L.R. v. Philadelphia School District , 836 F.3d 235 ( 2016 )

  •                                             PRECEDENTIAL
    No. 14-4640
    L.R., Parent and Natural Guardian of N.R., a minor
    JAMES A. ROCCO, III, ESQ., as Administrator CTA of the
    Estate of Reginald M. Littlejohn,
    On Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania
    E.D. Pa. No. 2-14-cv-1787)
    District Judge: Honorable Jan E. DuBois
    Argued February 11, 2016
    Before: FUENTES, KRAUSE, and ROTH, Circuit Judges
    Honorable Julio M. Fuentes assumed senior status on July
    18, 2016.
    (Filed: September 6, 2016)
    Kerri E. Chewning
    Archer & Greiner, P.C.
    One Centennial Square
    33 East Euclid Avenue
    Haddonfield, NJ 08033
    Jeffrey M. Scott    [ARGUED]
    Archer & Greiner, P.C.
    1650 Market Street
    One Liberty Place, 32nd Floor
    Philadelphia, PA 19103
    Counsel for Appellants
    Charles L. Becker [ARGUED]
    Dominic C. Guerrini
    Thomas R. Kline
    Tracie L. Palmer
    David C. Williams
    Kline & Specter, P.C.
    1525 Locust Street, 19th Floor
    Philadelphia, PA 19102
    Counsel for Appellee
    FUENTES, Circuit Judge.
    Teachers not only educate our children, but also
    provide them with sources of care and comfort outside the
    home. Recognizing that the threat of civil liability might
    discourage teachers and other public servants from taking on
    such significant roles, courts have developed a doctrine of
    qualified immunity that, in many instances, shields them from
    civil lawsuits. But there are exceptions and this is one of
    those cases.
    In January 2013, a teacher in the Philadelphia School
    District allowed a kindergarten student to leave his classroom
    with an adult who failed to identify herself. The adult
    sexually assaulted the child later that day. In the early hours
    of the next morning, a sanitation worker found the child in a
    playground after hearing her cries. The child’s parent sued
    the teacher, who claims he is immune from suit.
    We hold that the parent’s allegations sufficiently state
    a constitutional violation of the young child’s clearly
    established right to be free from exposure by her teacher to an
    obvious danger. In short, we conclude that it is shocking to
    the conscience that a kindergarten teacher would allow a child
    in his care to leave his classroom with a complete stranger.
    Accordingly, we will affirm the District Court’s denial of
    qualified immunity.
    A.     Factual Background
    Because this case comes to us on a motion to dismiss,
    the allegations are taken from the complaint and are assumed
    true for purposes of this appeal. On an ordinary school day in
    January 2013, Christina Regusters entered W.C. Bryant
    Elementary School in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where Jane
    was enrolled as a kindergarten student.1 Regusters proceeded
    directly to Jane’s classroom, where she encountered
    Defendant Reginald Littlejohn, Jane’s teacher. Per
    Philadelphia School District policy,2 Littlejohn asked
    Regusters to produce identification and verification that Jane
    had permission to leave school. Regusters failed to do so.
    Despite this failure, Littlejohn allowed Jane to leave his
    classroom with Regusters. Later that day, Regusters sexually
    assaulted Jane off school premises, causing her significant
    physical and emotional injuries.
    We will refer to the child as “Jane” throughout this opinion.
    This name is fictitious and we use it for ease of reference.
    The complaint states that Philadelphia School District policy
    provides that only the principal or his/her designee, the
    assistant principal, or the teacher-in-charge may grant a
    release of students during the school day. The policy also
    states that (i) under no circumstances may a pre-kindergarten
    through eighth grade student be released without a properly
    identified adult, (ii) the adult’s identification must be checked
    against school records, and (iii) the release must take place in
    the school office. Compl. (J.A. Vol. II 58-67) ¶¶ 15-16.
    B.     Procedural Background
    Jane’s parent and natural guardian, L.R., filed this civil
    rights lawsuit under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 against Reginald
    Littlejohn in his individual capacity, the School District of
    Philadelphia, and the School Reform Commission of the
    School District of Philadelphia (collectively, the
    “Defendants”). L.R. alleges that Littlejohn deprived Jane of
    her Fourteenth Amendment rights under a state-created
    danger theory. Specifically, L.R. alleges that by releasing her
    daughter to an unidentified adult, Littlejohn created the
    danger that resulted in Jane’s physical and emotional harm.
    Defendants moved to dismiss under the Federal Rules of Civil
    Procedure, arguing that the complaint does not allege a
    constitutional violation and, even if it did, Littlejohn is
    entitled to qualified immunity.3
    The District Court denied Defendants’ motion. It
    explained that “ordinary common sense and experience
    dictate that there is an inherent risk of harm in releasing a
    five-year-old [child] to an adult stranger who has failed to
    produce identification and authorization for release despite
    being asked to do so.”4 For the reasons that follow, we will
    See Fed. R. Civ. P. 12(b)(6).
    L.R. v. Sch. Dist. of Phila., 
    60 F. Supp. 3d 584
    , 590 (E.D.
    Pa. 2014) (internal quotation marks omitted).
    The District Court also held that L.R. sufficiently stated a
    claim for municipal liability against the School District and
    the School Reform Commission under a failure to train and
    supervise theory. See 
    id. at 599-601.
    Defendants’ appeal
    The District Court had subject matter jurisdiction
    under 28 U.S.C. § 1331. We exercise appellate jurisdiction
    over this interlocutory appeal pursuant to the collateral order
    doctrine. Under this doctrine, “a district court’s denial of a
    claim of qualified immunity, to the extent that it turns on an
    issue of law, is an appealable ‘final decision’ within the
