United States v. Nathaniel Law , 806 F.3d 1103 ( 2015 )

  • United States Court of Appeals
    Argued November 9, 2015            Decided December 1, 2015
    No. 12-3108
    Consolidated with 13-3038, 13-3077
    Appeals from the United States District Court
    for the District of Columbia
    (No. 1:03-cr-00311-4)
    (No. 1:03-cr-00311-1)
    (No. 1:03-cr-00311-2)
    Sylvia Royce, appointed by the court, argued the cause for
    appellants. With her on the briefs were Christine Pembroke and
    Allen Orenberg, also appointed by the court.
    Katherine M. Kelly, Assistant U.S. Attorney, argued the
    cause for appellee. With her on the brief were Vincent H. Cohen
    Jr., Acting U.S. Attorney, and Elizabeth Trosman, John P.
    Mannarino, and Kenneth F. Whitted, Assistant U.S. Attorneys.
    Before: GARLAND, Chief Judge, and EDWARDS and
    SENTELLE, Senior Circuit Judges.
    Opinion for the Court filed by Chief Judge GARLAND.
    GARLAND, Chief Judge: A jury convicted the appellants of
    conspiring to traffic in narcotics and numerous related crimes.
    The scope of the conspiracy, and the appellants’ role in
    distributing powder cocaine, crack cocaine, and heroin over the
    course of seven years, is detailed in the opinion of a panel of this
    court that considered the appellants’ first appeal of their
    convictions and sentences. See United States v. Law, 
    528 F.3d 888
    (D.C. Cir. 2008). In that opinion, the court affirmed the
    convictions in most respects, but reversed on one count per
    appellant and remanded for resentencing. 
    Id. On remand,
    district court sentenced all three appellants anew, and each now
    raises a number of objections to his resentencing. We affirm the
    appellants’ sentences in all respects.
    The district court resentenced appellant William Farrell to
    concurrent terms of 262 months on each of four counts and 240
    months on the remaining count. The 262-month sentences were
    substantially lower than the sentences the court originally
    imposed on those counts in 2005.1 Farrell brings four challenges
    to his sentences, three of which allege procedural error and one
    of which alleges substantive error. He did not raise any of these
    objections in the district court.
    At their resentencings, both Farrell and co-defendant Carroll
    Fletcher received lower sentences than they originally received
    because the district court applied the comparatively less severe 2011
    United States Sentencing Guidelines and the Fair Sentencing Act of
    2010, Pub. L. No. 111-220, § 2, 124 Stat. 2372, 2372.
    When reviewing a sentence, this court “first ensure[s] that
    the district court committed no significant procedural error, such
    as failing to calculate (or improperly calculating) the [U.S.
    Sentencing] Guidelines range . . . or failing to adequately
    explain the chosen sentence.” Gall v. United States, 
    552 U.S. 38
    , 51 (2007).         We then “consider the substantive
    reasonableness of the sentence imposed under an
    abuse-of-discretion standard.” 
    Id. Procedural challenges
    that a
    defendant did not make in the district court are reviewed for
    plain error only. United States v. Ransom, 
    756 F.3d 770
    , 773
    (D.C. Cir. 2014).        We review claims of substantive
    unreasonableness under the abuse-of-discretion standard,
    however, “regardless of whether an objection on those terms
    was made” in the district court. 
    Id. at 775.
    Farrell’s first contention is that the district court erred by
    failing to calculate the applicable Guidelines range. This
    argument fails because it is factually incorrect. At resentencing,
    the district court expressly incorporated all of the comments
    about sentencing factors that it had made at the original
    sentencing, Resentencing Hr’g Tr. 26 (J.A. 209), adopted the
    Probation Office’s undisputed Presentence Investigation Report
    id. at 17
    (J.A. 200), and stated that the undisputed
    Guidelines range was 262 to 327 months, 
    id. at 26-27
    (J.A. 209-
    10).2 The sentence the court imposed was the bottom of that
    See also Farrell PSR at 5 (J.A. 321) (explaining the calculation
    of the 262-to-327-month Guidelines range); Resentencing Hr’g Tr. 16
    (J.A. 199) (statement by defense counsel that he had no objection to
    the PSR); Def.’s Sentencing Mem. 1-2 (J.A. 180-81) (stating that
    “[t]here do not appear to counsel to be material factual errors or
    omissions to the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines computation” in the PSR
    and that “Defendant’s counsel does not take issue with the [G]uideline
    calculation of level 38, criminal history category II, which produces
    a range of 262-327 months”).
    Second, Farrell contends that the district court erred, as part
    of its Guidelines calculation (which he simultaneously claims
    the district court never made), by increasing his Guidelines
    offense level by four on the ground that he was an “organizer or
    leader” of a drug trafficking organization. See United States
    Sentencing Guidelines Manual (U.S.S.G.) § 3B1.1(a); see also
    Law, 528 F.3d at 895
    (observing that the district court had
    applied the four-level enhancement at the original sentencing).
    The court erred, Farrell maintains, because it never made the
    findings required to characterize him as an “organizer or leader.”
