United States v. Sewell , 76 M.J. 14 ( 2017 )

  •        This opinion is subject to revision before publication
    Todd D. SEWELL, Sergeant
    United States Army, Appellant
    No. 16-0360
    Crim. App. No. 20130460
    Argued October 12, 2016—February 1, 2017
    Military Judge: James Varley
    For Appellant: Captain Ryan T. Yoder (argued); Lieutenant
    Colonel Jonathan F. Potter (on brief); Major Christopher D.
    For Appellee: Captain Linda Chavez (argued); Colonel
    Mark H. Sydenham and Lieutenant Colonel A. G. Courie
    III (on brief); Major Cormac M. Smith.
    Judge RYAN delivered the opinion of the Court, in
    which Chief Judge ERDMANN and Judges STUCKY
    and SPARKS joined. Judge OHLSON filed a separate
    opinion, concurring in part and dissenting in part.
    Judge RYAN delivered the opinion of the Court.
    A general court-martial composed of officer members
    convicted Appellant, contrary to his pleas, of six specifica-
    tions of indecent acts and one specification of assault with
    intent to commit rape, in violation of Articles 120 and 134,
    Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), 
    10 U.S.C. §§ 920
    934 (2006 & 2012). The MJ dismissed Appellant’s Article 80,
    10 U.S.C. § 880
     (2012), charge for attempted rape,
    and the panel found Appellant not guilty of ten other specifi-
    cations, including indecent exposure, unlawful touching, im-
    peding an investigation, and communicating threats. The
    panel sentenced Appellant to one year of confinement, a dis-
    honorable discharge, reduction to E-1, and forfeiture of all
    pay and allowances. The findings and sentence were ap-
    proved by the convening authority and affirmed—with a
    proviso for 30-days’ confinement credit—by the Army Court
    United States v. Sewell, No. 16-0360/AR
    Opinion of the Court
    of Criminal Appeals (ACCA). United States v. Sewell, No.
    ARMY 20130460, 
    2016 CCA LEXIS 58
     at *3–4, 
    2016 WL 381340
     at *1 (A. Ct. Crim. App. Jan. 29, 2016). We granted
    review of the following issue in this case:
    Whether the trial counsel committed prosecutorial miscon-
    duct by making improper argument on the findings.
    Some of trial counsel’s statements during argument were
    improper. However, even assuming clear or obvious error,
    see United States v. Knapp, 
    73 M.J. 33
    , 36 (C.A.A.F. 2014),
    we find no prejudice. The evidence underlying Appellant’s
    convictions was demonstrably stronger than the evidence
    underlying his acquittals, and we are “confident that the
    members convicted [him] on the basis of the evidence alone.”
    United States v. Fletcher, 
    62 M.J. 175
    , 184 (C.A.A.F. 2005).
    Finding no material prejudice to Appellant’s substantial
    rights, we affirm the CCA. Article 59(a), UCMJ, 
    10 U.S.C. § 859
    (a) (2012).
    I. FACTS
    A. The Convictions
    Appellant’s convictions involved six different individuals.
    The panel convicted Appellant of four specifications that
    arose from an allegation of sexual assault by PFC MN. Ap-
    pellant was a noncommissioned officer in MN’s unit at Fort
    Hood. Prior to the alleged incident, Appellant had extended
    an open offer to MN to sleep in his spare bed in the event
    she ever needed to do so. On her first night in the barracks,
    MN was uncomfortable staying in her own room because her
    roommate was hosting a guest, so she took Appellant up on
    his offer. Appellant showed her to his spare bed and MN
    eventually fell asleep. MN testified that she awoke to Appel-
    lant on top of her, completely naked, kissing her and taking
    off her shorts. After pushing Appellant off, MN left Appel-
    lant’s room and went next door to the room of her close ac-
    quaintance, JF. JF testified that MN was hysterical and up-
    set when she entered her room, although JF did not mention
    any specific references to sexual assault. In Appellant’s
    Criminal Investigation Command (CID) interview, he admit-
    ted—after amending his story several times—that MN was
    indeed in his room, and that he was naked and rubbed lotion
    on his groin before attempting to give her a hug. Appellant
    was convicted of indecent conduct under Article 120 and
    sexual assault under Article 134.
