State v. Grant , 2020 Ohio 3055 ( 2020 )

  • [Cite as State v. Grant, 
    STATE OF OHIO                                   :
    Plaintiff-Appellee                      :   Appellate Case No. 2019-CA-13
    v.                                              :   Trial Court Case No. 2019-CRB-001-
    :   225
    SHAWN H. GRANT                                  :
    :   (Criminal Appeal from Municipal Court)
    Defendant-Appellant                     :
    Rendered on the 22nd day of May, 2020.
    JESSE J. GREEN, Atty. Reg. No. 0040265, Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, Darke
    County Prosecutor’s Office, 504 South Broadway, Greenville, Ohio 45331
    Attorney for Plaintiff-Appellee
    JENNIFER E. MARIETTA, Atty. Reg. No. 0089642, P.O. Box 37, Xenia, Ohio 45385
    Attorney for Defendant-Appellant
    TUCKER, P.J.
    {¶ 1} Defendant-appellant Shawn H. Grant appeals from his conviction for
    domestic violence. Grant contends the conviction must be reversed because the trial
    court erred in instructing the jury. He further contends he was not provided effective
    assistance of counsel. Finally, he claims the State did not present evidence sufficient to
    sustain the conviction and that the conviction was against the manifest weight of the
    evidence. For the reasons set forth below, we affirm.
    I.     Facts and Procedural History
    {¶ 2} Grant resides in Arcanum with his son, Shane Grant. Grant’s other son,
    Levon, resided next door with his girlfriend.1 Levon was in Grant’s home on April 16,
    2019 when he, Grant, and Shane engaged in a physical altercation that left Levon with
    numerous injuries. Following an investigation, Grant was charged with one count of
    domestic violence in violation of R.C. 2919.25(A). The case proceeded to trial in August
    {¶ 3} The State presented the testimony of Levon, who indicated he received a
    message from Grant that he (Grant) wanted to talk about his washing machine, which
    was not working. Levon went to his father’s residence to try to fix Grant’s washing
    machine. Levon testified he entered the house, “exchanged a couple pleasantries” with
    his father, then went downstairs to work on the washer. Tr. p. 66. He worked for
    approximately half an hour but was unable to figure out what was wrong with the machine.
    Levon testified he returned upstairs and informed Grant that he could not repair the
    Because the three men involved in the altercation share the same last name, we will
    refer to the defendant as “Grant,” and we will refer to his sons by their first names.
    washer. He then told his father he would research the issue and return later to work on
    the washer.
    {¶ 4} According to Levon, his father began to speak to him in a derogatory manner
    and ordered him to get out of the house. Levon testified that he remained where he was
    and told his father to stop treating him badly. He testified that his father stood up and
    said, “get the f**k out now.” Tr. p. 69. Grant then told Shane, who was standing behind
    Levon, to make Levon leave.
    {¶ 5} Levon testified that Shane tapped him on the shoulder and told him he
    “probably should go.” Tr. p. 69. Shane then tugged at Levon’s arm. At that point,
    Levon began to yell at Grant. According to Levon, Grant raised his walking cane above
    his head and said, “get the f**k out or I’m going to kill you.” Tr. p. 69-71. Levon testified
    that Grant told Shane to get Levon, at which point Shane grabbed Levon in a headlock
    and began punching him in the side of the head. Grant then hit Levon four times with
    the cane. Levon grabbed the cane, and he and Shane fell to the floor. Shane continued
    to hit Levon while Grant proceeded to throw a ceramic lamp and a shoe rack. Grant then
    dumped a bucket of tools onto the floor and retrieved a roofing hammer. Levon testified
    that he began to yell for help as Grant approached him with the hammer. Grant swung
    the hammer twice at Levon but failed to hit him. Another brother, who had been in the
    kitchen, yelled for everyone to stop. Levon was then able to crawl out the door and yell
    for help. He was taken to a local hospital by ambulance where he was treated for his
    injuries, which included multiple contusions and abrasions to his head as well as cuts to
    his legs and arms.
