Wildearth Guardians v. Usda-Aphis , 795 F.3d 1148 ( 2015 )

  •                FOR PUBLICATION
    WILDEARTH GUARDIANS,                      No. 13-16071
    D.C. No.
    v.                     2:12-cv-00716-
    AGRICULTURE, Animal and Plant
    Health Inspection Service,                 OPINION
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the District of Nevada
    Miranda Du, District Judge, Presiding
    Argued and Submitted
    March 9, 2015—San Francisco, California
    Filed August 3, 2015
    Before: M. Margaret McKeown, Mary H. Murguia, and
    Michelle T. Friedland, Circuit Judges.
    Opinion by Judge Friedland
    2              WILDEARTH GUARDIANS V. USDA
    Environmental Law
    The panel reversed the district court’s order dismissing a
    case brought by WildEarth Guardians, alleging violations of
    the National Environmental Policy Act, and seeking to
    enjoin the federal government’s participation in the killing
    of predatory animals in Nevada.
    The district court dismissed for lack of standing, holding
    that WildEarth had not shown that its alleged injuries were
    caused by the government’s reliance on a decades-old
    programmatic environmental impact statement (“PEIS”);
    and that, in any event, WildEarth’s injuries were not
    redressable where Nevada could choose to implement an
    independent predator damage management program if the
    federal government ceased its activities.
    The panel held that both of the district court’s reasons for
    dismissal were erroneous. Concerning Claims One and Two,
    which challenged the government’s failure to supplement
    the 1994/1997 PEIS for its predator damage programs
    nationwide, the panel held that the injuries WildEarth
    member Don Molde alleged were concrete enough, and were
    sufficiently causally related to the government’s failure to
    update the PEIS, to support WildEarth’s standing for those
    This summary constitutes no part of the opinion of the court. It has
    been prepared by court staff for the convenience of the reader.
    WILDEARTH GUARDIANS V. USDA                    3
    Concerning Claims Three and Four, which alleged that
    the government violated the National Environmental Policy
    Act by preparing an inadequate environmental assessment
    for Nevada and consequently failing to prepare a Nevada-
    specific Environmental Impact Statement, the panel held that
    the standing requirements were met and WildEarth member
    Don Molde’s injury was redressable. The panel held that the
    mere existence of multiple causes of an injury did not defeat
    redressability, particularly for a procedural injury.
    Ashley D. Wilmes (argued), WildEarth Guardians,
    Louisville, Colorado, for Plaintiff-Appellant.
    Robert G. Dreher, Acting Assistant Attorney General; Emily
    A. Polachek (argued), Andrew C. Mergen, J. David Gunter
    II, and Brian Collins, United States Department of Justice,
    Environment and Natural Resources Division, Washington,
    D.C.; Annalisa Jabaily, and Lauren Axley, United States
    Department of Agriculture, Office of General Counsel,
    Washington, D.C., for Respondent-Appellee.
    Rebecca J. Riley, Natural Resources Defense Council,
    Chicago, Illinois, for Amici Curiae Natural Resources
    Defense Council, Defenders of Wildlife, Predator Defense,
    TrailSafe Nevada, Northeast Oregon Ecosystems, Center for
    Biological Diversity, Southwest Environmental Center,
    Friends of Animals, Mark E. Smith Foundation, Western
    Watersheds Project, and Boulder-White Clouds Council.
    Thomas M. Gremillion and Hope M. Babcock, Institute for
    Public Representation, Washington, D.C., for Amici Curiae
    Professors of Environmental Law.
    FRIEDLAND, Circuit Judge:
    Environmental organization WildEarth Guardians sued
    to enjoin the federal government’s participation in the killing
    of predatory animals in Nevada. WildEarth alleged that the
    program’s continued reliance on a decades-old
    programmatic environmental impact statement (“PEIS”)
    causes the government to use outdated and unnecessarily
    harmful predator control techniques that interfere with
    WildEarth’s members’ enjoyment of outdoor activities. The
    district court dismissed for lack of standing, holding that
    WildEarth had not shown that its alleged injuries were
    caused by the government’s reliance on the PEIS, and that,
    in any event, Nevada could choose to implement an
    independent predator damage management program if the
    federal government ceased its activities, so WildEarth’s
    injuries were not redressable. Both of these reasons for
    dismissal were erroneous, so we reverse.