    United States v. Sewell, No. 16-0360/AR
    Opinion of the Court
    The panel also convicted Appellant of one count of inde-
    cent conduct for masturbating in the presence of his ac-
    quaintance and neighbor, EB. EB testified that she let Ap-
    pellant into her apartment one morning when he claimed to
    be locked out of his own. He sat on her living room couch
    while she returned to her bedroom to get ready for work.
    Shortly thereafter, she heard moaning and slapping skin.
    EB briefly saw Appellant naked and masturbating on her
    couch and quickly exited her apartment. In Appellant’s CID
    interview, he admitted that he was naked in EB’s apartment
    but told investigators that he got undressed in his sleep and
    was covered by a blanket.
    Finally, the panel convicted Appellant of sending or
    showing images of his penis to four different individuals
    without their consent. In the course of its investigation, CID
    recovered 118 images of Appellant’s penis on his cell phone.
    Nine of these images were admitted as evidence at trial. CC,
    SG, and EW each testified that they received unwanted im-
    ages of Appellant’s penis via text message. A fourth individ-
    ual, JF, testified that Appellant displayed an image of his
    penis on his phone while she rode in the passenger seat of
    his vehicle. Each witness either described the photos sent by
    Appellant or identified them as identical or similar to the
    images admitted into evidence.
    B. The Acquittals
    The panel acquitted Appellant of ten specifications. Two
    of these acquittals were related to incidents involving MN
    and EB, namely allegations that he contacted MN for the
    purpose of impeding an investigation and that he intention-
    ally exposed himself to EB in her apartment.
    The remaining eight specifications of which Appellant
    was acquitted arose from two other alleged incidents. Four
    specifications of indecent conduct and one specification of
    unlawful touching were based on allegations related to a
    house party that Appellant attended with two of his accus-
    ers, KS, who was the owner of the home, and KP. At some
    point during the party, Appellant went outside to sit in his
    jeep. KS testified that she noticed this and walked out to en-
    gage Appellant in a conversation at his vehicle. She warned
    him against driving drunk and offered to let him stay the
    night. Appellant allegedly accepted her offer and, while still
    sitting in his jeep, asked KS to turn around so that he could
    change into pajamas. After he had supposedly changed, he
    signaled KS to turn back around, and when she did so she
    United States v. Sewell, No. 16-0360/AR
    Opinion of the Court
    saw him naked and masturbating. KS testified that she felt
    “shocked” by the incident, but afterward she let Appellant
    stay the night at her home and sleep on her couch with two
    other female guests, KP and LA.
    KP confirmed that she slept on the couch with Appellant,
    despite hearing that Appellant had been observed mastur-
    bating in his jeep. KP testified that she awoke at one point
    during the night to find Appellant ejaculating on her foot.
    The Government presented no witnesses or corroborating
    evidence to support KS and KP’s accusations. Nor did Appel-
    lant admit any inculpatory facts to support either incident.
    The final three specifications of which Appellant was ac-
    quitted arose from an allegation that he exposed his penis to
    ST, the thirteen-year-old daughter of his roommate in Cop-
    peras Cove, Texas. 1 ST’s father allegedly left her at his
    apartment with Appellant while, according to ST, her father
    visited his new girlfriend in a hotel room overnight. ST testi-
    fied that she was doing homework on her computer while
    sitting on the couch next to Appellant as he watched TV in
    his pajamas. At some point, she looked over and saw Appel-
    lant’s exposed penis through the unbuttoned hole of his pa-
    jama pants. ST also testified that she later awoke to Appel-
    lant covering her with a blanket while she slept on the
    couch, but that she could not remember clearly if he was na-
    ked when he did so. ST subsequently admitted that Appel-
    lant appeared to be asleep while he was watching TV and
    that his pants might have unbuttoned accidentally when he
    sat down, and she testified that the blanket incident might
    have been a dream. ST’s father admitted that after learning
    of the pajamas incident from his daughter, he neither con-
    fronted Appellant or contacted law enforcement or military
    authorities, nor asked Appellant to vacate the apartment.
