Keith Stansell v. Revolutionary Armed Forces of Columbia, (FARC) , 771 F.3d 713 ( 2014 )

  •              Case: 13-11339     Date Filed: 10/16/2014   Page: 1 of 67
    No. 13-11339
    D.C. Docket No. 8:09-cv-02308-RAL-MAP
    Plaintiffs - Appellees,
    (FARC), et al.,
    Claimant - Appellant,
    a Division of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., et al.,
    Case: 13-11339   Date Filed: 10/16/2014   Page: 2 of 67
    No. 13-11959
    D.C. Docket No. 8:09-cv-02308-RAL-MAP
    Plaintiffs - Appellees,
    Case: 13-11339    Date Filed: 10/16/2014   Page: 3 of 67
    U.S. Citizen Beneficial Owner of Brunello Ltd. Trust,
    Claimants - Appellants,
    Defendants - Appellants.
    No. 13-12019
    D.C. Docket No. 8:09-cv-02308-RAL-MAP
    Case: 13-11339   Date Filed: 10/16/2014   Page: 4 of 67
    Plaintiffs - Appellees,
    Claimants - Appellants.
    No. 13-12116
    D.C. Docket No. 8:09-cv-02308-RAL-MAP
    Plaintiffs - Appellees,
    (FARC), et al.,
    Case: 13-11339   Date Filed: 10/16/2014   Page: 5 of 67
    Claimants - Appellants.
    No. 13-12171
    D.C. Docket No. 8:09-cv-02308-RAL-MAP
    Plaintiffs - Appellees,
    Case: 13-11339    Date Filed: 10/16/2014   Page: 6 of 67
    Defendants - Appellants,
    U.S. Citizen Beneficial Owner of Brunello Ltd. Trust,
    Claimants - Appellants.
    No. 13-12337
    D.C. Docket No. 8:09-cv-02308-RAL-MAP
    Plaintiffs - Appellees,
    Claimant - Appellant.
    Case: 13-11339   Date Filed: 10/16/2014    Page: 7 of 67
    Appeals from the United States District Court
    for the Middle District of Florida
    (October 16, 2014)
    Before WILSON, JORDAN and BLACK, Circuit Judges.
    WILSON, Circuit Judge:
    These appeals arise from the collection efforts of victims of a terrorist
    kidnapping in Colombia. After obtaining a nine-figure default judgment against
    their captor, they attempted to collect through a series of ex parte garnishments and
    executions against third parties with purported illicit ties to the captor. The third-
    party claimants challenge the judgments against their property on both substantive
    and procedural grounds, including alleged due process violations arising from the
    ex parte manner in which the district court initially handled the proceedings. We
    affirm the district court as to all appeals but one: No. 13-12171, concerning
    Brunello Ltd.
    I.     Global Discussion
    Because common themes run through all appeals, we initially discuss the
    underlying facts and common issues globally. Later, we will apply our
    conclusions to the particular circumstances of each appeal and analyze the unique
    issues in a more individualized manner for each third-party claimant.
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    A.     Underlying Procedural and Factual Background
    On February 13, 2003, Keith Stansell, Marc Gonsalves, Thomas Howes,
    and Thomas Janis were flying over Colombia while performing counter-narcotics
    reconnaissance. Members of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia
    (FARC) shot their plane down and, after the plane’s crash landing, captured the
    group. FARC immediately executed Janis and took the survivors hostage, holding
    them for over five years. After they were rescued and returned to the United
    States, Stansell, Gonsalves, and Howes—along with Janis’s wife, Judith G. Janis,
    as personal representative of his estate, and his surviving children, Christopher T.
    Janis, Greer C. Janis, Michael I. Janis, and Jonathan N. Janis—(collectively,
    Plaintiffs) filed a complaint against FARC in the United States District Court for
    the Middle District of Florida under the Antiterrorism Act, 
    18 U.S.C. § 2333
    naming FARC and a number of associated individuals as defendants. After court-
    directed service of summons by publication, FARC failed to appear, and the
    district court entered a default judgment in favor of Plaintiffs in the amount of
    $318,030,000 on June 15, 2010.
    Because of the difficulty inherent in the direct execution of a judgment
    against a terrorist organization, Plaintiffs sought to satisfy their award by seizing
    the assets of “agenc[ies] or instrumentalit[ies]” of FARC pursuant to Section
    Case: 13-11339       Date Filed: 10/16/2014       Page: 9 of 67
    201(a) of the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act of 2002, Pub. L. No. 107-297, §
    116 Stat. 2322
    , 2337 (TRIA), 1 which reads:
    Notwithstanding any other provision of law, and except as provided in
    subsection (b), in every case in which a person has obtained a
    judgment against a terrorist party on a claim based upon an act of
    terrorism, or for which a terrorist party is not immune under section
    1605(a)(7) of title 28, United States Code, the blocked assets of that
    terrorist party (including the blocked assets of any agency or
    instrumentality of that terrorist party) shall be subject to execution or
    attachment in aid of execution in order to satisfy such judgment to the
    extent of any compensatory damages for which such terrorist party
    has been adjudged liable.
    TRIA § 201(a). The elements a party is required to establish before executing
    under TRIA § 201 are therefore quite straightforward. The party must first
    establish that she has obtained a judgment against a terrorist party that is either for
    a claim based on an act of terrorism or for a claim for which a terrorist party is not
    immune. Weininger v. Castro, 
    462 F. Supp. 2d 457
    , 479 (S.D.N.Y. 2006). The
    party must then show that the assets are blocked as that term is defined in TRIA.
     Finally, the total amount of the execution cannot exceed the amount of
    compensatory damages. 
     If the party wishes to execute against the assets of a
    terrorist party’s agency or instrumentality, the party must further establish that the
    purported agency or instrumentality is actually an agency or instrumentality. Of
    This provision is codified as a note to 
    28 U.S.C. § 1610
    . For ease of reference and
    familiarity, we will cite to TRIA § 201, with accompanying subsections where appropriate.
    Case: 13-11339      Date Filed: 10/16/2014       Page: 10 of 67
    the preceding elements, only the blocked asset and agency or instrumentality
    determinations are at issue in any of the appeals here.
    TRIA defines “blocked assets” as “any asset seized or frozen by the United
    States under section 5(b) of the Trading With the Enemy Act [(TWEA)] or under
    sections 202 and 203 of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act
    [(IEEPA)].” TRIA § 201(d)(2)(A) (citation omitted). Assets are blocked when the
    United States Department of the Treasury Office of Foreign Assets Control
    (OFAC) designates the owner of the assets as a Specially Designated Narcotics
    Trafficker (SDNT). See 
    31 C.F.R. §§ 594.201
    , 594.301, 597.201, 597.303.
    OFAC’s blocking power is authorized by TWEA, 12 U.S.C. § 95a, 50 App. U.S.C.
    §§ 1–14, 16–39, 40–44, and the IEEPA, 
    50 U.S.C. §§ 1701
    –1706, the blocking
    authority of which TRIA § 201 includes in its definition of blocked assets.2 OFAC
    also has blocking authority under other legislation not mentioned in TRIA § 201,
    including the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act, 
    21 U.S.C. §§ 1901
    (Kingpin Act). OFAC specifies the jurisdictional basis for any designation it
    makes, i.e. the statute under which an individual or entity is designated. Thus, the
    Designees under the IEEPA include those found by OFAC
    [t]o play a significant role in international narcotics trafficking centered in
    Colombia; . . . [m]aterially to assist in, or provide financial or technological
    support for or goods or services in support of, the narcotics trafficking activities
    of [SDNTs]; [or] to be owned or controlled by, or to act for or on behalf of, any
    other [SDNT].
    31 C.F.R. § 536.312
    (b) and (c).
    Case: 13-11339        Date Filed: 10/16/2014       Page: 11 of 67
    blocking of assets by OFAC does not necessarily bring those assets within the
    ambit of TRIA execution. See Stansell v. Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colom.
    704 F.3d 910
    , 915–17 (11th Cir. 2013) (per curiam) (reversing an
    order permitting TRIA execution of assets that OFAC had blocked pursuant to the
    Kingpin Act).3 All the individuals and entities party to these appeals (Claimants) 4
    whose property is in jeopardy due to Plaintiffs’ TRIA execution had been
    designated SDNTs by OFAC, rendering their assets blocked. Other than Herrera,
    no party disputes that the assets in question were blocked at some point for
    purposes of TRIA execution, though some argue that their eventual de-listing
    during the pendency of the proceedings should have been given effect.
    TRIA itself does not define the term “agency or instrumentality.” However,
    § 201 is codified as a note to the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act, 
    28 U.S.C. §§ 1330
    , 1602–11 (FSIA). See 
    28 U.S.C. § 1610
     (note). The FSIA defines the term:
    An “agency or instrumentality of a foreign state” means any entity—
    (1) which is a separate legal person, corporate or otherwise, and
    (2) which is an organ of a foreign state or political subdivision
    thereof, or a majority of whose shares or other ownership interest is
    owned by a foreign state or political subdivision thereof, and
    For the sake of clarity, we will cite this opinion hereinafter as Mercurio, 
    704 F.3d 910
    As an additional tool for clarity, we will use “Claimants” when referring to all claimant-
    appellants collectively and “appellant(s)” when referring to a subset of them.
    Case: 13-11339        Date Filed: 10/16/2014        Page: 12 of 67
    (3) which is neither a citizen of a State of the United States as defined
    in section 1332(c) and (e) of this title, 5 nor created under the laws of
    any third country.
     § 1603(b). Claimants here disagree with the district court’s standard as well as
    its factual determinations regarding the agency or instrumentality status of each.
    Plaintiffs initiated their collection efforts in each instance ex parte, without
    any direct notice to Claimants. The district court found that, for purposes of TRIA
    execution, each Claimant was an agency or instrumentality 6 of FARC and that
    each asset was blocked. Importantly, each Claimant eventually discovered the
    proceedings against their property. In each case, the district court sided with
    Plaintiffs and allowed the collection efforts to proceed (or, where such efforts had
    been completed, to lie).
    Those subsections define the citizenship of corporations and legal representatives of
    estates, infants, or incompetents.
    The district court defined an agency or instrumentality as
    Any SDNT . . . , including all of its individual members, divisions and networks,
    that is or was ever involved in the cultivation, manufacture, processing, purchase,
    sale, trafficking, security, storage, shipment or transportation, distribution of
    FARC coca paste or cocaine, or that assisted the FARC’s financial or money
    laundering network, . . . because it was either:
    (1) materially assisting in, or providing financial or technological support for or
    to, or providing goods or services in support of, the international narcotics
    trafficking activities of . . . [FARC]; and/or
    (2) owned, controlled, or directed by, or acting for or on behalf of, . . . [FARC];
    (3) playing a significant role in international narcotics trafficking [related to coca
    paste or cocaine manufactured or supplied by the FARC].
    Case: 13-11339     Date Filed: 10/16/2014   Page: 13 of 67
    Claimants appealed the various orders granting Plaintiffs’ motions seeking
    to collect on their judgment using Claimants’ assets and denying the motions filed
    by Claimants seeking relief. They argue separately a number of issues on appeal,
    including many that Claimants share in common with one another: (1) that they
    were denied constitutional and statutory rights to notice and a hearing because they
    were not served with the writs of garnishment and execution or the motions
    requesting them; (2) that they were erroneously designated agencies or
    instrumentalities of FARC by the district court; (3) that their assets were not
    reachable under TRIA § 201 because they have been removed from OFAC’s list of
    SDNTs; (4) that Plaintiffs did not obtain the licenses required to execute against
    OFAC-blocked assets; (5) that the judgments must be set aside for fraud; and (6)
    that on remand, we should assign a different judge to the proceedings.
    B.     Analysis of the Issues
    We now turn to an analysis of the common issues argued on appeal.
    1.     Constitutional and Statutory Due Process
    Claimants contend that they were denied their rights to notice of the
    execution proceedings and an opportunity to be heard in violation of the Fifth
    Amendment, Florida law, and the FSIA. Whether a due process violation occurred
    is reviewed de novo. Ali v. U.S. Att’y Gen., 
    443 F.3d 804
    , 808 (11th Cir. 2006)
    (per curiam). The de novo standard also applies when determining whether
    Case: 13-11339     Date Filed: 10/16/2014     Page: 14 of 67
    constitutional protections extend to foreign nationals. United States v. Emmanuel,
    565 F.3d 1324
    , 1330–32 (11th Cir. 2009) (reviewing de novo whether the Fourth
    Amendment applied to a foreign search of a foreign national).
