E. L. v. Chapel Hill-Carrboro Board of Education , 773 F.3d 509 ( 2014 )

  •                                 PUBLISHED
    No. 13-2330
    E. L., by and through her parents, Gina Lorsson and Devin
    Plaintiff – Appellant,
    Defendant – Appellee.
    Amicus Supporting Appellee.
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the Middle
    District of North Carolina, at Greensboro. Thomas D. Schroeder,
    District Judge. (1:12-cv-00029-TDS-JEP)
    Argued:   September 16, 2014                 Decided:   December 3, 2014
    Before DUNCAN, AGEE, and DIAZ, Circuit Judges.
    Affirmed by published opinion. Judge Diaz wrote the opinion, in
    which Judge Duncan and Judge Agee joined.
    ARGUED: Robert Christopher Ekstrand, EKSTRAND & EKSTRAND LLP,
    Durham, North Carolina, for Appellant.  Kenneth Alexander Soo,
    THARRINGTON SMITH LLP, Raleigh, North Carolina, for Appellee.
    ON BRIEF: Stefanie A. Smith, EKSTRAND & EKSTRAND LLP, Durham,
    North Carolina, for Appellant.    Colin A. Shive, THARRINGTON
    SMITH LLP, Raleigh, North Carolina, for Appellee.  Allison B.
    Schafer, Christine T. Scheef, NORTH CAROLINA SCHOOL BOARDS
    ASSOCIATION, Raleigh, North Carolina, for Amicus Supporting
    DIAZ, Circuit Judge:
    E.L.       is    a    nine-year-old         girl    with        autism.        This    appeal
    arises    out     of      her    parents’       dissatisfaction          with       the    special
    education services provided to her by the Chapel Hill-Carrboro
    Board      of        Education          (“the         school         board”),        and        their
    administrative complaint under the Individuals with Disabilities
    Education       Act       (the    “IDEA”),       
    20 U.S.C. § 1400
        et    seq..         An
    administrative            law     judge       determined       that      the     school         board
    violated the IDEA by failing to provide E.L. required speech
    therapy;    however,            in    all     other    respects,       the     ALJ    found       her
    special education program appropriate.                           On the school board’s
    appeal, a state review officer reversed the ALJ’s conclusion
    regarding       E.L.’s      speech       therapy,       determining       that       the    school
    board did not violate the IDEA.
    In     her        civil         action    seeking        judicial        review       of     the
    administrative proceeding, E.L. for the first time appealed the
    ALJ’s     conclusion            that,       except    for      its     failure       to    provide
    required speech therapy for parts of the 2008–09 and 2009-10
    school    years,          the    school       board     did     not     violate       the       IDEA.
    Despite failing to contest the ALJ’s adverse decision before the
    state review officer, E.L. contends that she properly exhausted
    her administrative remedies under the IDEA.                               We conclude that
    E.L. did not exhaust her administrative remedies and that the
    school board did not violate the IDEA.                     We therefore affirm the
    district court’s judgment.
    E.L. suffers from autism, which is compounded by complex
    motor and speech disabilities, resulting in global developmental
    delays.       These significant disabilities led her parents to seek
    early       childhood    intervention     services     from      the   school      board.
    The school board provided E.L. with an individualized education
    program when she turned three years old, which placed her in the
    partial-day       preschool      program       at    the     University      of    North
    Carolina’s Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute (the
    E.L.’s    individualized        education     program      for     the    2008–09
    school year afforded her a range of services, including speech,
    physical, and occupational therapy, all of which E.L. received
    onsite      at   the    Institute.      E.L.’s      2009–10      program    included    a
    split       placement,    with   E.L.    attending         the   Institute       for   two
    partial days per week and The Mariposa School 1 for three partial
    days per week.          In March 2010, E.L.’s parents withdrew her from
    Mariposa is a private school for children with autism. It
    uses applied behavior analysis methods, including positive,
    repetitive reinforcement of specific individual skills and
    goals, to work one-on-one with each child.
    the Institute entirely and enrolled her at Mariposa for all five
    Shortly thereafter, E.L., by and through her parents, filed
    a     petition    in    the       North    Carolina     Office      of     Administrative
    Hearings, alleging that the school board failed to provide E.L.
    with the free appropriate public education required by the IDEA.
