Angela Lee v. Albert Borders , 764 F.3d 966 ( 2014 )

  •                   United States Court of Appeals
    For the Eighth Circuit
    No. 13-3128
    Angela Marie Lee, By next friend Renee B. Lee
    lllllllllllllllllllll Plaintiff - Appellee
    Albert Lee Borders, Individually and in his official capacity
    lllllllllllllllllllll Defendant - Appellant
    St. Charles Habilitation Center; Missouri Department of Mental Health
    lllllllllllllllllllll Defendants
    Appeal from United States District Court
    for the Eastern District of Missouri - St. Louis
    Submitted: April 14, 2014
    Filed: August 25, 2014
    Before LOKEN, MURPHY, and KELLY, Circuit Judges.
    KELLY, Circuit Judge.
    Angela Marie Lee sued Albert Lee Borders in state court for battery and,
    pursuant to 
    42 U.S.C. § 1983
    , for deprivation of her substantive due process right to
    bodily integrity; she also brought suit against the St. Charles Habilitation Center and
    the Missouri Department of Mental Health, who removed the case to federal court and
    were subsequently dismissed from the case. After a three-day trial, the jury returned
    a verdict against Borders on both counts and awarded Lee $1 million in compensatory
    damages and $3 million in punitive damages. Borders then moved for judgment as
    a matter of law or, in the alternative, a new trial. The district court1 denied his motion,
    and he appeals. We affirm.2
    I. Background
    In November 2007, Lee was a resident of the St. Charles Habilitation Center
    (St. Charles or Habilitation Center), a facility run by the Missouri Department of
    Mental Health for developmentally disabled individuals. At age twenty-two, Lee had
    lived in an institutional setting for several years due to mental illness, and she had a
    legal guardian to make decisions for her. Nonetheless, she was doing well at St.
    Charles in 2007, and her family was working with St. Charles staff to prepare her to
    move into an independent living facility. Borders, who began working in the St.
    Charles kitchen in March 2006, testified that Lee seemed to function well in that
    environment and was friendly when she saw him on the Habilitation Center grounds.
    On November 20, 2007, Lee went to the St. Charles kitchen and asked Borders
    if her friend Sheila Rice, another St. Charles employee, was available. Borders, the
    only kitchen employee on duty at the time, answered that Sheila was not present. The
    parties’ accounts of what followed differ sharply. Borders said Lee followed him to
    the storage area of the kitchen, where they had consensual anal intercourse.
    The Honorable Terry I. Adelman, United States Magistrate Judge for the
    Eastern District of Missouri, to whom the case was referred for final disposition by
    consent of the parties pursuant to 
    28 U.S.C. § 636
    We exercise appellate jurisdiction under 
    28 U.S.C. § 1291
    According to Borders, “[S]he didn’t yell rape or none of the other things as we were
    having sex.”
    Lee’s claims against Borders for battery and for the deprivation of her right to
    substantive due process were tried before a jury on April 9–11, 2012. Lee did not
    testify at the trial. However, the nurse who saw Lee at the hospital and took a sexual
    assault report immediately following the incident testified from her notes:
    [Lee] stated that [Borders] would not let her out of the dietary kitchen
    door. . . . She tried to struggle with him. . . . He dragged her by her
    hand to the back where the canned food is kept. He asked [Lee] if [she]
    wanted to do it, and she stated to me, “I said no.” She said—this is her
    words—“pushed me to the canned food and turned me around, and I got
    In addition, Lee’s counselor at St. Charles indicated he would describe her as
    “vulnerable to someone taking advantage of her for things including sexual contact,”
    and “she would not really be able to appreciate or understand what it means to consent
    to engage in sexual contact.”
    For several months after the incident, Lee received sexual trauma counseling
    from a private social worker, as well as weekly group therapy at St. Charles. Lee’s
    counselor at St. Charles testified that her behavioral problems predated the assault and
    increased thereafter; she would, for instance, leave the areas where she was allowed
    to be (termed “elopement”). He also noted an increase in Lee’s threats to harm herself
    in March and April, 2008, and a marked increase in elopement issues in September
    2008. Her treatment team recommended in September 2008 that she be transferred
    to a far more restrictive environment at the Fulton State Hospital. The record does not
    detail the circumstances of her transfer, but the parties do not dispute that she moved
    to Fulton in November 2008. Lee’s new social worker was not notified of the assault
    or apprised of her treatment history, so any trauma therapy ceased with her move.
