Harrell E. Hagans, Brion X. Arrington, Warren N. Allen and Gary A. Leaks v. United States , 96 A.3d 1 ( 2014 )

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    Nos. 04-CF-253, 10-CO-386, 04-CF-483, 10-CO-385, 11-CF-1130, 11-CF-1131
    04-CF-287, 10-CO-396, 04-CF-297, & 10-CO-395
    Appeals from the Superior Court
    of the District of Columbia
    (F-5226-00, F-5199-00, F-6780-00 & F-6595-00)
    (Hon. Robert I. Richter, Trial Judge)
    (Argued June 13, 2012                                           Decided June 5, 2014)
    Veronice A. Holt for appellant Harrell E. Hagans.
    Lisa H. Schertler, with whom David Schertler was on the brief, for appellant
    Brion X. Arrington.
    Matthew D. Krueger, with whom Jeffrey T. Green and Matthew J. Warren,
    were on the brief, for appellant Warren N. Allen.
    Matthew M. Hoffman, with whom Barbara E. Rutkowski and Nicholas J.
    Kim were on the brief, for appellant Gary A. Leaks.
    Nicholas P. Coleman, Assistant United States Attorney, with whom Ronald
    C. Machen Jr., United States Attorney, Roy W. McLeese III, Assistant United
    States Attorney at the time the brief was filed, and Michael D. Brittin and Seth P.
    Waxman, Assistant United States Attorneys, were on the brief, for appellee.
    Before WASHINGTON, Chief Judge, GLICKMAN, Associate Judge, and REID,
    Senior Judge.
    GLICKMAN, Associate Judge: On April 25, 2001, appellants Harrell Hagans,
    Brion Arrington, Warren Allen, and Gary Leaks were indicted for conspiring to
    assault and kill members, associates, and friends of a criminal enterprise known as
    the “Mahdi Brothers organization,” and for committing first-degree murder while
    armed and related crimes in furtherance of that conspiracy. All four appellants
    were charged with the May 17, 2000, murder of Eva Hernandez. Appellants
    Arrington and Hagans were charged in addition with the February 29, 2000,
    murder of Danny Webb.
    While appellants were awaiting trial, several other indictments were returned
    against Arrington. Two of them charged him with assault with intent to kill while
    armed (“AWIKWA”) and related weapons offenses in connection with the
    shootings of Antonio Tabron on January 24, 1999, and Robert Nelson on January
    30, 2000. On the government‟s motion, these two AWIKWA indictments against
    Arrington were joined for trial with appellants‟ earlier indictment. Appellants‟
    joint trial commenced on September 23, 2003, and continued for ten weeks. On
    December 3, 2003, the jury rendered its verdict, finding appellants guilty on all
    counts as charged.
    The trial court proceedings in this case were lengthy and complex, and
    appellants challenge their convictions on numerous grounds. We find that some of
    their claims are not without merit. Indeed, the government now concedes one error
    of constitutional magnitude, involving its introduction of testimonial hearsay in
    violation of appellants‟ Sixth Amendment rights of confrontation. Nonetheless, we
    conclude that the errors were few in number and not consequential enough to
    warrant reversal of appellants‟ convictions.
    I. The Evidence at Trial
    According to the government‟s evidence at trial, appellants were members of
    the so-called Delafield gang, a group of men who, among other things, sold
    marijuana in the area around Delafield Place in Northwest Washington, D.C. A
    number of witnesses testified about the Delafield gang and its activities. Five
    former members of the gang, cooperating with the prosecution in accordance with
    plea agreements, were among the key witnesses against appellants. In 1999 and
    2000, the period encompassed by the indictments, appellants Arrington and
    Hagans, along with cooperating witness Kevin Evans, were the putative leaders of
    the Delafield gang, while appellants Allen and Leaks and cooperating witnesses
    Charles Payne, Marquet McCoy, Sean Gardner, and Jason Smith were lower-
    ranking members. Gardner stored and maintained many of the gang‟s assault
    weapons and other firearms, while Jason Smith specialized in stealing cars for
    gang members‟ temporary use.
    The shootings at issue in this case were allegedly committed in the course of
    a violent feud between the Delafield gang and a rival drug gang led by five
    brothers—Abdur, Nadir, Rahammad, Malik, and Musa Mahdi—who lived in the
    1300 block of Randolph Street in Northwest Washington, D.C. A number of
    former members and associates of the Mahdi brothers‟ organization testified about
    the shootings pursuant to cooperation plea agreements.        (None of the Mahdi
    brothers themselves appeared as a witness at appellants‟ trial. However, as we
    shall discuss, the jury heard redacted versions of factual proffers to which four of
    the brothers had assented when they pleaded guilty to federal charges.)      It was
    unclear how the feud began—it may have started with the shooting some time prior
    to 1996 of a Delafield gang member named Steve St. John—but it began to
    escalate in 1999 with the shooting of a Mahdi gang member named Antonio
    A. The Shooting of Antonio Tabron on January 24, 1999, and its
    The principal testimony about this shooting was provided by Delafield
    cooperator Kevin Evans. On the evening of January 24, 1999, according to Evans,
    Arrington informed him that Antonio Tabron was parked in front of Arrington‟s
    house near an alley in the 300 block of Decatur Street. The two men proceeded to
    the alley, where they encountered Steve St. John, whom Tabron supposedly had
    shot in 1996. Arrington handed his 9-millimeter Ruger handgun to St. John so he
    could retaliate. Shaking, St. John said he could not do it. Arrington took back his
    gun, fired a number of shots at Tabron‟s car, and continued to shoot as he backed
    into the alley and disappeared from Evans‟s sight. Tabron‟s car swerved onto the
    sidewalk and stopped in a front yard on Decatur Street. Police called to the scene
    found Tabron, who was wounded in the leg, hiding behind a house there.
    As various witnesses, including cooperating Mahdi and Delafield gang
    members, testified, the shooting of Tabron initiated a series of retaliatory actions.
    On the night following the shooting, Tabron‟s brother Antoine drove to the
    Delafield neighborhood with Musa and Nadir Mahdi and others. They shot at a
    group of men near the corner of Delafield Place and Fourth Street but did not hit
    anyone. Evans testified that he witnessed this shooting from his apartment window
    with Arrington and Hagans. According to Evans, Arrington identified the shooters
    as Mahdi gang members and said the Delafield gang needed “to get some guns and
    put a stop[] to it.”
    A month later, on February 28, 1999, masked gunmen attacked and shot
    Delafield gang member William Ray on the street shortly after he left a meeting
    with Arrington, Hagans, Evans, and Charles Payne to go sell marijuana.1 The
    shooting left Ray paralyzed. The Delafield gang attributed the shooting to the
    Mahdis; Ray told Evans he believed it was in retaliation for the shooting of
    Tabron. A few days after that, in early March, Antoine Tabron and Nadir Mahdi
    attempted to shoot Payne after following him home from a nightclub. 2 Payne
    escaped without injury because their guns jammed. Sometime after this, according
    to Payne and Evans, another Mahdi gang member shot at them while they were in
    Evans‟s car.
    Payne and Evans witnessed the shooting and testified about it at trial.
    Payne and Tabron both testified about this incident.
    B. The Shooting of Robert Nelson on January 30, 2000
    The primary witness to the next charged shooting was Evans. Early on the
    morning of January 30, 2000, as he and Arrington left The Palace nightclub and
    walked to their cars, a white car pulled up and a man got out. Evans saw Arrington
    reach into the trunk of his car, pull out a .45-caliber gun, and begin shooting at the
    man, who fell to the ground.        Shots then rang out from other quarters, and
    Arrington stopped shooting, closed the trunk of his car, and fled on foot.3
    Arrington told Evans the next day that he was shooting at Robert Nelson, a Mahdi
    gang member whom Evans had not recognized. Nelson sustained bullet wounds in
    his hip, groin, and leg, but he survived.
    C. The Murder of Danny Webb on February 29, 2000
    Evans and Payne testified that on the morning of February 29, 2000, Payne,
    at Arrington‟s instruction, drove Arrington, Hagans and Evans into Mahdi
    territory. As they came to the corner of Thirteenth and Taylor Streets, Hagans
    noticed Danny Webb, a Mahdi gang member, and pointed him out to the others.
    Two cooperating former Mahdi gang members, Hooker and Tabron,
    testified that Nadir Madhi later told them it was he and another Mahdi who had
    returned Arrington‟s fire.
    Arrington declared they should “light him up.” Payne pleaded with them not to
    hurt Webb, who was his friend, but Arrington and Hagans ordered him to pull up
    to Webb and stop the car, which he did. While Payne remained seated, Arrington,
    Hagans and Evans exited the vehicle. The three men shot at Webb, chasing him
    into an alley before eventually returning to their car and driving off.   A neighbor
    saw Webb flee down the alley and collapse at his front porch. Webb suffered nine
    gunshot wounds and died later that day.4
    D. Further Shootings in the Wake of Webb’s Murder
    The murder of Webb was followed in the next several weeks by a number of
    shooting incidents involving Delafield and Mahdi gang members.5 Not long after
    Webb‟s funeral, three of the Mahdi brothers drove with other members of their
    gang to the Delafield neighborhood and surprised a group that included three of the
    appellants—Arrington, Hagans, and Allen—as well as Evans, Payne, and Marquet
    McCoy. There was a brief exchange of gunfire, in which no one was injured.
    Next, on March 12, 2000, Hagans and Arrington, accompanied by Evans, fired on
    As part of their cooperation plea agreements, Evans and Payne each had
    pleaded guilty to second-degree murder for their participation in Webb‟s shooting.
    Testimony about these incidents was provided by cooperating witnesses
    from both gangs.
    a car in which they thought Mahdi gang members were riding.            One of the
    vehicle‟s occupants, who was not a member of the Mahdi organization, was
    Two months later, on May 10, 2000, Jason Smith drove Hagans and
    Arrington in a stolen car to the 3900 block of Fourteenth Street, where the three
    men fired shots at suspected Mahdi gang members, apparently including
    Rahammad Mahdi. In revenge, Abdur and Nadir Mahdi returned to Delafield
    territory that night and shot at Payne and McCoy, wounding the latter. According
    to Payne, members of the Delafield gang, including all of the appellants here,
    discussed the need to retaliate against the Mahdis. Approximately four days later,
    Arrington and Hagans armed themselves with assault rifles and, with Payne
    driving, went looking for Mahdi gang members. When they arrived, eventually, at
    the intersection of Fourteenth and Monroe Streets, Northwest, Arrington and
    Hagans got out and started shooting at an individual who fled on foot down
    Monroe Street. (Payne, who recounted this incident at trial, could not tell who the
    targeted individual was and did not know if anyone was injured in the shooting.)
    E. The Murder of Eva Hernandez and Shooting of Gloria Flores-Bonilla
    on May 17, 2000
    At around 5:00 in the afternoon on May 16, 2000, Payne drove Arrington,
    Hagans, and Leaks in Evans‟s burgundy Chevy Caprice down Fourteenth Street on
    what was apparently a reconnaissance expedition to “see,” as Payne testified, “if
    there was anything out.”6 From James Hamilton‟s front porch at 3924 Fourteenth
    Street,7 the Caprice was observed by Nadir Mahdi. He left the porch, ran after the
    car, and started shooting at it with a handgun.8 Its occupants, being without their
    weapons, did not return his fire. They drove off unhurt, though the vehicle was hit
    by several bullets. Payne recounted that on their way back home, Arrington and
    Hagans vowed revenge, saying that they were “going to go back down there and
    light them [Mahdis] up.” Arrington stated that he would have Jason Smith steal
    some cars so they could return to Fourteenth Street to retaliate.
    Evans was not with them. He had been arrested on May 9, and was not
    released until May 19, 2000.
    Hamilton, one of several witnesses who testified about this incident at
    trial, allowed the Mahdi gang to use his porch to deal drugs.
    At trial, both Payne and Hamilton described the incident and identified
    Nadir Mahdi as the shooter. Nadir Mahdi admitted he was the shooter to David
    Tabron, a gang member who also testified. In addition, as we discuss below, the
    jury heard that Nadir Mahdi admitted to this shooting when he pleaded guilty in
    federal court.
    Later that night, Smith, Hagans, Arrington, and Payne went out and stole
    two Honda Accords, one gray and the other burgundy.9 In a meeting with Allen
    and Leaks at an alley near Hagans‟s house, it was agreed that Payne and Smith
    would drive the group in the two Accords to Fourteenth Street, where appellants
    would emerge from the vehicles and shoot Mahdi gang members. The six men
    then went to Sean Gardner‟s apartment building to obtain firearms for Allen and
    Thus it came to pass, according to the government‟s witnesses,10 that early
    in the morning on May 17, 2000, Payne and Smith drove Arrington, Hagans,
    Allen, and Leaks to Fourteenth Street to retaliate against the Mahdis. Payne drove
    Arrington and Hagans in the gray Accord, and Smith followed them with Allen
    and Leaks in the second car. The six men were heavily armed, with handguns,
    assault rifles, and a shotgun. After arriving on Fourteenth Street, the cars stopped
    The cars‟ owners testified they had parked them on the street between 7:00
    and 8:00 that evening. When the police found the abandoned vehicles several
    hours later, their ignitions had been pulled out, which was the method Smith
    testified he had used to steal them.
    The primary testimony at trial about appellants‟ actions was provided by
    Payne and Smith (who each had pleaded guilty to second-degree murder for their
    involvement), and by Gardner, who did not accompany appellants but saw them
    just before they drove off to Fourteenth Street and again when they returned from
    the shootings there.
    at the house where they had seen Nadir Mahdi on the porch earlier in the day.
    Appellants proceeded to fire in its direction; Payne testified that the shooting lasted
    “a couple of minutes,” during which he saw some movement in the area at which
    they were firing. The shooting caused widespread damage to the targeted house
    and nearby cars and buildings.11
    Eva Hernandez, a woman who lived with her family next door to the
    targeted house, at 3922 Fourteenth Street, had just returned home from the
    laundromat with her two sons and was unloading her car when the shooting started.
    She was shot in the neck and died on the front steps of her house. According to
    subsequent analysis, the bullet and bullet fragments recovered from her body were
    fired by one of the assault rifles, a Mac-90. Gloria Flores-Bonilla, who lived a
    couple of doors down at 3928 Fourteenth Street, was sitting in her bed when she
    was grazed in the back by a .45-caliber bullet that came through her window.
