In re Complaint of Pilkington N. Am., Inc. (Slip Opinion) , 145 Ohio St. 3d 125 ( 2015 )

  • [Until this opinion appears in the Ohio Official Reports advance sheets, it may be cited as In
    re Complaint of Pilkington N. Am., Inc., Slip Opinion No. 2015-Ohio-4797.]
    This slip opinion is subject to formal revision before it is published in
    an advance sheet of the Ohio Official Reports. Readers are requested
    to promptly notify the Reporter of Decisions, Supreme Court of Ohio,
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    SLIP OPINION NO. 2015-OHIO-4797
    [Until this opinion appears in the Ohio Official Reports advance sheets, it
    may be cited as In re Complaint of Pilkington N. Am., Inc., Slip Opinion No.
    Public Utilities Commission―Appellate procedure―Civ.R. 60(B)―Failure to
    raise argument in application for rehearing before commission defeats
    any entitlement to relief obtained by other parties on appeal from same
    order who did raise argument―Fact that relief stemmed from same
    contract does not itself confer right to share same relief―Reversal of
    commission order does not render order ultra vires as to parties who did
    not raise error in application to commission for rehearing.
    (No. 2013-0709 – Submitted September 2, 2015 – Decided November 24, 2015.)
    APPEAL from the Public Utilities Commission, No. 08-255-EL-CSS.
    FRENCH, J.
    {¶ 1} In the proceedings below, appellant, Pilkington North America, Inc.,
    filed a motion for relief from judgment under Civ.R. 60(B). Pilkington sought
    relief from an order of appellee, the Public Utilities Commission, issued February
    19, 2009, that Pilkington did not appeal. The commission denied Pilkington’s
    motion, finding that Pilkington did not meet the requirements of Civ.R. 60(B) and
    that, in any event, Pilkington was not entitled to relief because it may not use
    Civ.R. 60(B) as a substitute for appeal.
    {¶ 2} Pilkington challenges the commission’s order, raising two
    propositions of law, each containing several supporting arguments. Pilkington
    has waived its primary argument that the commission’s February 19, 2009 order
    is ultra vires. The arguments that Pilkington did preserve lack merit. Therefore,
    we affirm the commission’s order.
    Facts and Procedural Background
    {¶ 3} Pilkington is a large industrial company that manufactures glass. It
    has a facility in Rossford, Ohio.     In 1990, Pilkington entered into a special
    contract with intervening appellee, Toledo Edison Company, under which the
    utility provided the Rossford facility with discounted electric service.      The
    commission approved the special contract under R.C. 4905.31, which allows a
    public utility to enter into a “reasonable arrangement” with “one or more of its
    {¶ 4} In 2008, Pilkington filed a complaint under R.C. 4905.26, alleging
    that Toledo Edison had unlawfully terminated the special contract. See In re
    Complaint of Pilkington N. Am., Inc., Pub. Util. Comm. No. 08-255-EL-CSS, 7
    (Feb. 19, 2009) (hereafter, the “2009 Order”).       Five other large industrial
    companies, which also had special contracts with Toledo Edison, also filed
    complaints against the utility. The complaints were identical in that they alleged
    that Toledo Edison had prematurely terminated the special contracts in February
    January Term, 2015
    2008, despite contract language stating that the agreements would remain in effect
    until December 31, 2008. 
    Id. at 2.
    The early termination meant that Pilkington
    and the other industrial customers would pay the tariff rates, which were higher
    than the contract rates, from February to the end of December 2008.
    {¶ 5} The commission consolidated the six complaints, 
    id. at 2,
    and the
    parties filed joint stipulations of fact. 
    Id. at 3.
    Each of the industrial customers
    but one, Martin Marietta, agreed to pay into an escrow account the amounts in
    dispute, i.e., the difference between the special contract rates and the tariff rates
    from February 2008 to December 31, 2008. 
    Id. at 7.
           {¶ 6} On February 19, 2009, the commission dismissed the complaints.
    The commission found that the industrial customers failed to show that Toledo
    Edison “had violated any applicable order, statute, or regulation” when it
    terminated the special contracts in February 2008. 2009 Order at 20.
