State v. Polk (Slip Opinion) , 150 Ohio St. 3d 29 ( 2017 )

  • [Until this opinion appears in the Ohio Official Reports advance sheets, it may be cited as State
    v. Polk, Slip Opinion No. 
    This slip opinion is subject to formal revision before it is published in an
    advance sheet of the Ohio Official Reports. Readers are requested to
    promptly notify the Reporter of Decisions, Supreme Court of Ohio, 65
    South Front Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215, of any typographical or other
    formal errors in the opinion, in order that corrections may be made before
    the opinion is published.
    [Until this opinion appears in the Ohio Official Reports advance sheets, it
    may be cited as State v. Polk, Slip Opinion No. 
    Fourth Amendment—Search and seizure—High school’s protocol requiring
    searches of unattended book bags furthers compelling governmental
    interest in protecting public-school students from physical harm—School
    employees’ warrantless search of unattended book bag pursuant to protocol
    was limited to furthering compelling governmental interest and was
    reasonable—Court of appeals’ judgment affirming trial court’s grant of
    suppression motion reversed and cause remanded.
    (No. 2016-0271—Submitted March 1, 2017—Decided May 11, 2017.)
    APPEAL from the Court of Appeals for Franklin County,
    No. 14AP-787, 
    {¶ 1} In this discretionary appeal, we decide whether the Tenth District
    Court of Appeals erred in affirming the judgment of the Franklin County Court of
    Common Pleas granting a defense motion to suppress evidence seized during the
    warrantless search of an unattended book bag. The search was conducted by a
    school employee responsible for students’ safety and security and the school’s
    principal to determine who owned the bag and to ensure that its contents were not
    {¶ 2} Based on the facts of this case, we hold that the school’s protocol
    requiring searches of unattended book bags—to determine ownership and whether
    the contents are dangerous—furthers the compelling governmental interest in
    protecting public-school students from physical harm. We further hold that the
    school employees’ search of the unattended book bag belonging to appellee,
    Whetstone High School student Joshua Polk, was limited to furthering that
    compelling governmental interest and was reasonable under the Fourth
    Amendment to the United States Constitution. Therefore, we reverse the judgment
    of the court of appeals and remand the cause to the trial court for further
    proceedings consistent with this opinion.
    {¶ 3} Robert Lindsey, who is not a police officer, is employed as a safety
    and security resource coordinator by the Columbus City School District. His job is
    to ensure that students are safe, and it requires him to undertake tasks such as
    running fire drills and carrying out security checks of school buildings, the students,
    and their lockers. At a hearing on Polk’s suppression motion, Lindsey testified that
    Columbus’s Whetstone High School has an unwritten protocol requiring searches
    of “unattended” book bags to identify their owners and to ensure that their contents
    are not dangerous. Lindsey testified that the protocol was based on “current events
    January Term, 2017
    and safety concerns,” “what’s going on with America,” and studies indicating that
    an “[u]nattended bag * * * is a priority.” Lindsey estimated that he searches 15 to
    20 bags a day, either because a bag is suspected to contain contraband or because
    it has been left unattended.
    {¶ 4} Lindsey testified that Whetstone bus drivers perform walk-throughs
    of the buses after their routes are complete to ensure that no student has remained
    on the bus. On February 5, 2013, while Lindsey was on duty at Whetstone, a bus
    driver found a book bag during his walk-through and gave it to Lindsey. Lindsey
    testified that it was a typical book bag carried by Whetstone students. He opened
    the bag enough to discern papers, notebooks, a binder, and “stuff like that.” One
    of the papers had Polk’s name on it. Recalling a rumor that Polk was possibly in a
    gang, Lindsey immediately took the bag to Whetstone’s principal, a Mr. Barrett.
    Together they emptied Polk’s bag of its contents—which, Lindsey testified, he
    would have done regardless of the rumor that Polk may have been in a gang because
    that was the protocol. Upon emptying the bag, Lindsey and Barrett discovered
    bullets, which Lindsey had not noticed when he initially opened the bag after
    receiving it from the bus driver. Barrett then notified a police officer.
