Wendell Strout Jr. v. Central Maine Medical Center , 94 A.3d 786 ( 2014 )

  • MAINE SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT                                       Reporter of Decisions
    2014 ME 77
    Docket:   And-13-320
    Argued:   April 7, 2014
    Decided:  June 10, 2014
    SILVER, J.
    [¶1] Central Maine Medical Center (CMMC) appeals from a judgment on a
    jury verdict entered in the Superior Court (Androscoggin County, Clifford, J.) in
    favor of Wendell Strout Jr., in his medical malpractice action against CMMC.
    CMMC argues that the court erred by admitting in evidence one sentence of a
    letter from CMMC’s president to Strout because (1) the entire letter was
    inadmissible pursuant to 24 M.R.S. § 2907(2) (2013), (2) the statement was part of
    an offer to compromise, and (3) the statement’s probative value was substantially
    outweighed by the danger of unfair prejudice. We affirm the judgment.
    [¶2] The following facts are taken from witness depositions included in the
    record, 1 and we view them in the light most favorable to the jury’s verdict.
    See Hickson v. Vescom Corp., 
    2014 ME 27
    , ¶ 2, 
    87 A.3d 704
    . In April 2009,
    Strout sought treatment for abdominal pain at the CMMC emergency room.
    A CAT scan revealed a large lesion on Strout’s liver. Dr. Ian Reight, a surgeon at
    CMMC, evaluated the CAT scan and determined that Strout was most likely
    suffering from a cancer of hepatic, biliary, or pancreatic origin.
    [¶3]     Several days later, Strout, accompanied by his wife, went to
    Dr. Reight’s office for a follow-up visit. Dr. Reight telephoned the pathologist
    who was in charge of testing a tissue sample taken from the lesion.                                 The
    pathologist informed Dr. Reight that he believed the lesion to be of hepatic or
    pancreatic origin and that he was sending it for additional testing; however, he also
    informed Dr. Reight that he needed more tissue to complete the assessment.
    [¶4] Dr. Reight then told Strout that, although he was still waiting for the
    final pathology results, he believed that Strout may be suffering from either hepatic
    or pancreatic cancer. Dr. Reight informed Strout that, if this were the case, the
    cancer would be inoperable due to the size and location of the lesion. Dr. Reight
    Because this appeal concerns only the narrow issue of the admissibility of a portion of the letter,
    CMMC did not provide a trial transcript as part of the record on appeal. But see Greaton v. Greaton,
    2012 ME 17
    , ¶ 6, 
    36 A.3d 913
    (“Merely providing documents that were admitted at trial will rarely
    suffice to establish an adequate record for our review.”).
    further informed Strout that even with chemotherapy, the average life expectancy
    of patients with each of these cancers was less than one year, and that Strout’s life
    may be measured in months.
    [¶5] Several weeks later, the test of Strout’s tissue samples revealed that he
    did not suffer from hepatic or pancreatic cancer, but that he had B-cell
    non-Hodgkins lymphoma, which has a five-year survival rate of eighty-five to
    ninety percent. Strout sent a complaint about Dr. Reight to Laird Covey, CMMC’s
    president, in October 2009.
    [¶6]     Covey had overall responsibility for all aspects of operations at
    CMMC, including handling patient complaints, during this time. Covey and his
    staff followed CMMC’s procedure for investigating complaints, and once that
    review was completed Covey signed a letter to Strout2 addressing the complaint
    about Dr. Reight. The letter, dated December 28, 2009, stated, in relevant part:
    The President of the Central Maine Medical Group, Dr. Focht, was
    involved in this review as he bears responsibility for the care provided
    by all the doctors who are a part of the Central Maine Medical Family.
    This has been addressed directly with Dr. Reight by Dr. Focht and has
    also been brought to the attention of the Medical Director for our
    surgical practice, Dr. Gammaitoni. Dr. [Reight] was saddened to
    learn that this was so difficult for you and your family. As he shared
    his clinical thinking at the time it was very apparent to Dr. Focht that
    Dr. [Reight] truly did feel that you were dealing with a very
    aggressive Stage 4 cancer with a very low survival rate. He in no way
    wanted to harm either you or your wife but wanted you to have a full
    The letter was drafted by one of Covey’s staff members.
    understanding of what he thought he would be helping you to deal
    with. The level of his concern can be seen in the fact that he shared
    his personal cell phone number with you. That being said, he realizes
    now that prior to sharing his clinical impressions with you, he needed
    to wait for the results of the biopsy to confirm what the cancer was.