    Florida law has specific requirements for notice and an opportunity to be
    heard. See 
    Fla. Stat. § 56.21
     (“When levying upon real property, notice of such
    levy and execution sale and affidavit . . . shall be made to the property owner of
    record in the same manner as notice is made to any judgment debtor pursuant to
    this section . . . .”); 
    Fla. Stat. § 56.16
     (outlining procedure for third-party claimants
    to halt an execution sale); 
    Fla. Stat. § 77.055
     (requiring service of garnishee’s
    answer to the writ on “any . . . person disclosed in the garnishee’s answer to have
    any ownership interest in the” asset); 
    Fla. Stat. § 77.07
    (2) (permitting “any other
    person having an ownership interest in [garnished] property” to move to dissolve
    the writ with a motion “stating that any allegation in plaintiff’s motion for writ is
    untrue”). In a nutshell, Florida law provides certain protections to third parties
    claiming an interest in property subject to garnishment or execution. Such law is
    effective in proceedings in federal court, unless, as the district court held here, it is
    preempted by federal statute. Fed. R. Civ. P. 69(a)(1). We review de novo a
    district court’s determination that federal law preempts state law. Pace v. CSX
    Transp., Inc., 
    613 F.3d 1066
    , 1068 (11th Cir. 2010).
    Case: 13-11339       Date Filed: 10/16/2014     Page: 15 of 67
    The FSIA also contains a notice requirement. 
    28 U.S.C. § 1610
    (requiring notice required under § 1608(e) be provided where property is attached
    under § 1610(a) or (b)). Whether this notice requirement applies to TRIA
    execution is a question of law we review de novo. Mercurio, 704 F.3d at 914.
    a.     Constitutional Due Process
    Preliminarily, we address whether, under the Fifth Amendment, Claimants
    were entitled to due process. The district court and Plaintiffs have at some points
    maintained that some were not so entitled due to their status as foreign nationals.
    Where a district court exercises its jurisdiction over property within the United
    States, however, the owners of that property have due process rights regardless of
    their location or nationality. See Russian Volunteer Fleet v. United States, 
    282 U.S. 481
    , 491–92, 
    51 S. Ct. 229
    , 232 (1931) (applying the Takings Clause to
    confiscation of foreign-owned property located within the United States);
    Helicopteros Nacionales de Colom., S.A. v. Hall, 
    466 U.S. 408
    , 413–19, 
    104 S. Ct. 1868
    , 1872–74 (1984) (applying due process protection to a Colombian
    corporation); 7 Schiffahartsgesellschaft Leonhardt & Co. v. A. Bottacchi S.A. de
    732 F.2d 1543
    , 1545–49 (11th Cir. 1984) (analyzing due process
    protections vis-à-vis a foreign entity whose property came under the court’s
    Helicopteros dealt with due process protections afforded by the Fourteenth Amendment.
    466 U.S. at 413
    104 S. Ct. at 1872
    . However, Fourteenth Amendment due process cases are
    informative for Fifth Amendment due process inquiries. Republic of Panama v. BCCI Holdings
    (Luxembourg) S.A., 
    119 F.3d 935
    , 944 (11th Cir. 1997).
    Case: 13-11339      Date Filed: 10/16/2014    Page: 16 of 67
    jurisdiction); Nat’l Council of Resistance of Iran v. Dep’t of State, 
    251 F.3d 192
    204 (D.C. Cir. 2001) (“Russian Volunteer Fleet makes clear that a foreign
    organization that acquires or holds property in this country may invoke the
    protections of the Constitution when that property is placed in jeopardy by
    government intervention.” (citation omitted)). Therefore, Claimants were entitled
    to the Fifth Amendment’s guarantee of due process.
    Now, we consider what due process requires. As Plaintiffs point out in their
    briefs, post-judgment motions and writs typically need not be served on
    defendants, including when collection is pursued under the FSIA. See Peterson v.
    Islamic Republic of Iran, 
    627 F.3d 1117
    , 1130 (9th Cir. 2010). Courts have held
    that this principle extends to agencies or instrumentalities of terrorist judgment
    debtors under the FSIA. See, e.g., Estate of Heiser v. Islamic Republic of Iran, 
    807 F. Supp. 2d 9
    , 23 (D.D.C. 2011) (“Congress did not intent [sic] to require service
    of garnishment writs on agencies or instrumentalities of foreign states responsible
    for acts of state-sponsored terrorism . . . .”). To the extent Estate of Heiser holds
    that alleged agencies or instrumentalities which dispute that classification are not
    entitled to notice of execution or garnishment proceedings against their assets, we
    TRIA execution requires two separate determinations regarding the property
    being executed: (i) that the asset is blocked, and (ii) that the owner of the asset is
    Case: 13-11339     Date Filed: 10/16/2014    Page: 17 of 67
    an agency or instrumentality of the judgment debtor. TRIA § 201(a). While the
    first can be definitively established by the fact that OFAC has taken action against
    the alleged agency or instrumentality under TWEA or the IEEPA, the second is a
    separate determination in addition to blockage not dispositively decided by OFAC
    designation. Furthermore, because an agency or instrumentality determination
    carries drastic results—the attachment and execution of property—it undeniably
    implicates due process concerns. United States v. Bissell, 
    866 F.2d 1343
    , 1352
    (11th Cir. 1989) (“[Due process] is implicated when, as here, persons are deprived
    of their possessory interests in property.”). It follows that parties whose assets are
    under threat of execution pursuant to TRIA § 201 are entitled to notice and an
    opportunity to be heard in order to rebut the allegations and preserve their
    possessory interest in blocked assets. See Dusenbery v. United States, 
    534 U.S. 161
    , 167, 
    122 S. Ct. 694
    , 699 (2002) (“[I]ndividuals whose property interests are at
    stake are entitled to notice and an opportunity to be heard.” (internal quotation
    marks omitted)).
    Plaintiffs respond by emphasizing that this court and others have repeatedly
    held that due process does not require service of post-judgment motions.
    Typically, however, such motions are directed at the judgment debtor, see Brown
    Case: 13-11339       Date Filed: 10/16/2014       Page: 18 of 67
    v. Liberty Loan Corp. of Duval, 
    539 F.2d 1355
    , 1357 (5th Cir. 1976),8 not at third
    parties such as Claimants. The difference—one that the district court did not
    appropriately consider—is crucial. Where the owner of the asset being garnished
    is the judgment debtor, “notice upon commencement of a suit is adequate to give a
    judgment debtor advance warning of later proceedings undertaken to satisfy a
    Id. at 1364
    . That same type of notice is not sufficient where the
    claimant is a third party, who cannot be expected to be on notice of the judgment.
    It may be argued that agencies or instrumentalities are on constructive notice
    because, as agencies or instrumentalities of the judgment debtor—in this case,
    FARC—they share a legal identity with the judgment debtor. Cf. 
    28 U.S.C. § 1603
    (a) (defining “foreign state” for FSIA purposes to include an agency or
    instrumentality of a foreign state). While that reasoning seems rational in a
    vacuum, when considered in context, it is circular and illogical. That is, a third
    party can only be deemed to be on notice if it is associated with the judgment
    debtor, so it cannot be considered to have such notice until the district court makes
    the agency or instrumentality determination. Without notice and a fair hearing
    where both sides are permitted to present evidence, the third party never has an
    opportunity to dispute its classification as an agency or instrumentality. Cf.
    In Bonner v. City of Prichard, 
    661 F.2d 1206
    , 1207 (11th Cir. 1981) (en banc), we
    adopted as binding precedent all of the decisions of the former Fifth Circuit handed down prior
    to the close of business on September 30, 1981.
    Case: 13-11339      Date Filed: 10/16/2014    Page: 19 of 67
    Alejandre v. Telefonica Larga Distancia de P.R., Inc., 
    183 F.3d 1277
    , 1284 (11th
    Cir. 1999) (applying the presumption of separate juridicial status of a state and its
    alleged instrumentality under the FSIA). In short, it puts the cart before the horse
    to hold that Claimants had notice of the agency or instrumentality proceedings
    because they were agencies or instrumentalities of FARC, and such a finding
    would thus never be tested in an adversarial process. Any party could be deemed
    an agency or instrumentality and thus be deemed to be on constructive notice,
    allowing seizure of its assets on a potentially erroneous designation about which it
    never even knew and never had the opportunity to challenge. Therefore, due
    process entitled Claimants to actual notice of the post-judgment proceedings
    against them. We will analyze the adequacy of the notice provided to each
    Claimant in Part II.
    Further, because Claimants were entitled to the basic constitutional
    protection of due process, they were entitled to be heard on their challenge to the
    agency or instrumentality issue. The district court eventually held generally that
    “some form” of process was due and that Claimants were afforded an adeqaute
    opportunity to be heard by (i) the requirement that Plaintiffs file motions in the
    district court and seek entry of a court order, (ii) the opportunity to challenge their
    respective designations both administratively and judicially, and (iii) the stay
    pending the outcome of Mercurio. The first of these cannot constitute the requisite
    Case: 13-11339        Date Filed: 10/16/2014        Page: 20 of 67
    opportunity to be heard. Requiring evidence from a party seeking to execute
    against a third party’s assets does nothing to give the third party an opportunity to
    be heard. Due process contemplates offering a party an opportunity to rebut
    charges leveled against it, not allowing that party’s opponent to present evidence
    supporting that charge.
    The second manner in which Claimants were, according to the district court,
    given an opportunity to be heard is also constitutionally deficient. Again, the
    agency or instrumentality determination is separate from the determination that an
    asset is blocked and carries more immediate and substantial consequences than
    does the SDNT designation. Moreover, designation is a unilateral move that takes
    place and blocks a SDNT’s assets before the SDNT has an opportunity to
    challenge the designation.9 An administrative challenge to OFAC designation
    affords a party an opportunity to challenge the decision to block its assets, not to
    challenge its status as an agency or instrumentality.
    Finally, the third example of Claimants’ opportunity to be heard—the stay—
    standing alone, is not sufficient to provide Claimants with due process. However,
    We disagree with the conclusion that the right to challenge the OFAC designation
    provided a sufficient safeguard for Claimants and their property. Some Claimants had
    commenced proceedings seeking de-listing when turnover judgments were entered against them.
    For those Claimants who eventually succeeded in their challenges, the district court correctly
    ruled that de-listing did not apply retroactively, and the de-listed Claimants were unable to attain
    relief with respect to those assets already executed. It cannot be that available de-listing
    procedures were effective due process bulwarks where a party can be listed, its assets blocked,
    and TRIA execution procedures begun—thus rendering future de-listing ineffective—before the
    party receives notice of the designation or blockage.
    Case: 13-11339       Date Filed: 10/16/2014        Page: 21 of 67
    in conjunction with an actual opportunity for Claimants to be heard, it may satisfy
    due process. We will examine the circumstances of each appeal below to
    determine the extent to which each Claimant had a sufficient opportunity to be
    In addition, due process must not only be adequate; it must be timely.
    Goldberg v. Kelly, 
    397 U.S. 254
    , 267–68, 
    90 S. Ct. 1011
    , 1020 (1970). Here,
    Claimants argue that they were denied due process because they were not granted
    pre-deprivation hearings—that is, prior to attachment under TRIA. On this point,
    we disagree.
