Klamath-Siskiyou Wildlands Ctr v. Rob MacWhorter , 797 F.3d 645 ( 2015 )

  •                 FOR PUBLICATION
    KLAMATH-SISKIYOU WILDLANDS              No. 13-35453
    PROJECT; ROGUE RIVERKEEPER,                D.C. No.
    Plaintiffs-Appellants,     1:12-cv-01900-
    ROB MACWHORTER, in his official           OPINION
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the District of Oregon
    Owen M. Panner, Senior District Judge, Presiding
    Argued and Submitted
    May 4, 2015—Portland, Oregon
    Filed August 10, 2015
    2                   KS WILD V. MACWHORTER
    Before: William A. Fletcher and Andrew D. Hurwitz,
    Circuit Judges and Donald E. Walter,* Senior District
    Opinion by Judge W. Fletcher
    Environmental Law
    The panel reversed the district court’s dismissal for lack
    of subject matter jurisdiction of an Endangered Species Act
    claim brought by Klamath-Siskiyou Wildlands Center against
    the U.S. Forest Service concerning its approval of suction
    dredge mining projects in the Rogue River-Siskiyou National
    Under the citizen suit provision of the Endangered
    Species Act, a private citizen may bring suit to remedy a
    violation of the Act, provided that the private citizen gives
    written notice of the alleged violation or violations upon
    which the suit is based at least sixty days before suit is filed.
    The panel held that the Klamath-Siskiyou Wildlands
    Center’s June 2012 notice letter was sufficient notice under
    the citizen suit notice provision of the Endangered Species
    The Honorable Donald E. Walter, Senior District Judge for the U.S.
    District Court for the Western District of Louisiana, sitting by designation.
    This summary constitutes no part of the opinion of the court. It has
    been prepared by court staff for the convenience of the reader.
    KS WILD V. MACWHORTER                     3
    Act. The panel also held that there was subject matter
    jurisdiction in the district court over the Center’s suit to
    enforce the Forest Service’s obligations under Section 7 of
    the Endangered Species Act. The panel left other questions
    in the suit to be addressed by the district court on remand.
    John R. Mellgren (argued), Peter M.K. Frost, Western
    Environmental Law Center, Eugene, Oregon, for Plaintiffs-
    Lane N. McFadden (argued) and Bridget Kennedy McNeil,
    Attorneys, Environmental & Natural Resources Division,
    United States Department of Justice, Washington, D.C., for
    James L. Buchal, Murphy & Buchal, LLP, Portland, Oregon,
    for Intervenor-Defendants–Appellees.
    4                KS WILD V. MACWHORTER
    W. FLETCHER, Circuit Judge:
    In this appeal, the Klamath-Siskiyou Wildlands Center
    (“KS Wild”) challenges the district court’s dismissal of its
    claim against the U.S. Forest Service for lack of subject
    matter jurisdiction. The district court concluded that KS
    Wild’s notice of intent to sue under the Endangered Species
    Act was deficient. For the reasons that follow, we disagree.
    I. Background
    Under the citizen suit provision of the Endangered
    Species Act (“ESA”), a private citizen may bring suit to
    remedy a violation of the Act, provided that it gives written
    notice of the alleged violation or violations upon which the
    suit is based at least sixty days before suit is filed. 16 U.S.C.
    § 1540(g)(2)(A)(i) (“No action may be commenced . . . prior
    to sixty days after written notice of the violation has been
    given to the Secretary, and to any alleged violator . . . .”).
    The sixty-day notice requirement is jurisdictional. Sw. Ctr.
    for Biological Diversity v. U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
    (Southwest Center), 
    143 F.3d 515
    , 520 (9th Cir. 1998). “A
    failure to strictly comply with the notice requirement acts as
    an absolute bar to bringing suit under the ESA.” 
    Id. This suit
    arises in the context of recreational suction
    dredge mining conducted under the General Mining Law of
    1872 and the Organic Administration Act of 1897. 30 U.S.C.
    § 22; 16 U.S.C. § 482. Under these statutes, if a mining
    operation “might cause significant disturbance of surface
    resources,” the miner must submit to the Forest Service a
    “notice of intent to operate” (“NOI”). 36 C.F.R. § 228.4(a)
    KS WILD V. MACWHORTER                        5
    (emphasis added). After receiving the NOI, the Forest
    Service has fifteen days to notify the miner if the planned
    operation will “likely cause significant disturbance of surface
    resources,” which would require the miner to submit a more
    detailed “plan of operations.” 