    After    a    fourteen-day         hearing,      the   parties     submitted        proposed
    findings of fact and conclusions of law to the administrative
    law judge.         In his “Final Decision,” the ALJ sided with the
    school       board,    with       one     exception.        Specifically,          the   ALJ
    concluded that during April and May 2009 and September through
    December 2009, the school board did not provide E.L. the speech
    therapy       required       by     her    individualized          education        program.
    Consequently,         the   ALJ     ordered      the   school      board    to     reimburse
    E.L.’s parents for sixty hours of speech therapy and related
    transportation expenses.
    The school board appealed the ALJ’s decision to the North
    Carolina State Board of Education, which appointed a state-level
    review officer to hear the appeal.                         E.L. did not appeal the
    ALJ’s decision.             The review officer reversed, concluding that
    the    school     board     had    indeed       provided    E.L.    with    the    required
    E.L.      subsequently           filed    the   underlying          civil    action,
    seeking review of the administrative decision.                        E.L. claimed, as
    she had before the ALJ, that the school board deprived her of a
    free appropriate public education during the 2008–09, 2009–10,
    and   2010–11     school    years    by   not     providing      her       with    direct,
    intensive,      one-on-one     instruction       that     used       applied       behavior
    analysis methodology, as requested by her parents.                             On cross-
    motions    for    summary    judgment,         the   district        court     dismissed
    E.L.’s    claims,    holding    that      because       she    did    not    raise    them
    before    the    state    review    officer,      she    failed       to    exhaust    her
    administrative remedies.            As a result, whether the school board
    provided E.L. with appropriate speech therapy remained the only
    merits issue before the court.                  The court affirmed the review
    officer’s decision as to that issue, concluding that the school
    board provided E.L. appropriate speech therapy.
    The IDEA requires states receiving federal education funds
    to provide a “free appropriate public education” to all children
    with disabilities.         
    20 U.S.C. § 1400
    (d)(1)(A) (2012).                       As part
    of its procedural safeguards, the IDEA also requires states to
    hold a due process hearing whenever a parent lodges a complaint
    regarding services provided to his or her child.                               
    20 U.S.C. § 1415
    (f).       States may choose to conduct these hearings through
    either    the     state    educational         agency     or     the       local    agency
    “responsible           for    the     education      of     the      child.”          
    § 1415(f)(1)(A); 
    34 C.F.R. § 300.511
    (b) (2014).                      Where the local
    educational       agency       conducts    the    initial        hearing,    the     IDEA
    provides a right of review to the state agency.                              
    20 U.S.C. § 1415
    In North Carolina, ALJs conduct the due process hearings
    required     by        the    IDEA.        The    North     Carolina        Office     of
    Administrative Hearings (“OAH”) appoints these ALJs through a
    memorandum of agreement with the State Board.                        N.C. Gen. Stat.
    § 115C-109.6(a), (j) (2013).                North Carolina further provides
    for   review      by    a    State    Board-appointed      review     officer.        Id.
    § 115C-109.9(a).
    A party aggrieved by the decision of the state agency may
    bring a civil action in state or federal court.                              
    20 U.S.C. § 1415
    (i)(2).          We have consistently held that a plaintiff must
    exhaust    her     administrative         remedies      before    bringing     such    an
    action.     See, e.g., MM ex rel. DM v. School Dist., 
    303 F.3d 523
    536 (4th Cir. 2002); Scruggs v. Campbell, 
    630 F.2d 237
    , 239 (4th
    Cir. 1980) (construing the IDEA’s materially similar predecessor
    statute).         Whether      a     plaintiff    has     properly    exhausted       all
    administrative remedies is a pure question of law that we review
    de novo.       See Talbot v. Lucy Corr Nursing Home, 
    118 F.3d 215
    218 (4th Cir. 1997).
    E.L. contends that our exhaustion requirement should not
    preclude          her   from   challenging       the   review    officer’s     decision.
    She offers three arguments in support of this contention: (1)
    the IDEA does not require her to seek state-level review in
    order        to    exhaust     her   administrative      remedies,      (2)    she   did,
    nonetheless, seek state-level review, and (3) even if she did
    not, exceptions to the exhaustion requirement apply.                          We address
    each argument in turn.
