State v. Colburn , 382 Mont. 223 ( 2016 )

  •                                                                                           February 23 2016
    DA 14-0181
    Case Number: DA 14-0181
    2016 MT 41
    Plaintiff and Appellee,
    Defendant and Appellant.
    APPEAL FROM:           District Court of the Twenty-First Judicial District,
    In and For the County of Ravalli, Cause No. DC 2013-49
    Honorable James A. Haynes, Presiding Judge
    For Appellant:
    Jennifer A. Hurley (argued), Assistant Appellate Defender,
    Helena, Montana
    For Appellee:
    Timothy C. Fox, Montana Attorney General, C. Mark Fowler (argued),
    Assistant Attorney General, Helena, Montana
    William E. Fulbright, Ravalli County Attorney, Hamilton, Montana
    Argued and Submitted: December 2, 2015
    Decided: February 23, 2016
    Chief Justice Mike McGrath delivered the Opinion of the Court.
    ¶1     James Colburn appeals from his October 2013 convictions in Ravalli County
    District Court of the offenses of incest, sexual intercourse without consent and sexual
    assault. We reverse the convictions and remand for a new trial.
    ¶2     We consider the following issues:
    ¶3     Issue 1: Whether the District Court erred when it disqualified Colburn’s expert
    witness from testifying at trial.
    ¶4     Issue 2: Whether the District Court erred in its application of the Rape Shield Law
    to exclude evidence that Colburn offered at trial.
    ¶5     In 2013 the State charged Colburn with two counts of incest, § 45-5-507, MCA;
    one count of sexual intercourse without consent, § 45-5-503, MCA; and two counts of
    sexual assault, § 45-5-502, MCA, all felonies. In October 2013 the jury convicted
    Colburn of all of the charged offenses. In February 2014 the District Court entered
    judgment sentencing Colburn to terms of imprisonment on each of the convictions.
    Colburn appeals.
    ¶6     We review a district court’s rulings on the admission of evidence, including the
    admission of expert testimony, for abuse of discretion. Beehler v. Eastern Radiological
    2012 MT 260
    , ¶ 17, 
    367 Mont. 21
    289 P.3d 131
    . We review a district court’s
    application of a statute to determine whether the application was correct. Beehler, ¶ 17.
    ¶7     Issue 1: Whether the District court erred when it disqualified Colburn’s expert
    witness from testifying at trial.
    ¶8     Rule 702 of the Montana Rules of Evidence allows a person qualified by
    knowledge, skill, experience, training or education to testify “in the form of an opinion or
    otherwise” if “scientific, technical or other specialized knowledge” will assist the jury to
    understand the evidence or determine a fact in issue. We have encouraged district courts
    to “construe liberally the rules of evidence so as to admit all relevant expert testimony,”
    subject to “stringent cross-examination.” State v. Damon, 
    2005 MT 218
    , ¶ 19, 
    328 Mont. 276
    119 P.3d 1194
    ; Beehler, ¶ 23. The District Court determined in this case that expert
    testimony would be appropriate in assisting the jury to understand issues concerning
    forensic interview techniques.
    ¶9     The sexual intercourse without consent and sexual assault charges against Colburn
    related to incidents between Colburn and a neighbor girl referred to as R.W. Those
    incidents occurred when she was age eleven. The State called R.W. as a witness at trial.
    She testified to encounters with Colburn in which he touched her private parts manually
    and with his penis. The two incest charges related to incidents between Colburn and his
    own daughter, referred to as C.C., also age eleven. The State called C.C. as a witness at
    trial. She denied generally that Colburn had done anything wrong to her.
    ¶10    The State also presented the testimony of Nurse Practitioner Mary Hansen, a
    clinical supervisor with a children’s advocacy and adult sexual assault program at
    St. Patrick Hospital in Missoula. She has an undergraduate degree in sociology and a
    master’s degree in nursing. She is licensed and certified as a pediatric nurse practitioner.
    She has attended several courses in sexual assault examiner training for nurses, a course
    in medical assessments of children, as well as attending several conferences in San Diego
    on child abuse. She testified that a forensic interview is a “structured conversation” with
    a child who may have been a victim of a crime. She testified that she has been trained in
    several different schools of forensic interview techniques, including those offered by the
    American Prosecutor’s Research Institute, by First Witness, and by the American
    Professional Society on Abuse of Children. She testified that she has “a lot of familiarity
    with many different models” of forensic interviewing, and that there is no certification
    program or requirement for forensic examiners. Several times in her testimony she
    characterized forensic interviewing as both a science and an art that requires “a judgment
    call [to determine] when you’re done.”
    ¶11    Hansen interviewed both girls and testified that she followed “best practices” in
    her interviews.    Hansen described disclosures that R.W. made to her about sexual
    incidents with Colburn. Hansen testified that in her opinion R.W.’s statements to her
    were consistent with those of a child who had experienced sexual abuse. Hansen opined
    that R.W. “provided details that were sexual knowledge that a child may not have unless
    they’ve had the experience of sexual abuse.” (Emphasis added.)
    ¶12    Hansen also testified about her interview with C.C. during which C.C. described
    inappropriate touching by her father.     The prosecution played a video of Hansen’s
    interview with C.C., which was the major direct evidence to support the incest charges