    We assess whether the procedure afforded to a party is timely considering
    the three factors set forth in Mathews v. Eldridge, 
    424 U.S. 319
    , 334–35, 
    96 S. Ct. 893
    , 903 (1976), as refined by Connecticut v. Doehr 10:
    [F]irst, . . . the private interest that will be affected by the prejudgment
    measure; second, . . . the risk of erroneous deprivation through the
    procedures under attack and the probable value of additional or
    alternative safeguards; and third, [we pay] principal attention to the
    In Doehr, the Supreme Court applied the Mathews analysis to a deprivation initiated by
    a private party. See 501 U.S. at 11–16, 111 S. Ct. at 2112–15. Under such circumstances, when
    assessing the third prong of the Mathews test, courts must give “principal attention to the interest
    of the party seeking the prejudgment remedy, with, nonetheless, due regard for any ancillary
    interest the government may have in providing the procedure or forgoing the added burden of
    providing greater protections.” Id. at 11, 111 S. Ct. at 2112. Therefore, we consider the private
    party’s interests in the specific attachment as well as the government’s interests affected by
    “financial or administrative burdens involving predeprivation hearings.” See id. at 16, 111 S. Ct.
    at 2115. We also assess the government’s “substantive interest in protecting any rights of the
    plaintiff[, which] cannot be any more weighty than those rights themselves.” Id. (emphasis
    added). Because we consider the government’s interest “in providing the procedure,” we
    properly consider TRIA judgment creditors’ ability to collect generally, not just that of Plaintiffs
    Case: 13-11339       Date Filed: 10/16/2014      Page: 22 of 67
    interest of the party seeking the prejudgment remedy, with,
    nonetheless, due regard for any ancillary interest the government may
    have in providing the procedure or forgoing the added burden of
    providing greater protections.
    501 U.S. 1
    , 11, 
    111 S. Ct. 2105
    , 2112 (1991). The first factor weighs in
    Claimants’ favor. See 
    id. at 11
    111 S. Ct. at
    2112–13 (listing the “significant”
    consequences of attachment). Although Plaintiffs point out that SDNTs have a
    diminished interest in their blocked assets because their ability to alienate that
    property is already restricted, SDNTs do retain some interest, especially because
    the possibility of unblocking remains, as occurred with a number of Claimants
    here. Cf. Bissell, 
    866 F.2d at
    1352–54 (recognizing the continued interest of a
    criminal defendant in frozen property prior to forfeiture). As discussed below, de-
    listing does not operate retroactively, so attachment creates an independent
    restraint on property that may be effective even where de-listing occurs during the
    pendency of garnishment or execution proceedings.11
    However, the second and third factors weigh substantially in favor of
    immediate attachment. Before a writ of garnishment or execution pursuant to
    TRIA § 201 issues, a district court must determine that the property owner is a
    SDNT designated under TWEA or the IEEPA and is an agency or instrumentality
    of the judgment debtor terrorist party. The district court did that here, after
    At the same time, it is relevant that the burden accompanying attachment under TRIA
    is no more substantial than the already-existing burden of blockage. In other words, attachment
    under TRIA is less burdensome than, for example, pre-hearing seizure of an asset.
    Case: 13-11339      Date Filed: 10/16/2014    Page: 23 of 67
    Plaintiffs made factual proffers on those issues. The risk of erroneous deprivation
    is therefore diminished. The third factor weighs heavily in favor of a later hearing:
    ensuring adequate satisfaction of judgments against terrorist parties. During the
    pendency of execution proceedings, a number of events may occur which make
    satisfaction using a particular asset impossible. Other judgment creditors may seek
    to execute against the asset. The government may take action that makes the asset
    unreachable, including seizure or de-listing of the alleged agency or
    instrumentality (which may or may not be the result of a finding that the SDNT
    designation was incorrectly reached), the latter of which would enable the asset
    owner to move the asset (or proceeds from its sale) outside the reach of any United
    States district court. Cf. Calero-Toledo v. Pearson Yacht Leasing Co., 
    416 U.S. 663
    , 679, 
    94 S. Ct. 2080
    , 2090 (1974) (“[P]reseizure notice and hearing might
    frustrate the interests served by the statutes . . . if advance warning of confiscation
    were given.”); Mitchell v. W.T. Grant Co., 
    416 U.S. 600
    , 610, 
    94 S. Ct. 1895
    , 1901
    (1974) (noting “the risk of destruction or alienation if notice and a prior hearing are
    supplied, and the low risk of a wrongful determination of possession” as
    considerations supporting the constitutionality of pre-notice seizure of household
    goods). Mere attachment is a minimally intrusive manner of reducing these risks,
    especially because blocked assets, by definition, already have more substantial
    restraints on their alienation. Because the factors weigh in favor of immediate
    Case: 13-11339      Date Filed: 10/16/2014    Page: 24 of 67
    attachment, Claimants were not constitutionally entitled to a hearing before the
    writ issued. In sum, Claimants were entitled to notice and to be heard before
    execution, though not necessarily before attachment.
    b.     Statutory Entitlements to Notice and Hearing
    Now we consider whether Florida procedure governs TRIA execution.
    Plaintiffs contend, and the district court held, that TRIA § 201 partially conflicts
    with Florida garnishment and execution statutes and that their notice and hearing
    provisions therefore do not govern garnishment and execution procedure under
    TRIA § 201. Essentially, the district court held that, because TRIA § 201’s
    purpose is to facilitate collecting on judgments against terrorist parties, any state
    legislation that might hinder collection efforts in any manner—even if their
    purpose was to give potentially innocent, third-party claimants the opportunity to
    contest execution efforts—conflicted with TRIA § 201. We disagree. Nothing
    about the language or purpose of TRIA § 201 indicates that it conflicts with
    Florida’s requirements that owners of property being garnished or executed against
    are entitled to notice, notwithstanding TRIA’s use of the word “notwithstanding.”
    United States v. Holy Land Found. for Relief & Dev., 
    722 F.3d 677
    , 687–89 (5th
    Cir. 2013) (refusing to give effect to an interpretation of TRIA § 201 that would
    read “notwithstanding” to “operate[] to override all statutes that, by their purpose
    or effect, shield assets from attachment or execution”); see Altria Grp., Inc. v.
    Case: 13-11339     Date Filed: 10/16/2014    Page: 25 of 67
    555 U.S. 70
    , 77, 
    129 S. Ct. 538
    , 543 (2008) (noting that courts presume that
    preemption does not apply).
    We cannot say that the state garnishment law in this case is preempted.
    Contrary to the district court’s conclusion, Florida law does not shield terrorist
    assets from execution. Instead, Florida’s notice requirements simply provide the
    procedure for executing against the full range of assets that fall within the ambit of
    TRIA § 201. Florida’s statutory notice scheme for garnishment proceedings does
    not conflict with TRIA’s “notwithstanding” provision because the assets TRIA
    subjects to execution are still subject to execution. Therefore, TRIA § 201 does
    not preempt Florida law, and judgment creditors seeking to satisfy judgments
    under it must follow the notice requirements of Florida law. See Fed. R. Civ. P.
    Claimants also assert that, pursuant to the FSIA, specifically 
    28 U.S.C. § 1610
    (c), Plaintiffs should have served a copy of the default judgment required by
    28 U.S.C. § 1608
    (e) on Claimants. Here, Claimants are wrong for a number of
    reasons. First, § 1610(c) governs “attachment[s] or execution[s] referred to in
    subsections (a) and (b) of this section.” The attachments and executions here were
    obtained pursuant to TRIA § 201, not 
    28 U.S.C. § 1610
    (a) or (b). Second, §
    1608(e) deals with default judgments obtained against foreign states and their
    political subdivisions and agencies or instrumentalities. FARC is not a foreign
    Case: 13-11339     Date Filed: 10/16/2014    Page: 26 of 67
    state, and Claimants are not political subdivisions or agencies or instrumentalities
    of one. Therefore, § 1608(e) notice is, by its very plain terms, not required in this
    In sum, the district court erred when it held that Florida law did not govern
    the garnishment and execution procedures and that the alleged agencies or
    instrumentalities were not entitled to due process. Whether and how this affects
    the disposition of each appeal is contingent on their respective facts, and we thus
    reserve the more particularized analyses for the discussions of each appeal below.
    2.     Agency or Instrumentality
    Claimants’ second primary argument on appeal is that they were erroneously
    found to be agencies or instrumentalities of FARC. They object both to the district
    court’s chosen standard for identifying agencies or instrumentalities and to the
    district court’s ultimate determinations. Turning to the preliminary question,
    whether the district court applied the correct standard in reaching the agency or
    instrumentality determination is a legal question we review de novo. Mercurio,
    704 F.3d at 914.
    Claimants argue that, because TRIA does not have its own definition of
    “agency or instrumentality” and is codified as a note to 
    28 U.S.C. § 1610
    , the
    district court should have applied the FSIA definition, 
    28 U.S.C. § 1603
    (b), which
    applies to § 1610. To apply that definition here, we would have to tweak §
    Case: 13-11339      Date Filed: 10/16/2014     Page: 27 of 67
    1603(b)’s definition because it requires that a purported agency or instrumentality
    be an organ of, or majority-owned by, “a foreign state or political subdivision
    28 U.S.C. § 1603
    (b)(2), and Claimants are alleged to be agencies or
    instrumentalities of a non-state terrorist organization. By suggesting that agencies
    or instrumentalities of parties other than foreign states or their political
    subdivisions may be subject to TRIA execution, Claimants seem to imply that,
    where the statute contains standards that are inapplicable to non-state terrorist
    parties, we should simply relax the foreign state requirement. Assuming that such
    a re-reading of the statute is appropriate, applying the § 1603(b) standard to TRIA
    § 201 would permit TRIA execution against terrorist parties or parties that are
    organs of or majority-owned by a terrorist party, regardless of whether the terrorist
    party is a state or non-state actor. See 
    28 U.S.C. § 1603
    We cannot adopt this flexible application of § 1603(b) because it would
    create an absurd result and leave TRIA § 201 nearly meaningless. First, because
    this would only permit execution against organs, political subdivisions, and
    majority-owned organizations, individuals are affirmatively excluded from
    execution. Samantar v. Yousuf, 
    560 U.S. 305
    , 314–16, 
    130 S. Ct. 2278
    , 2286–87
    (2010). Section 1603(b)(3) further limits agency or instrumentality findings to
    parties “which [are] neither . . . citizen[s] of a State of the United States . . . , nor
    created under the laws of any third country.” 
    28 U.S.C. § 1603
    (b)(3). Because
    Case: 13-11339        Date Filed: 10/16/2014        Page: 28 of 67
    any organization with legal personhood would necessarily be either “a citizen of a
    State of the United States . . . [or] created under the laws of any third country,”
    none could be an agency or instrumentality under this definition. 12 Therefore,
    applying the FSIA’s definition of agencies or instrumentalities to TRIA would
    leave only terrorist states as potential sponsors of agencies or instrumentalities
    under TRIA § 201, eviscerating TRIA’s effectiveness vis-à-vis non-state terrorist
    organizations. This cannot stand, as TRIA’s definition clearly contemplates non-
    state judgment debtors being subjected to TRIA execution. See TRIA § 201(d)(4)
    (defining “terrorist party” to include both state actors and non-state terrorist
    organizations). Accordingly, the district court was correct to apply a different
    standard so that Congress’s intent could be carried out. 13 See Hausler v. JP
    And this is a generous interpretation of the final clause of § 1603(b)(3). The “third
    country” element uses as a reference the “foreign state or political subdivision thereof” of which
    the party is purported to be an organ or by which it is purported to be owned. Where the agency
    or instrumentality’s parent is not a foreign state or its subdivision, the mention of a third country
    would be illogical or inapplicable. At best, it could be explained as effectively making every
    country a “third country.” Under such an interpretation, all organizations created under the laws
    of any country are created under the laws of a third country and thus excluded from the
    definition of an agency or instrumentality.
    Moreover, the rationale of the third country exception “is that if a foreign state acquires
    or establishes a company or other legal entity in a foreign country, such entity is presumptively
    engaging in activities that are either commercial or private in nature,” rendering that entity
    unprotected by the principle of sovereign immunity for purposes of the FSIA. H.R. Rep. No. 94-
    1487, at 15 (1976), reprinted in 1976 U.S.C.C.A.N. 6604, 6614. The flipside is that, when a
    foreign state establishes a legal entity under its own laws, it seeks to engage in the “public, non-
    commercial activity” which the FSIA protects. This rationale is inapplicable to TRIA § 201,
    providing further support for the inapplicability of § 1603(b) to TRIA § 201.