    At the start of the shooting, Smith was grazed on the head, apparently by
    broken glass or shrapnel. He got out of the car and started running, firing his gun
    as he did so until the weapon jammed. He left the area and eventually made his
    way back to his own neighborhood on foot. In Smith‟s absence, Leaks took over
    the wheel of the burgundy Accord.
    In a few minutes, the shooting stopped and appellants drove back to the alley
    behind Gardner‟s building, where they dropped off Arrington and Hagans.12 Allen,
    Leaks, and Payne took the stolen Accords and left them in an alley next to Rock
    Creek Cemetery. They then walked back to Gardner‟s building. Shortly after they
    rejoined Arrington and Hagans there, Smith reappeared; displaying his bloody
    head wound, he explained why he had run away on Fourteenth Street. 13           At
    Arrington‟s direction, Allen, Leaks, and Payne returned to the stolen Accords to
    wipe them down and to dispose of expended shell casings remaining in the cars by
    throwing them into the cemetery.
    On the way, Leaks inadvertently crashed the burgundy Accord into the
    back of the gray Accord when Payne stopped the car because Arrington wanted to
    shoot someone getting out of a parked truck. Both automobiles were damaged in
    the collision.
    Before the six men dispersed, they met with Gardner and told him what
    they had done on Fourteenth Street (though at this juncture they did not yet know
    whether they had shot anyone). Gardner recounted their incriminating admissions
    at trial. Some of the participants in the raid on Fourteenth Street subsequently
    admitted their involvement to others who also were to become prosecution
    witnesses: Arrington spoke about it with Evans and Antonio Hardie (who bought
    marijuana from him); Leaks and Allen admitted their complicity to McCoy; and
    Payne told what happened to Evans and his future wife, Tamika Payne (both of
    whom recounted his statements at trial; they were admitted as prior consistent
    statements to rebut charges of fabrication motivated by his subsequent cooperation
    with the prosecution).
    Just a few hours later that same morning (before 8 a.m.), the police found the
    Accords by the cemetery where they had been abandoned. From the rear door of
    the gray Honda, they obtained Hagans‟s fingerprint. The police also recovered
    shell casings from the vehicles and, eventually, from the cemetery.
    F. The Shooting of Arrington on May 26, 2000
    The warfare between the Delafield and Mahdi gangs continued after May
    17, 2000. Of relevance for present purposes, on the afternoon of May 26, 2000,
    Abdur and Nadir Mahdi ambushed Arrington as he was working on his car parked
    on Sheridan Street. Arrington sustained a gunshot wound in the left side of his
    chest.14 He later told Evans, McCoy, and Hardie that he had managed to fire back
    at his assailants, one of whom he identified as a Mahdi.
    G. The Roxboro Place Shooting on June 3, 2000
    Over Arrington‟s objections, the trial court permitted the government to
    present evidence of a shooting on June 3, 2000, in an alley off of Roxboro Place,
    Abdur Mahdi admitted the shooting to members of his gang who testified
    at appellants‟ trial. Nadir Mahdi admitted his involvement in his guilty plea
    Northwest, even though it was not part of the Delafield gang‟s feud with the Mahdi
    organization and no charges arising out of this incident were included in the
    indictments in this case. The evidence was admitted solely for its relevance in
    establishing Arrington‟s possession of two firearms that had been used (according
    to ballistics evidence and expert testimony) in the Hernandez, Webb, and other
    Mahdi-related shootings for which Arrington was on trial—a Ruger handgun and a
    Mac-90 assault rifle.15 Given this limited purpose, and to avoid undue prejudice to
    Arrington, the jury was not told that two persons were killed in the June 3
    shooting. The government introduced its evidence concerning the incident through
    multiple witnesses, the most important being Delafield cooperators Evans and
    Smith. Evans had pleaded guilty to one count of assault with intent to kill while
    armed for his own participation in the Roxboro Place shooting.
    As Evans testified, he was selling marijuana on Delafield Place shortly
    before noon on June 3, 2000, when Arrington drove up in a Cadillac that Smith had
    stolen the previous evening.16 Arrington asked Evans to come with him to help
    The trial court also permitted the government to introduce evidence of
    another shooting unrelated to the Delafield-Mahdi feud for the same evidentiary
    purpose. As no issue is raised on appeal about this ruling, we refrain from
    summarizing the evidence of this other shooting incident.
    Smith testified to having stolen the car.
    him jumpstart Arrington‟s own car, an RX-7. Evans got in the Cadillac and saw
    three guns in the vehicle: a nine millimeter Ruger, a black .45 caliber pistol, and a
    When Arrington and Evans arrived at Arrington‟s car, they saw a burgundy
    Mazda drive up the street and turn into an alley immediately in front of them.
    Arrington told Evans that this Mazda had been following him all morning and that
    he wanted to find out why. The pair proceeded to follow the Mazda. They saw it
    stop at the end of the alley, behind Roxboro Place, and watched a pedestrian walk
    up to it and transact some business—apparently a drug buy—at its window.
    According to Evans, Arrington then exited the Cadillac with his Ruger and
    immediately started shooting at the Mazda. Evans followed suit, firing the .45
    caliber handgun he found in the Cadillac at an occupant of the Mazda who fled on
    foot. Arrington returned to the Cadillac, retrieved the Mac-90, and continued
    shooting with it. When Arrington finally stopped shooting, he and Evans ran back
    to the Cadillac and drove to the vicinity of Delafield Place, where Arrington
    dropped Evans off.17
    In the alley where the shooting occurred, police found and collected what a
    mobile crime scene officer described as “a tremendous amount of firearm
    evidence.” A firearms examiner who had analyzed this evidence, comparing it to
    the ballistics evidence recovered by police from the Mahdi-related shootings,
    testified that it included (1) nine shell casings expelled by the same Ruger used in
    the shootings of Webb, Tabron, Vance, and Arrington; (2) twenty-five shell
    casings and four bullets or bullet fragments from the Mac-90 used in the shooting
    of Hernandez and in the shooting on 14th and Monroe Streets on May 14 or 15;
    and (3) one .45-caliber shell casing expelled from the same gun used in the Webb,
    Nelson, Vance, and Flores-Bonilla shootings.
    The day after the Roxboro Place shooting, the police found the stolen
    Cadillac parked near Rock Creek Cemetery. Among the items of evidence found
    Evans‟s account of the incident was corroborated at trial by several
    witnesses on the scene. In addition, Payne, McCoy, and Hardie testified that
    Arrington had told them of his involvement in the Roxboro Place shooting.
    inside the vehicle were a burnt cigarette with Arrington‟s DNA on it, and a cassette
    tape bearing Jason Smith‟s thumbprint.
    II. Appellants’ Claims of Error
    In seeking reversal of their convictions, some or all appellants challenge
    several rulings respecting the government‟s evidence at their joint trial.       The
    rulings, in the order we shall discuss them, allowed the government to introduce
    (1) the Mahdi brothers‟ guilty plea proffers, (2) extrajudicial statements of non-
    testifying co-defendants, (3) evidence of Arrington‟s involvement in the uncharged
    Roxboro Place shooting, and (4) contingently, Jason Smith‟s prior consistent grand
    jury testimony.   Appellants also contend the court erred (5) by allowing the
    government in its closing arguments to make improper reference to Charles
    Payne‟s grand jury testimony. Finally, appellants Allen and Leaks argue that (6)
    the trial court abused its discretion in denying their motions for separate trials
    because the evidence against them was minimal compared to the evidence against
    their co-defendants; and that (7) the government did not present sufficient evidence
    that either of them had a specific intent to kill in connection with the shootings of
    Hernandez and Flores-Bonilla, the mens rea required to support their convictions
    for first-degree murder and AWIKWA.
    A. The Mahdi Plea Proffers
    In 2001, the Mahdi brothers were indicted on multiple criminal charges
    related to their gang‟s narcotics distribution conspiracy. Four of the five brothers
    eventually pleaded guilty to the conspiracy in federal district court, and Nadir and
    Rahammad Mahdi also pleaded guilty to having attempted to kill Arrington and his
    associates.18 In tendering their guilty pleas, the Mahdi brothers agreed to factual
    proffers prepared by the government. They did not agree to cooperate with the
    government, however, and they asserted their Fifth Amendment privileges not to
    testify at appellants‟ trial.
    Over appellants‟ objections, the trial court allowed the government to
    introduce redacted versions of the Mahdi brothers‟ plea proffers in evidence as
    statements against penal interest.19 As presented to the jury in their redacted form,
    the plea proffers described the Mahdi organization‟s drug-distribution operations
    The fifth brother, Abdur Mahdi, was convicted after trial. See United
    States v. Mahdi, 
    598 F.3d 883
    (D.C. Cir. 2010).
    The trial court redacted the proffers of Nadir and Rahammad Mahdi by
    (1) replacing references to “Brion Arrington and his associates” with “Brion
    Arrington and others” and (2) removing references to specific shootings allegedly
    perpetrated by Arrington and his associates and substituting the phrase “acts of
    violence against members of the Mahdi organization.”
    and other criminal activities, including numerous acts of violence that its members
    had committed against rival drug dealers unrelated to the Delafield organization.
    In addition, Nadir and Rahammad Mahdi‟s redacted proffers stated that they and
    other Mahdi gang members had conspired to kill “Arrington and others, because
    they believed that Arrington and others were responsible for acts of violence
    against members of the Mahdi organization.” Nadir Mahdi‟s proffer described
    how (1) on May 16, 2000, he and other gang members were sitting out on a front
    porch on Fourteenth Street when he saw and shot at a car containing Arrington and
    others; and (2) on May 26, 2000, he and other members of the Mahdi gang shot
    and wounded Arrington with the intent to kill him.
    Before the proffers were read into the record, the trial court informed the
    jury that the four Mahdi brothers had pleaded guilty in district court and had
    admitted, under oath, the criminal activity described in the proffers. After the
    proffers were read, the trial court explained to the jury that they were admitted only
    to show what Nadir and Rahammed Mahdi believed and the background of the
    alleged relationship between the Mahdi and Delafield gangs, and that the proffers
    were not evidence that Arrington “or anyone else” (other than the Mahdis) “did
    Appellants objected to the admission of the plea proffers on Confrontation
    Clause grounds. In light of the Supreme Court‟s subsequent decision in Crawford
    v. Washington20 and this court‟s decisions thereafter in Morten v. United States21
    and Williams v. United States,22 the government concedes, correctly, that the
    admission of the plea proffers at appellants‟ trial violated their Sixth Amendment
    right of confrontation and hence was an error of constitutional magnitude. As
    such, and because the claim of error was preserved by timely and specific
    objections, “reversal is required unless it is shown „beyond a reasonable doubt that
    the error complained of did not contribute to the verdict obtained.‟” 23 The burden
    on the government to establish harmlessness beyond a reasonable doubt is a heavy
    one, but it is not necessarily insurmountable.     “„In some cases, the properly
    admitted evidence of guilt is so overwhelming, and the prejudicial effect of the
    541 U.S. 36
    , 53-54 (2004) (holding that the prosecution‟s introduction in
    evidence of a testimonial statement from a witness who does not appear at trial
    violates the Confrontation Clause of the Sixth Amendment unless the witness is
    both unavailable to testify and the defendant had a prior opportunity for cross-
    856 A.2d 595
    , 600 (D.C. 2004) (holding that appellants‟ right of
    confrontation was violated by the admission of declarations against penal interest
    made by non-testifying co-conspirators when they entered guilty pleas).
    858 A.2d 978
    , 981 (D.C. 2004) (same).
    Morten, 856 A.2d at 600
    (quoting Chapman v. California, 
    386 U.S. 18
    24 (1967)).
    [improperly admitted evidence] is so insignificant by comparison, that it is clear
    beyond a reasonable doubt that the improper use of the [evidence] was harmless
    error.”‟24 The factors that bear on whether a Confrontation Clause violation was
    harmless include “the strength of the government‟s case, the degree to which the
    statement was material to a critical issue, the extent to which the statement was
    cumulative, and the degree to which the government emphasized the erroneously
    admitted evidence in its presentation of the case.”25
    In Morten and Williams, where we held that the Confrontation Clause
    violation was not harmless beyond a reasonable doubt, the erroneously admitted
    plea proffers were made by the appellants‟ co-conspirators, and they provided
    substantial and direct proof of both the conspiracy and the substantive charges
    against the appellants.26   In this case, neither of those things was so:         The
    Morten, 856 A.2d at 600
    -01 (quoting Schneble v. Florida, 
    405 U.S. 427
    429 (1972)).
    United States v. Reifler, 
    446 F.3d 65
    , 87 (2d Cir. 2006); see also 
    id. at 90
    (concluding that the unconstitutional admission of co-conspirators‟ guilty plea
    allocutions to establish two essential elements of a conspiracy charge was harmless
    beyond a reasonable doubt, given, inter alia, “the brevity of the government‟s
    mention of the plea allocutions, the purely cumulative character of the statements,
    and the strength of the government‟s case”).
    The appellants in Morten and Williams were charged with having
    conspired, as members of the Stanton Terrace Crew, to kill members of a rival
    improperly admitted extrajudicial statements were not those of appellants‟ co-
    conspirators, but rather were made by members of the rival gang; and the
    statements did not directly incriminate appellants or prove any of the charges
    against them. Nonetheless, appellants claim, the Mahdi plea proffers were as
    prejudicial as the extrajudicial statements in Morten and Williams, and for much
    the same reasons.
    First, appellants argue, the plea proffers tended to prove the existence of the
    charged conspiracy by showing its “mirror-image,” or what the prosecutor called
    in his rebuttal argument “the other side of the equation.”          That the Mahdis
    conspired to retaliate against “Arrington and others” for their acts of violence
    implied, it is said, that “Arrington and others” had conspired to commit and
    committed such acts (and, perhaps, that Arrington was one of the leaders of the
    conspiracy). Moreover, appellants contend, Nadir Mahdi‟s admission that he shot
    at “Arrington and others” on May 16, 2000, established a motive for appellants—
    gang, the Parkland Crew, and with substantive crimes in furtherance of that
    conspiracy. To prove both the conspiracy and the substantive offenses, the
    government relied heavily on out-of-court declarations against penal interest by
    two members of the Stanton Terrace Crew. These declarations were contained in
    the transcripts of their plea colloquies when they pleaded guilty shortly before trial,
    and in the videotape of a statement given by one of them to the police.
