Brandon Raub v. Michael Campbell , 785 F.3d 876 ( 2015 )

  •                                 PUBLISHED
    No. 14-1277
    Plaintiff – Appellant,
    Defendant – Appellee,
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the Eastern
    District of Virginia, at Richmond.  Henry E. Hudson, District
    Judge. (3:13-cv-00328-HEH-MHL)
    Argued:   January 28, 2015                     Decided:    April 29, 2015
    Before TRAXLER,     Chief   Judge,   and    DIAZ   and   THACKER,   Circuit
    Affirmed by published opinion. Judge Diaz wrote the opinion, in
    which Chief Judge Traxler and Judge Thacker joined.
    ARGUED: William H. Hurd,          TROUTMAN     SANDERS LLP, Richmond,
    Virginia, for Appellant.           Stylian     Paul Parthemos, COUNTY
    Virginia, for Appellee.      ON BRIEF: Stephen C. Piepgrass,
    TROUTMAN SANDERS LLP, Richmond, Virginia; John W. Whitehead,
    Douglas R. McKusick, THE RUTHERFORD INSTITUTE, Charlottesville,
    Virginia; Anthony F. Troy, Charles A. Zdebski, ECKERT SEAMANS
    CHERIN & MELLOTT, LLC, Richmond, Virginia, for Appellant.
    Jeffrey L. Mincks, Julie A.C. Seyfarth, COUNTY ATTORNEY’S OFFICE
    FOR THE COUNTY OF CHESTERFIELD, Chesterfield, Virginia, for
    DIAZ, Circuit Judge:
    In the summer of 2012, Brandon Raub composed a series of
    ominous Facebook posts, which drew the attention of his former
    fellow Marines.       They contacted the FBI expressing concern, and
    the FBI--in coordination with local law enforcement--dispatched
    a team to Raub’s Virginia home.                 After speaking with Raub, and
    on the recommendation of Michael Campbell, a local mental health
    evaluator,     the     local       officers      detained     Raub      for       further
    evaluation.     Campbell then interviewed Raub and, on the basis of
    that interview and Raub’s Facebook posts, petitioned a state
    magistrate    judge    for     a    temporary     detention        order,    which      was
    granted.      Raub was subsequently hospitalized against his will
    for seven days.
    Raub filed suit under 42 U.S.C. § 1983, seeking damages and
    injunctive    relief    against        Campbell     for    violating        his    Fourth
    Amendment    and     First     Amendment        rights.      The     district       court
    granted summary judgment to Campbell on the basis of qualified
    immunity,     concluding           that    Campbell        acted     reasonably         in
    recommending    Raub’s       seizure      and    further    detention.            For   the
    reasons set forth below, we affirm.
    In reviewing de novo the district court’s grant of summary
    judgment, we recite the facts and all reasonable inferences to
    be drawn from them in the light most favorable to the non-moving
    party--in this case, Raub.        Henry v. Purnell, 
    652 F.3d 524
    , 531
    (4th Cir. 2011) (en banc).
    In August 2012, two Marine veterans who had served with
    Raub during his deployment to Iraq contacted the FBI.              They were
    concerned by Raub’s “increasingly threatening” Facebook posts.
    J.A. 532.      In an email, one of the Marines, Howard Bullen,
    provided specific examples of Raub’s posts:
    •      “This is revenge. Know that before you die.”
    •      “Richmond is not yours. I’m about to shake some shit
    •      “This is the start of you dying. Planned spittin with
    heart of Lion.”
    •      “Leader of the New School.      Bringing Back the Old
    •      “I’m gunning whoever run the town.”
    •      “W, you’re under arrest bitch.”
    •      “The World will Find This.”
    •      “I know ya’ll are reading this, and I truly wonder if
    you know what’s about to happen.”
    •      “W, you’ll be one of the first people dragged out of
    your house and arrested.”
    •      “And Daddy Bush, too.”