    Id. (emphasis added).
    A plan
    of operations must be approved by the Forest Service before
    mining may take place. 
    Id. § 228.5(a).
    In Karuk Tribe of California v. U.S. Forest Service,
    681 F.3d 1006
    (9th Cir. 2012) (en banc), recreational suction
    dredge miners submitted NOIs to the Forest Service for
    mining in the Klamath River. Under Section 7 of the ESA,
    the Forest Service is required to engage in consultation with
    the appropriate wildlife agency (either the Fish and Wildlife
    Service, the National Marine Fisheries Service (“NMFS”), or
    both) in order to “insure” that any contemplated federal
    action “is not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of
    any endangered species or threatened species or result in the
    destruction or adverse modification of habitat of such species
    which is determined to be . . . critical.” 16 U.S.C.
    § 1536(a)(2). We held in Karuk Tribe that the Forest
    Service’s review of NOIs under § 228.4(a) constituted agency
    action subject to the consultation requirement of Section 7 of
    ESA. 681 F.3d at 1027
    On June 12, 2012, following our en banc decision in
    Karuk Tribe, KS Wild sent the Forest Service a letter as a
    notice of intent to sue under the ESA. The letter alleged that
    the Forest Service had permitted suction dredge mining in the
    Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest (“the National
    Forest”), which provides designated critical habitat for coho
    salmon, without consulting with NMFS, in violation of
    Section 7. See 50 C.F.R. § 226.210 (describing critical
    habitat as all salmon-accessible river portions within the
    6               KS WILD V. MACWHORTER
    salmon’s historic range that can still be occupied and are not
    The letter alleged generally:
    The Forest Service and its officials have
    authorized, approved, or otherwise acquiesced
    to suction dredge placer mining operations in
    rivers, streams, and other waters on the forest
    that provide habitat for fish listed under the
    ESA, including coho salmon of the Oregon
    Coast Evolutionarily Significant Unit (“ESU”)
    and coho salmon of the southern
    Oregon/northern California (“SONC”) [sic]
    The letter then described the ESA consultation requirement,
    noted that NMFS has designated critical coho salmon habitat
    within the National Forest, and described the effect of suction
    dredge mining on coho salmon and their critical habitat. The
    letter stated:
    In 2010, 2011, and 2012, the Forest
    Service received numerous notices of intent
    from miners seeking to practice suction
    dredge placer mining operations in rivers,
    streams, and other waters on the Rogue River-
    Siskiyou National Forest that provide habitat
    for ESA-listed coho. On at least May 1,
    2012; April 19, 2012; April 13, 2012; April 3,
    2012; March 29, 2012; March 6, 2012; March
    2, 2012; February 14, 2012; January 30, 2012;
    January 19, 2012; October 13, 2011; August
    23, 2011; August 17, 2011; July 20, 2011;
    KS WILD V. MACWHORTER                        7
    July 1, 2011; June 1, 2011; April 8, 2011;
    March 25, 2011; March 23, 2011; March 17,
    2011; March 15, 2011; March 8, 2011;
    February 23, 2011; February 3, 2011; January
    29, 2011; and January 20, 2011, the Forest
    Service notified miners that they would not be
    required to submit a proposed plan of
    operations for their proposed suction dredge
    mining operations in rivers, streams, and other
    waters on the Rogue River-Siskiyou National
    Forest that provide habitat for ESA-listed
    coho. These suction dredge placer mining
    operations commenced and continue, and will
    continue in the foreseeable future.
    (Emphasis added.) The letter alleged that the Forest Service
    had failed to consult with NMFS before approving suction
    dredge mining pursuant to these “numerous notices of intent.”
    Two days later, on June 14, 2012, KS Wild sent another
    letter, amending the earlier letter to add Rogue Riverkeeper
    as a “party” to the letter.
    On August 8, 2012, Robert G. MacWhorter, the Forest
    Supervisor for the Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest,
    responded to KS Wild’s notice letter. He noted that KS
    Wild’s letter “did not provide specific information about
    which mining operations are of concern, such as names of
    miners or mining claims, locations, or dates of mining
    operations.” However, he stated that he had “matched thirty
    letters from District Rangers concerning mining on this
    Forest to the dates in your letter.” He stated that only five of
    those letters responded to NOIs that were within designated
    critical habitat, and of those five, one responded to a request
    8                KS WILD V. MACWHORTER
    to mine using hand tools rather than suction dredging. He
    then stated:
    As you can tell from the above
    information, each mining operation . . . is a
    unique matter to be considered in light of . . .