    E.L. primarily argues that the IDEA does not authorize an
    appeal to the state educational agency where, as here, the local
    educational agency did not conduct the hearing. 2                        Consequently,
    E.L.        asserts     that   she   was   not    required      to   appeal   the    ALJ’s
    The school board contends that the initial hearing should
    be considered “local” for the purposes of the IDEA, primarily
    because the relevant statute requires that the hearing “be
    conducted in the county where the child attends school or is
    entitled to enroll . . . .” 
    N.C. Gen. Stat. § 115-109.6
    (d). We
    find this argument somewhat curious, given that the hearing took
    place not in the county where E.L. attends school, but instead
    at the OAH offices in Raleigh, North Carolina, albeit at the
    request of the parties.    More importantly, local school boards
    in North Carolina have no role in choosing the hearing officer;
    rather, an aggrieved party must file her petition directly with
    the OAH, which conducts due process hearings under a memorandum
    of agreement with the State Board.      
    N.C. Gen. Stat. § 115
    109.6(a), (j).   In light of this, we are satisfied that North
    Carolina’s statutory scheme does not provide for a “local”
    hearing, as that term is defined by the IDEA.
    adverse decision to the State Board prior to filing suit in the
    district court.        We reject E.L.’s interpretation of the statute.
    Whether the IDEA allows states to implement a two-tiered
    review process, when both tiers are administered at the state
    level, is an issue of first impression in this circuit.                Only a
    handful of federal courts have considered IDEA challenges to
    this procedure, and the majority have found no fault in it.
    See, e.g., O.M. ex rel. McWhirter v. Orange Cnty. Bd. of Educ.,
    No. 1:09CV692, 
    2013 WL 664900
    , at *11 (M.D.N.C. Feb. 22, 2013)
    (concluding that the IDEA does not prohibit states “which choose
    to conduct the administrative process solely at the state level
    from dividing that state-level process into two steps”); L.B. ex
    rel. Benjamin v. Greater Clark Cnty. Schs., 
    458 F. Supp. 2d 845
    854 (S.D. Ind. 2006) (“It does not violate the IDEA for a state
    to adopt a two-tiered administrative-review process, both tiers
    of which are conducted by the state educational agency.”).                But
    see Township High Sch. Dist. No. 211 Cook Cnty. v. Ms. V., No.
    93 C 7492, 94 C 30, 
    1995 WL 103667
    , at *3 (N.D. Ill. Mar. 3,
    1995)     (concluding     that   two    levels   of    state   hearings   are
    permissible under the IDEA only so long as the second level is
    “not mandatory and does not unduly delay the parties[’] right to
    seek court review of the final administrative decision”).
    The   IDEA’s    exhaustion     requirement    serves   the   important
    purpose of allowing states to use their special expertise to
    resolve     educational      disputes.              See    Bd.    of   Educ.      of   Henrick
    Hudson Cent. Sch. Dist. v. Rowley, 
    458 U.S. 176
    , 208 (1982)
    (emphasizing that courts lack the expertise to resolve questions
    of educational policy).            As the district court noted, the IDEA’s
    hearing provisions contemplate that “a state educational agency
    conduct     the    administrative          review         immediately      preceding       any
    civil action.”         E.L. ex rel. G.L. v. Chapel Hill-Carrboro Bd. of
    975 F. Supp. 2d 528
    ,    532       (M.D.N.C.       2013)    (emphasis
    added).      The Supreme Court has also concluded as much.                                 See
    Winkleman v. Parma City Sch. Dist., 
    550 U.S. 516
    , 526 (2007)
    (“Once the state educational agency has reached its decision, an
    aggrieved party may commence suit in federal court.”).
    To    uphold      North     Carolina’s         scheme      for   implementing        the
    review provisions of the IDEA is simply to recognize the state’s
    primary     role       in   setting       educational            policy    and     resolving
    disputes under the statute.                And while it is conceivable that a
    state      statute      requiring        numerous          and     onerous        levels    of
    administrative review could offend the IDEA, North Carolina’s
    measured decision to add an additional level of review before
    the     State      Board     of        Education          only    enhances        procedural
    protections for disabled students.
