Com. v. Wanner, C. , 158 A.3d 714 ( 2017 )

  • J. A03040/17
    2017 PA Super 81
    :          PENNSYLVANIA
    v.                      :
    CRYSTAL LYNN WANNER,                     :
    Appellant         :     No. 1098 MDA 2016
    Appeal from the Judgment of Sentence June 14, 2016
    In the Court of Common Pleas of Cumberland County
    Criminal Division at No(s): CP-21-SA-0000100-2016
    OPINION BY DUBOW, J.:                             FILED MARCH 28, 2017
    Appellant, Crystal Lynn Wanner, appeals from the June 14, 2016
    Judgment of Sentence imposed in the Cumberland County Court of Common
    Pleas following her conviction at a bench trial of one count of Defiant
    Trespass – Actual Communication.1 After careful review, we affirm.
    The trial court summarized the facts underlying this case as follows:
    On January 26, 2016, [Appellant and her co-defendant] rang the
    doorbell of a fur shop known as Charles Exclusive Furriers.
    When the shop owner came to the door, they told her [that]
    they were curious about the shop’s products. She allowed them
    to enter. After entering the shop, they began touching the furs
    [and] asking questions about the furrier process. Suddenly,
    their “tone” changed, as they began referencing the Bible and
    asking the shop owner if she thought she was God. At that
    18 Pa.C.S. § 3503(b)(1)(i). Although not relevant to the instant case, we
    note that our Supreme Court recently held that Sections 3503(b.1)(1)(iv)
    and (b.1)(2), regarding secondary metals, were enacted in violation of the
    Pennsylvania Constitution’s single-subject rule and are, therefore,
    unconstitutional. See Leach v. Commonwealth, 
    141 A.3d 426
     (Pa. 2016).
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    point, the shop owner asked them to leave. She repeated the
    request multiple times but they would not go.
    Something akin to a scuffle occurred as the owner attempted to
    usher [Appellant and her co-defendant] from the shop area into
    the lobby. During the scuffle, [Appellant] thrust her cell phone
    into the shop owner’s face. The owner somehow got possession
    of both [Appellant and her co-defendant’s] phones as she
    ushered them outside the shop and into the lobby. Another
    scuffle ensued after they were all in the lobby as the owner tried
    to lock the shop door behind her. After she was eventually able
    to get the door locked, she ran up the steps to the office to call
    the police. [Appellant and her co-defendant] ran screaming
    behind her. They were still in the lobby when the police arrived.
    Trial Court Opinion, filed 9/15/16, at 1-2 (unpaginated) (footnotes with
    citations to the record omitted).
    Appellant and her co-defendant were charged with Defiant Trespass –
    Actual Communication, graded as a summary offense.2 On March 31, 2016,
    Cumberland County Magisterial District Judge Elizabeth S. Beckley found
    Appellant and her co-defendant guilty of Defiant Trespass – Actual
    Communication, and sentenced Appellant to pay fines, costs, and restitution
    in the amount of $419.
    Appellant and her co-defendant filed timely appeals, and on June 14,
    2016, the Cumberland County Court of Common Pleas held a trial de novo.
    President Judge Edward E. Guido found Appellant and her co-defendant
    Defiant Trespass – Actual Communication is defined as follows: “A person
    commits an offense if, knowing that he is not licensed or privileged to do so,
    he enters or remains in any place as to which notice against trespass is
    given by . . . actual communication to the actor[.]”            18 Pa.C.S. §
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    guilty of Defiant Trespass – Actual Communication, and sentenced both
    defendants to 90 days of probation as well as the cost of prosecution and a
    $200 fine.
    Appellant timely appealed. Both Appellant and the trial court complied
    with Pa.R.A.P. 1925.
    On appeal, Appellant purports to raise a single issue, namely, “Did
    Appellant have the mens rea to commit the crime of trespass?” Appellant’s
    Brief at 4.    However, the Argument portion of Appellant’s Brief raises two
    distinct theories of relief, improperly jumbled into a single argument
    section.3     The two issues actually raised are as follows: (i) Appellant is
    entitled to relief under an applicable affirmative defense to Defiant Trespass;
    and (ii) the evidence was insufficient to establish the offense of Defiant
    Trespass because Appellant lacked the requisite mens rea. We address each
    argument in turn.
