Schwartz v. Cuyahoga Cty. Bd. of Revision (Slip Opinion) , 143 Ohio St. 3d 496 ( 2015 )

  • [Until this opinion appears in the Ohio Official Reports advance sheets, it may be cited as
    Schwartz v. Cuyahoga Cty. Bd. of Revision, Slip Opinion No. 2015-Ohio-3431.]
    This slip opinion is subject to formal revision before it is published in
    an advance sheet of the Ohio Official Reports. Readers are requested
    to promptly notify the Reporter of Decisions, Supreme Court of Ohio,
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    SLIP OPINION NO. 2015-OHIO-3431
    [Until this opinion appears in the Ohio Official Reports advance sheets, it
    may be cited as Schwartz v. Cuyahoga Cty. Bd. of Revision, Slip Opinion
    No. 2015-Ohio-3431.]
    Taxation—Real-property valuation—Taxpayer-appellant’s burden of proof to
    establish entitlement to decrease in valuation—Sale price as best evidence
    of property’s value—Board of Tax Appeals’ decision reversed and cause
    (No. 2013-1955—Submitted January 13, 2015—Decided August 27, 2015.)
    APPEAL from the Board of Tax Appeals, No. 2013-608.
    Per Curiam.
    {¶ 1} This case involves a dispute over the value of a two-family dwelling
    in Cuyahoga County. Appellant, Fred P. Schwartz, purchased the property from
    the Secretary of the United States Department of Housing and Urban
    Development (“HUD”) for $5,000 in October 2011. The county fiscal officer
    valued the property at $126,800 for tax year 2011, and Schwartz sought a
    reduction to $30,000.      The Cuyahoga County Board of Revision (“BOR”)
    retained the fiscal officer’s valuation and the Board of Tax Appeals (“BTA”)
    {¶ 2} Schwartz appealed and now argues that the BTA acted unreasonably
    and unlawfully by rejecting the 2011 sale price as the best evidence of the
    property’s value, by assigning little weight to his comparable-sales data, and by
    failing to require the county fiscal officer and the BOR (collectively, the “county
    appellees”) to introduce evidence supporting their $126,800 valuation. He also
    asserts a due-process claim.
    {¶ 3} For the reasons explained below, the BTA erred by rejecting the
    2011 sale price as the best evidence of the property’s value. We therefore reverse
    the BTA’s decision.
    The property
    {¶ 4} The property at issue is located at 3259 Desota Avenue in Cleveland
    Heights, Ohio, and has been improved by a two-family dwelling.
    {¶ 5} Huntington National Bank acquired the property at a sheriff’s sale in
    August 2010, and HUD assumed the property from Huntington in September
    2010. Schwartz purchased the property from HUD for $5,000 on October 17,
    2011, and holds it in trust for Vladimir Victor.
    Valuation and BOR proceedings
    {¶ 6} In tax year 2011, the Cuyahoga County fiscal officer valued the
    property at $126,800, and Schwartz filed a complaint seeking a decrease to
    $30,000. No countercomplaint was filed.
    January Term, 2015
    {¶ 7} The BOR held a hearing on January 25, 2013. Schwartz did not
    appear, but he was represented by counsel and presented testimony from Victor
    about the property and the 2011 sale.
    {¶ 8} Victor testified that he had learned that the property was for sale
    while caring for an adjacent home on Desota Avenue. The property was listed
    with Sarver Realty, and a sale sign was posted in the yard for three years. Victor
    made several attempts to purchase the property, but his offers were not accepted.
    Later, Sarver Realty contacted Victor after a sale to another buyer fell through.
    Sarver Realty told Victor that if he did not buy it, the property would be
    {¶ 9} At the time of the hearing, Victor was renting out the property’s
    lower suite for a three-month term, at a rate of $650 per month. He did not have
    any other renters lined up. Victor testified that the city had sent notice of “a lot
    of” housing-code violations, but had not sent formal notice of an intent to raze the
    {¶ 10} Schwartz’s counsel submitted eight exhibits documenting other
    sales on Desota Avenue between September 2008 and January 2013, many of
    which had been sheriff’s sales or foreclosure sales. At the hearing, he challenged
    the BOR to find a comparable with a higher sale price on that street.
    {¶ 11} On February 14, 2013, the BOR issued a decision retaining the
    fiscal officer’s valuation. The BOR’s “Oral Hearing Worksheet and Journal
    Entry” noted:
    No evidence received to substantiate claim that property is
    not inhabitable. BOR notes sale 10/17/11 from HUD. Not
    arms length. Sales submitted are bank & repo sales in comp
    sales report with no analysis as to how properties are
    comparable. Information is but raw sales data which BOR is
    left to speculate. Use of neighboring assessed value to sale
    price is not valid indicator of value.
