Bay Emm Vay Store, Inc. v. BMW Fin. Serv. NA, L.L.C. , 116 N.E.3d 858 ( 2018 )

  • [Cite as Bay Emm Vay Store, Inc. v. BMW Fin. Serv. NA, L.L.C., 2018-Ohio-2736.]
    The Bay Emm Vay Store, Inc.,                       :
    Petitioner-Appellant,              :
    No. 17AP-786
    v.                                                 :                  (C.P.C. No. 17CV-8322)
    BMW Financial Services NA, L.L.C.,                 :               (REGULAR CALENDAR)
    Respondent-Appellee.               :
    D E C I S I O N
    Rendered on July 12, 2018
    On brief: Rittgers & Rittgers, Konrad Kircher, and Ryan J.
    McGraw, for appellant. Argued: Konrad Kircher.
    On brief: Thompson Hine LLP, and Terry W. Posey, Jr., for
    appellee. Argued: Terry W. Posey, Jr.
    APPEAL from the Franklin County Court of Common Pleas
    HORTON, J.
    {¶ 1} Petitioner-appellant, The Bay Emm Vay Store, Inc., appeals from the decision
    of the Franklin County Court of Common Pleas denying its petition for pre-suit discovery
    under Civ.R. 34(D), in which appellant sought the production of documents from
    respondent-appellee, BMW Financial Services NA, L.L.C. For the reasons set forth below,
    the decision of the trial court is affirmed.
    {¶ 2} On September 14, 2017, appellant filed a petition with the trial court bearing
    the caption "Petition for Pre-Suit Discovery Pursuant to Civ.R. 34(D) and R.C. 2317.48."
    The petition alleged that appellant was a BMW and Mini automobile dealership in
    Cincinnati, Ohio, and that appellee was a division of BMW that maintained databases
    containing "confidential and proprietary" information of dealerships. According to
    appellant, two of its salespersons, Ed Besl and Chris Lykins, suddenly resigned and went to
    No. 17AP-786                                                                                                   2
    work for a competing dealership, BMW of Cincinnati North, in August 2016. Appellant
    alleged that Besl and Lykins "accessed and exploited the confidential and proprietary data
    base" of appellant that appellee maintained with the purpose of "divert[ing]" appellant's
    customers to them. (Petition at 2.) Appellant stated that it was considering bringing suit
    against Besl, Lykins, and BMW of Cincinnati North, but that it could not do so because
    appellee had refused to provide it with certain information. Thus, appellant requested that
    the trial court grant its request to order appellee to produce any documents in its possession
    showing that Besl or Lykins had accessed or printed portions of appellant's database
    between June 1, and August 24, 2016.
    {¶ 3} The trial court denied the motion on October 25, 2017. The trial court noted
    that actions under R.C. 2317.48 were limited to answers to interrogatories, and that
    appellant had requested an order for the production of documents.1 The trial court also
    determined that, because appellant was already aware of the identity of the persons that it
    intended to sue, the request fell outside the scope of Civ.R. 34(D). Accordingly, the trial
    court denied the petition and dismissed the case.
    {¶ 4} Appellant now appeals and asserts the following assignment of error:
    The Court erred in dismissing the Petition, as Civ.R. 34(D)
    permits pre-suit discovery to determine whether a cause of
    action exists.
    {¶ 5} Before reaching appellant's assignment of error, we must address the issue of
    this court's jurisdiction as appellee contends that the trial court's dismissal did not result in
    a final appealable order.
    {¶ 6} Under Article IV, Section 3(B)(2) of the Ohio Constitution, courts of appeal
    "have such jurisdiction as may be provided by law to review and affirm, modify, or reverse
    judgments or final orders" from the courts of common pleas. To qualify as a final order that
    invokes the jurisdiction of an appellate court, an order must satisfy one of the definitions
    set forth under R.C. 2505.02. Under R.C. 2505.02(B)(1), a final order may be "[a]n order
    that affects a substantial right in an action that in effect determines the action and prevents
    a judgment."
    1   Appellant has not appealed the trial court's ruling that it was not entitled to discovery under R.C. 2317.48.
    No. 17AP-786                                                                               3
    {¶ 7} We have previously held that an order granting a petition for discovery under
    Civ.R. 34(D) satisfies the R.C. 2505.02(B)(1) definition, and is therefore a final appealable
    order. Kenneth's Hair Salons & Day Spas, Inc. v. Braun, 10th Dist. No. 17AP-816, 2018-
    Ohio-186, ¶ 21; Lieberman v. Screen Machine Advertising Specialties & Screen Print