    meaning of 28 U.S.C. § 1291 notwithstanding the absence of
    a final judgment.”6 “This is so because qualified
    immunity . . . is both a defense to liability and a limited
    entitlement not to stand trial or face the other burdens of
    litigation.”7 Here, the disputed issues are whether the
    complaint sufficiently alleges a violation of a constitutional
    right and whether that right was clearly established at the time
    of the violation. Thus, appellate review is appropriate. Our
    review is plenary.8
    The primary purpose of qualified immunity is to shield
    public officials “from undue interference with their duties and
    from potentially disabling threats of liability.”9         This
    immunity can be overcome, however, when public officials
    violate clearly established constitutional rights of which a
    concerns only the District Court’s denial of Littlejohn’s claim
    of qualified immunity.
    Mitchell v. Forsyth, 
    472 U.S. 511
    , 530 (1985).
    Ashcroft v. Iqbal, 
    556 U.S. 662
    , 672 (2009) (internal
    quotation marks omitted).
    Atkinson v. Taylor, 
    316 F.3d 257
    , 261 (3d Cir. 2003).
    Harlow v. Fitzgerald, 
    457 U.S. 800
    , 806 (1982).
    reasonable person would have been aware.10 In the words of
    the Supreme Court, qualified immunity protects “all but the
    plainly incompetent or those who knowingly violate the
    To resolve a claim of qualified immunity, courts
    engage in a two-pronged inquiry: (1) whether the plaintiff
    sufficiently alleged the violation of a constitutional right, and
    (2) whether the right was “clearly established” at the time of
    the official’s conduct.12 “[W]hether a particular complaint
    sufficiently alleges a clearly established violation of law
    cannot be decided in isolation from the facts pleaded.”13
    Thus the sufficiency of L.R.’s pleading is both “inextricably
    intertwined with” and “directly implicated by” Littlejohn’s
    qualified immunity defense.14
    A.     Substantive Due Process Claim under the
    State-Created Danger Theory
    The threshold question in any § 1983 lawsuit is
    whether the plaintiff has sufficiently alleged a deprivation of
    a constitutional right. L.R.’s claim invokes the substantive
    component of the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth
    Amendment, which “protects individual liberty against
    certain government actions regardless of the fairness of the
    Id. at 818.
    Ashcroft v. al-Kidd, 
    563 U.S. 731
    , 743 (2011) (internal
    quotation marks omitted).
    Pearson v. Callahan, 
    555 U.S. 223
    , 232 (2009) (citing
    Saucier v. Katz, 
    533 U.S. 194
    , 201 (2001)).
    Iqbal, 556 U.S. at 673
    Id. (internal quotation
    marks omitted).
    procedures used to implement them.”15 In DeShaney v.
    Winnebago County Department of Social Services,16 the
    Supreme Court explained that “nothing in the language of the
    Due Process Clause itself requires the State to protect the life,
    liberty, and property of its citizens against invasion by private
    actors.”17 Rather, the purpose of the Clause is “to protect the
    people from the State, not to ensure that the State protect[s]
    [the people] from each other.”18 Applying this principle, the
    Court held that state social workers did not deprive four-year-
    old Joshua DeShaney of substantive due process when they
    failed to remove him from a physically abusive household,
    despite their ongoing knowledge of suspected abuse by his
    father.19 The Court held that, “[a]s a general matter . . . a
    State’s failure to protect an individual against private violence
    simply does not constitute a violation of the Due Process
    Clause.”20 It suggested, however, that the result may have
    been different had the State played a role in creating or
    enhancing the danger to which Joshua was exposed.21
    Building off that concept, we and other circuits have
    adopted a “state-created danger” exception to the general rule
    Collins v. City of Harker Heights, 
    503 U.S. 115
    , 125 (1992)
    (internal quotation marks omitted).
    489 U.S. 189
    Id. at 195.
    Id. at 196
    (emphasis added).
    Id. at 201-02.
    Id. at 197.
    id. at 201
    (“While the State may have been aware of the
    dangers that Joshua faced in the free world, it played no part
    in their creation, nor did it do anything to render him any
    more vulnerable to them.”).
    that the Due Process Clause imposes no duty on states to
    protect their citizens from private harm.22 In Bright v.
    Westmoreland County,23 we clarified the elements necessary
    to successfully plead a state-created danger claim:
    1. the harm ultimately caused was foreseeable
    and fairly direct;
    2. a state actor acted with a degree of
    culpability that shocks the conscience;
    3. a relationship between the state and the
    plaintiff existed such that the plaintiff was a
    foreseeable victim of the defendant’s acts, or
    a member of a discrete class of persons
    subjected to the potential harm brought
    about by the state’s actions, as opposed to a
    member of the public in general; and
    4. a state actor affirmatively used his or her
    authority in a way that created a danger to
    the citizen or that rendered the citizen more
    vulnerable to danger than had the state not
    acted at all.24
    See Kneipp v. Tedder, 
    95 F.3d 1199
    , 1211 (3d Cir. 1996)
    (“[W]e hold that the state-created danger theory is a viable
    mechanism for establishing a constitutional claim under 42
    U.S.C. § 1983.”).
    443 F.3d 276
    (3d Cir. 2006).
    Id. at 281
    (citations and internal quotation marks omitted).
    For the reasons set forth below, we hold that L.R. has
    sufficiently alleged all four of these elements and has
    therefore sufficiently pled a substantive due process violation.
    i.     Affirmative Use of Authority Creating
    or Increasing Danger
    We begin with the fourth element, as it is typically the
    most contested. This element asks whether the state’s
    conduct created or increased the risk of danger to the plaintiff.