    {¶ 5} Lindsey, Barrett, and the police officer determined Polk’s location in
    the school and went to find him. When they found Polk walking in a crowded
    hallway, they moved him into another hallway away from other students. The
    police officer then incapacitated Polk by placing him in a hold and instructed
    Lindsey to search a book bag that Polk was carrying. Lindsey found a handgun in
    a side compartment of that bag.
    {¶ 6} The state charged Polk with one count of conveyance or possession
    of a deadly weapon or dangerous ordnance in a school-safety zone. Polk filed a
    motion to suppress the bullets and the handgun, arguing that the searches of both
    book bags were unreasonable under the Fourth Amendment and that regardless of
    the legality of the search of the bag that Polk was found carrying, the handgun
    should be excluded as fruit of the poisonous tree. The state filed a memorandum
    in opposition.
    {¶ 7} The trial court granted Polk’s motion to suppress. The court first
    determined that Lindsey’s initial search of the unattended bag—to identify its
    owner and to ensure that its contents were not dangerous—was reasonable. The
    court further determined, however, that the “second and more intrusive search” of
    the unattended bag, conducted by Lindsey and Principal Barrett, was unreasonable
    because it was “conducted solely based on the identity and reputation of the owner,”
    which did not constitute reasonable grounds for suspecting a violation of school
    rules or the law.
    {¶ 8} In a two-to-one decision, the court of appeals affirmed the trial court’s
    judgment, essentially adopting the trial court’s reasoning and adding that the trial
    court had correctly suppressed the handgun as fruit of the poisonous tree. 2016-
    57 N.E.3d 318
    , ¶ 12-19.         The dissenting judge noted that “when
    considering the second search, the majority applied the test outlined in [New Jersey
    v. T.L.O., 
    469 U.S. 325
    105 S.Ct. 733
    83 L.Ed.2d 720
     (1985)] for the initial
    search[,]” i.e., whether Lindsay “ ‘had “reasonable grounds” for suspecting that the
    search would turn up evidence that [Polk] had violated or was violating either
    school rules or the law.’ ” (Emphasis added.) 
    57 N.E.3d 318
    , at
    ¶ 33 (Dorrian, P.J., concurring and dissenting), quoting the trial court’s opinion.
    The dissenting judge went on to conclude that “the [trial] court’s question regarding
    the second search should have been whether the measures adopted [by the school]
    were reasonably related to the objectives of the initial search (safety and
    identification) and whether the search was not excessively intrusive.” Id. at ¶ 34.
    {¶ 9} We accepted the state’s discretionary appeal, in which it asserts the
    following three propositions of law:
    January Term, 2017
    (1) A search is constitutional if it complies with a public
    school’s reasonable search protocol. The subjective motive of the
    public-school employee performing the search is irrelevant.
    (2) The sole purpose of the federal exclusionary rule is to
    deter police misconduct. As a result, the exclusionary rule does not
    apply to searches by public-school employees.
    (3) Suppression is proper only if the deterrence benefits of
    suppression outweigh its substantial social costs.
    145 Ohio St.3d 1470
    49 N.E.3d 1313
    . Because we conclude
    that Whetstone’s search protocol is reasonable and that Lindsey and Principal
    Barrett’s search complied with it, it is not necessary to address either the relevance
    of the subjective motive raised in the state’s first proposition of law or the issues
    raised in the state’s second and third propositions of law.
    {¶ 10} The state argues that because a public school is a “special need”
    setting in which students have a limited expectation of privacy and because public
    schools have a compelling governmental interest in protecting student safety, the
    search of the book bag that Polk left on the bus was reasonable because it complied
    with Whetstone’s protocol for searching unattended book bags and because the
    protocol is reasonable.