    C. Trial Counsel’s Arguments
    1. Preserved Errors
    Appellant argues that the trial counsel, Lt. Col. Matthew
    McDonald, made improper arguments that prejudiced his
    right to a fair trial. At trial, defense counsel raised several
    objections to remarks related to Appellant’s criminal disposi-
    1  Specification 3 of Charge IV did not directly involve ST, but
    it alleged that Appellant made threats of violence in response to
    his investigation that were overheard by ST’s father, Sgt Robert T.
    United States v. Sewell, No. 16-0360/AR
    Opinion of the Court
    tion or propensity to commit the charged crimes. The MJ
    found error in only the following two statements: 2
    What kind of man has 118 photos of this on his
    phone? You can use your own common sense,
    ways of the world. Is that normal? Maybe one
    or two men have, maybe three or four. 118?
    That’s only one man and he’s Sergeant Sewell.
    Is he the type of guy that has 118 pictures of
    this on his phone? Is that the type of guy that
    would do this to people? You all know the an-
    What type of guy keeps sending pictures to
    somebody after they tell him no, to stop? Won’t
    take no for an answer. If he won’t take no for
    an answer when they tell him to stop sending
    pictures, he’s not going to take no for an an-
    swer of PFC [MN] when she’s telling him to get
    off, when she’s trying to push him off. He won’t
    take no for an answer from any female.
    After finding error, the MJ promptly gave the following
    instructions to the panel:
    Members, two portions of LTC McDonald’s ar-
    gument to you were improper and I’m going to
    ask you to disregard them. One of them was at
    a point in his closing argument he stated what
    kind of man---words to the effect of what kind
    of man has 118 images of his penis on his cell
    phone, to the extent that that was an invita-
    tion for you basically to use that evidence that
    was introduced that he had 118 images of his
    penis on his cell phone as somehow character
    that’s showing that he’s some kind of deviant.
    I’m going to ask you to disregard it for that
    purpose. Likewise, LTC McDonald made some
    argument that the fact that the accused sent
    2  Defense counsel’s unsuccessful objections included a chal-
    lenge to trial counsel’s assertion that the panel could use sexual
    assault evidence to rebut the defense of accident on Appellant’s
    indecent exposure charges, trial counsel’s statement that Appel-
    lant acted with the intent to gratify his sexual desires, and trial
    counsel’s argument that Appellant’s exposures reflected his test-
    ing the receptiveness of the alleged victims. The military judge did
    not abuse his discretion with respect to any of these rulings.
    United States v. Sewell, No. 16-0360/AR
    Opinion of the Court
    photographs of his penis, or is at least alleged
    to have, to women after they’d said I don’t
    want to see that any more [sic] as standing for
    a general proposition that he doesn’t take no
    for an answer, and therefore, that could be
    used for purposes of other offenses including
    the alleged assault on PFC [MN]. Once again
    that’s an improper invitation for you to consid-
    er that act for a propensity purpose that I’ve
    not instructed you on.
    2. Other Errors
    Appellant failed to object to other statements that he
    challenges on appeal, including additional propensity argu-
    ments, improper vouching, references to facts not in evi-
    dence, and statements that purportedly inflamed the pas-
    sions of the panel. For example, trial counsel referred to
    Appellant as an “old dirty man in the trench coat” and a
    “sexual predator.” He also flatly referred to Appellant as
    guilty and declared that “we all know [Appellant] lied on the
    video.” Trial counsel also vouched for the testimony of PFC
    MN—among others—by downplaying her initial reluctance
    to come forward and by telling the panel that “we all know
    she didn’t make this up.” In addition, trial counsel used per-
    sonal pronouns like “I” and “we” pervasively throughout his
    The Army Court summarily affirmed Appellant’s convic-
    tions, addressing only the one month of confinement relief
    awarded in light of Appellant’s pretrial confinement. Sewell,
    2016 CCA LEXIS 58
    , at *2–4, 
    2016 WL 381340
     at *1.
    Improper argument is one facet of prosecutorial miscon-
    duct. See United States v. Young, 
    470 U.S. 1
    , 7–11 (1985).