    As we noted in Bright, “[i]t is misuse of state authority, rather
    than a failure to use it, that can violate the Due Process
    This element is often contested because of the inherent
    difficulty in drawing a line between an affirmative act and a
    failure to act.26 Often times there is no clear line to draw;
    Id. at 282.
    See, e.g., Morrow v. Balaski, 
    719 F.3d 160
    , 179 (3d Cir.
    2013) (en banc) (“[M]erely restating the Defendants’ inaction
    as an affirmative failure to act does not alter the passive
    nature of the alleged conduct.”); Sanford v. Stiles, 
    456 F.3d 298
    , 312 (3d Cir. 2006) (per curiam) (“Sanford has attempted
    to ‘recharacterize’ [the school guidance counselor’s] failures
    as ‘affirmative actions.’ We believe that this case is more
    about [her] failure to prevent Sanford’s death.”); D.R. by L.R.
    v. Middle Bucks Area Vocational Technical Sch., 
    972 F.2d 1364
    , 1376 (3d Cir. 1992) (en banc) (“Accepting the
    allegations as true, [namely], that one school defendant was
    advised of the misconduct and apparently did not investigate,
    they show [inaction] but they do not rise to the level of a
    constitutional violation.”).
    virtually any action may be characterized as a failure to take
    some alternative action.27 For example, Defendants attempt
    to reframe Littlejohn’s alleged actions as inactions, or
    failures. They argue that Littlejohn’s failure to follow School
    District policy, failure to obtain proper identification from
    Regusters, and failure to obtain verification from Regusters
    that Jane had been permitted to leave school are not
    affirmative acts. This strategy is unavailing.
    Rather than approach this inquiry as a choice between
    an act and an omission, we find it useful to first evaluate the
    setting or the “status quo” of the environment before the
    alleged act or omission occurred, and then to ask whether the
    state actor’s exercise of authority resulted in a departure from
    that status quo. This approach, which is not a new rule or
    concept but rather a way to think about how to determine
    whether this element has been satisfied, helps to clarify
    whether the state actor’s conduct “created a danger” or
    “rendered the citizen more vulnerable to danger than had the
    state not acted at all.”28
    The setting here is a typical kindergarten classroom.
    Children in this setting are closely supervised by their
    teacher. Their freedom of movement is restricted. Indeed,
    they are not likely to use the bathroom without permission,
    much less wander unattended from the classroom. In the
    classroom, the teacher acts as the gatekeeper for very young
    children who are unable to make reasoned decisions about
    when and with whom to leave the classroom. Viewed in this
    Morrow, 719 F.3d at 198
    (Fuentes, J., dissenting).
    Bright, 443 F.3d at 281
    light, Jane was safe in her classroom unless and until her
    teacher, Littlejohn, permitted her to leave.
    We can therefore easily distinguish Littlejohn’s
    conduct from the state actors’ conduct in DeShaney. The
    Supreme Court’s focus in DeShaney was on the State’s failure
    to remove Joshua a second time from a situation it had reason
    to believe was dangerous, meaning the State’s decision to
    leave Joshua with his father was a maintenance of the status
    quo. Moreover, in responding to the argument that the State’s
    action in previously intervening and then returning Joshua to
    his father gave rise to an affirmative duty to protect and
    remove him again, the Court further observed: “That the State
    once took temporary custody of Joshua does not alter the
    analysis, for when it returned him to his father’s custody, it
    placed him in no worse position than that in which he would
    have been had it not acted at all.”29 In other words, had the
    State done nothing, Joshua would have been in the same
    dangerous position. The setting here, by contrast, was a
    kindergarten classroom where students presumably were safe
    from outside dangers. When Littlejohn allowed Jane to leave
    the classroom with an adult who failed to produce proper
    identification or verification, he exposed Jane to a danger she
    would not have otherwise encountered.
    We can also distinguish this case from our decision in
    Morrow v. Balaski,30 where we declined to find a state-
    created danger in a school setting. In Morrow, two high
    school students sued their school for failing to protect them
    from another student who was bullying them persistently.
    DeShaney, 489 U.S. at 201
    719 F.3d 160
    The school at one point temporarily suspended the bully but
    then allowed her to return to school, contrary to a school
    policy requiring expulsion of students adjudicated “guilty of a
    crime.”31 We held that the school’s failure to enforce its own
    disciplinary policy was not equivalent to an “affirmative
    act.”32 Thus, Morrow paralleled DeShaney in that
    maintenance of the status quo was insufficient to create
    This case is different. Littlejohn’s actions resulted in a
    drastic change to the classroom status quo, not a maintenance
    of a situation that was already dangerous. And unlike in
    Morrow, the presence or absence of a school policy is largely
    irrelevant to L.R.’s claim. Littlejohn’s actions in asking
    Regusters for proper identification and verification, and then
    permitting Jane to leave with Regusters despite her failure to
    produce either, amounted to an affirmative misuse of his
    authority as Jane’s teacher and “gatekeeper.”
    Defendants contend that there is no constitutional right
    to have a school official intervene to prevent an unauthorized
    person from removing a child from school. But this was not
    just a failure to intervene. Under the facts as pled, Littlejohn
    had the authority to release Jane from his classroom and used
    it. By allowing Jane to leave his classroom with an
    unidentified adult, Littlejohn “created or increased the risk [of
    harm] itself.”33
    Id. at 178.
    Id. 33 Id.
