United States v. Laurence Isaacson , 752 F.3d 1291 ( 2014 )

  •          Case: 11-14287   Date Filed: 05/22/2014   Page: 1 of 34
    No. 11-14287
    D.C. Docket No. 1:08-cr-20071-AJ-4
    No. 12-14703
    D.C. Docket No. 1:08-cr-20071-JAL-4
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    Appeals from the United States District Court
    for the Southern District of Florida
    (May 22, 2014)
    Before MARTIN, FAY, and SENTELLE, * Circuit Judges.
    MARTIN, Circuit Judge:
    Laurence Isaacson was convicted after a jury trial on account of his
    participation in a conspiracy to commit securities fraud in violation of 18 U.S.C.
    § 371. He was sentenced to 36-months imprisonment and ordered to pay $8
    million in restitution. In this consolidated appeal, Mr. Isaacson challenges his
    conviction, his sentence, and the District Court’s denial of his motion for a new
    trial. After careful review, and with the benefit of oral argument, we affirm Mr.
    Isaacson’s conviction and the District Court’s denial of his motion for a new trial,
    but vacate his sentence and remand with instructions for resentencing.
    I. Background
    A. The Criminal Conspiracy
    This case arises out of a complex scheme designed to defraud investors
    through a group of hedge funds we will call the Lancer Fund. At the core of the
    Honorable David Bryan Sentelle, United States Circuit Judge for the District of Columbia,
    sitting by designation.
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    criminal enterprise were Michael Lauer, Martin Garvey, and Eric Hauser, all of
    whom had ownership interests in the Lancer Fund. Also central to the scheme was
    Bruce Cowen, who served as the Lancer Fund’s managing director.
    The fraud charged in this case began in earnest in late 1999, when the
    Lancer Fund began investing in publicly traded shell companies, or companies that
    typically had no real assets or business operations. Once the Lancer Fund
    controlled the shell companies, it drove up the share prices by buying stock in the
    companies at artificially inflated prices. This caused the shell companies to appear
    much more valuable than they really were. By the conspiracy’s end, these
    worthless and overpriced shell companies made up the majority of the Lancer
    Fund’s investment portfolio. Among the shell companies the Lancer Fund
    invested in were ServiceMax of America (SMX), Augment Systems (AUG), and
    Nu-D-Zine, each of which Mr. Isaacson helped the Lancer Fund acquire and
    Investors had no way to know what the Lancer Fund was doing because it
    did not disclose the companies in which it invested. This policy prevented
    investors from verifying for themselves the value and performance of the Lancer
    Fund. Instead, investors generally depended on evaluations given by Lancer Fund
    managers and to some extent on annual audits by independent auditors.
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    Mr. Isaacson’s criminal involvement with the conspiracy began when the
    Lancer Fund’s auditors became suspicious about the value of the shell companies
    in the investment portfolio and sought support for their assigned market value. In
    an effort to placate the auditors, Mr. Cowen sought valuations in early 2002 from
    consultants corroborating the market value of the companies. One of the
    consultants was Milton Barbarosh, who shared an office with Mr. Isaacson in
    At first, Mr. Barbarosh was not sure how he would fulfill Mr. Cowen’s
    request, because “there was no basis to show that the value of the companies were
    worth anywhere near the value of the public market.” Eventually, Mr. Barbarosh
    decided that he could evaluate the shell companies by producing hypothetical
    valuations based on future business plans that were not intended to be
    implemented. Mr. Barbarosh shared this fraudulent plan with Mr. Isaacson, who
    reported that he had already suggested the idea to Mr. Cowen, and Mr. Cowen had
    said that it “would be fine if [Mr. Barbarosh did] the reports on that basis.” Mr.
    Barbarosh testified that he told Mr. Isaacson that the purpose of the valuations was
    to support the market price of the companies, and that he “probably” summarized
    the rest of the conversation with Mr. Cowen for Mr. Isaacson.
    With a plan in place, Mr. Barbarosh began work on the valuation reports for
    SMX and Nu-D-Zine. To do that, he needed some model business plans that he
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    could say were being implemented at the companies. Mr. Isaacson agreed to help
    and found two plans with figures that would allow Mr. Barbarosh to come close to
    the market value. Neither of these plans was ever actually going to be
    implemented at either SMX or Nu-D-Zine.
    Mr. Barbarosh completed the valuations consistent with Mr. Cowen’s
    request and sent him the final reports, which were dated May 23 and June 7, 2002. 1
    After Mr. Barbarosh sent the last of the reports, Mr. Isaacson spoke with Mr.
    Cowen and passed the message along to Mr. Barbarosh that “the reports were
    great, and that the auditors had accepted them.” The record does not indicate when
    exactly the Lancer Fund sent the reports to the auditors.
    Messrs. Isaacson and Barbarosh were also involved in similar efforts to
    produce inflated valuations in 2003. Investors eventually became suspicious,
    however, in part because the auditors had not issued a report about the Lancer
    Fund’s 2001 performance by 2003. In an effort to stave off investors’ attempts to
    withdraw their money—which the Lancer Fund did not have—the Lancer Fund
    continued to misrepresent its performance to investors and encourage them to
    accept redemption in the form of Lancer Fund securities as opposed to cash.
    Mr. Barbarosh also produced a false valuation report for AUG, but Mr. Isaacson apparently did
    not provide a business plan to assist in the production of that report. The AUG report was dated
    May 3, 2002.
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    Mr. Isaacson was indicted, along with Messrs. Lauer, Garvey, Hauser, and
    Barbarosh, on January 29, 2008. The indictment charged the co-conspirators with
    conspiracy to commit wire, mail, and securities fraud, in violation of 18 U.S.C.
    § 371 (Count One), and six counts of wire fraud, in violation of 18 U.S.C. §§ 1343
    and 2 (Counts Two through Seven). Mr. Cowen was charged separately.
    B. The Prosecution
    Due in large part to three continuances, which were granted at various
    defendants’ requests, Mr. Isaacson was not brought to trial until spring of 2010. In
    March 2010, the District Court began jury selection based on prospective jurors’
    responses to written questionnaires, which the parties had helped to prepare. The
    delay between indictment and Mr. Isaacson’s trial prompted him to file a Speedy
    Trial Act motion to dismiss on April 19, 2010, which the District Court denied.
    After a lengthy trial, Mr. Isaacson was convicted of conspiracy to commit
    securities fraud, as charged in Count One. The District Court dismissed Count
    Seven before submitting the case to the jury; the jury acquitted Mr. Isaacson of
    Counts Two, Three, and Four; and did not reach a verdict on Counts Five and Six.
    Ultimately, Messrs. Hauser, Cowen, and Barbarosh pleaded guilty based on their
    involvement in the scheme. Messrs. Lauer and Garvey were, however, acquitted
    after a jury trial.
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    C. Sentencing
    Mr. Isaacson’s presentence investigation report (PSR) noted that his offense
