expenses for himself and his
    family after their house was destroyed in a fire. Plaintiffs alleged Sehwail
    claimed to have reimbursed the ICPC "from funds that he received from NJM in
    response to his insurance claim for lodging expenses."
    Plaintiffs claimed Abbassi enrolled his children in schools run by the
    Islamic Education Foundation, but at the expense of the ICPC. They contended
    that Abbassi received "tens of thousands of dollars in tuition credits for 'roofing
    repairs.'" Abbassi explained in his deposition that he "brought in" a roofing
    subcontractor used by York to fix the roof of the Al Ghazaly High School. When
    the school did not have enough money to pay the subcontractor, the school
    proposed it would provide Abbassi with tuition credits for his children , if York,
    his employer, paid the subcontractor using monies that York owed to Abbassi
    for travel reimbursement.     Plaintiffs wanted to subpoena York's records to
    explore this.
    Defendants opposed this application. Defendants contended that the NJM
    check was issued on March 20, 2012, and deposited by the ICPC shortly after
    that on April 11, 2012, and that Sehwail overpaid the ICPC for the hotel charges.
    They produced copies of the front of the NJM check that included the date, and
    a deposit slip allegedly including the check amount for the ICPC account.
    Defendants argued that plaintiffs were confusing the ICPC portion of the
    tuition with the personal portion of the tuition owed by Abbassi. They admit
    Abbassi accepted tuition credits on the personal portion of the tuition for
    arranging to pay the amount the school owed to the subcontractor. Abbassi did
    this "by signing over to it some amounts that Mr. Abbassi was owed from York."
    On March 4, 2019, the Islamic Arbitration Committee Panel (Arbitration
    Panel) entered a discovery order providing that "[t]he Arbitration Panel grants
    [p]laintiffs' request to [NJM] and [York] for production of the documents
    identified in [plaintiffs' counsel's] December 31, 2018 letter." The subpoena to
    NJM2 requested:
    [t]he entire file relating to the claim of Mazooz Sehwail
    and [his wife] relating to [a specific address] including,
    but not limited to, copies of the fronts and backs of all
    checks issued by NJM to Mazooz Sehwail and/or
    [wife]; all claim forms submitted by and/or executed by
    Mazooz Sehwail and/or [wife]; all documentation
    NJM has complied with the subpoena.
    submitted by Mazooz Sehwail and/or [wife] in support
    of their claim; all correspondence between NJM and
    Mazooz Sehwail and/or [wife] relating to their claim;
    and all other documents maintained by NJM relating to
    this claim.
    The subpoena to York requested:
    [a]ll documents evidencing payments made to
    subcontractors from funds otherwise due to Nabil
    Abbassi for labor and/or material provided by any such
    subcontractor relating to the roofing project at Al-
    Ghazaly High School, including the fronts and backs of
    all checks issued by York to any subcontractor and
    documents confirming the amounts due to Nabil
    Plaintiffs filed an order to show cause and complaint in the Superior Court
    requesting a summary action to confirm the ruling of the Arbitration Panel, and
    permitting plaintiffs to serve the subpoenas on NJM and York. The complaint
    demanded judgment permitting plaintiffs to serve the subpoenas. The trial court
    converted the order to show cause "to [a] regular motion."
    Defendants opposed the order to show cause, filing a cross-motion to
    quash the subpoenas. They argued the trial court was not required to defer to
    the Arbitration Panel because there is nothing in NJM's claim file about
    Sehwail's house fire or York's business records that could possibly lead to the
    discovery of relevant evidence.     They claimed plaintiffs were disgruntled
    because they did not receive enough votes to be members of the ICPC Board.
    Defendants argued the NJM subpoena was overly broad and moot. They
    explained that ICPC President Mohammed El Filali used the ICPC credit card
    to pay for lodging for the Sehwail family after the fire as an act of charity.
    Sehwail reimbursed the ICPC with the check he received from NJM. Defendants
    argued there was no need to produce the entire NJM claim file except to harass
    Sehwail. They asserted the claim was moot because they already submitted
    sufficient documentation to support Sehwail's allegations: a copy of the front of
    the check; the deposit slip listing what was asserted to be the NJM check for
    $4109.38, which was deposited along with other checks totaling $13,934.38 in
    the ICPC account; and an ICPC bank statement showing the deposit of