    {¶ 11} In response, Polk notes that while a student in a public-school
    setting has a diminished expectation of privacy in an unattended book bag, that
    expectation of privacy is not nonexistent. Polk contends that while Lindsey
    possessed authority to inspect Polk’s unattended bag to identify its owner and
    to determine whether the contents were dangerous, Lindsey’s initial search of
    the bag satisfied these objectives. Therefore, Polk argues, the “second, more-
    intrusive investigatory search” conducted by Lindsey and Barrett violated the
    Fourth Amendment.
    A. “Special Needs” Searches Not Based on Individualized Suspicion
    {¶ 12} The Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution provides
    that “[t]he right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and
    effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated.” “To be
    reasonable under the Fourth Amendment, a search ordinarily must be based on
    individualized suspicion of wrongdoing.” Chandler v. Miller, 
    520 U.S. 305
    , 313,
    117 S.Ct. 1295
    137 L.Ed.2d 513
     (1997), citing Vernonia School Dist. 47J v. Acton,
    515 U.S. 646
    , 652-653, 
    115 S.Ct. 2386
    132 L.Ed.2d 564
     (1995).                  “But
    particularized exceptions to the main rule are sometimes warranted based on
    ‘special needs, beyond the normal need for law enforcement.’ ” 
    Skinner v. Ry. Labor Executives’ Assn., 
    489 U.S. 602
    , 619, 
    109 S.Ct. 1402
    103 L.Ed.2d 639
     (1989). “When such ‘special needs’—concerns other than crime
    detection—are alleged in justification of a Fourth Amendment intrusion, courts
    must undertake a context-specific inquiry, examining closely the competing private
    and public interests advanced by the parties.” Id. at 314. And “ ‘[i]n limited
    circumstances, where the privacy interests implicated by the search are minimal,
    and where an important governmental interest furthered by the intrusion would be
    placed in jeopardy by a requirement of individualized suspicion, a search may be
    reasonable despite the absence of such suspicion.’ ” Id., quoting Skinner at 624.
    B. Permissibility of Warrantless Searches in Special-Needs Settings
    {¶ 13} In T.L.O., 
    469 U.S. 325
    105 S.Ct. 733
    83 L.Ed.2d 720
    , the United
    States Supreme Court first upheld a warrantless search in a special-needs setting.
    Ferguson v. Charleston, 
    532 U.S. 67
    , 74, 
    121 S.Ct. 1281
    149 L.Ed.2d 205
    fn. 7. “[U]nder T.L.O., the Supreme Court has moved away from a rule-based
    search and seizure jurisprudence toward a case-by-case method that will often turn
    on a careful and meticulous analysis of the facts of the case.” State v. Lindsey, 
    881 N.W.2d 411
    , 425 (Iowa 2016).
    January Term, 2017
    {¶ 14} In T.L.O., a teacher, upon discovering a student smoking (which was
    against school rules), took the student to the principal’s office. When the student
    denied that she had been smoking, the principal demanded her purse, opened it, and
    discovered cigarettes and rolling papers associated with marijuana use.            The
    principal then searched the rest of the student’s purse, discovering marijuana, drug
    paraphernalia, and other incriminating evidence.
    {¶ 15} The state filed delinquency charges against the student, who moved
    to suppress the evidence found in her purse. The juvenile court denied the motion
    to suppress, finding that there was reasonable suspicion to search the purse for
    cigarettes and that once the purse was open, the marijuana could be seized under
    the plain-view doctrine.
    {¶ 16} The juvenile was adjudicated delinquent. The court of appeals found
    no violation of the Fourth Amendment but vacated the judgment of delinquency on
    other grounds. The student appealed the Fourth Amendment ruling, and the New
    Jersey Supreme Court held that the search was unreasonable and ordered that the
    evidence be suppressed.