    corresponded to a base offense level of 6, and also recommended that the Court
    impose the following enhancements: a 20-level loss amount enhancement,
    pursuant to United States Sentencing Guidelines (USSG) § 2B1.1(b)(1)(K); a 4-
    level number of victims enhancement, pursuant to USSG § 2B1.1(b)(2)(B); a 2-
    level sophisticated means enhancement, pursuant to USSG § 2B1.1(b)(9)(C); and a
    4-level enhancement pursuant to USSG § 2B1.1(17)(A)(ii), because Mr. Isaacson
    was licensed with the Securities and Exchange Commission at the time he
    committed the offense. These enhancements brought Mr. Isaacson’s offense level
    to 36, which corresponded to a guideline range of 188- to 235-months
    imprisonment. The statutory maximum sentence for a violation of 18 U.S.C. § 371
    is 60-months imprisonment.
    Mr. Isaacson objected to the loss amount enhancement, the number of
    victims enhancement, and the sophisticated means enhancement, and also objected
    to the lack of a 2-level minor role reduction pursuant to USSG § 3B1.2(b). At
    sentencing, Mr. Isaacson’s loss amount objection proved the most controversial,
    and ultimately drove the guideline calculation.
    The PSR attributed a loss of $15 million to Mr. Isaacson based on an
    investment Morgan Stanley made on June 28, 2002. The District Court eventually
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    agreed with the attribution, after much deliberation. In sentencing Mr. Isaacson,
    the District Court defined his agreement to participate in the conspiracy narrowly,
    as a conspiracy to defraud the auditors. Despite this narrow definition, the District
    Court concluded that by defrauding the auditors, Mr. Isaacson participated in the
    broader conspiracy that caused Morgan Stanley to make its investment.
    This loss amount enhancement brought Mr. Isaacson’s guideline range
    above the maximum sentence permitted by his statute of conviction, and so the
    Court declined to rule on the remainder of Mr. Isaacson’s objections. The Court
    ultimately sentenced Mr. Isaacson to 36-months imprisonment, a downward
    variance from his 60-month guideline range. Cf. USSG § 5G1.1(a) (“Where the
    statutorily authorized maximum sentence is less than the minimum of the
    applicable guideline range, the statutory authorized maximum sentence shall be the
    guideline range.”). The District Court also ordered Mr. Isaacson to pay $8 million
    in restitution to Morgan Stanley. This was the amount of loss the Court found the
    government proved at sentencing.
    D. The Rule 33 Motion
    About two years after Mr. Isaacson’s conviction, he filed a motion pursuant
    to Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 33 seeking a new trial, as well as an
    evidentiary hearing, based on newly discovered evidence about an alleged
    prosecutorial conflict of interest. Mr. Isaacson asserted his discovery that the lead
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    prosecutor’s wife was a shareholder at the firm representing Mr. Barbarosh, one of
    the primary witnesses against Mr. Isaacson. The attorney who represented Mr.
    Isaacson at trial filed an affidavit explaining that, had he known about this conflict
    of interest, he would have “employed different trial tactics . . . , especially with
    regard to cross-examination of Mr. Barbarosh and [the] closing argument.”
    The government filed a response, which included an affidavit from the
    prosecutor’s wife. The prosecutor’s wife explained that although she was once a
    shareholder with the firm, at the time of Messrs. Barbarosh and Isaacson’s
    prosecution she was not. Rather, she was employed as a part-time contract
    attorney at that time, and was paid an hourly wage. She explained that she was not
    a member of Mr. Barbarosh’s defense team and did not have any contact with the
    lead counsel assigned to Mr. Barbarosh’s case. The government’s response also
    noted that the prosecutor had disclosed his wife’s employment to his supervisors,
    who concluded there was no need for recusal because there was no actual conflict
    or an appearance of one. Given the lack of any appearance of conflict, the
    government maintained that recusal was not required and that information about
    the conflict was not subject to disclosure.
    The District Court denied Mr. Isaacson’s request for an evidentiary hearing
    and a new trial, finding “no conflict of interest or Brady[ v. Maryland, 
    373 U.S. 83
    83 S. Ct. 1194
    (1963),] violation warranting a new trial.” To the conflict of
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    interest issue, the District Court emphasized that the wife was not actually a
    shareholder at the firm at the time of the representation. On the Brady issue, the
    Court found the wife’s employment gave no additional incentive for Mr. Barbarosh
    to lie on the stand beyond that already explored during cross examination. The
    Court thus concluded that the information had no material impact on the outcome
    of Mr. Isaacson’s prosecution.
    E. This Appeal
    This is a consolidated appeal, including Mr. Isaacson’s direct appeal from
    his conviction and sentence as well as his appeal from the denial of his Rule 33
    motion based on his charge of prosecutorial conflict. Mr. Isaacson makes the
    following arguments on appeal: (1) his conduct lies outside the scope of conduct
    punishable under 18 U.S.C. § 371; (2) the District Court should have granted his
    motion to dismiss for Speedy Trial Act violations; (3) the government failed to
    prove an overt act within the statute of limitations; (4) the evidence is insufficient
    to support the conviction; (5) his sentence is unreasonable because the loss and
    restitution amounts are not sufficiently attributable to his participation in the
    conspiracy, and because he was ordered to serve a much longer sentence and pay
    much more restitution than any of his more culpable co-defendants; and (6) his
    motion for a new trial should have been granted. We address each argument in
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    II. The Scope of 18 U.S.C. § 371
    We first address Mr. Isaacson’s argument that 18 U.S.C. § 371 does not
    reach his conduct because the Lancer Fund made the investments through a hedge
    fund based in the British Virgin Islands. Mr. Isaacson relies upon the holding in a
    civil case, Morrison v. National Australia Bank Ltd., 
    561 U.S. 247
    130 S. Ct. 2869
    (2010), to argue that his criminal conviction based on violations of the Securities
    Exchange Act cannot survive because the transactions were based outside the
    United States. The issue Mr. Isaacson raises—whether the criminal statute reaches
    his conduct—is subject to de novo review. United States v. Lopez-Vanegas, 
    493 F.3d 1305
    , 1311 (11th Cir. 2007).
    To begin, it has never been established in this Circuit that Morrison limits
    the scope of criminal liability for violations of the Securities Exchange Act to the
    same extent it limits the scope of civil liability. 2 We need not explore that question
    in this appeal. That is because, even if we assume here that it does, Mr. Isaacson’s
    conviction is still due to be affirmed.
    In Morrison, the Supreme Court applied the presumption against
    extraterritoriality, a tool of statutory construction limiting a statute’s applicability
    to domestic conditions unless the statute gives a “clear indication of an
    The Second Circuit—which is, to our knowledge, the only other Circuit Court to have
    considered Morrison’s effect on criminal cases involving a conspiracy to commit securities