    Arrington, in particular—to commit the shooting that night in which Eva
    Hernandez was killed and Flores-Bonilla was wounded.27 Finally, appellants argue
    that the description of the May 16 shooting in Nadir Mahdi‟s proffer served to
    bolster the credibility of Charles Payne, a key prosecution witness.28
    In his rebuttal argument, the prosecutor asked the jury, “[W]hat happened
    on May 16, seven hours before Eva Hernandez [was killed]. Nadir Mahdi came
    off the porch? Is that true? On this evidence it is unquestionably true. We got a
    guilty plea from the man who did it for goodness sake.” It must be noted that the
    prosecutor proceeded immediately to remind the jury that Nadir Mahdi‟s guilty
    plea was not the only evidence of this: “You have heard from numerous witnesses,
    you heard from live witnesses who told you that Nadir Mahdi did that.”
    As the prosecutor told the jury, “[i]f you believe Charles Payne—forget
    about all the other evidence, if you believe Charles Payne alone, you have
    sufficient evidence beyond a reasonable doubt to convict these four defendants of
    what happened to Eva Hernandez.” The prosecutor cited the consistency of
    Payne‟s testimony with the facts recounted in Nadir Mahdi‟s plea proffer as one
    reason to find Payne credible. In his initial closing argument, for instance, the
    prosecutor stated:
    Nadir M. Mahdi pled guilty to [the May 16 shooting] in
    federal court the date, February 21st, 2003. Less than a
    year ago. Charles Payne came to the grand jury in
    September [of] the year 2000. So when Charles Payne
    sits on the witness stand and tells you I drove through
    that block with Brion Arrington and others, you saw his
    testimony, that‟s what we would ask you to consider first.
    But remember Nadir Mahdi pled guilty to doing just that.
    Just like Charles Payne tells you. Something Charles
    Payne could have absolutely no way of knowing.
    In response, the government contends that the improper admission of the
    plea proffers did not prejudice appellants because: (1) the proffers themselves
    were “entirely cumulative of other evidence presented by multiple, live witnesses
    at trial;” (2) the issues the proffers addressed were “peripheral; none of them
    provided any direct proof at all of appellants‟ guilt of the charged conspiracy or
    substantive offenses;” and (3) “although the government made use of the proffers
    in its closing and rebuttal arguments, they were hardly the central focus of the
    government‟s case, which presented overwhelming evidence of appellants‟ guilt
    through the consistent testimony of numerous independent witnesses, corroborated
    by extensive firearms and other forensic evidence.”29
    Considering the record of appellants‟ ten-week trial in its entirety, we
    conclude that the government has carried its burden of establishing that the
    erroneous admission of the Mahdi plea proffers was harmless beyond a reasonable
    doubt.        For the following reasons, we are satisfied that the proffers did not
    prejudice appellants.
    Brief of Appellee at 76.
    To begin with, the government is correct in emphasizing that, unlike the
    testimonial hearsay of the defendants‟ coconspirators in Morten and Williams, the
    Mahdi plea proffers were not directly probative of any of the crimes charged in this
    case.    The proffers did not assert the existence of the Delafield criminal
    organization or appellants‟ involvement in a conspiracy of any kind; nor did they
    mention any of the shootings with which appellants were charged. Although the
    proffers stated that Nadir and Rahammad Mahdi “believed” Arrington and others
    were responsible for (unspecified) acts of violence against the Mahdi organization,
    the proffers set forth no basis for that belief and were not offered or relied upon as
    evidence of its truth. To the contrary, the trial court instructed the jury that the
    proffers were “not any evidence” that Arrington or his co-defendants “did
    anything.” Thus, even if the proffers‟ description of a Mahdi conspiracy against
    “Arrington and others” implied the existence of a “mirror image” conspiracy by
    Arrington and others against the Mahdi organization, the jury was inoculated
    against drawing that implication.
    The government is also correct in stating that it relied on abundant
    admissible and probative evidence wholly apart from the plea proffers to prove the
    existence of the Mahdi and Delafield gangs, the feud between them, appellants‟
    conspiracy, and appellants‟ commission of each of the shootings charged in their
    indictments—evidence that included the live eyewitness testimony of a slew of
    witnesses associated with each of the two gangs. For the most part, the Mahdi plea
    proffers added nothing of consequence to this evidence; they were cumulative at
    Citing Morten, appellants argue that the Mahdi plea proffers were
    qualitatively superior to the cooperating witnesses‟ in-court testimony because, in
    contrast to that testimony, the proffers were read to the jury without disclosure of
    “the advantages [the Mahdi defendants] secured by pleading guilty and
    incriminating” Arrington and others.30 But even setting aside the fact that the
    Mahdi brothers did not incriminate appellants (and thus their proffers were
    decidedly inferior, from the prosecution‟s perspective, to the cooperating
    witnesses‟ in-court testimony), this case is not comparable to Morten. Here, unlike
    in Morten, the jury was informed that the proffers were statements adopted as part
    of guilty pleas.31 Thus, appellants were in a position to argue, and the jury was in a
    position to understand, the possible motivations of the Mahdi brothers, including
    Morten, 856 A.2d at 601
    In Morten, the jury was told only that the transcribed statements had been
    made in an “official proceeding” of an unspecified kind. 
    Id. It was
    not disclosed
    that the statements were made pursuant to plea agreements.
    the incentive to curry favor with the government to gain a more lenient sentence.32
    Moreover, as the government points out, appellants were free to impeach the
    Mahdi brothers with their plea agreements or in any other permissible way, even
    though they did not testify.33
    What we must focus on is Nadir Mahdi‟s proffer and the support it alone of
    the four proffers provided to the government‟s proof of appellants‟ commission of
    the shooting on May 17, 2000, in which Eva Hernandez was killed and Gloria
    Flores-Bonilla was wounded. Nadir Mahdi‟s proffer did not add to the mass of
    incriminating evidence directly; it did not say anything at all about the May 17
    shootings. But what the proffer did do was describe the incident that, according to
    Payne, precipitated the attack on Fourteenth Street. Nadir Mahdi‟s admission to
    having shot at Arrington and his associates on the afternoon of May 16
    corroborated Payne‟s testimony on this point and helped establish a motive for
    appellants to retaliate.
    Making that very point, Hagans‟s counsel asserted in closing argument
    that plea proffers were “not worth the paper they‟re printed on because the
    government makes the proffer, they put down what they want, you either sign it or
    you don‟t.”
    See Watkins v. United States, 
    846 A.2d 293
    , 298 (D.C. 2004) (citing
    Federal Rule of Evidence 806, which permits the impeachment of a non-testifying
    declarant whose hearsay statement has been admitted in evidence).
    We are not persuaded, however, of the importance of this contribution by
    Nadir Mahdi to the evidence against appellants. As summarized above, appellants‟
    involvement in the May 17, 2000, raid was established at trial by multiple
    witnesses in addition to Payne, including: (1) Smith, who, like Payne, admitted to
    having participated in the raid himself; (2) Gardner, who witnessed appellants‟
    activities immediately before the raid, and talked with them about it immediately
    afterward; (3) Evans and Hardie, to whom Arrington admitted his involvement;
    and (4) McCoy, to whom Leaks and Allen did likewise.               In addition, the
    government presented the evidence that Hagans‟s fingerprint was found on the
    door of one of the stolen Accords and corroborative ballistics evidence.
    There likewise was substantial corroboration at trial, apart from Nadir
    Mahdi‟s plea proffer, of Payne‟s testimony about the May 16, 2000, incident in
    which Nadir shot at Arrington. As previously mentioned, two of Nadir Mahdi‟s
    own associates (James Hamilton and David Tabron) confirmed that he committed
    the May 16 shooting, and Kevin Evans and Tamika Payne testified to Payne‟s prior
    consistent statements about the incident (given before he had any reason to
    fabricate).34 While Payne, testifying pursuant to a cooperation plea agreement and
    Based on a physical description given by a neighbor, Hagans argued that
    the shooter was Joseph Hooker, not Nadir Mahdi. The government argued that the
    facing the prospect of a potentially lengthy sentence for the crimes to which he had
    pleaded guilty, was hardly a disinterested witness, his detailed testimony was not
    materially undermined or contradicted despite appellants‟ strenuous efforts to
    discredit him.35
    Appellants argue that the critical importance of the Mahdi plea proffers to
    the government‟s case against them, and thus the likelihood of prejudice from their
    admission in evidence, is shown by the prosecutors‟ reliance on the proffers in
    description was unreliable, but in any case, because Hooker was a Mahdi gang
    member himself, it was scarcely material whether he instead of Nadir Mahdi was
    the shooter, and the attempt to undercut Payne on this point did not affect his
    credibility significantly. Payne‟s account of the May 16 shooting, and in particular
    his testimony as to who was present with him in the car, was otherwise
    It appears that Payne made a compelling witness, one credibly motivated
    not only by his admitted hope of some leniency at his sentencing, but also by
    sincere remorse and a genuine desire to accept responsibility. He haltingly
    described, for instance, how he tried not to watch as Arrington, Hagans, and Evans
    repeatedly shot his friend, Danny Webb, over his protestations. His testimony,
    which extended over hundreds of pages of transcript, was remarkably consistent,
    both internally and with the other testimonial and physical evidence presented at
    trial. When the prosecutor asked the jury in closing argument and rebuttal to
    believe Payne, he emphasized “first and primarily his testimony day after day in
    this courtroom, with four lawyers questioning him[,] [d]irect, non-evasive,
    their closing and rebuttal arguments.36 We do not agree. We recognize that “[a]
    prosecutor‟s stress upon the centrality of particular evidence in closing argument
    tells a good deal about whether the admission of the evidence was meant to be, and
    was, prejudicial.”37 In this case, however, and unlike in Morten, the erroneously
    admitted plea proffers were far from central or critical to the case that the
    government laid out. In several hours of argument, spanning some 240 pages of
    transcript, we count only seven instances in which the prosecutors mentioned the
    proffers, two in the initial closing argument and five in the rebuttal. Far from
    being the centerpiece, fulcrum, linchpin or the like, the proffers were essentially
    cumulative and peripheral. The prosecutors cited them as just one helpful but by
    no means essential piece of evidence that supported the government‟s case.
    So, to take appellants‟ chief example, the prosecutors did cite Nadir Mahdi‟s
    plea proffer as evidence that corroborated Payne‟s testimony about the May 16
    shooting. But it was not the only such corroboration, the prosecutor emphasized,
    nor did it outshine all the rest.    The prosecutors also cited the testimony of
    Hamilton and other witnesses to the incident, and that of Tamika Payne, to whom
    The United States was represented at trial by two prosecutors; one made
    the government‟s initial closing argument and the other gave the rebuttal.
    Morten, 856 A.2d at 602
    (internal quotation marks and brackets omitted).
    Payne had described what happened; and ballistic and other physical evidence
    supporting Payne‟s account that Nadir Mahdi left the porch and shot at Arrington
    and the others in the car Payne was driving. Nadir Mahdi‟s plea proffer did not
    become key evidence against appellants merely because the prosecutors invoked it
    as one of many pieces of evidence corroborating Payne‟s testimony.38
    In sum, we conclude that the government has overcome the high bar set by
    the Chapman standard of harmlessness for constitutional error.39           We are
    The prosecutors also mentioned Nadir Mahdi‟s plea proffer when they
    discussed the May 26 gunfight between Arrington and Mahdi gang members. But
    that event was important primarily because it generated ballistics evidence (a shell
    casing from Arrington‟s 9-millimeter Ruger handgun) linking Arrington to other
    shootings; Nadir Mahdi‟s admission to having shot Arrington in the incident was
    only marginally significant in this connection, and it was cumulative evidence of
    the shooting at most. The plea proffer was not part of the evidence tying Arrington
    to the Ruger.
    Finally, at the tail end of the rebuttal argument, the prosecutor made brief
    references to the plea proffers as supporting the government‟s contentions that the
    Mahdi Brothers criminal enterprise existed and that the Mahdis were “at war” with
    the Delafield organization. But, as we have said, these facts were proved virtually
    beyond peradventure by other evidence at trial, including the well-corroborated
    testimony of several cooperating witnesses from both gangs.
    See Chapman v. California, 
    386 U.S. 18
    , 24 (1967).
    persuaded that there is no reasonable possibility the improper use at trial of the
    Mahdi guilty plea proffers contributed to appellants‟ convictions.40
    B. Extra-Judicial Statements of Co-Defendants
    Appellants present two distinct but related claims of error in the admission
    of the testimony concerning their out-of-court admissions. One of the claims
    concerns whether this evidence should have been excluded because the jury was
    instructed on vicarious liability. The other claim focuses on whether one witness‟s
    testimony, recounting admissions made by appellant Leaks, was sufficiently
    redacted to avoid prejudice to the other appellants.
    Although we address these two claims separately, they are related in that
    each claim invokes the same underlying evidentiary limitation, in multiple
    defendant trials, on the permissible use of statements made by one defendant that
    come within the party opponent exception to the rule against hearsay. (Because
    the statements at issue in this case were non-testimonial, we focus solely on the
    rule against hearsay and not on the Confrontation Clause.) When such a statement
    is not independently admissible against the non-declarant co-defendants, care must
    Morten, 856 A.2d at 601
    be taken to ensure that it is considered as evidence only against its maker and not
    against the other defendants in violation of the general prohibition against the use
    of hearsay. As we explain below, in cases where defendants may be convicted on
    a theory of vicarious liability, admitting party opponent statements might make it
    possible for all defendants to be convicted based on statements that are hearsay as
    to all but one of them, an unacceptable outcome that we rejected in Akins v. United
    States.41 This concern is not alleviated by an effective redaction of the statement
    because the statement need only implicate one defendant to create the problem
    recognized in Akins. Further, aside from the issue of vicarious liability, admitting
    a confession of one defendant, as the statement of a party opponent, may conflict
    with the rule against hearsay to the extent the confession implicates other
    defendants. Even when the confession is introduced with an appropriate limiting
    instruction, it may have to be redacted efficaciously to prevent the jury from using
    it improperly against the non-declarant co-defendants.
    679 A.2d 1017
    , 1031 (D.C. 1996).
    1. The Vicarious Liability Problem
    Appellants contend that because the jury was given a Pinkerton instruction
    on the vicarious liability of all co-conspirators for substantive crimes committed by
    any of them in furtherance of the conspiracy,42 the trial court erred in admitting
    certain of their out-of-court statements under the hearsay exception for statements
    of party opponents,43 even with redactions and limiting instructions.44 Admission
    of the extrajudicial statements, appellants argue, violated this court‟s holding in
    Akins v. United States that “in a joint conspiracy trial where the government relies
    on a theory of vicarious liability, statements may not be introduced under the
    statements of party opponent exception to the rule against hearsay—or any other
    See Pinkerton v. United States, 
    328 U.S. 640
    (1946); see also Gordan v.
