Fredric Gardner v. Cir , 845 F.3d 971 ( 2017 )

  •                        FOR PUBLICATION
    FREDRIC A. GARDNER;                            No. 13-72699
    Petitioners-Appellants,                   Tax Ct. No.
    COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL                         OPINION
    Appeal from a Decision of the
    United States Tax Court
    Submitted October 17, 2016*
    San Francisco, California
    Filed January 12, 2017
    Before: Michael Daly Hawkins, Consuelo M. Callahan,
    and Andrew D. Hurwitz, Circuit Judges.
    Opinion by Judge Callahan
    The panel unanimously concludes this case is suitable for decision
    without oral argument. See Fed. R. App. P. 34(a)(2).
    2                         GARDNER V. CIR
    The panel affirmed the Tax Court’s decision denying a
    petition for redetermination of federal income tax deficiencies
    that challenged the taxability of alleged maintenance
    payments received by taxpayers who have taken vows of
    Taxpayers contended that they did not earn taxable
    income and are exempt from paying taxes because they have
    taken vows of poverty.          They explained that their
    maintenance is provided by Bethel Aram Ministries (BAM),
    a church for which taxpayer Elizabeth Gardner is its
    corporation sole. The panel explained that substantial
    evidence supports the Tax Court’s determinations that the
    payments taxpayers received were not contributions to
    BAM but were instead quid pro quo payments for taxpayers’
    services (in setting up corporations sole and LLCs), and that
    taxpayers retained complete dominion and control over the
    payments even after they were deposited in BAM’s accounts.
    Accordingly, the payments to taxpayers are taxable and
    subject to self-employment tax.
    This summary constitutes no part of the opinion of the court. It has
    been prepared by court staff for the convenience of the reader.
    GARDNER V. CIR                        3
    Fredric A. Gardner and Elizabeth A. Gardner, Dewey,
    Arizona, pro se Plaintiffs-Appellants.
    Janet A. Bradley and Bridget M. Rowan, Attorneys; Kathryn
    Keneally, Assistant Attorney General; Tax Division, United
    States Department of Justice, Washington, D.C.; for
    CALLAHAN, Circuit Judge:
    Elizabeth and Fredric Gardner assert, in a nutshell, that
    Bethel Aram Ministries (BAM) is a church, that Elizabeth is
    its corporation sole, and that both Elizabeth and Fredric have
    taken vows of poverty (with their maintenance provided by
    BAM). They argue that based on these facts they did not earn
    taxable income and are exempt from paying taxes.
    The Tax Court, however, determined that the payments
    received by the Gardners were not contributions to BAM and
    that the Gardners had complete control over BAM’s assets.
    It concluded that because the Gardners “exercised dominion
    and control over BAM’s accounts, all taxable deposits into
    those accounts are includable in their gross income.”
    We affirm. The Tax Court’s determinations that the
    payments were quid pro quo payments for services and not
    contributions, and that the Gardners have unfettered control
    over BAM, are supported by substantial evidence.
    4                         GARDNER V. CIR
    Around 1978, the Gardners received degrees in theology
    from Christ for the Nations Bible College. In 1993, the
    Gardners formed BAM as “an unincorporated association in
    Arizona organized to be an ‘ecclesiastical church ministry.’”
    However, they did not file with the IRS a Form 1023,
    Application for Recognition of Exemption Under Section
    501(c)(3). In 1999, the Gardners signed vows of poverty
    declaring their intent to divest themselves from earnings or
    wages from BAM and stating that BAM would provide for
    their needs as pastors of the church ministry. They then
    transferred all of their assets, including title to their home, to
    BAM. In 2001, Elizabeth filed articles of incorporation with
    the State of Nevada, naming her as the corporation sole of
    BAM.1 Fredric held himself out as an “Elder, Teacher,
    Certified Estate & Financial Planner of BAM,” and Elizabeth
    held herself out as a “Prophetess, Teacher, Pastor and
    Certified Paralegal” of BAM. Together they have unfettered
    control over BAM’s operations and finances.
    From 2002 until August 2004, BAM did not have any
    congregation. Rather, the Gardners traveled across the
    country offering their services in setting up corporations sole
    and limited liability companies (LLCs). Their promotional
    literature claimed the benefits of a corporation sole included:
    The IRS’s tax guide for Churches and Religious Organizations notes
    that “religious organizations may be legally organized in a variety of ways