    against Colburn.
    ¶13    Prior to trial Colburn disclosed that he intended to call Dr. Donna Zook as an
    expert in child psychology and forensic interview techniques, to critique the techniques
    used by Hansen in her interview of C.C. The State interviewed Zook prior to trial.
    ¶14    At trial, Zook testified that she had a doctorate degree in clinical psychology and
    that her training included 2000 hours in a pre-doctoral internship dealing with juvenile
    offenders as well as a 3000-hour post-doctoral experience with the Golden Triangle
    Community Mental Health Center in Havre, Montana. She is a member of the American
    College of Forensic Examiners and is included in the National Register of Health Service
    Providers. She has taught psychology at the University of Great Falls. Zook testified
    that she has done hundreds of juvenile interviews as part of psychological assessments or
    evaluations. She has also done over twenty critiques of forensic interviews conducted by
    others and has testified as an expert forensic psychologist hundreds of times.
    ¶15    The defense made an offer of proof that Zook would testify that Hansen used
    leading or suggestive questions when interviewing C.C., and would describe the result of
    those questions as reflected in C.C.’s interview.         The State objected to Zook’s
    qualification to criticize Hansen’s interviews with the victims.       The District Court
    became involved in examining Zook as to her qualifications, focusing on her familiarity
    with an interviewing protocol adopted by the National Institute of Child Health and
    Human Development (referred to in the record as the “NICHD”). Zook testified that she
    was familiar with that forensic interviewing protocol, and that while it was only one of
    several such protocols, it had been developed by using empirical research. She testified
    that she had not completed a 40-hour course in the protocol offered by the Institute.
    ¶16    The District Court determined that the area of forensic interviewing techniques
    was an area that would be appropriate for expert testimony to assist the jury. The District
    Court further determined that the NICHD interviewing technique was the “gold standard”
    for forensic interviews of children, and apparently that it was the technique employed by
    Hansen in her interviews with the victims in this case. Based upon Zook’s lack of
    specific training in the NICHD interviewing protocol, the District Court concluded that
    she was “not qualified in this area of NICHD criticism.” The District Court excluded
    Zook from testifying as an expert witness.
    ¶17    While the District Court concentrated on whether Zook had been extensively
    trained in the NICHD interview protocol, Hansen never mentioned that protocol in her
    testimony. She did not list it as one of the several interview protocols that she had been
    trained in, and did not testify that she used the protocol in the interview of either victim in
    this case. Colburn asserts on appeal that the NICHD interview protocol does not appear
    anywhere in the record except in the District Court’s questioning of Zook’s
    qualifications. The State does not refute this assertion.
    ¶18    It is clear to this Court that Zook was qualified by both education and experience
    to provide a critique of Hansen’s interviewing technique as it related to leading or
    suggestive questions and the effect that such questions could have on the results.
    Significantly, neither side contends that any properly-administered child forensic
    interview should rely upon results obtained through leading or suggestive questions. The
    District Court “too narrowly conceived the subject matter” at issue here by constraining it
    to whether Zook was qualified in the NICHD interview protocols. Beehler, ¶ 25. Given
    the importance of the taped interview following CC’s general denial that Colburn had
    assaulted her, Zook’s expert opinion about the interview technique was a significant
    exclusion. The District Court abused its discretion in excluding Dr. Zook from testifying
    at trial.
    ¶19     Issue 2: Whether the District Court erred in its application of the Rape Shield
    Law to exclude evidence that Colburn offered at trial.
    ¶20     Colburn asserts that his defense to the charges involving R.W. was that the
    allegations were fabricated. Both before trial and at trial he sought to introduce evidence
    that R.W. had a motive to fabricate allegations against him, and that there was an
    alternative source for her knowledge of the details of sexual behavior other than anything
    he had done. The defense theory was that R.W. used her allegations against Colburn to
    determine whether her mother would believe her and, if so, to then disclose that her own
    father had abused her. Similarly, the defense theory was that the source of R.W.’s
    detailed knowledge of sexual abuse came not from Colburn but from abuse inflicted by
    her own father.
    ¶21     The District Court excluded any evidence that R.W. had any sexual encounter with
    any other person, based upon the Montana Rape Shield Law. That law provides:
    Evidence concerning the sexual conduct of the victim is inadmissible in
    prosecutions under this part except evidence of the victim’s past sexual
    conduct with the offender or evidence of specific instances of the victim’s
    sexual activity to show the origin of semen, pregnancy or disease that is at
    issue in the prosecution.
    Section 45-5-511(2), MCA. The District Court determined that R.W. was absolutely
    protected by this statute, and that it prohibited introduction of any evidence that she had
    sexual contact with any other person.1
    ¶22    In 1975, Montana joined most other states by adopting a rape shield law. See Ch.