    BTA proceedings
    {¶ 12} Schwartz appealed to the BTA under R.C. 5717.01, again
    requesting a reduction to $30,000. He submitted a brief in support, but the fiscal
    officer and BOR did not file briefs.
    {¶ 13} In his brief, Schwartz contended that the 2011 sale of the property
    for $5,000 was a voluntary, arm’s-length transaction in that the property was
    publicly advertised as part of HUD’s “inventory of foreclosed properties,”
    Schwartz was the high bidder, and he did not have a special relationship with
    {¶ 14} Next, Schwartz argued that a market-data analysis supported a
    valuation of $30,000. See Ohio Adm.Code 5703-25-05(G); 5703-25-11(C)(1).
    He relied on the eight comparables that he had submitted to the BOR, as well as
    new evidence of “Other Sales on Desota Avenue Closest in Time to 01/01/2011.”
    For each allegedly comparable property, Schwartz provided the fiscal officer’s
    2011 valuation. Ultimately, he asked, “is it realistic and fair to state that HUD
    could have sold the property for $126,800 in such a depressed market?”
    {¶ 15} The BTA held a hearing on October 28, 2013. At the hearing,
    Schwartz’s counsel explained that even though the property “was purchased for
    $5,000 on October 17th, 2011,” Schwartz was “agreeable to a valuation of 30.
    * * * So I think he’s being fair.”
    {¶ 16} The BTA affirmed.           In its decision, the BTA explained that
    Schwartz had the burden to prove a value of $30,000. The BTA rejected the 2011
    sale price as the best evidence of value, reasoning that a HUD sale does not
    indicate market value. The BTA then observed that Schwartz’s information about
    other properties was “nothing more than a list of raw sales data.” BTA No. 2013-
    January Term, 2015
    2013 WL 6834186
    , *2 (Nov. 13, 2013). Therefore, the BTA stated, it was
    “left to speculate as to how common differences, e.g., location, size, quality of
    construction of improvements, nature of amenities, date of sale as opposed to tax
    lien date, etc., may affect a valuation determination.” 
    Id. Ultimately, the
    found “an insufficient basis upon which to alter the fiscal officer’s original
    assessment of the property.” 
    Id. {¶ 17}
    Schwartz appealed and asserts four propositions of law.1
    {¶ 18} “A party seeking an increase or decrease in valuation bears the
    burden of proof before a board of revision.” Snavely v. Erie Cty. Bd. of Revision,
    78 Ohio St. 3d 500
    , 503, 
    678 N.E.2d 1373
    (1997). Likewise, “[w]hen cases are
    appealed from a board of revision to the BTA, the burden of proof is on the
    appellant * * * to prove its right to an increase [in] or decrease from the value
    determined by the board of revision.” Columbus City School Dist. Bd. of Edn. v.
    Franklin Cty. Bd. of Revision, 
    90 Ohio St. 3d 564
    , 566, 
    740 N.E.2d 276
    To meet that burden, the appellant “must present competent and probative
    evidence to make its case”; it is not enough to merely introduce evidence that
    calls the board of revision’s valuation into question. 
    Id. {¶ 19}
    This court reviews BTA decisions only to determine whether they
    are “reasonable and lawful.” R.C. 5717.04. In doing so, we defer to the BTA’s
    factual findings, including determinations of property value, as long as they are
    supported by reliable and probative evidence in the record. Satullo v. Wilkins,
    111 Ohio St. 3d 399
    , 2006-Ohio-5856, 
    856 N.E.2d 954
    , ¶ 14. By contrast, we
    review the BTA’s legal determinations de novo. Crown Communication, Inc. v.
    136 Ohio St. 3d 209
    , 2013-Ohio-3126, 
    992 N.E.2d 1135
    , ¶ 16.
    In their brief, the county appellees assert that Schwartz failed to serve the tax commissioner with
    the notice of appeal, a jurisdictional defect under R.C. 5717.04. But Schwartz later produced
    certified-mail information indicating that the commissioner had been timely served.
