United States v. Arcadio Hernandez , 751 F.3d 538 ( 2014 )

  •                               In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 13-2879
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the
    Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division.
    No. 11-CR-00360 — Samuel Der-Yeghiayan, Judge.
    ARGUED APRIL 2, 2014 — DECIDED MAY 7, 2014
    Before EASTERBROOK, MANION, and SYKES, Circuit Judges.
    MANION, Circuit Judge. Arcadio Hernandez was convicted
    by a jury of possessing a gun as a felon. He had confessed to
    knowingly possessing a gun, and the jury was so told over his
    objection. He argues that his confession should have been
    suppressed because it was obtained by a two-step interrogation
    process that circumvented Miranda. The district court dis-
    agreed, finding that the “interrogation” that took place before
    he was given Miranda warnings did not circumvent Miranda
    2                                                       No. 13-2879
    under the Supreme Court’s jurisprudence. We affirm, but on
    the alternative basis that the single question asked before
    Hernandez was given Miranda warnings falls within the
    “public safety” exception to Miranda.
    I. Background
    Arcadio Hernandez picked up a red bag from beside a
    garbage can in an alley. Chicago Police Officers Anthony
    Varchetto and Lenny Pierri, who were patrolling in an un-
    marked car, saw him pick up the red bag and run north up the
    alley before exiting the alley and turning left towards a nearby
    avenue. There, he saw the officers and, realizing he had been
    observed, dropped the red bag on the ground beside him. As
    the officers approached him, he volunteered, “I just have some
    dope,”1 and he handed a key holder to Officer Varchetto.
    Looking inside, Officer Varchetto found five small bags of
    what appeared to be (and was later determined to be) heroin.
    The officers arrested Hernandez, and then Officer Pierri asked
    him what was in the red bag that he had dropped on the
    ground beside him. Hernandez replied that he had “ripped the
    guys around the corner for dope and a gun.” After hearing
    that, Officer Pierri opened the bag and found a loaded .38
    caliber gun, 61 small bags of crack cocaine, and 55 small bags
    of marijuana. At that point, the officers gave Hernandez
    Miranda warnings, put him in the patrol car, and took him back
    to the station.
    Apparently, “dope” can mean either marijuana or heroin, depending on
    the context. Dope Definition, MERRIAM-WEBSTER.COM, http://www.merriam-
    webster.com/dictionary/dope (last visited Apr. 23, 2014).
    No. 13-2879                                                               3
    During the ride to the station, without being prompted,
    Hernandez volunteered more details of the red bag caper. He
    let the officers know that he had received fake drugs from
    some dealers and was beaten when he complained. The red
    bag had belonged to those dealers and taking it was his way of
    retaliating. At the station, Hernandez was again given his
    Miranda warnings and he repeated the same story with more
    detail. The story was essentially a confession since he admitted
    that he knew there was a gun in the bag when he took posses-
    sion of it.
    Before trial, Hernandez moved to suppress his post-
    Miranda confession on the ground that it was a product of
    having confessed during a pre-Miranda interrogation. The
    district court carefully considered the Supreme Court’s rulings
    in Oregon v. Elstad, 
    470 U.S. 298
     (1985) and Missouri v. Seibert,
    542 U.S. 600
     (2004) as well as Seventh Circuit cases interpreting
    and applying Seibert. Under this court’s interpretation of
    Seibert, the district court must first determine whether the
    officers deliberately circumvented Miranda. If not, the volun-
    tariness standard of Elstad applies; if so, the district court must
    look at the Seibert plurality’s factors and Justice Kennedy’s
    “curative steps” to determine whether the taint of the pre-
    warning interrogation has been sufficiently removed for
    Miranda warnings given “midstream” to have been effective.2
    There was only a single pre-warning question, so to call the Miranda
    warnings here “midstream” is imprecise. But it is the term-of-art. The point
    is, the question asked of Hernandez while he was in custody is one
    which—absent certain circumstances—would require Miranda warnings,
    4                                                            No. 13-2879
    See United States v. Stewart, 
    388 F.3d 1079
    , 1090 (7th Cir. 2004).
    The district court found that the officers did not deliberately
    circumvent Miranda and that both Hernandez’s pre- and post-
    warning statements and confessions were voluntary. Accord-
    ingly, it admitted Hernandez’s post-warning confession.
    Hernandez appeals.
    II. Discussion
    If officers were allowed to interrogate a suspect until he
    confesses and then warn him of his rights and get him to re-
    confess, Miranda’s prophylactic rule would be undermined.
