State v. Scott Provost , 199 Vt. 568 ( 2015 )

  •                                      ENTRY ORDER
    JULY TERM, 2015
    State of Vermont                                }    APPEALED FROM:
    v.                                           }    Superior Court, Chittenden Unit,
    }    Criminal Division
    Scott Provost                                   }
    }    DOCKET NO. 330-1-12 Cncr
    In the above-entitled cause, the Clerk will enter:
    An amended opinion has been issued in this case in response to appellant’s motion for
    reargument. The opinion issued August 1, 2014, State v. Provost, 
    2014 VT 86
    , is withdrawn and
    replaced by an amended opinion, State v. Provost, 
    2014 VT 86
    A. In all other respects, the
    motion for reargument is denied.
    Paul L. Reiber, Chief Justice
    John A. Dooley, Associate Justice
    Marilyn S. Skoglund, Associate Justice
    Beth Robinson, Associate Justice
    NOTICE: This opinion is subject to motions for reargument under V.R.A.P. 40 as well as formal
    revision before publication in the Vermont Reports. Readers are requested to notify the Reporter
    of Decisions by email at: or by mail at: Vermont Supreme Court, 109
    State Street, Montpelier, Vermont 05609-0801, of any errors in order that corrections may be
    made before this opinion goes to press.
    2014 VT 86
    No. 2013-201
    State of Vermont                                                Supreme Court
    On Appeal from
    v.                                                           Superior Court, Chittenden Unit,
    Criminal Division
    Scott Provost                                                   May Term, 2014
    Brian J. Grearson, J.
    Thomas J. Donovan, Jr., Chittenden County State’s Attorney, and Andrew R. Strauss,
    Deputy State’s Attorney, Burlington, for Plaintiff-Appellee.
    Matthew F. Valerio, Defender General, Joshua S. O’Hara and Rebecca Turner,
    Appellate Defenders, Montpelier, for Defendant-Appellant.
    PRESENT: Reiber, C.J., Dooley, Skoglund, Robinson and Crawford, JJ.1
    ¶ 1.     SKOGLUND, J. Defendant appeals from the trial court’s determination that he
    violated the terms of his probation by failing to complete a domestic-violence program in a
    timely manner and by engaging in threatening behavior during an intake meeting for the
    program. Defendant challenges both of these conclusions on appeal. We affirm.
    ¶ 2.     On June 20, 2012, defendant pled guilty to one count of second-degree aggravated
    domestic assault, one count of resisting arrest, and one count of violating his conditions of
    release. Defendant received an agreed sentence of nine months to three years, all suspended, and
    Justice Crawford did not participate in this amended decision.
    he was placed on probation. Defendant’s probation conditions required him, among other things,
    to complete the Domestic Violence (DV) Solutions program and to refrain from violent or
    threatening behavior. The term of probation was fixed at one year and expired by its original
    terms on June 20, 2013.      The instant violation-of-probation (VOP) complaint was filed in
    February 2013.
    ¶ 3.    The following evidence was presented at the April 2013 merits hearing.
    Spectrum Youth and Family Services runs the DV Solutions program. Defendant cancelled two
    scheduled intake meetings for the program in January 2013, asserting that he lacked the $20 fee.
    Defendant’s probation officer scheduled a third intake meeting and told defendant that if he did
    not go through with the scheduled meeting, he would be cited for violating probation.
    ¶ 4.    The intake meeting occurred on February 13, 2013, eight months into defendant’s
    year-long probation. The meeting went badly. The counselor testified that defendant was angry
    and belligerent from the outset, with defendant uttering a hostile response when she simply
    called his name for his appointment. When the counselor asked about defendant’s convictions,
    he accused her of going through his records. He questioned why he had to pay for the meeting.
    He denied committing the offenses for which he was convicted. Given his denial, the counselor
    informed defendant that she would need to stop the intake. She stood up, as did defendant.
    Defendant then “puffed out” his chest and stood between the counselor and the door. The
    counselor called out to a probation officer for assistance. Defendant remained standing in the
    doorway. When the probation officer arrived to escort defendant, defendant began yelling at
    ¶ 5.    The counselor testified that she felt threatened by defendant’s behavior. She
    stated that in eight years of conducting intakes, she had never before felt so threatened that she
    had to call a probation officer for help. Defendant denied threatening the counselor but admitted
    in court that his behavior was “not very civil” and that he “wasn’t very nice that day.”
    ¶ 6.    At the conclusion of the hearing, the trial court found that defendant violated both
    probation conditions at issue. As it explained, defendant had been found guilty of second-degree
    aggravated domestic assault and he had gone more than six months without addressing the DV
    Solutions condition of his probation. The court rejected defendant’s assertion that he had been
    unable to pay the $20 program fee.       As to the third intake meeting, the court found that
    defendant’s actions alone—both denying that he committed the underlying offense and his
    threatening behavior—prevented him from completing the intake that day.