    129, L. 1975.2 Under the Rape Shield Law, “evidence concerning the sexual conduct of
    the victim” is inadmissible in a criminal prosecution, with very limited exceptions not at
    issue here.3 Section 45-5-511(2), MCA. Montana’s Rape Shield Law is designed to
    prevent the trial of the charge against the defendant from becoming a trial of the victim’s
    prior sexual conduct. State v. Higley, 
    190 Mont. 412
    , 422, 
    621 P.2d 1043
    , 1050-51
    (1980).    Rape shield laws generally protect victims from being exposed at trial to
    harassing or irrelevant questions concerning their past sexual behavior. Michigan v.
    500 U.S. 145
    , 146, 
    111 S. Ct. 1743
    , 1745 (1991); State v. Anderson, 
    211 Mont. 272
    , 283, 
    686 P.2d 193
    , 199 (1984). The statute reflects a compelling state interest in
    keeping a rape trial from becoming a trial of the victim. 
    Anderson, 211 Mont. at 283
    , 686
    P.2d at 199. Rape shield laws evolved from society’s recognition that a rape victim’s
    prior sexual history is irrelevant to issues of consent or the victim’s propensity for
    Although this evidence did not go before the jury, the record reflects that R.W.’s father
    was charged with five counts of incest and eventually pled guilty to sexual assault.
    In 1985, Montana broadened the applicability of its Rape Shield Law to include cases
    involving all types of sexual crimes. See Sec. 3, Ch. 172, L. 1985.
    The statutory exceptions are evidence of the victim’s past sexual conduct with the
    offender, or evidence of specific instances of the victim’s sexual activity to show the origin of
    semen, pregnancy, or disease that is at issue in the prosecution.
    truthfulness. Tanya Bagne Marcketti, Rape Shield Laws: Do They Shield the Children?,
    78 Iowa L
    . Rev. 751, 754-55 (1993).
    ¶23    Although rape shield legislation originally focused on adult rape victims, most
    jurisdictions also include child victims of sexual abuse within the protections of their rape
    shield statutes. The policies underlying the application of rape shield statutes to adult
    victims apply to child victims, as well: rape shield statutes eliminate the need for victims
    to defend incidents in their past and minimize the trauma of testifying. Marcketti at 756.
    ¶24    Conflict can arise between rape shield statutes and a defendant’s rights to confront
    his accuser and to present evidence at trial in defense of the charge against him. A
    defendant charged with a crime has a right to confront his accusers, arising from the Sixth
    Amendment to the United States Constitution and Article II, Section 24 of the Montana
    Constitution. State v. MacKinnon, 
    1998 MT 78
    , ¶ 33, 
    288 Mont. 329
    957 P.2d 23
    . A
    defendant has a similarly-based right to present evidence in his defense.           State v.
    1998 MT 107
    , ¶ 22, 
    288 Mont. 513
    958 P.2d 1182
    ¶25    Neither the Rape Shield Law nor the defendant’s right to confront and present
    evidence are absolute. MacKinnon, ¶ 33; Johnson, ¶¶ 22-23. The Rape Shield Law
    therefore cannot be applied to exclude evidence arbitrarily or mechanistically, Johnson,
    ¶ 21, and it is the trial court’s responsibility to strike a balance in each case between the
    defendant’s right to present a defense and a victim’s rights under the statute. State v.
    2008 MT 389
    , ¶ 53, 
    347 Mont. 76
    196 P.3d 1252
    . A court balancing the
    interests of the defendant with those protected by the Rape Shield Law should require
    that the defendant’s proffered evidence is not merely speculative or unsupported.
    Johnson, ¶ 24; Lindberg, ¶ 56. Here, the proffered evidence that R.W. was abused by her
    father was neither speculative nor unsupported, given that he was convicted on charges
    stemming from his sexual assaults against his daughter. The court should consider
    whether the evidence is relevant and probative (Rules 401 and 402, M. R. Evid.); whether
    the evidence is merely cumulative of other admissible evidence; and whether the
    probative value of the evidence is outweighed by its prejudicial effect (Rule 403,
    M. R. Evid.). Commonwealth v. Fernsler, 
    715 A.2d 435
    , 440 (Pa. Sup. Ct. 1998). The
    purpose of these considerations is to ensure a fair trial for the defendant while upholding
    the compelling interest of the Rape Shield Law in preserving the integrity of the trial and
    keeping it from becoming a trial of the victim. 
    Anderson, 211 Mont. at 283
    , 686 P.2d at
    ¶26    Colburn contends that the District Court’s application of the Rape Shield Law in
    this case frustrated his ability to respond to two crucial pieces of evidence against him:
    R.W.’s statement that Colburn sexually abused her, and Hansen’s testimony that R.W.’s
    knowledge of sexual activity likely came from her having experienced sexual abuse.
    Colburn proposed to introduce evidence that R.W., following the allegation that he had
    abused her, alleged that she had been abused by her own father. He also proposed to
    introduce evidence that R.W. said that she determined that she could make the allegations
    about her father because her allegations about Colburn had been taken seriously, thus
    tying her disclosure in the two cases together. In addition, Colburn contended that
    evidence that R.W. had been abused by her own father was crucial to counter or at least
    contextualize the testimony of Hansen that R.W.’s detailed knowledge of sexual activities
    must have arisen from her being sexually abused.
    ¶27    Colburn’s defense to the charges involving R.W. depended upon undermining the
    credibility of her account that he abused her. It substantially depended upon undermining
