Van Liew v. Stansfield , 474 Mass. 31 ( 2016 )

  • NOTICE: All slip opinions and orders are subject to formal
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    error or other formal error, please notify the Reporter of
    Decisions, Supreme Judicial Court, John Adams Courthouse, 1
    Pemberton Square, Suite 2500, Boston, MA, 02108-1750; (617) 557-
    Middlesex.      January 8, 2016. - March 30, 2016.
    Present:   Gants, C.J., Spina, Cordy, Botsford, Duffly, Lenk, &
    Hines, JJ.
    "Anti-SLAPP" Statute. Practice, Civil, Motion to dismiss,
    Appeal, Review of interlocutory action. District Court,
    Appellate Division. Civil Harassment.
    Civil action commenced in the Lowell Division of the
    District Court Department on February 22, 2012.
    A special motion to dismiss was heard by Laurence D.
    Pierce, J.
    The Supreme Judicial Court on its own initiative
    transferred the case from the Appeals Court.
    Michael J. Fencer for the defendant.
    Karen A. Pickett for the plaintiff.
    BOTSFORD, J.    In this case we first consider a procedural
    issue concerning the appropriate forum to hear appeals from the
    allowance of a special motion to dismiss under G. L. c. 231,
    § 59H (§ 59H), the so-called "anti-SLAPP"1 statute, by a judge in
    the District Court.   This case also requires us to evaluate the
    relationship between G. L. c. 258E, the statute governing civil
    harassment prevention orders, and allegedly political speech.
    On the procedural issue, we conclude that a party seeking to
    appeal from a District Court order allowing or denying a special
    motion to dismiss may file the appeal directly in the Appeals
    Court, rather than in the Appellate Division of the District
    Court Department (Appellate Division).   We further conclude that
    with one possible exception, the speech at issue here --
    primarily concerning a local municipal election and more
    generally issues of local public concern -- did not qualify as
    either "fighting words" or "true threats," see O'Brien v.
    461 Mass. 415
    , 425 (2012), and therefore, no civil
    harassment prevention order should have issued in this case.     In
    the circumstances presented, Roland Van Liew established that
    Colleen Stansfield's petition for a civil harassment prevention
    order was devoid of factual support, that he had sustained
    injury, and that Stansfield's special motion to dismiss Van
    Liew's complaint for abuse of process and malicious prosecution
    should have been denied.
    "Anti-SLAPP" stands for anti-strategic lawsuit against
    public participation. See Duracraft Corp. v. Holmes Prods.
    427 Mass. 156
    , 160 n.7 (1998).
    Background.2    Van Liew and Stansfield are both residents of
    Chelmsford (town).    Stansfield has been an elected member of the
    local planning board since April, 2009.    At the time of the
    events at issue here, in 2012, Van Liew did not hold public
    office but was an active participant in local civic and
    political affairs.    Over the years, Van Liew has disagreed
    publicly with many positions taken by Stansfield on the planning
    board and in her role supporting local political campaigns.
    In 2012, Van Liew was a candidate for selectman in the
    town, and on February 1, 2012, he held a public "meet and greet"
    event at the town library in connection with his candidacy.
    Stansfield attended the event and challenged various positions
    taken by Van Liew during the discussion.    At the close of the
    event, Stansfield approached Van Liew and asked whether he was
    going to take part in upcoming debates.    According to
    Stansfield, Van Liew responded loudly, "[O]f course . . . and I
    know what you do. . . .    [Y]ou sent an anonymous letter to my
    wife and I'm coming after you," to which Stansfield responded,
    "[Y]ou are looking at a restraining order," and left.3
    The following background facts are taken from the
    pleadings of this case and the affidavits filed in support of
    and in opposition to the special motion to dismiss filed by
    Colleen Stansfield pursuant to G. L. c. 231, § 59H (§ 59H).
    Where facts are in dispute, it is noted in a footnote.