    under state law, such as unincorporated associations, non-profit
    corporations, corporations sole, and charitable trusts.” The IRS has
    defined a “corporation sole” as “a corporate form authorized under certain
    state laws to enable bona fide religious leaders to hold property and
    conduct business for the benefit of the religious entity.’” Rev. Ru. 2004-
    27, 2004-
    1 C.B. 625
    , 626, 
    2004 WL 389673
    , at *1.
    GARDNER V. CIR                                 5
    (1) the government was not able to interfere in any way;
    (2) all church workers would be classified as ministers of the
    gospel and not as employees; (3) there were no filing
    requirements of any kind; and (4) there were no withholding
    or self-employment taxes or income tax. The Gardners
    advised that if a corporation sole received an inquiry from the
    Internal Revenue Service (IRS), it should notify the IRS that
    it was a corporation sole and provide no other information.
    The Gardners had a “donation” sheet setting forth the
    costs of their services. It instructed customers to “please
    make separate checks out” according to the following
    schedule: “(1) for a corporate sole, BAM for $1,200, Carol
    Spackman2 for $80, and the State of Nevada for $85; [and]
    (2) for an LLC, BAM for $700, Ms. Spackman for $80, and
    the State of Nevada for $235.” The record indicates that the
    Gardners established over 300 corporations sole and
    approximately 18 LLCs for others.3
    The Gardners failed to file tax returns for the years 2002
    through 2004, and refused to provide the IRS with BAM’s
    Ms. Spackman served as the registered agent in Nevada for most of
    the corporations sole the Gardners established.
    In March 2008, the U.S. District Court for the District of Arizona
    enjoined the Gardners from “[o]rganizing, promoting, marketing, or
    selling corporations sole or any tax shelter, plan or arrangement, that
    advises, assists, or encourages taxpayers to attempt to violate the internal
    revenue laws or unlawfully evade the assessment or collection of their
    federal tax liabilities.” United States v. Gardner, No. CV-05-3073-PCT-
    2008 WL 906696
    , at *6 (D. Ariz. Mar. 21, 2008). The district court
    found that the Gardners had participated in an abusive tax shelter program
    promising unwarranted tax benefits from corporations sole. Id. at *5. The
    injunction was affirmed on appeal. United States v. Gardner, 457 F.
    App’x 611, 612 (9th Cir. 2011).
    6                     GARDNER V. CIR
    books and records. The IRS obtained bank records from
    BAM’s Wells Fargo accounts through a third-party summons
    and undertook a bank deposit analysis. The IRS “determined
    that petitioners had gross bank deposits of $101,722,
    $219,481, and $281,232 and net taxable deposits of $100,070,
    $217,973 and $235,679 for 2002, 2003, and 2004,
    respectively.” The IRS issued notices of deficiency and the
    Gardners petitioned the Tax Court for review.
    The Tax Court noted that generally the Commissioner’s
    determination of a taxpayer’s liability is presumed correct,
    and the taxpayer bears the burden of proving that the
    determination is improper. Gardner v. Comm’r, 
    105 T.C.M. (CCH) 1433
    , at *3 (2013) (citing Welch v. Helvering,
    290 U.S. 111
    , 115 (1933)). The Tax Court recognized that in
    the Ninth Circuit for the presumption of correctness to attach
    in a case involving unreported income, the IRS must “first
    establish an evidentiary foundation linking the taxpayer to the
    alleged income-producing activity.” 
     (citing Weimerskirch
    v. Comm’r, 
    596 F.2d 358
    , 361–62 (9th Cir. 1979)). The Tax
    Court reasonably determined that the IRS had linked the
    Gardners to the payments and that therefore the Gardners
    bore the burden of proving the deficiencies arbitrary or
    erroneous. The Tax Court also determined that the bank
    deposit method of reconstructing income was properly used
    in this instance. Id. at *4; see Clayton v. Comm’r, 
    102 T.C. 632
    , 645 (1994) (holding that the “use of the bank deposit
    method for computing unreported income has long been
    GARDNER V. CIR                                7
    sanctioned by the courts” (citing DiLeo v. Comm’r, 
    96 T.C. 858
    , 867 (1991), aff’d 
    959 F.2d 16
     (2d Cir. 1992))).4
    The Tax Court determined that the payments the Gardners
    deposited into BAM’s bank accounts constituted taxable
    income to the Gardners. Citing Commissioner v. Glenshaw
    Glass Co., 
    348 U.S. 426
    , 431 (1955), the Tax Court noted that
    the definition of gross income “is construed broadly and
    extends to all accessions of wealth, clearly realized, over
    which the taxpayer has complete control.” Gardner,