    We review questions of improper argument and prosecutori-
    al misconduct de novo. See United States v. Frey, 
    73 M.J. 245
    , 248 (C.A.A.F. 2014). “Prosecutorial misconduct occurs
    when trial counsel ‘overstep[s] the bounds of that propriety
    and fairness which should characterize the conduct of such
    an officer in the prosecution of a criminal offense.’” United
    States v. Hornback, 
    73 M.J. 155
    , 159–60 (C.A.A.F. 2014) (in-
    ternal quotation marks omitted) (alteration in original)
    (quoting Fletcher, 
    62 M.J. at 178
     (quoting Berger v. United
    295 U.S. 78
    , 84 (1935))). Such conduct “can be gener-
    United States v. Sewell, No. 16-0360/AR
    Opinion of the Court
    ally defined as action or inaction by a prosecutor in violation
    of some legal norm or standard, e.g., a constitutional provi-
    sion, a statue, a Manual rule, or an applicable professional
    ethics canon.” 
    Id. at 160
     (citations omitted). In his argu-
    ments, trial counsel “may strike hard blows, [but] he is not
    at liberty to strike foul ones.” Berger, 
    295 U.S. at 88
    . In this
    regard, it is appropriate for trial counsel “to argue the evi-
    dence of record, as well as all reasonable inferences fairly
    derived from such evidence.” United States v. Baer, 
    53 M.J. 235
    , 237 (C.A.A.F. 2000). He may not, however, inject his
    personal opinion into the panel’s deliberations, inflame the
    members’ passions or prejudices, or ask them to convict the
    accused on the basis of criminal predisposition. See United
    States v. Burton, 
    67 M.J. 150
    , 153 (C.A.A.F. 2009); Fletcher,
    62 M.J. at 180
    ; Baer, 53 M.J. at 238.
    When preserved by objection, this Court reviews allega-
    tions of improper argument de novo to determine whether
    the military judge’s ruling constitutes an abuse of discretion.
    Hornback, 73 M.J. at 159; Article 59(a), UCMJ. On the other
    hand, if there is no objection at trial, the appellant has the
    burden of establishing the prejudice. See United States v.
    65 M.J. 49
    , 58 (C.A.A.F. 2007). In either case, re-
    versal is warranted only “when the trial counsel’s comments,
    taken as a whole, were so damaging that we cannot be con-
    fident that the members convicted the appellant on the basis
    of the evidence alone.” Hornback, 73 M.J. at 160. (internal
    quotation marks omitted) (citation omitted).
    In Fletcher, this Court set out three factors to guide our
    determination of the prejudicial effect of improper argu-
    ment: “(1) the severity of the misconduct, (2) the measures
    adopted to cure the misconduct, and (3) the weight of the ev-
    idence supporting the conviction[s].” 
    62 M.J. at 184
    . We have
    observed, albeit in the context of sentencing, that the third
    factor may so clearly favor the government that the appel-
    lant cannot demonstrate prejudice. United States v. Halpin,
    71 M.J. 477
    , 480 (C.A.A.F. 2013).
    Appellant argues, citing Fletcher, that trial counsel’s im-
    proper arguments rendered his trial unfair. He points to the
    pervasive scope of allegedly improper arguments and claims
    that the military judge’s curative instructions were too nar-
    row and infrequent to offset the prejudicial effect of the chal-
    lenged statements. Moreover, he maintains that the Gov-
    ernment’s heavy reliance on testimonial evidence increased
    the likelihood that improper arguments unfairly swayed the
    United States v. Sewell, No. 16-0360/AR
    Opinion of the Court
    panel in an otherwise close case. We disagree. Even assum-
    ing that trial counsel’s misconduct was severe and the mili-
    tary judge’s instructions were insufficient, we find the third
    Fletcher factor dispositive.
    We considered similar circumstances in Hornback. 73
    M.J. at 161. In that case, despite clear errors by the trial
    counsel, the testimony of two witnesses who observed the
    appellant smoking an illicit substance was so strong that we
    were “confident that the members convicted [the appellant]
    on the basis of the evidence alone.” Id. at 161. This was true
    even in the absence of a drug test and in the face of perva-
    sive improper arguments about the appellant’s character as
    a drug user. Id. We also noted that, despite trial counsel’s
    improper attempts to establish propensity, the panel’s ac-
    quittals of similar charges “indicate[d] that it took the mili-
    tary judge’s instructions to disregard impermissible charac-
    ter evidence seriously.” Id.