    at 186 (Ambro, J., concurring in part and dissenting in
    We find clear parallels between this case and our
    seminal state-created danger case, Kneipp v. Tedder.34 There,
    police officers stopped a couple walking home from a tavern,
    released the husband first to relieve the babysitter, and then
    left the visibly intoxicated wife to walk home alone in the
    cold. Police later discovered the wife unconscious at the
    bottom of an embankment near her home. She suffered
    permanent brain damage as a result of her exposure to the
    cold. We concluded that the officers created a dangerous
    situation or at least made the intoxicated woman more
    vulnerable to danger. This was because the officers chose to
    displace the caretaker of someone who was clearly unable to
    care for herself. Having taken on responsibility for the
    woman’s wellbeing, the officers thereafter abandoned it and,
    in so doing, subjected a vulnerable individual to an obvious
    risk of harm—walking home alone in the cold while highly
    The dynamic of a kindergarten classroom is similar.
    The state is responsible for the safety of very young children
    unable to care for themselves. Indeed, it is a responsibility
    the state undertakes when young children are left in its care.
    When Littlejohn surrendered that responsibility by releasing
    Jane to an unidentified adult, thereby terminating her access
    to the school’s care, he affirmatively misused his authority
    just as culpably as the officers in Kneipp misused theirs.
    Our decision in Horton v. Flenory35 is similarly
    instructive. In that case, a police officer intervened in a
    dispute between a night club owner and a crime suspect, then
    95 F.3d 1199
    889 F.2d 454
    (3d Cir. 1989).
    allowed the night club owner to interrogate the suspect,
    leading to the suspect’s death. We explained that the officer’s
    action in delegating his authority to the night club owner was
    “anything but passive,” as he “used his official status to
    confirm that [the night club owner] was free to continue the
    custodial interrogation” despite signs of physical
    mistreatment.36 In both Horton and this case, the particular
    responsibilities that were relinquished—interrogating
    suspects and protecting the safety of kindergarteners—were
    an integral part of the state actor’s job functions. In both
    cases, the state actor handed over their responsibility to a
    private actor who, under the circumstances, posed an obvious
    risk of harm to the plaintiff. Such actions are an affirmative
    misuse of state authority.
    ii.     Foreseeable and Fairly Direct Harm
    Next, we ask whether “the harm ultimately caused was
    a foreseeable and a fairly direct result of the state’s actions.”37
    L.R. alleges that Littlejohn “w[as] aware that releasing pupils
    to unidentified and otherwise unverified adults would result
    in harm to those pupils, including but not limited to sexual
    assault.”38 Defendants counter that the complaint is devoid of
    any facts that support the inference that Littlejohn could have
    known of Regusters’ intent to harm Jane. That is not the
    appropriate inquiry. Rather, the plaintiff must only “allege an
    awareness on the part of the state actors that rises to the level
    of actual knowledge or an awareness of risk that is
    Id. at 458.
    Morse v. Lower Merion Sch. Dist., 
    132 F.3d 902
    , 908 (3d
    Cir. 1997).
    Compl. ¶ 39.
    sufficiently concrete to put the actors on notice of the
    harm.”39 We think the risk of harm in releasing a five-year-
    old child to a complete stranger was obvious.
    A comparison of Kneipp with our decision in Morse v.
    Lower Merion School District40 illustrates this concept. In
    Kneipp, we explained that a highly intoxicated woman was
    “more likely to fall and injure herself if left unescorted than
    someone who was not inebriated,”41 and we indicated that the
    police officers’ “ordinary common sense and experience”
    sufficiently informed them of this risk.42 By contrast, we held
    in Morse that school officials could not have foreseen that
    allowing construction workers to leave the school’s rear
    entrance unlocked would result in the fatal shooting of a
    teacher by a trespasser. We explained that there was no
    allegation that the school was aware of the assailant or
    anyone else posing a credible threat of violence to persons
    inside the school. Rather, the only facts alleged that would
    have alerted school officials to any danger were that there had
    been “previous ‘security breaches’ by unnamed persons” and
    the assailant had been seen loitering in the school area the
    week before the shooting.43 This, we held, was not enough to
    Phillips v. Cty. of Allegheny, 
    515 F.3d 224
    , 238 (3d Cir.
    2008) (emphasis added).
    132 F.3d 902
    Kneipp, 95 F.3d at 1208
    Phillips, 515 F.3d at 237
    Kneipp, 95 F.3d at 1208
    cf. Wood v. Ostrander, 
    879 F.2d 583
    , 590 (9th Cir. 1989)
    (noting the “inherent danger facing a woman left alone at
    night in an unsafe area is a matter of common sense”).
    Morse, 132 F.3d at 908
    warn officials that a person “would enter the school in search
    of a victim.”44
    Here, it was foreseeable that releasing a young child to
    a stranger could result in harm to the child. This inherent risk
    is not only a matter of experience as a teacher in charge of a
    kindergarten classroom, but, as in Kneipp, it is also a matter
    of common sense. Regardless of which of the many apparent
    risks of harm—whether kidnapping, child pornography,
    human trafficking, sexual assault or some other violation—
    came to pass, Littlejohn knew, or should have known, about
    the risk of his actions.
    We also conclude that the harm ultimately caused to
    Jane was a fairly direct result of Littlejohn’s conduct. We
    have explained that, although this inquiry is fact-specific, “a
    distinction exists between harm that occurs to an identifiable
    or discrete individual . . . and harm that occurs to a ‘random’
    individual with no connection to the harm-causing party.”45