    The BTA erred by rejecting the 2011 HUD sale price as evidence of value
    {¶ 20} Schwartz’s first proposition of law asserts that the BTA acted
    unreasonably and unlawfully by finding that the 2011 sale price for the property,
    $5,000, was not the best evidence of value.2
    The 1851 Ohio Constitution did not implicitly nullify R.C. 5713.04’s
    restriction on using prices from an auction or forced sale
    {¶ 21} As an initial matter, Schwartz argues that the 1851 Ohio
    Constitution implicitly nullified the statutory provision that states that “[t]he price
    for which such real property would sell at auction or forced sale shall not be taken
    as the criterion of its value.” R.C. 5713.04.
    {¶ 22} The General Assembly initially adopted a restriction on using
    prices from auctions and forced sales as evidence of property value in 1846, in
    language very similar to that of current R.C. 5713.04. See 44 Ohio Laws 91.
    Five years later, Ohioans approved the 1851 Ohio Constitution. Article XII,
    Section 2 of the 1851 Constitution required the General Assembly to pass laws
    taxing real property “according to its true value in money.”3 50 Ohio Laws 3, 26.
    Schwartz contends that “the adoption of Article XII, Section 2, elevating to
    constitutional status the command that real property be taxed ‘according to its true
    value in money’ by implication nullified the conflicting statutory language” about
    not treating auction and forced sale prices as the criterion of value.
    {¶ 23} Repeal by implication, even by a constitutional provision, has long
    been disfavored. See State ex rel. Evans v. Dudley, 
    1 Ohio St. 437
    , 441 (1853);
    State ex rel. Stokes v. Probate Court of Cuyahoga Cty., 
    17 Ohio App. 2d 247
    , 249-
    Although Schwartz did not seek a valuation of $5,000 before the BOR or the BTA (he requested a
    reduction to $30,000), the BTA expressly found that the $5,000 HUD sale price was “not the best
    evidence” of the property’s true value under R.C. 5713.04. 
    2013 WL 6834186
    , at *1, citing
    Cincinnati School Dist. Bd. of Edn. v. Hamilton Cty. Bd. of Revision, 
    127 Ohio St. 3d 63
    , 2010-
    936 N.E.2d 489
    Article XII, Section 2 has since been amended to require the legislature to enact laws taxing real
    property “by uniform rule according to value.” See 1929 H.J.Res. No. 8, 113 Ohio Laws 790.
    January Term, 2015
    246 N.E.2d 607
    (8th Dist.1969). To determine whether a constitutional
    provision implicitly repealed a statutory provision, this court considers whether
    there is a clear “repugnancy between the provisions” and whether they are “so
    contrary to each other that they cannot be reconciled.” Evans at 441. If the
    General Assembly could have enacted the same law even after the adoption of the
    later constitutional language, then the law “must be held constitutional.” State v.
    7 Ohio St. 522
    , 528 (1857).          If not, then the law “must be held
    unconstitutional and void.” 
    Id. {¶ 24}
    Here, the statutory provision at issue is reconcilable with the 1851
    constitutional requirement to tax property “according to its true value in money.”
    The auction-and-forced-sale provision of R.C. 5713.04 codifies a general
    presumption that a sale price from an auction or forced sale is not good evidence
    of a property’s value because the underlying transaction was not voluntary and at
    arm’s-length. See Olentangy Local Schools Bd. of Edn. v. Delaware Cty. Bd. of
    141 Ohio St. 3d 243
    , 2014-Ohio-4723, 
    20 N.E.3d 1086
    , ¶ 2. In other
    words, the provision instructs assessors how to determine a property’s true value;
    it does not tell them to tax a property sold at auction or in a forced sale for
    anything other than its true value.
    {¶ 25} In short, the 1851 Ohio Constitution did not implicitly nullify the
    auction-and-forced-sale provision of R.C. 5713.04.
    The BTA acted unreasonably by finding that this transaction
    was not voluntary and at arm’s-length
    {¶ 26} Next, Schwartz argues that even if R.C. 5713.04 is constitutional,
    the auction-and-forced-sale provision does not foreclose reliance on the 2011 sale
    price as the best evidence of the property’s value.
    {¶ 27} Under R.C. 5713.04, the price from an auction or forced sale is
    presumptively not evidence of a property’s value, absent proof that the transaction
    occurred at arm’s-length between typically motivated parties. See Olentangy
    Local Schools, 
    141 Ohio St. 3d 243
    , 2014-Ohio-4723, 
    20 N.E.3d 1086
    , at ¶ 2;
    Cincinnati School Dist. Bd. of Edn. v. Hamilton Cty. Bd. of Revision, 127 Ohio
    St.3d 63, 2010-Ohio-4907, 
    936 N.E.2d 489
    , ¶ 26 (“Fenco”).