    At the same time, it is not proper for the district court to rely solely on OFAC
    designation as creating an irrebuttable presumption of agency or instrumentality status. The
    agency or instrumentality determination is separate from the blocked asset determination. The
    Case: 13-11339        Date Filed: 10/16/2014       Page: 29 of 67
    Morgan Chase Bank, N.A., 
    740 F. Supp. 2d 525
    , 531 (S.D.N.Y. 2010) (recognizing
    that Congress’s purpose in enacting TRIA § 201 was to “‘deal comprehensively
    with the problem of enforcement of judgments rendered on behalf of victims of
    terrorism’” (quoting H.R. Rep. No. 107-779, at 27 (2002) (Conf. Rep.), reprinted
    in 2002 U.S.C.C.A.N. 1430, 1434)).
    Making the FSIA’s standard more flexible does not help, either. If either the
    Samantar non-individual requirement or the majority-ownership requirement is
    applied, TRIA § 201 would still be toothless. Sovereign countries—the parties the
    FSIA contemplates—operate with more transparency, and their agencies or
    instrumentalities are likelier to be diplomatic organs or state-owned enterprises
    with clear ownership structures that makes application of § 1603(b) feasible. See,
    e.g., Filler v. Hanvit Bank, 
    378 F.3d 213
    , 217 (2d Cir. 2004) (holding that the
    Korean Deposit Insurance Corporation was “an organ of a foreign state because [it]
    was formed by statute . . . and presidential decree”); S & S Mach. Co v.
    706 F.2d 411
    , 414 (2d Cir. 1983) (identifying “state central
    banks and export associations” as the “paradigm of a state agency or
    instrumentality”). On the other hand, terrorist organizations such as FARC operate
    in the shadows out of necessity. For example, a corporation organized under
    district court must therefore provide alleged agencies or instrumentalities an opportunity to
    challenge allegations of agency or instrumentality status with their own evidence.
    Case: 13-11339     Date Filed: 10/16/2014   Page: 30 of 67
    Florida law will almost certainly not list FARC as a shareholder of record. Instead,
    it will operate through layers of affiliated individuals and front companies.
    Indeed, the agencies or instrumentalities here were, according to OFAC, part
    of FARC’s money laundering operations. These operations result from a need for
    clandestine operation, the type § 1603(b) cannot possibly address. Applying §
    1603(b) to TRIA § 201 would put the victims of terrorist organizations in the same
    place they were prior to TRIA’s enactment: proud owners of multi-million-dollar
    judgments with no means of enforcing those judgments. This would counteract
    Congress’s purpose in enacting TRIA. See Hausler, 
    740 F. Supp. 2d at 531
    Because the realities of terrorism make it unrealistic to apply the FSIA
    standard to TRIA execution, we think that the district court developed a proper
    standard. As the district court noted in its orders finding agency or instrumentality
    status, its standard “us[ed] the plain and ordinary meaning of those terms.”
    Claimants here give us no reason to believe that any other standard is preferable or
    In addition to attacking the standard applied by the district court, Claimants
    challenge the district court’s factual determinations regarding agency or
    instrumentality status. Because these challenges present fact-specific questions,
    we leave this discussion to the individualized analyses, where we will review the
    district court’s determinations for clear error. United States v. Perkins, 
    348 F.3d 30
    Case: 13-11339      Date Filed: 10/16/2014   Page: 31 of 67
    965, 969 (11th Cir. 2003) (“We assess the district court’s findings of fact under the
    clearly erroneous standard . . . .”).
    3.     Effect of OFAC De-listing.
    Claimants argue that their OFAC de-listing should operate retroactively to
    put their assets out of Plaintiffs’ reach because they are no longer blocked for
    purposes of TRIA § 201. Plaintiffs respond that, once the writ of garnishment is
    served on the garnishee and their lien attaches, subsequent de-listing has no effect.
    OFAC’s regulations clearly set out the result in such a situation:
    Any amendment, modification, or revocation . . . of any order,
    regulation, ruling, instruction, or license issued by . . . [OFAC] shall
    not, unless otherwise specifically provided, be deemed to affect . . .
    any civil or criminal suit or proceeding commenced or pending prior
    to such amendment, modification, or revocation. All penalties,
    forfeitures, and liabilities under any such order, regulation, ruling,
    instruction, or license shall continue and may be enforced as if such
    amendment, modification, or revocation had not been made.
    31 C.F.R. § 536.402
     (emphasis added). Claimants contend that the district court
    incorrectly interpreted this regulation to prevent giving retroactive effect to OFAC
    de-listing. We review a district court’s interpretation of a regulation de novo.
    Owner-Operator Indep. Drivers Ass’n v. Landstar Sys., Inc., 
    622 F.3d 1307
    , 1320
    (11th Cir. 2010).
    Pursuant to the clear terms of the OFAC regulation, if Plaintiffs commenced
    their garnishment proceedings prior to revocation of the OFAC order listing them
    as SDNTs, then the order of revocation “shall not . . . be deemed to affect” the
    Case: 13-11339      Date Filed: 10/16/2014    Page: 32 of 67
    garnishment proceedings. 
    31 C.F.R. § 536.402
    . The question is, then, when
    proceedings commenced relative to Claimants’ de-listing. Because Federal Rule of
    Civil Procedure 69(a)(1) commands that state civil procedure governs execution
    proceedings, Florida law governs this issue. In Florida, execution and garnishment
    proceedings are ancillary proceedings. See Burdine’s, Inc. v. Drennon, 
    97 So. 2d 259
    , 260 (Fla. 1957); Williams Mgmt. Enters., Inc. v. Buonauro, 
    489 So. 2d 160
    167–68 (Fla. Dist. Ct. App. 1986). Thus, an execution or garnishment proceeding
    “commence[s] when the writ is issued or the pleading setting forth the claim of the
    party initiating the action is filed.” Fla. R. Civ. P. 1.050. Therefore, a civil
    proceeding commenced no later than service of the writ on the garnishee in each
    case. Under § 536.402, any OFAC de-listing after that moment was ineffectual for
    determining whether the asset was blocked for TRIA § 201 purposes.
    Precedent cited by Claimants seemingly holding that de-listing operates
    retroactively does not support that proposition. Claimants’ cherry-picked language
    from Ministry of Defense and Support for the Armed Forces of the Islamic
    Republic of Iran v. Elahi appears to indicate that the assets must be blocked at the
    time judgment against the asset is finalized. See 
    556 U.S. 366
    , 369, 377–79, 
    129 S. Ct. 1732
    , 1735, 1739–40 (2009) (“We ultimately hold that the Cubic Judgment
    was not a ‘blocked asset’ at the time the Court of Appeals handed down its
    decision . . . .”). The controlling determination in that case, though, was that the
    Case: 13-11339     Date Filed: 10/16/2014    Page: 33 of 67
    asset in question was never blocked because Iran’s interest in it arose after the
    Treasury Department unblocked all Iranian assets. 
    Id. at 376
    , 129 S. Ct. at 1739.
    In Holy Land Foundation, the assets were unreachable because they were
    unblocked during the pendency of the original civil suit, prior to the
    commencement of any execution proceeding. 722 F.3d at 687 (holding that the
    government’s restraining order against a blocked asset obtained prior to the entry
    of a civil judgment unblocked it for TRIA purposes).
    This rule is not just prescribed by law; it is also good policy. Applying de-
    listing to the “blocked asset” element of an ongoing TRIA execution proceeding
    would undermine the finality of a judgment until direct review of the judgment
    concludes. Further, such a policy would provide an incentive to SDNTs to draw
    out and delay execution proceedings while their OFAC administrative challenges
    were pending. Such a tactic counters the policy of satisfying judgments, especially
    where OFAC de-listing is not necessarily an exoneration.
    4.     OFAC Licenses
    Claimants also argue that the execution violated OFAC regulations which
    purportedly require a party executing or attaching blocked assets to obtain a license
    from OFAC. See 
    31 C.F.R. § 598.205
    (a) and (e). This section, however, applies
    only where a party is designated pursuant to the Kingpin Act and the Foreign
    Narcotics Kingpin Sanctions Regulations, 
    31 C.F.R. § 598.314
    (b) (Kingpin
    Case: 13-11339       Date Filed: 10/16/2014      Page: 34 of 67
    Regulations). See 
    31 C.F.R. § 598.205
     (listing the Kingpin Act as authority for the
    regulation requiring licensure). The only party designated under the Kingpin Act
    and its accompanying regulations was Herrera; therefore, this argument is
    inapplicable to the other parties. 14
    5.        Fraud
    Claimants argue that the means by which Plaintiffs moved against their
    assets constituted fraud, creating grounds for setting aside the judgments under
    Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 60(b)(3). We review a district court’s denial of a
    Rule 60(b)(3) motion for abuse of discretion. Cox Nuclear Pharmacy, Inc. v. CTI,
    478 F.3d 1303
    , 1314 (11th Cir. 2007). The movant must establish fraud by
    clear and convincing evidence. 
     Claimants here take issue with Plaintiffs’
    deliberate failure to formally serve them with process, purportedly dubious legal
    arguments and factual allegations, and failure to disclose adverse law.
    However, none of the complained-of acts or omissions provide clear and
    convincing evidence of fraud. The failure to serve was based on the good-faith but
    erroneous belief that it was not required, which was based on cases instructing that
    post-judgment motions need not be served. See, e.g., Peterson, 
    627 F.3d at 1130
    Even where Plaintiffs’ legal arguments later turned out to be incorrect, we have no
    reason to doubt that they were made in good faith. That TRIA § 201 did not allow
    As discussed below, the licensing requirement does not affect the outcome of Herrera’s
    Case: 13-11339       Date Filed: 10/16/2014       Page: 35 of 67
    execution against assets blocked under the Kingpin Act was not raised by any party
    until the Department of Justice intervened as amicus in the Mercurio appeal,
    indicating a lack of bad faith in pursuing Herrera’s assets. The allegedly
    fraudulent factual allegations were not misrepresentations, even if they were based
    on scant evidence, and the failure to disclose that some parties had begun the
    process of challenging their designation was not fraudulent. Finally, Claimants do
    not identify the adverse law Plaintiffs failed to disclose. Because Claimants do not
    identify facts amounting to fraud, we affirm the district court’s denial of the
    60(b)(3) motions.15
    6.      Reassignment
    Finally, Claimants request reassignment to a new district court judge on
    remand. We consider three factors when a party requests reassignment: “(1)
    whether the original judge would have difficulty putting his previous views and
    findings aside; (2) whether reassignment is appropriate to preserve the appearance
    of justice; (3) whether reassignment would entail waste and duplication out of
    proportion to gains realized from reassignment.” United States v. Torkington, 
    874 F.2d 1441
    , 1447 (11th Cir. 1989) (per curiam). Only Brunello faces a remand, but
    Because Plaintiffs and their counsel acted in good faith throughout the proceedings, the
    appellant’s motion for sanctions pursuant to 
    28 U.S.C. § 1927
     in Appeal No. 13-11339 is denied.
    See Amlong & Amlong, P.A. v. Denny’s, Inc., 
    500 F.3d 1230
    , 1239 (11th Cir. 2006) (“We have
    consistently held that an attorney multiplies proceedings unreasonably and vexatiously within the
    meaning of the statute only when the attorney’s conduct is so egregious that it is tantamount to
    bad faith.” (internal quotation marks omitted)).
    Case: 13-11339         Date Filed: 10/16/2014         Page: 36 of 67
    as we discuss below, our remand includes specific instructions that give the district
    court little discretion. Moreover, we are confident that Judge Lazzara will be fair
    and just. Therefore, reassignment is unnecessary.
    III.    Individualized Discussion
    We now turn to a discussion of the facts of the individual appeals and apply
    our generalized conclusions to the circumstances of each appeal. Where an appeal
    raises a unique argument, we analyze that argument to decide whether it is grounds
    for reversing the district court.