    fraud—has fully applied Morrison’s holding to criminal cases. See United States v. Vilar, 
    729 F.3d 62
    , 72 (2d Cir. 2013).
    Case: 11-14287       Date Filed: 05/22/2014      Page: 12 of 34
    application.” 561 U.S. at 255
    , 130 S. Ct. at 2877–78. The Supreme
    Court held that the scope of civil liability based on the Securities Exchange Act is
    limited to cases in which the defendant committed a fraud “in connection with the
    purchase or sale of a security listed on an American stock exchange,” or in
    connection with the purchase or sale of any other security that took place in the
    United States. 
    Id. at 273,
    130 S. Ct. at 2888. If the conduct underlying the claim
    does not meet at least one of these requirements, then under Morrison, there can be
    no civil liability. 
    Id. We have
    no trouble concluding that Mr. Isaacson’s conduct meets
    Morrison’s requirements for a U.S. nexus. The government’s expert witness
    analyzed the SMX, 3 AUG, and Nu-D-Zine securities and testified that they all
    “traded on the Over-the-Counter Bulletin Board or the Pink Sheets.” The expert
    explained that these exchanges are “similar to” the NYSE and the NASDAQ,
    which are both American markets. Beyond that, there was evidence that the
    Lancer Fund was “run out of New York City” and that Mr. Isaacson’s office was
    located in Florida, which supports the inference that the Lancer Fund purchased the
    securities in the United States. This evidence is enough to satisfy Morrison’s
    Which, it is worth remembering, is shorthand for ServiceMax of America, strongly suggesting
    that its securities trade on American exchanges.
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    III. The Speedy Trial Act Motion
    We next address Mr. Isaacson’s argument that the District Court should have
    granted his motion to dismiss under the Speedy Trial Act. His challenge turns on
    the question of whether eliminating prospective jurors based only on their answers
    to written questionnaires before they make any personal appearance in Court
    constitutes part of voir dire. This is a question of law which we review de novo.
    United States v. Jernigan, 
    341 F.3d 1273
    , 1285 (11th Cir. 2003) (“We review a
    claim under the Speedy Trial Act de novo and review a district court’s factual
    determinations on excludable time for clear error.” (quotation marks omitted)).
    The Speedy Trial Act generally requires a federal criminal trial to
    “commence within seventy days” of the defendant’s indictment or initial
    appearance, whichever is later. 18 U.S.C. § 3161(c)(1). The seventy-day
    requirement is tempered to some extent by a number of exclusions which extend
    the time the government has to bring a defendant to trial. 
    Id. § 3161(h).
    The remedy for a violation of the seventy-day provision is mandatory
    dismissal upon the defendant’s motion. 
    Id. § 3162(a)(2).
    If, however, the
    defendant fails to move for enforcement of his Speedy Trial Act rights “prior to
    trial,” he is deemed to have waived his rights and the remedy of dismissal is no
    longer available to him, even if the trial technically violates the Act’s
    Id. We have
    said that trial begins for purposes of the Speedy Trial
    Case: 11-14287        Date Filed: 05/22/2014        Page: 14 of 34
    Act “when the court begins the voir dire.” United States v. Gonzalez, 
    671 F.2d 441
    , 443 (11th Cir. 1982). But this begs the question now before us—when (again,
    for purposes of the Speedy Trial Act) does voir dire begin?
    Mr. Isaacson argues that the Speedy Trial clock began to run on March 6,
    2008, when Mr. Garvey made his initial appearance. See 18 U.S.C. § 3161(c)(1)
    (noting that the Speedy Trial Act clock is triggered when the indictment is filed or
    when the defendant makes an appearance in the court in which he is being charged,
    whichever is later); United States v. Mathis, 
    96 F.3d 1577
    , 1579 n.1 (“In a multiple
    defendant case, the speedy trial clock begins to run when the last codefendant is
    indicted or arraigned.”). 4 The District Court granted three continuances at different
    co-defendants’ requests and also held a hearing on a motion for reconsideration,
    which Mr. Isaacson joined. Each of these events arguably extended the time the
    government had to bring Mr. Isaacson to trial. See 18 U.S.C. § 3161(h)(7)(A)
    (noting that the period of delay resulting from a continuance is excludable “if the
    judge granted such continuance on the basis of his findings that the ends of justice
    served by taking such action outweigh the best interest of the public and the
    defendant in a speedy trial”); 
    id. § 3161(h)(1)(D)
    (noting that the delay resulting
    from any pretrial motion is excludable “from the filing of the motion through the
    Mr. Lauer did not make his initial appearance until March 13, 2008, but the government
    acknowledges that his initial appearance may not be counted against Mr. Isaacson because the
    delay was the result of the transportation of Mr. Lauer from another judicial district in the United
    States. See 18 U.S.C. § 3161(h)(1)(F) (addressing excludable time due to transportation delays).
    Case: 11-14287         Date Filed: 05/22/2014       Page: 15 of 34
    conclusion of the hearing on, or other prompt disposition of, such motion”). Based
    on his view that the time resulting from these delays was not wholly excludable,
    Mr. Isaacson filed a Speedy Trial Act motion on April 19, 2010.
    After careful consideration, we conclude that Mr. Isaacson’s motion to
    dismiss was properly denied because it was filed after his trial had already begun.
    In reaching this conclusion, we agree with the District Court’s decision that jury
    selection based on written responses is part of the voir dire process, at least once
    the District Court begins ruling on opposed challenges to particular jurors. The
    District Court began discussing with counsel the responses to the juror
    questionnaires on March 18, 2010, and the parties identified several jurors they
    jointly agreed should be struck for cause or hardship. The District Court
    announced that it would eliminate several of those agreed-upon prospective jurors,
    which the Court characterized as “the beginning of jury selection.” This process
    continued on March 23, when the District Court excluded several more prospective
    jurors for which there was a consensus, and excused at least one juror over the
    government’s opposition. Mr. Isaacson did not file his Speedy Trial Act motion
    until April 19, 2010. This being the case, Mr. Isaacson’s motion was untimely,
    even though jurors did not appear for oral examination until April 26. 5
    The District Court’s decision about the start of trial led it to deny the motion to dismiss based
    on its merits instead of its timeliness. This makes no difference here. The District Court could
    just as easily have decided the issue on the same timeliness grounds we do today, and we may
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    Mr. Isaacson may well be right when he posits that the common
    understanding of voir dire is jurors being examined under oath in the courtroom
    where the judge, the defendant, and the government can decide who should be
    placed on the jury based on the content of the jurors’ answers as well as their
    demeanor. See Reynolds v. United States, 
    98 U.S. 145
    , 156–57 (1878) (“[T]he
    manner of the juror while testifying is oftentimes more indicative of the real
    character of his opinion than his words. That is seen below, but cannot always be