    I. Background
    A. National Environmental Policy Act
    The National Environmental Policy Act (“NEPA”)
    requires federal agencies to assess and publicly disclose the
    environmental impacts of proposed federal actions.
    42 U.S.C. §§ 4321-4347.           For federal actions that
    WILDEARTH GUARDIANS V. USDA                     5
    “significantly affect[] the quality of the human
    environment,” the agency must develop an environmental
    impact statement (“EIS”) that “provide[s] full and fair
    discussion of significant environmental impacts” and
    “inform[s] decisionmakers and the public of the reasonable
    alternatives which would avoid or minimize adverse impacts
    or enhance the quality of the human environment.” 42
    U.S.C. § 4332(C); 40 C.F.R. § 1502.1. When it is unclear
    whether the federal action will have a significant effect on
    the environment, the agency must prepare an “environmental
    assessment” to determine whether an EIS is required. 40
    C.F.R. § 1501.4(b). If, after completing the environmental
    assessment, the agency decides not to prepare an EIS, the
    agency must prepare a “finding of no significant impact” to
    explain its decision. 
    Id. § 1501.4(e).
    An agency with an existing EIS must supplement it if the
    “agency makes substantial changes in the proposed action
    that are relevant to environmental concerns” or if “[t]here are
    significant new circumstances or information relevant to
    environmental concerns and bearing on the proposed action
    or its impacts.” 
    Id. § 1502.9(c)(1).
    “If there remains major
    Federal action to occur, and if the new information is
    sufficient to show that the remaining action will affect the
    quality of the human environment in a significant manner or
    to a significant extent not already considered, a supplemental
    EIS must be prepared.” Marsh v. Or. Natural Res. Council,
    490 U.S. 360
    , 374 (1989) (brackets omitted).
    6                 WILDEARTH GUARDIANS V. USDA
    B. APHIS and Its 1994/1997 Programmatic
    Environmental Impact Statement
    The United States Department of Agriculture is
    authorized to protect the nation’s agricultural resources from
    damage associated with predatory wildlife. See 7 U.S.C.
    §§ 426-426c. The Department’s Animal and Plant Health
    Inspection Service (“APHIS”) carries out wildlife control
    programs through Wildlife Services. 1 See 7 C.F.R. §§ 371.6,
    371.11. APHIS conducts its programs in cooperation with
    other federal, state, and local agencies, as well as with
    private organizations and individuals.
    In 1994, APHIS assessed the environmental impact of its
    full program of ongoing wildlife damage control nationwide
    and issued an EIS, referred to as a “programmatic EIS”
    (“PEIS”). The PEIS was revised in 1997 to make technical
    corrections.    The 1994/1997 PEIS discusses thirteen
    alternatives for wildlife management and identifies a
    preferred approach—the “Current Program Alternative.” 2
    Rather than requiring the preferred approach to be
    implemented nationwide, however, the Record of Decision
    for the PEIS identifies five “viable alternatives discussed” in
    Wildlife Services was formerly called Animal Damage Control.
    The Record of Decision in the Federal Register defines this
    alternative: “The current program (the integrated pest management
    alternative) . . . consists of various practices and techniques, including
    both nonlethal and lethal actions, that are available for formulating a
    damage control strategy consistent with applicable State and local
    requirements, cooperative agreements, and interagency arrangements.”
    Animal Damage Control Program, Record of Decision Based on Final
    Environmental Impact Statement, 60 Fed. Reg. 13399, 13400 (Mar. 13,
    WILDEARTH GUARDIANS V. USDA                   7
    the PEIS and states that they would be forwarded to regional
    and local decision makers “for consideration as management
    approaches.” Animal Damage Control Program, Record of
    Decision Based on Final Environmental Impact Statement,
    60 Fed. Reg. 13,399, 13,400 (Mar. 13, 1995).
    C. Predator Damage Control Activities in Nevada
    APHIS and the Nevada Department of Wildlife currently
    share responsibility for predator damage control in Nevada.