    United States, 
    783 A.2d 575
    , 582 (D.C. 2001).
    See Chaabi v. United States, 
    544 A.2d 1247
    , 1248 n.1 (D.C. 1988).
    Specifically, appellants cite (1) Leaks‟s admission to McCoy that “[he]
    and five others” were involved in the May 17 shooting; (2) incriminating
    statements made by Arrington to Payne, Gardner, and Evans, and by Arrington and
    Hagans to Smith, regarding the May 17 shooting; (3) testimony of McCoy that
    Arrington asked him to “handle” Payne‟s “snitching” in order to prevent Payne
    from testifying; (4) Gardner‟s testimony that, shortly after the shooting on May 17,
    he heard an unidentified conspirator say the group “rode through, seen [sic]
    someone standing on the porch, started firing and left;” and (5) Arrington‟s
    statements, recounted by Hardie, that he did not notice when someone approached
    him with a gun on May 26 because he was working on his car, and that he was
    “lucky he had his own gun on him” so he could shoot back.
    hearsay exception that is not reliability-based—unless they are admissible as
    coconspirators‟ statements in furtherance of the conspiracy.”45
    The reason for this rule is that a vicarious liability instruction may undercut
    the condition under which a properly redacted party opponent statement may be
    admitted in a joint trial—namely, the condition, on which the jury must be
    instructed, that the statement is to be considered as evidence only against its maker
    and not against the other defendants.46 The problem arises when the prosecution
    proves that the defendants in a joint trial were engaged in a conspiracy and relies
    on a party opponent statement to prove that the defendant who made it committed
    a substantive crime in furtherance of the conspiracy. If the jury accepts that proof
    and finds the declarant defendant guilty of the substantive crime, vicarious liability
    renders the other defendants guilty of it as well on the same evidence, including the
    Akins v. United States, 
    679 A.2d 1017
    , 1031 (D.C. 1996).
    Under traditional rules of hearsay, a defendant‟s extrajudicial statement,
    offered solely as the admission of a party opponent and not under any other
    hearsay exception, is inadmissible against a co-defendant. (Keith) Thomas v.
    United States, 
    978 A.2d 1211
    , 1222 (D.C. 2009). Moreover, if the statement is
    testimonial in nature and the declarant defendant does not testify at trial, the
    statement is also inadmissible against a co-defendant under the Confrontation
    Clause of the Sixth Amendment. 
    Id. at 1222-23.
    As we discuss further below,
    even with an appropriate limiting instruction, redaction of the statement may be
    necessary to remove incriminating references to co-defendants at a joint trial. 
    Id. at 1223-24.
    hearsay evidence that could not be considered against them, even if they were not
    personally involved in the crime themselves. In this way, the vicarious liability
    instruction may contradict and vitiate the limiting instruction under which the
    hearsay was admitted.47
    Akins framed its rule against the admission of party opponent hearsay in
    joint conspiracy trials not merely as an application of traditional rules of evidence,
    but specifically to protect the Confrontation Clause rights of the non-declarant
    defendants as those rights were understood in the era before the Supreme Court
    decided Crawford v. Washington.48 While the Akins rule as stated is no longer a
    Akins, 679 A.2d at 1031
    (declaring that “no limiting instruction can
    cure” the problem); but see 
    id. at 1037
    (“We need not decide whether any limiting
    instruction, combined with the Pinkerton charge, would set too contradictory a
    mental task before the jury.”) (Farrell, J., concurring); 
    id. at 1037
    -39 (Schwelb, J.,
    concurring in part and dissenting in part); Erskines v. United States, 
    696 A.2d 1077
    , 1080 n.4 (D.C. 1997) (explaining that, in view of the separate opinions of
    Judges Farrell and Schwelb, the decision in Akins “left open the question whether a
    more pointed limiting instruction than the one given in Akins” could avoid the
    problem in a case in which a vicarious liability instruction is given).
    541 U.S. 36
    (2004). See 
    Akins, 679 A.2d at 1030
    (citing Ohio v. Roberts,
    448 U.S. 56
    , 66 (1980), for the proposition, later overruled in Crawford, that the
    Confrontation Clause is not violated by the admission of incriminating
    extrajudicial statements under “a recognized hearsay exception based on the
    statements‟ presumed reliability”).
    good fit with Confrontation Clause principles,49 it retains its logic and validity
    under non-constitutional rules of evidence.50 Hence we consider Akins applicable
    even where no Confrontation Clause issue is presented because, as in the present
    case, the hearsay at issue—appellant‟s statements to fellow gang members and
    associates—was not testimonial in nature.51
    However, although appellants objected on other grounds to the introduction
    of their out-of-court statements, an objection under Akins was never made at trial.
    We do not mean to suggest that appellants needed to cite Akins by name to
    preserve their objection for appellate review; but “appellants‟ failure to either cite
    to Akins or object that the combination of the admission of [their co-defendants‟]
    redacted statements and the Pinkerton instruction would violate their . . . rights
    This is primarily because, per Crawford, the Confrontation Clause applies
    to testimonial hearsay regardless of whether it falls within an exception (reliability-
    based or otherwise) to the rule against hearsay, but not at all to non-testimonial
    hearsay. See Davis v. Washington, 
    547 U.S. 813
    , 821 (2006).
    See (Keith) 
    Thomas, 978 A.2d at 1225
    (“Whether or not it is testimonial,
    a defendant‟s extrajudicial statement directly implicating a co-defendant is equally
    susceptible to improper use by the jury against that co-defendant.”).
    id. at 1226-27;
    see also Perez v. United States, 
    968 A.2d 39
    , 77 n.43
    (D.C. 2009) (“Because the statement was made not to police, but to a perceived
    ally who was not then a government informant or witness, it was not testimonial
    and there was no right to cross-examination under the Confrontation Clause.”).
    meant that the trial court was not fairly apprised that appellants sought relief based
    on that claim.”52 Accordingly, we review appellants‟ claim of an Akins violation
    only for plain error.53
    Under the established four-part test for plain error, an
    appellant must demonstrate not merely that there was an
    error, but also that the error was “clear” or “obvious”—
    “so egregious and obvious as to make the trial judge and
    prosecutor derelict in permitting it, despite the
    defendant‟s failure to object.” In addition, the appellant
    must demonstrate that the error affected his substantial
    rights by showing a reasonable probability that it had a
    prejudicial effect on the outcome of his trial. Lastly,
    even if the appellant succeeds in those demonstrations, he
    also must show that the error seriously affected the
    fairness, integrity or public reputation of the judicial
    Importantly, “it is inherent in the nature of plain error review that appellant must
    make that showing based on the record on appeal.”55
    Baker v. United States, 
    867 A.2d 988
    , 1001-02 (D.C. 2005) (internal
    quotation marks omitted).
    Id. at 1002.
    Comford v. United States, 
    947 A.2d 1181
    , 1189-90 (D.C. 2008) (footnotes
    Lowery v. United States, 
    3 A.3d 1169
    , 1173 (D.C. 2010).
    We cannot find plain error on the record here. For one thing, the record does
    not show clearly that the Akins rule was violated by the admission of the hearsay
    statements at issue here. There is every reason to suppose that at least some of
    those statements would have been “alternatively admissible” under a reliability-
    based hearsay exception (as contemplated by the Akins rule)—namely the
    exception for statements against penal interest.56 Some of the statements also may
    have been admissible under the exception for statements by co-conspirators during
    the course of and in furtherance of the conspiracy (as also contemplated by
    Akins).57 And one of the statements in issue, Arrington‟s alleged request that
    Akins, 679 A.2d at 1033
    . As we explained in (Keith) 
    Thomas, 978 A.2d at 1227
    The exception, a species of “statement against interest,”
    provides that if the declarant is unavailable as a witness,
    the rule against hearsay does not exclude “a statement
    which at the time of its making so far tended to subject
    the declarant to criminal liability that a reasonable person
    in the declarant‟s position would not have made the
    statement unless believing it to be true.” The premise of
    this exception is that reasonable people usually do not
    make statements against their penal interest unless the
    statements are true; the statements are reliable, and
    therefore admissible, precisely insofar as they genuinely
    increase the declarant‟s exposure to criminal sanction.
    (Footnotes omitted.)
    McCoy prevent Payne from testifying, does not appear to have been hearsay at
    In any event, in order to establish that the asserted error affected their
    substantial rights (the third requirement of plain error), appellants must show a
    reasonable probability that, but for the admission of their extrajudicial statements
    under the party opponent exception, the outcome of the trial would have been
    different.59      They cannot make such a showing here.           The statements were
    cumulative of other direct, compelling evidence of each appellant‟s personal
    involvement in the substantive crimes with which he was charged; we are
    confident that no appellant was found guilty of any offense in which he did not
    See Butler v. United States, 
    481 A.2d 431
    , 439-41 (D.C. 1984); United
    States v. Carson, 
    455 F.3d 336
    , 367 (D.C. Cir. 2006) (recognizing that statements
    recounting past violent acts to fellow conspirators may fall within the exception for
    co-conspirator hearsay where they keep the co-conspirators informed or
    See Jenkins v. United States, 
    80 A.3d 978
    , 993 (D.C. 2013) (explaining
    that statements between conspirators not offered for the truth of the matter asserted
    are non-hearsay verbal acts).
    See (Michael) Thomas, 
    914 A.2d 1
    , 21 (D.C. 2006).
    participate based on a theory of vicarious liability for the acts of another.60 For this
    reason too, appellants‟ claim that the admission of their co-appellants‟ extrajudicial
    statements was plain error falls short.
    2. The Redaction Issue
    Appellants‟ second party opponent hearsay claim is specific to cooperating
    witness Marquet McCoy‟s testimony recounting admissions by appellant Leaks.
    Before calling McCoy to the witness stand, the government informed the trial court
    and defense counsel that Leaks had told McCoy “chapter and verse” about the May
    17 shootings, among other things “naming all five of his accomplices,” but that
    “for Bruton reasons” the government had instructed McCoy to limit his testimony
    about Leaks‟s admissions so as to implicate only “Leaks and [unnamed] others.”
    On the stand, McCoy testified that a few days after the May 17 raid, Leaks
    gave him a detailed account of it and admitted having been “present and involved”
    himself. The prosecutor asked McCoy whether Leaks had said who went with him
    on the raid; McCoy confirmed what he had indicated earlier in his testimony, that
    Baker, 867 A.2d at 1003
    (finding insufficient prejudice for reversal
    under plain error review where the co-defendant‟s statement was “both vague and
    cumulative of much weightier evidence”).
    Leaks had indeed named his confederates. The prosecutor then inquired how many
    there were. “It was him [i.e., Leaks] and five others,” McCoy responded. Defense
    counsel objected and moved to strike the witness‟s answer as being violative of the
    Bruton doctrine because it plainly referred to Leaks‟s co-defendants. The trial
    court declined to strike the testimony but repeated its earlier instruction to the jury
    that a statement by a defendant could only be used against that defendant. McCoy
    then went on to testify to what Leaks told him about how the May 17 shootings
    had occurred.
    On appeal, Allen argues that Leaks‟s statement to McCoy incriminated him
    by unavoidable inference even though it was redacted so as not to identify him by
    name—for it would have been obvious to the jury that the “five others” whom
    Leaks mentioned could only have been Leaks‟s three co-defendants (Arrington,
    Hagans, and Allen) and the government‟s two cooperating witnesses (Payne and
    Smith).    We understand Arrington and Hagans to join in this contention.
    Accordingly, Allen asserts (on their behalf as well as his own) that because the
    hearsay statement was inadmissible against Leaks‟s co-defendants,61 the trial court
    Despite the references in the trial court to Bruton v. United States, 
    391 U.S. 123
    (1968), appellants properly do not complain of a Confrontation Clause
    violation. Leaks‟s statement, made in casual conversation to a fellow gang
    member, was not testimonial. See note 
    51, supra
    . The government does not
    erred in admitting it without severing their trials from that of Leaks pursuant to
    Criminal Rule 14.62
    Appellants‟ argument is not without merit. Rule 14 “requires that the trial
    court take appropriate steps to minimize the prejudice inherent in codefendant
    confessions which are inadmissible against the nondeclarant defendant.”63 “[T]he
    remedial options under Rule 14 when one defendant‟s extrajudicial statement
    directly inculpates a co-defendant are the same as under the Confrontation Clause:
    unless the government agrees to forego any use of the statement, it must be
    redacted to eliminate all incriminating references to the co-defendant, or the co-
    suggest, however, nor do we think, that appellants failed to preserve their non-
    constitutional claim predicated on the inadmissibility of Leaks‟s statement against
    them under traditional hearsay principles.
    Super. Ct. Crim. R. 14 (providing, in pertinent part, that “[i]f it appears
    that a defendant . . . is prejudiced by a joinder of defendants . . . for trial together,
    the Court may . . . grant a severance of defendants or provide whatever other relief
    justice requires”).
    Thomas, 978 A.2d at 1223
    (quoting Carpenter v. United States,
    430 A.2d 496
    , 502 (D.C. 1981) (en banc)). It is not suggested that the portions of
    Leaks‟s statement implicating persons other than himself in the May 17 shooting
    could have been admitted against Leaks‟s co-defendants under the hearsay
    exception for statements against penal interest. See Williamson v. United States,
    512 U.S. 594
    , 599-601 (1994); (Keith) 
    Thomas, 978 A.2d at 1228-29
    defendant‟s motion for severance must be granted.”64 Without adequate redaction,
    a limiting instruction cautioning the jury to consider the statement only against its
    maker “is not a sufficient prophylaxis.”65
    Here, of course, the statement was redacted; instead of identifying those
    whom Leaks had named as his confederates, McCoy referred to them only in
    neutral terms as “five others.”        Thus, as it was summarized to the jury, the
    statement did not directly incriminate Leaks‟s co-defendants on its face.      This is
    important, because
    a defendant‟s extrajudicial statement normally may be
    admitted in evidence in a joint trial (with an appropriate
    limiting instruction, we emphasize) so long as the
    statement, as redacted if necessary, does not incriminate
    a non-declarant co-defendant on its face, either explicitly
    or by direct and obvious implication. A statement
    satisfying that condition normally is admissible (with the
    limiting instruction) even though it alludes non-
    specifically to the declarant‟s confederates and the non-
    declarant co-defendant may be linked to it by other,
    properly admitted evidence of his guilt.66
    Id. at 1224
    (internal quotation marks omitted).
    Id. 66 Id.
    at 1235.