    {¶ 7} Each of the industrial customers―except Pilkington―appealed the
    commission’s decision to this court. Because Pilkington decided not to challenge
    the order on appeal, it had to release the money placed in escrow (which
    Pilkington claims was over $1.8 million) to Toledo Edison.
    {¶ 8} In August 2011, we reversed the commission’s order, holding that
    Toledo Edison had prematurely terminated the special contracts in February 2008.
    Martin Marietta Magnesia Specialties, L.L.C. v. Pub. Util. Comm., 129 Ohio
    St.3d 485, 2011-Ohio-4189, 
    954 N.E.2d 104
    . We found under the plain language
    of the contracts that the contracts should have remained in effect until December
    31, 2008. 
    Id. at ¶
    25. This meant that the industrial customers who had appealed
    were entitled to discounted rates from Toledo Edison over the ten-month billing
    period from February to December 31, 2008.
    {¶ 9} Just over four months after we decided Martin Marietta, Pilkington
    filed a Civ.R. 60(B) motion for relief from judgment with the commission.
    Pilkington sought relief from the commission’s February 19, 2009 order
    dismissing its complaint and the order denying the application for rehearing,
    which the other five complainants filed.         Pilkington argued that this court’s
    decision in Martin Marietta applied to Pilkington as it did to the other industrial
    customers who had successfully appealed the 2009 Order because its contract
    with Toledo Edison contained the same language as the other industrial
    customers’ contracts. Therefore, according to Pilkington, it was entitled to the
    same remedy the other industrial customers received, namely, discounted rates
    through December 31, 2008.
    {¶ 10} The commission denied Pilkington’s motion, holding that
    Pilkington had failed to satisfy the requirements for obtaining relief under Civ.R.
    60(B)(4).   Pub. Util. Comm. No. 08-255-EL-CSS, 4 (Jan. 23, 2013).              The
    commission also found that Pilkington was not entitled to relief under Civ.R.
    60(B)(5) because that provision could not be used as a substitute for appeal. 
    Id. at 5.
    According to the commission, Pilkington should have challenged the 2009
    Order through an application for rehearing and an appeal to this court, as the other
    industrial customers had done. 
    Id. at 4-5.
           {¶ 11} Pilkington then filed an application for rehearing with the
    commission, claiming three errors. First, Pilkington claimed that the commission
    wrongly decided the Civ.R. 60(B) motion on procedural grounds rather than on
    the merits. Pilkington argued that the commission should exercise its authority
    under Ohio Adm.Code 4901-1-38(B) to waive the procedural requirements of
    Civ.R. 60(B) that Pilkington failed to follow.
    {¶ 12} Second, Pilkington claimed that the commission violated the filed-
    rate doctrine by forcing it to pay an unauthorized rate. According to Pilkington,
    the lawful rate that applied to its electric service from Toledo Edison was the
    contract rate, as determined by our opinion in Martin Marietta.
    {¶ 13} Third, Pilkington alleged that the commission allowed Toledo
    Edison to charge similarly situated customers different rates.
    January Term, 2015
    {¶ 14} The commission denied Pilkington’s application for rehearing.
    Pub. Util. Comm. No. 08-255-EL-CSS, Entry on Rehearing, 5-6 (Mar. 20, 2013).
    Pilkington has now filed the instant appeal challenging the January 23 order and
    the order on rehearing.
    Standard of Review
    {¶ 15} “R.C. 4903.13 provides that a PUCO order shall be reversed,
    vacated, or modified by this court only when, upon consideration of the record,
    the court finds the order to be unlawful or unreasonable.”         Constellation
    NewEnergy, Inc. v. Pub. Util. Comm., 
    104 Ohio St. 3d 530
    , 2004-Ohio-6767, 
    820 N.E.2d 885
    , ¶ 50. We will not reverse or modify a commission decision as to
    questions of fact where the record contains sufficient probative evidence to show
    that the commission’s decision was not manifestly against the weight of the
    evidence and was not so clearly unsupported by the record as to show
    misapprehension, mistake, or willful disregard of duty. Monongahela Power Co.
    v. Pub. Util. Comm., 
    104 Ohio St. 3d 571
    , 2004-Ohio-6896, 
    820 N.E.2d 921
    , ¶ 29.