    Together, the two form the Nevada Wildlife Services
    Program (“NWSP”). NWSP has been conducting predator
    damage management in Nevada for over eighty years.
    APHIS provides significant funding, staffing, and
    supervision for NWSP’s activities. Nevada also provides
    some funding and personnel.
    In 2010, the then-Director of the Nevada Department of
    Wildlife, Kenneth Mayer, wrote a letter to APHIS (the
    “Mayer Letter”) stating that, if APHIS stopped conducting
    predator damage management in Nevada, the Nevada
    Department of Wildlife would retain statutory responsibility
    for wildlife control and would either “carry out the
    management of wildlife with existing personnel or contract
    the work to other capable entities.”
    In June 2011, APHIS issued an environmental
    assessment for NWSP’s ongoing predator damage
    management program in Nevada. The 2011 environmental
    assessment incorporated by reference APHIS’s 1994/1997
    The assessment considered five alternatives for predator
    management in Nevada, including ending federal
    involvement.   The assessment stated that, if federal
    involvement ceased, Nevada likely would engage in some
    predator damage management, but that it was “unlikely” that
    Nevada would conduct predator control at the level of the
    current program. The assessment noted that the effects on
    the environment of ceasing federal involvement were
    uncertain because they would depend on the actions of
    private individuals, who might attempt predator
    management on their own. The assessment nevertheless
    made some predictions about the likely rates of certain
    methods of predator control. Specifically, the assessment
    stated that the killing of ravens (a Nevada predator) “would
    be likely to decrease substantially” because Nevada would
    not have access to the same avicide used by APHIS. The
    assessment further hypothesized that ending federal
    involvement would greatly reduce aerial hunting of predator
    species, but would increase other forms of predator hunting.
    Ultimately, the 2011 environmental assessment
    concluded that continuing the joint APHIS-Nevada predator
    damage management program would not have significant
    environmental impacts, but that monitoring of the program’s
    impacts on wildlife populations should continue. APHIS
    issued a finding of no significant impact and therefore did
    not order a Nevada-specific EIS.
    D. Litigation History
    WildEarth sued APHIS in 2012, asserting four claims
    based on alleged violations of NEPA and one claim under
    the Wilderness Act, 16 U.S.C. § 1131 et seq. WildEarth
    sought injunctive and declaratory relief. WildEarth alleged
    that the data, science, and analysis used in the PEIS were
    based on studies from the 1970s and 1980s that have been
    called into question by more recent research. Claims One
    and Two alleged, respectively, that APHIS’s failure to
    WILDEARTH GUARDIANS V. USDA                            9
    supplement the 1994/1997 PEIS for its predator damage
    programs nationwide is (1) arbitrary, capricious, an abuse of
    discretion, not in accordance with law, or without
    observance of procedures required by law, 5 U.S.C.
    § 706(2)(A), (D); and (2) an agency action unlawfully
    withheld or unreasonably delayed, 
    id. § 706(1).
    Claim Three
    alleged that the 2011 Nevada environmental assessment was
    inadequate under NEPA, and Claim Four alleged that the
    2011 Nevada finding of no significant impact was arbitrary
    and capricious, or without observance of procedures
    required by law, 
    id. § 706(2)(A),
    (D). Claim Five alleged
    that the NWSP’s aerial hunting practices violate the
    Wilderness Act.
    APHIS moved to dismiss Claims One through Four
    under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 12(b)(1) for lack of
    standing, arguing that WildEarth had not alleged that any of
    its members had suffered a concrete, redressable harm.
    APHIS additionally asserted that Claims One, Two, and Five
    should be dismissed under Rule 12(b)(6) for failure to state
    a claim.
