Disciplinary Counsel v. Burchinal (Slip Opinion) , 2021 Ohio 774 ( 2021 )

  • [Until this opinion appears in the Ohio Official Reports advance sheets, it may be cited as
    Disciplinary Counsel v. Burchinal, Slip Opinion No. 2021-Ohio-774.]
    This slip opinion is subject to formal revision before it is published in
    an advance sheet of the Ohio Official Reports. Readers are requested
    to promptly notify the Reporter of Decisions, Supreme Court of Ohio,
    65 South Front Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215, of any typographical or
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    made before the opinion is published.
    SLIP OPINION NO. 2021-OHIO-774
    [Until this opinion appears in the Ohio Official Reports advance sheets, it
    may be cited as Disciplinary Counsel v. Burchinal, Slip Opinion No.
    Attorneys—Misconduct—Multiple violations of the professional-conduct rules,
    including misappropriating client funds and continuing to practice law
    while license suspended—Several aggravating factors, including prior
    disciplinary offenses and causing harm to vulnerable clients—Permanent
    (No. 2020-1206—Submitted January 13, 2021—Decided March 17, 2021.)
    ON CERTIFIED REPORT by the Board of Professional Conduct of the Supreme
    Court, No. 2018-049.
    Per Curiam.
    {¶ 1} Respondent, Christopher James Burchinal, of Delaware, Ohio,
    Attorney Registration No. 0071503, was admitted to the practice of law in Ohio in
    1999. In August 2012, we suspended him from the practice of law for two years
    with 18 months stayed on conditions for misappropriating client funds in three
    matters and missing the statute-of-limitations deadline in a fourth client matter
    and then deceiving the clients in the fourth matter for two years, telling them that
    he was still negotiating with the insurance company. Disciplinary Counsel v.
    133 Ohio St. 3d 38
    , 2012-Ohio-3882, 
    975 N.E.2d 960
    . We have twice
    suspended him, albeit briefly, for his failure to timely register as an attorney. See
    In re Attorney-Registration Suspension of Burchinal, 
    107 Ohio St. 3d 1431
    , 2005-
    838 N.E.2d 671
    , and 
    157 Ohio St. 3d 1472
    , 2019-Ohio-4529, 
    134 N.E.3d 183
    {¶ 2} Relator, disciplinary counsel, filed the underlying complaint against
    Burchinal in October 2018 and amended it in January 2019. A three-member
    panel of the Board of Professional Conduct was appointed to hear the case, and in
    August 2019, the panel chair stayed the proceedings following Burchinal’s
    indictment on two felony counts arising from the conduct at issue in Count I of
    relator’s complaint.   Following Burchinal’s felony-theft conviction, the panel
    chair lifted the stay, and on March 5, 2020, we imposed an interim suspension on
    his license to practice law. In re Burchinal, 
    160 Ohio St. 3d 1205
    , 2020-Ohio-791,
    153 N.E.3d 124
    {¶ 3} In a seven-count second amended complaint filed on March 17,
    2020, relator charged Burchinal with misconduct arising from his felony-theft
    conviction and with neglecting three other client matters, making false statements
    to three tribunals, and failing to cooperate in the disciplinary process. The parties
    filed comprehensive stipulations in which Burchinal admitted that he had
    committed all 37 of the charged rule violations, but the parties did not agree on
    the appropriate sanction.
    {¶ 4} After a hearing, the panel issued a report largely adopting the
    parties’ stipulations of fact, misconduct, and aggravating and mitigating factors.
    Citing Burchinal’s consistent pattern of lying to his clients, judges, opposing
    January Term, 2021
    counsel, and disciplinary authorities, the panel recommended that he be
    permanently disbarred from the practice of law in Ohio. The board adopted the
    panel’s report in its entirety. Burchinal objects to the recommended sanction and
    argues that despite having engaged in serious misconduct, he deserves a second
    chance to rehabilitate himself and that an indefinite suspension will adequately
    protect the public from future harm.
    {¶ 5} We overrule Burchinal’s objections and permanently disbar him
    from the practice of law in Ohio.