    Design, 10th Dist. No. 96APE05-665 (Feb. 4, 1997). In Lieberman, we considered the
    granting of a Civ.R. 34(D) petition to affect a substantial right, reasoning as follows:
    The trial court's order granting the petition for pre-complaint
    discovery compels respondents to disclose private information
    to petitioner. While it is true that the discovery rules generally
    require that the right to be free from the unwanted disclosure
    of private information yield where such information is
    necessary to another's lawsuit, the right to non-disclosure is
    nonetheless a legal right enforced and protected by law.
    Consequently, the trial court's order compelling disclosure of
    private information affects a substantial right.
    Id. at 8.
            {¶ 8} This case raises the converse question: does an order denying a Civ.R. 34(D)
    petition for discovery affect "a substantial right in an action that in effect determines the
    action and prevents a judgment," thereby complying with the definition of a final
    appealable order under R.C. 2505.02(B)(1)? The reasoning in Lieberman touches on two
    substantial rights: one party's right to access to another party's information, as granted by
    the rules of discovery, as well as the responding party's right to non-disclosure of that
    information. While the rights are in opposition to one another and by definition conflict,
    they are both substantial nevertheless.
    {¶ 9} Furthermore, an order denying a Civ.R. 34(D) request for the production of
    documents is determinative of the limited action for discovery allowed by the rule. In
    Lieberman, we stated: "The grant of the petition compelled respondents to provide the
    requested discovery. With that, petitioner had obtained all he had asked for and
    respondents had no opportunity for a favorable judgment." 
    Id. at 8-9.
    The assumption
    underlying this statement is that the denial of a Civ.R. 34(D) petition creates a favorable
    judgment for the respondent and an unfavorable one for a petitioner such as appellant.
    Adopting this reasoning, we hold that an order denying a petition for discovery is a final
    appealable order under R.C. 2505.02(B)(1).
    No. 17AP-786                                                                                 4
    {¶ 10} Appellee argues that neither of the definitions of a final order under R.C.
    2505.02(B)(2) or 2505.02(B)(4) applies to the trial court's order, but does not address the
    R.C. 2505.02(B)(1) definition or the application of that definition to a trial court's Civ.R.
    34(D) ruling under our holdings in Kenneth's Hair Salons or Lieberman. We agree that the
    definition under R.C. 2505.02(B)(2) does not apply because it only applies to a "special
    proceeding," which, under R.C. 2505.02(A)(2), must be "specially created by statute."
    Appellee also argues that R.C. 2505.02(B)(4) only applies to a "provisional remedy," which
    is a "proceeding ancillary to an action, including, but not limited to, a proceeding for a
    preliminary injunction, attachment, discovery of privileged matter, [or] suppression of
    evidence." (Appellee's brief at 3-4); R.C. 2505.02(A)(3). According to appellee, each of these
    examples only "occur[s] during a pending action," and under Civ.R. 3(A), a civil action may
    only be commenced by the filing of a complaint. (Appellee's brief at 4.) Although we have
    not applied the R.C. 2505.02(B)(4) definition of final order, we note that the examples in
    the statutory definition of provisional remedy are "not limited to" those provided.
    Furthermore, all of the definitions in the final order statute, R.C. 2505.02, use the phrase
    "an action," a broader term than "civil action" under Civ.R. 3(A). See White v. Equity, Inc.,
    178 Ohio App. 3d 604
    , 2008-Ohio-5226, ¶ 12 (10th Dist.) (describing a Civ.R.34(D) petition
    filed before arbitration as "an auxiliary action"). Thus, we disagree with appellee's
    contention that any of the definitions of final order under R.C. 2505.02, including the one
    we apply in this case under R.C. 2505.02(B)(1), are limited to civil actions filed under Civ.R.
    {¶ 11} Having resolved the question of our jurisdiction over this appeal, we turn to
    appellant's contention that the trial court erred by denying its petition for discovery under
    Civ.R. 34(D). We apply an abuse of discretion standard to review a trial court's discovery
    rulings. State ex rel. Sawyer v. Cuyahoga Cty. Dept. of Children & Family Servs., 110 Ohio
    St.3d 343, 2006-Ohio-4574, ¶ 9.
    {¶ 12} Under Civ.R. 34(D), "a person who claims to have a potential cause of action
    may file a petition to obtain discovery" before filing a lawsuit. In order to issue an order
