In re Interest of Darryn C. , 295 Neb. 358 ( 2016 )

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    12/16/2016 09:07 AM CST
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    In   re I nterest of
    Darryn C., a child
    18 years of age.
    State of Nebraska, appellee, v. Sarah J. and
    Nathanial C., appellees, and Sharon J.,
    ___ N.W.2d ___
    Filed December 16, 2016.   No. S-15-1159.
    1.	 Jurisdiction: Appeal and Error. Before reaching the legal issues
    presented for review, it is the duty of an appellate court to determine
    whether it has jurisdiction over the matter before it.
    2.	 Jurisdiction: Final Orders: Appeal and Error. For an appellate court
    to acquire jurisdiction of an appeal, there must be a final order entered
    by the court from which the appeal is taken.
    3.	 Juvenile Courts: Final Orders: Appeal and Error. Juvenile court
    proceedings are special proceedings under 
    Neb. Rev. Stat. § 25-1902
    (Reissue 2016), and an order in a juvenile special proceeding is final and
    appealable if it affects a substantial right.
    4.	 Final Orders: Appeal and Error. A substantial right is affected if the
    order affects the subject matter of the litigation, such as diminishing a
    claim or defense that was available to an appellant prior to the order
    from which an appeal is taken.
    5.	 Juvenile Courts: Final Orders: Time. Whether a substantial right has
    been affected by an order in juvenile court litigation is dependent upon
    both the object of the order and the length of time over which the rela-
    tionship with the juvenile may reasonably be expected to be disturbed.
    Appeal from the Separate Juvenile Court of Douglas County:
    Christopher K elly, Judge. Appeal dismissed.
    Jeffrey A. Wagner and Ryan P. Watson, of Schirber &
    Wagner, L.L.P., for appellant.
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    Donald W. Kleine, Douglas County Attorney, and Amy
    Schuchman for appellee State of Nebraska.
    Heavican, C.J., Wright, Miller-Lerman, Cassel, Stacy,
    K elch, and Funke, JJ.
    K elch, J.
    Sharon J., the paternal grandmother of Darryn C., appeals
    from the juvenile court’s December 2, 2015, order, which
    overruled her motion for custody of Darryn and further ordered
    that home studies be conducted on her two homes.
    On November 12, 2013, the separate juvenile court of
    Douglas County determined that it had jurisdiction over Darryn
    pursuant to 
    Neb. Rev. Stat. § 43-247
    (3)(a) (Supp. 2013), which
    grants juvenile courts jurisdiction over any juvenile who is
    lacking proper parental care by reason of the faults or habits
    of his or her parent. The court made this determination based
    on the admissions of Darryn’s biological parents, Sarah J. and
    Nathanial C. At the adjudication hearing, the mother admitted
    that she placed Darryn at risk for harm due to her “use of alco-
    hol and/or controlled substances” and the father admitted that
    he had placed Darryn at risk for harm by engaging in domestic
    violence with the mother.
    At the time of the adjudication hearing, Darryn had already
    been removed from his home in Omaha, Nebraska, and was in
    the custody of the Department of Health and Human Services
    (DHHS). One month prior to the adjudication hearing, when
    Darryn was placed in foster care, Sharon, Darryn’s pater-
    nal grandmother, helped place Darryn with her sister Judi
    L., who lived near Darryn’s parents in Omaha. At that time,
    Sharon lived in Clarksville, Iowa, which was a 41⁄2-hour drive
    from Omaha.
    In the juvenile court’s November 12, 2013 order, the court
    ordered that Darryn remain in the care of DHHS. Among other
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    things, the court ordered the parents to undergo pretreatment
    assessments for chemical dependency and submit to random
    drug and alcohol testing. The parents were allowed reasonable
    rights of supervised visitation.
    On December 3, 2013, Sharon filed a complaint to intervene
    and requested that Darryn be placed with her. On January 15,
    2014, the juvenile court allowed her to intervene, but overruled
    her request for placement. It found that at the time of the order,
    the permanency objective for Darryn was reunification and that
    it was in the best interests of the child to remain in his cur-
    rent placement.
    On January 12, 2015, the juvenile court issued an order
    changing the permanency objective from reunification to reuni-
    fication concurrent with adoption. The order also mandated
    Darryn to undergo a psychological evaluation and participate
    in individual therapy.
    At a review hearing on July 1, 2015, both Darryn’s case
    manager and Darryn’s guardian ad litem (GAL) expressed
    concerns related to Darryn’s interactions with his mother,
    father, and Sharon. Darryn’s case manager reported that
    Darryn had said “concerning things” to his therapist. The
    case manager testified that although the parents were not to
    be visiting Darryn together, Darryn had disclosed that when
    he visited his mother, his father would be present. The case
    manager also said that although Darryn’s parents were not to
    have unsupervised contact with Darryn, Darryn had disclosed
    that when he visited Sharon, she would transport him to
    and leave him with one of his parents. When confronted by
    the case manager, the mother, the father, and Sharon denied
    the allegations.