    spread upon the record.”). But this limited definition of voir dire cannot withstand
    a broader consideration of the discretion vested in District Courts for developing
    procedures for jury selection.
    We have long recognized that District Courts have considerable discretion in
    deciding how best to pick a jury. This includes deciding who should ask questions
    of the prospective jurors; what the questions should be; and most important here,
    how they should be asked. See, e.g., United States v. Tegzes, 
    715 F.2d 505
    , 507
    (11th Cir. 1983). The only limit on this discretion this Court has articulated is that
    the District Court’s chosen methods must create a “reasonable assurance that
    prejudice would be discovered if present,” 
    id. (quotation mark
    omitted). Of
    affirm for any reason supported by the record. United States v. Al-Arian, 
    514 F.3d 1184
    , 1189
    (11th Cir. 2008) (per curiam).
    Case: 11-14287     Date Filed: 05/22/2014   Page: 17 of 34
    course, the selection process must also comply with Federal Rule of Criminal
    Procedure 24, which addresses jury selection.
    Written questionnaires are now a common complement to oral examination
    when selecting an effective and impartial jury. As the Second Circuit observed not
    too long ago, courts “routinely employ questionnaires to facilitate voir dire in a
    number of circumstances.” United States v. Quinones, 
    511 F.3d 289
    , 299 (2d Cir.
    2007) (italics omitted) (finding that written questionnaires can be used as part of
    the voir dire process, although outside the Speedy Trial Act context). With this in
    mind, the Second Circuit recognized that, “[a]lthough voir dire ordinarily
    contemplates seeing the jurors and hearing them speak, any court-supervised
    examination of prospective jurors is reasonably understood to be part of voir dire.”
    Id. (italics, citation,
    and footnote omitted).
    As a practical matter, written questionnaires pose questions commonly
    asked, and materially indistinguishable from, what we expect to see during oral
    examination in the courtroom. Beyond that, the expectation that jurors will tell the
    truth is the same whether their answers are spoken or written. The written
    questionnaire in Mr. Isaacson’s case informed jurors that they were “sworn to give
    true and complete answers,” and warned that jurors might be subject to prosecution
    for perjury if they did not uphold that oath. This tracks the oath the jurors took
    once they were called into Court in this case.
    Case: 11-14287       Date Filed: 05/22/2014     Page: 18 of 34
    Because written questionnaires facilitate jury selection in ways not unlike
    traditional oral examination, we cannot agree with Mr. Isaacson’s suggestion that
    jury selection based on written questionnaires can never constitute part of voir dire
    for purposes of the Speedy Trial Act. Where, as here, the District Court relies on
    written questionnaires to aid in jury selection, voir dire and thus the trial begins
    when the Court starts to rule on opposed juror challenges based on those written
    questionnaires. In this case, that date was March 23, several weeks before Mr.
    Isaacson’s Speedy Trial Act motion.6 Mr. Isaacson’s April 19 motion was
    therefore untimely, and he was not entitled to dismissal.
    We caution that District Courts should not take our decision today “as a
    license to evade the Act’s spirit,” 
    Gonzalez, 671 F.2d at 444
    , by starting to
    eliminate jurors based on written questionnaires long before beginning oral
    examination. As we said in Gonzalez, “[w]e will not hesitate to find that a trial has
    not actually ‘commenced’ . . . if we perceive an intent to merely pay the Act lip
    Id. Thus, there
    may be cases where a deviation from the general rule
    about written examinations we set forth today would be warranted, where the
    record reveals some purposeful manipulation of the Speedy Trial Act’s technical
    Because it makes no difference, we need not decide today whether voir dire might have begun
    on March 18, when the District Court began to rule on unopposed juror challenges.
    Case: 11-14287       Date Filed: 05/22/2014        Page: 19 of 34
    The particular procedural background of this case, even with the rather
    prolonged delay of trial, gives us comfort that this voir dire was not commenced in
    order to avoid the requirements of the Speedy Trial Act. When the District Court
    first ruled on the written questionnaires, it had already granted a continuance, at
    two defendants’ request, to April 26. Also, the Court still had a motion before it
    which challenged certain evidence against Mr. Isaacson and his co-defendants, for
    which it held an evidentiary hearing in the first week of April. Given this context,
    we do not see the District Court’s decision to begin jury selection in March based
    on the written questionnaires as an intentional effort to manipulate the Speedy
    Trial Act.
    IV. The Statute of Limitations
    Next, Mr. Isaacson argues that his conviction should be vacated because the
    government failed to prove an overt act within the statute of limitations. In a
    conspiracy prosecution brought under 18 U.S.C. § 371, the government must prove
    at least one overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy by one of the conspirators
    within the five years before the return of the indictment. 18 U.S.C. § 3282(a);
    United States v. McNair, 
    605 F.3d 1152
    , 1213 (11th Cir. 2010).7 Whether there is
    Mr. Isaacson also argues that after Gabelli v. SEC, ___ U.S. ___, 
    133 S. Ct. 1216
    (2013), our
    focus should be on whether the indictment was returned within five years of the conspiracy’s
    beginning, rather than whether any overt act occurred within five years of the indictment being
    returned. The Supreme Court’s interpretation of the statute of limitations for purposes of civil
    enforcement in Gabelli, however, is not directly on point here, because this case involves a
    criminal conviction governed by an entirely separate statutory provision, 18 U.S.C. § 3282(a).
    Case: 11-14287       Date Filed: 05/22/2014      Page: 20 of 34
    sufficient evidence of an overt act within the statute of limitations is a question of
    law which this Court reviews de novo. See 
    id. at 1212
    The grand jury returned Mr. Isaacson’s indictment on January 29, 2008,
    meaning that the government had to prove an overt act in furtherance of the
    conspiracy occurring on or after January 29, 2003. See 18 U.S.C. § 3282(a).
    When the District Court rejected Mr. Isaacson’s statute of limitations argument, it
    found “that the government sufficiently proved a number of overt acts within the
    limitations period (e.g., overt acts 24, 26, and 27).” Because one overt act in
    furtherance of the conspiracy is enough to affirm the conviction, we focus on overt
    act 24, which alleged that Mr. Lauer sent letters to the Lancer Fund’s investors in
    February 2003. Mr. Isaacson’s brief does not challenge the District Court’s
    conclusion that the sending of these letters was an overt act in furtherance of the
    conspiracy. Instead, Mr. Isaacson argues that this overt act does not mention him,
    and that Mr. Lauer’s overt act cannot be used to bootstrap Mr. Isaacson’s conduct
    within the statute of limitations.
    This argument misunderstands the nature of conspiracy liability. “[A]n
    individual conspirator need not participate in the overt act in furtherance of the
    conspiracy. Once a conspiracy is established, and an individual is linked to that