    105 T.C.M. (CCH) 1433
     at *5. It further held that when the
    IRS reconstructs income using the bank deposit method, it
    may include gross income deposited into all accounts over
    which the taxpayer has dominion and control, even “where a
    taxpayer has dominion and control over an account titled in
    the name of a church or other religious organization.” Id.; see
    Woods v. Comm’r, 
    58 T.C.M. (CCH) 673
     (1989), aff’d,
    929 F.2d 702
     (6th Cir. 1991).
    Relying on its decision in a strikingly similar case, Gunkle
    v. Commissioner, 
    104 T.C.M. (CCH) 527
     (2012), aff’d,
    753 F.3d 502
     (5th Cir. 2014), the Tax Court rejected the
    Gardners’ arguments that their deposits were gifts or
    donations to a legitimate church, that they had taken vows of
    poverty, and that they acted as agents of BAM. The Gunkles,
    with the Gardners’ assistance, had established their religious
    organization as a corporation sole. The Gunkles then signed
    vows of poverty stating that their church would provide for
    their support. The Gunkles used funds in the pastoral account
    to pay living and personal expenses, but did not report
    deposits into the account as income. The Tax Court rejected
    On appeal, the Gardners do not challenge the use of the bank deposit
    8                     GARDNER V. CIR
    the Gunkles’ arguments that the deposits were nontaxable
    gifts and that their vows of poverty insulated them from
    taxation on the compensation they received for their services
    to their church. In rejecting the Gardners’ similar clams, the
    Tax Court cited its holding in Gunkle that “[p]ayments or
    benefits received in exchange for services rendered by
    individuals and not on behalf of a separate and distinct
    principal are taxable to the individuals.”           Gardner,
    105 T.C.M. (CCH) 1433
     at *6.
    The Tax Court found that the deposits into BAM’s bank
    accounts “were compensation to petitioners for the services
    they performed in setting up corporations sole, LLCs, and
    trusts,” and “were not gifts or donations [but] represented a
    quid pro quo exchange; i.e., the payors were receiving
    petitioners’ services in consideration for their payments.” 
    The Tax Court next rejected the Gardners’ arguments
    concerning their vows of poverty and that they were acting as
    agents of BAM. It noted that the Gardners did not have any
    personal bank accounts, used BAM’s accounts as their own
    and for their own benefit, deposited the payments they
    received from setting up corporations sole and LLCs into
    BAM’s accounts, withdrew funds from BAM’s accounts to
    pay their personal expenses, and exercised complete
    dominion and control over BAM’s accounts. The Tax Court
    noted that there was “no evidence that petitioners were
    accountable to anyone for the funds in BAM’s accounts.” 
    Accordingly, the Tax Court concluded that the deposits into
    the BAM accounts were includable in the Gardners’ gross
    In addition, the Tax Court held that the Gardners’ self-
    employment income was subject to self-employment tax. It
    GARDNER V. CIR                            9
    rejected the Gardners’ claim that they were exempt from self-
    employment tax because they are ordained ministers. 
    *7–8. The Tax Court determined that the Gardners failed to
    present “any credible evidence that they had submitted a
    Form 4361, Application for Exemption From Self-
    Employment Tax for Use by Ministers, Members of
    Religious Orders and Christian Science Practitioners, for the
    years in issue that was approved by the IRS.” Id. at 8. The
    Tax Court concluded that the Gardners had “failed to prove
    they were exempt from self-employment tax during the years
    in issue.” Id.5
    We review decisions of the Tax Court on the same basis
    as decisions in civil bench trials in district court, and
    accordingly, we review conclusions of law de novo and
    questions of fact for clear error. Johanson v. Comm’r,
    541 F.3d 973
    , 976 (9th Cir. 2008); Millenbach v. Comm’r,
    318 F.3d 924
    , 930 (9th Cir. 2003).
    A. The payments were not contributions.
    In Hernandez v. Commissioner, 
    490 U.S. 680
     (1989), the
    Supreme Court established a quid pro quo test for
    determining whether a payment was a contribution. 
    690–91 (noting that the sine qua non of a charitable
    contribution is a transfer of money or property without
    adequate consideration). The Court held that payments to the
    Church of Scientology for “auditing” or pastoral counseling
    were not contributions as “these payments were part of a
    The remainder of the Tax Court’s opinion addresses issues not
    germane to this appeal.
    10                       GARDNER V. CIR