    The appellant bears the burden of demonstrating that the commission’s decision is
    against the manifest weight of the evidence or is clearly unsupported by the
    Id. {¶ 16}
    Although this court has “complete and independent power of
    review as to all questions of law” in appeals from the commission, Ohio Edison
    Co. v. Pub. Util. Comm., 
    78 Ohio St. 3d 466
    , 469, 
    678 N.E.2d 922
    (1997), we may
    rely on the expertise of a state agency in interpreting a law where “highly
    specialized issues” are involved and “where agency expertise would, therefore, be
    of assistance in discerning the presumed intent of our General Assembly.”
    Consumers’ Counsel v. Pub. Util. Comm., 
    58 Ohio St. 2d 108
    , 110, 
    388 N.E.2d 1370
    {¶ 17} Pilkington raises two propositions of law, each with various
    supporting arguments.      After review of those arguments, we conclude that
    Pilkington has not demonstrated reversible error.
    I.        Proposition of Law No. 1: When an order of the commission is
    reversed on appeal, that order is ultra vires
    {¶ 18} Pilkington’s primary argument on appeal is that an order of the
    commission that is found to be unlawful is ultra vires and “of no legal effect.”
    According to Pilkington, when this court reversed the 2009 Order in Martin
    Marietta, it rendered that order void as a matter of law not just with respect to the
    appealing parties, but even as to other customers of Toledo Edison that did not
    appeal the order and whose interests are so interwoven with those of the appealing
    parties as to justify relief. Therefore, Pilkington claims it is entitled to relief from
    the 2009 Order despite not challenging the order on appeal.
    A.      We lack jurisdiction over Pilkington’s ultra vires claim
    {¶ 19} Fatal to Pilkington’s claim is its failure to raise the ultra vires
    argument in its application for rehearing of the commission’s order denying
    Civ.R. 60(B) relief. R.C. 4903.10 requires a rehearing application to “set forth
    specifically the ground or grounds on which the applicant considers the order to
    be unreasonable or unlawful.” Pilkington did not raise its ultra vires argument on
    rehearing as required by R.C. 4903.10, so we lack jurisdiction to consider it. See
    Consumers’ Counsel v. Pub. Util. Comm., 
    70 Ohio St. 3d 244
    , 247-248, 
    638 N.E.2d 550
    (1994); Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy v. Pub. Util. Comm.,
    115 Ohio St. 3d 208
    , 2007-Ohio-4790, 
    874 N.E.2d 764
    , ¶ 15.
    {¶ 20} Pilkington tries to salvage its ultra vires claim in its reply brief.
    Pilkington first argues that it was not required to preserve its ultra vires argument
    on rehearing at the commission.          Pilkington also argues that its rehearing
    January Term, 2015
    application contained language sufficient to preserve the ultra vires claim. We
    disagree on both counts.
    {¶ 21} Pilkington first argues that because the commission’s 2009 Order is
    void, it was not required to raise the ultra vires argument on rehearing. Pilkington
    asserts that attacks on subject-matter jurisdiction cannot be forfeited and can be
    raised at any time, even for the first time on appeal.
    {¶ 22} As a general statement of law, this is true. When an administrative
    agency renders a decision without subject-matter jurisdiction, the order is void
    and subject to challenge at any time. See Shawnee Twp. v. Allen Cty. Budget
    58 Ohio St. 3d 14
    , 15, 
    567 N.E.2d 1007
    (1991); Springfield Local School
    Dist. Bd. of Edn. v. Lucas Cty. Budget Comm., 
    71 Ohio St. 3d 120
    , 121, 
    642 N.E.2d 362
    (1994).       In contrast, a wrong decision made by an agency with
    subject-matter jurisdiction is not void, but merely voidable. That is, errors in the
    exercise of jurisdiction can be waived and must be challenged on appeal. See
    State ex rel. Broadway Petroleum Corp. v. Elyria, 
    18 Ohio St. 2d 23
    , 27, 
    247 N.E.2d 471
    (1969); Garverick v. Hoffman, 
    23 Ohio St. 2d 74
    , 78-79, 
    262 N.E.2d 695
    (1970); State ex rel. Stough v. Norton City School Dist. Bd. of Edn., 50 Ohio
    St.2d 47, 50, 
    362 N.E.2d 266
    (1977), overruled on other grounds, State ex rel.