    But the reason the district court did not make its own
    findings is that it had put the question to the jury in the form of
    a special verdict, and the jury found that Farrell was an
    organizer or leader. The court did not err in relying on the jury’s
    finding because, although a court is permitted to make a
    sentencing determination based upon a mere “preponderance of
    the evidence,” see United States v. Fahnbulleh, 
    752 F.3d 470
    481 (D.C. Cir. 2014), the jury -- as the court instructed --
    resolved the question beyond a reasonable doubt. See Trial Tr.
    30 (Jan. 19, 2005, PM Session). Farrell nonetheless complains
    that the jury failed to consider the specific factors that a
    sentencing court must examine when determining whether a
    defendant was an organizer or leader. But that is simply
    incorrect. In fact, the court instructed the jury in haec verba
    with respect to the factors set out in the Guidelines and this
    court’s precedent. Compare Trial Tr. 30 (Jan. 19, 2005, PM
    Session), with U.S.S.G. § 3B1.1 cmt. n.4, and United States v.
    373 F.3d 133
    , 138 (D.C. Cir. 2004).
    Third, Farrell contends that the court failed to consider
    certain factors that, according to the Guidelines, may be relevant
    in determining whether a departure is warranted. Appellants Br.
    20. Specifically, Farrell claims that the court failed to consider
    his “age and somewhat problematic health.” 
    Id. (referencing U.S.S.G.
    §§ 5H1.1 and 5H1.3). Again, this failure-to-consider
    argument is factually incorrect: the district court expressly
    considered both Farrell’s age and his health. See Resentencing
    Hr’g Tr. 27 (J.A. 210). But in light of its consideration of other
    relevant sentencing factors, the court simply disagreed with
    Farrell’s view that his age and health justified a departure. 
    Id. In so
    doing, the court did not err. See Rita v. United States, 
    551 U.S. 338
    , 356 (2007) (stating that the sentencing judge need
    only “set forth enough [reasons] to satisfy the appellate court
    that he has considered the parties’ arguments and has a reasoned
    basis for exercising his own legal decisionmaking authority”);
    see also 
    id. at 345,
    356 (finding no abuse of discretion where the
    district court acknowledged the defendant’s ailments and then
    announced that a bottom-of-the-Guidelines sentence was
    “appropriate” and that it would not depart downward).
    Finally, Farrell argues that his 262-month sentences on four
    counts -- the bottom of the Guidelines range -- were
    substantively unreasonable and that the court should instead
    have sentenced him to the statutory mandatory minimum of 240
    months’ incarceration. We review the reasonableness of a
    sentence under a “deferential abuse-of-discretion standard,”
    Gall, 552 U.S. at 40
    , and a “sentence within a properly
    calculated Guidelines range is entitled to a rebuttable
    presumption of reasonableness,” United States v. Dorcely, 
    454 F.3d 366
    , 376 (D.C. Cir. 2006); see 
    Rita, 551 U.S. at 347
    (authorizing appellate courts to apply such a presumption).
    Farrell’s argument does nothing to rebut the presumption of
    reasonableness. Indeed, we note that on Farrell’s first appeal,
    this court held that his original, higher sentence of 324 months
    was within the zone of reasonableness. See 
    Law, 528 F.3d at 902-03
    Like his co-defendants, Nathaniel Law was convicted on
    Count 1 of the indictment, which charged him with conspiracy
    to distribute 5 kilograms or more of cocaine, 50 grams or more
    of cocaine base, and 100 grams or more of heroin. See 21
    U.S.C. §§ 841, 846. At resentencing, both the prosecutor and
    defense counsel agreed that the court was required by statute to
    sentence Law to life imprisonment on that count because of the
    quantity of drugs involved and the fact that he had “two or more
    prior convictions for a felony drug offense,” 
    id. § 841(b)(1)(A).
    See Resentencing Hr’g Tr. 20-21, 25-27 (J.A. 152-53, 157-59).
    Accordingly, the court resentenced Law to life on Count 1. It
    resentenced Law to concurrent terms of 212 months on the
    remaining (subsidiary) counts. The sentence on each count was
    the same as the sentence the court originally imposed.
    Like Farrell, Law maintains for the first time on appeal that
    the district court committed procedural error by failing to
    calculate the applicable Guidelines range at resentencing. This
    argument meets the same fate as Farrell’s because it is not
    factually correct. At the resentencing, the district court
    incorporated by express reference the Guidelines calculations it
    had made at Law’s first sentencing -- as well as the reasons the
    court had given for granting Law a downward departure from
    the Guidelines range on the subsidiary counts. See Resentencing
    Hr’g Tr. 28-29 (J.A. 160-61). Although nothing more was
    required, there was more. The court’s Guidelines range was the
    same as that recommended in the PSR for the resentencing,
    which defense counsel stated he did not dispute, 
    id. at 22
    154), and which the district court adopted, 
    id. at 24-25
    156-57). Moreover, the sentence to which the defendant
    principally objects, the life sentence on Count 1, was not a
    Guidelines sentence at all. Rather, it was mandated by 21
    U.S.C. § 841(b)(1)(A), which -- as Law’s trial counsel
    acknowledged -- “trumps the Guidelines,” Resentencing Hr’g
    Tr. 20 (J.A. 152).