    At the close of Lee’s case, and again when all evidence had been presented,
    Borders made an oral motion for judgment as a matter of law. He focused on whether
    Lee had introduced sufficient evidence for the jury to find, as she argued, that he was
    acting under color of state law at the time. The court denied his motion each time.
    The jury found against Borders on both claims and awarded Lee $1 million in
    compensatory damages and $3 million in punitive damages. Borders then renewed
    his motion for judgment as a matter of law pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 50, contending
    the jury’s verdict against him had “no legally sufficient evidentiary basis” as Lee had
    not demonstrated he was acting under color of state law. In the alternative, he moved
    for a new trial pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 59. The district court denied the motion,
    and Borders appeals both rulings.
    II. Discussion
    A. Motion for Judgment as a Matter of Law
    Borders contends there was no legally sufficient evidentiary basis for a
    reasonable jury to conclude Lee had proven he was acting under color of state law, as
    required for her substantive due process claim. See Fed. R. Civ. P. 50(a)(1). We
    “review[] de novo a denial of a motion for judgment as a matter of law.” Weitz Co.
    LLC v. MacKenzie House, LLC, 
    665 F.3d 970
    , 974 (8th Cir. 2012). “This court
    makes all reasonable inferences in favor of the nonmoving party and views the facts
    most favorably to that party.” 
    Sexual abuse by a state official may constitute a violation of the substantive
    due process right to bodily integrity, provided the state official was acting under color
    of state law at the time of the abuse. Rogers v. City of Little Rock, Ark., 
    152 F.3d 790
    , 795–96 (8th Cir. 1998). “‘The traditional definition of acting under color of state
    law requires that the defendant in a § 1983 action have exercised power possessed by
    virtue of state law and made possible only because the wrongdoer is clothed with the
    authority of state law.’” Roe v. Humke, 
    128 F.3d 1213
    , 1215–16 (8th Cir. 1997)
    (quoting West v. Atkins, 
    487 U.S. 42
    , 49 (1988)). “‘[A] defendant . . . acts under
    color of state law when he abuses the position given to him by the State. Thus,
    generally, a public employee acts under color of state law while acting in his official
    capacity or while exercising his responsibilities pursuant to state law.’” 
    487 U.S. at
    49–50). “The element is satisfied if the defendant acts or purports
    to act in the performance of official duties, even if he oversteps his authority and
    misuses power.” Johnson v. Phillips, 
    664 F.3d 232
    , 240 (8th Cir. 2011). We look to
    the “nature and circumstances of the [state employee’s] conduct and the relationship
    of that conduct to the performance of his official duties.” Roe, 
    128 F.3d at 1216
    (quotation omitted).
    Borders acknowledges that the sexual contact occurred in the St. Charles
    kitchen, but he testified he was not engaged in work-related duties at the time. He
    also argues there was no evidence Lee came to the kitchen seeking food, as part of his
    job was to dispense snack food and supplements. At trial, he testified that after he
    informed Lee that her friend, his co-worker, was not there, he asked Lee if “she
    want[ed] something, like her rice cakes, and she said no.” However, she then
    followed him as he went toward the back of the kitchen, where these items were
    stored. Alternatively, there was evidence in the record that Borders dragged Lee to
    the restricted area of the kitchen, his employment giving him access both to the
    kitchen and to Lee. Borders was in charge of the kitchen at the time, so he controlled
    who entered it and remained there. “[R]easonable persons could differ as to the
    conclusion to be drawn from the evidence,” EEOC v. Kohler Co., 
    335 F.3d 766
    , 772
    (8th Cir. 2003), but even in Borders’ version of events, Lee followed him after he had
    offered food that he had the authority to provide. Since Borders “largely reargues
    [his] version of the facts,” and there was “sufficient evidence to reject [Borders’]
    position,” Weitz, 
    665 F.3d at 977
    , we affirm the district court’s denial of Borders’
    motion for judgment as a matter of law.
    B. Motion for a New Trial
    Borders appeals the denial of his motion for a new trial based on an allegedly
    erroneous jury instruction and on excessive damages awards. We address each
    argument in turn.
    1. Jury Instruction
    Borders moved for a new trial arguing that the jury instruction on consent
    improperly permitted the jury to find him liable for negligent conduct—a lesser
    standard than is required for a substantive due process claim. “We review the jury
    instructions given by a district court for an abuse of discretion. Our review is limited
    to whether the jury instructions, taken as a whole, fairly and adequately represent the
    evidence and applicable law in light of the issues presented to the jury in a particular
    case.” Fuller v. Fiber Glass Sys., LP, 
    618 F.3d 858
    , 866–67 (8th Cir. 2010) (quotation
    omitted). “Reversal for a new trial is appropriate only if there was an error that
    affected a substantial right of the moving party.” Swipies v. Kofka, 
    419 F.3d 709
    , 716
    (8th Cir. 2005).