    Facts and Misconduct
    Count I: Theft from an Incompetent Client and Other Misconduct in the
    Representation of that Client
    {¶ 6} In November 2016, the Delaware County Court of Common Pleas
    appointed Burchinal to represent B.C. in a criminal matter. Burchinal filed a
    motion for a psychiatric evaluation to determine whether B.C. was competent to
    stand trial. The court granted that motion and released B.C. from jail on a surety
    {¶ 7} On December 29, Burchinal approached B.C. and asked to borrow
    $8,000, claiming that he was short on funds after incurring significant medical
    expenses. He did not inform B.C. of the terms of the loan or advise him to seek
    independent counsel. B.C. wrote a check for $8,000, and Burchinal cashed it.
    The next day, the trial court declared B.C. incompetent to stand trial. Burchinal
    nevertheless continued to borrow additional funds from B.C.; he owed B.C.
    $19,200 by the end of January 2017.
    {¶ 8} In February 2017, B.C.’s bond was revoked and he was confined to
    a psychiatric facility. He asked Burchinal to assist him with paying his bills and
    gave him several checks signed in blank for that purpose. Over the following two
    months, Burchinal used three of those checks to obtain $10,000 of B.C.’s funds
    for his own benefit. He also issued a $5,000 check to B.C. from his own account
    as partial repayment of the original loan, though Burchinal’s account held just
    $1,030.17. By the time the check was presented for payment in early May 2017,
    the bank had closed Burchinal’s account due to a negative balance, so it refused to
    honor the check.
    {¶ 9} On May 4, Burchinal visited B.C. at the psychiatric facility and
    falsely claimed that he needed $6,500 to hire an investigator to assist him with
    B.C.’s criminal cases. Eight days later, he requested another $1,850. Each time,
    B.C. gave Burchinal a check for the requested amount. Burchinal took those
    checks, wrote “Investigator” on the memo line, cashed them, and used the funds
    for his own benefit. Later that month, he used another check that B.C. had signed
    in blank to take an additional $3,750 for himself under the guise of paying an
    {¶ 10} By May 15, Burchinal had misappropriated $22,100 in addition to
    the $19,200 he had borrowed from B.C.          The court released B.C. from the
    psychiatric facility later that month upon finding that his competency had been
    restored.       Shortly after his release, B.C. discovered that Burchinal had
    misappropriated funds, but erroneously believed that he had taken only $7,300
    beyond the loan.
    {¶ 11} In June 2017, B.C. requested that Burchinal repay the loan and
    return the misappropriated funds. In response, Burchinal executed a promissory
    note for $26,500—$14,800 less than he had actually misappropriated—in which
    he agreed to make monthly payments of $2,500 until the debt was paid, with no
    interest. He made just one $2,500 payment before B.C. discovered the true extent
    of his misappropriation and confronted him. In July 2017, Burchinal prepared
    and signed a second promissory note, this one agreeing to repay the entire
    $41,300, again with no interest and in monthly payments of $2,500. In August,
    he made a partial monthly payment of $1,500. In December 2017, he offered to
    transfer two motor-vehicle titles to B.C. as a partial payment on the debt, but B.C.
    January Term, 2021
    rejected the offer when Burchinal admitted that the vehicles were encumbered by
    bank liens. Burchinal made a $17,000 payment to B.C. later that month, and paid
    the remaining principal and interest in October 2018.
    {¶ 12} Burchinal was indicted in August 2019 for his theft from B.C. He
    pleaded guilty to a fourth-degree-felony count of theft, and the prosecutor
    dismissed a charge of passing bad checks. On February 24, 2020, Burchinal was
    sentenced to ten days in jail, one to five years of community control, and 50 hours
    of community service, and was ordered to pay court costs.
    {¶ 13} In January 2018, relator sent an initial letter of inquiry to Burchinal
    regarding his representation of B.C. Burchinal requested two extensions of time
    to respond but failed to submit his response by the promised date.           Relator
    subpoenaed him for a deposition, but when Burchinal falsely represented that his
    response and supporting documentation were in the mail, relator canceled the
    deposition. Burchinal never responded to the letter of inquiry.
    {¶ 14} The parties stipulated and the board found that Burchinal’s conduct
    violated Prof.Cond.R. 1.8(a) (prohibiting a lawyer from entering into a business
    transaction with a client unless the client is advised in writing of the desirability
    of obtaining independent legal counsel and the terms of the transaction are fair,
    reasonable, and fully disclosed in a writing signed by the client), 8.1(a)
    (prohibiting a lawyer from knowingly making a false statement of material fact in
    connection with a disciplinary matter), 8.1(b) and Gov.Bar R. V(9)(G) (both
    prohibiting a lawyer from knowingly failing to respond to a demand for
    information by a disciplinary authority during an investigation), Prof.Cond.R.