    As set out in his affidavit, Roland Van Liew contends he
    answered Stansfield's question without threatening her and told
    Later that day, after speaking with local police,
    Stansfield sought in the District Court a harassment prevention
    order against Van Liew pursuant to G. L. c. 258E, § 3.    She
    alleged four incidents of harassment in her complaint:    (1) Van
    Liew threatened Stansfield at the meet and greet event, where he
    was "in [her] face" and told her he was "coming after" her and
    she left shaking in fear; (2) Van Liew sent several mailings in
    the past year calling Stansfield corrupt and a liar; (3) during
    a recall election in July, 2011, Van Liew again called her a
    liar and corrupt; and (4) during their first interaction in a
    two-hour telephone call initiated by Stansfield (that took place
    at some point prior to 2009) Van Liew screamed at her and called
    her "terrible names."    A District Court judge held an initial,
    ex parte hearing at which Stansfield testified; the judge issued
    a temporary harassment prevention order against Van Liew.4      The
    judge scheduled a full hearing on Stansfield's request for a
    permanent order to take place two weeks later, on February 15,
    2012.    Five days after the temporary order issued, it was
    modified at Stansfield's request to prevent Van Liew from
    mentioning Stansfield's name in any "email, blog, [T]witter or
    her, "I don't want any more anonymous letters sent to my wife,"
    to which Stansfield responded, "You need a restraining order."
    The February 1, 2012, temporary order required Van Liew
    not to abuse, harass, or contact Stansfield and to stay away
    from Stansfield's residence.
    any document through [I]nternet, television show, ad or
    otherwise."   On February 15, 2012, the scheduled hearing on
    Stansfield's request for an order took place before a different
    District Court judge.   It was attended by Stansfield, who
    represented herself, and Van Liew, represented by counsel.
    Stansfield testified about the verbal exchange at Van Liew's
    meet and greet event, and further testified that, in the past,
    Van Liew had called Stansfield "corrupt and a liar" with regard
    to her work on the planning board, specifically pointing to two
    electronic mail (e-mail) messages written by Van Liew, one of
    which Stansfield read to the judge.   The e-mail message appears
    to mention Stansfield twice by name but goes on at great length
    to provide highly critical commentary about certain development
    projects that were being proposed for the town pursuant to G. L.
    c. 40B and other programs.5   The judge concluded that she could
    not find the requisite three acts of harassment for a harassment
    prevention order under G. L. c. 258E and that some of the acts
    alleged by Stansfield were political speech, not threatening in
    Stansfield told the judge that in the second electronic
    mail (e-mail) message, which was sent after the temporary
    harassment prevention order had issued and had been modified to
    prohibit Van Liew from using Stansfield's name in any e-mail
    message, Van Liew did in fact mention her by name and called her
    a liar. However, Stansfield did not read into the hearing
    record the text of the e-mail message in question and it is not
    included in the record before us.
    any way; the judge vacated the temporary harassment prevention
    Van Liew then filed the present action against Stansfield
    in the District Court, asserting claims for abuse of process and
    malicious prosecution.    The complaint alleges that Stansfield
    sought the harassment prevention order against him "for the
    purpose of disrupting [Van Liew's] campaign" and that she sought
    the order even though she knew she lacked probable cause for its
    issuance.    Stansfield answered and also filed a special motion
    to dismiss the complaint pursuant to § 59H along with a
    supporting affidavit.    Van Liew filed an opposition to
    Stansfield's special motion to dismiss and a supporting
    affidavit.   A third District Court judge allowed the special
    motion after a hearing, and ruled that Van Liew "failed to show
    that the application for a harassment prevention order 'was
    devoid of any reasonable factual support,'" quoting G. L.
    c. 231, § 59H.   Van Liew then appealed the ruling to the
    Appellate Division, which concluded after a hearing that Van
    Liew had presented sufficient evidence to show that Stansfield
    lacked any reasonable factual support for her petitioning
    activity; the Appellate Division vacated the order of dismissal
    and remanded the case to the District Court for trial.
    Stansfield filed an appeal in the Appeals Court from the
    decision and order of the Appellate Division; we transferred her
    appeal to this court on our own motion.