    Hansen’s endorsement of the credibility of R.W.’s account of Colburn’s acts of abuse.4
    Thus, from Colburn’s point of view, the proposed evidence was an essential part of his
    important right to confront the witnesses against him and to mount a meaningful defense
    to the charges.5
    ¶28    At the same time, the Montana Rape Shield Law has long been construed to not
    automatically exclude evidence that “can be narrowed to the issue of the complaining
    witness’ veracity.” 
    Anderson, 211 Mont. at 284
    , 686 P.2d at 200.6 The district court has
    the power and responsibility to manage the defense evidence to prevent “sordid probes
    into a victim’s past sexual conduct.” 
    Anderson, 211 Mont. at 284
    , 686 P.2d at 200. In
    Lindberg, for example, the district court allowed the defendant in a sexual abuse case to
    State v. Stuit, 
    268 Mont. 176
    885 P.2d 1290
    (1994), is not dispositive of the present
    case. There the defendant argued that he should have been allowed to present evidence of prior
    sexual encounters involving the victim because the prosecution “opened the door” in its opening
    statement. This Court affirmed the District Court’s ruling excluding the evidence because the
    defendant failed to make a contemporaneous objection.
    Colburn’s ability to counter Hansen’s endorsement of R.W.’s credibility was also
    substantially hampered by the District Court’s exclusion of the proposed testimony of Zook.
    The State cites State v. Van Pelt, 
    247 Mont. 99
    805 P.2d 549
    (1991), for the proposition
    that attacking the credibility of a witness is insufficient reason for admitting evidence that may
    be covered by the Rape Shield Law. However, this Court held that the conduct involved in the
    prior abuse could not be the source of knowledge of sexual activity involved in the case, and
    later cases, including Anderson and Johnson, hold that an attack upon the complaining
    witnesses’ veracity does not per se run afoul of the Rape Shield Law.
    present evidence that his objection to the victim’s relationship with another person
    provided motivation to fabricate charges of abuse to remove the defendant from the
    household. However, the defendant was not allowed to present evidence concerning the
    sexual nature of that relationship.
    ¶29    Such restrictions represent the balancing of the interests involved without wholly
    sacrificing the interests of the defense or the victim. In the present case the District
    Court’s statements excluding Colburn’s proffered evidence show no weighing of his
    rights to present a defense with the interests represented by the Rape Shield Law. The
    District Court abused its discretion by mechanistically applying the Rape Shield Law to
    exclude Colburn’s proffered evidence.
    ¶30    After careful consideration of the record and the parties’ arguments and
    authorities, we reverse the convictions and remand to the District Court for a new trial.
    We Concur:
    /S/ JIM RICE
    Justice Laurie McKinnon, concurring.
    ¶31    I agree with the ultimate resolution reached by the Court regarding Issue 2, but I
    offer the following analysis to help guide litigants and trial courts in applying the statute.
    ¶32   To begin, some understanding of the facts is necessary. Colburn was charged with
    two counts of incest involving his minor daughter, C.C. Colburn was also charged with
    two counts of felony sexual assault and one count of sexual intercourse without consent
    involving C.C.’s friend, R.W. At the time of the offenses, both girls were age 11.
    ¶33   R.W. testified at trial that she and her friend, C.C., used to live in the same
    apartment building. While visiting C.C., R.W. described how C.C.’s father, Colburn,
    touched her “top area” and “private part” while she was in Colburn’s living room and, on
    another occasion, in Colburn’s bedroom. R.W. also described other occasions when
    Colburn used his “boy part” to touch the outside of her “private part” and used his mouth
    on her private part more than once.
    ¶34   C.C. testified at trial that she and her father would play a game in which she
    jumped and Colburn would catch her. Colburn’s hand touched her private area. Another
    time, C.C. testified to Colburn’s hugging her and that Colburn had one hand on her
    breast. Colburn also touched C.C.’s bottom underneath her nightgown when she was
    going to bed. C.C. said she saw the keywords “father-daughter sex” on Colburn’s laptop.
    ¶35   Mary Pat Hansen is a nurse practitioner and clinical supervisor at First STEP
    Resource Center at St. Patrick’s Hospital in Missoula.       The Center is a children’s
    advocacy center and an adult sexual assault center. Hansen testified at trial that R.W.
    made several disclosures of sexual abuse by Colburn and stated that, in her opinion, the
    statements made by R.W. were consistent with a child who has experienced sexual abuse.
    Hansen related specific examples to the jury of R.W.’s sexual knowledge that a “child
    may not have unless they’ve had an experience of sexual abuse” which included talking
    “about his genitals or penis being floppy and hard” and “weird, gross noises that she
    could hear coming from him while certain acts were going on.”           Hansen’s video
    interview was admitted at trial and played to the jury.
    ¶36    Hansen also conducted an interview of C.C. C.C.’s trial testimony was consistent
    with her statements in her interview with Hansen. C.C. also told Hansen that her father
    told her not to tell anyone about the touching because he would get in trouble. C.C.
    related to Hansen that her father apologized and that the apologies seemed “sarcastic.”
    Hansen’s video interview of C.C. was admitted and played to the jury.
    ¶37    Colburn filed a motion in limine asking the District Court to allow him to