    We are therefore bound to apply our existing precedent, which generally applies § 3282(a) to
    criminal convictions. See United States v. Kaley, 
    579 F.3d 1246
    , 1255 (11th Cir. 2009)
    (describing this Court’s strong prior panel precedent rule).
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    conspiracy, an overt act committed by any conspirator is sufficient.” United States
    v. Thomas, 
    8 F.3d 1552
    , 1560 n.21 (11th Cir. 1993); see also United States v.
    431 F.3d 1327
    , 1340 (11th Cir. 2005) (“An accused conspirator’s
    participation is presumed to have continued . . . until the last overt act has been
    committed by any of the conspirators.”).8 Mr. Isaacson’s statute of limitations
    argument is therefore without merit.
    V. The Sufficiency of the Evidence
    Mr. Isaacson also challenges the sufficiency of the evidence supporting his
    conviction. He argues that several government witnesses, and one government
    agent who did not testify at trial, were not credible, and that two of the
    government’s witnesses testified that they did not know Mr. Isaacson. In Mr.
    Isaacson’s view, the case against him was weak, as evidenced by the government’s
    failure to secure a conviction on six of the seven counts charged. Also, he points
    to shortcomings in the government’s case he surmises could have led to his
    We review de novo the sufficiency of the evidence supporting a conviction,
    viewing the evidence and drawing all inferences in favor of the verdict. United
    States v. Benbow, 
    539 F.3d 1327
    , 1331 (11th Cir. 2008). We must affirm Mr.
    Isaacson’s conviction “unless there is no reasonable construction of the evidence
    Our analysis would be different if there was evidence that Mr. Isaacson withdrew from the
    conspiracy. See 
    Arias, 431 F.3d at 1340
    Case: 11-14287     Date Filed: 05/22/2014   Page: 22 of 34
    from which the jury could have found [him] guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.”
    United States v. Joseph, 
    709 F.3d 1082
    , 1093 (11th Cir. 2013). To the extent Mr.
    Isaacson’s argument “depends upon challenges to the credibility of witnesses, the
    jury has exclusive province over that determination and the court of appeals may
    not revisit this question.” United States v. Chastain, 
    198 F.3d 1338
    , 1351 (11th
    Cir. 1999). We will upset a jury’s decision to credit a witness’s testimony only in
    the rare circumstance that the testimony is incredible as a matter of law. United
    States v. Calderon, 
    127 F.3d 1314
    , 1325 (11th Cir. 1997). Testimony is incredible
    as a matter of law only if it concerns facts that the witness “physically could not
    have possibly observed or events that could not have occurred under the laws of
    Id. (quotation marks
    Applying these well-established principles, we find the evidence against Mr.
    Isaacson sufficient to support his conviction. He primarily argues that Messrs.
    Cowen and Barbarosh were not credible because the witnesses had incentives to
    lie. But Mr. Isaacson has not pointed to any circumstances that would render their
    testimony incredible as a matter of law, and instead points to circumstances which
    were thoroughly explored during the examinations of both witnesses. Mr. Isaacson
    also notes that more evidence has come out since his conviction suggesting that
    Mr. Barbarosh lied about his own culpability and about whether Mr. Isaacson was
    really the source of the business plans upon which the fraudulent valuations were
    Case: 11-14287       Date Filed: 05/22/2014      Page: 23 of 34
    based. But, at least on direct review from the conviction, we consider only the
    evidence that was actually presented to the jury at the time it reached its verdict.
    See United States v. Lopez-Ramirez, 
    68 F.3d 438
    , 441 & n.3 (11th Cir. 1995).9
    By contrast, the government presented significant evidence implicating Mr.
    Isaacson. Mr. Barbarosh testified that Mr. Isaacson gave him the business plans,
    knowing they would be used in valuations provided to auditors, and knowing that
    the plans had nothing to do with the businesses being valued. Beyond that, the
    shell companies Mr. Barbarosh was valuing were actually managed by Mr.
    Isaacson (suggesting that he knew their true value, or rather lack thereof), and had
    been purchased by the Lancer Fund with Mr. Isaacson’s help. Finally, Mr.
    Isaacson testified on his own behalf, and the jury was “permitted to reject that
    testimony, as we must assume it did, and consider that testimony as substantive
    evidence of the defendant’s guilt.” United States v. Jiminez, 
    564 F.3d 1280
    , 1285
    (11th Cir. 2009) (quotation marks and emphasis omitted). This evidence supports
    the inference that Mr. Isaacson was guilty, and his evidence arguably suggesting
    otherwise does not undermine it to the extent necessary for us to upset the jury’s
    The other evidence Mr. Isaacson points to as undermining the government’s case makes no
    difference at all. He challenges the credibility of one government witness, again without
    pointing to any facts that would make the testimony incredible as a matter of law. He also
    attacks the credibility of a government agent. But this agent did not even testify at Mr.
    Isaacson’s trial, so it is not clear to us how that impacts his conviction.
    Case: 11-14287       Date Filed: 05/22/2014      Page: 24 of 34
    VI. The Sentence
    We next consider Mr. Isaacson’s argument that the government did not carry
    its burden to attribute Morgan Stanley’s losses to him for purposes of the loss
    amount enhancement and the restitution order. Based upon the findings of the
    District Court, the government’s evidence did not adequately tie Morgan Stanley’s
    investment to the scope of Mr. Isaacson’s participation in the conspiracy. Thus,
    we vacate his sentence and remand with instructions.10
    In his objections to the PSR and at sentencing, Mr. Isaacson asserted that the
    government could not adequately attribute Morgan Stanley’s $15.625 million
    investment to him. “When the government seeks to apply an enhancement under
    the Sentencing Guidelines over a defendant’s factual objection, it has the burden of
    introducing sufficient and reliable evidence to prove the necessary facts by a
    preponderance of the evidence.” United States v. Washington, 
    714 F.3d 1358
    1361 (11th Cir. 2013) (quotation marks omitted). “We review de novo the
    application of the sentencing guidelines and findings of fact for clear error.”
    United States v. Louis, 
    559 F.3d 1220
    , 1224 (11th Cir. 2009).
    The District Court “may hold participants in a conspiracy responsible for the
    losses resulting from the reasonably foreseeable acts of co-conspirators in
    Because we resolve this argument in Mr. Isaacson’s favor, we need not consider his alternative
    argument that the sentence is unreasonable because both the prison sentence and restitution
    amounts were far greater than what any of his more culpable co-defendants received.
    Case: 11-14287     Date Filed: 05/22/2014    Page: 25 of 34
    furtherance of the conspiracy.” United States v. Hunter, 
    323 F.3d 1314
    , 1319
    (11th Cir. 2003). But “[t]he limits of sentencing accountability are not coextensive
    with the scope of criminal liability.” 
    Id. For sentencing
    purposes, a defendant is
    responsible for the conduct of his co-conspirators only if that conduct was “in
    furtherance of the jointly undertaken criminal activity” and “reasonably
    foreseeable in connection with that criminal activity.” USSG § 1B1.3, comment.