    Discussion.    1.   Stansfield's right to appeal.   We first
    consider whether Stansfield may proceed with her appeal, given
    that the Appellate Division's order vacating the allowance of
    the special motion to dismiss and remanding the case for trial
    is interlocutory, and generally may not be the subject of an
    appeal.    Van Liew argues that this court lacks jurisdiction
    because by statute, G. L. c. 231, § 109, only final decisions of
    the Appellate Division are appealable to the Appeals Court.         We
    This court previously has held that regardless of where --
    i.e., in which department of the trial court -- a suit may be
    commenced, a trial judge's denial of a special motion to dismiss
    brought pursuant to the anti-SLAPP statute, § 59H,6 may be
    Section § 59H provides in relevant part:
    "In any case in which a party asserts that the civil
    claims, counterclaims, or cross claims against said party
    are based on said party's exercise of its right of petition
    under the constitution of the United States or of the
    [C]ommonwealth, said party may bring a special motion to
    dismiss. The court shall advance any such special motion
    so that it may be heard and determined as expeditiously as
    possible. The court shall grant such special motion,
    unless the party against whom such special motion is made
    shows that: (1) the moving party's exercise of its right
    to petition was devoid of any reasonable factual support or
    any arguable basis in law and (2) the moving party's acts
    caused actual injury to the responding party. In making
    its determination, the court shall consider the pleadings
    appealed directly to the Appeals Court.   See Fabre v. Walton,
    436 Mass. 517
    , 521-522 (2002), S.C., 
    441 Mass. 9
    (2004).   The
    reasons for our holding, set out in Fabre,7 apply with equal
    force to an Appellate Division decision denying a special motion
    to dismiss, and therefore to Stansfield's appeal.   But more
    generally, and based on the same concerns that we expressed in
    Fabre about certainty, uniform treatment of similarly situated
    litigants, and consistent development of the law relating to the
    anti-SLAPP statute, see 
    id. at 522,
    we conclude that any party
    in a case pending in the District Court who seeks to appeal from
    the denial or the allowance of a § 59H special motion to dismiss
    and supporting and opposing affidavits stating the facts
    upon which the liability or defense is based.
    Section 59H protects "individuals who exercise their right
    to petition from harassing litigation and the costs and burdens
    of defending against retaliatory lawsuits." Fabre v. Walton,
    436 Mass. 517
    , 520 (2002), S.C., 
    441 Mass. 9
    (2004), citing
    Corp., 427 Mass. at 161-162
    . As part of these
    protections, the defendant in a SLAPP suit may file a "special
    motion to dismiss" early in the litigation. G. L. c. 231,
    § 59H. In Fabre, supra at 521, we specifically recognized that
    "the denial of a special motion to dismiss interferes with
    [anti-SLAPP statute] rights in a way that cannot be remedied on
    appeal from the final judgment," and notwithstanding the general
    rules of appellate review, immediate appeal of an interlocutory
    order denying a special motion to dismiss is necessary to
    preserve the protected rights; to force a defendant to endure
    litigation before allowing the appeal undermines the purpose of
    the special motion to dismiss. We further stated that "for
    purposes of certainty, uniformity of treatment of litigants, and
    the development of a consistent body of law, an interlocutory
    appeal from the denial of a special motion to dismiss should
    proceed to the Appeals Court, regardless of the court in which
    the SLAPP suit was brought." 
    Id. at 522.
    See Benoit v.
    454 Mass. 148
    , 151-152 (2009).
    should file the appeal directly in the Appeals Court rather than
    in the Appellate Division of the District Court or the Appellate
    Division of the Boston Municipal Court.    See Zullo v. Goguen,
    423 Mass. 679
    , 681 (1996) ("This court has wide discretion in
    devising various procedures for the course of appeals in
    different classes of cases" [citation omitted]).     In sum,
    Stansfield's appeal was filed properly in the Appeals Court, and
    like the Appeals Court, this court has jurisdiction to decide
    2.   Stansfield's special motion to dismiss.   We turn to the
    merits.    Stansfield, as the party filing a special motion to
    dismiss under § 59H, bore the initial burden to demonstrate
    through her pleadings and affidavits that Van Liew's claims she
    sought to dismiss were based on her "petitioning activities
    alone and ha[d] no substantial basis other than or in addition
    to the petitioning activities."    Duracraft Corp. v. Holmes
    Prods. Corp., 
    427 Mass. 156
    , 167-168 (1998).    See G. L. c. 231,
    § 59H.     There is no dispute that Stansfield met that burden; Van
    Liew's complaint focused solely on Stansfield's application for
    a harassment prevention order, which originally was granted ex
    parte as a temporary order.    Van Liew makes no claim here, nor
    could he, that Stansfield's application for this order did not
    qualify as petitioning activity under the anti-SLAPP statute.