    •      “The Revolution will come for me.    Men will be at my
    door soon to pick me up to lead it ;)”
    •      “You should understand that many of the things I have
    said here are for the world to see.”
    J.A. 532–33.     Although Bullen characterized Raub’s statements as
    “typical extremist language,” he also told the FBI that Raub
    “genuinely    believes    in   this   and   is   not   simply   looking    for
    Id. at 533.
          Bullen expressed concern that Raub’s
    “threatening     and    action-oriented”     rhetoric    had    worsened    in
    recent months.    
    Id. 4 The
    FBI decided to interview Raub. 1                  Supported by a team
    comprised       of    federal   and      local    law   enforcement    officers,
    Detective Michael Paris and FBI Agent Terry Granger approached
    Raub at his home and questioned him about his Facebook posts.
    Raub, wearing only a pair of white shorts and speaking to
    the officers through the screen door of his home, admitted that
    he wrote the posts.          Although he never threatened violence, Raub
    refused to answer directly when asked if he intended to commit
    violence.       At one point, he told Paris and Granger, “[W]e will
    all see very soon what all of this means.”               J.A. 193.
    Paris observed that Raub’s demeanor shifted wildly over the
    course     of    the    conversation,         alternating    between   calm    and
    “extremely intense and emotional.”                
    Id. Raub questioned
    and   Granger        about   their    knowledge    of   government     conspiracy
    theories--including Raub’s theories that the government launched
    a missile into the Pentagon on 9/11 and that the government
    exposes citizens to radioactive thorium--and wondered why the
    officers    were       not   arresting    government     officials     for    these
    After interviewing Raub for nearly half an hour, Paris and
    Granger discussed whether they should detain Raub for a mental
    Agents had conferred with state and federal prosecutors,
    who advised that Raub’s statements, by themselves, did not
    provide sufficient grounds for criminal charges.
    health evaluation.       To that end, Paris spoke by telephone with
    Michael Campbell, a certified mental health “prescreener” with
    the local emergency services agency.                Paris described Raub’s
    Facebook posts and told Campbell that Raub appeared “preoccupied
    and distracted” during the interview, with rapid mood swings and
    roving, intermittent eye contact.           J.A. 574.   In addition, Paris
    expressed concern about Raub’s military weapons training and his
    potential access     to weapons. 2         Campbell, believing that Raub
    might be psychotic, recommended that Paris detain Raub for an
    Raub was placed in custody and transported to the local
    jail. 3   There, he was handcuffed to a bench in the jail’s intake
    room.     Because Raub was not allowed to retrieve his clothes
    before being detained, he was both shirtless and shoeless when
    Campbell arrived to speak with him.            Campbell asked Raub about
    the Facebook    posts,    as   well   as   Raub’s   beliefs   in   government
    conspiracies and an impending revolution.               Although Raub said
    little in response--declining after twelve minutes to answer any
    The record does not say why Paris thought Raub had access
    to weapons.
    Virginia law requires that a person seized for an
    emergency detention be taken to an “appropriate location to
    assess the need for hospitalization or treatment.” Va. Code
    Ann. § 37.2-808(G) (2011).
    further      questions--when              asked    whether       he     felt    justified    in
    following          through        with     the     threats       that     had    caused     his
    detention, Raub replied, “I certainly do, wouldn’t you?”                                    J.A.
    576.       In addition, he told Campbell, “the revolution is coming,”
    and “if you [k]new of what was coming[,] wouldn[’]t you try to
    stop       it[?]”         J.A.     705.          When    asked    why     he     thought    the
    authorities had approached him about his posts, Raub replied,
    “because they know I am on to them.”                         J.A. 523.
    Campbell        also       noted    that       Raub    appeared     preoccupied      and
    distracted          and     had     difficulty          answering       questions.         This
    behavior, combined with Raub’s professed belief in an impending
    revolution that he was destined to lead, prompted Campbell to
    conclude that Raub might be paranoid and delusional, and that he
    was “responding to some internal stimulus.”                           J.A. 576.