    In Appellant’s court-martial, the Government produced
    substantial evidence of his guilt for the offenses of which he
    was convicted. With respect to MN and EB, the Government
    proffered both each victim’s testimony and Appellant’s ad-
    missions to CID placing him at each scene in admittedly
    compromising circumstances (as in admitted he was naked
    and rubbing lotion on his groin in the offense involving MN,
    and admitted he was naked having “undressed in his sleep”
    in the offense involving EB). The Article 134 conviction in-
    volving MN also drew support from the testimony of JF who
    observed MN acting hysterical and upset immediately after
    the alleged incident. With respect to Appellant’s four inde-
    cent exposure convictions the Government introduced both
    photographic evidence of photos of Appellant’s penis re-
    trieved from his phone and detailed testimony from four vic-
    tims about the images Appellant sent or showed them.
    Moreover, the panel was properly instructed that it could
    consider the fact that 118 images were retrieved from Appel-
    lant’s phone in assessing the likelihood that his transmis-
    sions were by accident or mistake.
    In contrast, Appellant was acquitted of all specifications
    for which there was no corroborating evidence in the form of
    either inculpatory admissions by Appellant or photographs
    retrieved from his phone. The panel’s mixed findings further
    reassure us that the members weighed the evidence at trial
    and independently assessed Appellant’s guilt without regard
    to trial counsel’s arguments. We presume, absent contrary
    United States v. Sewell, No. 16-0360/AR
    Opinion of the Court
    indications, that the panel followed the military judge’s in-
    structions that trial counsel’s arguments were not evidence
    and that it must not engage in spillover when determining
    Appellant’s guilt.
    In light of the evidence and the outcome of Appellant’s
    trial, we are “confident that the members convicted the ap-
    pellant on the basis of the evidence alone.” Hornback, 73
    M.J. at 160 (internal quotation marks omitted) (citation
    The decision of the United States Army Court of Crimi-
    nal Appeals is affirmed.
    United States v. Sewell, No. 16-0360/AR
    Judge OHLSON, concurring in part and dissenting in
    When a trial counsel’s improper arguments, taken as a
    whole, are so damaging that this Court cannot be confident
    that the members convicted the accused on the basis of the
    evidence alone, the accused’s conviction must be reversed.
    United States v. Fletcher, 
    62 M.J. 175
    , 184 (C.A.A.F. 2005).
    In making this determination, this Court considers three
    factors: “(1) the severity of the misconduct, (2) the measures
    adopted to cure the misconduct, and (3) the weight of the ev-
    idence supporting the conviction.” 
    Upon analyzing each of these three Fletcher factors, I
    conclude that in the instant case the improper arguments by
    the trial counsel were egregious, the putative curative in-
    structions by the military judge were inadequate, and the
    evidence presented by the Government to support some of
    the charges on which Appellant was convicted was less than
    compelling. Therefore, I cannot be confident that the mem-
    bers convicted Appellant of all offenses on the basis of the
    evidence alone. Accordingly, I respectfully dissent from the
    majority’s conclusion affirming the sentence and all of the
    findings of guilty.
    1. The Severity of the Misconduct
    As demonstrated below, during Appellant’s court-martial
    the trial counsel made a variety of improper arguments that
    permeated his argument on findings.
    (a) Trial counsel used the term “we” a multitude of times,
    often in the context of allying himself with the panel.1 For
    (i) “We all know [the victim] didn’t make this up.”
    (ii) “[W]e all know [Appellant] lied on the video.”
    (iii) “[W]e know [Appellant’s conduct] wasn’t acci-
    1 In his brief, Appellant notes that during argument on find-
    ings trial counsel used the term “I” or “we” more than seventy-five
    United States v. Sewell, No. 16-0360/AR
    Judge OHLSON, dissenting
    (iv) “[W]e know this was not the actions of an inno-
    cent man.”
    This Court has held that “[i]t is improper for a trial
    counsel to interject [himself or] herself into the proceedings
    by expressing a ‘personal belief or opinion as to the truth or
    falsity of any testimony or evidence.’” Fletcher, 
    62 M.J. at 179
     (quoting United States v. Horn, 
    9 M.J. 429
    , 430 (C.M.A.