    quintessential quid pro quo exchange: in return for their
    money, petitioners received an identifiable benefit, namely
    auditing and training sessions.” 
    Id. at 691
    Similarly, the Gardners, in exchange for money, provided
    “identifiable benefits,”—the creation of corporations sole and
    LLCs. In addition, as in Hernandez, here the Gardners had a
    schedule of set amounts payable for the benefits they offered.
    490 U.S. at 685
    . That the payments were referred to as
    suggested donations is not dispositive; it is the quid pro quo
    nature of the exchange that controls. 
     at 690–91.6
    The Gardners’ First Amendment argument is similarly
    foreclosed by Hernandez, which rejected the Church of
    Scientology’s argument that declining to treat the payments
    as contributions violated the Establishment Clause. Applying
    the test from Lemon v. Kurtzman, 
    403 U.S. 602
     (1971), the
    Court found that the statute: (1) made no explicit or deliberate
    distinction between different religious organizations, but
    applied to all religious entities; (2) neither advanced nor
    inhibited religion; and (3) threatened no entanglement
    between church and state. Hernandez, 
    490 U.S. at
    The Court further noted that even if it were necessary “to
    ascertain what portion of a payment was a purchase and what
    portion was a contribution,” this would “not ineluctably
    create entanglement problems.” 
    Id. at 697
    . Applying the
    Lemon test to the Gardners’ case produces the same
    The Gardners’ argument that witnesses testified that they intended
    the payments to be contributions is not persuasive. Although the
    witnesses indicated that they referred to the payments as contributions,
    none denied that the payments were made in return for the Gardners’
    assistance in forming corporations sole. In other words, none denied the
    quid pro quo nature of the transactions.
    GARDNER V. CIR                        11
    conclusion. Treating the Gardners’ recompense for setting up
    corporations sole and LLCs as taxable income does not
    distinguish between religious organizations, neither advances
    nor inhibits religion, and threatens no entanglement.
    We conclude that the Tax Court properly applied
    Hernandez in holding that the payments to the Gardners for
    creating corporations sole and LLCs were not donations to
    B. The Gardners had complete control over the
    payments to BAM.
    The Tax Court’s determination that the Gardners had
    complete control over the payments to BAM is a factual issue
    reviewed for clear error. See Nunley v. Comm’r, 
    758 F.2d 372
    , 373 (9th Cir. 1985). There is substantial evidence that
    the Gardners had complete dominion and control over the
    payments deposited in BAM’s accounts and that they used
    those funds to cover their personal expenses, including a
    veterinarian bill. Indeed, the Gardners do not really deny that
    they exercised complete control over BAM and its accounts.
    Rather than directly challenge the Tax Court’s factual
    findings, the Gardners argue that the IRS and the Tax Court
    should have respected BAM’s separate identity. This seems
    a little like arguing that Clark Kent is not Superman.
    Certainly Superman displays abilities that Clark Kent denies
    having, but they are one and the same. Similarly, here, there
    is no practical distinction between the Gardners and BAM.
    The Gardners’ assertion that their creation of a religious
    organization over which they have complete control insulates
    them from taxes is contrary to longstanding Supreme Court
    12                        GARDNER V. CIR
    precedent. As early as 1930, the Supreme Court in Corliss v.
    281 U.S. 376
    , 378 (1930), held that “taxation is not
    so much concerned with the refinements of title as it is with
    actual command over the property taxed—the actual benefit
    for which the tax is paid.” The Court concluded that “[t]he
    income that is subject to a man’s unfettered command and
    that he is free to enjoy at his own opinion may be taxed to
    him as his income, whether he sees fit to enjoy it or not.” 
    Over forty years later in United States v. Basye, 
    410 U.S. 441
    449–50 (1973), the Supreme Court reaffirmed that the
    principle “that he who earns income may not avoid taxation
    through anticipatory arrangements no matter how clever or
    subtle, has been repeatedly invoked by this Court and stands
    today as a cornerstone of our graduated income tax system.”7
    Here, the Gardners’ vows of poverty attempt to disguise
    their enjoyment of their personal income. Pursuant to Corliss
    and Basye, as long as the Gardners have complete control
    over the funds, it makes no practical difference whether the