    authorizing the petitioner to obtain the requested discovery, the trial court must find all of
    the following:
    (a) The discovery is necessary to ascertain the identity of a
    potential adverse party;
    No. 17AP-786                                                                                  5
    (b) The petitioner is otherwise unable to bring the
    contemplated action;
    (c) The petitioner made reasonable efforts to obtain
    voluntarily the information from the person from whom the
    discovery is sought.
    Civ.R. 34(D)(3).
    {¶ 13} Here, the trial court denied the petition because appellant did not need to
    ascertain the identity of any adverse party. The trial court did not err in this ruling. As the
    rule states, "all" of the listed requirements must be met in order for the trial court to issue
    the discovery ruling. Civ.R. 34(D)(3). The necessity of identifying an adverse party is the
    first requirement and appellant concedes that it already knows who to sue. Thus, under the
    plain language of the rule, appellant is not entitled to an order of pre-suit discovery.
    {¶ 14} Appellant argues that it is still entitled to discovery under Civ.R. 34(D), citing
    White v. Equity, Inc., 
    178 Ohio App. 3d 604
    , 2008-Ohio-5226, ¶ 15 (10th Dist.). In White, a
    petitioner filed requests for discovery under R.C. 2317.48 and Civ.R. 34(D) before initiating
    arbitration proceedings, hoping to discover facts relevant to the claims she was going to
    pursue in arbitration. We held that it was error for the trial court to issue the stay without
    determining whether the petitioner's discovery requests were subject to arbitration and
    remanded the matter to the trial court. 
    Id. at 611-12.
    We "specifically decline[d]" to address
    the merits of the Civ.R. 34(D) petition and the respondents' arguments against granting it,
    including their argument that the rule was "inapplicable because appellant [knew] the
    identity of potential adverse parties." 
    Id. at 611.
           {¶ 15} Appellant cites our observation in White that "Civ.R. 34(D) acts as a
    safeguard against charges that a plaintiff filed a frivolous claim where the alleged
    wrongdoer or a third party has the ability to conceal facts that the plaintiff needs to
    determine the identity of the wrongdoer or exactly what wrong occurred." 
    Id., citing Benner
    v. Walker Ambulance Co., 
    118 Ohio App. 3d 341
    (6th Dist.1997). Appellant emphasizes the
    phrase "or exactly what wrong occurred," arguing that it authorizes pre-litigation discovery
    to pursue facts showing whether a party has a viable cause of action at all. (Appellant's brief
    at 22-23.)
    No. 17AP-786                                                                                 6
    {¶ 16} Our inclusion of the phrase "or exactly what wrong occurred" in this
    explanation of the purpose of the rule does not enlarge the scope of what discovery a
    petitioner may seek under Civ.R. 34(D)(3). Such an interpretation would have the effect of
    erasing the rule's first requirement that the discovery must be "necessary to ascertain the
    identity of a potential adverse party." Civ.R. 34(D)(3)(1). The phrase emphasized by
    appellant is simply a description of what a wrongdoer may have concealed from the
    petitioner, in addition to the identity of a potential party. Furthermore, our actual holding
    in White concerned the trial court's decision to issue a stay or the Civ.R. 34(D) petition, not
    whether the petitioner was entitled to discovery with actual knowledge of the adverse
    Id. at 611-12.
    As discussed, White declined to address that specific issue. Because
    White does not enlarge the scope of authorized discovery under Civ.R. 34(D), and because
    appellant did not require pre-litigation discovery to determine the identity of an adverse
    party, appellant has not demonstrated that the trial court erred by denying its petition.
    {¶ 17} For the foregoing reasons, the trial court's Civ.R. 34(D) ruling was a final
    appealable order under R.C. 2505.02(B)(1), and the trial court did not err by denying the
    petition because appellant did not seek discovery to "ascertain the identity of a potential
    adverse party," as required by Civ.R. 34(D)(3)(1). Accordingly, the assignment of error is
    overruled and the judgment of the Franklin County Court of Common Pleas is affirmed.
    Judgment affirmed.
    DORRIAN and BRUNNER, JJ., concur.

Document Info

Docket Number: 17AP-786

Citation Numbers: 2018 Ohio 2736, 116 N.E.3d 858

Judges: Horton

Filed Date: 7/12/2018

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023