    Regarding the York subpoena, defendants argued that plaintiffs
    "conflated" the portion of the school tuition paid by ICPC and the portion that
    Abbassi paid himself. They argued it was not relevant if the school or the
    subcontractor was underpaid, and that none of this could lead to the discovery
    of relevant evidence.
    The trial court granted plaintiffs' motion and denied defendants' cross -
    motion to quash. In a rider to the April 16, 2019 order, the court noted that
    N.J.S.A. 2A:23B-17(a) permits an arbitrator to issue a subpoena for the
    production of records, and it can be enforced by a party to the arbitration by
    filing a summary action with the Superior Court. Also, N.J.S.A. 2A:23B-17(g)
    gave the court the authority to enforce orders or subpoenas issued by an
    arbitrator. Based on this authority, the court granted enforcement of the order
    issued by the Arbitration Panel.
    Defendants requested reconsideration, claiming the trial court "may not
    have considered [d]efendants' primary arguments." They argued the trial court
    did not analyze their request to quash the subpoenas under Rule 1:9-2 or Rule
    4:10-3. Although the court can enforce a subpoena, they argued the court was
    not required to defer to the Arbitration Panel because there was no arbitration
    award. Defendants contended the subpoenas are unreasonable and oppressive
    because they will not lead to the discovery of admissible evidence and the NJM
    subpoena was overly broad. Additionally, they contended the York subpoena
    was "unwarranted" because it related to the payments that Abbassi needed to
    make to the school, not the ICPC portion.
    Plaintiffs opposed the motion for reconsideration, arguing they had a right
    to explore the contentions Sehwail made about payments and the manner of
    reimbursement.    They argued the check produced was incomplete.             The
    subpoena "will bear directly upon whether [d]efendant, in fact, made a claim
    specifically for lodging expenses, and if so, in what amount and whether the
    NJM check (D00561) was endorsed and delivered to [the] ICPC." These matters
    also bear on Sehwail's credibility. With respect to the York subpoena, plaintiffs
    argued the documents are "crucial" in assessing his credibility. Defendants
    reiterated their arguments in reply.
    The trial court's May 30, 2019 order denied reconsideration, explaining it
    had considered all the parties' papers.     The trial court found defendants'
    arguments regarding "discoverability" lacked merit, and the information that
    plaintiffs sought was "relevant." The arbitrators also considered the information
    relevant in issuing the subpoenas. 3
    On appeal, defendants contend the trial court applied the wrong legal
    standard because there was no arbitration award to confirm. They argue the trial
    court did not perform any analysis or consider the primary arguments they
    raised. They contend the trial court should have applied appropriate discovery
    standards, that neither subpoena identified a basis for discovery, and that
    impeachment evidence would not be admissible. Defendants assert neither
    subpoena could lead to the discovery of admissible evidence or have any bearing
    Defendants' motion for a stay of the order was denied by the trial court. We
    also denied a stay pending appeal and a motion for summary disposition.
    on any dispute between the parties. Both subpoenas are unreasonable and
    oppressive, according to defendants, and only are intended to harass.
    Defendants assert the NJM subpoena is moot.
    Our review is limited because defendants appeal an order denying
    reconsideration. State v. Puryear, 
    441 N.J. Super. 280
    , 294–95 (App. Div.
    2015).     Reconsideration is not appropriate merely because a litigant is
    dissatisfied with a decision. D'Atria v. D'Atria, 
    242 N.J. Super. 392
    , 401 (Ch.
    Div. 1990). Reconsideration is appropriate only where "1) the [c]ourt has
    expressed its decision based upon a palpably incorrect or irrational basis, or 2)
    it is obvious that the [c]ourt either did not consider, or failed to appreciate the
    significance of probative, competent evidence."
    Ibid. Reconsideration may be
    granted where "a litigant wishes to bring new or additional information to the
    [c]ourt's attention which it could not have provided on the first application."
    Ibid. Reconsideration was properly
    denied here because defendants simply
    were restating what they previously argued. The court stated in its order that it
    took all the arguments and filings into consideration in determining there was
    no merit to defendants' position, and that the information requested was relevant.