    But, as we have emphasized, these principles “are guidelines for the mine run of
    cases, not ironclad rules for every case no matter what the circumstances.” 67 There
    is a particular circumstance in this case that takes it out of “the mine run”—
    namely, the fact that the jury was informed that Leaks in fact had identified his
    confederates in the statement that McCoy reported. In other words, it was revealed
    to the jury that the statement had been redacted to omit the identities of the other
    participants in the May 17 shooting.
    When a defendant‟s extrajudicial statement is redacted by replacing the co-
    defendants‟ names with neutral pronouns or other generic terms (such as “others”),
    the substitution must be accomplished artfully, so as not
    to indicate to the jury that the statement originally
    contained actual names. An obvious redaction would
    imply too strongly that the statement implicated the non-
    declarant co-defendant by name.68
    Id. 68 Id.
    at 1237; see, e.g., Gray v. Maryland, 
    523 U.S. 185
    , 193 (1998)
    (explaining that when the jury is aware that names have been deleted, the
    substituted language “will not likely fool anyone;” the jurors “would know
    immediately” whose names had been removed); United States v. Jass, 
    569 F.3d 47
    56 (2d Cir. 2009) (“[A] redacted statement in which the names of co-defendants
    are replaced by neutral pronouns, with no indication to the jury that the original
    statement contained actual names, and where the statement standing alone does
    not otherwise connect co-defendants to the crimes, may be admitted without
    Transparently redacted statements “continue to incriminate the non-declarant
    defendant „directly‟ and „facially,‟” to the extent that a limiting instruction alone
    usually cannot be deemed an effective remedy.69
    We therefore cannot approve the redaction of Leaks‟s statement.              The
    admission in this joint trial of McCoy‟s testimony summarizing what Leaks told
    him was error. That does not mean, however, that any of Leaks‟s three co-
    appellants are entitled to a new trial. We are persuaded by the government‟s
    alternative argument that, in light of the mass of other evidence of their
    involvement in the May 17 shootings, which we have summarized above, the error
    did not have a substantial impact on the jury‟s verdict and thus was harmless.70
    C. The Evidence of the Roxboro Place Shooting
    In deciding whether to admit evidence of the uncharged Roxboro Place
    shooting, the trial court had to evaluate and balance the government‟s assertions of
    violating a co-defendant‟s Bruton rights.”) (internal quotation marks omitted;
    emphasis added).
    Thomas, 978 A.2d at 1234
    Gray, 523 U.S. at 196
    See Kotteakos v. United States, 
    328 U.S. 750
    , 765 (1946).
    relevance against claims of prejudice raised by Arrington and Hagans. Ultimately,
    the court ruled evidence of the Roxboro Place incident admissible only for the
    limited purpose of showing Arrington‟s possession of firearms used to commit the
    shootings charged in the indictment;71 and then only on condition that the jury not
    be informed anyone was killed in the assault.72 The court overruled Arrington‟s
    objections that the government‟s true and improper purpose in presenting the
    Roxboro shooting evidence was to demonstrate his alleged propensity to commit
    violent crimes with firearms, and that even with the court‟s restrictions, the
    evidence was substantially more prejudicial than probative. The court also rejected
    Hagans‟s motion that he be tried separately from Arrington so that, in cross-
    examining Evans and other government witnesses, he would be permitted to elicit
    the fact that the Roxboro shooting resulted in a double homicide. Arrington and
    Hagans renew their contentions on appeal, and we address them in turn.
    The court rejected the government‟s alternative rationales that Arrington‟s
    involvement in the Roxboro shooting was otherwise probative of his identity as
    one of the shooters in the Webb and Hernandez homicides, his motive to kill
    members of the Mahdi gang, and his intent to kill Webb and the Mahdis.
    This condition was adhered to at trial. The government did not elicit
    from its witnesses that anyone was killed on Roxboro Place, and that fact was not
    brought out on cross-examination either. Although the jury heard that one person
    in the Mazda was shot and wounded (by Evans, it should be noted, not Arrington),
    it further heard that this person was able to run from the scene and later spoke with
    the police. The jury had no reason to infer that his wounds were fatal.
    1. Admission of the Roxboro Place Shooting Evidence as Proof
    that Arrington Possessed Firearms Used in the Webb and
    Hernandez Murders and Other Charged Shootings
    Evidence of an uncharged crime is inadmissible for the purpose of proving
    the defendant‟s criminal disposition to commit the type of offense for which the
    defendant is on trial.73 But the evidence of the Roxboro Place shooting was not
    offered or admitted for such an improper purpose.74 It was offered and admitted
    for a purpose we repeatedly have held to be legitimate, namely, to prove that a
    defendant, Arrington, possessed weapons that recently had been used to commit
    the crimes with which he was charged.75 A defendant‟s possession of a weapon
    not long before or after it was used to commit a homicide for which he is on trial
    See, e.g., Jenkins v. United States, 
    80 A.3d 978
    , 998 (D.C. 2013) (citing
    Drew v. United States, 
    331 F.2d 85
    , 89-90 (D.C. Cir. 1964)).
    The trial court instructed the jury that it was permitted to use the Roxboro
    shooting evidence “only for the limited purpose of helping you decide whether a
    defendant had the means to commit an offense charged in the indictment,” and not
    “to conclude that the defendant has a bad character or . . . a criminal personality.”
    The court added that “[t]he law does not allow you to convict a defendant simply
    because you believe he may have done bad things not specifically charged as
    crimes in this case.”
    See, e.g., 
    Jenkins, 80 A.3d at 999
    (upholding admission of evidence that
    defendant had committed an uncharged homicide with the same weapon used eight
    days later to commit the murder for which the defendant was on trial); Jones v.
    United States, 
    27 A.3d 1130
    , 1146 (D.C. 2011) (upholding admission in
    prosecution for murder of evidence that the defendant had used the murder weapon
    to commit an uncharged armed robbery).
    “is some evidence of the probability of his guilt, and is therefore admissible.”76
    Admissible evidence may be excluded, of course, if its probative value is
    substantially outweighed by the danger of unfair prejudice.77 “This balancing of
    probative value and prejudice is committed to the discretion of the trial judge, and
    this court will review it only for abuse of that discretion.”78
    We cannot conclude that the trial court abused its discretion here. As the
    trial court noted, the Roxboro Place evidence (along with the evidence of a second
    uncharged shooting, to which appellants raise no objection on appeal) was
    “virtually [the] only evidence” that did not depend entirely on the credibility of
    cooperating gang members that tied Arrington to the Webb and Hernandez
    murders and other charged shootings. Independent witnesses and forensic DNA
    and ballistic analysis corroborated Evans and Smith and linked Arrington to guns
    used in the charged offenses.         The probative value of this evidence was
    Busey v. United States, 
    747 A.2d 1153
    , 1165 (D.C. 2000) (internal
    quotation marks omitted).
    Id. 78 Id.
    Arrington argues, however, that the trial court abused its discretion by
    allowing the government to introduce far more evidence of his participation in the
    violent Roxboro shooting than was necessary or appropriate given the limited
    purpose for which it was admitted; in reality, he contends, “[t]he only purpose of
    evidence that Arrington fired at an occupied car in the Roxboro alley was to show
    Arrington‟s alleged propensity to shoot people.”79 We do not agree. It is true that
    other crimes evidence should omit, where possible, unnecessary details of the
    defendant‟s violence and use of a weapon; the admission of other crimes evidence
    for a valid purpose is not a license to go overboard and use the evidence in an
    improper manner.80 This was why the trial court precluded evidence that two
    persons were killed in the Roxboro Place shooting, a fact both immaterial and
    prejudicial. But the violent details of the shooting that the court allowed the
    government to introduce were not superfluous.81        They were necessary for a
    coherent presentation. The shell casings and bullets that police found at the scene
    would have meant little absent proof that Arrington fired the guns that produced
    Brief for Appellant Arrington at 53.
    Jones, 27 A.3d at 1145
    The trial court offered to restrict the government‟s proof if Arrington were
    to stipulate to his possession of the Ruger handgun and the Mac-90 assault rifle on
    June 3, 2000. However, Arrington refused to do so.
    them.82 And the government hardly would have been able to persuasively establish
    that Arrington fired those guns without explaining the circumstances in which he
    did so. A truncated account that withheld this information from the jury would
    have eviscerated the legitimate probative value of the Roxboro Place evidence.
    The evidence of Arrington‟s wanton violence against the occupants of the
    Mazda was undeniably prejudicial as well as probative. “[B]ut unfair prejudice is
    minimized where the evidence is admitted for a valid purpose and has substantial
    probative value, the prosecution does not present or argue it improperly, and the
    court correctly instructs the jury on the permissible use it may make of the
    evidence.”83 Those conditions were satisfied here: The probative value of the
    Roxboro Place evidence was substantial; we do not agree with Arrington that the
    prosecution “exploited the evidence to prejudice the jury against him;”84 and the
    court properly instructed the jury on the limited use it could make of the evidence.
    Jones, 27 A.3d at 1144
    (noting lower court‟s recognition that
    evidence of defendant‟s possession of murder weapon in an uncharged robbery
    would have “little meaning” if the government were precluded from establishing
    that the weapon was fired in the robbery).
    Jenkins, 80 A.3d at 999
    Id. 53 On
    this record, we do not find undue prejudice or an abuse of the trial court‟s
    2. The Restriction of Hagans’s Cross-Examination and the Denial
    of His Severance Motion
    The decision to keep from the jury the fact that the Roxboro Place assault
    resulted in two deaths was for Arrington‟s benefit.        Hagans claimed that it
    prejudiced him, however, by restricting his cross-examination of Evans and other
    government witnesses for bias.       Specifically, he argued, the court‟s ruling
    prevented him from impeaching Evans with the fact that by cooperating with the
    prosecution, he escaped being charged with two murders (instead of the single
    count of assault with intent to kill while armed to which he had pleaded guilty). In
    addition, Hagans argued, the ruling affected his cross-examination of Smith and
    Payne regarding testimony they gave in other proceedings falsely implicating him
    in the murders at Roxboro Place. Hagans moved the court to sever his trial from
    that of Arrington so that he could pursue his desired cross-examination without
    hindrance. The trial court, weighing the advantages of a joint trial against what it
    considered to be the minimal impact of its ruling on Hagans‟s ability to cross-
    examine the government‟s witnesses, denied his request.
    We conclude that the trial court did not err, either in placing limitations on
    Hagans‟s cross-examinations or in denying his request for severance. Hagans had
    the right, guaranteed by the Sixth Amendment, to an opportunity for effective
    cross-examination of the witnesses against him for bias. However, this does not
    mean “cross-examination that is effective in whatever way, and to whatever extent,
    the defense might wish.”85 The court has discretion to impose reasonable limits on
    bias cross-examination, so long as it does not preclude a “meaningful” degree of
    cross-examination that allows the defense to pursue the proposed line of cross-
    examination in sufficient depth to elicit the “nature and extent” of the witness‟s
    bias.86 The limitation at issue here did not prevent Hagans from “meaningfully”
    cross-examining Evans, Smith, and Payne.        All three witnesses were heavily
    Delaware v. Van Arsdall, 
    475 U.S. 673
    , 679 (1986) (quoting Delaware v.
    474 U.S. 15
    , 20 (1985)).
    Longus v. United States, 
    52 A.3d 836
    , 850-51 (D.C. 2012). As the court
    elaborated in that case,
    In determining what is “meaningful” cross-examination,
    we have been solicitous of a defendant‟s right to
    effectively expose a witness‟s various biases to the jury.
    Thus, we have said, “[t]o make cross-examination based
    upon witness bias effective (and thus satisfy the Sixth
    Amendment), defense counsel must be „permitted to
    expose to the jury the facts from which jurors . . . could
    appropriately draw inferences relating to the reliability of
    the witness.‟” A trial court ruling therefore infringes on
    the Sixth Amendment right to confrontation when it
    impeached with their plea deals, and Hagans was able to confront them with their
    prior inconsistent statements, including Evans‟s past denials of involvement in the
    Roxboro shooting and Payne‟s alleged efforts to protect Evans by falsely
    implicating Hagans in the incident. We recognize that the assault with intent to kill
    charge to which Evans pleaded guilty was much less serious than the initial murder
    charges and carried with it the possibility of significantly less jail time. However,
    even without revealing the possible murder charges against Evans, Hagans
    obtained his acknowledgement that his favorable plea deal saved him from having
    to serve “more time than [he] could ever[] [have] lived to serve.” Eliciting the fact
    that two people were killed in the Roxboro Place assault would have added little if
    any value to Hagans‟s cross-examinations in our view. We conclude that his Sixth
    Amendment right of confrontation was not infringed.
    We review the trial court‟s denial of Hagans‟s severance motion for abuse of
    discretion, which requires Hagans to show “not only prejudice, but manifest
    precludes the defense from pursuing a line of
    examination that is necessary to enable the jury to fully
    evaluate the witness‟s credibility. It is not enough that
    the possibility of bias be mentioned; counsel must be
    permitted to present the nature and extent of the bias.
    Id. (internal citations
    prejudice” to his defense from the joinder of his trial with that of Arrington.87 As
    our discussion of his constitutional claim makes clear, he has not made that
    showing.          In light of the “long-standing presumption that defendants jointly
    charged with a criminal offense should be tried together,” it was well within the
    trial court‟s discretion to impose the modest restriction it did on Hagans‟s
    elicitation of evidence prejudicial to Arrington rather than grant Hagans a separate
    D. Contingent Ruling on the Admissibility of Smith’s Prior Consistent
    Grand Jury Testimony
    In his direct examination, Jason Smith testified that he was taking Haldol,
    Cogentin, and Risperdal, but only, he stated, to help him sleep.            On cross-
    examination by Hagans‟s counsel, Smith denied having been prescribed the
    medications because he had reported “hearing voices” or “see[ing] things that are
    not there.” To impeach Smith, Hagans proposed to call Dr. Benjamin Adewale,
    the chief psychiatrist at the D.C. Jail, to testify that he had prescribed the
    Mercer v. United States, 
    724 A.2d 1176
    , 1193 (D.C. 1999).
    Cf. Boone v. United States, 
    769 A.2d 811
    , 817-18 (D.C. 2001) (upholding
    denial of severance where the trial court limited a defendant‟s cross-examination of
    a witness about his plea deal in a previous case, so as to avoid disclosing that one
    of the persons the witness had agreed to testify against in that case was also the
    defendant‟s co-defendant in the current case).
    medications because Smith had been having auditory hallucinations and
    manifesting other psychotic symptoms. It was Dr. Adewale‟s opinion, though he
    could not be certain, that these symptoms were triggered by sexual abuse Smith
    had suffered while he was at the Jail.89
    Hagans sought to present Dr. Adewale‟s testimony not only to show that
    Smith had told a lie on the witness stand in claiming his medications were just a
    sleep aid, but also to establish that the medications were prescribed because Smith
    suffered from hallucinations. As the trial court recognized, the main thrust of the
    latter impeachment would be not merely to prove that Smith had lied on the
    witness stand; rather, it would be to suggest that Smith‟s testimony at trial was the
    product of, or influenced by, his hallucinations and therefore not worth crediting.