    Alford v. Willoughby Civ. Serv. Comm., 
    58 Ohio St. 2d 221
    390 N.E.2d 782
    {¶ 23} The critical problem for Pilkington is that the commission had
    subject-matter jurisdiction over the 2009 proceedings. The subject matter of the
    2009 complaint cases concerned rates, and the commission’s jurisdiction over
    rates and rate-related matters is unquestionable and exclusive. See, e.g., State ex
    rel. Cleveland Elec. Illum. Co. v. Cuyahoga Cty. Court of Common Pleas, 
    88 Ohio St. 3d 447
    , 451, 
    727 N.E.2d 900
    {¶ 24} Moreover, Pilkington cannot credibly claim that the commission
    lacked jurisdiction over the subject matter when Pilkington itself invoked the
    commission’s jurisdiction by filing a complaint against Toledo Edison under R.C.
    4905.26. This statute “confers exclusive jurisdiction on the PUCO to adjudicate
    complaints filed against public utilities challenging any rate or charge as ‘unjust,
    unreasonable, * * * or in violation of law.’ ” (Brackets sic.) DiFranco v.
    FirstEnergy Corp., 
    134 Ohio St. 3d 144
    , 2012-Ohio-5445, 
    980 N.E.2d 996
    , ¶ 19.
    That is, Pilkington not only failed to dispute the commission’s jurisdiction over its
    complaint, it chose to be subject to it.
    {¶ 25} Pilkington also cites Arlington v. Fed. Communications Comm.,
    ___ U.S. ___, 
    133 S. Ct. 1863
    , ___ L.Ed.2d ___ (2013), for the proposition that it
    was not required to preserve its ultra vires claim on rehearing at the commission.
    Pilkington maintains that its ultra vires claim can be raised at any time because
    Arlington makes clear that the commission’s 2009 Order—which we found
    unlawful in Martin Marietta—is void based on a lack of jurisdiction. But that
    assertion is incorrect.
    {¶ 26} The question presented on direct review in Arlington was whether
    courts must defer to the Federal Communications Commission’s interpretation of
    a statute that concerned the scope of the agency’s jurisdiction, pursuant to
    Chevron, U.S.A., Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc., 
    467 U.S. 837
    104 S. Ct. 2778
    81 L. Ed. 2d 694
    (1984).          Arlington did state that when an
    administrative agency acts beyond the bounds of its statutory authority, its action
    is ultra vires. Arlington at 1869 (for administrative agencies, “[b]oth their power
    to act and how they are to act is authoritatively prescribed by Congress, so that
    when they act improperly, no less than when they act beyond their jurisdiction,
    what they do is ultra vires”).         The case, however, was not decided on
    jurisdictional grounds. Pilkington overlooks the fact that the Arlington court
    expressly found that when it comes to determining the validity of an agency’s
    statutory interpretation, there is “no principled basis” for courts to decide whether
    the agency exceeded the scope of its statutory authority (its jurisdiction), or
    January Term, 2015
    whether it merely erred in the exercise of its statutory authority (a
    nonjurisdictional question).    
    Id. Rather, “[n]o
    matter how it is framed, the
    question a court faces when confronted with an agency’s interpretation of a statute
    it administers is always, simply, whether the agency has stayed within the bounds
    of its statutory authority.” (Emphasis deleted.) 
    Id. at 1868.
    See also 
    id. at 1869.
           {¶ 27} Beyond this, the United States Supreme Court in Arlington was not
    addressing a situation that is even remotely similar.         Here, the commission
    dismissed Pilkington’s complaint, Pilkington chose not to appeal, and now
    Pilkington wants the same outcome as those parties who did appeal. By contrast,
    Arlington involved a challenge to a declaratory ruling by the Federal
    Communications Commission. 
    Id. at 1866.
    Even though it contains the “ultra
    vires” language that Pilkington cites, we must read Arlington in proper context.