    ¶ 7.    The court emphasized that defendant’s behavior that day had to be taken in
    context.   It found that defendant knew why he was at Spectrum, and indeed, by his own
    admission, he had been to Spectrum before for that very same purpose. The court found that
    defendant had the same attitude from the time he entered the building until he left. He was angry
    and belligerent, and he carried himself in a threatening manner to the point where the counselor,
    for the first time in eight years, had to summon another officer. Even after the counselor called
    for assistance, defendant did not leave the room. He remained standing in the room in an
    assertive posture and tried to intimidate the counselor by standing between her and the only exit.
    The court concluded that the combination of defendant’s words and demeanor—his tone of
    voice, the way he carried himself, the way he expressed himself, his denial of why he was there,
    and arguing over the charge that he was there for—rose to the level of threatening behavior.
    ¶ 8.    At the sentencing hearing, defendant’s probation officer advocated that probation
    be revoked and that the court impose the underlying sentence with a recommendation that
    defendant complete the Discovery Program for violent offenders while in prison. Through
    counsel, defendant sought to remain on probation and requested additional time to complete the
    DV Solutions program. His attorney stated:
    So we would be asking for the court to impose—to reimpose the
    original conditions of probation with an extension of the term to
    allow for him to complete DV Solutions. Clearly if he’s not able
    to do it, he would be back here on a violation of probation, and I
    think at that point the department’s request for revocation would be
    on more solid footing than it is at this point.
    Defendant said the same thing:
    I would just ask the court to grant me my request to continue [on
    probation] and to prove to the court and to Probation and Parole
    that I am willing to follow through and accomplish these
    recommendations and these court orders of these classes and
    willing to participate, not just show up.
    ¶ 9.    The trial court accepted defendant’s position. It extended the term of probation
    by another year to June 2014. With respect to the violation based on threatening behavior, the
    court ordered defendant to write a letter of apology to the intake counselor at Spectrum.
    Defendant appealed from the court’s order.
    ¶ 10.   In August 2013, while his appeal was pending, defendant’s probation officer filed
    a second VOP complaint based on defendant’s consumption of alcohol as well as his dismissal
    from the DV Solutions program for failure to attend three program meetings in May 2013 and
    one in July 2013. The probation officer filed a third VOP complaint in September 2013 alleging
    that defendant again violated the no-alcohol condition and engaged in violent or threatening
    behavior on three separate occasions.
    ¶ 11.   Pursuant to a plea agreement, defendant admitted to the August alcohol violation.2
    The court subsequently revoked defendant’s probation and imposed the underlying sentence.
    Defendant did not appeal from this order.
    ¶ 12.   We apply well-established principles to this dispute. The State must demonstrate
    by a preponderance of the evidence that a defendant violated a condition of probation.
    As the State notes, the violation of the DV Solutions condition was not specifically
    addressed during this hearing, and it is unclear from the record why this omission occurred.
    With respect to the allegations concerning violent or threatening behavior, defendant did not
    admit to these violations because he had pending criminal charges for this behavior. Court
    records indicate that in late 2014, defendant pled guilty to simple assault on a police officer, and
    he was sentenced to serve 119-to-120 days in jail, beginning on October 29, 2014, to be served
    concurrently with his existing sentence.
    28 V.S.A. § 302(a)(4). If a violation is established, the court may continue probation, alter the
    conditions of probation, or revoke probation and impose the underlying sentence. 
    Id. § 304.
    Whether a violation occurred is a mixed question of law and fact requiring the trial court to
    determine what actions the defendant took and whether those actions violated the probation
    conditions. State v. Austin, 
    165 Vt. 389
    , 398, 
    685 A.2d 1076
    , 1082 (1996). “We will not disturb
    the court’s findings if they are fairly and reasonably supported by credible evidence, and we will
    uphold the court’s legal conclusions if reasonably supported by the findings.” State v. Decoteau,
    2007 VT 94
    , ¶ 8, 
    182 Vt. 433
    940 A.2d 661
    ¶ 13.   Defendant first argues that the court erred by finding that he was required to
    complete the DV Solutions program by February 2013, eight months into his probation. He
    maintains that he had until the end of his probationary term to comply with this requirement, and
    that the State failed to show that he could not have completed the program by this time.
    Defendant acknowledges that he did not raise these arguments below. He contends, however,
    that the trial court committed plain error because the errors were “obvious” and the court’s
    decision violated his due process rights.
    ¶ 14.   We have recognized that plain-error review of unpreserved issues in the
    probation-revocation context is sometimes appropriate, depending on the nature of the claims.