    To return a verdict against Borders on Lee’s substantive due process claim,
    Final Instruction No. 6 required the jury to find by a preponderance of the evidence,
    in relevant part, that (1) “defendant had anal intercourse with plaintiff without the
    consent of plaintiff,” and (2) “defendant had anal intercourse with plaintiff knowing
    it was without her consent.” Final Instruction No. 8 defined consent as follows:
    “Consent or lack of consent may be expressed or implied. Assent does not constitute
    consent if it is given by a person who lacks the mental capacity to authorize the
    conduct of sexual contact and such mental incapacity is manifest or known to the
    actor.” Borders objected to the proposed Instruction No. 8, arguing that the meaning
    of consent did not “merit[] a definition” and, moreover, that the use of the word
    “manifest” sounded in negligence and “throws some confusion into it.” Part of
    Borders’ defense was that Lee had consented to the sexual contact. Consequently, the
    district court found the consent instruction was necessary in this case to clarify the
    difference between assent and consent when mental incapacity to consent was at issue.
    In discussing the proposed consent instruction with the parties, the court defined the
    word manifest to mean “obvious, or known to the actor,” such that the jury could not
    find against Borders based on a negligence theory. The court then overruled Borders’
    objection to the proposed instruction.
    We find the court’s consent instruction was proper, acknowledging that “[t]he
    Due Process Clause is simply not implicated by a negligent act of an official causing
    unintended loss of or injury to life, liberty, or property.” Daniels v. Williams, 
    474 U.S. 327
    , 328 (1986).3 Borders’ statement that “she didn’t yell rape or none of the
    other things as we were having sex” demonstrated the need to clarify what may
    constitute consent, particularly when mental capacity is at issue. Moreover, to return
    a verdict against Borders on the substantive due process claim, the jury was explicitly
    required to find that he “had anal intercourse with plaintiff knowing it was without her
    consent” (emphasis added). The court did not abuse its discretion in providing Final
    Instruction No. 8 to define consent.
    Even if jurors were confused by this instruction, Borders’ substantial rights
    were not affected, as the evidence presented at trial was more than sufficient to show
    that Borders knew Lee had not consented to sexual contact. Borders testified, “[Lee]
    Borders also invokes two provisions of the Missouri Approved Jury
    Instructions for the proposition that he could have been held liable due to the jury
    instructions for negligent conduct, but these provisions are not directly applicable or
    persuasive. In addition, to the extent Borders’ argument concerns Lee’s state-law
    battery claim—for which recovery was barred if the jury found Lee consented “by
    words or conduct . . . to the acts of defendant and the reasonable consequences
    thereof”—we note that the language in the consent jury instruction is identical to
    Missouri’s statutory definition of consent, modified only to specify that the conduct
    at issue was “sexual contact.” See 
    Mo. Rev. Stat. § 556.061
    (5) (2008).
    wasn’t just a regular patient like you normally see at St. Charles. [She] was [] highly
    functional. It’s not like she had a disability.” However, Lee’s counselor at St. Charles
    testified that to live there, all residents had to meet a statutory definition of disability;
    Lee had been diagnosed with an intellectual disability, as well as several
    psychological conditions. Despite Borders’ testimony that Lee consented, evidence
    at trial would support a jury finding that Borders dragged Lee to the back of the
    kitchen, and she tried to struggle with him. Borders also frequently changed his story,
    including at trial, and he acknowledged that he had twice claimed no sexual contact
    occurred at all. He did not explain the inconsistencies substantively; rather, he
    testified he was trying “[a]t the same time [to] protect myself, but at the same time
    keep my job, too.” The jury was free to find his testimony lacked credibility.
    Moreover, he worked at a facility for developmentally disabled individuals, where
    sexual contact of any kind between employees and residents was strictly prohibited,
    and he knew Lee was a patient there. He did not need to know all of Lee’s diagnoses
    or medications to know she likely lacked the capacity to consent. He also
    acknowledged that he told Lee not to tell anyone about the sexual contact, implying
    he was concerned about the consequences. The jury had enough evidence to properly
    find Borders liable for acting without Lee’s consent.