    introduce evidence of R.W.’s motive to fabricate and to offer evidence of an alternative
    source of R.W.’s sexual knowledge. More specifically, Colburn sought to introduce
    evidence that within one month after disclosing against Colburn, R.W. disclosed abuse by
    her father. Dr. Catherine Otway conducted a forensic interview of R.W. on March 28,
    2013—only several weeks after Hansen’s interview—and reported “she [R.W.] just
    recently felt comfortable disclosing this information because her mom ‘believed’ her
    about the sexual abuse by the neighbor, James Colburn.”         As a result of R.W.’s
    subsequent disclosures regarding her father, R.W.’s father was charged with five counts
    of incest and pleaded guilty to sexual assault. Although R.W. told Hansen in the earlier
    interview that Colburn was the only person to have ever touched her inappropriately and
    that she trusted her dad; in fact, R.W. had been abused by her father over a period of
    several years. Colburn argued that R.W.’s disclosures about Colburn during her earlier
    interview with Hansen were “testing the waters” to learn her mother’s reaction before
    being safe to make a more dramatic disclosure regarding her father.             Additionally,
    Colburn sought to introduce evidence of sexual abuse by R.W.’s father as an alternative
    source of R.W.’s sexual knowledge.           The District Court excluded the evidence,
    concluding that Montana’s rape shield statute prevented admission of the evidence.
    ¶38    A trial court normally has discretion regarding questions of admissibility of
    evidence at trial, and we review the court’s evidentiary rulings for abuse of that
    discretion. State v. Patterson, 
    2012 MT 282
    , ¶ 10, 
    367 Mont. 186
    291 P.3d 556
    ; State v.
    2011 MT 131
    , ¶ 17, 
    361 Mont. 1
    256 P.3d 899
    . However, “in exercising its
    discretion, the trial court is bound by the Rules of Evidence or applicable statutes, and to
    the extent that the court’s ruling is based on an interpretation of an evidentiary ruling or
    statute, our review is de novo. Moreover, where the court’s conclusions of law involve
    the Constitution or the rules of evidence, our review is, likewise, de novo.” Patterson,
    ¶ 10; State v. Derbyshire, 
    2009 MT 27
    , ¶ 19, 
    349 Mont. 114
    201 P.3d 811
    . Here,
    Colburn raises a constitutional claim—that his right to a fair trial was violated by the trial
    court’s application of Montana’s rape shield statute.            Since the District Court’s
    interpretation and application of this statute implicate Colburn’s state and federal
    constitutional rights to a fair trial, we review the court’s ruling de novo.
    ¶39    “Whether rooted directly in the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth
    Amendment, or in the Compulsory Process or Confrontation clauses of the Sixth
    Amendment, the Constitution guarantees criminal defendants ‘a meaningful opportunity
    to present a complete defense.’” Crane v. Kentucky, 
    476 U.S. 683
    , 690, 
    106 S. Ct. 2142
    2146 (1986) (quoting Cal. v. Trombetta, 
    467 U.S. 479
    , 485, 
    104 S. Ct. 2528
    , 2532
    (1984)) (internal citations omitted). This includes “the right to put before a jury evidence
    that might influence the determination of guilt.” Taylor v. Illinois, 
    484 U.S. 400
    , 408,
    108 S. Ct. 646
    , 652 (1988). “We break no new ground in observing that an essential
    component of procedural fairness is an opportunity to be heard.” 
    Crane, 476 U.S. at 690
    106 S. Ct. at 2147 (citing In re Oliver, 
    333 U.S. 257
    , 273, 
    68 S. Ct. 499
    , 507 (1948);
    Grannis v. Ordean, 
    234 U.S. 385
    , 394, 
    34 S. Ct. 779
    , 783 (1914)). “That opportunity
    would be an empty one if the State were permitted to exclude competent, reliable
    evidence bearing on the credibility of a confession when such evidence is central to the
    defendant’s claim of innocence. In the absence of any valid state justification, exclusion
    of this kind of exculpatory evidence deprives a defendant of the basic right to have the
    prosecutor’s case encounter and ‘survive the crucible of meaningful adversarial testing.’”
    Crane, 476 U.S. at 691
    , 106 S. Ct. at 2147 (quoting United States v. Cronic, 
    466 U.S. 648
    , 656, 
    104 S. Ct. 2039
    , 2045 (1984)).
    ¶40    “[S]tate and federal rulemakers have broad latitude under the Constitution to
    establish rules excluding evidence from criminal trials.” United States v. Scheffer, 
    523 U.S. 303
    , 308, 
    118 S. Ct. 1261
    , 1264 (1998); see also 
    Crane, 476 U.S. at 689-90
    , 106
    S. Ct. at 2146; Marshall v. Lonberger, 
    459 U.S. 422
    , 438, n.6, 
    103 S. Ct. 843
    Chambers, 410 U.S. at 302-03
    , 93 S. Ct. at 1049; Spencer v. Texas, 
    385 U.S. 554
    , 564, 
    87 S. Ct. 648
    , 654 (1967). In Michigan v. Lucas, 
    500 U.S. 145
    111 S. Ct. 1743
    (1991), the
    Supreme Court recognized that the Sixth Amendment right to present relevant evidence
    “may, in appropriate cases, bow to accommodate other legitimate interests in the criminal
    trial process.” 
    Lucas, 500 U.S. at 149
    , 111 S. Ct. at 1746 (quoting Rock v. Arkansas, 483
    16 U.S. 44
    , 55, 
    107 S. Ct. 2704
    , 2711 (1987)). However, when a state rule of evidence
    conflicts with the right of the accused to present witnesses, the “rule may not be applied
    mechanistically to defeat the ends of justice,” but must meet the fundamental standards of
    due process. 
    Chambers, 410 U.S. at 302
    , 93 S. Ct. at 1049.
    ¶41    For example, in Chambers, the defendant was charged with the murder of a police
    officer.   Chambers called a witness who had previously confessed to the murder.