    In response to APHIS’s motion to dismiss, WildEarth
    submitted a declaration from Don Molde, a WildEarth
    member, who engages in outdoor recreation in parts of
    Nevada affected by NWSP’s predator control. 3 Molde’s
    declaration described his frequent recreational use of areas
    in Nevada impacted by NWSP’s activities, his plans to
    continue visiting those areas, and the negative effect of
    WildEarth also submitted a declaration from another member, George
    Weurthner, whose injuries were substantially the same as Molde’s for
    purposes relevant here. For convenience, and because Molde’s injuries
    are sufficient to support standing, we discuss only Molde’s declaration.
    NWSP’s predator damage management on his recreational
    and aesthetic enjoyment of the impacted areas. For example,
    Molde stated that he has curtailed his walks with his dog for
    fear that the dog would be caught in NWSP’s predator traps.
    Molde further described how NWSP’s activities reduce the
    number of ravens that he is able to observe during his bird-
    watching, and how NWSP’s aerial hunting practices reduce
    his chances of seeing coyotes.
    The district court dismissed Claims One through Four for
    lack of standing. With respect to Claims One and Two, the
    district court concluded that WildEarth had not alleged a
    sufficiently concrete injury traceable to APHIS’s 1994/1997
    PEIS. Regarding Claims Three and Four, the district court
    concluded that WildEarth’s injury was not redressable
    because the Mayer Letter indicated that Nevada would carry
    out predator damage management even if APHIS was
    enjoined from engaging in predator control in Nevada.
    The district court denied the motion to dismiss Claim
    Five, but WildEarth then voluntarily dismissed that claim so
    that it could immediately appeal the standing holdings.
    II. Standard of Review
    “We review a motion to dismiss for lack of standing de
    novo, construing the factual allegations in the complaint in
    favor of the plaintiffs.” Mont. Shooting Sports Ass’n v.
    727 F.3d 975
    , 979 (9th Cir. 2013). A plaintiff has
    the burden to establish that it has standing. Salmon
    Spawning & Recovery All. v. Gutierrez, 
    545 F.3d 1220
    , 1225
    (9th Cir. 2008).
    WILDEARTH GUARDIANS V. USDA                     11
    III.   Discussion
    To establish standing, a plaintiff must show that “(1) he
    or she has suffered an injury in fact that is concrete and
    particularized, and actual or imminent; (2) the injury is fairly
    traceable to the challenged conduct; and (3) the injury is
    likely to be redressed by a favorable court decision.” Salmon
    Spawning, 545 F.3d at 1225
    (citing Lujan v. Defs. of
    504 U.S. 555
    , 560–61 (1992)).
    To demonstrate standing to bring a procedural claim—
    such as one alleging a NEPA violation—a plaintiff “must
    show that the procedures in question are designed to protect
    some threatened concrete interest of his that is the ultimate
    basis of his standing.”         W. Watersheds Project v.
    632 F.3d 472
    , 485 (9th Cir. 2011). For an
    environmental interest to be “concrete,” there must be a
    “geographic nexus between the individual asserting the
    claim and the location suffering an environmental impact.”
    Id. “[E]nvironmental plaintiffs
    adequately allege injury in
    fact when they aver that they use the affected area and are
    persons for whom the aesthetic and recreational values of the
    area will be lessened by the challenged activity.” Friends of
    the Earth, Inc. v. Laidlaw Envtl. Servs., Inc., 
    528 U.S. 167
    183 (2000). Once plaintiffs seeking to enforce a procedural
    requirement establish a concrete injury, “the causation and
    redressability requirements are relaxed.” W. Watersheds
    Project, 632 F.3d at 485
    . “Plaintiffs alleging procedural
    injury must show only that they have a procedural right that,
    if exercised, could protect their concrete interests.” Salmon
    Spawning, 545 F.3d at 1226
    A. The Claims Challenging the 1994/1997 PEIS
    The district court dismissed Claims One and Two,
    holding that WildEarth had not shown that any of its
    members had a concrete injury caused by the PEIS. But the
    injuries Molde alleges are concrete enough, and are
    sufficiently causally related to APHIS’s failure to update the
    PEIS, to support WildEarth’s standing for Claims One and
    “An association has standing to bring suit on behalf of
    its members when its members would otherwise have
    standing to sue in their own right, the interests at stake are
    germane to the organization’s purpose, and neither the claim
    asserted nor the relief requested requires the participation of
    individual members in the lawsuit.” Friends of the 
    Earth, 528 U.S. at 181
    (citing Hunt v. Wash. State Apple Advert.