    1980)). This “can include the use of personal pronouns in
    connection with assertions that a witness was correct or to
    be believed.” 
    Id. at 180
    . As the four examples listed above
    illustrate, trial counsel improperly used personal pronouns
    throughout findings argument.
    (b) As the military judge correctly ruled, trial counsel
    committed error by making the following improper argu-
    (i) Referring to obscene photos that were the basis for
    a specification in this case, trial counsel argued to the panel:
    “What kind of man has 118 photos of [his penis] on his
    phone?... Is that the type of guy that would [sexually assault
    women]? You all know the answer.”
    (ii) “If he won’t take no for an answer when they tell
    him to stop sending pictures, he’s not going to take no for an
    answer … when [the victim is] telling him to get off, when
    she’s trying to push him off. He won’t take no for an answer
    from any female.”
    As this Court observed in United States v. Burton, 
    67 M.J. 150
    , 152 (C.A.A.F. 2009), it is improper argument for a
    trial counsel to encourage a panel to make inferences not
    fairly derived from the evidence. In my view, trial counsel’s
    propensity arguments were not fair inferences derived from
    the trial evidence.
    (c) Trial counsel engaged in ad hominem attacks against
    Appellant. For example, trial counsel likened Appellant to
    an “old dirty man in a trench coat,” called him a “sexual
    predator,” and implied that he had psychological problems.
    This Court has noted that “the prosecutor’s obligation to
    desist from the use of pejorative language…is every bit as
    solemn as his [or her] obligation to attempt to bring the
    guilty to account.” Fletcher, 
    62 M.J. at 182
     (internal quota-
    United States v. Sewell, No. 16-0360/AR
    Judge OHLSON, dissenting
    tion marks omitted) (citation omitted). Here, trial counsel
    used a series of pejorative terms to characterize Appellant.
    (d) Trial counsel made inflammatory statements that
    were predicated on facts not in evidence. For example:
    (i) “Six of these female [victims] were E-4 and below,
    and we all know how it works. Young females in the military
    are preyed upon.”
    (ii) After the military judge told trial counsel in an
    Article 39(a), Uniform Code of Military Justice, 
    10 U.S.C. § 839
     (2012), session that he couldn’t introduce the results of
    Appellant’s sanity board without first laying the proper
    foundation, trial counsel failed to lay such a foundation but
    still argued to the panel as follows: “Something’s wrong with
    him. We can’t say what it is, but he’s got issues and his is-
    sues are dangerous and they’re criminal.” Thus, trial counsel
    seems to have been arguing to the panel that Appellant had
    some sort of criminal psychological disorder, but the trial
    counsel was not at liberty to disclose what it was.
    (iii) Perhaps most troubling, trial counsel made an in-
    flammatory comment regarding defense counsel. He said:
    “[T]he defense, they have a good poker face, but we all know
    there’s not reasonable doubt.” The panel members could rea-
    sonably infer from trial counsel’s statement that defense
    counsel, despite their impassive expressions, knew that
    their client was guilty. Such an argument is extremely prej-
    udicial to an accused and is patently unacceptable in a
    This Court has long recognized that “a court-martial
    must reach a decision based only on the facts in evidence.”
    62 M.J. at 183
    ; see also American Bar Association,
    ABA Standards for Criminal Justice Prosecution Function
    and Defense Function, Prosecution Function Standard 3.5.9
    (3d ed. 1993) (“The prosecutor should not intentionally refer
    to or argue on the basis of facts outside the record ….”).
    Moreover, “counsel are prohibited from making arguments
    United States v. Sewell, No. 16-0360/AR
    Judge OHLSON, dissenting
    calculated to inflame the passions or prejudices of the jury.”