    Chambers, 410 U.S. at 289
    , 93 S. Ct. at 1043.         When the witness repudiated the
    confession on the stand, the defendant was denied permission to examine him as an
    adverse witness based on the State’s “voucher rule,” which barred parties from
    impeaching their own witnesses. 
    Chambers, 410 U.S. at 294
    , 93 S. Ct. at 1045. In
    addition, the state hearsay rule did not include an exception for statements against penal
    interest, and the defendant was therefore not permitted to introduce evidence that the
    witness had made self-incriminating statements to three other persons. Noting that the
    State had not even attempted to “defend” or “explain [the] underlying rationale” of the
    “voucher rule,” 
    Chambers, 410 U.S. at 297
    , 93 S. Ct. at 1047, the Supreme Court held
    that “the exclusion of [the evidence of the witness’s out-of-court statements], coupled
    with the State’s refusal to permit [the defendant] to cross-examine [the witness], denied
    [the defendant] a trial in accord with traditional and fundamental standards of due
    Chambers, 410 U.S. at 302
    , 93 S. Ct. at 1049.
    ¶42    That a statute operates to prevent a criminal defendant from presenting an entire
    defense does not necessarily render it unconstitutional. Rules excluding evidence from
    criminal trials do not abridge an accused’s right to present a defense so long as they are
    not arbitrary or disproportionate to the purposes they are designed to serve. State v.
    1998 MT 107
    , ¶ 22, 
    288 Mont. 513
    958 P.2d 1182
    (citing United States v.
    523 U.S. 303
    , 307-08, 
    118 S. Ct. 1261
    , 1264 (1998)). Thus, trial judges retain
    wide latitude to limit reasonably a criminal defendant’s right to cross-examine a witness
    “based on concerns about, among other things, harassment, prejudice, confusion of the
    issues, the witness’ safety, or interrogation that is repetitive or only marginally relevant.”
    Delaware v. Van Arsdall, 
    475 U.S. 673
    , 679, 
    106 S. Ct. 1431
    , 1435 (1986). Courts are
    required, on a case-by-case basis, to balance the interests of an evidentiary rule excluding
    evidence with the defendant’s constitutional right to present a defense. Lindberg, ¶ 56;
    Lajoie v. Thompson, 
    217 F.3d 663
    , 669 (9th Cir. 2000).
    ¶43    Montana’s rape shield statute, contained at § 45-5-511 (2), MCA, precludes
    “evidence concerning the sexual conduct of the victim.”           The statute provides two
    narrowly-drawn exceptions: (1) evidence of past sexual conduct with the defendant, and
    (2) evidence of specific instances of the victim’s sexual activity to show the origin of
    semen, pregnancy, or disease that is at issue in the prosecution. Neither exception is at
    issue here. We have consistently recognized that the statutory prohibition of certain
    evidence in § 45-5-511, MCA, “reflects a compelling interest in favor of preserving the
    integrity of the trial and preventing it from becoming a trial of the victim.” 
    Anderson, 211 Mont. at 283
    , 686 P.2d at 199 (brackets, ellipsis, and citation omitted). See also
    Johnson, ¶ 23; State v. Van Pelt, 
    247 Mont. 99
    805 P.2d 549
    (1991); State v. Higley, 
    190 Mont. 412
    621 P.2d 1043
    (1980). Therefore, to avoid an arbitrary and mechanical
    operation of the statute which would render it unconstitutional, a defendant’s right to
    present his defense must be balanced against the interest in preserving the integrity of the
    trial and preventing it from becoming a trial of the victim.
    ¶44    This Court has previously recognized that the bar imposed by Montana’s rape
    shield statute is not absolute. Johnson, ¶ 23. For example, “evidence of prior false
    accusations of the same sexual crime involved in a more current case, while not
    admissible for the purpose of impeaching the general character or reputation of the
    witness, may be admissible if probative of the witness’ state of mind, motive, or biases
    with respect to making the more current accusations.” 
    Anderson, 211 Mont. at 283
    , 686
    P.2d at 199 (emphasis supplied). Evidence of alleged prior sexual acts of a victim which
    tend to impugn the victim’s reputation or character “is precisely the type of testimony
    that the rape shield law was designed to prohibit.” State ex rel. Mazurek v. District
    277 Mont. 349
    , 355, 
    922 P.2d 474
    , 478 (1996). However, the policy of protecting
    against the trial becoming a trial of the victim “is not violated or circumvented if the
    offered evidence can be narrowed to the issue of the complaining witness’ veracity.”
    Anderson, 211 Mont. at 284
    , 686 P.2d at 200. Accordingly, where the evidence is
    offered to demonstrate a prior false accusation, we have set forth a procedure for the trial
    court to employ in determining whether to admit the evidence. See 
    Mazurek, 277 Mont. at 358
    , 922 P.2d at 479.
    ¶45    Inadmissible evidence under the rape shield statute is evidence of the victim’s
    sexual conduct offered for the purpose of impugning the victim’s reputation or character
    and, as a result, rendering the trial a trial of the victim. 
    Mazurek, 277 Mont. at 355
    , 922
    P.2d at 478; State v. Higley, 
    190 Mont. 412
    621 P.2d 1043
    , 1050 (1980). It is difficult to
    imagine a factual situation where evidence would ever be relevant to an issue in the case
    which had as its only purpose the impugning the victim’s reputation or character.
    However, sexual conduct evidence which is otherwise inadmissible because it is
    reputation or character evidence of the victim may still be relevant and probative based
    upon an alternative theory of admissibility. Thus, we have recognized—in addition to