    See Decoteau, 
    2007 VT 94
    , ¶ 11 (recognizing that plain error may be found in civil proceedings
    when “important interests and basic constitutional rights” are implicated, and concluding that
    plain-error review was warranted where claim involved defendant’s right to confront adverse
    witnesses and thus, implicated validity of entire proceeding (quotation omitted)); State v. Gilbert,
    2009 VT 7
    , ¶ 7, 
    969 A.2d 125
    (mem.) (citing Decoteau, and concluding that probationer was
    entitled “at best” to plain-error review, and finding no “obvious” error where legal question
    advanced by probationer—whether verbal threats can constitute “threatening behavior”—had not
    yet been decided by this Court). To be entitled to reversal on plain-error grounds, the error must
    be “obvious,” and defendant must show that “the error strikes at the heart of [his] constitutional
    rights or results in a miscarriage of justice.” State v. Ayers, 
    148 Vt. 421
    , 426, 
    535 A.2d 330
    , 333
    (1987). We have held that errors in unsettled areas of law are not obvious, and therefore not
    plain. See Gilbert, 
    2009 VT 7
    , ¶ 7 (citing State v. Butson, 
    2008 VT 134
    , ¶¶ 15-18, 
    185 Vt. 189
    969 A.2d 89
    ¶ 15.    We find no plain error here. It is the State’s burden to show that defendant had
    fair notice of the condition he allegedly violated. State v. Bostwick, 
    2014 VT 97
    , ¶ 8, __ Vt. __,
    103 A.3d 476
    . The condition may be “express” or “so clearly implied that a probationer, in
    fairness, can be said to have notice of it.” 
    Austin, 165 Vt. at 398
    , 685 A.2d at 1082. In this case,
    defendant was specifically informed by his probation officer that he must complete the third
    scheduled intake for DV Solutions or he would be cited for violating probation. See State v.
    154 Vt. 205
    , 216, 
    576 A.2d 1246
    , 1252 (1990) (explaining that due process requires
    notice of what acts constitute a violation and instructions from a probation officer can serve to
    provide notice); see also Lawson v. State, 
    969 So. 2d 222
    , 235 (Fla. 2007) (even though
    probation order contained no express time parameters for completion of drug-treatment program,
    commonsense reading of order provided probationer adequate notice that treatment program
    should be undertaken at beginning of probationary period).
    ¶ 16.    It is undisputed that defendant failed to complete the third intake, and, as the trial
    court found, it was defendant’s own actions that prevented him from completing the intake that
    day. Under these circumstances, the court did not commit plain error in finding that defendant
    violated the DV Solutions condition of his probation. We note, moreover, that at sentencing,
    defendant agreed that he had not completed the DV Solutions program and requested that his
    term of probation be continued so that he could complete programming. The trial court accepted
    his request and continued the term of probation for another year.
    ¶ 17.   Given our conclusion, we do not reach the issue of whether the evidence is
    sufficient to support a violation of the condition proscribing threatening behavior.          The
    requirement that defendant write a note of apology was not challenged on appeal. As defendant
    and his attorney both stated to the trial court, the delay in completing the program was a
    sufficient reason for extending the term of probation.
    Associate Justice
    ¶ 18.   ROBINSON, J., dissenting.             We have repeatedly insisted that probation
    conditions give the probationer fair notice of what conduct is prohibited and what conduct is
    required. State v. Sanville, 
    2011 VT 34
    , ¶ 8, 
    189 Vt. 626
    22 A.3d 450
    (mem.) (“To be charged
    with violating probation, a defendant must have notice before the initiation of a probation
    revocation proceeding of what circumstances will constitute a violation of probation.” (quotation
    omitted)). In Sanville, we held that the prohibition of “threatening behavior” in a probation
    condition did not give the probationer sufficient notice that “mouthing off” to his landlord would
    subject him to revocation. 
    Id. ¶¶ 9-10;
    see also State v. Johnstone, 
    2013 VT 57
    , ¶¶ 16-17, 
    194 Vt. 230
    75 A.3d 642
    (revisiting ambiguity of term “threatening behavior”). We have been so
    insistent on clear and unambiguous probation conditions that we have declined to interpret a
    badly worded condition to mean what the court probably intended to say if the condition as
    drafted did not clearly reflect that meaning. In State v. Galanes, we considered whether the
    probationer’s spontaneous sexual encounter without prior approval of his probation officer ran
    afoul of the following condition: “You must inform your [probation officer] of the name and
    contact information of any person with whom you are planning to have a date or with whom you
    are planning to begin a dating, sexual or romantic relationship, prior to the date or beginning of
    the relationship.” 