    A.      No. 13-11339 (Herrera)
    OFAC designated Jose Ricuarte Diaz Herrera as a SDNT on May 13, 2010,
    75 Fed. Reg. 27,118
    , for allegedly assisting in FARC’s financial fronts network,
    thereby blocking his assets. 16 Herrera attempted to use an electronic funds transfer
    Herrera was designated under the Kingpin Act and the Kingpin Regulations. The
    Kingpin Act permits designation of foreign persons
    materially assisting in, or providing financial or technological support for or to, or
    providing goods or services in support of, the international narcotics trafficking
    activities of a significant foreign narcotics trafficker . . . ; . . . owned, controlled,
    or directed by, or acting for or on behalf of, a significant foreign narcotics
    trafficker . . . ; . . . [or] playing a significant role in international narcotics
    21 U.S.C. § 1904
    (b)(2)–(4); see also 
    31 C.F.R. § 598.314
    (b). OFAC did not specify on which of
    these grounds it based its decision to designate Herrera. Although TRIA § 201(d)(2)(A) does not
    expressly list assets blocked pursuant to the Kingpin Act among those assets subject to execution
    or attachment pursuant to TRIA § 201, the district court held that those assets were in fact
    subject to execution or attachment because “[t]he Kingpin Act . . . was enacted pursuant to
    Congressional findings and authority arising from the [IEEPA].” We later held that execution or
    attachment under TRIA § 201 does not include those assets blocked under the Kingpin Act and is
    Case: 13-11339     Date Filed: 10/16/2014     Page: 37 of 67
    (EFT) to transfer some of his own money from a Colombian brokerage firm
    account into a deposit account in his name at a Colombian bank in June of 2010.
    Wachovia, N.A., acting as an intermediary in the EFT, halted the transfer no later
    than September 8, 2010, and notified OFAC, as it must under 
    31 C.F.R. § 501.603
    Herrera subsequently began the process for de-listing as a SDNT by filing a
    petition with the OFAC office in Bogota, Colombia, as provided in 
    31 C.F.R. § 501.807
    . That petition was granted when OFAC removed Herrera’s SDNT
    designation and unblocked his assets effective April 30, 2013. 
    78 Fed. Reg. 28,700
    -01 (May 15, 2013).
    On December 15, 2010, Plaintiffs moved for a writ of garnishment against
    the blocked Wachovia funds. The district court granted the motion on December
    16, holding that (1) Herrera was an agency or instrumentality of FARC; (2) funds
    blocked under the Kingpin Act were subject to garnishment under TRIA § 201; (3)
    Plaintiffs did not need a license from OFAC to garnish the funds; (4) the blocked
    funds were property within the United States; and (5) Herrera was not entitled to
    notice or a hearing. After the writ was served on Wachovia, Wachovia filed an
    answer to the writ on January 11, 2011, wherein it objected to the writ’s issuance
    based on their assertion that Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 19 may have required
    limited to those assets which were blocked under the acts expressly listed in TRIA §
    201(d)(2)(A): TWEA and the IEEPA. Mercurio, 704 F.3d at 917. Herrera bases his appeal
    partly on the district court’s erroneous order, which we discuss below.
    Case: 13-11339     Date Filed: 10/16/2014    Page: 38 of 67
    the joinder of other parties and other beneficiaries, including Herrera. The district
    court entered judgment against Wachovia on January 18, 2011, reaffirming that
    Herrera was not entitled to notice or a hearing. No notice of these proceedings was
    served on Herrera.
    Herrera’s attorney in New York learned of the garnishment proceedings no
    later than January 26, 2011, eight days after the district court’s entry of judgment;
    the attorney was advised by counsel representing Wachovia to “take up his
    grievances with Judge Lazzara.” Herrera and his attorney failed to take any action
    until Herrera hired a Florida attorney on February 24, 2011. According to Herrera,
    before the attorney could accept fees for his representation in any matter related to
    the OFAC designation, he had to apply for and be issued a license from OFAC,
    which he obtained on May 12, 2011. Herrera still waited to file anything in the
    district court to address the garnishment proceedings until October 31, 2011, when
    he filed (1) a motion for relief from the judgment entered on January 18 pursuant
    to Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 12(b)(5), 55(c), and 60(b), as well as the Fifth
    Amendment; (2) a motion for relief from the writ of garnishment pursuant to
    Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 69(a)(1) and Florida garnishment law as well as
    the Fifth Amendment; and (3) a motion to disqualify Judge Lazzara pursuant to 
    28 U.S.C. § 455
    (a) and (b) as well as the Fifth Amendment. The district court denied
    the motion to disqualify on December 5, 2011, and stayed the remainder of the
    Case: 13-11339     Date Filed: 10/16/2014     Page: 39 of 67
    motions pending the outcome of Mercurio. After we released that opinion, the
    district denied the remaining motions, holding that laches barred consideration of
    them and that our opinion in Mercurio could not apply retroactively. Herrera
    appeals from that order.
    Typically, a turnover judgment is the final, appealable judgment in
    garnishment proceedings. Here, the district court entered that turnover judgment
    on January 18, 2011. Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure 4(a) requires parties to
    file any notice of appeal within thirty days after judgment is entered. Herrera did
    not file anything with the district court until October 31, 2011, more than nine
    months after the entry of judgment, when he filed motions seeking various types of
    relief. The district court denied the consolidated motion on February 26, 2013.
    Herrera timely filed a notice of appeal from that order. The order was final and
    appealable. See Mirage Resorts, Inc. v. Quiet Nacelle Corp., 
    206 F.3d 1398
    , 1401
    (11th Cir. 2000); Am. Bankers Ins. Co. of Fla. v. Nw. Nat’l Ins. Co., 
    198 F.3d 1332
    , 1338 (11th Cir. 1999).
    Nonetheless, the orders denied motions to set aside the judgment, so we
    must consider “only the propriety of the denial or grant of relief and . . . not . . .
    issues in the underlying judgment.” 
     Denials of Rule 60(b) and 55(c) motions
    are generally subject to an abuse of discretion standard of review. In re Worldwide
    Case: 13-11339     Date Filed: 10/16/2014    Page: 40 of 67
    Web Sys., Inc., 
    328 F.3d 1291
    , 1295 (11th Cir. 2003); EEOC v. Mike Smith Pontiac
    GMC, Inc., 
    896 F.2d 524
    , 528 (11th Cir. 1990).
    However, motions to set aside for voidness under Rule 60(b)(4) are subject
    to de novo review. Burke v. Smith, 
    252 F.3d 1260
    , 1263 (11th Cir. 2001). We
    hold that the district court did not abuse its discretion or err in denying the
    A judgment can be set aside for voidness where the court lacked jurisdiction
    or where the movant was denied due process. United Student Aid Funds, Inc. v.
    559 U.S. 260
    , 271, 
    130 S. Ct. 1367
    , 1377 (2010). This includes lack of
    personal jurisdiction and defective due process for failure to effect proper service.
    Worldwide Web, 
    328 F.3d at 1299
    . Herrera is correct to point out that a motion to
    set aside a judgment for voidness pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure
    60(b)(4) is not subject to a typical laches analysis. Hertz Corp. v. Alamo Rent-a-
    Car, Inc., 
    16 F.3d 1126
    , 1130 (11th Cir. 1994). “However, there are limitations on
    this doctrine [that jurisdictional defects are grounds for granting a 60(b)(4)
    motion] . . . [including] that objections to personal jurisdiction (unlike subject
    matter jurisdiction) are generally waivable.” Worldwide Web, 
    328 F.3d at 1299
    Because Herrera knowingly sat on his rights for nine months before filing anything
    at all with the district court, he waived his right to object to any defects in the
    service of process or to any denial of his right to be heard. See Espinosa, 
    559 U.S. 40
    Case: 13-11339        Date Filed: 10/16/2014       Page: 41 of 67
    at 275, 130 S. Ct. at 1380 (“Rule 60(b)(4) does not provide a license for litigants to
    sleep on their rights.”).
    Herrera claims that the delay was out of his control because his attorney was
    required to obtain a license before he could be paid using the blocked funds.
    Assuming this excuses his delay, 17 Herrera still fails to provide us with grounds for
    considering the motion because he waited an additional five months after his
    attorney was licensed to file anything with the district court. Herrera does not give
    an acceptable reason for this delay. Therefore, the district court did not err in
    denying the Rule 60(b)(4) motion.
    The additional grounds for voidness Herrera argues apply here are meritless.
    The district court had subject matter jurisdiction. It is well settled that a judgment
    is not void “simply because it is or may have been erroneous.” Espinosa, 
    559 U.S. at 270
    , 130 S. Ct. at 1377 (internal quotation marks omitted); see also Oakes v.
    Horizon Fin., S.A., 
    259 F.3d 1315
    , 1319 (11th Cir. 2001) (“[I]t is well-settled that a
    mere error in the exercise of jurisdiction does not support relief under Rule
    And we merely assume this for purposes of this analysis. It is not difficult to imagine
    that Herrera would be able to find an attorney who would file a notice of appeal before the
    deadline, a Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure 4(a)(6) request for reopening the time to file an
    appeal, or a Rule 60(b) motion immediately upon learning of the judgment against Herrera at
    least to keep Herrera’s opportunity to seek redress from spoiling while the license application
    was pending.
    Case: 13-11339   Date Filed: 10/16/2014    Page: 42 of 67
    Plaintiffs’ contention that assets blocked under the Kingpin Act are subject
    to TRIA execution is not a claim that the district court lacked jurisdiction. The
    district court had entered judgment on the writ before we issued Mercurio, so the
    mere fact that we later decided that TRIA § 201 does not apply to assets blocked
    under the Kingpin Act means the district court’s judgment may have been
    erroneous, but it does not mean the court lacked subject matter jurisdiction.
    Therefore, the district court had subject matter jurisdiction, and a motion to set
    aside the judgment for voidness does not lie based on lack of subject matter
    Herrera’s argument that the judgment was void because Plaintiffs failed to
    obtain licenses from OFAC is likewise unavailing. Voidness for purposes of a
    60(b)(4) motion contemplates lack of jurisdiction or defects in due process that
    deprive a party of notice or an opportunity to be heard. Espinosa, 
    559 U.S. at 271
    130 S. Ct. at 1377. It is not sufficient to cite a regulation that makes use of the
    word “void,” see 
    31 C.F.R. § 598.205
    (a) and (e), and Herrera does not provide
    additional argument for why execution of OFAC-blocked assets without a license
    constitutes a “fundamental infirmity.” See Espinosa, 
    559 U.S. at 270
    , 130 S. Ct. at
    Motions filed pursuant to Rule 60(b)(6) and 60(b)(3) are not subject to the
    very generous timing considerations that 60(b)(4) motions are because they do not
    Case: 13-11339     Date Filed: 10/16/2014   Page: 43 of 67
    carry the same jurisdictional and due process concerns. See, e.g., Hertz, 
    16 F.3d at 1130
     (holding only that Rule 60(b)(4) motions are not subject to the “reasonable
    time” requirement). Thus, they “must be made within a reasonable time.” Fed. R.
    Civ. P. 60(c)(1). Even assuming again that we should not expect Herrera to have
    filed his motion before his attorney was licensed, the five-month delay that
    followed his licensure surely was unreasonable. Therefore, we will not consider
    the 60(b)(6) or 60(b)(3) claims.
    Rule 55(c) provides an additional, less “stringent” standard: good cause. See
    Jones v. Harrell, 
    858 F.2d 667
    , 669 (11th Cir. 1988). However, that standard
    applies to setting aside an entry of default and is inapplicable in the instant case
    because the district court, in fact, entered a default judgment. See Fed. R. Civ. P.
    55(c) (providing the court may set aside an entry of default for good cause and a
    default judgment under Rule 60(b)). Accordingly, our Rule 60(b) analysis governs
    this issue. See Harrell, 
    858 F.2d at 669
     (“Because a judgment had not been
    entered the trial court had the discretion to set aside the entry of default under Rule
    55(c) rather than under the more stringent provisions of Fed. R. Civ. P. 60(b) that
    would have controlled if judgment had been entered.”).
    Therefore, we affirm the district court’s order denying Herrera’s requested
    B.    No. 13-12019 (The Partnerships and Plainview)
    Case: 13-11339    Date Filed: 10/16/2014   Page: 44 of 67
    Salman Coral Way Partners and C.W. Salman Partners (collectively, “the
    Partnerships”) are partnerships organized under Florida law. Plainview Florida II,
    Inc. (Plainview) owns a 50-percent share of each of the Partnerships. The
    remaining 50 percent is owned by Granada & Associates, Inc. (Granada), which is
    not a party to this appeal.
    OFAC designated the Partnerships as SDNTs under the IEEPA on March 7,
    2007, because of alleged ties to the North Valley Cartel (NVC). Specifically,
    OFAC alleged that the Partnerships were owned by SDNT individuals who
    themselves had ties to the NVC. The Partnerships argued that those individuals,
    Carlos Saieh and Moises Saieh, had ownership interests in Granada, not any direct
    interest in the Partnerships. Additionally, the OFAC press release did not mention
    FARC. The Partnerships challenged their designation and received licenses from
    OFAC to continue operations. OFAC de-listed the Partnerships, as well as
    Granada and the Saiehs, on January 10, 2012.