    After       speaking       with     Raub,      Campbell    read     the    email     that
    Bullen had sent to the FBI.                       Campbell also spoke with Raub’s
    mother,      who     said     that       she   shared     her    son’s    beliefs    and     had
    noticed       no     change       in     his     behavior.        Campbell        nonetheless
    concluded that Raub met the statutory standard for involuntary
    temporary          detention, 4        given      Raub’s      “recent     change     in . . .
    The statute authorizing temporary detention requires a
    finding that (1) a person has a mental illness; (2) “there
    exists a substantial likelihood that, as a result of [that]
    mental illness, the person will” harm himself or others; (3) the
    person needs hospitalization or treatment; and (4) the person
    behavior[] and more severe posts about revolution with plans for
    action,” as reflected in the email.                   J.A. 705.
    Consequently,           Campbell      petitioned           for     and    received     a
    temporary detention order from a magistrate judge.                                 Raub was
    taken    to   a    hospital,      where    a       psychologist        examined    him     and
    agreed   that      Raub    exhibited      symptoms         of   psychosis.         Hospital
    staff thereafter           petitioned     the      state    court      for    an   order   of
    involuntary admission for treatment.                   After a hearing, held four
    days after Raub was detained, the court ordered that Raub be
    admitted for thirty days; however, just three days later, the
    court ordered Raub released from the hospital, concluding that
    “the petition [was] . . . devoid of any factual allegations.”
    J.A. 879. 5
    Raub subsequently filed suit against multiple defendants,
    alleging claims under state and federal law.                             He amended his
    complaint     twice,       with   the     Second      Amended         Complaint    alleging
    claims    under     42     U.S.C.   § 1983         against      only    one    defendant--
    Campbell.         In addition to damages, Raub also sought to enjoin
    Campbell from seizing Raub in the future or retaliating against
    will not volunteer for hospitalization or treatment.                               Va. Code
    Ann. § 37.2-809(B) (2010).
    The        court    provided      no       further      explanation        for     its
    him based on the exercise of his constitutional rights.                    The
    district court granted Campbell’s motion for summary judgment on
    the basis of qualified immunity and denied Raub’s request for
    injunctive relief.
    Raub appeals, pressing three arguments.            First, he contends
    that Campbell violated his Fourth Amendment right to be free
    from unreasonable seizures by recommending that Raub be taken
    into custody for a mental health evaluation and by petitioning
    the state court for a temporary detention order.               Second, Raub
    avers that Campbell violated his First Amendment right of free
    speech   by   basing   his   conclusion   that   Raub   was   delusional   on
    Raub’s Facebook posts and his responses to Campbell’s questions.
    Finally, Raub contends that, even if his constitutional claims
    fail, he is still entitled to injunctive relief.                 We address
    each argument in turn.
    We review de novo the district court’s decision to grant
    Campbell summary judgment on the basis of qualified immunity.
    West v. Murphy, 
    771 F.3d 209
    , 213 (4th Cir. 2014).               Generally,
    qualified immunity operates to protect law enforcement and other
    government officials from civil damages liability for alleged
    constitutional    violations     stemming    from   their     discretionary
    functions.     Anderson v. Creighton, 
    483 U.S. 635
    , 638–39 (1987).
    The protection extends to “all but the plainly incompetent or
    those who knowingly violate the law.”                     Malley v. Briggs, 
    475 U.S. 335
    , 341 (1986).         Indeed, as we have emphasized repeatedly,
    “[o]fficials are not liable for bad guesses in gray areas; they
    are liable for transgressing bright lines.”                      S.P. v. City of
    Takoma Park, Md., 
    134 F.3d 260
    , 266 (4th Cir. 1998) (quoting
    Maciariello v. Sumner, 
    973 F.2d 295
    , 298 (4th Cir. 1992)).