    This is the tactic targeted for eradication by Seibert. On appeal,
    Hernandez argues that the court erred in finding that the
    officers did not deliberately use a pre-warning interrogation to
    undermine Miranda and, therefore, that the court erred in
    holding that Seibert did not bar his post-warning confession.
    But if all the pre-warning questions fall within an exception to
    Miranda, the questions do not undermine Miranda’s rule, so
    Seibert is not triggered.3 Officers do not violate Miranda by
    asking a “routine booking question,” Pennsylvania v. Muniz,
    496 U.S. 582
    , 601–02 (1990), or “questions necessary to secure
    but they were not given until after it was asked. However, as we later
    conclude, “certain circumstances” were present.
    And similarly, such questions are far less likely to have been part of the
    “deliberate use of a two-step interrogation strategy”to circumvent Miranda.
    388 F.3d at 1090
    . But we need not even reach that question if
    Miranda is not violated in the first instance.
    No. 13-2879                                                   5
    their own safety or the safety of the public.” New York v.
    467 U.S. 649
    , 659 (1984).
    The latter, to which we turn our focus, is often called the
    “public safety” exception. In crafting this exception, the
    Supreme Court gave us two guideposts. First, in Quarles,
    officers “in the very act of apprehending a suspect, were
    confronted with the immediate necessity of ascertaining the
    whereabouts of a gun which they had every reason to believe
    the suspect had just removed from his empty holster and
    discarded in the supermarket,” to which the exception applied
    to asking where the gun was. Quarles, 
    467 U.S. at 657
    . And
    second, the facts of Orozco v. Texas, 
    394 U.S. 324
    officers, who had burst into a suspect’s bedroom four hours
    after a murder, “began vigorously to interrogate him about
    whether he had been present at the scene of the shooting and
    whether he owned a gun,” which violated Miranda. Quarles,
    467 U.S. at
    659 n.8 (discussing the facts of Orozco and noting
    that it was “in no sense inconsistent” with Quarles). “The
    exception … [is] circumscribed by the exigency which justifies
    Id. at 658
    . And the parsing principle is that “questions
    necessary to secure [the officer’s] own safety or the safety of
    the public” are permissible “and questions designed solely to
    elicit testimonial evidence from a suspect” are not. 
    Id. at 659
    Applying Quarles, some slight variations have developed
    among the circuits which one commentator has suggested fall
    generally into two groups—a “broad approach” where
    questions designed to protect officers in inherently dangerous
    situations are permitted and a “narrow approach” where only
    questions stemming from actual evidence that a suspect or
    6                                                    No. 13-2879
    others could inflict immediate harm to officers or the public are
    permitted. See Rorie A. Norton, Note, Matters of Public Safety
    and the Current Quarrel over the Scope of the Quarles Exception to
    78 Fordham L. Rev. 1931
    , 1948 (2010) (grouping the
    First, Eighth, and Ninth Circuits into the broad group and the
    Second, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Tenth Circuits into the narrow
    These nuances among the circuits produce one common
    practical distinction. If there is a perceived risk that, when
    searching a vehicle or a residence, the officer might
    inadvertently bump or otherwise mishandle a hidden firearm
    (or other dangerous object) the broad approach would permit
    the officer to first ask whether any such danger is present. The
    narrow approach would not. Compare United States v. Liddell,
    517 F.3d 1007
    , 1008 (8th Cir. 2008) (asking “is there anything
    else in there we need to know about?” “That’s gonna hurt us?”
    while searching secured suspect’s vehicle fell within the
    exception) with United States v. Williams, 
    483 F.3d 425
    , 428 (6th
    Cir. 2007) (requiring, as the second part of a formal two-prong
    test, “that someone other than police might gain access to that
    weapon and inflict harm with it.” (emphasis added)). This
    circuit has cited the Eight Circuit’s approach approvingly,
    United States v. Are, 
    590 F.3d 499
    , 506 (7th Cir. 2009) (citing
    United States v. Williams, 
    181 F.3d 945
    , 953–54 (8th Cir. 1999)),
    but we have not had to decide whether we agreed entirely,
    because in Are there was a risk of the suspect or others who
    were there obtaining any weapon that was hidden on the
    premises. Id. at 506.