    [Karuk Tribe]. The Forest is working on
    addressing the Karuk case by reviewing the
    facts and legal holding against similar mining
    activities on the Rogue River-Siskiyou
    National Forest.
    I am deeply concerned about this issue
    and am interested in working with you on
    notice-level suction dredge activity that has a
    potential effect on listed Coho salmon. We
    are evaluating the identified notice-level
    mining claims and our authorities to proceed
    with consultation.
    On August 22, 2012, after receiving Forest Supervisor
    MacWhorter’s letter, members of KS Wild and Rogue
    Riverkeeper and an attorney employed by the Western
    Environmental Law Center met with MacWhorter and Forest
    Service staff members to discuss NOIs for suction dredge
    mining and the requirements of the ESA. On October 3,
    2012, KS Wild, along with the Cascadia Wildlands Project
    and Rogue Riverkeeper, sent the Forest Service a letter with
    an “updated list of 31 suction dredge placer mining projects
    that adversely affect listed wild coho or its critical habitat on
    the Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest, for which [the
    Forest Service] failed to consult with NMFS.” As to several
    of the NOIs listed in the June notice letter, the October letter
    asserted that MacWhorter was mistaken in his statement
    KS WILD V. MACWHORTER                         9
    about the degree to which suction dredge mining was taking
    place in ESA critical habitat. The October letter included an
    appendix identifying by date and location the thirty-one
    claims on the updated list. The list included twenty-four
    mining operations that corresponded with fourteen dates
    provided in the June 2012 notice letter; added claims
    corresponding with seven additional dates that were not
    provided in the notice letter; and omitted eleven of the
    twenty-six dates provided in the June notice letter.
    KS Wild filed a complaint in federal district court on
    October 22, 2012, more than sixty days after its June letter
    but less than sixty days after its October letter. KS Wild
    bases its allegation of subject matter jurisdiction solely on the
    notice provided in the June letter.
    The complaint made only a general allegation, echoing
    the language of the June notice letter, that “[o]n numerous
    dates in 2010, 2011, and 2012, the Forest Service received
    notices of intent from miners to conduct suction dredge placer
    mining in critical habitat for wild SONC [sic] coho on the
    Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest.” KS Wild filed an
    amended complaint on December 6, 2012. In the amended
    complaint, KS Wild specifically identified a number of NOIs,
    not limited to those corresponding to the dates in the June
    notice letter, that the Forest Service had allegedly approved
    without engaging in the consultation required under Section
    7 of the ESA.
    The Forest Service moved to dismiss the amended
    complaint for want of subject matter jurisdiction, arguing that
    KS Wild’s June notice letter was insufficient and that
    Cascadia and Rogue Riverkeeper were not proper plaintiffs.
    The district court concluded, without reaching any other
    10               KS WILD V. MACWHORTER
    question, that the June notice letter was insufficient. The
    court wrote that
    plaintiffs’ notice failed to fulfill [the statute’s]
    purpose because the notice did not inform the
    Forest Service of alleged violations plaintiffs
    now assert in their amended complaint. The
    notice only listed dates on which defendants
    allegedly authorized mining operations in
    coho habitat, forcing the Forest Service to
    guess which mining authorizations plaintiffs
    intended to challenge. Plaintiffs could have
    provided sufficient information in the notice,
    as shown by the specific allegations in the
    amended complaint. Plaintiffs’ failure to
    strictly comply with the notice requirement is
    an absolute bar to this action.
    KS Wild timely appealed.
    II. Standard of Review
    “We review the adequacy of a notice of intent to sue de
    novo.” Conservation Cong. v. Finley, 
    774 F.3d 611
    , 617 (9th
    Cir. 2014).
    III. Discussion
    As we noted above, the ESA requires that plaintiffs
    provide notice of a violation at least sixty days prior to filing
    suit. 16 U.S.C. § 1540(g)(2)(A)(i). The ESA notice
    provision contains language similar to citizen suit notice
    provisions in other environmental statutes, including the
    Clean Water Act (“CWA”) and the Resource Conservation
    KS WILD V. MACWHORTER                       11
    and Recovery Act (“RCRA”). See Hallstrom v. Tillamook
    493 U.S. 20
    , 23 & n.1 (1989). We may look to
    interpretations of the notice provisions of these statutes to
    inform our interpretation of the notice provision here. See,
    id. at 28–29.