    The defense of qualified immunity is broader than a mere
    defense to liability.              Rather, intended to “spare individual
    officials the burdens and uncertainties of standing trial,” it
    provides for immunity from suit where a state actor’s conduct is
    objectively      reasonable        under    the   circumstances.          Gooden   v.
    Howard Cnty., Md., 
    954 F.2d 960
    , 965 (4th Cir. 1992) (en banc);
    see    also     Mitchell     v.     Forsyth,      
    472 U.S. 511
    ,    526   (1985)
    (plurality       opinion)         (noting    that       qualified       immunity   is
    “effectively lost if a case is erroneously permitted to go to
    trial”).      We therefore prefer questions of qualified immunity to
    be    decided    “at   the   earliest       possible     stage    in    litigation.”
    Cloaninger ex rel. Estate of Cloaninger v. McDevitt, 
    555 F.3d 324
    , 330 (4th Cir. 2009) (quoting Hunter v. Bryant, 
    502 U.S. 224
    , 227 (1991) (per curiam)).               And we have recognized that, on
    a defense of qualified immunity, once a state actor’s conduct is
    established beyond dispute, the question of whether that conduct
    was reasonable is one of law for the court to decide.                                 
    Id. at 333.
    Our   qualified       immunity         analysis     typically     involves        two
    inquiries:        (1)     whether       the    plaintiff       has    established        the
    violation of a constitutional right, and (2) whether that right
    was clearly established at the time of the alleged violation.
    West, 771 F.3d at 213
    (quoting Pearson v. Callahan, 
    555 U.S. 223
    , 232 (2009)).           However, we need not reach both prongs of the
    analysis.       See 
    Pearson, 555 U.S. at 242
    .                  Rather, we may address
    these     two     questions        in    “the        order . . .     that      will     best
    facilitate the fair and efficient disposition of each case.”
    Id. III. Raub’s
    Fourth Amendment argument is based on the claim that
    Campbell acted without probable cause in recommending that Raub
    be taken into custody for a mental health evaluation, and when
    he petitioned the state court for a temporary detention order.
    We    choose,     however,     not       to    reach     the    question    of    whether
    Campbell’s        conduct    amounted         to     a   constitutional        violation.
    Rather,      we    hold     that    because          Campbell’s      conduct     was     not
    proscribed by clearly established law, summary judgment on the
    basis of qualified immunity was proper. 6
    In     this    prong      of    the   qualified         immunity     analysis,    the
    “inquiry      turns       on    the       objective         legal     reasonableness        of
    [Campbell’s] action, assessed in light of the legal rules that
    were clearly established at the time it was taken.”                                
    Pearson, 555 U.S. at 244
       (internal        quotation         marks    omitted).       As    a
    result, we look not to whether the right allegedly violated was
    established “as a broad general proposition” but whether “it
    would be clear to a reasonable official that his conduct was
    unlawful in the situation he confronted.”                           Saucier v. Katz, 
    533 U.S. 194
    , 201-02 (2001), as modified by Pearson, 
    555 U.S. 223
    see   also     
    S.P., 134 F.3d at 266
      (4th    Cir.   1998)     (“[T]he
    established         contours         of   probable          cause     [must   have    been]
    sufficiently clear at the time of the seizure such that the
    We reject Campbell’s argument that he cannot be held
    liable under § 1983 because he was not directly responsible
    either for Raub’s initial seizure or his temporary detention
    under the magistrate’s order.    Section 1983 “imposes liability
    not only for conduct that directly violates a right but for
    conduct that is the effective cause of another’s direct
    infliction of the constitutional injury.”    Sales v. Grant, 
    158 F.3d 768
    , 776 (4th Cir. 1998); see also 
    Malley, 475 U.S. at 344
    n.7 (explaining that § 1983 liability extends to the natural
    consequences of a person’s actions).       Thus, because Raub’s
    seizure and detention were based, at least in part, on
    Campbell’s recommendation, Campbell is liable under § 1983
    unless he is entitled to qualified immunity.
    unlawfulness of the officers’ actions would have been apparent
    to reasonable officers.”).