    {¶ 17} The United States Supreme Court granted the state’s petition for
    certiorari to determine whether the exclusionary rule applied, but that issue became
    moot when the court determined that the Fourth Amendment applied to searches of
    students conducted by school officials and that the search employed in T.L.O. was
    469 U.S. at 332
    105 S.Ct. 733
    83 L.Ed.2d 720
    {¶ 18} Recognizing that “ ‘[t]he basic purpose of [the Fourth Amendment]
    * * * is to safeguard the privacy and security of individuals against arbitrary
    invasions by governmental officials,’ ” the court in T.L.O. held that “[i]n carrying
    out searches and other disciplinary functions pursuant to [school disciplinary]
    policies, school officials act as representatives of the State, not merely as surrogates
    for the parents, and they cannot claim the parents’ immunity from the strictures of
    the Fourth Amendment.” 
    Id. at 335-337
    , quoting Camara v. Mun. Court of San
    387 U.S. 523
    , 528, 
    87 S.Ct. 1727
    18 L.Ed.2d 930
    {¶ 19} In determining whether the principal’s warrantless search was
    reasonable under the Fourth Amendment, the court stated that “[t]he determination
    of the standard of reasonableness governing any specific class of searches requires
    ‘balancing the need to search against the invasion which the search entails.’ ” Id.
    at 337, quoting Camara at 536-537. Accordingly, the court balanced a student’s
    privacy interest in bringing certain types of property to school (e.g., school supplies,
    keys, money, and personal-hygiene items as well as highly personal items like
    photos and diaries) against “the substantial interest of teachers and administrators
    in maintaining discipline in the classroom and on school grounds.” Id. at 339. The
    court recognized that
    “[e]vents calling for discipline are frequent occurrences and
    sometimes require immediate, effective action.” * * *
    Accordingly, we have recognized that maintaining security and
    order in the schools requires a certain degree of flexibility in
    school disciplinary procedures, and we have respected the value
    of preserving the informality of the student-teacher relationship.
    Id. at 339-340, quoting Goss v. Lopez, 
    419 U.S. 565
    , 580, 
    95 S.Ct. 729
    42 L.Ed.2d 725
     (1975), and citing Goss at 582-523 and Ingraham v. Wright, 
    430 U.S. 651
    , 680-
    97 S.Ct. 1401
    51 L.Ed.2d 711
    {¶ 20} The court explained that in striking a balance between students’
    expectation of privacy and school officials’ “need to maintain an environment in
    which learning can take place[,] [i]t is evident that the school setting requires some
    easing of restrictions to which searches by public authorities are ordinarily
    January Term, 2017
    subject”—namely, the requirements of probable cause and a search warrant.
    469 U.S. at 340
    105 S.Ct. 733
    83 L.Ed.2d 720
    . The court held that the
    substantial need of teachers and administrators for freedom to
    maintain order in the schools does not require strict adherence to the
    requirement that searches be based on probable cause to believe that
    the subject of the search has violated or is violating the law. Rather,
    the legality of a search of a student should depend simply on the
    reasonableness, under all the circumstances, of the search.
    (Emphasis added.) 
    Id. at 341
    {¶ 21} After T.L.O., the court next examined the issue of warrantless
    searches in the school context in the form of random drug testing of student-athletes
    and students who participate in extracurricular activities. See Acton, 
    515 U.S. 646
    115 S.Ct. 2386
    132 L.Ed.2d 564
     (upholding random drug testing of student-
    athlete); Bd. of Edn. of Indep. School Dist. No. 92 of Pottawatomie Cty. v. Earls,
    536 U.S. 822
    122 S.Ct. 2559
    153 L.Ed.2d 735
     (2002) (upholding random drug
    testing of students who participate in certain extracurricular activities). In both
    cases, the court applied a balancing test appropriate for special-needs searches that
    are not based on individualized suspicion. Under this balancing test, the court
    weighs the importance of the government’s interest and the efficacy of the search
    policy in furthering that interest against the nature of the privacy interest involved
    and the intrusiveness of the search. Acton at 664-665; Earls at 830-834. In both
    cases, the court upheld the random drug testing of certain students in light of the
    government’s important interest in deterring drug use by schoolchildren and the
    students’ diminished expectations of privacy.