    432 U.S. 333
    , 343 (1977)). As to the second and
    third prongs, it is clear that Molde’s interest in recreational
    and aesthetic enjoyment of predators in the Nevada
    wilderness is related to WildEarth’s purposes of “protecting
    and restoring wildlife” and “carnivore protection.” And
    neither WildEarth’s claims for procedural violations of
    NEPA nor its requested relief require the participation of any
    individual WildEarth members. The only dispute is over the
    first prong—whether the harm to Molde satisfies the
    concrete injury-in-fact, causation, and redressability
    requirements for standing. We therefore focus on those
    Molde’s injury is his reduced recreational and aesthetic
    enjoyment of areas in Nevada impacted by NWSP’s predator
    damage management programs. His declaration names
    specific wilderness areas in Nevada that he has visited and
    has specific plans to visit again. The declaration states that
    WILDEARTH GUARDIANS V. USDA                   13
    NWSP’s predator control negatively impacts Molde’s
    enjoyment of those areas by causing him to curtail his
    recreational activities and reducing his likelihood of seeing
    predators, including coyotes and ravens. This satisfies the
    injury-in-fact requirement. See Ctr. for Biological Diversity
    v. Kempthorne, 
    588 F.3d 701
    , 707–08 (9th Cir. 2009)
    (holding that a declaration from plaintiffs that they have
    viewed animals in the affected region previously, enjoy
    doing so, and have plans to return satisfies the requirement
    for a concrete injury in fact with geographic nexus to the
    challenged action).
    Because WildEarth seeks to enforce a procedural right
    under NEPA, the requirements for causation and
    redressability are relaxed. W. Watersheds 
    Project, 632 F.3d at 485
    .       Under that relaxed standard, WildEarth’s
    allegations, based on Molde’s experience, are sufficient to
    support standing. WildEarth alleges that APHIS implements
    its predator damage management programs pursuant to the
    1994/1997 PEIS, and that APHIS has improperly failed to
    update that PEIS. The Record of Decision for the final PEIS
    specifically states that APHIS will rely on information from
    the final PEIS for NEPA compliance. 60 Fed. Reg. 13,399,
    13,400. Indeed, the Nevada environmental assessment did
    incorporate the 1994/1997 PEIS. This is a sufficient causal
    link between APHIS’s alleged procedural violations of
    NEPA and Molde’s injury to satisfy the relaxed causation
    requirement for procedural claims. See Salmon 
    Spawning, 545 F.3d at 1229
    (holding that causation is satisfied under
    the relaxed requirements for procedural claims when “[t]he
    asserted injury is not too tenuously connected to the
    agencies’ failure” to take action).
    Contrary to APHIS’s arguments, the fact that the PEIS
    also applies to programs in states for which WildEarth has
    not submitted member declarations does not prevent
    WildEarth from challenging the continued use of the PEIS.
    WildEarth has adequately alleged that Molde’s injury in
    Nevada is caused by the failure to update the PEIS, which is
    sufficient to allow WildEarth to challenge that failure to
    update. That the PEIS also applies to other geographic
    regions that Molde does not visit is irrelevant to the standing
    analysis. See Res. Ltd., Inc. v. Robertson, 
    35 F.3d 1300
    1303 (9th Cir. 1994) (“[I]f plaintiffs did not have standing to
    challenge a non-site-specific EIS, the program as a whole
    could never be reviewed. To the extent that the plan pre-
    determines the future, it represents a concrete injury that
    plaintiffs must, at some point, have standing to challenge.”);
    Idaho Conservation League v. Mumma, 
    956 F.2d 1508
    1515-18 (9th Cir. 1992) (holding that the plaintiffs had
    standing to challenge a non-site-specific EIS that caused
    their injury in fact); see also Alaska Ctr. for Env’t v.