    8.4(b) (prohibiting a lawyer from committing an illegal act that reflects adversely
    on the lawyer’s honesty or trustworthiness), and 8.4(c) (prohibiting a lawyer from
    engaging in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation).
    The board also adopted the parties’ stipulation that Burchinal’s misappropriation
    of funds from a vulnerable client was sufficiently egregious to warrant a separate
    finding that he violated Prof.Cond.R. 8.4(h) (prohibiting a lawyer from engaging
    in conduct that adversely reflects on the lawyer’s fitness to practice law). See
    Disciplinary Counsel v. Bricker, 
    137 Ohio St. 3d 35
    , 2013-Ohio-3998, 
    997 N.E.2d 500
    Counts II, III, and VI: Dishonesty, Neglect, Failure to Reasonably Communicate,
    and Other Misconduct in the Representation of Three Clients
    {¶ 15} Burchinal failed to act with reasonable diligence in his
    representation of Monica Poole, Angela Riley, and Omar Gutierrez. Although
    these clients repeatedly reached out to Burchinal for information regarding the
    status of their cases, he often failed to return their calls or respond to their text
    {¶ 16} When Burchinal did respond to communications from these clients,
    he repeatedly lied to them. He either claimed that he had performed (or would
    soon perform) the requested services or fabricated excuses for not having done so.
    He blamed his court schedule and his secretary for his failure to file some
    {¶ 17} In the Poole matter, Burchinal claimed that the probate court had
    wrongly rejected his filings—though he ultimately stipulated that those
    documents had properly been rejected because they contained errors. In the Riley
    matter, he told his client that he had reached out numerous times to the insurer
    that was handling her personal-injury claim, and he suggested that the insurer was
    causing the delay in settling her claim. (He later admitted that he had failed to
    respond to the insurer’s communications.) He then asked Riley for a $210 filing
    fee so he could file a complaint. She gave him the money, and over the next
    several weeks, he repeatedly made excuses for why he had not yet filed the
    {¶ 18} Burchinal never filed Poole’s or Riley’s case.             He ceased
    communicating with Poole in June 2018 and did not refund her $588 flat fee until
    January Term, 2021
    the day before his June 2020 disciplinary hearing.          He alternated between
    ignoring Riley’s requests for a refund of her filing fee and the return of her file
    and falsely representing that he would comply with those requests. Although he
    eventually refunded $250 to her ($40 more than she had paid), he never returned
    her file.
    {¶ 19} In the Gutierrez matter, Burchinal timely filed a notice of appeal of
    Gutierrez’s criminal sentence, but the appeal was dismissed on July 2, 2018,
    because Burchinal never filed an appellate brief. When Gutierrez’s wife, Carmen
    Suarez, inquired about the dismissal a few days later, Burchinal lied and told her
    that he had received a 40-day extension to file the brief and that he would check
    with the court to see why the extension did not appear on its online docket. He
    later falsely told Suarez that he had spoken with the court about correcting the
    docket and that he expected to have a new deadline soon.
    {¶ 20} On a Friday in September 2018, Burchinal told Suarez that he had
    completed the brief in Gutierrez’s case and that after he put the finishing touches
    on it over the weekend, he would “file it Monday.” More than a week later,
    Suarez asked whether Burchinal had filed the brief and sent Gutierrez a copy.
    Burchinal falsely implied that the brief had been filed by responding, “I do not
    think a copy has been sent to him but I will make sure that he gets one.” He
    continued to lie to Suarez, stating that he had gone to visit Gutierrez at the prison
    but had been unable to see him because prison officials had double-booked the
    visitation room, when he had never actually gone to the prison. And when Suarez
    asked him to give her the name of another attorney, he claimed that he was
    drafting a petition for postconviction relief (which a public defender had advised
    Burchinal was the best option for the issue in the case) and would file it within the
    week, but he has stipulated that he did not prepare such a petition. Burchinal
    promised to forward Gutierrez’s file and transcripts to new counsel, but he never
    did. Gutierrez’s efforts to reopen his appeal were unsuccessful.