    {¶ 22} Indeed, “while children assuredly do not ‘shed their constitutional
    rights * * * at the schoolhouse gate,’ * * * the nature of those rights is what is
    appropriate for children in school.” (First ellipsis sic.) Acton at 655-656, quoting
    Tinker v. Des Moines Indep. Community School Dist., 
    393 U.S. 503
    , 506, 
    89 S.Ct. 733
    21 L.Ed.2d 731
     (1969). “A student’s privacy interest is limited in a public
    school environment where the State is responsible for maintaining discipline,
    health, and safety.” (Emphasis added.) Earls at 830-831. And “[s]ecuring order
    in the school environment sometimes requires that students be subjected to greater
    controls than those appropriate for adults.” Id. at 831, citing T.L.O. at 350 (Powell,
    J., concurring).
    C. Whetstone’s Search Protocol
    {¶ 23} As previously noted, in T.L.O., the Supreme Court held that the
    legality of the warrantless search of a student depends on the search’s
    “reasonableness, under all the circumstances.” 
    469 U.S. at 341
    105 S.Ct. 733
    83 L.Ed.2d 720
    . The T.L.O. reasonableness standard requires that the court first ask
    whether the search was “ ‘justified at its inception’ ”—that is, whether there were
    “reasonable grounds for suspecting that the search [would] turn up evidence that
    the student ha[d] violated or [was] violating either the law or the rules of the
    Id. at 341-342
    , quoting Terry, 392 U.S. at 20, 
    88 S.Ct. 1868
    20 L.Ed.2d 889
    {¶ 24} The search in T.L.O. was based on individualized suspicion of
    wrongdoing. Id. at 344-345. In this case, however, no violation was suspected at
    the time of Lindsey and Principal Barrett’s search of Polk’s unattended bag. We
    are asked to determine the reasonableness of Whetstone’s search protocol as
    applied to this special-needs search. Accordingly, in analyzing Whetstone’s search
    protocol, we find instructive the balancing test established by the Supreme Court in
    Acton and Earls, which weighs the importance of the government’s interest and the
    efficacy of the search policy in meeting that interest against the nature of the privacy
    interest involved and the intrusiveness of the search.
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    1. Importance of governmental interest and efficacy of searching unattended
    book bags
    {¶ 25} Schools have an obligation to keep their students safe. Earls, 
    536 U.S. at 830
    122 S.Ct. 2559
    153 L.Ed.2d 735
    .         “Columbine, Virginia Tech
    University, and now Sandy Hook underscore a fundamental policy change that has
    taken place in our schools. We now pursue a new fundamental value in our schools:
    security.” Demitchell, Locked Down & Armed: Security Responses to Violence in
    Our Schools, 13 Conn.Pub.Int.L.J. 275, 281 (2014). The United States Department
    of Homeland Security’s “See Something Say Something” website warns that
    persons should be suspicious of “abandoned” items like luggage.                 See (accessed Apr. 17, 2017).
    Because of “the perceived crisis concerning violence and drug use in the schools,
    * * * school officials may be remiss if they do not find and seize objects which
    might pose a threat to the well being of other students or school officials.”
    (Emphasis sic.)    Ferraraccio, Metal Detectors in the Public Schools: Fourth
    Amendment Concerns, 
    28 J.L. & Educ. 209
    , 214 (1999).
    {¶ 26} These warnings are reflective of school shootings and bomb threats
    and, more generally, terror attacks that have occurred in this country. Lindsey
    testified that Whetstone’s protocol requiring searches of unattended book bags to
    identify their owners and to ensure that their contents are not dangerous was born
    of these concerns.    Therefore, Whetstone’s protocol supports the compelling
    governmental interest in public-school safety by helping to ensure that the contents
    of the bags are not dangerous and in turn that Whetstone’s students remain safe
    from physical harm. See generally MacWade v. Kelly, 
    460 F.3d 260
     (2d Cir.2006)
    (holding that random warrantless searches of subway riders’ closed containers
    supported deterrence of terrorism and were reasonable under the Fourth
    Amendment). And a complete search of unattended bags is effective in ensuring
    that they do not contain dangerous contents. See Earls at 837-838; Acton, 
    515 U.S. 11
    at 663-664, 
    115 S.Ct. 2386
    132 L.Ed.2d 564
    . Anything less than a complete search
    may miss dangerous items, as we explain later in this opinion.