    20 F.3d 981
    , 985 (9th Cir. 1994) (upholding
    standing for challenge to statewide failure to regulate water
    quality when the plaintiffs alleged specific injury relating to
    some, but not all, streams within Alaska).
    Molde’s injury also satisfies the relaxed redressability
    requirement for procedural claims. This requirement is
    satisfied when “the relief requested—that the agency follow
    the correct procedures—may influence the agency’s
    ultimate decision.” Salmon 
    Spawning, 545 F.3d at 1226
    This relaxed redressability standard governs procedural
    challenges to programmatic actions as well as to specific
    implementing actions. See Cottonwood Envtl. Law Ctr. v.
    U.S. Forest Serv., Nos. 13-35624, 13-35631, 
    2015 WL 3756708
    , at *6 (9th Cir. June 17, 2015) (“As in Salmon
    Spawning, Cottonwood’s allegation of a procedural injury
    relaxes its burden of showing causation and redressability.
    WILDEARTH GUARDIANS V. USDA                             15
    Cottonwood need not show that [the procedures sought]
    would lead to a different result at either the programmatic or
    project-specific level.”) (internal citation omitted). Here,
    updating the PEIS could influence APHIS’s predator
    damage management in Nevada, which is sufficient to
    satisfy the redressability requirement for standing for a
    procedural claim.
    Because Molde would have standing to bring Claims
    One and Two on his own, and WildEarth also satisfies the
    other associational standing requirements, WildEarth has
    standing for Claims One and Two. 4
    B. The Nevada-Specific Claims
    Claims Three and Four allege that APHIS violated
    NEPA by preparing an inadequate environmental
    assessment for Nevada and consequently failing to prepare a
    Nevada-specific EIS. In support, WildEarth argues that
    APHIS’s Nevada analysis was deficient because, among
    other things, it failed to analyze the environmental impacts
    of trapping, aerial hunting, and avicide use—all practices
    that Molde contends negatively impact his aesthetic and
    recreational enjoyment of affected areas in Nevada. The
    district court dismissed these claims for lack of
    APHIS alternately asks us to affirm the district court’s dismissal of
    Claims One and Two under Rule 12(b)(6) for failure to state a claim upon
    which relief may be granted. The district court has yet to address this
    issue, and we decline to reach it in the first instance. See Am. President
    Lines, Ltd. v. Int’l Longshore & Warehouse Union, Alaska Longshore
    Div., Unit 60, 
    721 F.3d 1147
    , 1157 (9th Cir. 2013) (“It is the general rule
    . . . that a federal appellate court does not consider an issue not passed
    upon below.”).
    16             WILDEARTH GUARDIANS V. USDA
    redressability. Specifically, the district court held that the
    Mayer Letter, which asserted that Nevada would perform
    predator damage management independently if APHIS were
    to withdraw from Nevada, demonstrated that enjoining
    APHIS would not redress WildEarth’s injury.
    For the same reasons discussed above, WildEarth meets
    the injury-in-fact and causation requirements for standing to
    challenge APHIS’s predator damage management activities
    in Nevada based on Molde’s injuries, as well as the other
    requirements for associational standing. The only question
    in dispute is whether Molde’s injury is redressable. We hold
    that it is.
    APHIS argues that, if WildEarth prevailed on Claims
    Three and Four, APHIS would have to cease its predator
    management activities in Nevada altogether at least until a
    new environmental assessment was completed. On the basis
    of this premise, which we accept as true, 5 APHIS’s primary
    argument against redressability is that, if federal
    involvement in predator management in Nevada ceased as a
    result of this lawsuit, Nevada would pick up where the
    federal government left off. APHIS argues that Nevada’s
    current participation in NWSP’s predator control activities
    and its legal authority to conduct predator control make
    Nevada an independent cause of the underlying injury,
    We note that if APHIS’s activities would only be altered rather than
    halted if WildEarth prevailed, there is no question that WildEarth’s
    injury would be redressable. Partial relief through a reduction in
    APHIS’s activities would qualify as redress for standing purposes,
    Meese v. Keene, 
    481 U.S. 465
    , 476–77 (1987), and APHIS has not even
    argued that Nevada would step in to fill a gap left by a reduction in
    federal activity rather than a cessation.