    In Morse, we declined to find the school’s decision to allow
    the back door to remain open to be the “catalyst for the
    attack” on the teacher because “[t]he causation, if any, [was]
    too attenuated.”46 Here, randomness and attenuation are not
    in play. Littlejohn released Jane directly to the unidentified
    adult who sexually assaulted her the same day. On the facts
    as pled, Littlejohn’s actions were indeed the “catalyst for the
    Id. 45 Phillips
    , 515 F.3d at 239.
    Morse, 132 F.3d at 909-10
    iii.   Conscience-Shocking Conduct
    We next consider whether Littlejohn’s actions “shock
    the conscience.” The Supreme Court has emphasized that the
    “touchstone of due process” is protection against arbitrary
    government action.47 Government action is “arbitrary in the
    constitutional sense”48 when it is “so egregious, so
    outrageous, that it may fairly be said to shock the
    contemporary conscience.”49
    The level of culpability required for behavior to shock
    the conscience largely depends on the context in which the
    action takes place. In a “hyperpressurized environment,”
    such as a high-speed police chase, intent to harm is
    required.50 But in situations “where deliberation is possible
    and officials have the time to make ‘unhurried judgments,’
    deliberate indifference is sufficient.”51 On the facts as pled,
    the appropriate culpability standard here is deliberate
    indifference, since there is nothing to indicate that Littlejohn
    faced circumstances requiring him to make a quick decision.
    We have defined deliberate indifference as requiring a
    “conscious disregard of a substantial risk of serious harm.”52
    That is, “deliberate indifference might exist without actual
    Cty. of Sacramento v. Lewis, 
    523 U.S. 833
    , 845 (1998)
    (internal quotation marks omitted).
    Id. at 846
    Collins, 503 U.S. at 129
    Id. at 847
    Sanford, 456 F.3d at 309
    Id. 52 Vargas
    v. City of Philadelphia, 
    783 F.3d 962
    , 973-74 (3d
    Cir. 2015) (quoting Ziccardi v. City of Philadelphia, 
    288 F.3d 57
    , 66 (3d Cir. 2002) (internal quotation marks omitted)).
    knowledge of a risk of harm when the risk is so obvious that
    it should be known.”53
    As we have already explained, the risk of harm in
    releasing a five-year-old child to an unidentified, unverified
    adult is “so obvious” as to rise to the level of deliberate
    indifference. The fact that there was a school policy in place
    prohibiting the release of pre-kindergarten through eighth
    grade students to an adult without proper documentation
    tends to show that school officials were aware that releasing a
    young child to a stranger is inherently dangerous. What is
    more, whether or not that policy existed, the fact that
    Littlejohn asked Regusters for her identification illustrates
    that Littlejohn himself was indeed aware of the risk of harm
    in releasing Jane to a stranger, even if he was unaware of
    Regusters’ specific criminal intent. That he still allowed Jane
    to leave despite Regusters’ failure to produce identification or
    verification, we think, rises to conscience-shocking behavior.
    To support their contention that Littlejohn’s conduct
    could not shock the conscience, Defendants direct us to Doe
    ex rel. Magee v. Covington County School District,54 a Fifth
    Circuit case with some factual similarity to this case. In Doe,
    school employees on six separate occasions allowed a nine-
    year-old student to be checked out from school by a man
    claiming to be her father but who bore no relationship to her
    and was not listed on her check-out form. On each occasion,
    the man sexually assaulted the young student and then
    returned her to school. The Fifth Circuit concluded that, even
    Phillips, 515 F.3d at 241
    Sanford, 456 F.3d at 309
    675 F.3d 849
    (5th Cir. 2012) (en banc).
    assuming it recognized a state-created danger theory (to date
    it has not officially adopted this doctrine), the allegations
    failed because the complaint did “not allege that the school
    knew about an immediate danger to [the student’s] safety.”55
    By contrast, we are comfortable concluding that Littlejohn’s
    conduct in releasing Jane to an adult who failed to identify
    herself demonstrated a “conscious disregard of a substantial
    risk of serious harm.”56
    iv.    Foreseeable Victim
    The “foreseeable victim” element requires that some
    sort of relationship exist between the state actor and the
    plaintiff such that the plaintiff was a foreseeable victim of the
    state actor’s conduct.57 This element is satisfied easily here.
    Id. at 866.
    Vargas, 783 F.3d at 973-74
    Ziccardi, 288 F.3d at 66
    (internal quotation marks omitted)).
    A “special relationship” is not required. Indeed, this is an
    entirely separate theory on which to base a substantive due
    process claim, applicable when “the State takes a person into
    its custody and holds him there against his will.” 
    Morrow, 719 F.3d at 167
    DeShaney, 489 U.S. at 199-200
    ). In
    the public high school context, we have explained that
    compulsory attendance laws and in loco parentis authority do
    not give rise to a special relationship between schools and
    their students. 
    Id. at 171-72;
    Bucks, 972 F.2d at 1371
    72. In Morrow, however, we left open the possibility that a
    special relationship between a school and its students could
    arise under certain “unique and narrow 
    circumstances,” 719 F.3d at 171
    , as when a school locks classroom doors or
    otherwise imposes limitations on a student’s “freedom to act
    Jane was a member of the discrete class of kindergarten
    children for whose benefit the School District’s release policy
    had been instituted. In this sense, Jane was a foreseeable
    victim of Littlejohn’s actions.
    For these reasons, we conclude that L.R. has
    sufficiently alleged all the elements of a state-created danger
    B.     Whether the Right was Clearly Established
    Having concluded that L.R. has sufficiently alleged a