    {¶ 21} Burchinal received relator’s letters of inquiry regarding all three of
    these matters. He did not respond to relator’s inquiries regarding Poole and Riley.
    And although he twice submitted information regarding the Gutierrez matter, he
    did not comply with relator’s additional requests for information regarding that
    {¶ 22} The parties stipulated and the board found that Burchinal
    committed three violations of Prof.Cond.R. 1.3 (requiring a lawyer to act with
    reasonable diligence in representing a client), 1.4(a)(3) (requiring a lawyer to
    keep the client reasonably informed about the status of a matter), 1.4(a)(4)
    (requiring a lawyer to comply as soon as practicable with reasonable requests for
    information from the client), 8.1(b), and 8.4(c) and Gov.Bar R. V(9)(G). They
    also agreed that Burchinal’s conduct in the Poole and Gutierrez matters violated
    Prof.Cond.R. 8.4(d) (prohibiting a lawyer from engaging in conduct that is
    prejudicial to the administration of justice), and that his failure to return the Riley
    and Gutierrez files violated Prof.Cond.R. 1.16(d) (requiring a lawyer to promptly
    deliver client papers and property as part of the termination of representation).
    Counts IV, V, and VII: False Statements to Three Tribunals and Other
    Misconduct in the Representation of Three Clients
    {¶ 23} Burchinal made false statements to three separate tribunals and
    engaged in other misconduct while representing Robert Clay, Aaron Piendl, and
    Robert Garcia.
    {¶ 24} Clay, who hired Burchinal to represent him in a criminal matter,
    gave Burchinal $1,200 in cash at some point between his plea hearing and his
    sentencing hearing. Burchinal did not deposit the money into his client trust
    account. At Clay’s sentencing hearing on November 20, 2017, the court ordered
    him to serve two years of community control, pay a $500 fine, and make
    restitution of $1,001.09 by December 2, 2017. At that hearing, Burchinal falsely
    stated, “I actually have $1,200 of Mr. Clay’s sitting in my trust account * * *, so
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    that restitution could be paid almost immediately.” Burchinal, however, had only
    $10.69 in his trust account, and he did not pay the restitution to the clerk’s office.
    {¶ 25} Nearly a year later, Clay’s probation officer questioned Clay about
    his restitution, which remained unpaid, and Clay explained that he had given the
    money to Burchinal before his sentencing. The parties stipulated that if Clay had
    been called as a witness at Burchinal’s disciplinary hearing, he would have
    testified that when he contacted Burchinal about the missing payment, Burchinal
    falsely stated that he had sent a check to the court but it had never been cashed.
    On November 9, 2018, Burchinal presented a $1,001.09 cashier’s check to the
    clerk of court on Clay’s behalf.
    {¶ 26} In June 2019, Burchinal advised the panel in his disciplinary case
    that because he was being investigated for criminal theft, he was willing to wind
    down his practice and register his license inactive by September 1, 2019. Based
    on that representation, and with relator’s agreement, the panel chair stayed the
    disciplinary case against Burchinal until his criminal case was resolved.
    {¶ 27} On September 26, 2019, shortly before an extradition hearing at
    which Burchinal was to represent Aaron Piendl, the prosecutor discovered that
    Burchinal was listed as “Not registered” on the online attorney directory and
    confirmed that fact with the Office of Attorney Services. Upon arriving at the
    courthouse for the arraignment, Burchinal spoke with Piendl but did not advise
    him of his attorney-registration status.       When the judge inquired whether
    Burchinal was permitted to represent Piendl, Burchinal stated that he was. He
    explained that because of a pending disciplinary complaint against him, he had
    reached an agreement with relator that allowed him to wrap up his practice and
    register his license inactive by October 1, 2019.         The judge printed off the
    disciplinary case docket and informed Burchinal that the agreement actually
    required him to register his license inactive by September 1, 2019. Burchinal
    replied, “Oh.   Okay,” and the judge removed him from the case.              Piendl
    proceeded pro se and waived extradition.
    {¶ 28} A few months later, Burchinal agreed to represent Garcia in a
    probation-violation case. He did not inform Garcia that his law license was under
    suspension for his failure to register as an attorney for the 2019/2021 biennium.