    Cf. McLarnon v. Jokisch, 
    431 Mass. 343
    , 347 (2000) (anti-SLAPP
    statute covers filings for abuse protection orders, pursuant to
    G. L. c. 209A, and supporting affidavits).    As a consequence,
    Van Liew was required by the statute to show by a preponderance
    of the evidence –- again based on pleadings and affidavits --
    that Stansfield's petitioning activities were "devoid of any
    reasonable factual support or any arguable basis in law" and
    that such petitioning activities "caused actual injury" to him.
    G. L. c. 231, § 59H.    See Benoit v. Frederickson, 
    454 Mass. 148
    152-153 (2009).    See also Baker v. Parsons, 
    434 Mass. 543
    , 553-
    554 (2001) (nonmoving party's obligation to show moving party's
    petitioning activities were devoid of either reasonable factual
    support or arguable legal basis is not "an insurmountable
    barrier to relief").    Stansfield argues that Van Liew failed to
    meet either prong of his burden.    We agree with the Appellate
    Division, however, that Van Liew met both prongs, and the
    special motion to dismiss should have been denied.
    A party seeking a harassment prevention order under G. L.
    c. 258E, § 3,8 must demonstrate "harassment," which the statute
    General Laws c. 258E, § 3, provides in relevant part:
    "(a) A person suffering from harassment may file a
    complaint in the appropriate court requesting protection
    from such harassment. A person may petition the court
    under this chapter for an order that the defendant:
    "(i) refrain from abusing or harassing the plaintiff,
    whether the defendant is an adult or minor;
    defines in relevant part to mean "[three] or more acts of
    willful and malicious conduct aimed at a specific person
    committed with the intent to cause fear, intimidation, abuse or
    damage to property that does in fact cause fear, intimidation,
    abuse or damage to property."     G. L. c. 258E, § 1.9   The
    definition of "harassment" in c. 258E was crafted by the
    Legislature to "exclude constitutionally protected speech,"
    O'Brien, 461 Mass. at 425
    , and to limit the categories of
    constitutionally unprotected speech that may qualify as
    "harassment" to two:     "fighting words" and "true threats."      
    Id. See Seney
    v. Morhy, 
    467 Mass. 58
    , 63 (2014).     To qualify as
    "fighting words" the words "must be a direct personal insult
    addressed to a person, and they must be inherently likely to
    provoke violence."     O'Brien, supra at 423.   As for "true
    threats," these include "direct threats of imminent physical
    harm," as well as "words or actions that -- taking into account
    the context in which they arise -- cause the victim to fear such
    [imminent physical] harm now or in the future."      
    Id. at 425.
    "(ii) refrain from contacting the plaintiff, unless
    authorized by the court, whether the defendant is an adult
    or minor; [and]
    "(iii) remain away from the plaintiff’s household or
    workplace, whether the defendant is an adult or minor
    . . . ."
    The word "malicious" is also defined in G. L. c. 258E,
    § 1, and means "characterized by cruelty, hostility or revenge."
    Moreover, to constitute "harassment" within the definition of
    the term in c. 258E, the fighting words or true threats must
    have been made with an intention to cause, and must actually
    cause, abuse, fear, intimidation, or damage to property.10    G. L.
    c. 258E, § 1.   And fear is narrowly defined as fear of physical
    harm or fear of physical damage to property; it must be more
    than "a fear of economic loss, of unfavorable publicity, or of
    defeat at the ballot box."   O'Brien, supra at 427.