    {¶ 6} The State also presented the testimony of Levon’s girlfriend Rikki Roach who
    lived with Levon and their infant. Roach was inside her house when she heard Levon
    yelling. Roach went outside to investigate and found Levon on the ground between the
    houses. She testified “the top of his head was bright red and he had light foam coming
    out of his mouth and he was complaining he couldn’t breathe.” Tr. p. 113-114. She
    testified that Grant began to scream at her and told her to keep Levon away from him or
    he would kill him. Roach called 911.
    {¶ 7} Arcanum Police Officer Erika Cook responded to the scene, where she
    observed Levon on the ground in the yard. She testified that said he complained of
    difficulty breathing, and she noted white foam coming from his mouth. She testified that
    she followed the ambulance to the hospital where she took pictures of Levon’s injuries,
    which included bruising to the entire right side of his head.
    {¶ 8} After the State rested its case, Grant presented the testimony of Shane.
    Shane testified he was in the basement when he heard Levon and Grant arguing. He
    testified Levon refused to leave the house despite being told to do so. Shane testified
    he tried to slowly push Levon toward the door, but Levon kept trying to move toward
    Grant. Shane described himself as “sumo wrestling” with Levon in order to keep him
    from approaching Grant. Tr. p. 145. According to Shane, he and Levon fell to the floor
    and Levon landed on the shoe rack, which broke. He further testified that Levon broke
    the lamp when he tried to get up off the floor. Shane claimed he was eventually able to
    get Levon to the door and Levon then walked out of the house. He testified that neither
    he nor Grant followed. Shane testified that neither he nor Grant hit Levon.
    {¶ 9} On cross-examination, Shane testified that Levon had come to the home at
    Grant’s request to fix the washing machine. When asked, Shane was unable to account
    for the cause of Levon’s injuries. However, he continued to deny having hit Levon and
    also denied placing him in a headlock. He speculated that Levon had rolled in the gravel
    between the houses. When the prosecutor asked him about discrepancies between his
    testimony and his statement to the police, Shane denied giving a false statement to the
    police. The prosecutor then asked Shane if his statement had been accurate. Shane
    stated, “I refuse to answer.” The trial court then asked why he would not answer and
    Shane stated, “It may incriminate me.” Tr. p. 163. The trial court ordered him to answer
    the prosecutor’s question, in response to which Shane indicated that his statement to the
    police had been accurate except he had omitted “the detail of me pushing [Levon] to the
    {¶ 10} The jury convicted Grant of domestic violence. The trial court sentenced
    him to a term of 30 days in jail with 26 days suspended. The parties agreed to restitution
    in the amount of $15,185, which represented the amount of Levon’s medical bills.
    {¶ 11} Grant appeals.
    II.   Self-Defense/Castle Doctrine
    {¶ 12} Grant asserts the following as his first assignment of error:
    UNDER R.C. 2901.05(B).
    {¶ 13} Grant contends the trial court abused its discretion by failing to instruct the
    jury on the castle doctrine and the presumption of self-defense when within one’s own
    {¶ 14} “A court's jury instructions must be based on the actual issues in the case
    as presented by the evidence. * * * Thus, a court should not give an instruction unless it
    is specifically applicable to the facts in the case.” State v. Fritz, 
    163 Ohio App.3d 276
    837 N.E.2d 823
    , ¶ 19 (2d Dist.), citing State v. Guster, 
    66 Ohio St.2d 266
    421 N.E.2d 157
     (1981) (additional citations and internal quotation marks omitted).
    “Ordinarily, the trial court has discretion to decide to give or refuse a particular instruction,
    and an appellate court will not disturb that decision absent an abuse of discretion.” State
    v. Lipkins, 
    92 N.E.3d 82
    , ¶ 28 (10th Dist.), citing State v. Teitelbaum,
    67 N.E.3d 85
    , ¶ 127 (10th Dist.). In this case, the plain-error standard
    applies in our review of this claimed error, because Grant did not request or object to the
    failure to give instructions on self-defense or the castle doctrine.