    {¶ 29} Burchinal did not appear at a December 9, 2019 hearing in Garcia’s
    case until after the court called to inquire regarding his whereabouts. In open
    court, Burchinal informed the judge that he was in the process of winding down
    his practice and closing his office and that he was also “in the process of helping
    [Garcia] with a domestic issue.” He stated that he could “stand-in” for Garcia
    because he did not want him to be unrepresented. At that point, the judge stated
    that he was aware of Burchinal’s disciplinary proceedings and that he was also
    aware that Burchinal was under an attorney-registration suspension. The judge
    asked him to clarify his status and said he was uncomfortable going forward with
    the proceedings while the Supreme Court’s website indicated that he was
    suspended. Burchinal responded by falsely telling the court that he had submitted
    his paperwork and fees for reinstatement but that the Supreme Court had not
    timely processed the documents or reinstated him to the practice of law. He
    explained, “[L]ike you, I’m uncomfortable.       Even though I know I’ve done
    everything they told me to do, I would agree with the Court, the website says
    exactly what Your Honor saw.”
    {¶ 30} Burchinal requested and received a short continuance to allow him
    to confirm that his registration was in order. The next day, Burchinal submitted
    his registration form and a $650 check to the Office of Attorney Services. Two
    weeks later he appeared on Garcia’s behalf and completed the representation.
    {¶ 31} The parties stipulated and the board found that Burchinal’s conduct
    in the Clay, Piendl, and Garcia cases violated Prof.Cond.R. 3.3(a)(1) (prohibiting
    a lawyer from knowingly making a false statement of fact or law to a tribunal),
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    and that his conduct in the Piendl and Garcia cases was prejudicial to the
    administration of justice in violation of Prof.Cond.R. 8.4(d). They also agreed
    that his conduct in Clay’s case violated Prof.Cond.R. 1.15(c) (requiring a lawyer
    to deposit into a client trust account legal fees and expenses that have been paid in
    advance) and 8.4(c), and that his conduct in Garcia’s case violated Prof.Cond.R.
    5.5(a) (prohibiting a lawyer from practicing law in a jurisdiction in violation of
    the regulation of the legal profession in that jurisdiction).
    This Court Adopts the Findings of Fact and Misconduct
    {¶ 32} These findings of fact and misconduct with respect to Counts I
    through VII are undisputed, and we adopt them as our own.
    Recommended Sanction
    {¶ 33} When imposing sanctions for attorney misconduct, we consider all
    relevant factors, including the ethical duties that the lawyer violated, the
    aggravating and mitigating factors listed in Gov.Bar R. V(13), and the sanctions
    imposed in similar cases.
    {¶ 34} The board determined that Burchinal had engaged in at least two
    types of misconduct that carry presumptions of disbarment: misappropriating his
    clients’ funds and continuing to practice law while his license was under
    suspension. See Disciplinary Counsel v. Harter, 
    154 Ohio St. 3d 561
    , 2018-Ohio-
    116 N.E.3d 1255
    , ¶ 33 (“The presumptive sanction for an attorney’s
    misappropriation of client funds is disbarment”); Disciplinary Counsel v.
    135 Ohio St. 3d 404
    , 2013-Ohio-1510, 
    987 N.E.2d 678
    , ¶ 10
    (“disbarment is the presumptive sanction for continuing to practice law while
    under suspension”).
    {¶ 35} In addition, Burchinal’s current misconduct represented both a
    repetition and an escalation of prior misconduct—namely misappropriating funds,
    failing to commence legal proceedings on behalf of his clients, and lying to his
    clients about the status of their legal matters. See Burchinal, 
    133 Ohio St. 3d 38
    975 N.E.2d 960
    .         In fact, the board determined that “[t]he
    stipulated facts present an almost unbelievable, but consistent, pattern of lies and
    more lies to clients, family members of clients, and judges.”            Burchinal’s
    misconduct at issue in this case began with the theft of more than $41,000 from
    B.C.—a client who was declared incompetent on Burchinal’s own motion.
    Burchinal lied to B.C. to obtain the funds, and when he was caught, he lied about
    the extent of his theft. He also repeatedly lied to six other clients about the status
    of their legal matters. The board described his lying as “almost pathological,” but
    it found no medical or professional evidence to link that behavior to an underlying
    condition. See Gov.Bar R. V(13)(C)(7) (setting forth the requirements for a
    mental disorder to qualify as a mitigating factor).