    2. Students’ expectation of privacy in unattended book bags
    {¶ 27} The Fourth Amendment protects persons from unreasonable
    searches only to the extent that they have a reasonable expectation of privacy in the
    property at issue. Athens v. Wolf, 
    38 Ohio St.2d 237
    , 240, 
    313 N.E.2d 405
    “The [Fourth] Amendment does not protect the merely subjective expectation of
    privacy, but only those ‘expectation[s] that society is prepared to recognize as
    “reasonable.” ’ ” Oliver v. United States, 
    466 U.S. 170
    , 177, 
    104 S.Ct. 1735
    80 L.Ed.2d 214
     (1984), quoting Katz v. United States, 
    389 U.S. 347
    , 361, 
    88 S.Ct. 507
    19 L.Ed.2d 576
     (1967). A person forfeits his reasonable expectation of privacy in
    his property when he abandons it. State v. Gould, 
    131 Ohio St.3d 179
    , 2012-Ohio-
    963 N.E.2d 136
    , ¶ 30. In the context of the Fourth Amendment, property is
    abandoned if there is evidence that ownership of it has been relinquished. 
    {¶ 28} Whetstone’s search protocol requires school officials to search
    unattended book bags. The dictionary definition of “unattended” is “not watched
    with care, attentiveness, or accuracy.”       Webster’s Third New International
    Dictionary 2482 (2002). Property left unattended in a public place is usually
    considered abandoned for purposes of the Fourth Amendment. See, e.g., United
    States v. Thomas, 
    864 F.2d 843
    , 846-847 (D.C.Cir.1989) (defendant had no
    reasonable expectation of privacy in gym bag he left on floor of public hallway in
    apartment building).
    {¶ 29} Unlike in Thomas, the bag in this case was not left in a public place;
    it was left on an empty school bus to which the general public had no access. Polk’s
    book bag was not abandoned in the sense that he had relinquished ownership of it.
    However, leaving a book bag on an empty school bus does diminish the owner’s
    expectation of privacy because school buses transport children to and from school.
    Children are inquisitive and might be inclined to open an unattended book bag. See
    January Term, 2017
    State v. Flynn, 
    360 N.W.2d 762
    , 765 (Iowa 1985) (“the place where seized property
    is located may be so exposed as to negate any reasonable expectation of privacy”),
    citing State v. Kramer, 
    231 N.W.2d 874
    , 879 (Iowa 1975); People v. Shepherd, 
    23 Cal.App.4th 825
    , 828-829, 
    28 Cal.Rptr.2d 458
     (1994) (“an important consideration
    in evaluating a privacy interest is whether a person has taken normal precautions to
    maintain his or her privacy”).
    {¶ 30} The definition of “unattended” is similar to the definition of “lost,”
    which is defined as “gone out of one’s possession or control; mislaid.” Webster’s
    Third New International Dictionary at 1338. Therefore, we also look to case law
    addressing lost property to assist our analysis.       “Property is lost through
    inadvertence, not intent.” State v. Ching, 
    67 Haw. 107
    , 110, 
    678 P.2d 1088
    Consequently, a person retains a reasonable expectation of privacy in a lost item,
    “diminished to the extent that the finder may examine the contents of that item as
    necessary to determine the rightful owner.” State v. Hamilton, 
    67 P.3d 871
    , ¶ 26
    (Mont.2003); accord Ching at 110; State v. Kealey, 
    80 Wash.App. 162
    , 173, 
    907 P.2d 319
    {¶ 31} One’s expectation of privacy in a closed container is further
    diminished to the extent that there is a need to ensure that its contents are not
    dangerous to the public. See Knight v. Commonwealth, 
    61 Va.App. 297
    , 306, 
    734 S.E.2d 716
     (2012); accord Ching at 112. Although the above cases involved
    property found by law-enforcement officials, the rationale justifying the
    warrantless investigatory search of a closed container applies to school officials
    who are responsible for the safety of students.