    In her request for the harassment prevention order,
    Stansfield pointed to the following conduct on Van Liew's part
    that, she claims in this appeal, compelled her to seek the
    harassment prevention order against him:   during a telephone
    call, Van Liew called her uneducated and stupid; in public
    mailings, Van Liew stated that Stansfield was corrupt and a
    liar, and further referred to her as corrupt and a liar during a
    local recall election; and Van Liew threatened her at the meet
    To obtain a harassment prevention order, a plaintiff must
    show that the defendant intended to cause "fear, intimidation,
    abuse, or damage to property" with respect to each of the three
    claimed acts of harassment. O'Brien v. Borowski, 
    461 Mass. 415
    426 n.8 (2012). In determining whether the acts did in fact
    cause "fear, intimidation, abuse, or damage to property,"
    however, the fact finder "must look to the cumulative pattern of
    harassment, and need not find that each act in fact caused fear,
    intimidation, abuse, or damage to property." 
    Id. 13 and
    greet event held in support of his candidacy for the office
    of selectman.11
    We will assume that the most recent incident alleged by
    Stansfield, occurring at the meet and greet event, qualified as
    an act of harassment under G. L. c. 285E, § 1; that is, we will
    assume that Van Liew's declaration to Stansfield, "I'm coming
    after you," was an "act[] of willful and malicious conduct," and
    further that it was aimed at Stansfield, was committed with the
    requisite intent, and caused Stansfield fear.   However, the
    other three instances complained of by Stansfield -- accusations
    made in public mailings, accusations made during the 2011 recall
    election, and insults made during a telephone call that took
    place before 2009 -- did not qualify as harassing acts within
    the scope of G. L. c. 258E.
    The public accusations by Van Liew that Stansfield was
    "corrupt and a liar" -- the subject of two of the four incidents
    of harassment -- plainly were remarks about Stansfield's
    performance as an elected planning board member, i.e., as a
    public official.   See Arlington v. Board of Conciliation &
    370 Mass. 769
    , 777 (1976).   These remarks about a
    local public official constituted political speech and were at
    According to the police report regarding the meet and
    greet encounter -- submitted to the District Court by Van Liew
    in support of his opposition to the special motion to dismiss --
    Stansfield stated that she attended the political event to
    "rattle Van Liew's cage."
    the core of the speech that the First Amendment to the United
    States Constitution protects.   See McIntyre v. Ohio Elections
    514 U.S. 334
    , 346 (1995) ("Discussion of public issues
    and debate on the qualifications of candidates are integral to
    the operation of the system of government established by our
    Constitution.   The First Amendment affords the broadest
    protection to such political expression in order 'to assure
    [the] unfettered interchange of ideas for the bringing about of
    political and social changes desired by the people'" [citation
    omitted]).   Although these types of public accusations may be
    "vehement, caustic, and sometimes unpleasantly sharp," New York
    Times Co. v. Sullivan, 
    376 U.S. 254
    , 270 (1964), this form of
    political speech must remain "uninhibited, robust, and wide-
    id. Van Liew's
    challenged accusations were neither
    fighting words nor true threats, but at most qualify as
    political hyperbole.   See Commonwealth v. Chou, 
    433 Mass. 229
    236 (2001) ("The term 'true threat' has been adopted to help
    distinguish between words that literally threaten but have an
    expressive purpose such as political hyperbole, and words that
    are intended to place the target of the threat in fear").
    The remaining act of which Stansfield complained occurred
    when she telephoned Van Liew to become acquainted with him and
    his views about issues of concern in the town, and Van Liew
    spoke "very loudly . . . telling [her she] was wrong, uneducated
    or stupid."   The record indicates that at the time of this
    telephone call, Stansfield was not yet a planning board member
    and therefore not a public official, but the discussion involved
    matters of public interest.     Regardless of whether the discourse
    was political in nature, however, Van Liew's insults certainly
    failed to qualify as fighting words or true threats.        The
    insults were not "so personally abusive that they [were] plainly
    likely to provoke a violent reaction and cause a breach of the
    O'Brien, 461 Mass. at 423
    , nor did such insults, even if
    delivered in a loud voice, rise to the level of a "true threat"
    of "imminent physical harm" or words that would cause someone to
    fear such harm.   