    (n.2). The Guidelines have established a two-pronged test which District Courts
    must apply at sentencing before they can attribute losses caused by a co-
    conspirator’s conduct to a defendant. First, the District Court must “make
    individualized findings concerning the scope of criminal activity undertaken by a
    particular defendant.” 
    Hunter, 323 F.3d at 1319
    (quotation mark omitted); see also
    USSG § 1B1.3, comment. (n.2) (“In order to determine the defendant’s
    accountability for the conduct of others . . . the court must first determine the scope
    of the criminal activity the particular defendant agreed to jointly undertake (i.e., the
    scope of the specific conduct and objectives embraced by the defendant’s
    agreement).”). “[T]he fact that the defendant knows about the larger operation,
    and has agreed to perform a particular act, does not amount to acquiescence in the
    acts of the criminal enterprise as a whole.” 
    Hunter, 323 F.3d at 1320
    Once the District Court determines the precise scope of the defendant’s
    agreement, the Court must then consider whether the conduct of his co-
    Case: 11-14287     Date Filed: 05/22/2014    Page: 26 of 34
    conspirators was “in furtherance of, and reasonably foreseeable in connection with,
    the criminal activity jointly undertaken by the defendant.” USSG § 1B1.3,
    comment. (n.2). Said another way, the defendant’s sentence can only be enhanced
    by those reasonably foreseeable losses caused by co-conspirators acting in
    furtherance of the part of the conspiracy in which the defendant agreed to
    participate. See 
    Hunter, 323 F.3d at 1319
    –20; see also USSG § 2B1.1, comment.
    (n.3(A)(i)–(ii)) (defining loss amount as the greater of the actual losses “that
    resulted from the offense” or the “pecuniary harm that was intended to result from
    the offense”).
    Here, the government has not established that Morgan Stanley’s losses were
    the result of either Mr. Isaacson’s or his co-conspirators’ conduct in furtherance of
    the part of the conspiracy in which he agreed to participate. The District Court’s
    “finding with regards to the scope of criminal activity that was jointly undertaken
    by Mr. Isaacson” was this: “Mr. Isaacson knowingly participated in a scheme to
    produce or create inflated valuations for what I will call the shell companies which
    Lancer had in its portfolio. . . . The purpose of this aspect of the conspiracy was to
    help Lancer deal with questions being asked by auditors and administrators of the
    Lancer Funds . . . .” Specifically, then, the District Court concluded that Mr.
    Isaacson agreed to jointly undertake the criminal activity of defrauding the
    auditors, not the investors.
    Case: 11-14287     Date Filed: 05/22/2014   Page: 27 of 34
    As a result, to attribute Morgan Stanley’s losses to Mr. Isaacson, the
    government was required to show that its investment was the result of acts by Mr.
    Isaacson or his co-conspirators taken to defraud the auditors. In assessing the link
    between the actions taken to further that subset of the criminal enterprise and
    Morgan Stanley’s investment, we “must not speculate concerning the existence of
    a fact which would permit a more severe sentence under the guidelines.” United
    States v. Sepulveda, 
    115 F.3d 882
    , 890 (11th Cir. 1997) (quotation marks omitted).
    A close look at the conspiracy to defraud the auditors and Morgan Stanley’s
    investment reveals that far too much speculation is necessary to attribute that
    investment loss to the conspiracy to defraud the auditors.
    Morgan Stanley never saw the valuations Mr. Isaacson helped Mr.
    Barbarosh to prepare. And, as the District Court noted, Morgan Stanley knew the
    auditors had not signed off on the Lancer Fund’s financial statements for 2001, the
    year for which the fraudulent valuations were provided. But Morgan Stanley
    invested anyway. That Morgan Stanley invested knowing that the audit reports
    were delayed, suggesting there might be a problem, strongly supports the inference
    that Morgan Stanley made its investment decision entirely independent of any
    audit reports that would or should have been completed after Mr. Isaacson agreed
    to join the conspiracy. This inference is further supported by the fact that Morgan
    Stanley’s June 28, 2002 investment was the last in a series of several investments
    Case: 11-14287      Date Filed: 05/22/2014    Page: 28 of 34
    Morgan Stanley made, dating back to October 2001, after doing its own due
    diligence. These facts preclude the government from showing that Morgan
    Stanley’s investment “resulted from,” USSG § 2B1.1, comment. (n.3(A)(i)), the
    conspiracy to defraud the auditors. In the words of the District Court, “Morgan
    Stanley was going to make this investment, and had made its own internal decision
    that despite significant risk factors, it was going to invest, because it thought it was
    a good deal, and it was willing to overlook certain red flags, like the audited
    financial statements for 2001 being late.”
    To be sure, the conspiracy to defraud the auditors delayed and possibly
    prevented the auditors’ discovery of the fraud. In this way, the government argues,
    the conspiracy to defraud the auditors caused the investment because “Morgan
    Stanley almost certainly would have learned of Lancer’s fraud if that fraud had
    been discovered and publicly reported by Lancer’s auditors.” But this hypothetical
    causal chain requires inference upon inference for which there is not sufficient
    support in the record. See 
    Washington, 714 F.3d at 1361
    . Would the auditors have
    actually discovered the broader conspiracy to defraud the investors if not for the
    conspiracy to defraud the auditors? Would the auditors have made that
    information public? If the auditors would have unearthed the conspiracy and
    released that information to the public, would they have done so in time to prevent
    Morgan Stanley’s investment?
    Case: 11-14287     Date Filed: 05/22/2014   Page: 29 of 34
    The record does not support an affirmative answer to this last question. The
    fraudulent valuation reports Mr. Barbarosh produced were dated May 3, May 23,
    and June 7, 2002, and Morgan Stanley made its investment on June 28, 2002. The
    government acknowledged at Mr. Isaacson’s sentencing that there was no evidence
    about the precise date on which the valuation reports were provided to the auditors.
    Given that the final valuation report is dated June 7 and Morgan Stanley invested
    on June 28, we reject the government’s argument that we should infer, without
    more information, that without those reports, the auditors would have discovered
    the fraud in time to save Morgan Stanley from making this bad investment
    To the contrary, the evidence strongly suggests that Morgan Stanley was set
    on making the June 2002 investment, and does not support the inference that
    absent the specific conspiracy Mr. Isaacson joined, the auditors would have
    discovered the fraud before Morgan Stanley invested. To say that Morgan
    Stanley’s investment resulted from the conspiracy to defraud the auditors would
    require a number of inferential leaps and assumptions not supported by the record.
    Sepulveda, 115 F.3d at 890
    –91. Therefore, we conclude that the link between
    the conspiracy to defraud the auditors and Morgan Stanley’s investment is too
    speculative to say the latter “resulted from” the former, as the Guidelines require.
    USSG § 2B1.1, comment. (n.3(A)(i)–(ii)); 
    Sepulveda, 115 F.3d at 890
    –91. The