    As noted, the court rejected the contention that it needed to decide whether the
    agency’s action was jurisdictional or nonjurisdictional. While those labels may
    not be important to deciding issues of statutory construction on direct review, as
    was true in Arlington, they are critical to determining whether a nonappealing
    party—like Pilkington—can collaterally attack a commission order outside the
    normal appeal process. In short, Arlington simply did not address a situation like
    this, so its opinion is wholly inapposite and we will not extend it to this case.
    {¶ 28} Pilkington also claims that its rehearing application contains
    language that is sufficient to preserve the ultra vires issue for review. Pilkington
    argues that it was not necessary to include the specific words “ultra vires” in its
    rehearing application in order to preserve the issue. Rather, in its reply brief in
    this court, Pilkington maintains that it preserved the issue by the following
    statements: (1) the commission was “incorrect in denying its motion due to
    Pilkington’s failure to seek rehearing of the original Judgment and the prohibition
    of using Civ.R. 60(B)(5) as a substitute for appeal” and (2) the “Commission’s
    failure to vacate the Judgment resulted in an unlawful rate charge as a result of
    this Court’s decision in Martin Marietta.” According to Pilkington, “[t]hese
    statements leave no doubt that the ‘ground for reversal’ and the ‘errors
    complained of’ are the Commission’s failure to vacate the Judgment after Martin
    Marietta rendered the Judgment unlawful and void.” We disagree.
    {¶ 29} Pilkington overlooks the fact that this court has strictly construed
    the specificity requirement in R.C. 4903.10. See Discount Cellular, Inc. v. Pub.
    Util. Comm., 
    112 Ohio St. 3d 360
    , 2007-Ohio-53, 
    859 N.E.2d 957
    , ¶ 59 (when an
    appellant’s grounds for rehearing fail to specifically allege in what respect the
    commission’s order was unreasonable or unlawful, the requirements of R.C.
    4903.10 have not been met); Cincinnati v. Pub. Util. Comm., 
    151 Ohio St. 353
    86 N.E.2d 10
    (1949) (by using the language set forth in the predecessor to
    R.C. 4903.10, “the General Assembly indicated clearly its intention to deny the
    right to raise a question on appeal where the appellant’s application for rehearing
    used a shotgun instead of a rifle to hit that question”). The general statements
    Pilkington cites were not sufficient to put the commission on notice of the ultra
    vires claim.   Therefore, we cannot consider the claim on appeal.        See R.C.
    4903.10; see also, e.g., Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy, 
    115 Ohio St. 3d 208
    874 N.E.2d 764
    , at ¶ 15.
    B.     The commission did not violate the filed-rate doctrine when it refused
    to vacate the 2009 order
    {¶ 30} Pilkington also argues under its first proposition of law that the
    commission violated the filed-rate doctrine by refusing to vacate the 2009 Order.
    Under this doctrine, a utility may charge only the rates fixed by its current,
    commission-approved tariff.      See R.C. 4905.32; Keco Industries, Inc. v.
    Cincinnati & Suburban Bell Tel. Co., 
    166 Ohio St. 254
    , 257, 
    141 N.E.2d 465
    (1957). More specifically, Pilkington contends that we determined what the
    lawful, approved rate was in Martin Marietta. And by refusing to order Toledo
    Edison to charge that rate to Pilkington, the commission has allowed the utility to
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    charge rates other than the lawful, “filed” rates, thereby violating the filed-rate
    {¶ 31} Pilkington’s argument here hinges largely on its claim that the
    commission’s 2009 order is ultra vires, a claim that is not properly before us. But
    more importantly, Pilkington overlooks the fact that Toledo Edison did charge
    Pilkington the lawful rate. The filed-rate doctrine holds that rates approved by
    and filed with the commission are the lawful rates, unless a litigant proves
    otherwise. See R.C. 4905.33; In re Application of Columbus S. Power Co., 
    138 Ohio St. 3d 448
    , 2014-Ohio-462, 
    8 N.E.3d 863
    , ¶ 51. Pilkington did not appeal
    the commission’s 2009 Order, so it did not prove otherwise.
    C.       Pilkington has failed to show that the commission approved a
    discriminatory rate structure
    {¶ 32} Pilkington’s final argument under its first proposition of law is that
    by allowing the 2009 Order to stand, the commission created a discriminatory rate
    structure in violation of R.C. 4905.35. This argument need not detain us long,
    since Pilkington has provided no argument or explanation beyond this one-
    sentence assertion. Pilkington’s failure to present an argument as to how R.C.