    Raub points to three general reasons why Campbell’s conduct
    was    unconstitutional.          First,    he    contends    that   a    reasonable
    mental    health     professional      would     not   have   relied      solely    on
    Detective Paris’s report, but rather would have spoken to Raub
    prior to recommending his initial seizure.                    Second, he argues
    that     no   reasonable      mental    health      professional         would    have
    interviewed Raub in a jail intake room, while he was shirtless,
    shoeless, and handcuffed to a bench.                Finally, Raub asserts that
    no reasonable mental health professional would have concluded on
    these    facts--Raub’s      Facebook    posts,     conflicting       reports      about
    Raub’s behavioral changes, and Raub’s statements and behavior
    during his interview with Campbell--that Raub should be detained
    for a mental health evaluation.
    Our    previous     decisions       concerning    seizures        for     mental
    health evaluations have indeed emphasized a “general right to be
    free from seizure” absent a finding of probable cause.                         
    Gooden, 954 F.2d at 968
    .         However, we have also noted a distinct “lack
    of    clarity   in   the    law    governing      seizures    for    psychological
    evaluations,”      compared    with    the      “painstaking[]”      definition     of
    probable cause in the criminal arrest context.                       Id.; see also
    S.P., 134 F.3d at 266
    .             Although our cases and the governing
    statutes provide some guidance as to the standards for probable
    cause to seize someone for a mental health evaluation, we are
    aware of no case clearly proscribing Campbell’s conduct, or even
    conduct similar to it.
    Rather,    all    of    our     decisions       involving      mental     health
    seizures have involved circumstances in which law enforcement
    officers   seized      an   individual    because      they    feared     he    or   she
    might be a danger to him- or herself.                  In most of these cases,
    we   granted    qualified     immunity    to    the    seizing      officers.        For
    example, in Gooden, officers were twice called to an apartment
    complex    on    reports     of     screams    emanating      from     one     of    the
    apartments. 954 F.2d at 962
    .             On the second occasion, the
    officers   personally        heard    “blood-chilling”        screams     and       other
    strange noises coming from the apartment.                     
    Id. However, when
    the officers spoke with the woman who lived in the apartment,
    she denied hearing or making any such noises (although she did
    admit to “yelping” once because she had burned herself on an
    Id. Nevertheless, the
       woman    appeared     to   have       been
    crying, and the officers were concerned that she was “mentally
    disordered” and might pose a danger to herself.                     
    Id. at 963.
    a result, they took her to a nearby hospital for evaluation.
    Id. at 964.
    In our en banc reversal of the panel’s decision to affirm
    the district court’s denial of qualified immunity, we held that
    the officers’ conduct was reasonable, as they acted on the basis
    of    multiple     complaints,    personal       observations,        and   their   own
    Id. at 966.
           We also found relevant the fact
    that the officers acted pursuant to a Maryland law authorizing
    mental health seizures.          
    Id. We came
    to a similar conclusion in S.P.                    There, officers
    responded to an emergency dispatch and found the plaintiff at
    her home, crying and 
    distraught. 134 F.3d at 264
    .         She admitted
    that   she   had    had   a   “painful    argument”      with    her    husband     but
    denied having thoughts of suicide or depression.                        
    Id. at 264,
    267.    At the same time, however, she told the officers that, if
    not    for   her   children,     “she    would    have   considered         committing
    Id. at 267.
           Because of the woman’s demeanor and the
    officers’     concern     that   she     may   cause     harm    to    herself,     the
    officers took her to a nearby hospital for evaluation.                      
    Id. Again, we
    concluded that because the officers “had ample
    opportunity to observe and interview” the plaintiff, “did not
    decide to detain [her] in haste,” and acted pursuant to state
    law authorizing mental health seizures, they acted reasonably in
    detaining the plaintiff.               
    Id. at 267-68.