    {¶ 15} A defendant is entitled to an instruction on self-defense when the evidence
    establishes “(1) that he was not at fault in creating the violent situation, (2) that he had a
    bona fide belief that he was in danger of imminent death or great bodily harm and that
    the only means of escape was by use of force, and (3) that he did not violate any duty to
    retreat or avoid the danger.” State v. Reid, 
    135 N.E.3d 517
    , ¶ 20 (1st
    {¶ 16} The castle doctrine relates to the duty to retreat element of self-defense
    because it recognizes an exception to the duty to retreat when a defendant is in his own
    home. State v. Edwards, 1st Dist. Hamilton No. C-110773, 
    , ¶ 6. The
    “doctrine takes its name from the maxim that a person's home is his or her ‘castle.’ ” The
    doctrine is codified at R.C. 2901.09(B), which provides that “a person who lawfully is in
    that person's residence has no duty to retreat before using force in self-defense, defense
    of another, or defense of that person's residence.” (Citations omitted.) State v. Martin,
    2d Dist. Montgomery No. 27220, 
    , ¶ 40.
    {¶ 17} “In 2008, the Ohio General Assembly, with the enactment of S.B. No. 184,
    expanded the reach of the Castle Doctrine under the common law by creating a
    presumption under former R.C. 2901.05(B)(1) that a person acts in self-defense ‘when
    using defensive force that is intended or likely to cause death or great bodily harm to
    another if the person against whom the defensive force is used * * * has unlawfully and
    without privilege to do so entered the residence * * * occupied by the person using the
    defensive force.’ ” State v. Guice, 
    133 N.E.3d 874
    , ¶ 36 (10th Dist.).
    {¶ 18} Self-defense is a defense that acts to relieve a defendant of criminal liability
    for any force the defendant used. State v. Kozlosky, 
    195 Ohio App.3d 343
    , 2011-Ohio-
    959 N.E.2d 1097
    , ¶ 22 (8th Dist.). Significantly, the defense does “not seek to
    negate any of the elements of the offense which the State is required to prove.”
    (Citations omitted.) State v. Brown, 
    96 N.E.3d 1128
    , ¶ 23 (2d Dist.).
    Instead, a claim of self-defense rests upon the admission of the conduct claimed by the
    State as to the underlying offense and then relies on other facts and circumstances to
    exempt the defendant from liability for the use of that force. 
    {¶ 19} To prove that Grant committed domestic violence, the State was required
    to establish that he knowingly caused or attempted to cause physical harm to Levon.
    The State presented Levon’s testimony, which indicated both that Grant hit him in the
    head with the cane and attempted to hit him with a hammer. The State also presented
    evidence of physical harm. At no time did the defense admit the facts claimed by the
    prosecution. While Grant did not testify at trial, he attempted to negate the elements of
    the offense through Shane’s testimony that Grant never hit, or attempted to hit, Levon
    with either the cane or the hammer.
    {¶ 20} This record demonstrates that self-defense was not a theory of the case
    pursued by Grant at trial. Instead, Grant’s trial strategy was based upon the claim that
    he was not physically involved in the altercation and never hit Levon. This theory of the
    case suggests that he did not act knowingly and did not cause physical harm to Levon.
    Such a strategy is inconsistent with self-defense, which concedes that the defendant had
    the purpose to commit the act, but asserts that he was justified in his actions. In other
    words, Grant could not have been acting in self-defense if, as he claims, he did not act at
    {¶ 21} Based upon this record, we conclude Grant’s trial strategy sought to
    convince the jury that he did not cause or attempt to cause physical harm to Levon.
    Therefore, we conclude that instructions on self-defense, the castle doctrine and the
    presumption set forth in R.C. 2901.05(B) were not justified, and the trial court did not
    commit error, let alone plain error, in failing to give such instructions.
    {¶ 22} Accordingly, the first assignment of error is overruled.