    funds are titled in their names or in BAM’s.
    Our approach is in accord with the Fifth Circuit’s opinion
    in Gunkle, which framed the nub of the controversy as
    We and our sister circuits have reiterated this position. See George
    v. Comm’r, 
    837 F.3d 79
    , 85 (1st Cir. 2016); C.M. Thibodaux Co., Ltd. v.
    United States, 
    915 F.2d 992
    , 994 (5th Cir. 1990); United States v.
    911 F.2d 1422
    , 1431 (10th Cir. 1990); United States v. Krall,
    835 F.2d 711
    , 714 (8th Cir. 1987); United States v. Russell, 
    804 F.2d 571
    574 (9th Cir. 1986); Fogarty v. United States, 
    780 F.2d 1005
    , 1008 (Fed.
    Cir. 1986); O’Donnell v. Comm’r, 
    726 F.2d 679
    , 681 (11th Cir. 1984);
    Armantrout v. Comm’r, 
    570 F.2d 210
    , 212 (7th Cir. 1978).
    GARDNER V. CIR                       13
    Income received by the agent of a principal is
    deemed to be the income of the principal and
    not the income of the agent. It follows that
    income received by a member of a religious
    order as the agent of the order, promptly
    delivered to the order based on the agent’s
    vow of poverty, is deemed to be the income of
    the order and not of the agent. Conversely,
    however, a member of a religious order who
    earns or receives income therefrom in his
    individual capacity cannot avoid taxation on
    that income merely by taking a vow of
    poverty and assigning the income to that
    religious order or institution. The same rule
    applies to entities organized as corporation
    soles. [A]n individual has received income
    when he gains complete dominion and control
    over money or other property, thereby
    realizing an economic benefit.
    753 F.3d at 507–08 (footnotes omitted). The Fifth Circuit did
    not expressly address the problem it identified: How does a
    court determine whether income is received by a member of
    a religious order as the agent of the order, or whether the
    member of a religious order earns or receives income
    therefrom in his individual capacity? However, it determined
    that the Gunkles had unrestricted dominion and control over
    their pastoral accounts and that their compensation was
    taxable. Id. at 508. Thus, the Fifth Circuit implicitly
    recognized that there was no real distinction between the
    Gunkles and their wholly-controlled religious entity. Clark
    Kent is not distinguishable from Superman.
    14                    GARDNER V. CIR
    This was also the holding of the Tax Court in Gunkle,
    which underlies the Tax Court decision in the Gardners’ case,
    and which we now endorse. In Gunkle, the Tax Court
    explained that payments in exchange for services “rendered
    by individuals and not on behalf of a separate and distinct
    principal are taxable to the individuals.” Gunkle, 
    104 T.C.M. (CCH) 527
     at * 3 (emphasis added). Thus, consistent with
    the Supreme Court’s admonition in Corliss, 
    281 U.S. at 378
    that taxation is concerned with the “actual command over the
    property taxed,” the Tax Court—having determined that the
    Gardners retained dominion over the funds—properly
    concluded that they had received the payments in their
    individual capacities, and not as agents of BAM.
    The exercise of complete dominion and control over
    the funds at issue was also dispositive in Woods v.
    58 T.C.M. (CCH) 673
     (1980). There, the Tax
    Court explained that it was “not necessary to disregard the
    separate existence of the church or to challenge the tax status
    of the church as an entity in order to sustain respondent’s
    determinations in this case” because however the petitioners
    obtained the funds “petitioners exercised complete dominion
    and control over deposits into the various bank accounts.” 
    In Woods, as with the Gardners and the Gunkles, the
    taxpayers’ complete control over their “churches” supports
    the determination that the taxpayers’ receipts constituted
    taxable income for the taxpayers despite the assignment of
    those receipts to their churches.
    The Gardners attempt to distinguish Gunkle on the ground
    that the Gunkles deposited Social Security payments and
    retirement pay, which were not earned as part of their
    ministry, into their corporation sole’s accounts. In contrast,
    the Gardners suggest that creating corporations sole is
    GARDNER V. CIR                              15
    consistent with their church’s mission. But the rulings by the
    Fifth Circuit and the Tax Court, and our holding in this case,
    focus not on what the taxpayer did to obtain a payment, but
    on which party exercised dominion and control over the
    funds. As long as the individual taxpayer (the purported
    agent) remains, as a practical matter, in complete control over