    2. Damages Awards
    Borders also contends the district court abused its discretion in denying his
    motion for a new trial based on compensatory and punitive damages awards that were
    “excessive and a product of passion and prejudice.” Dossett v. First State Bank, 
    399 F.3d 940
    , 946 (8th Cir. 2005). Lee requested $10 million compensatory and $20
    million punitive damages; she was awarded $1 million and $3 million, respectively.
    a. Compensatory Damages Award
    The court instructed the jurors regarding compensatory damages as follows:
    If you find in favor of the plaintiff, then you must award the plaintiff
    compensatory damages in such sum as you find will fairly and justly
    compensate the plaintiff for any damages you find the plaintiff sustained
    as a direct result of the conduct of the defendant . . . . You should
    consider the following elements of damages:
    The physical pain and mental suffering the plaintiff has experienced, the
    nature and extent of the injury, and whether the injury is temporary or
    Remember, throughout your deliberations you must not engage in any
    speculation, guess, or conjecture and you must not award any damages
    under this Instruction by way of punishment or through sympathy.
    Since the social worker who treated Lee after the assault discontinued her therapy for
    sexual trauma some eight months later, Borders contends Lee recovered quickly and
    suffered no financial losses. As such, he argues the compensatory damages award is
    However, the record supports a jury finding that Lee suffered extensively from
    Borders’ conduct and the ensuing move to Fulton. Borders elicited testimony from
    Lee’s counselor at St. Charles that she was transferred to Fulton at least in part due to
    preexisting behavioral issues, but it was undisputed that such episodes increased in
    frequency and severity after November 2007. A forensic psychologist indicated that
    many of Lee’s current behavioral problems—including those exhibited with
    increasing frequency several months after the assault—could be attributed to the
    post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) that he said resulted from “the sexual trauma
    she incurred.” Although “prior to the incident, she was in a position of moving
    towards independence,” the psychologist testified that at the time of trial Lee was “in
    a very severe regressive state . . . as a direct result of the sexual trauma” at St. Charles
    and the restrictive treatment at Fulton. The psychologist described Lee’s extensive
    medical needs, many of which were due to PTSD, and the therapies required to treat
    them for the foreseeable future. He testified it would “average between [$]12 and
    $15,000 a month” to meet her needs, which was the only quantitative evidence
    introduced. Lee’s parents also described the profound changes they observed in their
    daughter and the differences between St. Charles and Fulton. When Lee lived at St.
    Charles, she had more flexibility to explore the grounds, to go home with her family
    on alternate weekends, and to go on field trips; at Fulton, her family saw her only in
    a visiting room. After her move to Fulton, Lee was put in mechanical restraints
    multiple times each month; she made several attempts to harm herself and was placed
    on suicide watch more than once. Lee’s parents testified they had brought suit in part
    to be able to afford moving her from Fulton to a facility closer to their home.
    Borders cites various cases where juries awarded less in compensatory damages
    to plaintiffs who he asserts sustained “injuries of the same level of seriousness or
    greater.” However, these decisions, in their brevity, do not indicate the plaintiffs’
    ongoing medical, psychological, or other needs and the resulting costs. Without
    denigrating the trauma of the plaintiffs in these comparative cases, we find Lee’s
    future needs are exceptional. Lee will require funds to support her in institutional
    facilities, and—as the forensic psychologist testified—her developmental disabilities
    likely exacerbated the trauma caused by Borders’ actions. Moreover, “[t]his court has
    consistently held that awards for pain and suffering are highly subjective and should
    be committed to the sound discretion of the jury, especially when the jury is being
    asked to determine injuries not easily calculated in economic terms.” Eich v. Bd. of
    Regents for Cent. Mo. State Univ., 
    350 F.3d 752
    , 763 (8th Cir. 2003) (quotation
    omitted). The district court did not abuse its discretion in finding the jury’s
    compensatory damages award was sufficiently supported by the evidence presented.
    b. Punitive Damages Award
    Borders also argues the punitive damages award was excessive, as it greatly
    exceeds the awards given in other cases. The court instructed the jurors that, if they
    found “by the greater weight of the evidence” that Borders’ conduct was “outrageous
    because of [his] evil motive or reckless indifference to the rights of others,” then they
    could award punitive as well as compensatory damages. See Swipies, 
    419 F.3d at
    717–18 (finding punitive damage awards appropriate in such circumstances).
    Borders’ motive is a question of fact, and we accept factual findings made by the
    district court assessing whether a punitive damages award is excessive unless the
    findings are clearly erroneous. See Cooper Indus., Inc. v. Leatherman Tool Grp., Inc.,
    532 U.S. 424
    , 435 (2001). However, we review de novo whether a fine is
    unconstitutionally excessive, 
     asking whether an award “shock[s] the conscience
    or . . . demonstrate[s] passion or prejudice on the part of the trier of fact.” Ondrisek
    v. Hoffman, 
    698 F.3d 1020
    , 1028 (8th Cir. 2012) (quotation omitted).