    WILDEARTH GUARDIANS V. USDA                    17
    rendering Molde’s injury not redressable by relief against
    APHIS. But the mere existence of multiple causes of an
    injury does not defeat redressability, particularly for a
    procedural injury. So long as a defendant is at least partially
    causing the alleged injury, a plaintiff may sue that defendant,
    even if the defendant is just one of multiple causes of the
    plaintiff’s injury.
    The Supreme Court applied this principle in
    Massachusetts v. EPA, 
    549 U.S. 497
    , 525–26 (2007).
    Massachusetts, along with several other plaintiffs, had
    brought a procedural challenge to EPA’s failure to regulate
    greenhouse gas emissions from new motor vehicles. 
    Id. at 505.
         The underlying concrete injury—harms to
    Massachusetts and its citizens from climate change caused
    by greenhouse gas emissions—had multiple causes. EPA
    pointed to the fact that there were numerous contributors to
    greenhouse gas emissions, including developing nations
    such as China and India. 
    Id. at 523–24.
    EPA further argued
    that “predicted increases in greenhouse gas emissions from
    developing nations . . . [were] likely to offset any marginal
    domestic decrease” that would result from the type of
    regulations Massachusetts sought. 
    Id. Nevertheless, the
    Court held that Massachusetts satisfied the relaxed
    redressability requirement for procedural claims because a
    favorable decision by the EPA could reduce “to some
    extent” the risk posed by global warming. 
    Id. at 526.
    In Salmon Spawning, we likewise held that the plaintiffs
    had standing to bring a procedural claim for prospective
    relief based on the United States’ alleged failure to engage
    in procedures under the Endangered Species Act that might
    lead to changes in future salmon harvesting 
    practices. 545 F.3d at 1229
    . Although salmon harvesting was carried out
    by both the United States and Canada pursuant to the terms
    of a treaty, the existence of two causes of the plaintiffs’
    injury did not defeat redressability. 6 
    Id. Similarly, in
    Barnum Timber Co. v. EPA, we held that a
    litigant challenging an agency action “need not eliminate any
    other contributing causes to establish its standing.” 
    633 F.3d 894
    , 901 (9th Cir. 2011). The relevant inquiry is instead
    whether a favorable ruling could redress the challenged
    cause of the injury. See 
    id. Specifically, in
    Barnum we
    concluded that a landowner had standing to sue EPA because
    EPA regulations decreased the landowner’s property’s
    value, even though California also regulated the property in
    Id. at 900–01
    & n.4. We stated that “[w]hether
    Barnum might have a cause of action against California does
    not affect whether Barnum has standing to sue EPA, just as
    whether Barnum will be successful on the merits in its suit
    against EPA does not affect whether Barnum has standing to
    pursue such a suit.” 
    Id. at 900
    n.4; see also 
    id. at 901
    do not think Barnum must allege that EPA is the sole source
    of the devaluation of its property.”).
    Nuclear Information and Resource Service v. Nuclear
    Regulatory Commission (“NIRS”), 
    457 F.3d 941
    (9th Cir.
    2006), upon which APHIS relies, is not to the contrary. In
    NIRS, we held that the plaintiffs had not alleged a concrete
    injury caused by the challenged Nuclear Regulatory
    Commission (“NRC”) regulation, because none of the
    declarations from the plaintiff association’s members
    In contrast to the prospective claim in Salmon Spawning, the
    retrospective claims were not redressable because the remedy sought was
    the undoing of a treaty with Canada, and the court could not influence
    the decision, which had already been made by the Executive Branch, to
    enter into that 
    treaty. 545 F.3d at 1225
    WILDEARTH GUARDIANS V. USDA                    19
    “explain[ed] in any way how [the members’] health may be
    affected by this regulation,” and because the plaintiff
    association’s “interest (even if sufficiently concrete) in the
    health of its members also appear[ed] to be served, not
    harmed, by the enactment of the new regulations.” 