    Case: 11-14287     Date Filed: 05/22/2014   Page: 30 of 34
    District Court clearly erred in concluding otherwise and Mr. Isaacson’s sentence
    should not have been enhanced based on Morgan Stanley’s losses.
    The same problem plagues the District Court’s restitution order. This Court
    reviews the legality of a restitution order de novo, and factual findings regarding
    the specific amount of restitution for clear error. United States v. Huff, 
    609 F.3d 1240
    , 1247 (11th Cir. 2010). The Mandatory Victims Restitution Act requires a
    District Court to order restitution for any person who is “directly and proximately
    harmed as a result of” a defendant’s participation in a conspiracy. See 18 U.S.C.
    § 3663A(a)(2). Because we find that the government did not carry its burden to
    show that Morgan Stanley’s investment was the result of the conspiracy in which
    Mr. Isaacson participated, he cannot be ordered to pay restitution based on that
    investment. Cf. United States v. Dickerson, 
    370 F.3d 1330
    , 1341 (11th Cir. 2004)
    (“[A] criminal defendant cannot be compelled to pay restitution for conduct
    committed outside of the scheme, conspiracy, or pattern of criminal behavior
    underlying the offense of conviction.”).
    Mr. Isaacson’s sentence is vacated and we remand this case for his
    resentencing without the loss amount enhancement or the $8 million restitution
    order. When the District Court resentences Mr. Isaacson, it should resolve all of
    his remaining sentencing objections not already addressed. Because all of the
    objections Mr. Isaacson raised were before the District Court at the original
    Case: 11-14287   Date Filed: 05/22/2014    Page: 31 of 34
    sentencing, and because the Court stood ready to accept all relevant evidence from
    both parties going to each of those objections, we remand with instructions that the
    District Court is limited to the record the parties previously made as to those
    objections. See 
    Washington, 714 F.3d at 1362
    (describing situations in which this
    Court will not remand for further evidentiary hearings after a defendant’s
    successful appeal). The same evidentiary limitation applies to the District Court’s
    reconsideration of the appropriate restitution amount. The government has already
    had an opportunity to litigate the restitution question, and did not appeal the
    District Court’s denial of the government’s request to present further evidence on
    VII. The Rule 33 Motion
    Mr. Isaacson’s second appeal challenges the District Court’s denial of his
    Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 33 motion for a new trial and an evidentiary
    hearing based on the prosecutor’s failure to disclose that his wife was a lawyer at
    the law firm representing Mr. Barbarosh.
    We review a District Court’s denial of a Rule 33 motion for a new trial and
    an evidentiary hearing for abuse of discretion. United States v. Thompson, 
    422 F.3d 1285
    , 1294–95 (11th Cir. 2005); United States v. Schlei, 
    122 F.3d 944
    , 990
    (11th Cir. 1997). Mr. Isaacson presents two reasons the District Court should have
    granted the motion: (1) because the prosecutor’s recusal was required by statute,
    Case: 11-14287       Date Filed: 05/22/2014       Page: 32 of 34
    see 28 U.S.C. § 528 (providing that a prosecutor is not supposed to participate in a
    prosecution “if such participation may result in a personal, financial, or political
    conflict of interest, or the appearance thereof”); or alternatively (2) because the
    alleged conflict should have been disclosed pursuant to Brady v. Maryland, 
    373 U.S. 83
    83 S. Ct. 1194
    Both of these claims miss the mark. First, the prosecutor was not required to
    recuse himself under § 528. The prosecutor’s wife had no involvement in Mr.
    Barbarosh’s defense and did not even work in the firm’s criminal defense practice
    group. Beyond that, she was only employed as an at-will, part-time attorney and
    was paid an hourly wage. See United States ex rel. Weinberger v. Equifax, Inc.,
    557 F.2d 456
    , 463–64 (5th Cir. 1977) (holding that a District Court judge was not
    required to recuse himself 11 where the judge’s son was an attorney with the firm
    representing one of the parties because the son’s “salary interest as an associate is
    too remote” to give rise to any arguable conflict); 12 see also United States v.
    725 F.3d 471
    , 488 (5th Cir. 2013) (noting that the “mere fact that the
    prosecutor’s husband worked at a firm that represented one of the witnesses did not
    create a conflict, as [the defendant] did not show that the prosecutor or her husband
    It bears mention that a stronger showing of a conflict is generally required for prosecutorial
    recusal than judicial recusal. Young v. United States ex rel. Vuitton et Fils S.A., 
    481 U.S. 787
    107 S. Ct. 2124
    , 2139 (1987) (plurality).
    In Bonner v. City of Prichard, 
    661 F.2d 1206
    (11th Cir. 1981) (en banc), we adopted as
    binding precedent all decisions of the former Fifth Circuit handed down before October 1, 1981.
    Id. at 1209.
    Case: 11-14287     Date Filed: 05/22/2014    Page: 33 of 34
    had a financial stake in the outcome of [the defendant’s] trial creating a conflict or
    requiring her disqualification,” even though the prosecutor’s husband was a partner
    rather than an associate). Because Mr. Isaacson cannot show that the prosecutor or
    his wife had any financial interest in a good outcome for Mr. Barbarosh, there is no
    conflict of interest that would have required the prosecutor’s recusal. The District
    Court was right to deny Mr. Isaacson’s Rule 33 motion based on the statutory
    recusal provision.
    To the extent Mr. Isaacson raises a Brady claim that disclosure of the
    conflict was required even if recusal was not, the challenge is still without merit.
    While there may be some cases where an arguable prosecutorial conflict must be
    disclosed even if recusal is not statutorily required, this is not one of them. To
    prevail on a Rule 33 motion based on an alleged Brady violation, a defendant must
    show that there is a reasonable probability the outcome would have been different
    had the evidence been disclosed. See United States v. Vallejo, 
    297 F.3d 1154
    1164 (11th Cir. 2002) (noting that defendants must prove four things, including
    prejudice, before a Rule 33 motion based on a Brady violation will be granted).
    Mr. Isaacson has shown no reasonable probability that the outcome would
    have been different if his attorney had been able to cross examine Mr. Barbarosh
    about the prosecutor’s alleged conflict of interest. There is substantial evidence
    implicating Mr. Isaacson in the conspiracy, and his attorney examined Mr.
    Case: 11-14287     Date Filed: 05/22/2014   Page: 34 of 34
    Barbarosh about his plea agreement with the government and his incentive to
    testify against Mr. Isaacson. We agree with the District Court’s finding that this
    purported prosecutorial conflict would not have given Mr. Barbarosh any
    additional incentive to lie on the stand. There is therefore no reasonable
    probability that the outcome would have been different had the alleged conflict
    been disclosed.
    VIII. Conclusion
    We affirm Mr. Isaacson’s conviction as well as the denial of his Rule 33
    motion. However, we find that the District Court erred when it enhanced Mr.
    Isaacson’s sentence and ordered restitution based on the losses from Morgan
    Stanley’s investment. We therefore vacate the sentence and remand for
    resentencing based on the record from the first sentencing.