    4905.35 applies on these facts and how it was violated is, alone, grounds for
    rejection. See In re Application of Columbus S. Power Co., 
    129 Ohio St. 3d 271
    951 N.E.2d 751
    , ¶ 14; Util. Serv. Partners, Inc. v. Pub. Util.
    124 Ohio St. 3d 284
    , 2009-Ohio-6764, 
    921 N.E.2d 1038
    , ¶ 53.
    II. Proposition of Law No. 2: A motion for relief from judgment under Civ.R.
    60(B) is the proper mechanism to vacate a commission order that this
    court has found to be unlawful
    {¶ 33} In its second proposition of law, Pilkington raises three arguments.
    First, Pilkington contends that Civ.R. 60(B) is an appropriate procedural
    mechanism to vacate an unlawful commission decision.             Second, Pilkington
    maintains that it satisfied the criteria of Civ.R. 60(B), thereby entitling it to the
    relief sought. And third, Pilkington argues that public policy and the equities
    dictate that Pilkington is entitled to relief from the commission’s unlawful
    {¶ 34} It is axiomatic that Civ.R. 60(B) cannot be used as a substitute for
    appeal. Bank of Am., N.A. v. Kuchta, 
    141 Ohio St. 3d 75
    , 2014-Ohio-4275, 
    21 N.E.3d 1040
    , ¶ 16, citing Harris v. Anderson, 
    109 Ohio St. 3d 101
    , 2006-Ohio-
    846 N.E.2d 43
    , ¶ 8-9. Like the other industrial companies that appealed the
    commission’s February 19, 2009 order, Pilkington had the statutory right to file
    an application for rehearing and, if that application was unsuccessful, an appeal to
    this court. See R.C. 4903.10 and 4903.13. Pilkington chose not to pursue those
    rights, however. Civ.R. 60(B) “does not exist to allow a party to obtain relief
    from his or her own choice to forgo an appeal from an adverse decision.” Kuchta
    at ¶ 15, citing Ackermann v. United States, 
    340 U.S. 193
    , 198, 
    71 S. Ct. 209
    95 L. Ed. 207
    (1950). The doctrine of res judicata applies to a Civ.R. 60(B) motion
    filed as a substitute for appeal. Kuchta at ¶ 16. Moreover, where one party
    appeals a judgment, a reversal as to that party generally will not justify a reversal
    as to nonappealing parties. Wigton v. Lavender, 
    9 Ohio St. 3d 40
    , 43, 
    457 N.E.2d 1172
    {¶ 35} Pilkington did not appeal the commission’s adverse judgment.
    Therefore, that judgment is final, and res judicata precludes the use of Civ.R.
    60(B) to obtain relief from that final judgment. Thus, whether or not Civ.R.
    60(B) might be used in some circumstances to seek relief from an unlawful
    commission decision, Pilkington is not entitled to use that rule in this case, having
    not taken advantage of the statutory mechanisms for obtaining reversal of a
    commission decision.
    Pilkington has also reasserted its ultra vires claim under its second proposition of law. Because it
    forfeited that claim, there is no need to revisit it here.
    January Term, 2015
    {¶ 36} Pilkington had the burden of demonstrating that the commission’s
    orders were unreasonable or unlawful. R.C. 4903.13; Monongahela Power Co.,
    104 Ohio St. 3d 571
    , 2004-Ohio-6896, 
    820 N.E.2d 921
    , ¶ 29. Pilkington has not
    carried that burden in this appeal. Therefore, we affirm the commission’s orders.
    Orders affirmed.
    O’NEILL, JJ., concur.
    Bricker & Eckler, L.L.P., Thomas J. O’Brien, J. Thomas Siwo, Matthew
    W. Warnock, and Daniel C. Gibson, for appellant.
    Michael DeWine, Attorney General, William L. Wright, Thomas G.
    Lindgren, and Thomas W. McNamee, Assistant Attorneys General, for appellee,
    Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
    Calfee, Halter & Griswold, L.L.P., James F. Lang, and Sarah M.
    Antonuccci; David S. Winston, for intervening appellee, Toledo Edison