    veracity—that evidence of the victim’s sexual conduct may be admissible in rape shield
    cases when it is relevant and “probative of the witness’ state of mind, motive, or biases
    with respect to making the more current accusations.” 
    Anderson, 211 Mont. at 283
    , 686
    P.2d at 199.
    ¶46    Where the sexual conduct evidence is sought to be admitted under a permissible
    basis for admission, the trial judge must balance the probative value of the evidence, as it
    relates to the defendant’s presentation of his defense, against the interest in preventing
    prejudice to the victim and preserving the integrity of the trial, i.e., ensuring that the trial
    does not become a trial of the victim. The first step of the inquiry focuses on identifying
    the permissible basis for admission; the second step requires the trial court to balance the
    probative value of the evidence against the interest in protecting the integrity of the trial.
    “The constitution does not require a blanket exception to rape shield statutes for all
    evidence related to motive to fabricate.       Speculative or unsupported allegations are
    insufficient to tip the scales in favor of a defendant’s right to present a defense and
    against the victim’s rights under the rape shield statute.” Johnson, ¶ 24.
    ¶47    Finally, the State’s reliance on Van Pelt is misplaced. Van Pelt argued that the
    victim could not have consented to any sexual acts because of her young age and that
    raising prior acts of abuse would not violate § 45-5-511, MCA. Van 
    Pelt, 247 Mont. at 100
    , 805 P.2d at 550. This Court found, based on the evidence presented, that the prior
    sexual abuse was not relevant to the issue of whether Van Pelt sexually molested the
    victim because the knowledge the victim exhibited at trial could not have been gained
    from the type of prior abuse the victim had endured. Van 
    Pelt, 247 Mont. at 104
    , 805
    P.2d at 552. Indeed, we recognized in Van Pelt that § 45-5-511, MCA, does not provide
    an “impenetrable wall” of protection for the victim and that the Montana Rules of
    Evidence certainly allow the credibility of the victim to be attacked. Van 
    Pelt, 247 Mont. at 103
    , 805 P.2d at 552. The State’s reliance on State v. Stuit, 
    268 Mont. 176
    885 P.2d 1290
    (1994), is similarly misplaced. The issue in Stuit was whether the State had opened
    the door to sexual abuse evidence during its opening statement and whether Stuit timely
    Stuit, 268 Mont. at 177
    , 885 P.2d at 1291. We concluded that the court
    properly ruled that the prosecutor’s comment did not open the door to testimony
    regarding the victim’s prior sexual abuse. 
    Stuit, 268 Mont. at 184
    , 885 P.2d at 1296.
    ¶48    Colburn contends that his inability to present evidence that the victim was “testing
    the waters” when she disclosed Colburn’s acts to a forensic interviewer impaired his
    ability to present an entire defense and to bring out all facts relevant to the issue of the
    child’s motive to fabricate. The result, Colburn argues, was a partial presentation of the
    relevant facts to the jury. In contrast, the State presented to the jury a picture of a young
    victim who made sexually knowledgeable and explicit allegations against her neighbor,
    with no apparent reason whatsoever to fabricate, supported by a professional’s
    undisputed assessment that the child was credible because she had sexual abuse-based
    sexual knowledge.     Colburn maintains that the State chose to make R.W.’s sexual
    knowledge a pivotal issue at trial—the kind that only comes from an experience of sexual
    abuse—to support the inference that Colburn must have been the source of that sexual
    knowledge. Colburn maintains that the evidence that R.W. was sexually abused by her
    father could have rebutted that powerful inference. Colburn also maintains that evidence
    presented through Dr. Catherine Otway that R.W. disclosed against her father because
    she “only recently felt comfortable disclosing this information because her mom
    ‘believed’ her about the sexual abuse by the neighbor, James Colburn” was highly
    probative of R.W.’s motive to fabricate.
    ¶49    I agree, after examining the particular facts and the excluded evidence, that
    evidence related to R.W. testing the waters was relevant to her motive to fabricate.
    Preventing Colburn from presenting this evidence to the jury violated his constitutional
    right to present an entire defense. The ability to explore a witness’s biases, prejudices,
    and motives to fabricate enjoys particular constitutional protection because of its critical
    role in a defense. Olden v. Kentucky, 
    488 U.S. 227
    , 231-32, 
    109 S. Ct. 480
    , 482 (1988);
    Davis v. Alaska, 
    415 U.S. 308
    , 317-20, 
    94 S. Ct. 1105
    , 1110-12 (1974).
    ¶50    Furthermore, evidence that R.W. had been a victim of sexual abuse of her father
    was relevant to show that R.W. could have learned about the sexual acts and male
    genitalia other than through sexual abuse by Colburn. The jury did not hear of situations
    from which R.W. could have gained sexual knowledge as a result of the undisputed abuse
    she suffered at the hands of her father. The State relied heavily on R.W.’s sexualization
    in the presentation of its case, supported by Hansen’s assessment of R.W.’s credibility
    based on her sexual abuse knowledge.       Colburn was unable to rebut this powerful
    inference that he was the only cause of R.W.’s sexualization.
    ¶51   For these reasons, and pursuant to this analysis, I would conclude that the District
    Court incorrectly applied the law when it failed to balance Colburn’s constitutional right
    to present a defense against the interests of the rape shield statute. I join the Court’s
    opinion regarding Issue 1.