    {¶ 28} This court regards HUD sales as “forced sales” for purposes of
    R.C. 5713.04 because they are generally not indicative of value. Fenco at ¶ 21.
    As we explained in Fenco,
    [HUD] serves as a “guarantor of loans which are made by a
    mortgage lending institution to a mortgagor property owner,”
    so that when the lending institution forecloses on the
    defaulting owner, the lender “obtains title to the property,
    often as a result of judicial sale,” after which the lender
    transfers title to HUD “for the amount of the Guarantee.”
    Id. at ¶
    28, quoting Helfrich v. Licking Cty. Bd. of Revision, BTA No. 2007-N-
    2008 WL 3198139
    , *4 (July 29, 2008). HUD thus “obtains the property
    ‘under duress, and obviously seeks to divest itself of the property for at least the
    amount of its guarantee.’ ” Fenco at ¶ 29, quoting Matic v. Mahoning Cty. Bd. of
    Revision, BTA No. 1990-H-1114, 
    1992 WL 380954
    , *4 (Dec. 11, 1992). In short,
    a sale of foreclosed property by HUD is generally regarded as a transaction that is
    not a voluntary sale between typically motivated market participants. Fenco at
    ¶ 22.
    {¶ 29} As in Fenco, the sale in question here was a HUD sale. Here, HUD
    guaranteed a loan by Huntington Bank to a previous owner of 3259 Desota
    Avenue. The bank obtained title to the property at a sheriff’s sale in August 2010
    (apparently after the owner defaulted), then transferred title to HUD.        After
    approximately one year, HUD sold the property to Schwartz for $5,000. Under
    January Term, 2015
    Fenco, this $5,000 sale price is presumptively not evidence of the property’s
    {¶ 30} However, the record indicates that Schwartz successfully rebutted
    this presumption with evidence that the 2011 sale was voluntary and at arm’s
    length. The property was on the market for three years (including one year after
    the property was transferred to HUD). Victor testified that a for-sale sign was
    posted at the property and he made several offers to buy it. The owner rejected
    Victor’s offers and, indeed, was planning to sell to a different prospective buyer.
    When that sale fell through, the owner contacted Victor and advised him that the
    property would be razed unless he wanted to buy. Schwartz also cited other sales
    on Desota Avenue as proof that the market could not bear a higher sale price at
    that time.
    {¶ 31} Under these circumstances, we hold that the BTA acted
    unreasonably when it found that the property’s 2011 sale price was not the best
    evidence of its tax year 2011 value. Accordingly, we find merit in Schwartz’s
    first proposition of law and reverse the decision of the BTA.
    {¶ 32} For the foregoing reasons, we reverse the decision of the BTA and
    remand with instructions that the $5,000 sale price be used as the property’s value
    for tax year 2011.
    Decision reversed
    and cause remanded.
    Schwartz argues that Fenco was wrongly decided. But his arguments for overturning that
    decision are not compelling. Alternatively, he argues that Fenco does not apply to this case because
    here the county appellees did not submit evidence supporting their valuation. But, as explained above,
    the proponent of a sale price from a HUD foreclosure sale bears the burden to overcome a presumption
    of involuntariness, not the other way around.
    KENNEDY and FRENCH, JJ., dissent.
    FRENCH, J., dissenting.
    {¶ 33} This case turns on whether the 2011 sale price of a property owned
    by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (“HUD”) is
    the best evidence of that property’s value for tax year 2011. The Board of Tax
    Appeals (“BTA”) found that the sale in question was not the best evidence of
    value. Because that determination was neither unlawful nor unreasonable on the
    record before us, I would defer to the BTA’s judgment about both the nature of
    the HUD sale and the value of the subject property. I therefore respectfully
    dissent from the majority’s contrary holding.
    {¶ 34} This court has long recognized that a HUD sale price is
    presumptively not evidence of a property’s value under R.C. 5713.04.            See
    Cincinnati School Dist. Bd. of Edn. v. Hamilton Cty. Bd. of Revision, 127 Ohio
    St.3d 63, 2010-Ohio-4907, 
    936 N.E.2d 489
    , ¶ 21-26 (“Fenco”); Olentangy Local
    Schools Bd. of Edn. v. Delaware Cty. Bd. of Revision, 
    141 Ohio St. 3d 243
    , 2014-
    23 N.E.3d 1086
    , ¶ 2. However, a property owner can rebut this
    presumption with evidence that a particular HUD sale was an arm’s-length
    transaction between typically motivated parties. See Fenco at ¶ 26.