    {¶ 32} In light of Whetstone’s compelling interest in ensuring that
    unattended book bags do not contain dangerous items and of Polk’s greatly
    diminished expectation of privacy in his unattended bag, we conclude that
    Whetstone’s protocol requiring searches of unattended book bags to identify their
    owners and to ensure that their contents are not dangerous is reasonable under the
    Fourth Amendment.
    3. Intrusiveness of search of Polk’s unattended bag
    {¶ 33} It is undisputed that Lindsey conducted a cursory inspection of
    Polk’s unattended book bag that yielded the name of its owner, then shortly
    thereafter emptied the bag. The trial court found that “it was reasonable for Officer
    Lindsey to conduct his initial search of the unattended book bag for not only safety
    and security purposes, but also to identify the book bag’s owner. Having done so,
    his original purpose for the search was fulfilled.” (Emphasis added.) The court
    then held, however, that Lindsey and Principal Barrett’s subsequent emptying of
    the bag was unreasonable because it was a new search motivated solely by the
    rumor that Polk possibly was a gang member.
    {¶ 34} The court of appeals deferred to the trial court’s finding that
    Lindsey’s cursory search of the unattended bag satisfied the purposes of identifying
    its owner and ensuring that its contents were not dangerous. We conclude, based
    on this record, that that finding did not warrant the appellate court’s deference.
    {¶ 35} Appellate review of a ruling on a motion to suppress presents a
    mixed question of law and fact. State v. Burnside, 
    100 Ohio St.3d 152
    , 2003-Ohio-
    797 N.E.2d 71
    , ¶ 8.
    “An appellate court must accept the trial court’s findings of fact if
    they are supported by competent, credible evidence. * * * Accepting
    these facts as true, the appellate court must then independently
    determine, without deference to the conclusion of the trial court,
    whether the facts satisfy the applicable legal standard.”
    State v. Codeluppi, 
    139 Ohio St.3d 165
    10 N.E.3d 691
    , ¶ 7,
    quoting Burnside at ¶ 8.
    January Term, 2017
    {¶ 36} The trial court held that Lindsey was justified in searching the
    unattended bag to identify its owner and to ensure that its contents were not
    dangerous, but it did not explain why merely opening and peering into a book bag
    full of items would be sufficient to ensure that none of its contents were dangerous.
    A cursory inspection might easily fail to detect the presence of small but dangerous
    items. See Illinois v. Lafayette, 
    462 U.S. 640
    , 646, 
    103 S.Ct. 2605
    77 L.Ed.2d 65
    (1983) (“Dangerous instrumentalities—such as razor blades, bombs, or weapons—
    can be concealed in innocent-looking articles taken from the arrestee’s
    possession”). Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, the two students responsible for the
    Columbine High School shootings, fashioned explosive devices out of CO2
    cartridges                  called                  “cricket                  bombs.”
    (accessed           Apr.             17,          2017);            see           also (accessed Apr. 17, 2017)
    (showing a cricket-bomb explosion). Cricket bombs are so small that they are
    likely to evade a cursory search of a book bag, as did the bullets in this case. See
    People v. Getman, 
    188 Misc.2d 809
    , 817, 
    729 N.Y.S.2d 858
     (2001) (noting that
    cricket bombs fit in the pocket of a jacket). Consequently, we conclude that there
    is not competent, credible evidence to support the trial court’s finding that
    Lindsey’s act of opening Polk’s unattended bag enough to observe papers,
    notebooks, and a binder was sufficient to ensure that the bag contained no
    dangerous items.