    Dr. [Reight] is a very dedicated, caring provider; one of the ways to
    learn and grow as care providers is to have feedback, both positive
    and negative from the patients we serve. I know that he will also be
    sharing the wisdom he has gained from this experience with his
    colleagues in the practice.
    I have had Ms. Maurer work with Patient Financial Services to
    identify any outstanding balances related to care provided by Dr.
    [Reight] and have authorized that these balances as well as the
    balance for Dr. Bisbal’s care be written off as a gesture of
    acknowledgement for the concern you brought to our attention.
    [¶7] Strout filed a notice of claim against Dr. Reight in February 2011. The
    parties agreed to waive the prelitigation panel hearing, and in March 2012 Strout
    filed a complaint naming Dr. Reight as the defendant and seeking damages for
    emotional distress, lost income, and loss of enjoyment of life. By agreement of the
    parties, CMMC replaced Dr. Reight as the only named defendant.
    [¶8] CMMC moved in limine to exclude from evidence Covey’s letter to
    Strout, arguing that the entire letter was an expression of sympathy or benevolence,
    which must be excluded pursuant to 24 M.R.S. § 2907(2). CMMC also argued that
    the letter was inadmissible pursuant to M.R. Evid. 408(a) because it constituted an
    offer to compromise, and that it should be excluded pursuant to M.R. Evid. 403.3
    At trial, the court admitted in evidence a redacted version of the letter. The body
    of the redacted version of the letter read, in its entirety: “That being said, he
    [Dr. Reight] realizes now that prior to sharing his clinical impressions with you, he
    needed to wait for the results of the biopsy to confirm what the cancer was.”
    [¶9] Following the trial, the jury returned a $200,000 verdict in Strout’s
    favor. The court entered judgment on the verdict, and CMMC filed this appeal.
    A.       The “Apology Statute”
    [¶10] “The interpretation of a statute is a question of law, which we review
    de novo.” Jones v. Cost Mgmt., Inc., 
    2014 ME 41
    , ¶ 12, 
    88 A.3d 147
    marks omitted). “We will construe a statute based on its plain meaning in the
    context of the statutory scheme, and only if the statute is ambiguous will we look
    to extrinsic indicia of legislative intent such as relevant legislative history.” 
    Id. (quotation marks
    omitted). “Statutes are ambiguous only if reasonably susceptible
    to different interpretations. . . .” Town of China v. Althenn, 
    2013 ME 107
    , ¶ 6,
    82 A.3d 835
    Additionally, CMMC argued that the letter should be excluded pursuant to M.R. Evid. 409, which
    addresses payment of medical expenses. CMMC has not raised this argument on appeal.
    [¶11] Title 24 M.R.S. § 2907(2) provides, in relevant part:
    In any civil action for professional negligence . . . any
    statement, affirmation, gesture or conduct expressing apology,
    sympathy, commiseration, condolence, compassion or a general sense
    of benevolence that is made by a health care practitioner or health care
    provider or an employee of a health care practitioner or health care
    provider to the alleged victim, a relative of the alleged victim or a
    representative of the alleged victim and that relates to the discomfort,
    pain, suffering, injury or death of the alleged victim as the result of
    the unanticipated outcome is inadmissible as evidence of an admission
    of liability or as evidence of an admission against interest. Nothing in
    this section prohibits the admissibility of a statement of fault.
    [¶12] CMMC asserts that important policy considerations underlie Maine’s
    apology statute and similar statutes in other jurisdictions, and that these policy
    considerations justify characterizing the statement contained in Covey’s letter as a
    statement of sympathy or benevolence rather than as an admission of fault.
    However, the statute, by its plain language, makes a distinction between statements
    of fault and expressions of apology or benevolence. Nothing in the language of the
    statute suggests that statements of fault are inadmissible if they are accompanied
    by expressions of apology or benevolence; on the contrary, it explicitly provides
    that “[n]othing in this section prohibits the admissibility of a statement of fault.”