    E.L. points to an advisory opinion by the U.S. Department
    of Education as proof that North Carolina’s scheme violates the
    IDEA.       We     disagree.           There,       the     Department       of    Education
    concluded that because hearings conducted under Florida’s one-
    tier    structure    were    not     conducted    by     the    local       educational
    agency but rather by a hearing officer from the Division of
    Administrative Hearings, the IDEA did not require a separate
    right of review by the state educational agency.                           Letter from
    Stephanie Smith Lee, Director, Office of Special Ed. Programs,
    U.S.      Dep’t     of     Educ.     (Dec.     10,       2003),        available       at
    4/redact121003dueprocess4q2003.pdf               (saved         as      ECF     opinion
    The   advisory    opinion      thus     stands     for     two      unremarkable
    propositions:     (1)    a   state     educational      agency       may    assign     the
    responsibility to conduct hearings to another entity (as both
    North    Carolina    and     Florida    have     done)    and        (2)   in   such    a
    circumstance, the IDEA does not require an additional level of
    review.      Nowhere does the letter state (as E.L. asserts) that
    the IDEA prohibits a state from offering an additional layer of
    E.L. offers two alternative reasons why the district court
    should not have dismissed her claims for failure to exhaust:
    first, that she did in fact appeal the ALJ’s decision to the
    review officer, as evidenced by the fact that the review officer
    addressed some of her claims on the merits, and second, that she
    should be excepted from any exhaustion requirement.                              We find
    neither argument persuasive.
    North Carolina law provides that any party “aggrieved by
    the findings and decision of a hearing officer” in an IDEA case
    may seek review by filing a written notice of appeal with the
    North   Carolina   Department      of    Public       Instruction,         Exceptional
    Children Division.        See N.C. Gen. Stat. § 115C-109.9(a).                       This
    E.L. chose not to do, a fact she does not dispute.                              Instead,
    E.L. submitted a “Response to the State Board of Education’s
    Request for Written Arguments,” which outlined her contention
    that the IDEA does not authorize North Carolina’s administrative
    appeal.     E.L.   also    submitted      a   copy     of    her    “Proposed       Final
    Decision” filed with the ALJ following the conclusion of the
    E.L.     contends    that    these       “over    100        pages    of     written
    argument    seeking    reversal     of    the    ALJ’s       erroneous          findings”
    constitute an appeal.            Appellant’s Br. at 35.                   That is not
    correct.      Nothing in these documents identified the “findings
    and decisions” by which E.L. was aggrieved and on which she
    sought review.        Indeed, E.L.’s filings expressly disavowed her
    ability to appeal the ALJ’s decision.
    E.L.’s     separate      assertion         that        the     review        officer
    considered and rejected her “contentions of error” on the merits
    is plainly wrong.        It is true that the review officer identified
    all the issues that the parties raised before the ALJ.                            But the
    review    officer       also    noted       that    E.L.    chose    not   to    appeal   a
    decision “that was very unfavorable to [her] on most issues.”
    J.A. at 3561.           Consequently, the review officer focused almost
    exclusively on that portion of the ALJ’s decision appealed by
    the school board.              To the extent that the review officer took
    note of factual findings and conclusions of law not related to
    the school board’s appeal, he did so only to give context to his
    decision to reverse the ALJ.                 J.A. at 3562, 3575.
    Finally, the review officer’s cursory alternative finding
    of “no significant error” in the ALJ’s decisions unfavorable to
    E.L.     did     not     satisfy       E.L.’s        obligation      to    exhaust      her
    administrative remedies.               As the district court properly noted,
    the    review        officer    had     jurisdiction        to    review    only     those
    findings and decisions appealed.                     See N.C. Gen. Stat. § 115C-
    109.9; E.L., 975 F. Supp. 2d at 535, n.8.                         Because E.L. failed
    to properly take an appeal, there was nothing for the review
    officer to consider as to E.L’s claims.
    Nor do any exceptions to exhaustion apply.                          See MM, 
    303 F.3d at 536
         (recognizing         three    “narrow”       exceptions     to   the
    exhaustion      requirement:          (1)    where    the    administrative        process
    would be futile, (2) when the parents do not receive proper
    notice of their administrative rights, or (3) when exhaustion
    would be harmful to a disabled child). 3                           Appeal here would not
    have been futile because the review officer clearly could have
    granted E.L. relief, had she availed herself of the opportunity
    of appeal.            We also reject E.L’s frivolous contention that she
    lacked proper notice of her right to appeal.                               Although the ALJ
    concluded           (incorrectly)        that   E.L.    had      no   further     state-level
    appeal rights, E.L. effectively invited the error by asserting
    as much in the proposed “Final Decision” that she submitted to
    the ALJ.            See United States v. Jackson, 
    124 F.3d 607
    , 617 (4th
    Cir. 1997) (“[A] court cannot be asked by counsel to take a step
    in   a       case    and    later   be    convicted         of    error,    because     it   has
    complied            with     such      request.”       (internal           quotation       marks
    omitted)); see also Johnson v. I.N.S., 
    971 F.2d 340
    , 343–44 (9th
    Cir. 1992) (applying invited error doctrine in the context of
    administrative review proceedings).