    III.   Ineffective Assistance of Counsel
    {¶ 23} Grant’s second assignment of error states as follows:
    {¶ 24} Grant claims he was denied the effective assistance of counsel at trial.
    Specifically, he asserts counsel was deficient with regard to jury selection and jury
    instructions.   He also asserts counsel was ineffective because he failed to raise
    objections to questions asked by the prosecutor.
    {¶ 25} To succeed on an ineffective assistance claim, a defendant must establish
    his trial counsel's performance was deficient and the deficient performance prejudiced
    him. Strickland v. Washington, 
    466 U.S. 668
    104 S.Ct. 2052
    80 L.Ed.2d 674
    paragraph two of the syllabus; State v. Bradley, 
    42 Ohio St.3d 136
    538 N.E.2d 373
    (1989), paragraph two of the syllabus. The failure to make a showing of either deficient
    performance or prejudice defeats a claim of ineffective assistance of counsel. Strickland
    at 697. In evaluating counsel's performance, “a court must indulge a strong presumption
    that counsel's conduct falls within the wide range of reasonable professional assistance;
    that is, the defendant must overcome the presumption that, under the circumstances, the
    challenged action ‘might be considered sound trial strategy.’ ” Id. at 689, quoting Michel
    v. Louisiana, 
    350 U.S. 91
    , 101, 
    76 S.Ct. 158
    100 L.Ed. 83
    {¶ 26} We begin with the jury instructions. Grant claims counsel should have
    asked for jury instructions on self-defense and the castle doctrine. In support, he cites
    this court’s holdings in State v. Brown, 
    96 N.E.3d 1128
     (2d Dist.), State
    v. Patterson, 2d Dist. Greene No. 2015-CA-57, 
    , and State v. Fritz,
    163 Ohio App.3d 276
    837 N.E.2d 823
     (2d Dist.) for the proposition that
    counsel is ineffective for failing to request such instructions.
    {¶ 27} “Generally, the failure to request jury instructions is purely a matter of trial
    tactics and will not be disturbed upon review.” State v. Herrington, 9th Dist. Summit No.
    , ¶ 11, citing State v. Clayton, 
    62 Ohio St.2d 45
    , 47-49, 402
    N.E.2d 1189 (1980). However, in the cases cited by Grant, we found counsel ineffective
    for failing to request self-defense instructions because there was some evidence
    presented in each case upon which jurors could have found the defendant acted in self-
    defense. Specifically, in Brown, the defendant admitted to hitting the victim. Brown at
    ¶ 14. Likewise, the defendant in Patterson testified that he shoved the victim and also
    pushed the victim into a wall. Patterson at ¶ 7. The defendant also testified he hit, bit
    and slapped the victim. 
     Finally, in Fritz, the defendant testified that he used force to
    remove his perceived attacker’s hand from his face. Fritz at ¶ 23.
    {¶ 28} As stated above, there was no evidence presented in this case upon which
    a jury could find Grant acted in self-defense. This failure was designed to demonstrate
    Grant did not use any force whatsoever against Levon. Trial counsel was not required
    to seek instructions that were incompatible with that chosen trial strategy. Accordingly,
    we cannot conclude trial counsel’s conduct was deficient in this regard.
    {¶ 29} Grant next asserts trial counsel was deficient regarding the selection of the
    jury. Of relevance to this claim, the record reveals the parties concluded jury questioning
    and the State declined to utilize any of its peremptory challenges. Thereafter, Grant
    used his allotted peremptory challenge to excuse a juror, and another juror was called
    into the box. This juror, to whom we will refer as Juror X, had previously indicated that
    he was neighbors with Officer Cook.       In response to additional questions about his
    relationship with Cook, Juror X stated, “We - - you know, we see each other out, we say
    ‘hi.’ We communicate. We don’t snub each other but we don’t - - we’re just in passing.
    We don’t go hang out at each other’s house or anything.” Tr. p. 45. Juror X also
    indicated he would be fair and impartial in deciding the case. Grant sought to remove
    Juror X for cause but the trial court denied the request.