    The GAL also expressed concern over Darryn’s obsession
    with superheroes and violent play, which his therapist had
    noted was “above that of a typical six-year-old.” The GAL’s
    June 25, 2015, report reflects that the therapist had expressed
    concerns about Darryn’s behaviors, “including overly violent
    play as well as talking to/pretend play with superheroes.”
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    According to the GAL’s report, Darryn’s therapist “stated that
    Darryn’s aggression is ‘off the charts’, and that when Darryn
    engages in superhero role play, he uses different voices such
    that ‘you would think someone else is there.’” The therapist
    did not testify at the review hearing.
    The GAL also told the court that neither Darryn’s parents nor
    Sharon seemed to be taking the superhero obsession seriously.
    She stated that “on every single visit with his parent [Darryn]
    ends up watching a superhero video.” She also claimed that
    Sharon had taken Darryn to see the new “Avengers” superhero
    movie. Sharon’s attorney suggested that this latter claim was
    false and that Sharon had not been advised of the superhero
    issue until the week prior. Sharon requested an evidentiary
    hearing on the matter.
    Based on the concerns expressed by Darryn’s case manager
    and GAL, the court ordered that all visitations were to be
    supervised until, at least, the next hearing, which was sched-
    uled to take place the next month. At that hearing, the juvenile
    court reinstated Sharon’s reasonable rights of unsupervised
    visits with Darryn.
    Toward the end of the July 1, 2015, review hearing, the
    juvenile court reminded the State that the county attorney was
    required to file a motion to terminate parental rights where a
    child has been in an out-of-home placement for 15 of the previ-
    ous 22 months and that this case was “six months beyond that
    point.” On August 24, the State moved to terminate the paren-
    tal rights of both parents.
    On November 24, 2015, Sharon filed a motion for custody
    after the mother and father had relinquished their parental
    rights to her. She also filed a motion for continued visitation.
    The same day, Randall J., Sharon’s husband, filed a complaint
    to intervene. Darryn’s mother and father did not resist Sharon’s
    motion for custody; however, the State, Darryn’s GAL, and
    DHHS did. The matter was set for December 1, the same day
    as the hearing on the termination of parental rights.
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    1. Hearing on Motion
    for Custody
    At the hearing on Sharon’s motion for custody, Sharon
    offered voluntary relinquishments signed by both parents, con-
    veying to Sharon and Randall “all right to and custody of and
    power and control over [Darryn].” No objection was made, and
    the relinquishments were received by the court. As for wit-
    nesses, Sharon, Randall, and Darryn’s therapist were all called
    to testify.
    (a) Sharon’s Testimony
    Sharon testified that when she had helped place Darryn
    with her sister Judi in October 2013, the understanding
    was that Darryn and his parents would reunite, and that if
    reunification was not possible, Sharon would step in and
    raise Darryn. She explained that she did not initially request
    that Darryn be placed with her, because she had hoped that
    Darryn would reunite with his parents and she lived 41⁄2 hours
    from Darryn’s parents, which would have made reunifica-
    tion difficult.
    After Darryn was placed with Judi, Sharon visited Darryn
    every 2 to 3 weeks. Sharon testified that she would have
    Darryn for overnight visits over the weekend until June 2015,
    when her visitation rights were changed to supervised. After
    September, she was allowed unsupervised visitation again.
    In October 2015, after it became apparent that reunification
    of Darryn with his parents was no longer possible, Sharon
    moved to Omaha to a two-bedroom apartment 3 miles from
    Darryn’s school. She then requested that Darryn be placed
    in her custody. Sharon testified that she and her husband,
    Randall, were ready, willing, and able to have Darryn placed in
    their home as a placement or to assume custody.
    Although Sharon had selected Judi for placement, Sharon
    expressed concerns that if Darryn were to remain with Judi,
    Darryn would be prevented from having a relationship with
    his other family members. Sharon testified that Judi does not
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    have ties within the family. Sharon explained that until the last
    few weeks, she and Judi had not had any communication for
    the last 2 years. Sharon testified that she and Judi have been
    participating in therapy to attempt to fix the relationship, but
    at the time of the hearing on her motion, the relationship had
    not been healed.
    Sharon also expressed concerns about Judi’s health. She
    testified that Judi has had back surgeries, with resultant limited
    mobility, and diabetes. Sharon testified, “[S]he’s pretty much
    90 percent dependent physically on her husband to get around.”