    However, we note that the EPA has
    promulgated implementing regulations for the notice
    provision of the CWA, providing that a notice
    shall include sufficient information to permit
    the recipient to identify the specific standard,
    limitation, or order alleged to have been
    violated, the activity alleged to constitute a
    violation, the person or persons responsible
    for the alleged violation, the location of the
    alleged violation, the date or dates of such
    violation, and the full name, address, and
    telephone number of the person giving notice.
    40 C.F.R. § 135.3(a). Unlike the citizen suit statutory
    provision in the CWA, the ESA’s notice provision has no
    implementing regulation. Accordingly, to the degree that the
    CWA implementing regulation might be thought to require
    more specific notice than would be required under the statute,
    standing alone, we are not bound to adopt that more
    demanding requirement. See Glenbrook Homeowners Ass’n
    v. Tahoe Reg’l Planning Agency, 
    425 F.3d 611
    , 615–16 (9th
    Cir. 2005).
    The notice requirement serves two purposes. First, it
    “allows Government agencies to take responsibility for
    enforcing environmental regulations, thus obviating the need
    for citizen suits.” 
    Hallstrom, 493 U.S. at 29
    . Second, it
    “gives the alleged violator ‘an opportunity to bring itself into
    complete compliance with the Act and thus likewise render
    12              KS WILD V. MACWHORTER
    unnecessary a citizen suit.’” 
    Id. (quoting Gwaltney
    Smithfield, Ltd. v. Chesapeake Bay Found., Inc., 
    484 U.S. 49
    60 (1987)). The Supreme Court has concluded that these
    purposes are best fulfilled by requiring strict compliance with
    the statute’s timeliness and party identification requirements.
    Id. To provide
    proper notice of an alleged violation, a would-
    be plaintiff must “[a]t a minimum . . . provide sufficient
    information . . . so that the [notified parties] could identify
    and attempt to abate the violation.” Southwest 
    Center, 143 F.3d at 522
    (citing Pub. Interest Research Grp. of N.J.,
    Inc. v. Hercules, Inc. (Hercules), 
    50 F.3d 1239
    , 1249 (3d Cir.
    1995)). A citizen “‘is not required to list every specific
    aspect or detail of every alleged violation. Nor is the citizen
    required to describe every ramification of a violation.’”
    Cmty. Ass’n for Restoration of the Env’t v. Henry Bosma
    Dairy (Bosma Dairy), 
    305 F.3d 943
    , 951 (9th Cir. 2002)
    Hercules, 50 F.3d at 1248
    ). Rather, the analysis
    turns on the “overall sufficiency” of the notice. Id.; see also
    Marbled Murrelet v. Babbitt, 
    83 F.3d 1068
    , 1073 (9th Cir.
    1996) (examining “the letter as a whole” for sufficiency of
    notice). A reviewing court may examine both the notice itself
    and the behavior of its recipients to determine whether they
    understood or reasonably should have understood the alleged
    violations. See Natural Res. Def. Council v. Sw. Marine, Inc.
    (Southwest Marine), 
    236 F.3d 985
    , 997 (9th Cir. 2000); see
    also Atl. States Legal Found., Inc. v. Stroh Die Casting Co.,
    116 F.3d 814
    , 820 (7th Cir. 1997).
    In three citizen suit cases, we have allowed plaintiffs to
    plead alleged violations that were not specifically detailed in
    a notice letter. The key issue in all three cases was whether
    the notice provided information that allowed the defendant to
    KS WILD V. MACWHORTER                       13
    identify and address the alleged violations, considering the
    defendant’s superior access to information about its own
    activities. First, in Ecological Rights Foundation v. Pacific
    Gas & Electric Co., 
    713 F.3d 502
    , 506–07 (9th Cir. 2013),
    the plaintiff sent PG & E a notice letter alleging that it had
    violated the CWA and RCRA by releasing toxic wood
    preservative from its utility poles during periods of
    substantial rainfall. The letter “included a non-exhaustive list
    of utility poles in dispute and the dates of the alleged
    Id. at 507.