    As in Herrera’s case, Plaintiffs sought to execute against the Partnerships’
    blocked assets under TRIA § 201. On August 31, 2011, Plaintiffs moved, ex parte,
    for writs of garnishment against deposit accounts held by the Partnerships at
    Terrabank, N.A. In support of the motion, Plaintiffs submitted the OFAC press
    release documenting the Partnerships’ alleged ties to the NVC and affidavits from
    two experts familiar with Colombian narcotrafficking. The affidavits, one from a
    Case: 13-11339      Date Filed: 10/16/2014       Page: 45 of 67
    Senior Analyst in the Office of Naval Intelligence and the other from a Colombian
    Marine Corps officer, documented FARC’s ties to the NVC. Both testified that the
    NVC, including its “individual members, divisions, and networks,” was an agency
    or instrumentality of FARC based on the district court’s standard. The district
    court granted the writs of garnishment on September 6, 2011. 18 Based on the fact
    that OFAC had designated the Partnerships as SDNTs because of alleged ties to the
    NVC, the district court found that they were agencies or instrumentalities of the
    NVC. Because of the testimony that the NVC, including its members, divisions,
    and networks, was an agency or instrumentality of FARC, the district court
    determined that the Partnerships were in turn agencies or instrumentalities of
    FARC, 19 opening their blocked assets to execution by Plaintiffs under TRIA § 201.
    The Partnerships had not previously been directly linked to FARC by OFAC or
    any other executive or judicial authority.
    The district court further determined that the Partnerships were not entitled
    to notice or an opportunity to be heard. Specifically, the court held that because
    TRIA § 201 preempts Florida garnishment law and does not contain any provisions
    for notice or an opportunity to be heard, the Partnerships would not be afforded
    The writ as to Plainview’s account was issued in error because it was never a SDNT.
    Plaintiffs resolved the matter by returning the amount in Plainview’s account to Plainview.
    The district court found that the NVC’s “OFAC designated member organizations,
    partners, affiliates, and/or money laundering financial network members, are all agencies or
    instrumentalities of the FARC, [including] the Terrabank, N.A. SDNT account holders who are
    all OFAC designated members, affiliates, front persons, or entities within the [NVC].”
    Case: 13-11339      Date Filed: 10/16/2014     Page: 46 of 67
    those protections. Accordingly, the order granting the writs of garnishment was
    entered without formal notice to the Partnerships. On September 8, 2011, the
    district court stayed all garnishment proceedings pending the outcome of the
    Mercurio appeal. The district court later granted a motion for clarification from
    Plaintiffs, which allowed Plaintiffs to continue the garnishment action during
    Mercurio’s pendency. 20 After service of the writs, Terrabank turned over the
    contents of the deposit accounts on September 23 without filing an answer.
    On October 7, 2011, Plaintiffs moved for a writ of execution against four
    parcels of real property owned by the Partnerships. The district court granted the
    writ on October 11. Like the order granting the writ of garnishment, this order
    held that the Partnerships were not entitled to notice or an opportunity to be heard.
    On November 29, 2011, United States Marshals levied on the real property
    by posting notice in conspicuous places and providing direct notice to the
    Partnerships, tenants, and management. They also published notice of the levy in a
    local newspaper for four weeks. This was the first notice the Partnerships received
    of the proceedings against their property. The Partnerships moved to vacate the
    orders granting the writs of garnishment and execution and to quash the resulting
    writs on February 21, 2012, arguing that they were entitled to notice and an
    The Mercurio appeal concerned TRIA execution against a SDNT that had been
    designated by OFAC under the Kingpin Act. Because the Partnerships had been designated
    under the IEEPA, the district court allowed garnishment against them and other IEEPA-
    designated SDNTs to continue.
    Case: 13-11339     Date Filed: 10/16/2014    Page: 47 of 67
    opportunity to be heard prior to issuance of the writs and requesting an evidentiary
    hearing. They also argued that the district court incorrectly found them to be
    agencies or instrumentalities of FARC. In support, they attached an affidavit from
    their accountant outlining their ownership structure: 50 percent owned by Granada
    and 50 percent owned by Plainview. The affidavit also asserted that Granada’s
    only capital contribution to the partnerships was its 1992 purchase of the 50
    percent ownership stake and that Granada did not have access to the Partnerships’
    bank accounts or control over its operations. The next day, the district court stayed
    ruling on that motion and reminded Plaintiffs of previous orders staying execution
    on the real property.
    On January 9, 2013, we reversed the district court in Mercurio. The district
    court then lifted the stay and ordered Plaintiffs to respond to the Partnerships’
    motion to vacate. Plaintiffs’ response conceded that the Partnerships were entitled
    to “some form” of due process and argued that they had received adequate notice
    through the OFAC designations and the levy on the real property. Though
    Plaintiffs had previously argued—and the district court had agreed—that the
    Partnerships were not entitled to notice, the district court denied the Partnerships’
    request to reply to this change in Plaintiffs’ argument. The district court denied the
    Case: 13-11339        Date Filed: 10/16/2014       Page: 48 of 67
    Partnerships’ motion to vacate on April 19, 2013. 21 It held that the Partnerships
    received due process through (i) the notice of their OFAC designations, (ii) the
    stay of the sale of the real property, (iii) the opportunity to challenge OFAC’s
    designations both administratively and through judicial review, (iv) “the
    requirement that the Plaintiffs file a motion and seek entry of a court order,” and
    (v) the notice that came with the levy on the real property. The court further held
    that OFAC’s removal of the Partnerships’ SDNT status was irrelevant because
    OFAC’s regulations do not permit retroactive effect of de-listing. See 
    31 C.F.R. § 536.402
    The Partnerships timely filed a notice of appeal on April 29, 2013. We
    granted their motion to stay the sale of the real property on July 9. On appeal, the
    Partnerships argue that (1) they were denied constitutional due process, (2) they
    For an order to be appealable, it must be final. 
    28 U.S.C. § 1291
    . Writs of
    garnishment and orders denying relief from such writs are not appealable; typically, there is no
    appellate jurisdiction until the district court enters an order directing the disposition of the
    property. United States v. Branham, 
    690 F.3d 633
    , 635 (5th Cir. 2012) (per curiam). Because
    Terrabank turned over the money in the subject accounts as soon as it received the writ, there
    was no order from the district court directing disposition of the account. In its place, the order
    denying the motion to vacate functions as a final, appealable order as to the garnishment
    proceedings because it “end[ed] the litigation on the merits,” and there was nothing left for the
    court to do because the judgment was already executed. See Green Tree Fin. Corp.-Ala. v.
    531 U.S. 79
    , 86, 
    121 S. Ct. 513
    , 519 (2000) (internal quotation marks omitted);
    Gillespie v. U.S. Steel Corp., 
    379 U.S. 148
    , 152, 
    85 S. Ct. 308
    , 311 (1964) (“[T]he requirement
    of finality is to be given a practical rather than a technical construction.” (internal quotation
    marks omitted)). It also functions as a final, appealable order for the execution writs because the
    only thing left to do there was hold the execution sale. See In re Martin Bros. Toolmakers, Inc.,
    796 F.2d 1435
    , 1437 (11th Cir. 1986) (recognizing the “qualification of the [final judgment]
    rule[] allowing review whenever an order directs immediate delivery of physical property and
    subjects the losing party to irreparable harm” (internal quotation marks omitted)).
    Case: 13-11339     Date Filed: 10/16/2014     Page: 49 of 67
    were denied statutory entitlements to notice and a hearing, (3) the agency or
    instrumentality standard applied by the district court was erroneous, and (4) the
    evidence did not support the agency or instrumentality finding.
    First, contrary to the district court’s decision, the notice the Partnerships
    received of their OFAC designation was not sufficient as to the TRIA execution
    proceedings. Such a designation provides notice to the designee that its assets
    have been blocked and of a number of other consequences, including the potential
    for TRIA execution. Having notice of the potential for proceedings without notice
    of their timing, location, adverse parties, nature, etc., is not sufficient to satisfy due
    process. The OFAC designation did not give the Partnerships notice that was
    “reasonably calculated, under all the circumstances, to apprise interested parties of
    the pendency of the action and afford them an opportunity to present their
    objections,” Mullane v. Cent. Hanover Bank & Trust Co., 
    339 U.S. 306
    , 314, 
    70 S. Ct. 652
    , 657 (1950), because it does not “give a person in jeopardy of serious
    loss . . . opportunity to meet” that particular proceeding, Joint Anti-Fascist Refugee
    Comm. v. McGrath, 
    341 U.S. 123
    , 171–72, 
    71 S. Ct. 624
    , 649 (1951) (Frankfurter,
    J., concurring).
    The notice conveyed to the Partnerships through the levy on their real
    property, however, did provide sufficient notice of the execution proceedings. The
    Supreme Court has specifically stated “that in most cases, the secure posting of a
    Case: 13-11339       Date Filed: 10/16/2014       Page: 50 of 67
    notice on the property of a person is likely to offer that property owner sufficient
    warning of the pendency of proceedings possibly affecting his interests.” Greene
    v. Lindsey, 
    456 U.S. 444
    , 452, 
    102 S. Ct. 1874
    , 1879 (1982). While a posting may
    not be sufficient where the notice is not conveyed due to, for example, removal of
    the posting by children, see 
     at 453–54, 
    102 S. Ct. at
    1879–80, such argument is
    not available where there is no evidence that the postings could not be relied upon
    to convey notice, see Goldhofer Fahrzeugwerk GmbH & Co. v. United States, 
    885 F.2d 858
    , 862 (Fed. Cir. 1989). In fact, the Partnerships not only fail to provide
    evidence that the postings were an unreliable means of providing notice under the
    circumstances; they also received actual notice and appeared. Therefore, notice as
    to the real property execution was adequate. 22 See Espinosa, 
    559 U.S. at 275
    , 130
    S. Ct. at 1380.
    The Partnerships were also afforded an opportunity to be heard. As
    discussed supra, the Partnerships were not entitled to a pre-writ hearing.
    Nevertheless, they had the opportunity to present evidence refuting the agency or
    instrumentality designation. They simply did not present any evidence that
    changed the district court’s position on the agency or instrumentality
    We can also infer that the Partnerships received notice of the garnishment proceedings
    against their accounts because their motion seeking relief from the real property execution also
    challenged the writs of garnishment.
    Case: 13-11339      Date Filed: 10/16/2014   Page: 51 of 67
    Even if constitutional due process standards are met, the Partnerships argue
    that the writs of garnishment and execution should be quashed for failure to
    comply with Florida’s statutory requirements for garnishment and execution.
    Despite the fact that the district court erred in holding that Florida law did not
    apply, the circumstances indicate that the decision was harmless. The Partnerships
    were not prevented from taking advantage of Florida law specifically providing for
    third-party challenges to garnishment proceedings. See 
    Fla. Stat. § 77.07
    (2). The
    third party can move to dissolve the writ of garnishment by “stating that any
    allegation in plaintiff’s motion for writ is untrue.” 
     If the relevant allegation—
    here, agency or instrumentality status—is found to be untrue, the court dissolves
    the writ. 
     The Partnerships followed this procedure, and the district court, after
    due consideration of their argument, concluded that the agency or instrumentality
    allegation was “proved to be true.” See 
     It therefore properly denied the motion
    to dissolve the writ. Any failure by the district court to conform to Florida’s notice
    procedures was harmless because the Partnerships received actual notice and were
    able to contest the allegations as provided in § 77.07; they merely failed to succeed
    on the merits.
    The execution of the real property was likewise proper under Florida law.
    The Partnerships complain that Plaintiffs did not furnish the required affidavit,
    rendering the execution invalid. See 
    Fla. Stat. § 56.21
    ; cf. In re King, 
    463 B.R. 51
    Case: 13-11339     Date Filed: 10/16/2014    Page: 52 of 67
    555, 566 (Bankr. S.D. Fla. 2011) (setting aside an execution sale where judgment
    creditors failed to comply with the § 56.21 30-day requirement). However,
    “[w]hen a particular provision of a statute relates to some immaterial matter, where
    compliance is a matter of convenience rather than substance, or where the
    directions of a statute are given with a view to the . . . conduct of business merely,
    the provision may generally be regarded as directory” and not mandatory. Neal v.