Document Info

Docket Number: 14-0181

Citation Numbers: 2016 MT 41, 382 Mont. 223

Filed Date: 2/23/2016

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023

Authorities (25)

Clinton K. Lajoie v. S. Frank Thompson, Superintendent, ... , 217 F.3d 663 ( 2000 )

State v. Stock , 361 Mont. 1 ( 2011 )

State v. Derbyshire , 349 Mont. 114 ( 2009 )

State v. Damon , 328 Mont. 276 ( 2005 )

State v. Lindberg , 347 Mont. 76 ( 2008 )

State v. Patterson , 367 Mont. 186 ( 2012 )

Beehler v. Eastern Radiological Associates, P.C. , 367 Mont. 21 ( 2012 )

State v. Johnson , 288 Mont. 513 ( 1998 )

State v. Stuit , 268 Mont. 176 ( 1994 )

Grannis v. Ordean , 34 S. Ct. 779 ( 1914 )

State v. MacKinnon , 288 Mont. 329 ( 1998 )

State v. Van Pelt , 805 P.2d 549 ( 1991 )

Commonwealth v. Fernsler , 715 A.2d 435 ( 1998 )

Taylor v. Illinois , 108 S. Ct. 646 ( 1988 )

Davis v. Alaska , 94 S. Ct. 1105 ( 1974 )

In Re Oliver , 68 S. Ct. 499 ( 1948 )

Delaware v. Van Arsdall , 106 S. Ct. 1431 ( 1986 )

Crane v. Kentucky , 106 S. Ct. 2142 ( 1986 )

Rock v. Arkansas , 107 S. Ct. 2704 ( 1987 )

California v. Trombetta , 104 S. Ct. 2528 ( 1984 )

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