    the income after it is transferred to the church (the purported
    principle) it is income to the individual.8
    The Tax Court’s ruling that the payments are taxable is
    affirmed on the grounds that the Gardners, the purported
    agents of BAM, earned the payments as individuals and
    retained complete control over the payments even after their
    transfer to BAM, the purported principal.
    Finally, the Gardners argue that they are exempt from
    paying income taxes pursuant to 
    26 U.S.C. § 1402
    . They note
    26 C.F.R. § 1.1402
    (e)–2A(a)(1) states, in relevant part:
    Subject to the limitations set forth in
    subparagraphs (2) and (3) of this paragraph,
    any individual who is . . . a duly ordained,
    Of course, certain payments, although income, may not be taxable.
    For example, if an individual’s compensation for an injury is not
    considered taxable income, it would not become taxable just because the
    individual assigned it to his church. Also, if Elizabeth Gardner sells
    copies of her book at cost, so that there is no net profit, she would have
    gross income, but this might not be taxable income. On the other hand,
    any profit from the sale of the books likely would be taxable income
    regardless of whether the books were purportedly sold by Elizabeth or
    BAM as long as Elizabeth continued to exercise complete dominion and
    control over the funds.
    16                        GARDNER V. CIR
    commissioned, or licensed minister of a
    church or a member of a religious order (other
    than a member of a religious order who has
    taken a vow of poverty as a member of such
    order) . . . may request an exemption from the
    tax on self-employment income (see section
    1401 and § 1.1401-1) with respect to services
    performed by him in his capacity as a minister
    or member . . . as the case may be.
    The Gardners contend that this regulation exempts
    them—as members of a religious order who have taken vows
    of poverty—from having to request an exemption from tax on
    self-employment income by filing a Form 4361, Application
    for Exemption From Self-Employment Tax for Use by
    Ministers, Members of Religious Orders and Christian
    Science Practitioners.
    Even assuming, however, that the Gardners reasonably
    determined that they were not required to file a Form 4361,
    it does not follow that they are exempt from self-employment
    tax. The exemption from self-employment tax is only
    applicable to “services performed by [one] in his capacity as
    a minister or member.” 
    26 C.F.R. § 1.1402
    (e)-2A(a)(1); see
    Wingo v. Comm’r, 
    89 T.C. 922
    , 929 (1987). Because the Tax
    Court reasonably concluded that the Gardners received
    payment in exchange for their work in setting up corporations
    sole and LLCs, and not in the exercise of a ministry, this
    exception does not apply.9 Accordingly, they have not shown
    The Gardners do not actually claim that setting up corporations sole
    is part of their ministry. Indeed, creating corporations sole does not
    appear to have any relationship to BAM’s mission. Its mission statement
    GARDNER V. CIR                            17
    that they qualify for exemption from self-employment tax
    26 U.S.C. § 1402
    Elizabeth and Fredric Gardner were free to create BAM,
    a corporation sole, but this did not exempt their personal
    income from taxation. The payments they received were quid
    pro quo payments for their services in setting up corporations
    sole and LLCs; they were not contributions to BAM.
    Moreover, the Gardners retained complete dominion and
    control over BAM and its accounts. Because the payments
    were made in exchange for the Gardners’ services, and the
    Gardners retained complete dominion and control over the
    payments even after they were deposited into BAM’s
    accounts, the Tax Court properly concluded that the payments
    received by the Gardners are taxable and that they are subject
    to self-employment tax. The Tax Court’s decision is
    The mission of Bethel Aram Ministries an ecclesiastical
    church is to manifest Yahshua/Jesus’ glory throughout
    the earth; to do the work of the ministry through
    religious, charitable, educational and/or humanitarian
    purposes for the perfecting of the saints; provide
    scriptural education materials, establish congregations,
    practice, teach, preach the Good News of Messiah in
    order to bring people to a personal relationship with
    Yahshua/Jesus the Messiah to obey the Commandments
    of the Sovereign Holy Nation of the Most High and the
    Good News of the Saviour in congregations through
    affiliated fellowships of Saints of Yahshua/Jesus, the
    Messiah and King of His Sovereign Kingdom.