    “‘[G]rossly excessive’ civil punishment” violates the Due Process Clause of the
    Fourteenth Amendment. 
     (quoting Cooper, 
    532 U.S. at 434
    ). In assessing the
    constitutionality of a punitive damages award, we use the guideposts identified in
    BMW of North America, Inc. v. Gore, 
    517 U.S. 559
    , 574–85 (1996), which were
    incorporated into the district court’s jury instructions. We weigh “(1) the degree of
    reprehensibility of the defendant’s conduct; (2) the disparity between actual or
    potential harm suffered and the punitive damages award; and (3) the difference
    between the punitive damages award and the civil penalties authorized in comparable
    cases.” Boerner v. Brown & Williamson Tobacco Co., 
    394 F.3d 594
    , 602 (8th Cir.
    2005) (citing Gore, 
    517 U.S. at
    We first evaluate the reprehensibility of Borders’ conduct, which is “the most
    important guidepost.” Ondrisek, 698 F.3d at 1028 (citing Gore, 
    517 U.S. at 575
    ). To
    do so, we assess “whether the reprehensible nature of [his] conduct warrants further
    damages to achieve punishment or deterrence of the conduct in the future.” 
    State Farm Mut. Auto. Ins. Co. v. Campbell, 
    538 U.S. 408
    , 419 (2003)). We must
    consider whether:
    [1] the harm caused was physical as opposed to economic; [2] the
    tortious conduct evinced an indifference to or a reckless disregard of the
    health or safety of others; [3] the target of the conduct had financial
    vulnerability; [4] the conduct involved repeated actions or was an
    isolated incident; and [5] the harm was the result of intentional malice,
    trickery, or deceit, or mere accident.
    538 U.S. at
    419 (citing Gore, 
    517 U.S. at
    576–77). These factors
    demonstrate the reprehensibility of Borders’ conduct.4 Although Borders contends
    Lee “suffered minor injuries,” the evidence presented at trial showed she experienced
    severe psychological harm. Borders’ behavior, as revealed by his own testimony,
    demonstrated his reckless disregard of Lee’s wellbeing. Borders’ sexual misconduct
    occurred once, but he persistently sought to evade responsibility for it by instructing
    Lee not to report the assault immediately after it happened and providing varying
    factual accounts over the following weeks. Finally, we emphasize that Borders was
    an employee of a state-run institution for individuals with developmental disabilities,
    where sexual contact of any kind between employees and residents was expressly
    prohibited. As such, Borders abused a position of trust, which consequently increases
    the reprehensibility of his actions. See Ondrisek, 698 F.3d at 1029.
    Next, we assess the ratio between Borders’ compensatory and punitive damages
    awards. Borders contends this ratio demonstrates the punitive award was excessive.
    “The Supreme Court has ‘consistently rejected the notion that the constitutional line
    is marked by a simple mathematical formula, even one that compares actual and
    potential damages to the punitive award.’” Ondrisek, 698 F.3d at 1029 (quoting Gore,
    As the harm to Lee was not economic, the third factor does not apply. See
    Ondrisek, 698 F.3d at 1029 n.2.
    517 U.S. at 582
    ). “But, ‘in practice, few awards exceeding a single-digit ratio
    between punitive and compensatory damages, to a significant degree, will satisfy due
     (quoting Campbell, 
    538 U.S. at 425
    ). Borders’ 3:1 ratio of punitive to
    compensatory damages does not yet reach the 4:1 ratio that the Supreme Court has
    “‘concluded . . . might be close to the line of constitutional impropriety.’” 
    538 U.S. at 425
    ). Particularly when it would be difficult for a jury to
    calculate Lee’s future cost of care, and thus accurately gauge compensatory damages,
    a 3:1 ratio does not indicate unconstitutionally excessive punitive damages. 
    Finally, we compare the damages award in this case to those in other cases. We
    acknowledge that this punitive damages award is far higher than others, but again, this
    case involves a particularly vulnerable victim who requires institutional care. A
    simple comparison to other cases is unhelpful in this context. Moreover, a monetary
    comparison with the damages awards from other cases—the focus of Borders’
    argument—is only one factor we use “to ensure proper notice of the penalty associated
    with [the defendant’s] conduct.” 
     at 1028 (citing Gore, 
    517 U.S. at
    574–75). We
    find the punitive damages award against Borders is not unconstitutionally excessive.
    III. Conclusion
    For the reasons above, we affirm the district court.