    (b) Randall’s Testimony
    Although Sharon had moved to Omaha in October 2015,
    Randall continued to reside in Iowa at the time of the hearing
    on Sharon’s motion for custody. Randall testified that he sup-
    ported Sharon’s endeavors and that he wanted to adopt Darryn
    as his own child. Randall testified that he believed it was in
    Darryn’s best interests that Darryn be placed with Sharon and
    Randall. Randall explained that if they were granted custody,
    he and Sharon would resume residence together and proceed
    with adoption.
    (c) Therapist’s Testimony
    Darryn’s therapist testified that she has worked with Darryn
    since December 2013 and that in the 9 months prior to the
    hearing, she had started to discuss placement with Darryn. She
    testified that Darryn, who was 7 years old at the time of the
    discussion, told her that he would like to remain in his current
    placement with Judi and her husband. The therapist admitted
    that she did not fully understand Darryn’s basis for wanting to
    live with Judi and that his decision may not have been fully
    informed, but she believed that remaining in his current place-
    ment was in Darryn’s best interests, because he had been there
    for over 2 years. She testified that if Darryn became available
    for adoption, Judi and her husband had stated that they would
    adopt Darryn. Neither Judi nor her husband appeared or testi-
    fied at the hearing.
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    On cross-examination, the therapist stated that she had no
    indication that Sharon and Randall were unfit parents and that
    she had no reason to believe that Darryn had a negative rela-
    tionship with Sharon. She also stated that she did not know
    what effect placement with Sharon and Randall would have
    on Darryn.
    After some questioning from the court, the therapist testi-
    fied that she had facilitated the therapy sessions between
    Sharon and Judi. When asked if she was able to identify
    issues between the two, the therapist explained that the biggest
    barrier in their relationship seemed to be a communication
    The court also asked the therapist about her understand-
    ing as to Judi’s propensity to allow Darryn to have contact
    with extended family members. The therapist told the court
    that Judi had stated she would allow it and that over the past
    Thanksgiving holiday, Darryn was allowed to spend quite a
    bit of time with Sharon and his extended family. On cross-­
    examination, however, the therapist admitted that up until
    recently, Judi had not had any contact with her extended fam-
    ily, and that the Thanksgiving visit was not something that Judi
    had volunteered, but was something that had to be facilitated
    through Sharon and Judi’s counseling sessions. The therapist
    testified that it was in Darryn’s best interests to maintain con-
    tact with his extended family.
    2. Disposition of Sharon’s
    Motion for Custody
    On December 2, 2015, the juvenile court issued an order
    overruling Sharon’s motion for custody. The court also ordered
    that DHHS conduct home studies of Sharon and Randall’s two
    homes and that DHHS obtain Judi’s medical records. Sharon
    appeals from the December 2 order.
    As for the proceedings on the State’s motions to termi-
    nate parental rights and Randall’s motion to intervene, those
    proceedings were continued to January 8, 2016. The record
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    does not reflect the court’s disposition of the State’s and
    Randall’s motions.
    Sharon assigns that the juvenile court erred in (1) failing to
    find that the relinquishment of parental rights to Sharon pro-
    vided her priority under the parental preference doctrine and
    (2) in finding that it was not in the best interests of Darryn to
    be placed in Sharon’s custody.
    An appellate court reviews juvenile cases de novo on the
    record and reaches a conclusion independently of the juvenile
    court’s findings.1
    A jurisdictional question which does not involve a factual
    dispute is determined by an appellate court as a matter of law,
    which requires the appellate court to reach a conclusion inde-
    pendent of the lower court’s decision.2
    [1] Before reaching the legal issues presented for review, it
    is the duty of an appellate court to determine whether it has
    jurisdiction over the matter before it.3 This case presents two
    separate jurisdictional issues: (1) whether the order appealed
    from is a final, appealable order and (2) whether Sharon
    has standing to appeal. Because we determine that the order
    appealed from is not a final order, we do not reach the stand-
    ing issue. An appellate court is not obligated to engage in an
    analysis that is not necessary to adjudicate the case and con-
    troversy before it.4
    In re Interest of Enyce J. & Eternity M., 
    291 Neb. 965
    870 N.W.2d 413
    Steven S. v. Mary S., 
    277 Neb. 124
    760 N.W.2d 28
    In re Interest of Jackson E., 
    293 Neb. 84
    875 N.W.2d 863
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    [2-5] For an appellate court to acquire jurisdiction of an
    appeal, there must be a final order entered by the court from
    which the appeal is taken.5 Juvenile court proceedings are
    special proceedings under 
    Neb. Rev. Stat. § 25-1902
    2016), and an order in a juvenile special proceeding is final
    and appealable if it affects a substantial right.6 A substantial
    right is affected if the order affects the subject matter of the
    litigation, such as diminishing a claim or defense that was
    available to an appellant prior to the order from which an
    appeal is taken.7 Whether a substantial right has been affected
    by an order in juvenile court litigation is dependent upon both
    the object of the order and the length of time over which the
    relationship with the juvenile may reasonably be expected to
    be disturbed.8
    The issue in this case is analogous to the issue of whether
    an order changing a permanency objective from family reuni-
    fication to another objective is a final, appealable order.