    The government argued that Smith‟s prior consistent grand jury testimony (given
    before he was incarcerated and hence before he was sexually assaulted) should be
    admissible to counter such a suggestion. The trial court agreed, concluding that
    The mental health counselors who evaluated Smith when he was admitted
    to the Jail did not note any signs of mental illness in his intake records, and Smith
    had no known history of psychosis before he was sexually assaulted there.
    this would “fairly put[] the hallucination issue before the jury and prevent[] it from
    taking on more value than its worth.”90
    Given the court‟s ruling, the defense decided not to present testimony that
    Smith suffered from hallucinations. In lieu of calling Dr. Adewale as a witness,
    the parties agreed to a stipulation, which Hagans‟s counsel read to the jury, that
    “the psychiatrist who treated Jason Smith at the D.C. Jail would testify that the
    medications Haldol, Cogentin and Risperdal were prescribed for Jason Smith to
    treat his mental health condition and not to assist him as a sleep aid.”
    In this court, appellant Leaks (joined by the other appellants) argues that the
    trial court erred in ruling that Smith‟s prior consistent statements would be
    admissible to rehabilitate him if the defense presented evidence that he had
    hallucinations.   Appellants further argue that the court violated their Sixth
    Amendment confrontation rights by restricting their ability to impeach Smith with
    such evidence. Because appellants did not invoke the Confrontation Clause in the
    The court emphasized that Hagans had an “absolute right” to put Smith‟s
    hallucinations before the jury. It was cognizant of this court‟s decision in Brown v.
    United States, 
    766 A.2d 530
    , 538-39 (D.C. 2001), holding that a witness‟s
    credibility may be impeached by evidence the witness has a mental disorder with
    symptoms including visual and auditory hallucinations.
    trial court and opted not to present Dr. Adewale‟s testimony about Smith‟s
    hallucinations, it is arguable that they forfeited these claims.91 The government
    does not urge us to decide that issue, however, and we need not do so, because we
    are satisfied that the court did not err as claimed.
    A trial court has “broad discretion” to permit a party to introduce a witness‟s
    prior consistent statement to rebut a suggestion that the witness‟s testimony at trial
    is a recent fabrication, provided the court finds the prior statement was made when
    the asserted or implied motive or other reason for the alleged fabrication did not
    exist.92 Typically, this means the prior statement must have been made before the
    claimed motive or influence arose.93
    See Marquez v. United States, 
    903 A.2d 815
    , 817 (D.C. 2006) (“Because
    counsel objected at trial to the admission of the statement on purely evidentiary
    grounds and did not raise a Confrontation Clause objection, we must review the
    claim for plain error.”) (footnote omitted); Butler v. United States, 
    688 A.2d 381
    386-88 (D.C. 1996) (holding that the defendant failed to preserve his challenge to
    an in limine ruling that impeachment of the arresting officers for bias would open
    the door to evidence of the defendant‟s prior arrests, where the defendant chose to
    forego the bias impeachment and the trial court was never called upon to decide
    precisely what evidence the government would be allowed to present in rebuttal);
    see also Brisbon v. United States, 
    894 A.2d 1121
    , 1130-31 (D.C. 2006).
    Rowland v. United States, 
    840 A.2d 664
    , 679 (D.C. 2004); see also, e.g.,
    Mason v. United States, 
    53 A.3d 1084
    , 1090-92 (D.C. 2012). D.C. Code § 14-102
    (b) (2013 Repl.) provides that prior consistent statements are “not hearsay,” and
    are admissible as “substantive evidence,” when properly offered “to rebut an
    express or implied charge against the witness of recent fabrication or improper
    The trial court properly applied these principles in connection with Hagans‟s
    proffered evidence that Smith was taking antipsychotic drugs to suppress his
    hallucinations. The court reasonably could find, as it did, that the evidence Smith
    had suffered from hallucinations would suggest to the jury that his testimony
    against appellants contained hallucinatory fabrications. Based on Dr. Adewale‟s
    expert opinion and Smith‟s available mental health records, the court reasonably
    could find as well that Smith‟s hallucinations were probably caused by his sexual
    assault at the D.C. Jail, which occurred sometime after Smith testified before the
    grand jury.94 A more-likely-than-not finding was sufficient for these purposes, as
    preponderance of the evidence is the “standard . . . traditionally used in deciding
    influence or motive.” This statutory provision is substantively identical with
    Federal Rule of Evidence 801 (d)(1)(B).
    That temporal priority is a requirement under the Federal Rules of
    Evidence. See Tome v. United States, 
    513 U.S. 150
    , 167 (1995) (holding that
    Federal Rule of Evidence 801 (d)(1)(B) “permits the introduction of a declarant‟s
    consistent out-of-court statements to rebut a charge of recent fabrication or
    improper influence or motive only when those statements were made before the
    charged recent fabrication or improper influence or motive”). However, we have
    held that “there is no such per se rule in this jurisdiction.” Reed v. United States,
    452 A.2d 1173
    , 1181 n.8 (D.C. 1982).
    Mason, 53 A.3d at 1090
    n.4 (“Though the common phrase is „recent‟
    fabrication or contrivance, the term „recent‟ is misleading. It is not required to be
    near in point of time to the trial, but only that the alleged contrivance be closer to
    the trial in point of time than the consistent statement.”) (quoting MCCORMICK,
    EVIDENCE § 47, at 228 n.36 (6th ed. 2006)).
    preliminary fact questions” relating to the admissibility of “virtually all”
    evidence.”95 The court therefore could find Smith‟s prior consistent grand jury
    testimony to be admissible to rebut the suggestion that Smith‟s in-court testimony
    was the product of his hallucinations.
    Taking issue with this conclusion, appellants primarily argue that Smith‟s
    prior consistent statements were inadmissible because Dr. Adewale‟s testimony
    suggested only that Smith was delusional, not that he was “deliberately lying.”96
    But we have never held that the use of prior consistent statements to rehabilitate a
    witness is limited to charges of deliberate lying, and appellants do not provide us
    with a sound rationale for adopting such a limitation. Historically, we think, the
    rule has been more broadly understood; McCormick on Evidence states:
    [A]t common law under the prevailing temporal priority
    doctrine, if the attacker has charged bias, interest, corrupt
    influence, contrivance to falsify, or want of capacity to
    observe or remember, the prior consistent statement is
    deemed irrelevant to refute the charge unless the
    consistent statement was made before the source of the
    bias, interest, influence or incapacity originated. If the
    Devonshire v. United States, 
    691 A.2d 165
    , 169 (D.C. 1997).
    Brief for Appellant Leaks at 39 (asserting that the rule permitting the
    introduction of prior consistent statements “relates only to charges of recent
    fabrication—that is, to charges that a witness is deliberately lying”).
    statement was made later, proof of the statement does not
    assist the jury to evaluate the witness‟s testimony
    because the reliability of the consistent statement is
    subject to the same doubt as the trial testimony.97
    In other words, under the “prevailing doctrine,” an attack based on the witness‟s
    impaired mental condition at the time of trial may be answered with proof that the
    witness made consistent statements before the impairment developed.98         This
    proposition makes sense, and we see no reason to reject it.
    Kenneth S. Broun et al., 1 MCCORMICK ON EVIDENCE § 47, at 314 (7th
    ed. 2013); see also 
    Tome, 513 U.S. at 156
    (“The applicable principle is that the
    prior consistent statement has no relevancy to refute the charge unless the
    consistent statement was made before the source of the bias, interest, influence or
    incapacity originated.”) (quoting E. Cleary, MCCORMICK ON EVIDENCE § 49, at 105
    (2d ed. 1972)); R. Park & T. Lininger, THE NEW WIGMORE, A TREATISE ON
    EVIDENCE: IMPEACHMENT AND REHABILITATION § 9.4, at 344 (2012 ed.) (stating
    that Tome “should not be read to categorically prohibit the use of consistent
    statements in . . . cases where the asserted basis for inaccuracy is „incapacity,‟”
    even though the concept of the declarant‟s incapacity is not specifically mentioned
    in Federal Rule of Evidence 801 (d)(1)(B)).
    Admittedly, it is rare for a witness‟s prior consistent statements to be
    offered to rebut impeachment based on the witness‟s impaired mental condition.
    But it happened at the trial in Lowery v. Commonwealth, 
    566 S.W.2d 750
    1978). In that case the Supreme Court of Kentucky held that a prior consistent
    statement could be used to rehabilitate a prosecution witness who was impeached
    with the fact that he had been drinking shortly before he took the stand and had
    been “locked up for being drunk.” The court reasoned:
    Evidence of the present lack of sobriety of a witness is
    doubtless admissible. It tends to discredit his testimony
    because it involves a diminution of his trustworthiness in
    respect to his present ability to recollect and
    Thus, we hold that there was no abuse of discretion in the trial court‟s
    evidentiary ruling. Furthermore, that ruling did not infringe appellants‟ Sixth
    Amendment rights to cross-examine the government‟s witnesses and present
    evidence impeaching them. The ruling at issue did not curtail those rights in any
    way; it did not limit appellants‟ cross-examination of Smith, nor did it prevent
    them from calling Dr. Adewale to complete Smith‟s impeachment. Allowing the
    government to introduce admissible evidence in rebuttal was not an infringement
    of appellants‟ Sixth Amendment rights, even if it dissuaded appellants from
    exercising them.
    E. Prosecutorial Argument Regarding Payne’s Grand Jury Testimony
    Appellants contend that the government, with the trial court‟s sanction,
    improperly bolstered Payne‟s credibility by referring to grand jury testimony that
    communicate . . . . Once the present ability of the
    witness to recollect and communicate is discredited,
    consistent statements made before the onset of the
    malady become relevant and probative. They tend to
    support the accuracy of the testimony by showing that the
    story was the same before the fogging of the memory and
    the thickening of the tongue.
    Id. (internal citations
    omitted). We think this reasoning is sound.
    was not in evidence. For the reasons that follow, we conclude that appellants are
    not entitled to relief on this ground.
    From Payne‟s direct examination at trial, the jury learned that he had
    appeared before the grand jury on two days, September 13 and 15, 2000, to testify
    about the shooting of Eva Hernandez as well as the encounter with Nadir Madhi
    earlier that day that might have instigated the shooting. The government did not
    elicit any further details of that testimony. During Payne‟s cross-examination,
    however, the jury learned that his trial testimony arguably diverged from his grand
    jury testimony on four specific points: the color of the stolen Honda Accord that
    Payne drove to and from Fourteenth Street on May 17, 2000; how he and Leaks
    cleaned the car; the particular weapon Hagans fired during the incident; and
    whether Evans was at the D.C. Jail or in a half-way house on May 17. No other
    purported inconsistencies between Payne‟s grand jury and trial testimony were
    identified. On redirect, Payne confirmed his grand jury testimony as to which car
    he was driving notwithstanding his mistake in the grand jury about its color. The
    jury heard nothing further about the content of the testimony.99
    The jury did learn, though, that Payne had no deal with the government
    when he appeared before the grand jury, and that he did not enter into his
    cooperation plea agreement until December 2001.
    The government subsequently moved to introduce forty-five pages of
    Payne‟s grand jury transcripts in evidence to rebut what it viewed as an implied
    charge by Hagans‟s counsel of recent fabrication, namely that the government had
    “bought and paid for” Payne‟s testimony with the financial benefits he gained from
    having been placed in the Witness Protection Program.100 Although the trial court
    agreed that the suggestion of recent fabrication had been made, it denied the
    government‟s request. The court indicated, however, that further emphasis by the
    defense on the monetary benefits Payne received might open the door to rebuttal
    argument based on Payne‟s prior consistent grand jury testimony. Later, after
    certain defense counsel sought to discredit Payne in their closing arguments by
    citing how much the government had paid on his behalf when he was in the
    Witness Protection Program, the government moved to reopen the evidence to
    introduce his grand jury testimony. The trial court declined to reopen the evidence
    but ruled there was “certainly a record” enabling the government to argue that
    Payne identified who was involved in the May 17 raid in which Hernandez was
    killed “before anyone got a cent or there was any protection.”
    Payne requested witness protection after he testified in the grand jury.
    Eventually, he and Tamika Payne entered the Witness Protection Program and
    were relocated. While they were in the Program, the government disbursed
    approximately $81,000 to cover their living expenses.
    In the government‟s closing and rebuttal arguments, the prosecutor referred
    to Payne‟s grand jury testimony primarily to make three points: (1) that Payne‟s
    account of the events surrounding the murder of Hernandez had been corroborated
    by a great deal of independent evidence; (2) that Payne‟s testimony at trial had not
    been impeached; and (3) that his testimony had not been influenced by the benefits
    he had received from the Witness Protection Program and his cooperation plea
    As to the first point, the prosecutor argued that when Payne appeared in the
    grand jury, he had no “control” over the other facts that would come to light “that
    tell you that what he‟s saying is the truth”—he could not have known that Nadir
    Mahdi would plead guilty two years later, that other witnesses would emerge and
    confirm his testimony, or that the police would acquire forensic and other
    corroborative evidence. Hagans‟s counsel objected to this line of argument on the
    ground that the government was “arguing prior consistent statements that are not in
    evidence . . . . This whole argument is what [Payne] told the grand jury is the same
    as what he is telling you here today.” The court overruled this objection, stating
    that the government‟s argument “meets the force of the impeachment that will be
    argued and that has been suggested.”
    As to the second point, the prosecutor argued that
    Charles Payne when he first testified, I submit to you,
    didn‟t talk about a single significant fact that wasn‟t true.
    His appearances over those two days at one time did he
    lie about anything significant that mattered[?] Such as
    who was responsible, how did the shootings occur, where
    did they happen, when, who was involved?
    There was no objection to this argument.
    Lastly, as to the third point, in rebuttal the prosecutor argued that Payne‟s
    witness protection payments and plea agreement “could not have influenced” his
    trial testimony, as had been suggested by the defense in closing, because Payne
    gave the same testimony to the grand jury long before either motive to fabricate
    arose. There was no objection to this argument either.