    {¶ 37} Moreover, a reasonable delay in completing the execution of a
    search does not change the fact that a defendant is “no more imposed upon than he
    could have been at the time” that the reasons justifying the search first arose. United
    States v. Edwards, 
    415 U.S. 800
    , 805, 
    94 S.Ct. 1234
    39 L.Ed.2d 771
     (1974). And
    a warrantless search is not unreasonable merely because officials bring the item to
    another location before searching it. United States v. Johns, 
    469 U.S. 478
    , 486, 
    105 S.Ct. 881
    83 L.Ed.2d 890
    {¶ 38} Lindsey testified that he only peered into Polk’s unattended bag
    when it first came into his possession and that he could see papers, notebooks, and
    a binder. That cursory review provided him with the name of the bag’s owner, but
    it did not enable him to determine that the contents were not dangerous. That
    determination could not be made—and execution of Whetstone’s reasonable
    protocol for searching unattended book bags could not be completed—until the bag
    was emptied.
    {¶ 39} Whetstone’s protocol requiring searches of unattended book bags
    furthers the compelling governmental interest in protecting public-school students
    from physical harm. As executed here, the search of Polk’s unattended book bag
    was limited to fulfilling the purposes of Whetstone’s search protocol—to identify
    the bag’s owner and to ensure that its contents were not dangerous. Accordingly,
    we reverse the judgment of the court of appeals and remand the cause to the trial
    court for further proceedings consistent with this opinion.
    Judgment reversed
    and cause remanded.
    DEWINE, JJ., concur.
    Ron O’Brien, Franklin County Prosecuting Attorney, and Seth L. Gilbert,
    Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, for appellant.
    Yeura R. Venters, Franklin County Public Defender, and Timothy E. Pierce
    and George M. Schumann, Assistant Public Defenders, for appellee.
    Michael DeWine, Attorney General, Eric E. Murphy, State Solicitor,
    Michael J. Hendershot, Chief Deputy Solicitor, Samuel C. Peterson, Deputy
    January Term, 2017
    Solicitor, and Katherine J. Bockbrader, Assistant Attorney General, urging reversal
    for amicus curiae Ohio Attorney General Michael DeWine.
    Bricker & Eckler, L.L.P., and Jennifer M. Flint, urging reversal for amici
    curiae Ohio School Boards Association, Buckeye Association of School
    Administrators, Ohio Association of School Business Officials, Ohio Association
    of Secondary School Administrators, Ohio Federation of Teachers, and Ohio
    Education Association.
    Timothy Young, Ohio Public Defender, and Nikki Trautman Baszynski,
    Assistant Public Defender, urging affirmance for amicus curiae Ohio Public
    Marsha L. Levick, urging affirmance for amici curiae Juvenile Law Center,
    Center of Juvenile Law and Policy, Center for Wrongful Convictions of Youth,
    Children’s Law Center, Inc., Rutgers School of Law Children’s Justice Clinic,
    Rutgers Criminal and Youth Justice Clinic, Education Law Center-PA, Professor
    Barry C. Feld, Juvenile Defenders Association of Pennsylvania, Juvenile Justice
    Initiative, National Center for Youth Law, National Juvenile Justice Network,
    Northeast Juvenile Defender Center, Roderick and Solange MacArthur Justice
    Center, and Youth Law Center.
    Law Office of Matthew C. Bangerter and Matthew C. Bangerter; and
    Russell S. Bensing, urging affirmance for amicus curiae Ohio Association of
    Criminal Defense Lawyers.
    Kimberly Payne Jordan, urging affirmance for amicus curiae Justice for
    Children Project, Moritz College of Law Clinical Programs, Ohio State University.

Document Info

Docket Number: 2016-0271

Citation Numbers: 2017 Ohio 2735, 150 Ohio St. 3d 29

Judges: Kennedy, J.

Filed Date: 5/11/2017

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/13/2023

Authorities (24)

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