    {¶ 35} The per curiam opinion correctly identifies this legal standard, but
    it fails to accord the required deference to the BTA’s determination that appellant,
    Fred P. Schwartz, failed to rebut the Fenco presumption in this case. This court
    must defer to the BTA’s factual findings, including determinations of property
    value, as long as they are supported by reliable and probative evidence in the
    record. Satullo v. Wilkins, 
    111 Ohio St. 3d 399
    , 2006-Ohio-5856, 
    856 N.E.2d 954
    ¶ 14. We will “reverse BTA findings only when there is a total absence of
    evidence to support a particular finding.” HealthSouth Corp. v. Testa, 132 Ohio
    St.3d 55, 2012-Ohio-1871, 
    969 N.E.2d 232
    , ¶ 14. This deference is appropriate
    January Term, 2015
    because the BTA has wide discretion in determining the weight of evidence
    before it and the credibility of witnesses. Apple Group Ltd. v. Medina Cty. Bd. of
    139 Ohio St. 3d 434
    , 2014-Ohio-2381, 
    12 N.E.3d 1188
    , ¶ 14.
    {¶ 36} Here, the BTA was responsible for deciding whether Schwartz met
    his burden to prove that the HUD sale in question was an arm’s-length
    transaction. In this regard, the BTA could consider evidence of whether the sale
    was “voluntary, i.e., without compulsion or duress,” whether it “[took] place in an
    open market,” and whether the parties to the transaction acted “in their own self-
    interest.” Walters v. Knox Cty. Bd. of Revision, 
    47 Ohio St. 3d 23
    , 25, 
    546 N.E.2d 932
    (1989). At the BTA hearing, the only evidence Schwartz presented on this
    issue was testimony from his representative, Vladimir Victor. The BTA had the
    opportunity to evaluate Victor’s credibility and the weight of his testimony, and it
    found that Schwartz failed to meet his burden to rebut the Fenco presumption.
    Because it is not this court’s role to “sit either as a super BTA or as a trier of fact
    de novo,” DAK, PLL v. Franklin Cty. Bd. of Revision, 
    105 Ohio St. 3d 84
    , 2005-
    822 N.E.2d 790
    , ¶ 16, and because the BTA’s finding is neither
    unreasonable nor unlawful under R.C. 5717.04, I regard it as our duty to affirm it.
    {¶ 37} In light of this conclusion, it is necessary to briefly address
    Schwartz’s remaining three propositions of law, which the per curiam opinion
    does not reach.
    {¶ 38} In his second proposition of law, Schwartz argues that even if the
    HUD sale was not the best evidence of value, the BTA acted unreasonably and
    unlawfully by rejecting his evidence of comparable sales. As with the above
    determination, I would defer to the BTA’s finding that these comparables were
    not probative evidence of value because they amounted to “nothing more than a
    list of raw sales data.” BTA No. 2013-608, 
    2013 WL 6834186
    , *2 (Nov. 13,
    {¶ 39} In his third proposition of law, Schwartz argues that the BTA
    applied the incorrect burden of proof. According to Schwartz, once he presented
    probative, competent evidence that the fiscal officer’s valuation was speculative
    and inflated, the burden of proof shifted to the county to prove its valuation. But
    Schwartz misunderstands his burden. As the appellant, Schwartz must introduce
    evidence of a specific valuation.5 He is not entitled to a reduction simply by
    presenting evidence that the fiscal officer’s valuation was too high.                     See
    Columbus City School Dist. Bd. of Edn. v. Franklin Cty. Bd. of Revision, 90 Ohio
    St.3d 564, 566, 
    740 N.E.2d 276
    {¶ 40} Finally, Schwartz argues that the BTA “failed to act as a fair and
    impartial tribunal” in light of the errors asserted in his first three propositions of
    law. This due-process claim fails because Schwartz’s first three propositions of
    law are unpersuasive and because, contrary to his claims, the BTA’s decision
    adequately addressed his arguments.
    {¶ 41} For these reasons, I would affirm the decision of the BTA. I
    therefore respectfully dissent.
    KENNEDY, J., concurs in the foregoing opinion.
    J. Alex Morton, for appellant.
    Timothy J. McGinty, Cuyahoga County Prosecuting Attorney, and Reno J.
    Oradini Jr., Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, for appellees.
    Schwartz requested a valuation of $30,000, but he offered no explanation of how he arrived at
    that value.