          Moreover, we noted
    that, just as in Gooden, even though the plaintiff “exhibited no
    signs of physical abuse and denied any psychiatric problems,”
    the officers acted reasonably in relying on their perceptions of
    the plaintiff as “evasive and uncooperative.”                   
    Id. at 268.
    In contrast, in Bailey v. Kennedy--notably, the only case
    in which we have denied qualified immunity for seizures in the
    mental    health        context--law       enforcement      officers       detained    the
    plaintiff based solely on a 911 report that he was intoxicated,
    depressed, and suicidal.                 
    349 F.3d 731
    , 734 (4th Cir. 2003).
    There, the officers responded to the plaintiff’s home, where
    they found him sitting at his dining room table eating lunch.
    He denied thoughts of suicide, declined to give the officers
    permission to search the house, and asked them to leave.                               
    Id. The officers
    did not see weapons or other indicia of a potential
    suicide in the house.
    After     leaving,     the    officers         decided     they   “ha[d]   to   do
    something” and returned to knock on the door.                       
    Id. at 735.
    the plaintiff told them the suicide report was “crazy” and that
    the officers needed to leave, the officers instead entered his
    home     and    subdued     him     by    handcuffing       him    and     striking    him
    multiple times in the face.                     
    Id. We concluded
    that “the 911
    report,        viewed    together        with     the    events    after    the   police
    officers arrived, was insufficient to establish probable cause
    to detain [the plaintiff] for an emergency mental evaluation.”
    Id. at 741.
    When confronted with a similar situation in Cloaninger, we
    distinguished that case from Bailey on the ground that the law
    enforcement officers had more information than the “mere 911
    call in 
    Bailey.” 555 F.3d at 333
    .           There, police officers were
    summoned   to    Cloaninger’s         home    after   he    called       a    VA    hospital
    seeking    medical      help,    and    a    police    dispatcher            informed      law
    enforcement     officials       that    Cloaninger        had     threatened        suicide.
    Id. at 328.
           In addition, one of the officers was aware that
    “Cloaninger      had     previously      made      suicide        threats”         and     also
    believed that he “had firearms in the house.”                      
    Id. at 332.
    When officers arrived at Cloaninger’s home to check on him,
    he refused to respond “to their concerns for his well-being.”
    Id. The officers
    then called a VA hospital nurse, who confirmed
    that Cloaninger “had a history of threatening suicide.”                                    
    Id. The nurse
        also    indicated      that,      under     the       circumstances,        an
    emergency commitment order would be appropriate.                             
    Id. at 333.
    We held that “the initial VA call, coupled with knowledge of
    Cloaninger’s       prior   suicide       threats      and       the    belief       that    he
    possessed firearms,” constituted probable cause that Cloaninger
    was a danger to himself.          
    Id. at 334.
    While these cases outline the standard for probable cause
    in    situations       where    law    enforcement         officials         must        decide
    whether to detain an individual on the belief that he might be a
    danger to himself, they provide less guidance here.                                  Indeed,
    none of the cases delineates the appropriate standard where a
    mental    health    evaluator         must   decide    whether          to   recommend       a
    temporary detention on the belief that an individual might be a
    danger to others.        They certainly do not speak to the necessity,
    length, and substance of a psychological evaluation, nor to the
    evidence     needed      to    support          probable     cause      in     such    a
    Nonetheless, to the extent the cases should have informed
    Campbell’s       conduct,     they       support    the    view    that      he    acted
    reasonably      under   our   prevailing        legal     standards.         Unlike   in
    Bailey,    Campbell’s       recommendation         that    Raub   be    detained      was
    supported by far more than a 911 call.                    Rather, it was based on
    the    initial     observations      of     law     enforcement        officers,      the
    content of Raub’s Facebook posts, the information provided by