    62 M.J. at 183
    . 2
    Although there is no basis to believe that trial counsel
    had any malicious intent in making these improper argu-
    ments, I conclude that, taken as a whole, they constituted
    serious error. 3
    2. The Measures Adopted to Cure the Misconduct
    The military judge instructed the panel members to dis-
    regard only two of the improper arguments made by trial
    counsel: (a) the “What kind of man has 118 photos” argu-
    ment (cited at 1(b)(i), supra) and (b) the “If he won’t take no
    for an answer” argument (cited at 1(b)(ii), supra). The mili-
    tary judge did not instruct the panel regarding the many
    2  At trial, defense counsel did not object to all of trial counsel’s
    improper arguments. In those instances, a plain error analysis
    applies. Appellant bears the burden of establishing the following
    three prongs: (1) there is error; (2) the error is plain or obvious;
    and (3) the error materially prejudices a substantial right. United
    States v. Bungert, 
    62 M.J. 346
    , 348 (C.A.A.F. 2006). In my view,
    all of the improper arguments cited above rise to the level of plain
    error and thus there is no need to distinguish between those in-
    stances where defense counsel made an objection and those in-
    stances where defense counsel did not do so. Moreover, I note that
    at oral argument Government counsel admirably and appropriate-
    ly conceded plain error in regard to those statements in which tri-
    al counsel vouched for the Government’s witnesses.
    3 It is notable that the trial counsel in this case was quite sen-
    ior—he was a lieutenant colonel (0-5)—and was designated as a
    special victims prosecutor. (Additionally, the record reflects that
    he previously served as a military judge.) Presumably, a person of
    that rank and in that position would have received significant
    training and courtroom experience before prosecuting a case such
    as this one. And yet, as demonstrated by the above listing of his
    improper arguments, trial counsel’s performance was quite trou-
    bling. It is to be hoped that junior officers in the Judge Advocate
    General’s Corps who may have viewed trial counsel as a role mod-
    el will not emulate his trial advocacy techniques in future cases.
    Indeed, this Court’s customary admonition bears repeating: “Pros-
    ecutorial misconduct occurs when trial counsel oversteps the
    bounds of that propriety and fairness which should characterize
    the conduct of such an officer in the prosecution of a criminal of-
    fense.” United States v. Hornback, 
    73 M.J. 155
    , 159–60 (C.A.A.F.
    2014) (citation omitted) (internal quotation marks omitted).
    United States v. Sewell, No. 16-0360/AR
    Judge OHLSON, dissenting
    other improper arguments involving trial counsel’s (a) per-
    sonal opinions as to the truth of the evidence, (b) inflamma-
    tory comments, and (c) citation to facts not in evidence.
    Thus, in my view, the military judge’s instructions did not
    provide the panel members with “a sufficient sense of judi-
    cial disapproval of both content and circumstance needed to
    dispel the harm in the core of [trial counsel’s improper ar-
    guments].” United States v. Simtob, 
    901 F.2d 799
    , 806 (9th
    Cir. 1990).
    3. The Weight of the Evidence Supporting the Convic-
    Trial counsel’s improper arguments did not fatally taint
    Appellant’s convictions pertaining to the photograph-
    associated specifications. However, the other specifications
    where the Government obtained a conviction are different.
    For example, the charges related to one complainant were
    not supported by any physical evidence or injury, at some
    points the complainant’s testimony conflicted with the tes-
    timony of another witness, and defense witnesses testified
    that the complainant had a reputation for being untruthful.
    Further, Appellant’s demeanor during his interrogation—
    which has been cited by the Government as bolstering the
    prosecution’s case—may easily be explained by Appellant’s
    initial desire to avoid admitting that he had permitted a fe-
    male to come into his barracks room. Therefore, I conclude
    that the weight of the evidence supporting all of Appellant’s
    conviction was not overly compelling. 4
    Weighing the repeated and clearly erroneous improper
    arguments by trial counsel, the limited scope of the instruc-
    tions provided by the military judge, and the less than com-
    pelling nature of the Government’s evidence regarding some
    of the charges for which Appellant was convicted, I cannot
    be confident that the members convicted Appellant on the
    basis of the evidence alone. Therefore, I concur with respect
    to the indecent exposure findings of guilty, and I respectfully
    4 I view this case as being very different from our recent deci-
    sion in United States v. Pabelona, __ M.J. __ (C.A.A.F. 2017). In
    that case, the evidence of the appellant’s guilt was overwhelming.
    United States v. Sewell, No. 16-0360/AR
    Judge OHLSON, dissenting
    dissent with respect to the remaining findings of guilty and
    the sentence. Accordingly, I would authorize a rehearing on
    the appropriate charges and the sentence.