    The notice letter stated that the
    pertains to each and every Pole located in San
    Francisco, Alameda, Contra Costa, and Marin
    counties, to the extent the Pole has been
    treated with the above-referenced oil-
    pentachlorophenol mixture. . . . PG & E
    knows the location of each of these Poles.
    These Poles include, but are not limited to, the
    Poles identified in the attached Exhibits A and
    B. The itemization of Poles in Exhibits A and
    B are provided by way of example to illustrate
    ERF’s concern with the Poles . . . .
    Id. at 519.
    PG & E argued that the letter provided insufficient notice
    because it did not specify the location of each pole covered in
    the complaint. 
    Id. We disagreed.
    We wrote that
    “as long as a notice letter is reasonably
    specific as to the nature and time of the
    alleged violations, the plaintiff has fulfilled
    the notice requirement. The letter does not
    14              KS WILD V. MACWHORTER
    need to describe every detail of every
    violation; it need only provide enough
    information that the defendant can identify
    and correct the problem.” San Francisco
    BayKeeper, Inc. v. Tosco Corp., 
    309 F.3d 1153
    , 1155 (9th Cir. 2002); see also [Bosma
    Dairy], 305 F.3d at 951
    (“Neither the CWA
    nor the EPA’s regulations require plaintiffs to
    provide an exhaustive list of all violations.”).
    ERF’s notice that preservative-treated utility
    poles owned by PG & E and/or other entities
    in four counties allegedly discharged
    pollutants during days of significant
    precipitation was sufficient to advise PG & E
    of ERF’s claims, especially where ERF
    identified representative poles and referenced
    PG & E’s superior ability to ascertain the
    locations of other poles that might be at issue.
    Id. The key
    inquiry was whether the identifying information
    in the notice letter provided PG & E with enough
    information, when combined with PG & E’s knowledge of its
    own activities, to allow PG & E to identify the additional
    poles not specifically identified in the letter.
    Second, in Bosma Dairy, the plaintiff sent a notice letter
    listing twelve specific manure discharges by the Bosma Dairy
    that allegedly violated the 
    CWA. 305 F.3d at 948
    . Each of
    the discharges was described and identified by particular
    dates, ranging from January 1992 to June 1997. 
    Id. at 951.
    The plaintiff’s complaint alleged, in addition to the twelve
    discharges identified in its letter, thirty-two additional
    discharges, described and identified by particular dates,
    ranging from April 1992 to September 1997. 
    Id. We held
                     KS WILD V. MACWHORTER                          15
    that the notice was sufficient not only for the twelve
    violations specified in the notice letter, but also for the thirty-
    two additional unspecified violations. 
    Id. at 953.
    We held
    that requiring the plaintiff to list each specific violation in the
    notice was not necessary:
    The purpose of the 60 day notice is to provide
    the agencies and the defendant with
    information on the cause and type of
    environmental laws or orders the defendant is
    allegedly violating so that the agencies can
    step in, investigate, and bring the defendant
    into compliance. . . . Congress did not intend
    to unduly burden citizens by requiring them to
    basically carry out the job of the agency.
    Based on the fact that the violations originated
    from the same source, were of the same
    nature, and were easily identifiable, we find
    that [the plaintiff’s] notice was adequate.
    Id. Third, in
    San Francisco BayKeeper v. Tosco Corp., the
    plaintiff sent a notice letter alleging that Tosco had violated
    the CWA by spilling petroleum coke into San Francisco Bay
    waters during ship loading, and by allowing the wind to blow
    coke into the water from uncovered 
    piles. 309 F.3d at 1158
    The letter alleged spilling violations on fourteen specified
    dates when, based on Coast Guard records, ships were
    moored at Tosco’s dock, as well as additional possible
    violations on unspecified dates. 
    Id. The letter
    alleged wind-
    blown violations without listing any specific dates, saying
    only that the violations occurred “on each day when the wind
    16              KS WILD V. MACWHORTER
    has been sufficiently strong to blow coke from the piles into
    the slough.” 
    Id. We held
    that sufficient notice had been provided for both
    kinds of violations. With respect to the additional spilling
    violations not specifically identified in the notice, we wrote:
    Tosco is obviously in a better position than
    BayKeeper to identify the exact dates, or
    additional dates, of its own ship loading. The
    notice regulation does not require BayKeeper
    in such a situation to provide the exact dates
    of alleged violations; rather, it requires only
    that BayKeeper provide “sufficient
    information to permit the recipients to identify
    . . . the date or dates.”