    Raub’s     former       colleagues,         and--later--on        Campbell’s          own
    evaluation and observations of Raub.                      Indeed, the quantum of
    evidence here is greater than that in Cloaninger--where we found
    probable cause based only on an initial hospital call, a history
    of    suicide    reports,     and    a    belief    that    Cloaninger       possessed
    firearms--and is more like the circumstances in Gooden and S.P.-
    -where officers based their seizure on both prior reports of
    distress and their personal observations of individuals at the
    In sum, we think it doubtful that Campbell violated Raub’s
    Fourth Amendment rights based on our existing precedent.                              We
    need not, however, pass on that question because we hold that
    Campbell is entitled to qualified immunity on the ground that
    the    unlawfulness      (if   any)   of    his    conduct     was    not   clearly
    established at the time he recommended Raub’s seizure. 7                        See
    Pearson, 555 U.S. at 241
    (cautioning against deciding “questions
    of     constitutionality . . .         unless        such      adjudication      is
    unavoidable”)         (internal   quotation       marks     omitted);     see   also
    Buchanan v. Maine, 
    469 F.3d 158
    , 168 (1st Cir. 2006) (stating
    that       avoiding    the   Fourth   Amendment      question        in   qualified
    immunity analysis is appropriate where the “inquiry involves a
    reasonableness         question   which     is    highly      idiosyncratic     and
    heavily dependent on the facts”). 8
    The report of Raub’s psychological expert, Dr. Catherine
    Martin, does not change our conclusion.     Although Dr. Martin
    questions whether Campbell’s probable cause determination was
    ultimately correct, we need not resolve that issue under this
    stage of our analysis. Our inquiry here is “not whether another
    reasonable, or more reasonable, interpretation of the events can
    be constructed . . . years after the fact,” 
    Hunter, 502 U.S. at 228
    (1991), but whether Campbell’s conduct was reasonable under
    then prevailing law.
    We also reject Raub’s argument that Campbell is not
    entitled to qualified immunity because he negligently omitted
    from his petition for a temporary detention order the statement
    of Raub’s mother, who told Campbell she had noticed no changes
    in Raub’s behavior.    In the arrest context, a law enforcement
    officer’s omission of material facts from a warrant affidavit
    deprives him of qualified immunity only if the omission was made
    intentionally or with a “reckless disregard for the truth.”
    Miller v. Prince George’s Cnty., Md., 
    475 F.3d 621
    , 627 (4th
    Cir. 2007) (quoting Franks v. Delaware, 
    438 U.S. 154
    , 171
    (1978)).   Allegations of negligence or mistake are not enough.
    Id. at 627–28.
           To the extent Raub contends Campbell
    intentionally or recklessly misled the magistrate judge, he
    failed to properly raise this issue below. Thus, we decline to
    We turn next to Raub’s contention that the district court
    erred in granting summary judgment on his First Amendment claim.
    Raub’s     argument    is    based    on        his    allegation       that       Campbell
    recommended Raub be detained for an evaluation based on Raub’s
    “unorthodox      political     statements.”             Appellant’s          Br.       at   50.
    Under the first prong of the qualified immunity analysis, the
    district      court   concluded      that   Raub       failed     to    advance         facts
    sufficient to support a First Amendment claim, and we agree.
    A plaintiff seeking to assert a § 1983 claim on the ground
    that     he   experienced      government         retaliation          for    his       First
    Amendment-protected         speech   must       establish       three   elements:           (1)
    his speech was protected, (2) the “alleged retaliatory action
    adversely     affected”      his   protected          speech,    and    (3)        a   causal
    relationship between the protected speech and the retaliation.
    Suarez Corp. Indus. v. McGraw, 
    202 F.3d 676
    , 685–86 (4th Cir.
    2000).     Of note, our causal requirement is “rigorous.”                          Huang v.
    Bd. of Governors of the Univ. of N.C., 
    902 F.2d 1134
    , 1140 (4th
    Cir. 1990).       “[I]t is not enough that the protected expression
    played a role or was a motivating factor in the retaliation;
    claimant must show that ‘but for’ the protected expression the
    consider it.    See Robinson v. Equifax Info. Servs., LLC, 
    560 F.3d 235
    , 242 (4th Cir. 2009).