    violation of her daughter’s substantive due process rights, we
    next ask whether the right was clearly established at the time
    of Littlejohn’s actions. We conclude it was. “A Government
    official’s conduct violates clearly established law when, at the
    time of the challenged conduct, ‘the contours of a right are
    sufficiently clear’ that every ‘reasonable official would have
    understood that what he is doing violates that right.’”58 The
    on his own behalf.” 
    Id. at 181
    DeShaney, 489 U.S. at 200
    ). We have never addressed the special relationship
    theory in the context of a school’s youngest and most
    vulnerable students. Although we decline to do so here, as
    L.R. does not raise this claim, we note that, at some point, the
    age and/or dependency of certain students in combination
    with restraints a school may place on its students may indeed
    forge a “special relationship.” See, e.g., Ingraham v. Wright,
    430 U.S. 651
    , 670 (1977) (“Except perhaps when very young,
    the child is not physically restrained from leaving school
    during school hours . . . .” (emphasis added)).
    al-Kidd, 563 U.S. at 741
    (quoting Anderson v. Creighton,
    483 U.S. 635
    , 640 (1987)).
    ultimate question is whether the state of the law when the
    offense occurred gave Littlejohn “fair warning that [his]
    alleged treatment of [Jane] was unconstitutional.”59 We look
    first to applicable Supreme Court precedent. “Even if none
    exists, it may be possible that a ‘robust consensus of cases of
    persuasive authority’ in the Court[s] of Appeals could clearly
    establish a right for purposes of qualified immunity.”60
    Defining the right at issue is critical to this inquiry.
    We must frame the right “in light of the specific context of
    the case, not as a broad general proposition.”61 “The
    dispositive question is whether the violative nature of
    particular conduct is clearly established.”62 “This is not to
    say that an official action is protected by qualified immunity
    unless the very action in question has previously been held
    unlawful.”63 The Supreme Court has explained that,
    “[a]lthough earlier cases involving fundamentally similar
    facts can provide especially strong support for a conclusion
    that the law is clearly established, they are not necessary to
    such a finding.”64 Indeed, the Court has made clear that
    “officials can still be on notice that their conduct violates
    established law even in novel factual circumstances.”65
    Hope v. Pelzer, 
    536 U.S. 730
    , 741 (2002).
    Mammaro v. N.J. Div. of Child Prot. & Permanency, 
    814 F.3d 164
    , 169 (3d Cir. 2016) (quoting Taylor v. Barkes, 
    135 S. Ct. 2042
    , 2044 (2015) (per curiam)).
    Saucier, 533 U.S. at 201
    Mullenix v. Luna, 
    136 S. Ct. 305
    , 308 (2015) (per curiam)
    (internal quotation marks omitted).
    Anderson, 483 U.S. at 640
    Hope, 536 U.S. at 741
    (internal quotation marks omitted).
    Id. (citing United
    States v. Lanier, 
    520 U.S. 259
    We stressed this concept in Estate of Lagano v. Bergen
    County Prosecutor’s Office.66 There too the plaintiff filed a
    § 1983 lawsuit under the state-created danger theory,
    claiming that police officers’ improper disclosure of Lagano’s
    status as a confidential informant ultimately led to his murder.
    After defining the right at issue as “a confidential informant’s
    constitutional right to nondisclosure,” the district court
    explained that there was no binding precedent acknowledging
    such a right in the state-created danger context and,
    accordingly, it granted the officers’ qualified immunity.67 We
    vacated that decision. We explained that the district court’s
    “unduly narrow construction of the right at issue” missed the
    mark, and exact congruence between prior cases and the
    current case was not required.68 Rather, the proper inquiry
    was “whether the facts averred by the Estate fall within the
    elements of the state-created danger theory, and whether it
    would be clear to a reasonable officer that the alleged
    disclosure was unlawful under the circumstances.”69
    Defendants argue that the District Court defined Jane’s
    right at the highest level of generality: “[Jane’s] Fourteenth
    Amendment right to bodily integrity . . . under the state-
    created danger theory.”70 We agree that this definition is too
    769 F.3d 850
    (3d Cir. 2014).
    Id. at 859.
    Id. (internal quotation
    marks omitted); see, e.g., 
    Mammaro, 814 F.3d at 169
    (explaining that, in defining the right at issue,
    the court must “consider the substantive due process right of
    Mammaro as a parent in light of the specific allegations in her
    amended complaint”).
    L.R., 60 F. Supp. 3d at 596
    broad. Individuals indeed have a broad substantive due
    process right to be free from “unjustified intrusions on
    personal security.”71 For example, the Supreme Court has
    described this “historic liberty interest” as “encompass[ing]
    freedom from bodily restraint and punishment.”72 In light of
    the specific allegations in the complaint, however, the right at
    issue here is an individual’s right to not be removed from a
    safe environment and placed into one in which it is clear that
    harm is likely to occur, particularly when the individual may,
    due to youth or other factors, be especially vulnerable to the
    risk of harm. Framed in this way, and surveying both our
    case law and that of our sister circuits, we conclude that this
    right was clearly established at the time of Littlejohn’s
    actions. Although there is no case that directly mirrors the
    facts here, as in Estate of Lagano, there are sufficiently
    analogous cases that should have placed a reasonable official
    in Littlejohn’s position on notice that his actions were
    Our decision in Kneipp is key. There, the officers’
    decision to separate an intoxicated woman from her caretaker
    at the time, her husband, and the subsequent abandoning of
    the woman in her vulnerable state, led us to conclude that the
    officers could be liable for creating or enhancing the danger