    {¶ 36} Five aggravating factors are present.            Burchinal has prior
    discipline, acted with a dishonest or selfish motive, engaged in a pattern of
    misconduct, committed multiple offenses, and caused harm to vulnerable clients.
    See Gov.Bar R. V(13)(B)(1), (2), (3), (4), and (8). But just two mitigating factors
    apply—Burchinal made full and free disclosure to the board and exhibited a
    cooperative attitude in the disciplinary proceedings after the complaint was filed,
    and he had other sanctions imposed for his criminal conduct. See Gov.Bar R.
    V(13)(C)(4) and (6).
    {¶ 37} While the board recognized that Burchinal had “owned” his
    misconduct by virtue of his extensive stipulations of fact and misconduct in this
    case, it found that his acceptance of responsibility was “severely tarnished” by his
    (1) continuing to practice law in breach of the agreement that his counsel struck
    with the panel chair requiring him to wind down his practice and register his
    license inactive by September 1, 2019, (2) continuing to practice law while his
    license was suspended for a registration violation, and (3) lying to two judges
    about the status of his law license.
    January Term, 2021
    {¶ 38} The board acknowledged Burchinal’s repeated apologies for his
    misconduct, and it believed them to be sincere. But citing the scarcity of witness
    testimony and letters in support of Burchinal, the board concluded that he offered
    little more than his own regrets and assurance that he could “ ‘change and * * *
    get back on the right track.’ ”
    {¶ 39} Although the presumptive sanction of disbarment “may be
    tempered with sufficient evidence of mitigation or extenuating circumstances,”
    Disciplinary Counsel v. Edwards, 
    134 Ohio St. 3d 271
    , 2012-Ohio-5643, 
    981 N.E.2d 857
    , ¶ 18, the board found that the mitigating evidence in this case was
    insufficient to overcome the severity and breadth of Burchinal’s misconduct. See
    Cincinnati Bar Assn. v. Damon, 
    140 Ohio St. 3d 383
    , 2014-Ohio-3765, 
    18 N.E.3d 1183
    (permanently disbarring an attorney with no record of prior discipline who,
    in addition to stealing money from his law firm, accepted legal fees and failed to
    perform the contracted legal work for multiple clients).
    Objections and Analysis
    {¶ 40} Burchinal objects to the board’s recommendation that he be
    permanently disbarred. He argues that his acknowledgement of his misconduct,
    genuine remorse, payment of restitution, and successful history of working with
    the Ohio Lawyers Assistance Program (“OLAP”) suggest that he is amenable to
    rehabilitation and that an indefinite suspension from the practice of law will
    adequately protect the public from additional harm.         He also attempts to
    distinguish his conduct from other cases in which this court has permanently
    disbarred attorneys for comparable misconduct.
    {¶ 41} The board considered—and appropriately discounted—Burchinal’s
    belated acknowledgment of his misconduct and expressions of remorse. And
    even if we were to afford those factors greater weight in mitigation than the board
    did, they would not justify a departure from the presumptive sanction of
    permanent disbarment.       While it is true that Burchinal has now made full
    restitution to the clients harmed by his misconduct—not all of his payments were
    made in good faith or in a timely manner, as required by Gov.Bar R. V(13)(C)(3).
    For example, Burchinal issued a $5,000 check to B.C. when his account did not
    contain sufficient funds to honor it, and he later attempted to convince B.C. to
    accept two vehicles as partial reimbursement—knowing full well that he did not
    have clear title to the vehicles.    He took approximately two years to make
    complete restitution to B.C. and Poole, the latter of whom received the refund of
    her flat fee just one day before Burchinal’s disciplinary hearing. We typically
    attribute little or no mitigating effect to restitution that was not timely made. See,
    e.g., Disciplinary Counsel v. Sarver, __ Ohio St.3d __, 2020-Ohio-5478, __
    N.E.3d __, ¶ 32. We therefore agree with the board’s assessment that Burchinal’s
    payment of restitution did not warrant any mitigating effect.
