Smith v. . Countryman , 30 N.Y. 655 ( 1864 )

  • The plaintiff's counsel intended to raise on the trial the question whether, assuming the representations to have been made as alleged in the answer, they furnished any legal ground for declaring the sale void by reason of the vendee's fraudulent representations? But I think he has wholly failed to present any such question.

    There are but three exceptions in the case. The first is to the denial of the plaintiff's motion to strike out the second defense, because, 1st. The facts therein stated do not constitute fraud; and, 2d. The representations, if made as set forth in the answer, were immaterial and constituted no defense to the action. The second exception is to the admission of the evidence, on the part of the defendant, whether he believed the representations of the vendee that he had purchased Ellwood's hops? The third was the exception to the refusal of the court to strike out the evidence of the defendant and the witness Cronkhite, so far *Page 676 as the same relates to the representations made by Wood of the purchase of Ellwood's hops, as being immaterial and constituting no defense to the action.

    I know of no authority authorizing a plaintiff to move at the trial to strike out an answer or defense. When parties go down to trial, it is the duty of the court to try the issues made by the parties. If the answer presents no defense, the plaintiff may demur or move to strike out as sham or irrelevant. (Code, § 152, 154.) This motion must be made before the cause is brought on for trial, for the obvious reason that it must be made before the case can be said to be at issue; and, until after issue joined, the case cannot be noticed for trial.

    It is competent for a plaintiff to lie by without demurring or moving to strike out, and on the trial object to the evidence offered in support of the answer or defense as not constituting a defense. And the court may in its discretion, reject it, or it may refuse to do so and leave the party to have recourse to some other way of presenting the question.

    Under the former system the judge at nisi prius had nothing to do with the pleadings. His duty was to try the issues presented by the circuit roll, and it was for the court in banc to dispose of the questions of law arising from improper or defective pleadings. The circuit judge had not power to allow even an amendment of the pleadings.

    The powers of the judge at circuit are now much more extensive, he being authorized to allow amendments as fully as the court might do at general or special term, and superadded to these powers a special term is held by the same judge with the circuit. But extensive as his powers are, I think he has not the power on the trial to strike out pleadings. The party whose pleading is proposed to be stricken out, has the right to require that all objections to the pleadings shall be decided before the circuit, so that he may know what he is called on to prove to support his own case and the causes of action or defense on which his adversary relies. *Page 677

    Judge BRONSON, in Reynolds v. Lounsbury (6 Hill, 534), says: "A fault in the pleadings is not a proper ground for tendering a bill of exceptions. After the defendant had omitted to demur to the declaration, he could only take an objection to its sufficiency by motion in arrest of judgment or a writ of error."

    It was said by BARCULO, J., in Fox v. Hunt (8 How. Pr. R. 12), and by CADY, J., in Myatt v. Saratoga M. Ins. Co. (9 How. Pr. R. 488), and by HARRIS, J., in Richtmyer v. Haskins (9 id. 481), that it was the correct practice at the circuit to lay out of the case all irrelevant allegations and immaterial issues in the case, and if the complaint does not contain a good cause of action, or the answer does not contain a defense, to direct judgment accordingly. I cannot concur with the learned judges, in their views of the practice, without some limitation. Section 148 of the code permits the defendant to raise, at any stage of the action, the objection to the complaint that it does not contain a cause of action. But section 153 of the code permits a demurrer to an answer containing new matter, when upon its face it does not constitute a counterclaim or defense, and the plaintiff may demur to one or more of such defenses or counterclaims, and reply to the residue of the counterclaims.

    If the plaintiff omits to demur to an answer or defense, it must, for the purposes of the issue, be deemed sufficient in law, subject to the power of the court to reject evidence which, if received, could not constitute a defense or counter-claim.

    Where it was decided that parties were entitled to whatever relief the evidence given on the trial entitled them, without regard to the pleadings, the judge at the circuit would have had the power to conform the pleadings to the proof, aside from the provisions of sections 169 and 173 of the code. The learned judges to whom I have referred seem to have thought the course indicated by them to be not only proper but necessary, inasmuch as the code, as *Page 678 then construed, did not allow a demurrer to an answer, unless it contained a counterclaim. But since the amendment of section 153, in 1855, and especially since its amendment in 1857, permitting a demurrer to the answer without limitation, except that it should contain new matter, all pretense for interference with the pleadings at the circuit other than conforming them to the proof is at an end, and the rule laid down by BRONSON, Justice, in 6 Hill, 534 (cited supra), is the only one that can be followed and not introduce into the practice at the circuit the uncertainty and confusion which prevails in justices' courts, where an unlimited right of amendment exists, and where parties can not know, by the issue joined, what the issue will be that they will be required to try.

    All the provisions of the code relating to the amendment and correction of pleadings contemplate that the steps necessary to make them sufficient shall be taken before the trial. This is absolutely necessary to prevent injustice, suspense and disorder in the trial of causes at the circuit.