    {¶ 30} Grant argues “the Prosecutor outmaneuvered Defense Counsel in Jury
    Selection so as to place a neighbor of the investigating officer on the jury.” He also notes,
    “although it may not suffice for a challenge to ineffective assistance, as all the right words
    were said, the inclusion of the neighbor is questionable. It does raise questions about
    Counsel’s ability to participate in the selection of a fair and impartial jury pool for Mr.
    {¶ 31} There is no evidence trial counsel improperly or imprudently exercised his
    allotted peremptory challenge on a different juror. Further, the record demonstrates
    counsel properly attempted to establish a basis for removal of Juror X through additional
    voir dire questioning. Finally, counsel requested removal for cause. Nothing asserted
    by Grant or set forth in the record compels us to conclude that counsel was deficient in
    this regard.
    {¶ 32} Grant also claims counsel improperly permitted the prosecutor to provide
    testimony regarding the State’s exhibits. During trial, the State introduced 11 pictures of
    Levon’s various injuries. As previously stated, the pictures were taken by Cook. The
    pictures were initially introduced during Levon’s testimony during which the prosecutor
    properly asked Levon to describe what was depicted in each picture. Thereafter, during
    Cook’s testimony, the prosecutor showed Cook three of the photographs and repeated
    Levon’s testimony regarding what was shown in the pictures. The prosecutor then asked
    Cook if she agreed with the descriptions.
    {¶ 33} We note that the prosecutor identified what was depicted in each picture as
    previously described by Levon.       For example, Levon described State’s Exhibit 2 as
    showing a cut to his chin. The prosecutor later asked Cook whether the picture showed
    a cut to Levon’s chin. It is entirely possible that defense counsel did not object to these
    questions simply because the prosecutor merely repeated Levon’s descriptions of the
    injuries depicted. Or counsel may have felt objecting would bring more attention to the
    injuries. In any event, we cannot say that counsel’s conduct was deficient or that any
    deficiency resulted in prejudice.
    {¶ 34} Grant’s last claim of ineffective assistance of counsel is based upon the
    assertion that counsel failed to lodge proper objections to numerous questions posed by
    the prosecutor.      First, Grant contends the prosecutor asked Levon two questions
    regarding his medical care which called for answers containing hearsay evidence.
    Specifically, the prosecutor asked Levon if he was advised he had “concussion like
    symptoms,” and        what he was advised to do for “self-care.” Tr. p. 107. Defense
    counsel did not object to either of these questions.
    {¶ 35} Levon indicated that he believed he lost consciousness while he was on the
    ground. He further indicated he was unable to open his eyes while he was being treated
    at the hospital because he was suffering a migraine headache.             He testified his
    symptoms also included nausea. The prosecutor then asked him the above questions.
    Levon responded that he was informed he had concussion-like symptoms and was told
    to take ibuprofen.
    {¶ 36} We agree that the questions, as asked, sought answers based upon
    hearsay evidence. Had the prosecutor asked Levon what he did for self-care once
    discharged, Levon would have been permitted to answer.               Counsel may have
    determined that objecting to these questions was not necessary or that doing so would
    have brought more attention to the matter.2 Even assuming counsel was deficient for
    failing to lodge objections, we cannot discern any prejudice. Levon’s answer did not
    actually establish a diagnosis and his self-care orders were minimal.
    {¶ 37} Next, Grant contends the prosecutor asked leading questions to which
    defense counsel failed to object. Specifically, Grant objects to the following exchanges
    during re-direct examination between the prosecutor and Roach:
    Q: Now it wasn’t just, “I’ll kill you. It’s “next time, I’ll kill you,” correct?
    A: Yes. “Next time.”
    Q: - - there was an attempt this time.
    A: Next time.
    Q: Is that the way you read that?
    A: Um-hmm.
    Q: I understand you were upset and nervous and you’re probably upset
    and nervous today; is that fair to say?
    A: Yeah.
    Q: Okay. But that is what came out of the Defendant’s mouth. Is that
    what you’re testifying today?
    Tr. p. 121-122.