    Because       we     conclude        that    E.L.       failed    to    exhaust     her
    administrative              remedies     as     to    her     claims,      the   sole      issue
    remaining           before     us   is     whether      the       school    board     provided
    appropriate speech therapy to E.L. during the 2008-09 and 2009-
    E.L. makes no claim as to this third exception.
    10 school years.               On that question, the district court granted
    summary judgment to the school board.
    Although a district court’s review of IDEA administrative
    proceedings      is        typically     conducted     on     motions       for   summary
    judgment, this is a procedural misnomer.                        More precisely, the
    IDEA requires that a reviewing court (1) receive the record of
    the administrative proceeding, (2) hear additional evidence at
    the    request   of        a    party,   and    (3)   base    its     decision    on   the
    preponderance         of       the   evidence.        
    20 U.S.C. § 1415
    (emphasis added).              Under this standard, the district court must
    conduct an independent, de novo review, albeit one generally
    cabined by the record of the administrative proceedings. 4                              See
    458 U.S. at 205
    ; Burke Cnty. Bd. of Educ. v. Denton ex
    rel. Denton, 
    895 F.2d 973
    , 981 (4th Cir. 1990).
    In this posture, the district court must give “due weight”
    to    the   administrative           proceedings,     Rowley,       
    458 U.S. at 206
    bearing in mind that a hearing officer’s findings of fact are
    entitled to “be considered prima facie correct.”                            J.P. ex rel.
    Peterson v. Cnty. Sch. Bd., 
    516 F.3d 254
    , 259 (4th Cir. 2008)
    Where the district court receives additional evidence
    under the statute, the court acts as an independent fact-finder,
    “essentially conducting a bench trial.”    MM, 
    303 F.3d at
    n.12.    Because the parties here did not present additional
    evidence to the district court, this broader standard of review
    is not implicated.
    (citing Doyle v. Arlington Cnty. Sch. Bd., 
    953 F.2d 100
    , 105
    (4th   Cir.   1991)).           In   a    two-tiered    system,         such   as   North
    Carolina’s,       a    review   officer’s        decision   is    also     entitled    to
    deference unless it departs from the “normal process of fact-
    finding.”     G ex rel. RG v. Fort Bragg Dependent Sch., 
    343 F.3d 295
    , 303 (4th Cir. 2003).
    “In conducting our review in an IDEA proceeding, we [too]
    must examine the entire record, and we must afford ‘due weight’
    to the administrative determinations, applying the standard of
    review utilized by the district court.”                MM, 
    303 F.3d at 531
    A   free       appropriate    public      education       must    confer     “some
    educational benefit” on the disabled child receiving services.
    458 U.S. at 200
    .                 Such an education, however, need not
    “maximize each child’s potential”; the IDEA is concerned with
    equality of access rather than equality of outcome.                        See Rowley,
    458 U.S. at
    198–99 (“[T]o require . . . the furnishing of every
    special service necessary to maximize each handicapped child’s
    potential is . . . further than Congress intended to go.”).                           To
    that end, an individualized education program formulated under
    the IDEA is sufficient if it is “reasonably calculated to enable
    the child to receive educational benefits.”                      Peterson, 
    516 F.3d at
    257 (citing Rowley, 
    458 U.S. at 207
    We afford great deference to the judgment of education
    professionals     in       implementing         the     IDEA.         As     long       as   an
    individualized       education      program      provides       the    basic       floor      of
    opportunity     for    a    special    needs      child,        a    court    should         not
    attempt to resolve disagreements over methodology.                            See Rowley,
    458 U.S. at 208
    ; see also Hartmann ex rel. Hartmann v. Loudoun
    Cnty. Bd. of Educ., 
    118 F.3d 996
    , 999 (4th Cir. 1997) (“[T]he
    IDEA does not grant federal courts a license to substitute their
    own   notions   of     sound   educational            policy    for    those       of    local
    school authorities . . . .”); Tice ex rel. Tice v. Botetourt
    Cnty. Sch. Bd., 
    908 F.2d 1200
    , 1207 (4th Cir. 1990) (“Neither
    the   district        court    nor     this           court     should       disturb          an
    [individualized       education      program]         simply    because      we     disagree
    with its content.”).