    But the learned judges to whom I have referred have not gone the length of holding that although they may disregard immaterial issues at the circuit they would do it by striking out pleadings.

    As I have already shown, it can be legitimately reached by excluding the evidence offered in support of such an issue; but unless the case is a very clear one, the best course is to leave the party to his motion for a new trial, or an appeal.

    If, however, the judge at the circuit had the power to strike out an answer or defense for insufficiency on the trial (a position I by no means admit), it would nevertheless rest in discretion, and would not be the subject of review. It would be discretionary, because the application was made at the circuit. The judge might with great propriety say to the counsel, that having omitted to demur, he must try the issue and seek his redress by some appropriate proceeding after verdict. *Page 679

    The exception to the admission of the defendant's evidence that he believed the vendor's statement that he had purchased of Ellwood, does not present any question as to the validity of the sale.

    The objection to the evidence was that it was improper and immaterial, and was for the jury to pass upon from the terms of the contract and the conversation that took place. No suggestion was made as to the effect of it upon the validity of the contract. If the counsel designed to present such a question, he most effectually kept it from the attention of the court.

    But the plaintiff has presented the question as to the competency of the evidence objected to.

    I think it was competent, assuming the defense admissible (which we must do, in the absence of any legal exception to it); the effect of the representation upon the mind of the defendant was one which the jury must pass upon; and, in order to find the sale void, must find on it in favor of the defendant. It was a material fact to be proved; the defendant was a competent witness, and was, therefore, competent to prove it.

    The oath of the defendant was by no means conclusive on the jury. They were bound to inquire, 1st. Whether the representation was made by the plaintiff; 2d. Whether it was such an one as would be calculated to impose upon a prudent, careful man; 3d. Whether it was in regard to a matter material to the defendant to know; and, 4th. Whether he believed it or was imposed upon by it. If the defendant should fail in establishing either of these propositions he would fail in his defense.

    Under the former practice, when parties could not be witnesses in their own behalf, the jury had to draw their conclusions, as to the effect of the representation, from the materiality of the representation and the effect such a representation would naturally have on the mind of a prudent business man. It was an inference from all the facts. It was an issuable fact, and to be proved in the same way as *Page 680 other facts in the case. The defendant's admission, whether as a witness or out of court and not under oath, that he did not rely on the representation, would have been conclusive evidence against him; and I know of no reason why, when he is a witness, he may not testify that he did rely on the representation made to him by the purchaser. If he was too credulous, putting faith in a story in itself incredible, or without using that care and caution against imposition that it becomes every prudent man to exercise in dealing with another, he must suffer the consequences of his credulity. Because he may testify that he relied on the representation, will not entitle him to a verdict annuling the sale, unless the circumstances justified his trust.

    But if the question was properly before us, whether the representation proved was such an one as being found to have been made, to have been relied upon and to have been untrue, authorized the court and jury to annul the sale, I am of the opinion that the sale was void, and the judgment should be affirmed.

    Courts of law and equity are governed by the same principles in giving relief in cases of fraudulent misrepresentation. The only difference between them is that a court of equity will sometimes refuse to enforce specific performance of a contract, when a court of law might give damages for a breach of it. Story, in his equity jurisprudence, § 191, thus states the principles that guide a court of equity in giving relief in case of fraudulent representation: "If a representation is made to another person going to deal in a matter of interest upon the faith of that representation, the former shall make that representation good if he knows it to be false. To justify, however, an interposition in such cases, it is not only necessary to establish the fact of misrepresentation, but that it is matter of substance, or important to the interests of the other party, and that it actually does mislead him. For if the misrepresentation was of a trifling or immaterial thing, or if the other party did not trust to it, or was not misled by it, or *Page 681 if it was vague and inconclusive in its own nature, or if it was upon matter of opinion or fact equally open to the inquiries of both parties, and in regard to which neither could be presumed to trust the other; in these and the like cases there is no reason for a court of equity to interfere to grant relief on the ground of fraud."

    While courts have endeavored to compel parties to observe the most perfect good faith in their dealings, they have not gone the length of holding that every false statement made by one to the other in reference to the quality, condition or value of the property, annuls the contract. Some allowance has been made for the propensity men have to extol the quality, condition or value of that which they propose to sell, and to depreciate that which they desire to buy. Hence statements as to the value of property, its freedom from defects which he knows to exist, and which might by the exercise of reasonable diligence be discovered, do not if false vitiate the contract. These are matters in regard to which neither is supposed to trust the other, but each is bound to exercise his own senses and judgment in arriving at their value and condition. (Chitty on contracts, 681, 682, and notes;Sandford v. Handy, 23 Wend. 260; Starr v. Bennett, 5 Hill, 303; Haight v. Hayt, 19 New York, 464.)

    But if the person selling shall use any artifice to mislead the other and to prevent him from taking the necessary steps to inform himself, as to those matters in regard to which he is bound to exercise his own judgment, the contract will be held void, or a recovery had against him for the damages sustained by the person injured. (Hill v. Gray, 2 Eng. Com. Law Rep. 16;Mathews v. Bliss, 22 Pick. 48.)