    Id. at 1158–59
    (emphasis omitted) (quoting 40 C.F.R.
    § 135.3(a)). With respect to the wind-blown violations, we
    wrote that the letter’s general allegations regarding the
    mechanism for the violation were sufficient because the
    notice “‘inform[ed] [Tosco] about what it [was] doing
    wrong’” and gave it “an ‘opportunity to correct the problem’
    by enclosing or covering the coke piles.” 
    Id. at 1159
    Marine, 236 F.3d at 996
    (second alteration in
    original); Bosma 
    Dairy, 305 F.3d at 952
    Our decisions in Ecological Rights Foundation, Bosma
    Dairy, and San Francisco BayKeeper, in which sufficient
    notice was provided, contrast with our decision in Southwest
    Center, in which such notice was not provided. Plaintiff
    Southwest sent three letters to the Department of the Interior
    and the Bureau of Reclamation notifying them “[a]t most”
    that “Southwest (1) desired consultation over Reclamation’s
    KS WILD V. MACWHORTER                      17
    operations in the Lower Colorado River and (2) felt that the
    [Memorandum of Agreement for Development of a Lower
    Colorado River Species Conservation Program] contravened
    the policies and dictates of the ESA.” Southwest 
    Center, 143 F.3d at 521
    . Southwest then filed suit under the ESA
    seeking an order that would protect the Southwestern Willow
    Flycatcher by requiring a lower water level of Lake Mead, the
    Colorado River reservoir behind Hoover Dam. 
    Id. at 519.
    We held that the notice letters were inadequate because “none
    of [them] informed the [federal defendants] that Southwest
    had a grievance about the Flycatcher habitat at the Lake Mead
    Id. at 521.
    The Forest Service relies on Southwest Center to support
    its contention that KS Wild’s notice letter was deficient. We
    disagree. The notice in this case is much more akin to the
    notice in Ecological Rights Foundation, Bosma Dairy, and
    San Francisco BayKeeper. KS Wild did not in its notice
    letter merely generally allege violations of the ESA, as the
    plaintiff did in Southwest Center. Rather, it specifically
    alleged a geographically and temporally limited violation of
    the ESA. It alleged that the Forest Service approved NOIs to
    engage in suction dredge mining in the Rogue River-Siskyou
    National Forest during a specified three-year period, and that
    the Forest Service had not consulted as required under
    Section 7 of the ESA for NOIs proposing mining in critical
    coho habitat.
    When it combined the information provided in KS Wild’s
    notice letter with the information to which it had ready
    access, the Forest Service had all the information necessary
    to determine whether, and in what instances, it had approved
    NOIs for which consultation was required under Section 7.
    The Forest Service knew, much better than KS Wild, what
    18               KS WILD V. MACWHORTER
    NOIs it had approved in the National Forest; and it knew or
    was in a position to know, much better than KS Wild, what
    waters within the National Forest provided critical coho
    salmon habitat. Similar to the defendants in Ecological
    Rights Foundation, Bosma Dairy, and San Francisco
    BayKeeper, the Forest Service did not need more specific
    information from KS Wild in order to identify the NOIs for
    which there was, or might be, an ESA violation—for either
    the NOIs listed in the June notice letter, or for NOIs
    referenced but not listed in the letter.
    The Forest Service disagrees. The Forest Service
    contends that KS Wild should have sought information from
    the Forest Service, either based on Forest Service public
    information regulations or on the Freedom of Information
    Act, and that KS Wild should then have provided that
    information, obtained from the Forest Service, to the Forest
    Service. The Forest Service writes in its brief, “Information
    about the Forest Service’s response to notices of intent to
    operate is readily available from the Forest Service itself.” If
    the relevant information is as readily available to KS Wild as
    the Forest Service claims it is, that same information is just
    as readily available to the Forest Service. And it is available
    to the Forest Service directly, without first having to provide
    it to KS Wild which would, in turn, then provide it back to
    the Forest Service, the original source of the information.
    For the foregoing reasons, we conclude that KS Wild’s
    June notice letter was sufficient notice under the citizen suit
    notice provision of the ESA, and that there is subject matter
    jurisdiction in the district court over KS Wild’s suit to
    enforce the Forest Service’s obligations under Section 7. We
    KS WILD V. MACWHORTER                       19
    do not reach other questions in the suit, leaving them to be
    addressed by the district court on remand in the first instance.