Document Info

Docket Number: 11-14287, 12-14703

Citation Numbers: 752 F.3d 1291

Judges: Fay, Martin, Sentelle

Filed Date: 5/22/2014

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 8/31/2023

Authorities (27)

United States v. Al-Arian , 514 F.3d 1184 ( 2008 )

United States v. Jiminez , 564 F.3d 1280 ( 2009 )

United States v. Elizabeth Marie Morse Thompson , 422 F.3d 1285 ( 2005 )

United States v. Mathis , 96 F.3d 1577 ( 1996 )

United States v. George A. Vallejo , 297 F.3d 1154 ( 2002 )

United States v. James T. Dickerson , 370 F.3d 1330 ( 2004 )

Larry Bonner v. City of Prichard, Alabama , 661 F.2d 1206 ( 1981 )

United States v. Gonzalo Gonzalez , 671 F.2d 441 ( 1982 )

United States v. David Milton Thomas, Lisa Reese, William ... , 8 F.3d 1552 ( 1993 )

United States v. Benbow , 539 F.3d 1327 ( 2008 )

United States v. Kaley , 579 F.3d 1246 ( 2009 )

United States v. Alberto Calderon , 127 F.3d 1314 ( 1997 )

United States v. Lopez-Ramirez , 68 F.3d 438 ( 1995 )

United States v. Chastain , 198 F.3d 1338 ( 1999 )

United States v. Lopez-Vanegas , 493 F.3d 1305 ( 2007 )

United States v. Louis , 559 F.3d 1220 ( 2009 )

United States v. Sepulveda , 115 F.3d 882 ( 1997 )

United States v. John A. Tegzes, Susan Langston , 715 F.2d 505 ( 1983 )

United States v. Schlei , 122 F.3d 944 ( 1997 )

United States v. Lisa Hunter, a.k.a. Lesa Hunter , 323 F.3d 1314 ( 2003 )

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