    In reviewing a challenge to prosecutorial argument, we consider whether the
    prosecutor‟s statements were in fact improper, and if they were, whether the
    defendant suffered “substantial prejudice.”101           Appellants claim that the
    prosecutors‟ references to Payne‟s grand jury testimony were improper because
    that testimony had not been admitted in evidence (the trial court having denied the
    Fearwell v. United States, 
    886 A.2d 95
    , 102 (D.C. 2005).
    government‟s requests to introduce some forty-five pages of grand jury transcript).
    We do not agree. “[I]t is improper for an attorney to make an argument to the jury
    based on facts not in evidence or not reasonably inferable from the evidence.”102
    But even without having Payne‟s grand jury transcript to read, the jury heard that
    Payne testified for two days in the grand jury about the shooting of Eva Hernandez
    and the earlier encounter with Nadir Mahdi; it heard the defendants impeach
    Payne‟s trial testimony regarding those events with only a few minor
    inconsistencies in his grand jury testimony; and it heard the government
    rehabilitate Payne with other portions of that testimony. From all that it heard, the
    jury surely could infer quite reasonably and permissibly that Payne‟s testimony
    before the grand jury was consistent in all material respects with his testimony at
    trial. Defense counsel undoubtedly would have cross-examined Payne about any
    material deviation, had there been any.
    Thus, the question before us is not whether the prosecutors argued facts
    outside the evidence, but whether they made a legally improper argument. On that
    score, appellants contend the prosecutors used Payne‟s grand jury testimony
    improperly to bolster the credibility of his testimony at trial.
    Id. at 101
    (internal quotation marks and brackets omitted).
    The general rule is that “[p]rior consistent statements may not be used to
    bolster an unimpeached witness;” the rationale being that “mere repetition does not
    imply veracity.”103 And impeachment with a prior inconsistent statement does not
    automatically render it permissible to introduce and argue prior consistent
    statements to rehabilitate the witness, for generally speaking, “evidence of
    additional consistent statements does not remove the inconsistencies.”104 As we
    already have seen, though, the general rule has its exceptions; among them, that
    prior consistent statements may be used to rehabilitate a witness when (1) there is
    an express or implied charge of recent fabrication, or (2) the witness has been
    impeached with a portion of a statement and the rest of the statement “contains
    relevant information that could be used to meet the force of the impeachment” (a
    rule-of-completeness concept).105
    Two of the prosecutors‟ references to Payne‟s grand jury testimony, to
    which no contemporaneous objection was even made, fit comfortably within one
    Daye v. United States, 
    733 A.2d 321
    , 325 (D.C. 1999) (quoting Reed v.
    United States, 
    452 A.2d 1173
    , 1179 (D.C. 1982), and Warren v. United States, 
    436 A.2d 821
    , 836 (D.C. 1981)).
    Id. (quoting Warren,
    436 A.2d at 836).
    Reed, 452 A.2d at 1180
    or the other of these exceptions. First, to rebut Payne‟s impeachment with a few
    inconsistencies on minor points culled from his grand jury testimony, it was
    permissible on this record for the prosecutor to argue (pursuant to the “rule of
    completeness” exception) that Payne did not testify falsely or inconsistently in the
    grand jury “about anything significant.”106 As we have said, this was a fact fairly
    inferable from the evidence. Second, to refute the suggestion that Payne lied about
    appellants to get the monetary benefits of being in the Witness Protection Program,
    it was permissible (under the “recent fabrication” exception) for the prosecutor to
    respond that Payne incriminated appellants in his grand jury testimony months
    “before one dime was ever spent on his behalf.”107 The prosecutor‟s additional
    assertion that Payne‟s grand jury testimony could not have been influenced by his
    plea agreement fifteen months later is perhaps more debatable, inasmuch as Payne
    concededly was hoping to reduce his sentencing exposure and “salvage something”
    Appellants assert that the prosecutor improperly vouched for the truth
    and content of Payne‟s grand jury testimony when he “submit[ted]” to the jury that
    Payne “didn‟t talk about a single significant fact that wasn‟t true.” We disagree; in
    context, this was argument, based on the evidence, that Payne had not been
    impeached, not an expression of the prosecutor‟s personal opinion of Payne‟s
    This is so even though Payne may have had other motives to lie to the
    grand jury. See Mason v. United States, 
    53 A.3d 1084
    , 1091-93 (D.C. 2012)
    (holding that “a prior consistent statement, made when a witness had a motive to
    lie, may be admitted to rebut a charge of fabrication alleged to have been
    motivated by a more recent, and different, motive”).
    even when he appeared before the grand jury.108 But the jury was well aware of
    Payne‟s motives when he testified in the grand jury, and the prosecutor did not
    dispute them. We cannot say that the prosecutor‟s limited point about Payne‟s plea
    agreement was improper.109
    That brings us to the government‟s assertions that Payne could not have
    foreseen all the corroboration there would be following his grand jury appearance.
    To the extent these assertions served to enhance the credibility of Payne‟s grand
    jury testimony, they were in tension with the general rule against using prior
    consistent statements to bolster a witness‟s in-court testimony. On the other hand,
    the trial court, in overruling the defense objection, deemed this argument to be a
    permissible rejoinder to the previously implied and anticipated impeachment of
    Payne—by which we presume the court meant the suggestions that the government
    had “bought and paid” for Payne‟s testimony through the Witness Protection
    Daye, 733 A.2d at 327
    (“This court . . . has rejected the argument that
    impeachment with the fact of immunity provides the basis for admitting prior
    consistent statements of a witness accused of having a bias to shift blame to others
    from the beginning.”).
    Mason, 53 A.3d at 1093
    (“Where the jury has been exposed to the
    witness‟s motive to fabricate both before and after the prior consistent statement
    was made, the better rule is to allow counsel to argue their inferences to the jury
    and let jurors weigh the evidence.”).
    Program. And as we have noted, by the time the prosecutor stood up to make the
    government‟s rebuttal argument, the trial court had ruled explicitly that the
    government could use Payne‟s grand jury testimony to rebut the implied charge of
    recent fabrication. Since a prior consistent statement is substantive evidence when
    used for that purpose,110 it would seem that it was ultimately permissible for the
    government to argue the credibility of Payne‟s grand jury testimony.
    More important, the prosecutors did not contend that Payne‟s prior
    consistent testimony reinforced his credibility under the flawed logic that
    “repetition implies veracity,” nor did they explicitly urge the jury to rely on the
    truth of what Payne said in the grand jury as distinct from his testimony at trial.
    Rather, the government‟s main point was simply that Payne was corroborated by
    powerful, independent evidence. This certainly was a valid and permissible point
    to make; and the prosecutors emphasized it in both the initial closing argument and
    the rebuttal argument, usually without referring to Payne‟s grand jury testimony at
    all. The references to that testimony were tangential to their theme and were only
    a small part of the argument made on behalf of Payne‟s credibility.
    D.C. Code § 14-102 (b).
    Thus, we consider it by no means clear that the prosecutors improperly
    bolstered Payne with his grand jury testimony, as appellants contend. We are
    satisfied that the prosecutors committed no serious impropriety, if there was any at
    all.   Moreover, we readily conclude that appellants suffered no substantial
    prejudice as a result of any inappropriate bolstering that may have occurred.111 As
    we have observed in the past, “only in a case where the government‟s proof of
    guilt was „marginal‟ have we thought the prejudice from this impermissible
    bolstering enough to warrant reversal without more.”112 This was not such a case.
    The proof of each appellant‟s guilt was relatively strong, as the government backed
    up the testimony of Payne and several other cooperating witnesses with testimony
    from a host of corroborating expert and lay witnesses.113 We are confident that the
    The applicable test is “whether we can say „with fair assurance, after
    pondering all that happened without stripping the erroneous action from the whole,
    that the judgment was not substantially swayed by the error[.]‟” Washington v.
    United States, 
    884 A.2d 1080
    , 1088 (D.C. 2005) (quoting Kotteakos v. United
    328 U.S. 750
    , 765 (1946)).
    Daye, 733 A.2d at 327
    ; accord Porter v. United States, 
    826 A.2d 398
    410 (D.C. 2003).
    So, for example, appellant Allen (who has taken the lead on appeal in
    making the claim of improper bolstering) argues inter alia that the case against him
    was weak and depended on Payne, “whose motives were suspect,” and that without
    his grand jury testimony to reinforce his credibility, the jury “could have wondered
    if Payne fabricated details of his testimony in cooperation with the government.”
    references to Payne‟s grand jury testimony in the prosecutors‟ arguments made no
    difference to the outcome.
    F. Denial of Separate Trials for Appellants Allen and Leaks
    Both Allen and Leaks claim the trial court abused its discretion in denying
    their motions for separate trials. They assert severance was required pursuant to
    Criminal Rule 14114 because the disparate charges and weight of the evidence
    against their co-defendants Arrington and Hagans “created a high risk of
    prejudicial spillover and invited the jury to convict [them] on a guilt-by-association
    theory.”115 Specifically, Allen and Leaks complain, while they were charged with
    Brief of Appellant Allen at 35. This is unpersuasive. While Payne unquestionably
    was a key prosecution witness, there was no evidence he fabricated details of his
    testimony; rather, his testimony at trial was amply corroborated, and he was one of
    several witnesses who testified that Allen (along with the other defendants) was a
    Delafield gang member who actively took part in the May 17 shooting. Jason
    Smith, himself a participant in that shooting, testified to Allen‟s involvement in it;
    Sean Gardner reported watching Allen and the others prepare immediately before
    the shooting and dispose of the evidence afterward; and Marquet McCoy testified
    that both Allen and Leaks remorsefully told him of their participation in the
    Super. Ct. Crim. R. 14.
    Brief of Appellant Leaks at 41; see also Brief of Appellant Allen at 43
    (contending that the “disparate charges and evidence” against Allen and his co-
    defendants necessitated that he be tried separately).
    a single incident (the May 17, 2000, raid resulting in the murder of Hernandez and
    wounding of Flores-Bonilla), the jury in their joint trial with Arrington and Hagans
    heard a great deal of prejudicial testimony about numerous other violent crimes,
    charged and uncharged, in which they were not involved. Allen further argues that
    even with regard to the May 17 shooting, the disproportionately greater evidence
    against his co-defendants was prejudicial to him and might have been excluded had
    he been tried separately.116
    Under Criminal Rule 14, a trial court may grant severance if it appears that a
    defendant will be prejudiced by joinder, but “[t]his discretionary authority is to be
    exercised with caution;” in view of the strong policy reasons and longstanding
    presumption in favor of joint trials, a court “should grant a severance under Rule
    14 only if there is a serious risk that a joint trial would compromise a specific trial
    right of one of the defendants, or prevent the jury from making a reliable judgment
    Leaks presents the additional argument that the joinder for trial of
    Arrington‟s indictments for the Tabron and Nelson shootings with the original
    indictment was improper under Superior Court Criminal Rule 8 (b). On its merits,
    we think this claim of misjoinder to be doubtful at best, but we need not decide it.
    The Rule 8 (b) objection was not made below; the argument is made for the first
    time on appeal. Even assuming Leaks has not waived the objection, he has not
    made the demonstration of plain error that might justify relief on this ground. See
    Taylor v. United States, 
    603 A.2d 451
    , 455 (D.C. 1992); see also Howerton v.
    United States, 
    964 A.2d 1282
    , 1290 (D.C. 2009).
    about guilt or innocence.”117 We will reverse a trial court‟s denial of a motion for
    severance “only upon a clear showing that it has abused its considerable
    discretion.”118 To demonstrate such an abuse, an appellant must show “manifest
    Allen and Leaks have not made that showing. In the first place, that they
    were not accused of having participated in any violent incidents besides the May
    17 shooting does not mean substantial evidence of those other incidents would
    have been excluded had they been tried separately. In addition to the shooting,
    they were charged with having joined a conspiracy to assault and kill members,
    associates, and friends of the Mahdi brothers‟ organization. “In a conspiracy case,
    wide latitude is allowed in presenting evidence, and it is within the discretion of
    the trial court to admit evidence which even remotely tends to establish the
    conspiracy charged.”120      Even if Allen and Leaks had been tried separately,
    Moore v. United States, 
    927 A.2d 1040
    , 1056 (D.C. 2007) (quoting
    Zafiro v. United States, 
    506 U.S. 534
    , 539 (1993)).
    Coleman v. United States, 
    948 A.2d 534
    , 544 (D.C. 2008) (internal
    quotation marks omitted).
    Id. at 544-45
    (internal quotation marks omitted).
    987 A.2d 476
    , 493 (D.C. 2010) (internal quotation
    marks omitted) (holding that appellant was properly joined in a conspiracy trial,
    considerable evidence of the charged substantive offenses in which they did not
    participate would have been relevant and admissible to establish the existence of
    the conspiracy. The evidence also would have been admissible to establish the
    motive for the May 17 shootings. In addition, evidence of the Roxboro Place
    shooting could have been admissible in separate trials of Allen and Leaks to prove
    their alleged accomplice Arrington‟s possession of the weapons used in the May
    17 raid. Allen and Leaks argue that had they been tried separately, the trial court
    likely would have excluded some of this evidence of their co-conspirators‟ violent
    actions as substantially more prejudicial than probative. But we have no reason to
    doubt that much of the evidence still would have been introduced, permissibly, for
    the legitimate purposes mentioned.121
    even though fifty-three of the charged overt acts occurred before the first overt act
    with which he was charged).
    We think it clear, moreover, that the proof of Arrington‟s and Hagans‟s
    commission of the May 17 shootings would have been relevant and admissible in
    separate trials of Allen and Leaks. Allen argues that his co-defendants‟ self-
    incriminating statements to other Delafield gang members would have been
    excluded in a separate trial as hearsay or as being prejudicially inflammatory. But
    at least some of the alleged statements likely were admissible against Allen under
    the penal interest exception to the rule against hearsay, and since those statements
    did not mention Allen, we are confident they were not unfairly prejudicial to him.
    Even if that were not so, and Allen and Leaks might have had a better
    chance of being acquitted had they been tried separately, that would not suffice to
    demonstrate error in the denial of severance.122 In general, “[a] defendant is not
    entitled to severance merely because the evidence against a codefendant is more
    damaging than the evidence against him.”123 It is true that “in some cases, „where
    the evidence of a defendant‟s complicity in the overall criminal venture is de
    minimis when compared to the evidence against his codefendants,‟” we have
    recognized the possibility of a “spillover effect” that might be so prejudicial as to
    call for severance.124 But the evidence that Allen and Leaks entered the charged
    conspiracy and participated in the May 17 shootings was far from de minimis,
    given that Payne and Smith described on the witness stand how the two defendants
    joined with them in the venture from start to finish; Gardner described seeing them
    prepare for the attack and dispose of incriminating evidence afterwards; and
    See Roy v. United States, 
    871 A.2d 498
    , 504 (D.C. 2005).