    149 So. 2d 529
    , 532 (Fla. 1962) (internal quotation marks omitted) (noting
    the exception to the generally mandatory nature of statutory directives introduced
    by the word “shall”). Here, we know that failure to provide the affidavit was
    harmless because the Partnerships had actual notice of the execution proceedings
    and simply failed to disprove the agency or instrumentality allegations over the
    months between their receipt of notice and the district court’s denial of their
    motions. Therefore, any failure to comply with statutory notice requirements is not
    grounds for reversal.
    The Partnerships, moreover, were afforded an opportunity to present
    evidence to the district court rebutting Plaintiffs’ allegation that they were agencies
    or instrumentalities of FARC. In fact, the Partnerships presented evidence of their
    ownership, presumably under the incorrect understanding that § 1603(b) would
    control for TRIA § 201. As discussed above regarding the writs of garnishment,
    Case: 13-11339     Date Filed: 10/16/2014    Page: 53 of 67
    the court properly found that evidence immaterial to the agency or instrumentality
    The Partnerships also argue that there was not a sufficient evidentiary basis
    for the agency or instrumentality determination. This argument is unavailing. The
    evidence Plaintiffs presented to the district court was sufficient to establish the
    required relationship between FARC and the Partnerships, even if that relationship
    was indirect. Cf. In re Air Crash Disaster Near Roselawn, Ind., on Oct. 31, 1994,
    96 F.3d 932
    , 940–41 (7th Cir. 1996) (holding that an entity majority-owned by an
    agency or instrumentality of a foreign state is itself an agency or instrumentality of
    that foreign state under the FSIA). The district court therefore did not clearly err in
    reaching the agency or instrumentality determination.
    The remaining arguments raised by the Partnerships are meritless for reasons
    set forth in the global discussion. Therefore, we affirm the district court and lift
    the stay we imposed by order.
    C.      No. 13-11959 (Jamce Investments, Ltd., et al.)
    The appellants here assert ownership of cash deposits held at various banks.
    The organizational appellants are the Partnerships, Granada, Confecciones Lord
    S.A. (Lord), ALM Investment Florida, Inc. (ALM), Villarosa Investments Florida,
    Inc. (Villarosa), Karen Overseas, Inc. (Overseas), MLA Investments, Inc. (MLA),
    Jacaria Florida, Inc. (Jacaria), Sunset & 97th Holdings, LLC (Sunset), and Jamce
    Case: 13-11339        Date Filed: 10/16/2014        Page: 54 of 67
    Investments, Ltd. (Jamce) (collectively, “the Organizations). The individual
    appellants are Jacqueline Saieh (Jacqueline), Miriam Sutherlin (Miriam), Sandra
    Saieh (Sandra), Laura Saieh (Laura), Karen Saieh (Karen), Kathya Saieh (Kathya),
    Jaime Saieh (Jaime), Amelia Saieh (Amelia), Abdala Saieh (Abdala), Carlos Saieh
    (Carlos), Carmen Siman de Jaar (Carmen), Armando Jaar (Armando), Ricardo Jaar
    (Ricardo), and Moises Saieh (Moises) (collectively, “the Individuals”). 23
    These appellants were all OFAC-designated SDNTs when Plaintiffs filed ex
    parte motions for writs of garnishment against their blocked assets under TRIA on
    September 7, 2011. Fifteen of the writs were issued to Terrabank as to accounts
    held by Ricardo, Armando, Moises, Carlos, Carmen, Abdala, Jacaria, Lord, MLA,
    Granada, Overseas, Villarosa, the Partnerships, and ALM. Five more were issued
    to OceanBank, N.A. as to accounts held by Carmen, Abdala, Moises, Carlos,
    Sunset, and ALM. One was issued to Wells Fargo, N.A. as to an account held by
    Jamce. After obtaining OFAC’s approval, Terrabank turned the contents of the
    accounts over to Plaintiffs’ attorneys without filing an answer to the writs on
    Some of the Individuals have asserted standing to challenge the writ of garnishment
    issued to Wells Fargo as to Jamce, claiming that Jamce was a trust and that they were its
    beneficiaries. The district court rejected that assertion, finding that Jamce was a corporation. See
    KMS Rest. Corp. v. Wendy’s Int’l, Inc., 
    361 F.3d 1321
    , 1324–25 (11th Cir. 2004) (recognizing
    that corporations themselves—and not shareholders—are the only parties with standing as to
    injuries against them). The Individuals give us no reasons to disturb that finding. Accordingly,
    only Jamce has standing to challenge the issuance of a writ of garnishment against its account.
    The Individuals with no personal interest in any of the assets garnished pursuant to the orders at
    issue, Jacqueline, Miriam, Sandra, Laura, Karen, Kathya, Jaime, and Amelia, therefore do not
    have standing. The other Individuals do not have standing to the extent that they challenge the
    writ issued as to Jamce.
    Case: 13-11339       Date Filed: 10/16/2014       Page: 55 of 67
    September 23, 2011. The other banks filed answers, but the court entered turnover
    judgments against them as to all writs. After judgment was entered, a number of
    motions were filed seeking relief from the judgments. The final orders on appeal
    here are an order discharging Terrabank, two turnover judgments, four orders
    denying Rule 60(b) motions 24, and the denial of Jamce’s Rule 59(e) motion. The
    order discharging Terrabank and the first turnover judgment were not timely
    appealed, and we therefore do not have jurisdiction to consider them. Fed. R. App.
    P. 4(a). Thus, only the later-in-time turnover judgment (against Jamce’s Wells
    Fargo account), the denials of the Rule 60(b) motions, and the denial of Jamce’s
    Rule 59(e) motion are at issue here.25
    The Rule 60(b) motions were also filed pursuant to Rules 59(e) and 69(a)(1). The
    district court correctly declined to consider the motions under Rule 59(e) because they were not
    timely filed. See Fed. R. Civ. P. 59(e); Wright v. Preferred Research, Inc., 
    891 F.2d 886
    , 890
    (11th Cir. 1990) (per curiam) (construing the old Rule 59(e), which included a deadline of 10
    days after entry of judgment). Further, failure to comply with statutory law pursuant to Rule
    69(a)(1) is not sufficient grounds to set aside a judgment under Rule 60(b)(4); the movant must
    demonstrate denial of due process or a jurisdictional error. Espinosa, 
    559 U.S. at 271
    , 130 S. Ct.
    at 1377; Am. Bankers Ins., 198 F.3d at 1338 (“An appeal of a ruling on a Rule 60(b) motion . . .
    does not raise issues in the underlying judgment for review.”). We note that these appellants do
    not argue that the district court “lacked even an arguable basis for jurisdiction.” See Espinosa,
    559 U.S. at 271
    , 130 S. Ct. at 1377 (internal quotation marks omitted). Their Rule 60(b)(4)
    motions, then, rest on an alleged denial of due process because they make no other argument that
    would constitute grounds for setting aside the judgment under Rule 60(b)(4).
    For an order to be appealable, it must be final. 
    28 U.S.C. § 1291
    . With respect to the
    writs issued to OceanBank and Wells Fargo, finality was accomplished when the district court
    entered turnover judgments against them after receiving their answers to the writs. Writs of
    garnishment and orders denying relief from such writs are not appealable; typically, there is no
    appellate jurisdiction until the district court enters an order directing the disposition of the
    property. Branham, 690 F.3d at 635. Because Terrabank turned over the money in the subject
    accounts as soon as it received the writ, there was no order from the district court directing
    disposition of the account. In its place, the order discharging Terrabank functions as a final,
    appealable order because it “end[ed] the litigation on the merits,” and there was nothing left for
    Case: 13-11339       Date Filed: 10/16/2014       Page: 56 of 67
    Jamce appeals a turnover judgment entered against an account it held at
    Wells Fargo. However, Jamce waived any opposition to Plaintiffs’ motion seeking
    entry of judgment on the writ of garnishment when, after receiving notice of the
    motion through counsel, it failed to timely respond to the motion. The day after
    the district court entered the judgment, Jamce filed a Rule 59(e) motion, which the
    district court denied, specifically noting the electronic notice provided. Jamce
    appealed the judgment itself on the day it was issued and later amended the notice
    of appeal to include the Rule 59(e) motion denial. Because Jamce waived
    opposition to the motion seeking entry of judgment, we affirm the judgment.
    Further, a Rule 59(e) motion cannot be used simply as a tool to reopen litigation
    where a party has failed to take advantage of earlier opportunities to make its case.
    Michael Linet, Inc. v. Vill. of Wellington, 
    408 F.3d 757
    , 763 (11th Cir. 2005).
    Therefore, we also affirm the order denying Jamce’s Rule 59(e) motion.
    A number of the Individuals and Granada appeal the order denying their
    Rule 60(b) motion to set aside the execution of the real property owned by the
    Partnerships. In the denial, the district court held that they did not have standing
    because they did not own the real property under Florida law. The appellants do
    the court to do because the judgment was already executed. See Randolph, 
    531 U.S. at 86
    121 S. Ct. at 519
     (internal quotation marks omitted); Gillespie, 
    379 U.S. at 152
    85 S. Ct. at 311
    Additionally, the denials of the Rule 60(b) motions are appealable. Am. Bankers Ins., 198 F.3d
    at 1338. Rule 59(e) motion denials are likewise appealable.
    Case: 13-11339     Date Filed: 10/16/2014    Page: 57 of 67
    not challenge that determination here, and they have thus waived argument on that
    issue. Marek v. Singletary, 
    62 F.3d 1295
    , 1298 n.2 (11th Cir. 1995).
    On November 2, Carmen, Armando, Ricardo, Carlos, and Moises moved to
    quash the garnishment, to reconsider the order granting Plaintiffs’ motion for an
    issuance of writs of garnishment, for relief from judgment, to set aside the
    judgment, to stay the garnishment, and to deposit garnished funds into the court
    registry. On November 21, they also moved to alter judgment, to amend or correct
    the order on Plaintiffs’ motion for judgment, to stay execution, and to deposit
    garnished funds into the court registry. After the stay discussed above was lifted,
    the district court denied the motions on April 9 and 12, 2013, respectively. The
    Organizations brought a similar motion seeking relief on April 30, 2012, and the
    district court denied it on April 25, 2013.
    The appeal of those remaining orders—all denying Rule 60(b) motions—
    also fails. Contra the argument of these appellants, TRIA § 201 permits execution
    against the assets of parties not named in the original lawsuit; that is the purpose of
    the specific allowance for execution against agencies or instrumentalities provided
    by that section. See Mercurio, 704 F.3d at 913 & n.5 (citing Weinstein v. Islamic
    Republic of Iran, 
    609 F.3d 43
    , 50 (2d Cir. 2010)).
    The appellants’ arguments regarding an alleged denial of due process also
    lack merit because any such violation was harmless. As we concluded in the
    Case: 13-11339      Date Filed: 10/16/2014    Page: 58 of 67
    global discussion, no pre-deprivation hearing was warranted. Moreover, the
    appellants here had sufficient opportunities to present their arguments to the
    district court. Ultimately, the district court gave due consideration to these
    The district court made the factual determination that each of the appellants
    in this appeal was an agency or instrumentality of FARC. Even if the appellants
    had given us reason to believe that that determination was clear error (they have
    not), they certainly do not give us reason to believe that such error is grounds for
    setting aside a judgment. The remaining grounds advanced by the appellants for
    reversing the district court are meritless, as detailed in the global discussion.
    The turnover judgment as to Jamce’s property was properly entered after
    Jamce defaulted. The Rule 60(b) motions do not establish any grounds on which
    we may grant such extraordinary relief. We therefore affirm the orders from which
    this appeal is brought.