    2015 VT 80
    , ¶ 2, ___ Vt. ___, ___ A.3d ___. We acknowledged the strength
    of the State’s argument that under the circumstances, the sentencing court must have intended a
    broad reading to include the spontaneous sexual encounter at issue, but concluded that we were
    “required . . . to enforce a probation condition as it is written and not as we wish it had been
    Id. ¶ 22.
    ¶ 19.   Accordingly, we have declined to read unwritten terms into probation conditions,
    or to enforce a probation officer’s interpretation of a condition to impose requirements not
    expressly reflected in the language of the condition itself. See State v. Bostwick, 
    2014 VT 97
    ¶¶ 12-24, ___ Vt. ___, 
    103 A.3d 476
    . In Bostwick, we considered a condition that required the
    defendant to “reside where your [s]upervising [o]fficer directs.” 
    Id. ¶ 16.
    The defendant secured
    housing approved by his probation officer for temporary purposes only. His probation officer
    instructed him to look for permanent housing daily, and gave him a specific deadline to show “a
    genuine housing search effort.” 
    Id. ¶ 4.
    Dissatisfied with the rigor of defendant’s search, the
    defendant’s probation officer sought revocation of probation based on a violation of the
    condition requiring defendant to “reside where your [s]upervising [o]fficer directs.”          We
    declined to interpret this condition to empower the supervising officer to require the defendant to
    meet specific housing-search requirements by a deadline established by the officer. 
    Id. ¶ 12.
    explained that “the probation officer crossed the line between condition interpretation and
    modification in imposing the new requirements regarding the rate of [housing-search] call
    frequency and the deadline by which defendant needed to find housing or be found in violation.”
    Id. ¶ 12
    (quotation omitted); see also State v. Rivers, 
    2005 VT 65
    , ¶ 16, 
    178 Vt. 180
    878 A.2d 1070
    (reversing probation revocation because probation officer’s application of the probation
    condition—that the defendant could not attend a fair unsupervised—was not “evident from [the]
    plain language” of the condition prohibiting contact with children).
    Against this backdrop, the majority has essentially construed the probation condition in question
    here as requiring that defendant enroll in the DV Solutions program within a reasonable time
    period to be determined by his probation officer. To determine whether this reading is supported
    by the probation condition itself, or whether, as in Bostwick, it adds additional requirements not
    reflected in the probation condition itself, I turn to the text of Condition 31. It reads as follows:
    “31. DV Solutions.” That’s it. That’s all it says. The entirety of the condition reflected in the
    certificate of probation is the name of a program for domestic-violence offenders.
    ¶ 20.   Although the condition does not say, “Complete the DV Solutions program by the
    end of your term of probation,” I am willing to infer that identification of the program as a
    probation condition contemplates completion of the program within the term of probation. But
    the majority goes much further than this. The condition decidedly does not say, “Complete the
    DV Solutions program within a reasonable time, as determined by your probation officer.” Nor
    does it say, “Begin the DV Solutions program within a reasonable time, as determined by your
    probation officer.”    Yet the majority reads the condition as including both an implicit
    requirement that defendant begin the program in a specified timeframe and an implicit delegation
    of authority to the probation officer to determine that timeframe.
    ¶ 21.   I cannot square this holding with our decisions in Bostwick and Galanes, nor with
    the line of cases addressing the clarity of probation conditions, noted above. If a condition
    requiring a defendant to contact his probation officer in advance if he is planning to have a
    sexual relationship cannot be stretched to reach a spontaneous sexual encounter, Galanes, 
    2015 VT 80
    , ¶¶ 20-22, and a condition requiring that a defendant live where his probation officer
    directs cannot be stretched to empower the probation officer to require the defendant to
    undertake a specified housing search by a date certain, Bostwick, 
    2014 VT 97
    , ¶ 12, then I do not
    see how a condition that says “DV Solutions” can be said to put this defendant on notice that
    failure to enroll in the program by a specified time determined by his probation officer will
    subject him to revocation of probation. This is especially true given the absence of any evidence
    that having failed to enroll by the date established by his probation officer, defendant could not
    possibly complete the program within the term of his probation.
    ¶ 22.   I recognize that the standard for finding plain error is high, requiring “a showing
    that the error strikes at the heart of a defendant’s constitutional rights or results in a miscarriage
    of justice.” State v. Reynolds, 
    2014 VT 16
    , ¶ 33, 
    196 Vt. 113
    95 A.3d 973
    (quotation omitted).
    But where the revocation of defendant’s probation rests on an interpretation of the probation
    condition that is not supported by the text of the condition itself and that attributes to defendant’s
    probation officer the authority to add timing requirements not reflected or reasonably implicit in
    the condition, I believe that standard is satisfied. For these reasons, I respectfully dissent.
    Associate Justice