    Any representation that affects the price of an article in regard to which one party places confidence in the other, will if relied on, and is false, and the party trusting to the representation is injured, render the contract void. (Bowring v. Stevens, 12 Eng. C.L. 157; Phillips v. Buck, 1 *Page 682 Vern. 227; Taylor v. Fleet, 1 Barb. S.C.R. 477; 1 Hilliard on Vendors, 324, 325, 339, 340; Bench v. Sheldon, 14 Barb. 66;Vernon v. Keyes, 12 East, 632 — Affirmed, 4 Taunt. 488.)

    Applying these principles to the case before us, it will be found that the sale of the hops in question was fraudulent and void.

    The verdict establishes, 1st. The making of the representation. 2d. Its falsity. 3d. That it was relied on by the defendant. The only other element to be established to render it fraudulent was its materiality.

    As I have already remarked, whatever affects the price of the property that is the subject of the contract is material.

    The defendant had raised hops for several years prior to the sale in question. He was unacquainted with the market price of them. It was, therefore, due to himself to inform himself of the state of the market before entering into a contract of sale. Had he inquired of the purchaser as to the market price, and been misled by him, I am not prepared to say that the contract would not have been thereby rendered fraudulent. The inquiry was not as to the market price, however, but as to the price the purchaser was paying. The answer is not claimed to have been untrue. The defendant then inquired whether Wood had bought Ellwood's, and he was told that, if it was true he had purchased Ellwood's at twelve and one-half cents per pound, he, the defendant, would sell his at that price. It appears that Ellwood had not raised hops until that year; hence his dealing in the article was not such as to make his opinion as to the price very important. But we all know that there are men in every community whose judgment as to the value of property, or whose intelligence and shrewdness in business, give great weight to their opinions in the estimation of their neighbors, and who, if they should sell all their property at a given price, would regulate the price for the same property throughout their neighborhood. Who that deals in stocks would not be governed, as to the *Page 683 price he would pay for a particular stock, by the opinion of an intelligent broker; or, as to the value of land, by the opinion of an intelligent, careful business man, whose interest it was to inform himself as to its value?

    In this case it was not Ellwood's opinion only that the defendant designed to rest upon, but upon the price actually received by him for similar property sold.

    Had the defendant rested satisfied with merely inquiring whether Wood had purchased Ellwood's hops, Wood might say that he did not and could not know that the sale by E. would influence the judgment of the defendant, and that his answer, therefore, might be false, without having reason to suppose it was causing injury to the defendant. But when told by the defendant that he sold at twelve and one-half cents per pound because E. had sold at that price, he was informed that his statement was relied on, and being untrue, as he knew it was, he was cheating the defendant. A purchase thus procured ought not to stand. (Fellows v. Gwyder, 1 Simons, 63.)

    It is said that the defendant ought not to have trusted to Wood's statement; that he had the opportunity to inquire and should have informed himself as well as to the market price as to whether E. had sold at twelve and one-half cents per pound.

    The defendant, several times during the interview, proposed to Wood to wait until he could inform himself as to the price of hops. But Wood refused to wait — insisted on an immediate answer, and told the defendant that the price would probably fall as it had done some years before. The defendant was under no obligation to sell that day, but he was anxious to get the highest price for his property, and he took the only means he could, and make an immediate sale, to inform himself as to the market value of the property.

    I do not doubt but that a vendor of property may put upon the purchaser the responsibility of informing him correctly as to the market value, or any other fact known *Page 684 to him, affecting the market price of the property, and if the purchaser answers untruly, the purchase will be void by reason of the fraud. The purchaser is not bound to answer in such a case; but if he does he is bound to speak the truth.

    It is said by the appellant's counsel, in his points, and by Justice POTTER, in his dissenting opinion in the case, that the defendant has not sustained any damage, because he was paid the market value of hops at the time the sale was made.

    The evidence of the first witness was that the price of hops, about the date of the contract, at Fort Plain, the place of delivery, was twelve to twelve and one-half cents per pound. But, he adds, hops were sold, as he understood, at twenty-eight cents at Fort Plain. He had heard that some were purchased for twenty-eight cents, but did not know the quality. The evidence as to the price being twenty-eight cents was not competent, but it was not objected to, and the jury had the right to take it, and give it such weight as they deemed it entitled to.

    If the jury were bound to act upon the legal evidence of value only, then it would follow that the defendant received for his hops the fair market price at the time of the sale, and he would have no right to complain. But the other evidence being in without objection, or any intimation to the jury that they might not act upon the hearsay of the witness as evidence of the market value, I think the jury had the right to find that the defendant was induced by the misrepresentation to sell for less than the market price.

    In any view of the case I think the judgment was right and ought to be affirmed with costs.

Document Info

Citation Numbers: 30 N.Y. 655

Judges: HOGEBOOM, J.

Filed Date: 6/5/1864

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023