    D.     No. 13-12337 (Sutherlin)
    Luis Sutherlin claims that Jamce is a trust, that he is its beneficiary, and that
    he is thus entitled to challenge the execution of assets owned by Jamce. However,
    the district court found that Jamce is a corporation. Sutherlin does not give us
    reason to disturb that finding. Therefore, only Jamce has standing to challenge the
    execution of its assets. See KMS Rest. Corp., 
    361 F.3d at
    1324–25 (recognizing
    Case: 13-11339       Date Filed: 10/16/2014       Page: 59 of 67
    that corporations themselves—and not shareholders—are the only parties with
    standing to contest injuries to the corporation). Consequently, this appeal is
    E.     No. 13-12116 (Individual Claimants)
    The appellants here appeal a series of turnover judgments for accounts in the
    names of Carmen, Carlos, Armando, and Moises at UBS AG, Bank of America
    (BOA), and HSBC Bank USA, N.A. (HSBC), as well as an order denying a Rule
    59(e) motion.26 All the appellants party to this appeal were SDNTs when Plaintiffs
    initiated garnishment proceedings against them. Significantly, the appellants made
    appearances in the district court after receiving notice of the garnishment
    proceedings and well before judgment was entered against them. First, they filed a
    motion to quash the writs of garnishment issued to UBS and BOA on November 2,
    2011. Then, on February 12, 2013, they filed a brief opposing a lift of the stay.
    Finally, they filed multiple motions opposing entry of judgment.
    As an initial matter, the district court’s denial of the Rule 59(e) motion on
    jurisdictional grounds was not proper. The district court based that decision on
    Griggs v. Provident Consumer Discount Co., 
    459 U.S. 56
    , 58, 
    103 S. Ct. 400
    , 402
    (1982) (per curiam). The district court quoted that opinion’s language for the
    They also appeal an order denying relief from a writ of garnishment issued to BOA as
    to an account held by Brunello. We address that writ and the associated turnover judgment
    Case: 13-11339     Date Filed: 10/16/2014    Page: 60 of 67
    proposition that the filing of a notice of appeal divested it of jurisdiction to
    consider the Rule 59 motion. 
     (“The filing of a notice of appeal is an event of
    jurisdictional significance—it confers jurisdiction on the court of appeals and
    divests the district court of its control over those aspects of the case involved in the
    appeal.”). However, Griggs was based on the language of an old version of
    Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure 4, which provided that a notice of appeal filed
    during the pendency of a Rule 59 motion would have no effect. In 1993, Rule 4(a)
    was specifically amended in response to Griggs and now provides that a notice of
    appeal filed during the pendency of a Rule 59 motion is simply suspended. See
    Katerinos v. U.S. Dep’t of Treasury, 
    368 F.3d 733
    , 737–38 (7th Cir. 2004) (“The
    rule therefore was amended in 1993 to provide that a premature notice of appeal is
    no longer void, but merely suspended; it becomes effective . . . when the order
    disposing of the last such remaining motion is entered.” (internal quotation marks
    omitted)); see also Fed. R. App. P. 4(a)(4)(B)(i). The district court retained
    jurisdiction to consider the Rule 59 motion, and we have jurisdiction because the
    notice of appeal became effective following the district court’s denial of that
    motion. In addition, the appellants here filed amended notices of appeal after the
    district court disposed of the Rule 59(e) motion giving us jurisdiction to consider
    the appeal of the denial. See Stallworth v. Shuler, 
    758 F.2d 1409
    , 1410 (11th Cir.
    1985) (per curiam).
    Case: 13-11339    Date Filed: 10/16/2014   Page: 61 of 67
    The appellants here first claim that their due process rights were violated by
    the district court’s failure to provide them with notice and an opportunity to be
    heard. Notwithstanding their complaints about lack of formal service, any failure
    to provide notice was harmless because the appellants received actual notice and
    appeared. First, they filed a motion to quash the writs of garnishment issued to
    UBS and BOA on November 2, 2011. Then, on February 12, 2013, they filed a
    brief opposing a lift of the stay. Finally, they filed multiple motions opposing
    entry of judgment. Therefore, because they appeared, the appellants were not
    prejudiced by the lack of notice because they received actual notice. Cf. Murphy v.
    Travelers Ins. Co., 
    534 F.2d 1155
    , 1159 (5th Cir. 1976) (holding that a party’s
    voluntary appearance “waiv[ed] any potential defects founded on service or venue
    The Rule 59(e) motion does not save the appellants, either. We review
    denials of Rule 59(e) motions for an abuse of discretion. Thomas v. Farmville
    Mfg. Co., 
    705 F.2d 1307
    , 1307 (11th Cir. 1983) (per curiam). The district court’s
    denial of the Rule 59(e) motion based on a miscomprehension of the law was an
    abuse of discretion. United States v. Merrill, 
    513 F.3d 1293
    , 1301 (11th Cir.
    2008). However, we affirm the denial on the merits. See Parks v. City of Warner
    43 F.3d 609
    , 613 (11th Cir. 1995) (“[W]e may affirm the district court’s
    decision on any adequate ground, even if it is other than the one on which the court
    Case: 13-11339     Date Filed: 10/16/2014       Page: 62 of 67
    actually relied.”). The appellants here simply failed to litigate the agency or
    instrumentality issue when they had notice of the proceedings. They then
    attempted to use the Rule 59(e) motion to reopen litigation, an improper basis for
    moving under Rule 59(e). Michael Linet, Inc., 
    408 F.3d at 763
     (holding that a
    party “cannot use a Rule 59(e) motion to relitigate old matters, raise argument or
    present evidence that could have been raised prior to the entry of judgment”). We
    thus affirm the denial of the motion.
    The appellants here also contend that they were improperly designated as
    agencies or instrumentalities. We have already determined that the district court
    applied the correct standard. Moreover, we cannot say that the district court
    clearly erred in making the factual determination that they were agencies or
    instrumentalities of FARC. Plaintiffs proffered evidence of connections to FARC
    that met the district court’s standard, and the appellants here failed to rebut that
    Finally, any other arguments raised do not support reversal. Therefore, we
    affirm the district court’s orders at issue in this appeal.
    F.     No. 13-12171 (Brunello)
    Brunello, Ltd. is a Caymanian corporation that was designated a SDNT on
    November 8, 2006, for alleged ties to the NVC. It began the de-listing process
    soon after that. Plaintiffs moved for a writ of garnishment against BOA on
    Case: 13-11339    Date Filed: 10/16/2014    Page: 63 of 67
    September 15, 2011, where they believed Brunello held a blocked asset. The
    district court issued the writ on September 20, 2011. BOA answered the writ
    claiming that it was indebted to Brunello. On November 16, it amended the
    answer, disclaiming any debt owed to Brunello and informing the district court and
    Plaintiffs that Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, Inc., (Merrill Lynch) was
    indebted to Brunello. BOA had mistakenly reported to OFAC that it held an asset
    belonging to Brunello; Brunello actually held the account in question with Merrill
    Lynch. Both BOA and Merrill Lynch are wholly owned subsidiaries of Bank of
    America Corporation.
    Meanwhile, Brunello had successfully challenged its OFAC designation,
    which was reflected in OFAC’s updated SDNT list, published on January 10, 2012.
    Brunello then moved to dissolve the writ of garnishment on January 23, 2013,
    asserting that BOA did not possess any of its assets. On January 29, while that
    motion was pending, Plaintiffs moved to amend the writ of garnishment to add
    Merrill Lynch as a party indebted to Brunello. Brunello filed its opposition to that
    motion on January 30, and, the next day, the district court denied Brunello’s
    motion to quash and granted Plaintiffs’ motion to amend. The clerk issued the
    amended writ on March 13. Merrill Lynch was served on April 8. The district
    court entered a turnover judgment against Merrill Lynch on May 6, and Brunello
    timely filed an appeal. While Brunello raises many of the same arguments
    Case: 13-11339     Date Filed: 10/16/2014   Page: 64 of 67
    discussed above, it uniquely asserts that the district court improperly related back,
    nunc pro tunc, the writ of garnishment. Because we agree with Brunello on that
    point, we reverse the turnover judgment and remand to the district court with
    instructions to quash the underlying writ of garnishment and return any turned over
    The purpose of a nunc pro tunc order is not “to revise history, but only to
    correct inaccurate records.” Justice v. Town of Cicero, 
    682 F.3d 662
    , 664 (7th Cir.
    2012) (internal quotation marks omitted).
    A nunc pro tunc order merely recites court actions previously taken
    but not properly or adequately recorded. The failure of a court to act,
    or its incorrect action, can never authorize a nunc pro tunc entry. If a
    court does not render judgment or renders one which is imperfect or
    improper, it has no power to remedy any of these errors or omissions
    by treating them as clerical misprisions.
    Cypress Barn, Inc. v. W. Elec. Co., 
    812 F.2d 1363
    , 1364 (11th Cir. 1987) (citation
    and internal quotation marks omitted). In other words, a nunc pro tunc order’s
    “purpose . . . is to correct mistakes or omissions in the record so that the record
    properly reflects the events that actually took place.” Glynne v. Wilmed
    699 F.3d 380
    , 383–84 (4th Cir. 2012). It cannot change substantive
    rights retroactively. See Transamerica Ins. Co. v. South, 
    975 F.2d 321
    , 325–26
    (7th Cir. 1992).
    Here, the nunc pro tunc order substituted a new party that actually was
    indebted to Brunello for one that was not. A nunc pro tunc order that has the effect
    Case: 13-11339     Date Filed: 10/16/2014   Page: 65 of 67
    of retroactively inserting in a writ a garnishee who was never mentioned in the
    original writ, was not a party to the proceedings, and was never served with the
    original writ is perhaps the most obvious violation of the limitations on the
    doctrine. Such an order does not “merely recite[] court actions previously taken
    but not properly or adequately recorded,” Cypress Barn, 
    812 F.2d at 1364
    , “correct
    inaccurate records,” Justice, 682 F.3d at 664 (internal quotation marks omitted), or
    “reflect[] the events that actually took place,” Glynne, 699 F.3d at 384. Rather, it
    “revise[s] history,” Justice, 682 F.3d at 664, “to remedy [an] error” borne of “its
    incorrect action,” Cypress Barn, 
    812 F.2d at 1364
     (internal quotation marks
    omitted). It works an injustice on the parties that were not earlier named in the
    writ; it does not correct, in Plaintiffs’ words, a mere “wrinkle.” See Sage v. Cent.
    R.R. Co. of Iowa, 
    93 U.S. 412
    , 417 (1876) (“While it is true that the court may
    enter an order in a cause nunc pro tunc, where the action asked for has been
    delayed by or for the convenience of the court, it is never done where the parties
    themselves have been at fault, or where it will work injustice.” (citations omitted)).
    In response to Brunello’s argument that the nunc pro tunc order was entered
    improperly, Plaintiffs allege that the garnishee originally named in the writ, BOA,
    answered the writ in a “misleading” fashion and engaged in “questionable
    conduct.” Assuming that claim is true, it is irrelevant. The proper garnishee was a
    Case: 13-11339       Date Filed: 10/16/2014      Page: 66 of 67
    completely separate entity. 27 It is immaterial that both garnishees were owned by
    the same entity or that BOA may have misled Plaintiffs.
    Thus, the motion for a writ of garnishment against Merrill Lynch was filed
    on the date it was filed, not the date on which the writ against BOA was filed,
    which came after Brunello’s de-listing. For that reason, TRIA § 201’s requirement
    that the subject asset is “blocked” was not met as a matter of law. See Holy Land
    Found., 722 F.3d at 687. We reverse the turnover judgment and remand to the
    district court with instructions to quash the writ of garnishment.
    IV.       Conclusion
    In the proceedings below, it seems no party was free of fault. Plaintiffs
    should have provided formal notice of the garnishment and execution proceedings
    to the owners of the property, as Florida law provides. Initially, the district court
    incorrectly concluded that no process was due to the owners of property here, none
    of whom could be deemed to be on notice of the underlying proceedings against
    FARC. Ultimately, though, Claimants bear their share of the blame for either
    sitting on their rights to challenge the allegations against them or simply failing to
    rebut the charges. Therefore, with the exception of the turnover judgment against
    Brunello’s account, we affirm the district court.
    The district court did not determine that BOA and Merrill Lynch were alter egos.
    Case: 13-11339   Date Filed: 10/16/2014   Page: 67 of 67

Document Info

Docket Number: 13-11339

Citation Numbers: 771 F.3d 713

Filed Date: 10/16/2014

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023

Authorities (57)

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