Document Info

Docket Number: 13-72699

Citation Numbers: 845 F.3d 971

Filed Date: 1/12/2017

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023

Authorities (18)

United States v. Arthur P. Tranakos, United States of ... , 911 F.2d 1422 ( 1990 )

Clarence H. O'DOnnell and Georgia G. O'DOnnell v. ... , 726 F.2d 679 ( 1984 )

Richard T. Armantrout v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue , 570 F.2d 210 ( 1978 )

The C.M. Thibodaux Co., Ltd. v. United States , 915 F.2d 992 ( 1990 )

Joseph R. Dileo, Mary A. Dileo, Walter E. Mycek, Jr., ... , 959 F.2d 16 ( 1992 )

United States v. Wallace (Vernard), A/K/A Johnson (Anthony) , 929 F.2d 702 ( 1991 )

Johanson v. CIR , 541 F.3d 973 ( 2008 )

Johnny Weimerskirch v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue , 596 F.2d 358 ( 1979 )

Leo M. Nunley v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue , 758 F.2d 372 ( 1985 )

The Reverend Gerald P. Fogarty, S.J. v. The United States , 780 F.2d 1005 ( 1986 )

sheldon-r-milenbach-phyllis-milenbach-los-angeles-raiders-a-california , 318 F.3d 924 ( 2003 )

United States v. James C. Russell, Earhl R. Schooff, and ... , 804 F.2d 571 ( 1986 )

Corliss v. Bowers , 50 S. Ct. 336 ( 1930 )

Welch v. Helvering , 54 S. Ct. 8 ( 1933 )

United States v. Basye , 93 S. Ct. 1080 ( 1973 )

Commissioner v. Glenshaw Glass Co. , 75 S. Ct. 473 ( 1955 )

Lemon v. Kurtzman , 91 S. Ct. 2105 ( 1971 )

Hernandez v. Commissioner , 109 S. Ct. 2136 ( 1989 )

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