    Law also contends for the first time that the life sentence the
    court imposed on Count 1 violates the Eighth Amendment
    because it constitutes cruel and unusual punishment. This
    contention is foreclosed by precedent. The Supreme Court
    rejected it in Harmelin v. Michigan, 
    501 U.S. 957
    (1991), and
    this court, following Harmelin, likewise rejected it in United
    States v. Walls, 
    70 F.3d 1323
    , 1328 (D.C. Cir. 1995). In its
    recent opinion in Miller v. Alabama, the Supreme Court left
    Harmelin undisturbed. See 
    132 S. Ct. 2455
    , 2470 (2012)
    (“[L]ife without parole is permissible for nonhomicide offenses
    -- except . . . for children. . . . Our ruling thus neither overrules
    nor undermines nor conflicts with Harmelin.”).
    Appellant Carroll Fletcher was resentenced to life
    imprisonment on Count 1 because, like Law, he had “two or
    more prior convictions for a felony drug offense”: one in 1987
    and one in 1977. See 21 U.S.C. § 841(b)(1)(A). The court
    imposed concurrent terms of 168 months on the remaining
    counts. The sentence on Count 1 was the same as that originally
    imposed; the remaining sentences were substantially lower than
    those the court originally imposed. See supra note 1. Fletcher
    raises five objections to his sentences, several of which he did
    not raise below.
    First, like his co-defendants, Fletcher contends that the
    district court failed to calculate the applicable Guidelines range.
    Fletcher’s argument fails because it is, again, factually incorrect.
    See Resentencing Hr’g I Tr. 11-12 (June 5, 2013) (J.A. 232-33)
    (statement by the court that Fletcher’s Guidelines range was
    “168 to 210 months”); Resentencing Hr’g II Tr. 6 (July 26,
    2013) (J.A. 248) (noting that “the [G]uideline range for a level
    34 offense with a criminal history category of [II]” was 168 to
    210 months); see also Fletcher PSR at 5 (calculating the same
    Guidelines range); Resentencing Hr’g I Tr. 10 (J.A. 230)
    (adopting the undisputed portions of the PSR).
    Second, like Law, Fletcher argues that a life sentence for his
    conviction on Count 1 violates the Eighth Amendment.
    Fletcher’s argument is foreclosed by the same precedents that
    foreclose Law’s. See supra Part II.
    Third, Fletcher argues that his 1987 conviction, which
    contributed to the enhancement of his sentence on Count 1, was
    entered pursuant to an Alford plea,3 and that a conviction based
    on such a plea is insufficient to establish a prior conviction
    under 21 U.S.C. § 841(b). We have no need to consider whether
    Fletcher’s argument about Alford pleas is legally sound because
    it is not factually sound. The government has produced the
    Judgment and Commitment Order for Fletcher’s 1987
    conviction, which shows that the 1987 conviction was not the
    result of a plea at all. Supp. App’x 37-38; see 
    Law, 528 F.3d at 911
    (explaining that the Government could satisfy its burden of
    proving a conviction by producing the Judgment and
    Commitment Order).
    Fourth, Fletcher contends that his 1977 conviction, which
    also contributed to the enhancement of his sentence on Count 1,
    was set aside under the Federal Youth Corrections Act (FYCA),
    18 U.S.C. § 5021 (1976), and hence should not have been
    See North Carolina v. Alford, 
    400 U.S. 25
    , 37 (1970) (holding
    that “[a]n individual accused of crime may voluntarily, knowingly,
    and understandingly consent to the imposition of a prison sentence
    even if he is unwilling or unable to admit his participation in the acts
    constituting the crime”).
    considered in his sentencing on that count. Fletcher offers no
    evidence that his 1977 conviction was set aside. Moreover, the
    prior panel held that, “[e]ven assuming [Fletcher’s] 1977
    conviction was set aside under the FYCA, . . . the conviction
    still counts for purposes of sentencing under [21 U.S.C.]
    § 841(b),” 
    Law, 528 F.3d at 909
    , and “the district court still must
    take it into account in determining his sentence under § 841(b),”
    id. at 910.
    That decision is the law of the case, see LaShawn v.
    87 F.3d 1389
    , 1393 (D.C. Cir. 1996) (en banc), and
    obviates the need for further discussion of this contention.
    Finally, at oral argument Fletcher asserted -- for the first
    time -- that there was a defect in the Judgment and Commitment
    Order for his 1977 conviction that rendered improper any
    reliance on that conviction for sentencing enhancement. The
    alleged defect: the version of the order on the court’s Electronic
    Case File system lacked a “second page” with the requisite
    signature of the trial judge. See Supp. App’x 39. Although this
    argument comes far too late, it contains a more fatal flaw: the
    government has provided both this court and opposing counsel
    with the missing “second page” -- and it does in fact contain the
    signature of the district judge.4 Accordingly, we have no
    grounds for questioning Fletcher’s sentence.
    For the foregoing reasons, we reject all of the appellants’
    sentencing challenges and affirm the judgments of the district
    So ordered.
    The entire document is actually one page, but because it was
    originally printed on legal-size paper, it required two pages when