    to which the woman was exposed. Similarly, in Rivas v. City
    of Passaic,73 we held that emergency medical technicians
    who told police officers that a man in the midst of a seizure
    had assaulted them, but failed to tell them about the man’s
    medical condition, could have created or enhanced the danger
    Ingraham, 430 U.S. at 673
    Id. at 673-74.
    365 F.3d 181
    (3d Cir. 2004).
    that ultimately led to his death.74 We explained that, at the
    time of the defendants’ actions, it was clearly established that
    “state actors may not abandon a private citizen in a dangerous
    situation, provided that the state actors are aware of the risk
    of serious harm and are partly responsible for creating the
    opportunity for that harm to happen.”75
    Other circuits have come to similar conclusions under
    analogous circumstances. For example, in White v.
    Rochford,76 the Seventh Circuit held that police officers who
    “abandon children and leave them in health-endangering
    situations after having arrested their custodian and thereby
    deprived them of adult protection” violate the children’s
    “right to be free from unjustified intrusions upon physical and
    emotional well-being.”77 There, officers arrested the
    children’s uncle for drag racing, then left the children with the
    immobilized car on a major highway on a cold evening.78
    The concurring judge explained that arresting the uncle
    removed the children’s only protection against danger, and by
    not providing any alternative protection, the officers
    unnecessarily exposed the children to obvious hazards.79 As
    the Seventh Circuit later articulated in Bowers v. DeVito,80
    “[i]f the state puts a [person] in a position of danger from
    private persons and then fails to protect him, it will not be
    heard to say that its role was merely passive; it is as much an
    Id. at 194-95.
    Id. at 200.
    592 F.2d 381
    (7th Cir. 1979).
    Id. at 382,
    Id. at 382.
    Id. at 387-88
    (Tone, J., concurring).
    686 F.2d 616
    (7th Cir. 1982).
    active tortfeasor as if it had thrown him into a snake pit.”81
    Similarly, in Wood v. Ostrander,82 the Ninth Circuit held that
    a police officer who left a female passenger stranded late at
    night in a high-crime area after arresting the driver violated
    her constitutional right to personal security.83 The court
    explained that “the inherent danger facing a woman left alone
    at night in an unsafe area is a matter of common sense.”84
    This notion is not limited to circumstances in which
    police officers abandon private citizens in dangerous
    situations. In Currier v. Doran,85 the Tenth Circuit held that
    the plaintiff sufficiently pled a state-created danger claim
    when state social workers failed to investigate numerous
    allegations of child abuse and recommended that the
    children’s abusive father assume legal custody. 86 In denying
    Id. at 618.
    879 F.2d 583
    (9th Cir. 1989).
    Id. at 590
    (“The fact that [the officer] arrested [the driver],
    impounded his car, and apparently stranded Wood in a high-
    crime area at 2:30 a.m. distinguishes Wood from the general
    public and triggers a duty of the police to afford her some
    measure of peace and safety.”).
    Id. 85 242
    F.3d 905 (10th Cir. 2001).
    Id. at 919-20.
    In distinguishing these circumstances from
    DeShaney, the Tenth Circuit explained that, “[i]n this case,
    Anthony and Latasha were removed from their mother and
    placed with their father. In DeShaney, Joshua was removed
    from his father and then returned to his father.” 
    Id. at 918.
    Thus, “Anthony and Latasha would not have been exposed to
    the dangers from their father but for the affirmative acts of the
    state; the same cannot be said for Joshua in DeShaney.” 
    Id. 26 qualified
    immunity, the court concluded that a reasonable
    state official at the time would have known that “reckless,
    conscience shocking conduct that altered the status quo and
    placed a child at substantial risk of serious, immediate, and
    proximate harm was unconstitutional.”87 The Tenth Circuit
    had previously held that the parents of a special education
    student who committed suicide established a state-created
    danger claim when school officials sent the student home
    after he was acting up in school, despite knowing that he was
    having suicidal thoughts, he had access to firearms in his
    house, and his parents were not home.88
    Against this backdrop, we conclude that the state of
    the law in 2013 was sufficiently clear to put Littlejohn on
    notice that permitting a kindergarten student to leave his
    classroom with an unidentified adult could lead to a
    deprivation of that student’s substantive due process rights.89
    Id. at 924.
    Armijo by and through Chavez v. Wagon Mound Pub. Sch.,
    159 F.3d 1253
    , 1264 (10th Cir. 1998).
    See also Frances-Colon v. Ramirez, 
    107 F.3d 62
    , 63-64
    (1st Cir. 1997) (explaining that a substantive due process
    violation occurs when a state actor “affirmatively acts to
    increase the threat of harm to the claimant or affirmatively
    prevents the individual from receiving assistance”); Pinder v.
    54 F.3d 1169
    , 1177 (4th Cir. 1995) (“[S]tate actors
    may not disclaim liability when they themselves throw others
    to the lions.”); Sciotto v. Marple Newton Sch. Dist., 81 F.
    Supp. 2d 559, 570 (E.D. Pa. 1999) (concluding that “it was
    clearly established . . . that a student enjoy[s] a constitutional
    right to be free from school officials’ deliberate indifference
    to, or acts that increase the risk of serious injury from[,]
    State-created danger cases often involve unsettling
    facts and this case is no different. Even so, our resolution of
    the legal issues is straightforward. Exposing a young child to
    an obvious danger is the quintessential example of when
    qualified immunity should not shield a public official from
    suit. Accordingly, the order of the District Court is affirmed.
    unjustified invasions of bodily integrity perpetrated by third