    Id. at 953,
    954. We emphasized that this lack of injury was
    “dispositive of [the] appeal.” 
    Id. at 951.
    We went on to
    explain, however, that to the extent the plaintiffs were
    harmed by the existence of the NRC regulation, their injury
    was no longer redressable because the Department of
    Transportation had a regulation identical in effect to the
    challenged NRC regulation, and the statute of limitations for
    any challenge to the Department of Transportation
    regulation had already run. Id.at 955; Nuclear Info. & Res.
    Serv. v. U.S. Dep’t of Transp. Research & Special Programs
    457 F.3d 956
    , 962–63 (9th Cir. 2006). In contrast,
    here, Nevada does not already have an independent predator
    damage management program that is entirely redundant with
    APHIS’s in terms of its effect on WildEarth. And, even if
    Nevada did have such a program, nothing suggests that
    litigation challenging it would be time barred or otherwise
    Nor does Washington Environmental Council v. Bellon,
    732 F.3d 1131
    (9th Cir. 2013), show that redressability is
    lacking here. In Bellon, we held that plaintiffs alleging
    concrete injuries from climate change had not satisfied the
    causation and redressability requirements for standing to
    challenge a failure to adequately regulate oil refineries in
    Washington because the alleged link between the absence of
    such regulation and climate change was too tenuous. 
    Id. at 1141–47.
    Bellon did not involve a procedural right, so the
    redressability requirements there were not relaxed in the way
    they are here. 
    Id. at 1145
    (distinguishing Massachusetts v.
    EPA on the ground that it involved a “procedural right”). In
    addition, causation was lacking because the defendant oil
    refineries were such minor contributors to global greenhouse
    gas emissions, and the independent third-party causes of
    climate change were so numerous, that the contribution of
    the defendant oil refineries was “scientifically
    Id. at 1143–44.
    Molde’s injury, in contrast,
    has at most two causes, and APHIS contributes very
    discernibly to that injury. It is the program led by APHIS
    that is carrying out the hunting, trapping, poisoning, and
    other acts of predator damage management that detract from
    Molde’s enjoyment of the outdoors.
    The conclusion that Molde’s (and thus WildEarth’s)
    injury is redressable is bolstered by the fact that any
    independent predator damage management activities by
    Nevada are hypothetical rather than actual. What, if any, the
    extent of a Nevada predator damage management program
    would be if APHIS stopped its activity in Nevada is entirely
    a matter of speculation because Nevada currently has no
    such independent program. Nevada has stated, through the
    Mayer Letter, that it would implement some form of predator
    damage management if APHIS withdrew from Nevada. But
    the Mayer Letter states only that the Nevada Department of
    Wildlife would retain statutory responsibility for predator
    management if APHIS ceased its involvement. It does not
    describe what the Department of Wildlife would do to carry
    out that responsibility on its own. Nevada might adopt
    practices that would be less harmful to WildEarth’s interests,
    or it might devote less funding to predator damage
    management than APHIS currently provides. Indeed, the
    Nevada environmental assessment found that, at a minimum,
    a Nevada-run program likely would greatly reduce aerial
    hunting and the killing of ravens, both of which would
    WILDEARTH GUARDIANS V. USDA                        21
    partially redress Molde’s injuries. The notion that Nevada
    would replace everything APHIS currently does is therefore
    speculative at best. Such speculation does not defeat
    standing. Seattle Audubon Soc’y v. Espy, 
    998 F.2d 699
    , 703
    (9th Cir. 1993) (“Speculation that logging might not occur
    because of as yet unknown intervening circumstances, or
    because redrafting the EIS might not change the Secretary’s
    decision to adopt [the challenged policy] as its owl
    management plan is not relevant to standing.”).
    IV.     Conclusion
    For the foregoing reasons, we REVERSE the district
    court’s order dismissing this case for lack of standing and
    REMAND for further proceedings. 7
    We address WildEarth’s requests for jurisdictional discovery and
    judicial notice in a concurrently filed order.