    No. 13-2879                                                    7
    But, even among circuits that otherwise take a narrow
    approach, questions designed to prevent officers from hurting
    themselves during a search of the suspect’s person are
    permitted. See, e.g., United States v. Webster, 
    162 F.3d 308
    , 332
    (5th Cir. 1998) (holding, under a narrower view, that asking
    whether the suspect “had any needles in his pockets that could
    injure them during their pat down” fell within the exception);
    United States v. Young, 
    58 F. App'x 980
    , 981 (4th Cir. 2003)
    (unpublished) (same with regard to the question “Do you have
    any sharp objects, knives, needles, or guns.”). This type of
    question is logical and important to permit. While firearms on
    a suspect’s person or in close proximity to him can be lunged
    for and used to harm an officer, sharp and bio-hazardous
    objects pose a great risk to officers regardless of any action by
    the suspect. Accordingly, a search of his person and items in
    close proximity is necessary, and a question about what an
    item on his person contains is a narrow, practical way of
    ensuring officer safety during the immediate and inevitable
    search of the item. This is true whether the item is the clothes
    the suspect is wearing or something that he is
    carrying—especially when there are circumstances that suggest
    the possible presence of a hazard. A question about what such
    an item contains is “circumscribed by the exigency which
    justifies it,” Quarles, 
    467 U.S. at 658
    , and “necessary to secure
    [the officer’s] own safety.” 
    Id. at 659
    Whatever was in the red bag had prompted its owner to
    put it by a garbage can in an alley, had prompted Hernandez
    to run when he had it, and had prompted him to drop it when
    he saw police officers. Hernandez had already turned over
    what appeared to be heroin to the officers—a drug often
    8                                                             No. 13-2879
    administered by a (sometimes used) syringe and, therefore,
    associated with blood-borne disease. See United States v.
    16 F.3d 1046
    , 1049 (9th Cir. 1994) (stating that “the
    danger of transmission of disease or contact with harmful
    substances is real and serious enough”).4 Further, “drug
    dealers are known to arm themselves” so the officers could
    have reasonably suspected a firearm might be in the bag. See
    United States v. Are, 
    590 F.3d at
    506 (citing United States v.
    885 F.2d 377
    , 384 (7th Cir. 1989)). Thus, the officers
    could not ignore it, see Quarles, 
    467 U.S. at 657
     (firearm left
    unattended was a public safety concern), but grabbing or
    opening the red bag would place the officers at risk of harm
    (impalement on a heroin needle or bumping a loaded gun). See
    16 F.3d at 1049
     (holding that asking a suspect whether
    he “had any drugs or needles on his person” was within the
    public safety exception because “the danger of transmission of
    See also National Institute on Drug Abuse, Research Report Series - Heroin
    (2014), available at http://www.drugabuse.gov/sites/default/files/rrheroin-
    14.pdf (“Heroin use increases the risk of being exposed to HIV, viral
    hepatitis, and other infectious agents through contact with infected blood
    or body fluids (e.g., semen, saliva) that results from the sharing of syringes
    and injection paraphernalia that have been used by infected individuals… .
    Injection drug users (IDUs) are the highest-risk group for acquiring
    hepatitis C (HCV) infection and continue to drive the escalating HCV
    epidemic: Each IDU infected with HCV is likely to infect 20 other people.
    Of the 17,000 new HCV infections occurring in the United States in 2010,
    over half (53 percent) were among IDUs. Hepatitis B (HBV) infection in
    IDUs was reported to be as high as 20 percent in the United States in 2010,
    which is particularly disheartening since an effective vaccine that protects
    against HBV infection is available. There is currently no vaccine available
    to protect against HCV infection.”).
    No. 13-2879                                                    9
    disease or contact with harmful substances is real and serious
    enough; a pressing need for haste is not essential.”); see also
    United States v. McDaniel, 
    182 F.3d 923
     at *3 (7th Cir. 1999)
    (unpublished table decision) (“The need to determine whether
    McDaniel was armed or carrying potentially harmful drug
    paraphernalia falls squarely within the Quarles exception.”).
    That the officers did not articulate these concerns is no matter;
    the public safety exception applies based on objective facts, not
    subjective motivations. See Quarles, 
    467 U.S. at
    655–56. Accord-
    ingly, Officer Pierri’s question about what the red bag con-
    tained was within the public safety exception to Miranda.
    III. Conclusion
    Because Officer Pierri’s asking what was in the red bag falls
    within the public safety exception, it does not violate Miranda.
    Accordingly, it cannot form the basis of a Seibert challenge to
    Hernandez’s later confession. For that reason, we AFFIRM the
    judgment of the district court.