    Id. Although the
    Legislature could have decided otherwise, it was clear in its
    policy decision: the placement of an admission of fault in an apology letter does
    not prevent that admission from being presented to the jury. Because the statutory
    language is not ambiguous, we need not examine the legislative history to aid us in
    interpreting the statute. See Jones, 
    2014 ME 41
    , ¶ 12, 
    88 A.3d 147
    . Instead, we
    give the language of the statute its plain meaning, see 
    id., and conclude
    statements of fault are admissible, even when coupled with other statements that
    may be inadmissible. The court committed no error by admitting the portion of the
    letter that contained an admission of fault.
    B.    Offer to Compromise
    [¶13] CMMC argues that, because part of the letter included a reference to
    the hospital “writing off” a portion of Strout’s outstanding balance, the letter
    constituted an offer to compromise.
    [¶14] M.R. Evid. 408(a) provides, in relevant part, “Evidence of furnishing
    or offering or promising to furnish, or accepting or offering or promising to accept,
    a valuable consideration in compromise or attempting to compromise a claim is not
    admissible to prove liability for, invalidity of, or amount of the claim or any other
    claim.” “The determination of whether the statement was a part of compromise
    negotiations is exclusively for the court under Rule 104.” Greenstreet v. Brown,
    623 A.2d 1270
    , 1272 (Me. 1993) (quotation marks omitted).             Although we
    liberally construe the phrase “compromise negotiations,” “[n]either an offer to
    compromise nor compromise negotiations may take place . . . in the absence of a
    Id. Where there
    is “no evidence that a dispute existed about the validity
    of a claim or the amount claimed at the time of [the] admission, the trial court
    properly admit[s the] statement in evidence.” 
    Id. [¶15] Covey
    sent the letter to Strout in December 2009, long before Strout
    filed his notice of claim against CMMC in February 2011. Because there is no
    evidence of any disputed claim in existence at the time of the admission, the court
    properly concluded that the statements contained in the letter were not made as part
    of a settlement negotiation or mediation. See 
    id. C. Unfair
    [¶16] Finally, CMMC argues that permitting the jury to see one sentence of
    the letter out of context resulted in unfair prejudice and was misleading. We
    review a court’s decision whether to admit evidence pursuant to Rule 403 “to
    determine if it exceeds the bounds of the court’s discretion.” State v. Lipham,
    2006 ME 137
    , ¶ 9, 
    910 A.2d 388
    (quotation marks omitted). However, “in an
    appeal without a transcript, we will assume that the record supports the trial court’s
    . . . discretionary rulings on evidence, procedure, and remedies made during the
    course of the proceeding.” Clark v. Heald, 
    2009 ME 111
    , ¶ 2, 
    983 A.2d 406
    ; see
    also Springer v. Springer, 
    2009 ME 118
    , ¶ 2, 
    984 A.2d 828
    (“When a party
    challenges a court’s . . . exercise of discretion and a recording of the proceeding
    exists, an adequate appellate record must include a transcript of testimony taken at
    the relevant proceeding or a [trial-court-approved] statement of the case agreed
    upon by the parties.”); M.R. App. P. 5(b)(2).
    [¶17] Here, CMMC raised its objections to the admission of the letter
    during a pre-trial conference in chambers. Although CMMC has provided us with
    a transcript of that discussion, it has not provided us with a transcript of the trial.
    Accordingly, we are unable to assess the extent to which the letter may have been
    used to improperly influence the jury, if at all.
    The entry is:
    Judgment affirmed.
    On the briefs:
    Christopher D. Nyhan, Esq., and Elizabeth A. Campbell, Esq., Preti
    Flaherty, LLP, Portland, for appellant Central Maine Medical Center
    Scott J. Lynch, Esq., Hornblower, Lynch, Rabasco & Van Dyke, P.A.,
    Lewiston, for appellee Wendell Strout, Jr.
    At oral argument:
    Christopher D. Nyhan, Esq., for appellant Central Maine Medical Center
    Scott J. Lynch, Esq., for appellee Wendell Stout, Jr.
    Androscoggin County Superior Court docket number CV-2011-22