Document Info

Docket Number: 14-4640

Citation Numbers: 836 F.3d 235

Filed Date: 9/6/2016

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023

Authorities (31)

Frances-Colon v. Ramirez, Dr. , 107 F.3d 62 ( 1997 )

Currier v. Doran , 242 F.3d 905 ( 2001 )

roger-atkinson-v-stanley-taylor-commissioner-raphael-williams-warden , 316 F.3d 257 ( 2003 )

Armijo Ex Rel. Chavez v. Wagon Mound Public Schools , 159 F.3d 1253 ( 1998 )

Kathleen Sanford, Individually and as Administratrix of the ... , 456 F.3d 298 ( 2006 )

john-bright-individually-and-in-his-capacity-as-administrator-of-the , 443 F.3d 276 ( 2006 )

carol-l-pinder-individually-and-in-her-capacity-as-surviving-mother-of , 54 F.3d 1169 ( 1995 )

Doe Ex Rel. Magee v. Covington County School District , 675 F.3d 849 ( 2012 )

jerome-p-morse-individually-and-as-of-the-estate-of-diane-m-morse , 132 F.3d 902 ( 1997 )

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milagros-rivas-individually-and-as-administrator-ad-prosequendum-of-the , 365 F.3d 181 ( 2004 )

United States v. Lanier , 117 S. Ct. 1219 ( 1997 )

Thomas L. Bowers, Administrator of the Estate of Marguerite ... , 686 F.2d 616 ( 1982 )

Linda K. Wood v. Steven C. Ostrander Neil Maloney , 879 F.2d 583 ( 1989 )

eugene-white-shirley-white-barbara-mcdowell-a-minor-by-eugene-white-her , 592 F.2d 381 ( 1979 )

Harlow v. Fitzgerald , 102 S. Ct. 2727 ( 1982 )

Ingraham v. Wright , 97 S. Ct. 1401 ( 1977 )

View All Authorities »