    {¶ 42} Burchinal’s self-proclaimed successful history of working with
    OLAP is likewise without merit. At the panel hearing, Megan Snyder, clinical
    director of OLAP, testified that Burchinal’s counsel initially referred him to
    OLAP during the pendency of his first disciplinary complaint in 2010. At that
    time, Burchinal entered into a four-year mental-health OLAP contract and
    complied with its terms.      But less than three years after he completed that
    contract, he began misappropriating money from an incompetent client.
    {¶ 43} After a nearly five-year hiatus, Burchinal returned to OLAP in
    April 2019 when he was facing new disciplinary charges. He entered into a new
    two-year contract for support and monitoring that required him to check in with
    OLAP three times a week by telephone and submit reports from his treatment
    professionals, but he did not comply with those requirements. In fact, Snyder
    testified that he checked in with OLAP only two times in September 2019 and did
    not check in at all from October 2019 until February 2020, and from that time on,
    he checked in only between two to six times a month until his June 2020
    disciplinary hearing.   He failed to provide OLAP with any report from his
    January Term, 2021
    treatment professional detailing his diagnosis and treatment plan until two days
    before his disciplinary hearing—more than 14 months after he entered into his
    OLAP contract. Moreover, Burchinal continued to engage in misconduct months
    after he entered into that OLAP contract and purportedly commenced counseling.
    On these facts, Burchinal’s history with OLAP is anything but successful; nor
    does it support a less severe sanction.
    {¶ 44} “The continuing public confidence in the judicial system and the
    bar requires that the strictest discipline be imposed in misappropriation cases.”
    Cleveland Bar Assn. v. Belock, 
    82 Ohio St. 3d 98
    , 100, 
    694 N.E.2d 897
    (1998). In
    140 Ohio St. 3d 383
    , 2014-Ohio-3765, 
    18 N.E.3d 1183
    , we permanently
    disbarred an attorney who stole money from his law firm and accepted legal fees
    from multiple clients without performing the contracted legal work. Damon had
    no prior disciplinary record and presented evidence of his good character and
    Id. at ¶ 32.
    We did not give him an opportunity to rehabilitate
    himself, in part because he refused to acknowledge the wrongfulness of his
    actions and failed to make voluntary restitution.
    Id. at ¶ 31, 34.
    By contrast, we
    have already given Burchinal a second chance, and he came back to tell more lies
    and again steal money from vulnerable clients.
    {¶ 45} In Fletcher, 
    135 Ohio St. 3d 404
    , 2013-Ohio-1510, 
    987 N.E.2d 678
    we disbarred an attorney who represented several clients over a 16-month period
    while his license was suspended for prior disciplinary offenses. We found that he
    had violated just six rules of professional conduct
    , id. at ¶ 5-6—in
    contrast to
    Burchinal’s 37 violations of 14 separate rules. The only aggravating factors were
    Fletcher’s prior discipline, pattern of misconduct, and multiple offenses. Only
    three mitigating factors were present—like Burchinal, Fletcher stipulated to all
    the facts and rule violations, but unlike Burchinal, he cooperated in relator’s
    investigation and made timely restitution.
    Id. at ¶ 10.
    Yet we found that those
    factors did not warrant a departure from the presumptive sanction of permanent
    disbarment for his misconduct.
    Id. at ¶ 10-11.
           {¶ 46} In this case, there are just two stipulated mitigating factors—
    Burchinal’s postcomplaint cooperation and the sanctions imposed for his criminal
    conduct—to balance against Burchinal’s overwhelming three-year pattern of
    deceit, his theft from an incompetent client, the five aggravating factors involved,
    and his demonstrated indifference to rehabilitation.       We therefore overrule
    Burchinal’s objections to the board’s report and hold that the only sanction that
    will adequately protect the public from future harm is permanent disbarment.
    {¶ 47} Accordingly,     Christopher    James   Burchinal   is   permanently
    disbarred from the practice of law in Ohio. Costs are taxed to Burchinal.
    Judgment accordingly.
    and BRUNNER, JJ., concur.
    Joseph M. Caligiuri, Disciplinary Counsel, and Adam P. Bessler, Assistant
    Disciplinary Counsel, for relator.
    Ulmer & Berne, L.L.P., and Alvin E. Mathews Jr., for respondent.

Document Info

Docket Number: 2020-1206

Citation Numbers: 2021 Ohio 774

Judges: Per Curiam

Filed Date: 3/17/2021

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 3/17/2021