    Hargraves v. United States, 
    62 A.3d 107
    , 116 (D.C. 2013) (quoting
    Christian v. United States, 
    394 A.2d 1
    , 21 (D.C. 1978)).
    Id. (quoting Christian,
    394 A.2d at 21); see also, e.g., Catlett v. United
    545 A.2d 1202
    , 1209 (D.C. 1988) (“Disparity of the evidence may pose a
    risk of prejudice requiring reversal, but only where the evidence of a defendant‟s
    complicity in the overall criminal venture is de minimis when compared to the
    evidence against his codefendants.”) (internal quotation marks omitted).
    McCoy testified that Allen and Leaks each regretfully acknowledged their
    involvement to him.
    Ultimately, the issue of “spillover” prejudice turns on “whether the evidence
    presented was so complex or confusing that the jury would have been unable to
    make individual determinations about the guilt or innocence of each defendant.”125
    We conclude this was not such a case. The non-involvement of Allen and Leaks in
    any substantive crimes other than the May 17 shootings was clear; there is “no
    indication that the evidence was too unwieldy for the jury to keep straight or that
    jurors were unable to make individual determinations about each appellant‟s guilt
    or innocence as to the substantive offenses with which each was charged.”126 To
    minimize the danger of jury confusion, the government presented its evidence, as it
    did in Castillo-Campos, “incident by incident, having witnesses return to the stand
    multiple times to offer their testimony as to particular incidents and their
    participants, rather than having each witness testify at one sitting to all incidents of
    which he had knowledge.”127 The trial court instructed the jury to consider the
    Hargraves, 62 A.3d at 117
    (internal quotation marks, brackets and
    ellipses omitted).
    Castillo-Campos, 987 A.2d at 493
    Id. 80 uncharged-crime
    evidence only in determining whether Arrington had the means to
    commit the charged offenses.128 The court also instructed the jury that “[e]ach
    defendant is entitled to have his guilt or innocence as to each of the crimes charged
    to him determined from his own conduct and from the evidence which applies to
    him as if he were being tried alone;” and that “[t]he guilt or innocence of any one
    defendant of any of the crimes charged should not control or influence your
    verdicts as to any other defendant.” In view of all these factors, we are confident
    “[t]he jury clearly did not find [Allen or Leaks] guilty of anything based on the
    evidence of his co-defendants‟ greater culpability.”129 The trial court did not abuse
    its discretion in denying their severance motions.
    G. Sufficiency of the Evidence against Allen and Leaks
    Leaks and Allen contend the government presented insufficient evidence
    that they had a specific intent to kill to support their convictions for the armed first-
    As previously mentioned, to reduce the potential for unfair prejudice, the
    court also excluded evidence that anyone was killed in the Roxboro incident.
    Hargraves, 62 A.3d at 117
    degree murder of Hernandez130 and the AWIKWA of Flores-Bonilla.131
    Arrington‟s declaration that they were “going to go back down there and light them
    [the Mahdis] up” was, Leaks argues, “ambiguous at best” and only indicated a plan
    to shoot up the Mahdis‟ neighborhood, not a specific plan to kill anyone.
    Moreover, Leaks asserts, “[t]here was no evidence that any persons were in view,
    or that any of the Delafield members specifically shot at any person,” during the
    attack on May 17, 2000; rather, he says, “the evidence was that they shot at a
    house,” and while “they could reasonably have believed [the house] to have been
    occupied,” that would not be enough to show the requisite specific intent to kill.132
    Allen, who adopts Leaks‟s arguments, asserts in addition that there was no
    evidence he actually fired a weapon that evening (as there was with respect to each
    of the other appellants).
    “First-degree premeditated murder is murder committed with the specific
    intent to kill after premeditation and deliberation.” Kitt v. United States, 
    904 A.2d 348
    , 353 (D.C. 2006).
    “To prove the AWIKWA charges . . . the government had to show
    beyond a reasonable doubt that [appellants]: (1) made an assault on the
    [complainant]; and (2) did so with specific intent to kill; (3) while armed.” Nixon
    v. United States, 
    730 A.2d 145
    , 148 (D.C. 1999).
    Brief of Appellant Leaks at 49.
    When reviewing a sufficiency challenge, “[w]e view the evidence in the
    light most favorable to the government, recognizing the province of the trier of fact
    to weigh the evidence, determine the credibility of the witnesses and to draw
    reasonable inferences from the testimony.”133 A “conviction will be overturned
    only where there has been no evidence produced from which guilt may reasonably
    be inferred.”134
    The evidence in this case showed that appellants, including Leaks and Allen,
    agreed upon and carried out a plan of retaliation for Nadir Mahdi‟s attempt to kill
    Arrington and his comrades earlier that day. They decided to go to Fourteenth
    Street to shoot Mahdi gang members. They armed themselves for the purpose with
    massive, lethal firepower, including two assault rifles. Upon arriving on the scene,
    they immediately unleashed an indiscriminate attack that lasted for minutes, firing
    a hail of bullets in the direction of the house where Nadir Mahdi had been seen.135
    Dickerson v. United States, 
    650 A.2d 680
    , 683 (D.C. 1994).
    Lewis v. United States, 
    767 A.2d 219
    , 222 (D.C. 2001).
    Allen‟s assertion that there was no evidence he fired a weapon is
    incorrect. Although Payne and Smith testified they did not see whether he did so,
    Gardner testified that Allen told him he fired the shotgun twice before it jammed,
    and the police found two expended shotgun shell casings in the stolen Accord in
    which Allen had ridden. But even if Allen did not shoot, the remaining evidence
    Hernandez was in plain sight out on the street close to that house when she was
    gunned down in the fusillade.136 Flores-Bonilla was inside her neighboring house
    when she was wounded by a bullet that came in through her window. Based on
    this evidence, we think the jury was entitled to find that appellants all set forth on a
    mission to Fourteenth Street to kill Mahdi gang members they found there, and that
    their intent to do so extended to the killing of Hernandez and wounding of Flores-
    Bonilla if only because each of those bystander victims was in the wide zone of
    lethal danger appellants intentionally created by their barrage of gunfire in their
    attempt to carry out their mission. As the trial court instructed the jury, “if a
    person intentionally creates a kill zone to ensure the death of his primary victim[,]
    you may infer, from the method used, an intent to kill others concurrent with the
    intent to kill the primary victim.”137 Further, the doctrine of transferred intent, on
    supported a finding that he shared the intent to kill Mahdi gang members when he
    joined in the undertaking to do so.
    For this reason, we reject Leaks‟s assertion that there was no evidence
    appellants saw and deliberately shot at anyone during the attack. The jury readily
    could have found that Hernandez was visible to appellants, and that at least one
    appellant deliberately fired on her.
    See, e.g., Freeman v. United States, 
    912 A.2d 1213
    , 1219 (D.C. 2006)
    (“Even though appellant . . . merely fired in [the decedent‟s] direction, this court
    has held that causing another person to be in a „zone of harm‟ is sufficient to
    establish a specific intent to kill.”); Nixon v. United States, 
    730 A.2d 145
    , 149
    (D.C. 1999) (“[W]here the means employed to commit the crime against a primary
    which the jury also was instructed, allowed appellants to be held liable for the
    death of Hernandez and wounding of Flores-Bonilla even though the appellants
    intended to kill Madhis.138 We conclude, therefore, that the evidence was sufficient
    for the jury to find that Leaks and Allen possessed the requisite intent to kill to
    support their convictions of first-degree murder while armed and AWIKWA.
    H. Cumulative Effect of the Errors
    Appellants argue that the combined prejudicial effect of the errors in this
    case warrants reversal of their convictions even if no single error alone was grave
    enough to require such relief. We have recognized that multiple errors must be
    evaluated in light of their cumulative impact on the fairness of the trial.139
    Assessing whether the cumulative impact of several errors mandates reversal is not
    victim created a zone of harm around that victim, the factfinder can reasonably
    infer that the defendant intended that harm to all who are in the anticipated zone.”)
    (quoting Ruffin v. United States, 
    642 A.2d 1288
    , 1298 (D.C. 1994)).
    See O'Connor v. United States., 
    399 A.2d 21
    , 24 (D.C. 1979) (noting that
    the doctrine of transferred intent “provides that when a defendant purposely
    attempts to kill one person but by mistake or accident kills another, the felonious
    intent of the defendant will be transferred from the intended victim to the actual,
    unintended victim”).
    See Foreman v. United States, 
    792 A.2d 1043
    , 1058 (D.C. 2002).
    conceptually difficult when the same evaluative standard applies to each error. For
    example, when all the errors are non-constitutional and preserved for appellate
    review, and the traditional Kotteakos standard therefore applies to each of them,
    we readily apply that standard to the combination of errors: We must be satisfied
    that the errors en masse did not “substantially” influence the jury‟s verdict in order
    to affirm the judgment on appeal.140 Similarly if the errors all were unpreserved,
    their aggregate impact would have to amount to plain error before the court might
    exercise its discretion to grant relief.141 And presumably, if the errors all are
    constitutional and preserved, so that the Chapman standard applies to each error,
    we would have to reverse unless we could say that even in combination they were
    harmless beyond a reasonable doubt.
    The present case is not so simple; we have identified (or assumed arguendo)
    preserved constitutional error in the admission of the Mahdi plea proffers;
    preserved non-constitutional error in the introduction of Leaks‟s inculpatory
    Id. at 1058-59
    (citing the test for harmless non-constitutional error set
    forth in Kotteakos v. United States, 
    328 U.S. 750
    , 765 (1946)).
    See Euceda v. United States, 
    66 A.3d 994
    , 1011 (D.C. 2013) (“We review
    all of these claims and their cumulative effect for plain error because Mr. Euceda's
    trial counsel did not object in any of these matters.”); United States v. Necoechea,
    986 F.2d 1273
    , 1282-83 (9th Cir. 1993) (“[A]ll of the errors Necoechea raises are
    subject to plain error review. Therefore we review the cumulative impact of the
    possible plain errors for plain error.”).
    statements to McCoy; and (possible) unpreserved error in the admission of party-
    opponent statements and the joinder of indictments for trial. Each type of error is
    subject to a different test (Chapman, Kotteakos, plain error) for determining
    whether it requires reversal. This court has never addressed how to evaluate the
    cumulative impact of such a mixed bag of errors, and there is little pertinent
    authority elsewhere. The Supreme Court has yet to confront the issue. As for the
    federal appellate courts, it appears that only the Tenth Circuit has delved into the
    question.     It has concluded that “[i]f any of the errors being aggregated are
    constitutional in nature, the cumulative error must be harmless beyond a
    reasonable doubt, in accordance with Chapman;”142 and that if there are both
    preserved and unpreserved errors, a two-stage process of evaluation should be
    followed.143     It is unclear how other appellate courts would approach the
    United States v. Toles, 
    297 F.3d 959
    , 972 (10th Cir. 2002) (citing United
    States v. Rivera, 
    900 F.2d 1462
    , 1470 n.6 (10th Cir. 1990) (en banc)).
    The Tenth Circuit has described this process as follows:
    [W]hen there are both preserved and unpreserved errors,
    cumulative-error analysis should proceed as follows:
    First, the preserved errors should be considered as a
    group under harmless-error review. If, cumulatively,
    they are not harmless, reversal is required. If, however,
    they are cumulatively harmless, the court should consider
    For now, however, we need not grapple with the enigmas of the cumulative
    error doctrine. Our assessment of the strength of the government‟s case and the
    innocuousness (as we have discussed) of the few errors we have found or assumed
    whether those preserved errors, when considered in
    conjunction with the unpreserved errors, are sufficient to
    overcome the hurdles necessary to establish plain error.
    In other words, the prejudice from the unpreserved error
    is examined in light of any preserved error that may have
    occurred. For example, the defendant may not be able to
    establish prejudice from the cumulation of all the
    unpreserved errors, but factoring in the preserved errors
    may be enough for the defendant to satisfy his burden of
    showing prejudice. If so, the fourth prong of plain-error
    review must then be examined.
    United States v. Caraway, 
    534 F.3d 1290
    , 1302 (10th Cir. 2008).
    See, e.g., United States v. Warman, 
    578 F.3d 320
    , 349 n.4 (6th Cir. 2009)
    (finding it unnecessary to decide whether to consider harmless and plain errors
    “together or separately”); United States v. Baker, 
    432 F.3d 1189
    , 1224 (11th Cir.
    2005) (stating that “because the defendants did not preserve any of their
    constitutional evidentiary claims, we review the aggregate effect of the district
    court‟s constitutional and non-constitutional errors under the Kotteakos standard
    for each defendant”); United States v. Fernandez, 
    388 F.3d 1199
    , 1256-57 (9th Cir.
    2004) (“To the extent that we have found that any claimed error of the district
    court was harmless, or that claimed error did not rise to the level of plain error, we
    conclude that the cumulative effect of such claimed errors is also harmless because
    it is more probable than not that, taken together, they did not materially affect the
    verdict.”). The Fifth Circuit has declared that cumulative error of any kind
    “justifies reversal only when errors „so fatally infect the trial that they violated the
    trial‟s fundamental fairness.‟” United States v. Delgado, 
    672 F.3d 320
    , 344 (5th
    Cir. 2012) (en banc) (citing United States v. Fields, 
    483 F.3d 313
    , 362 (5th Cir.
    arguendo convinces us that, even in combination, and even applying a Chapman
    standard across the board, there is no reasonable possibility the errors affected the
    outcome of appellants‟ trial.145
    III. Conclusion
    For the foregoing reasons, we affirm appellants‟ convictions and the
    judgment of the Superior Court.
    So ordered.
    In this respect, we may echo a passage from an opinion of the First
    The cumulative error doctrine is inapposite here. While
    we have uncovered a few benign bevues . . . the errors
    were not portentous; they were few and far between; they
    possessed no special symbiotic effect; they occurred in
    the course of a two-month trial; and the government‟s
    case was very strong. Consequently, the errors, in the
    aggregate, do not come close to achieving the critical
    mass necessary to cast a shadow upon the integrity of the
    Considering the trial‟s length, complexity, and hard-
    fought nature, the [trial] court‟s handling of it evokes our
    admiration. Appellants‟ focus on cumulative error does
    not change the picture.
    United States v. Sepulveda, 
    15 F.3d 1161
    , 1196 (1st Cir. 1993).