    Id. at 425.
       As such, these telephone
    conversation insults do not qualify as harassing conduct within
    the scope of G. L. c. 258E.     Accordingly, because Stansfield
    failed to present three or more acts of harassment, she was not
    entitled to a harassment prevention order.    See 
    Seney, 467 Mass. at 63-64
    (evidence was insufficient to establish three acts of
    harassment under c. 258E where plaintiff failed to show
    defendant intended to cause fear or intimidation; e-mail message
    addressed to third party using unflattering terms to describe
    plaintiff was not directed at plaintiff and was not motivated by
    cruelty, hostility, or revenge).     As a result, and as Van Liew
    showed below in accordance with his burden to do so,
    Stansfield's petitioning activity -– seeking a harassment
    prevention order -- was "devoid of any reasonable factual
    support or any arguable basis in law."    G. L. c. 231, § 59H.
    Benoit, 454 Mass. at 154
    Stansfield contends that the original issuance of a
    temporary harassment prevention order and its subsequent
    modification is proof that a reasonable person may conclude
    there was sufficient factual support for the petitioning
    activity.   The argument fails.   Although a judge granted the
    request for a harassment prevention order after a brief ex parte
    hearing and the order was modified thereafter to increase its
    restrictions on Van Liew,12 that order was only temporary.    Two
    weeks later, after a full hearing that presented Van Liew with
    his first opportunity to be heard, the temporary order was
    vacated.    Contrast 
    Fabre, 436 Mass. at 524
    (where judge extended
    restraining order for six months after evidentiary hearing and
    final judgment entered, "the judgment is conclusive evidence
    that the petitioning activity was not devoid of any reasonable
    factual support or arguable basis in law").    It was clear from
    the text of Stansfield's complaint for a harassment prevention
    order that no valid basis for such an order was presented; the
    insufficiency of facts pleaded could not be cured by a temporary
    order that was entered erroneously.
    The record does not indicate whether the modification of
    the temporary order involved any type of hearing before a judge.
    Finally, Van Liew adequately demonstrated that Stansfield's
    petitioning activity caused him "actual injury," the second
    prong of the showing he was required to make to defeat
    Stansfield's special motion to dismiss.    To defend against the
    harassment protection order sought by Stansfield, Van Liew
    retained an attorney to represent him at the full hearing before
    the District Court judge and submitted supporting evidence of
    the attorney's fees and costs he was responsible for paying as a
    result.13,14   The costs of defending against improper petitioning
    activity, once affirmatively proved, are evidence of reasonable
    damages.   Cf. Millennium Equity Holdings, LLC v. Mahlowitz, 
    456 Mass. 627
    , 645-647 (2010).    We accordingly conclude that Van
    Liew met his burden as the nonmoving party and the Appellate
    Stansfield argues that the attorney's bill for his
    services was sent to a corporate nonparty, Hands on Technology
    Transfer, Inc., and not to Van Liew, and therefore does not
    evidence damages suffered by Van Liew himself. The attorney's
    bill, however, was addressed to "Mr. Roland Van Liew" at the
    corporate address, and based on this record, we decline to infer
    that Van Liew did not bear responsibility to pay for his
    attorney's services.
    Van Liew further alleged reputational harm caused by
    Stansfield's petitioning activity. Because we conclude that Van
    Liew's evidence of legal expenses was sufficient to meet his
    burden under § 59H to show damages, we do not consider his
    allegations of reputational harm.
    Division correctly denied Stansfield's special motion to
    Conclusion.     We vacate the order of the District Court and
    remand the case to that court for further proceedings consistent
    with this opinion.
    So ordered.
    Stansfield argues also that the allegations made by Van
    Liew in his complaint -- that Stansfield sought the harassment
    prevention order out of malice and with intent to disrupt his
    campaign -- are unfounded accusations. The argument is not
    relevant to our analysis of the issues before us, and we do not
    reach it.