    The court found the arbitrator had the legal authority to issue the subpoenas and
    that the court had the ability to enforce them. There then was nothing palpably
    incorrect or irrational about the court's order denying reconsideration.
    Defendants' notice of appeal also referenced the order that granted
    plaintiffs' motion to enforce the subpoenas and denied defendants' cross-motion
    to quash. We discern no abuse of discretion by the court in entering the order
    but modify the order to limit it to hotel expenses.
    N.J.S.A. 2A:23B-17(a) expressly provides that "[a]n arbitrator may issue
    a subpoena for the attendance of a witness and for the production of records and
    other evidence at any hearing and may administer oaths." It also grants the trial
    court the authority to enforce orders or subpoenas issued by the arbitrator.
    Ibid. A subpoena can
    be enforced by "filing a summary action with the court by a
    party to the arbitration proceeding or the arbitrator, [and then] enforced in the
    manner for enforcement of subpoenas in any civil action."
    Ibid. Plaintiffs filed a
    summary action when they filed the order to show cause and complaint. The
    court converted that to a motion. There was no objection to the process at the
    trial court.4
    Defendants argue in their reply brief for the first time that New Jersey courts
    do not have the power to enforce the subpoena directed to York because it is a
    A subpoena may be employed as a method to obtain pre-trial discovery.
    R. 1:9–2; R. 4:14–7. Rule 4:10-2 governs the broad scope of discovery. Under
    Rule 4:10-2(a), "parties may obtain discovery regarding any non-privileged
    matter that is relevant to the subject of a pending action or is reasonably
    calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence." In re Liquidation of
    Integrity Ins. Co., 
    165 N.J. 75
    , 82 (2000). Relevant evidence is "evidence
    having a tendency in reason to prove or disprove any fact of consequence to the
    determination of the action." See N.J.R.E. 401. Inadmissibility of evidence is
    not a ground for objection "if the information sought appears reasonably
    calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence." R. 4:10-2(a).
    The court on motion, "may quash or modify the subpoena or notice if
    compliance would be unreasonable or oppressive." R. 1:9-2. We review a trial
    judge's decision to quash a subpoena for an abuse of discretion. In re Subpoena
    Duces Tecum, 
    214 N.J. 147
    , 162 (2013).
    The trial court did not abuse its discretion in granting enforcement of the
    subpoenas based on a finding that the information requested was relevant.
    New York company. We need not consider defendants' argument because it was
    not raised before the trial court or in its initial brief on appeal. Selective Ins.
    Co. of Am. v. Rothman, 
    208 N.J. 580
    , 586 (2012); Nieder v. Royal Indem. Ins.
    62 N.J. 229
    , 234 (1973).
    Sehwail testified in his deposition that he submitted a claim to NJM and did not
    indicate the hotel was paid for by the ICPC. However, he said he submitted
    receipts to NJM. He also argued he reimbursed the ICPC for more than what it
    had paid.    NJM's claim file with the receipts and checks could lead to
    information about what was paid by the ICPC and then what was reimbursed.
    Plaintiffs should be able to verify this through the claim file.        That said,
    however, it is not clear why portions of the claim file that do not relate to hotel
    expenses are relevant. The only issue raised by plaintiffs related to the hotel
    expenses. Therefore, we modify the court's order to enforce only that portion of
    the NJM subpoena that related to the hotel expenses following the house fire.
    With respect to the tuition credits for Abbassi, the question is whether the
    ICPC paid for his portion of the school's tuition. Abbassi gave a fairly elaborate
    explanation for why the ICPC did not pay his portion of the tuition, but only
    York would have the information about the travel expenses owed to Abbassi,
    whether these were paid to the subcontractor and whether they were
    substantially equivalent to the tuition credit Abbassi received.        Thus, the
    information requested in the subpoena to York was relevant.
    There also is no indication the subpoenas are oppressive or unreasonable.
    NJM has already complied with the subpoena. York's documentation would
    relate to one roofing construction job.
    Affirm in part; modified in part. We do not retain jurisdiction.

Document Info

Docket Number: A-4327-18T2

Filed Date: 10/19/2020

Precedential Status: Non-Precedential

Modified Date: 10/19/2020