    [state    actor]       would    not    have      taken     the      alleged         retaliatory
    Id. Raub’s evidence
    falls far short of this requirement.                                   Raub
    contends that Campbell recommended his detention based on his
    “political”          statements        concerning          9/11          conspiracies          and
    impending      revolution.           Assuming         these    statements           are    indeed
    protected      by     the   First     Amendment,        Raub     ignores        the       numerous
    other     facts      on     which    Campbell’s         recommendation              was     based,
    including the nature of Raub’s Facebook posts, both Campbell’s
    and   Paris’s        observations      of    Raub’s      demeanor,            the   information
    contained in Bullen’s email about the recent increase in the
    seemingly       threatening         posts,      and     Bullen’s         belief      that     Raub
    should    be    taken       seriously.          Thus,    even       if    Raub’s      protected
    speech    contributed          to   Campbell’s          decision         to    recommend      his
    detention, it was not dispositive.
    As a result, we agree with the district court that Raub did
    not make out a First Amendment violation, and that Campbell is
    therefore entitled to qualified immunity.
    Finally, we reject Raub’s claim for injunctive relief.                                    As
    the     district      court     noted,      a    finding       of    qualified            immunity
    extends only to Campbell’s liability for damages.                               See Harlow v.
    457 U.S. 800
    , 819 n.34 (1982).                               Nevertheless, the
    district court concluded that Raub did not meet the standard for
    injunctive relief because, among other reasons, he could not
    demonstrate the “immediate threat of future injury,” required
    for the equitable remedy.                Raub v. Campbell, 
    3 F. Supp. 3d 526
    540 (E.D. Va. 2014).                 We review a denial of injunctive relief
    for abuse of discretion.               Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith,
    Inc. v. Bradley, 
    756 F.2d 1048
    , 1055 (4th Cir. 1985).
    We agree with the district court that injunctive relief is
    not appropriate on this record.                   First, we have recognized that
    “federal injunctive relief is an extreme remedy.”                            Simmons v.
    47 F.3d 1370
    , 1382 (4th Cir. 1995).                           To obtain such an
    injunction, a plaintiff must show (1) irreparable injury, (2)
    remedies at law “are inadequate to compensate for that injury,”
    (3)    “the   balance           of    hardships    between        the    plaintiff     and
    defendant” warrants a remedy, and (4) an injunction would not
    disserve the public interest.                    Monsanto Co. v. Geertson Seed
    561 U.S. 139
    , 156–57 (2010).
    Where a § 1983 plaintiff also seeks injunctive relief, it
    will not be granted absent the plaintiff’s showing that there is
    a     “real   or        immediate      threat     that     [he]    will     be   wronged
    again . . .        in    a     similar   way.”         
    Simmons, 47 F.3d at 1382
    (quoting       City       of    Los    Angeles    v.     Lyons,    
    461 U.S. 95
    ,   111
    (1983)).      Even assuming Raub could make out a violation of his
    constitutional rights, “past wrongs do not in themselves amount
    to that real and immediate threat of injury.”               
    Simmons, 47 F.3d at 1382
    Lyons, 461 U.S. at 103
    ).                Consequently, Raub’s
    claim that he will in the future be subject to “unreasonable
    seizures    and   retaliation    because      of   his   political    beliefs,”
    Appellant’s   Br.   at   58,    is   merely    speculative,    such    that    he
    cannot make out “this prerequisite of equitable relief.”                      See
    Lyons, 461 U.S. at 111
    For    the   reasons   given,    we    affirm   the    district   court’s

Document Info

Docket Number: 14-1277

Citation Numbers: 785 F.3d 876

Filed Date: 4/29/2015

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023

Authorities (22)

suarez-corporation-industries-emerson-sonny-clopper-patricia-clopper , 202 F.3d 676 ( 2000 )

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