    This court has recently addressed that issue in In re Interest
    of LeVanta S.9 In In re Interest of LeVanta S., we explained
    that at least in the context of children adjudicated under
    § 43-292(3)(a), “an order is not a final, appealable order
    unless the parent’s ability to achieve rehabilitation and fam-
    ily reunification has been clearly eliminated.”10 Similarly, we
    think the proper inquiry in this case is whether the court’s
    order overruling Sharon’s motion for custody clearly elimi-
    nated Sharon’s ability to gain custody of Darryn. As with
    cases involving the changing of a permanency objective, this
    In re Interest of Octavio B. et al., 
    290 Neb. 589
    , 861 N.W.3d 415 (2015).
    In re Interest of Mya C. & Sunday C., 
    286 Neb. 1008
    840 N.W.2d 493
    Steven S. v. Mary S., 
    supra note 2
    In re Interest of LeVanta S., ante p. 151, ___ N.W.2d ___ (2016).
    Id. at 162
    , ___ N.W.2d at ___.
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    inquiry is very fact specific and “can easily lead to different
    results from case to case.”11
    Because a court’s written order does not always clearly set
    forth the order’s impact on the parties’ rights, an appellate court
    may need to interpret an order to determine whether the order
    affects a party’s substantial right.12 Such was the case in In re
    Interest of Tayla R.,13 which involved a written order changing
    a permanency plan from reunification to adoption. Although
    the court’s order did not say whether the mother would be able
    to reunify with her children, it directed the mother to continue
    doing such things as weekly individual therapy sessions, fam-
    ily therapy sessions, and supervised visitation with the chil-
    dren. The Nebraska Court of Appeals read the court’s order as
    “implicitly provid[ing] [the mother] with an opportunity for
    reunification by complying with the terms of the rehabilita-
    tion plan[,] which terms have not changed from the previous
    order.”14 Because the mother did not lose the ability to reunify
    with her children, the Court of Appeals determined that the
    order did not affect a substantial right and was therefore not a
    final, appealable order. As we noted in In re Interest of Octavio
    B. et al.,15 this analysis is consistent with our precedent in In re
    Interest of Sarah K.16
    Although at first glance the order here appears to affect
    Sharon’s right to custody, upon further inspection, it becomes
    clear that the order does not diminish Sharon’s ability to obtain
    placement or custody. Instead, the order mandates that DHHS
    conduct a home study of Sharon’s homes and sets a “Home
    In re Interest of Octavio B. et al., supra note 5, 290 Neb. at 596, 861
    N.W.2d at 422.
    See, id.; In re Interest of Tayla R., 
    17 Neb. App. 595
    767 N.W.2d 127
    In re Interest of Tayla R., 
    supra note 12
    Id. at 605, 
    767 N.W.2d at 135
    In re Interest of Octavio B. et al., supra note 5.
    In re Interest of Sarah K., 
    258 Neb. 52
    601 N.W.2d 780
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    Study Check” hearing to occur approximately 1 month later,
    which indicates that the court is still considering Sharon for
    some type of placement and that the issue of custody will be
    disposed of within a reasonable amount of time. This finding is
    supported by the following statements from the bench:
    The Motion for Custody is overruled. I am, however,
    going to order a couple of things to occur: [DHHS] and
    [Nebraska Families Collaborative] shall conduct a home
    study on the home of Sharon and Randall . . . . [DHHS]
    and [Nebraska Families Collaborative] shall obtain med­
    ical records of Judi . . . , based on what I’ve heard
    here today.
    It’s simply not in the child’s best interest to uproot him,
    certainly at this point in time and maybe not ever. I don’t
    know. Okay? But as we sit here today, parental rights
    are intact.
    These comments clearly indicate that the court has not com-
    pletely disposed of the custody issue and that Sharon may still
    gain custody.
    We therefore conclude that the December 2, 2015, order
    does not disadvantage Sharon or change or affect a substantial
    right of Sharon and therefore is not a final, appealable order.
    Because the order on appeal is not a final, appealable order, we
    lack jurisdiction to address Sharon’s assignments of error, and
    we dismiss her appeal.
    For the foregoing reasons, we conclude that the juvenile
    court’s order was not final and appealable. When an appellate
    court is without jurisdiction to act, the appeal must be dis-
    missed. We therefore dismiss this appeal for lack of jurisdiction.
    A ppeal dismissed.