    {¶ 38} A review of the entire record shows that during direct examination, Roach
    testified she heard Grant threaten to kill Levon.        During cross-examination, defense
    We note counsel raised an objection to the very next question, wherein the prosecutor
    sought to have Levon recount whether his doctors related his injuries to Grant’s actions.
    counsel noted Roach had not included that information in her statement to the police and
    that she had not filed an amended statement adding that information.        Immediately
    thereafter on re-direct examination, the prosecutor asked Roach whether she had made
    such a statement to the police. After Roach stated she believed she had made the
    statement when speaking to the police, the prosecutor engaged in the above-cited
    {¶ 39} Even if the questions regarding the statement were leading, we fail to
    discern how they resulted in prejudice. The prosecutor was merely following up on
    statements already put into evidence by the witness. Likewise, while the prosecutor did
    ask a leading question regarding whether Roach was nervous and upset, we cannot
    discern any prejudice arising therefrom.
    {¶ 40} Finally, we note Grant’s that claim that counsel “struggled with objections
    throughout the trial” is not borne out by the record. Grant admits, and the transcript
    demonstrates, defense counsel made valid objections throughout the trial.
    {¶ 41} We conclude Grant has failed to demonstrate ineffective assistance of
    counsel. Accordingly, the second assignment of error is overruled.
    IV.    Sufficiency and Manifest Weight of the Evidence
    {¶ 42} The third and fourth assignments of error are as follows:
    {¶ 43} Grant contends the State failed to present evidence sufficient to support the
    conviction and that the conviction is against the manifest weight of the evidence. He
    asserts the State failed to establish the elements of domestic violence. He further claims
    there was a dispute in the testimony regarding whether he was physically involved in the
    altercation. Finally, he contends the State failed to rebut the presumption he was acting
    in self-defense or that he was “acting in accordance with the Castle Doctrine in ejecting
    Levon Grant” from his home.
    {¶ 44} “A sufficiency of the evidence argument disputes whether the State has
    presented adequate evidence on each element of the offense to allow the case to go to
    the jury or sustain the verdict as a matter of law.” State v. Wilson, 2d Dist. Montgomery
    No. 22581, 
    , ¶ 10, citing State v. Thompkins, 
    78 Ohio St.3d 380
    678 N.E.2d 541
     (1997). In such situations, we apply the test from State v. Jenks, 
    61 Ohio St.3d 259
    574 N.E.2d 492
     (1991), which states that:
    An appellate court's function when reviewing the sufficiency of the evidence
    to support a criminal conviction is to examine the evidence admitted at trial
    to determine whether such evidence, if believed, would convince the
    average mind of the defendant's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. The
    relevant inquiry is whether, after viewing the evidence in a light most
    favorable to the prosecution, any rational trier of fact could have found the
    essential elements of the crime proven beyond a reasonable doubt.
    (Citation omitted). 
     at paragraph two of the syllabus.
    {¶ 45} In contrast, “[a] weight of the evidence argument challenges the believability
    of the evidence and asks which of the competing inferences suggested by the evidence
    is more believable or persuasive.” (Citation omitted.) Wilson at ¶ 12. In this situation, a
    “ ‘court reviewing the entire record, weighs the evidence and all reasonable inferences,
    considers the credibility of witnesses and determines whether in resolving conflicts in the
    evidence, the jury clearly lost its way and created such a manifest miscarriage of justice
    that the conviction must be reversed and a new trial ordered. The discretionary power
    to grant a new trial should be exercised only in the exceptional case in which the evidence
    weighs heavily against the conviction.’ ” Thompkins at 387, quoting State v. Martin, 
    20 Ohio App.3d 172
    , 175, 
    485 N.E.2d 717
     (1st Dist.1983).