    The   dispute         here      centers          not      on    whether           E.L.’s
    individualized education programs themselves were appropriate,
    but whether the speech therapy required by those programs was in
    fact provided during April and May 2009 and September through
    December 2009.        The record supports the finding that the speech
    therapy was provided.
    E.L.’s    individualized        education         program       for    the     2008–09
    school   year   required       her    to   receive           forty-five      sessions         of
    speech therapy per nine-week grading period, or one session per
    day, five days a week.             It further required that these services
    be provided in the “total school environment,” as part of the
    “embedded, inclusive model” of instruction the Institute used
    regarding therapies.               This model, where therapists work with
    students directly within their normal classroom and concurrently
    with other instruction, differs from alternative models, where
    students     are        “pulled”    from     the     classroom        to     go   to    the
    therapist’s office, or “reverse-pulled,” where students remain
    behind in the classroom with the therapist while the rest of the
    class leaves for another activity (e.g., recess).
    The ALJ apparently based his conclusion that E.L. did not
    receive appropriate speech therapy during April and May 2009 on
    several factors: (1) the Institute’s speech therapist at the
    time, Kathy Davis, provided services in a “group” setting, (2)
    Davis     supervised       speech        therapy     interns,     who       assisted     in
    providing    therapy       and     writing    progress     notes,       and    (3)     Davis
    shredded her personal therapy notes when she left the Institute
    in July 2009.
    None    of     these     factors       demonstrates       that     E.L.      did    not
    receive     appropriate       therapy.            First,   E.L.’s       individualized
    education     program        never        called     for   isolated,           one-to-one
    instruction; rather, it explicitly stated that therapy would be
    provided    in     an    embedded,       inclusive    model.       Second,        although
    interns    assisted        with    the    therapy,     they     were       supervised    by
    Davis, who was present during most of the therapy sessions.                               We
    note that interns also participated in therapy sessions in June
    and July 2009, but the ALJ did not find that speech therapy
    provided during those months was inappropriate.              Third, the fact
    that Davis shredded her personal notes (as she testified she did
    with all her notes at the end of every school year) has little
    bearing on whether E.L. received appropriate therapy. 5
    For the 2009–10 school year, E.L.’s parents enrolled her at
    the Mariposa School three days per week, and she continued to
    attend the Institute during the other two school days.                    E.L.’s
    individualized education program required that she receive four
    hours of speech therapy per month, in approximately half-hour
    sessions, or one session each day she was at the Institute.
    From September 2009 until March 2010, when her parents withdrew
    her     from   the   Institute,    E.L.      received   therapy    from    three
    different providers, each of whom conducted therapy sessions in
    the “total school environment,” as prescribed by the program.
    The ALJ’s conclusion that E.L. did not receive appropriate
    speech therapy between September and December 2009 appears to be
    based     on   the   view   of   one   of    those   providers    (Ms.    Melissa
    Felicelli), who believed that E.L. needed attention outside the
    E.L. also contends that she did not receive the required
    hours or sessions of speech therapy.     However, the unrebutted
    testimony of the Institute’s therapists was that they provided
    speech therapy to E.L. daily while in the classroom.
    embedded classroom setting.            Felicelli’s attempts to “reverse-
    pull” E.L. from the classroom created a conflict with Institute
    teachers    and   administrators       (who     felt    this    was   contrary      to
    Institute      teaching    methodology)        and     eventually     led    to    her
    resignation in October 2009.           There is no dispute, however, that
    Felicelli provided E.L. with the speech therapy prescribed by
    E.L.’s   individualized       education      program.         Her   methodological
    disagreement      with    Institute    staff    is,     as    the   review   officer
    noted, immaterial to whether E.L. received appropriate services.
    In sum, the review officer’s conclusion that E.L. received
    the   speech    therapy     mandated    by     her    individualized        education
    program is supported by the evidence.                  We therefore affirm the
    district    court’s       determination       that     E.L.    received      a    free
    appropriate public education.