    {¶ 46} “Although sufficiency and manifest weight are different legal concepts,
    manifest weight may subsume sufficiency in conducting the analysis; that is, a finding that
    a conviction is supported by the manifest weight of the evidence necessarily includes a
    finding of sufficiency.” (Citations omitted.) State v. McCrary, 10th Dist. Franklin No. 10AP-
    , ¶ 11. Accord State v. Winbush, 
    85 N.E.3d 501
    ¶ 58 (2d Dist.). As a result, “a determination that a conviction is supported by the weight
    of the evidence will also be dispositive of the issue of sufficiency.” (Citations omitted.)
    State v. Braxton, 10th Dist. Franklin No. 04AP-725, 
    , ¶ 15.
    {¶ 47} Finally, and importantly, “[b]ecause the factfinder * * * has the opportunity
    to see and hear the witnesses, the cautious exercise of the discretionary power of a court
    of appeals to find that a judgment is against the manifest weight of the evidence requires
    that substantial deference be extended to the factfinder's determinations of credibility.
    The decision whether, and to what extent, to credit the testimony of particular witnesses
    is within the peculiar competence of the factfinder, who has seen and heard the witness.”
    State v. Lawson, 2d Dist. Montgomery No. 16288, 
    1997 WL 476684
    , *4 (Aug. 22, 1997).
    {¶ 48} Grant was convicted of domestic violence in violation of R.C. 2919.25(A),
    which provides “[n]o person shall knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to
    a family or household member.” “Family or household member” is defined to include “a
    child of the offender” “who is residing or has resided with the offender.”            R.C.
    2919.25(F)(1)(a)(ii). “A person acts knowingly, regardless of purpose, when the person
    is aware that the person's conduct will probably cause a certain result or will probably be
    of a certain nature. A person has knowledge of circumstances when the person is aware
    that such circumstances probably exist.” R.C. 2901.22(B). “Physical harm” is defined
    as “any injury, illness, or other physiological impairment, regardless of its gravity or
    duration.” R.C. 2901.01(A)(3).
    {¶ 49} There is no dispute that Levon is Grant’s family member, and Levon’s
    testimony, if believed, was sufficient to demonstrate the elements of domestic violence.
    Specifically, Levon testified Grant hit him at least four times with a wooden cane. Levon
    also testified Grant attempted to hit him with a hammer. The jury could have reasonably
    inferred that Grant acted with knowledge that either of these actions could result in
    physical harm. Further, the State presented competent evidence that Levon did suffer
    physical harm. Thus, we conclude the State presented sufficient evidence to sustain the
    {¶ 50} Grant next contends that the jury should not have credited the testimony of
    Levon over the testimony of Shane, and that the existence of conflicting testimony
    precluded the jury from finding him guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Upon review,
    however, we do not agree that the jury clearly lost its way in choosing to believe the
    testimony of Levon and to disbelieve the testimony presented by Shane. A trier of fact
    is free to believe all, some, or none of the testimony of each witness appearing before it.
    State v. Wright, 8th Dist. Cuyahoga No. 80555, 
    , ¶ 25. Moreover, the
    existence of conflicting testimony does not preclude the State from obtaining a conviction.
    As noted in Thompkins, 
    78 Ohio St.3d 380
    678 N.E.2d 541
    , one function of a jury is to
    resolve such conflicts when they arise.      Thus, we conclude the conviction was not
    against the manifest weight of the evidence.
    {¶ 51} Finally, for the reasons set forth above, the record does not contain
    evidence upon which the jury could have found Grant acted in self-defense. Therefore,
    the State had no presumption to rebut.
    {¶ 52} We cannot conclude the jury lost its way in resolving the testimonial conflicts
    in favor of the State. We further conclude the testimony provided by Levon was sufficient
    to support the conviction. Accordingly, we conclude the conviction was supported by
    sufficient evidence and was not against the weight of the evidence.
    {¶ 53} The third and fourth assignments of error are overruled.
    V.      Conclusion
    {¶ 54} All of Grant’s assignments of error being overruled, the judgment of the trial
    court is affirmed.
    FROELICH, J. and HALL, J., concur.
    Copies sent to:
    Jesse J. Green
    Jennifer E. Marietta
    Hon. Julie L. Monnin