    “The argument shall be divided into as many parts as there are questions
    to be argued; and shall have at the head of each part—in distinctive type or
    in type distinctively displayed—the particular point treated therein, followed
    by such discussion and citation of authorities as are deemed pertinent.”
    Pa.R.A.P. 2119(a).
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    Affirmative Defense
    Appellant avers that there is a statutory affirmative defense to Defiant
    Trespass that is applicable in the instant case.4    Appellant’s Brief at 8-11.
    Appellant waived this claim by failing to raise it before the trial court and
    preserve it in her Pa.R.A.P. 1925(b) Statement.
    “Issues not raised in the lower court are waived and cannot be raised
    for the first time on appeal.” Pa.R.A.P. 302(a). This requirement bars an
    appellant from raising “a new and different theory of relief” for the first time
    on appeal.     Commonwealth v. York, 
    465 A.2d 1028
    , 1032 (Pa. Super.
    In addition, our Supreme Court has made it clear that “[a]ny issues
    not raised in a [Rule] 1925(b) [S]tatement will be deemed waived.”
    Commonwealth v. Castillo, 
    888 A.2d 775
    , 780 (Pa. 2005) (citation and
    quotation omitted).    See also Pa.R.A.P. 1925(b)(4)(ii) (“The [1925(b)]
    Statement shall concisely identify each ruling or error that the appellant
    intends to challenge with sufficient detail to identify all pertinent issues for
    the judge”).
    In the instant case, Appellant failed to raise the affirmative defense at
    any point during her trial de novo. Moreover, her Rule 1925(b) Statement
    “It is a defense to prosecution under this section that . . . the premises
    were at the time open to members of the public and the actor complied with
    all lawful conditions imposed on access to or remaining in the premises[.]”
    18 Pa.C.S. § 3503(c)(2).
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    preserved only the following two issues, neither of which includes the
    affirmative defense:
    There is no criminal culpability in that the evidence was legally
    insufficient to support a criminal conviction for Trespass, beyond
    a reasonable doubt, in that [Appellant]:
    1. Did not have the mens rea to commit said crime and;
    2. That [Appellant] left the fur shop, which had been locked and
    secured by the employee, and remained in an outside vestibule
    of the locked shop waiting for the police because the shop
    employee had physically confiscated her cell phone for the
    purpose of making her stay at the scene.
    Pa.R.A.P. 1925(b) Statement, filed 7/28/16.      Therefore, Appellant waived
    her affirmative defense claim by failing to present it to the trial court, and
    for failing to include the claim in her Rule 1925(b) Statement.
    Mens Rea
    Appellant next avers that the evidence was insufficient to establish
    that she had the requisite mens rea required to sustain a conviction for
    Defiant Trespass. In reviewing the sufficiency of the evidence, our standard
    of review is as follows:
    The standard of review for a challenge to the sufficiency of
    the evidence is to determine whether, when viewed in a
    light most favorable to the verdict winner, the evidence at
    trial and all reasonable inferences therefrom is sufficient
    for the trier of fact to find that each element of the crimes
    charged is established beyond a reasonable doubt. The
    Commonwealth may sustain its burden of proving every
    element beyond a reasonable doubt by means of wholly
    circumstantial evidence.
    The facts and circumstances established by the
    Commonwealth need not preclude every possibility of
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    innocence. Any doubt raised as to the accused's guilt is to
    be resolved by the fact-finder. As an appellate court, we
    do not assess credibility nor do we assign weight to any of
    the testimony of record. Therefore, we will not disturb the
    verdict unless the evidence is so weak and inconclusive
    that as a matter of law no probability of fact may be drawn
    from the combined circumstances.
    Commonwealth v. Vogelsong, 
    90 A.3d 717
    , 719 (Pa. Super. 2014)
    (citations and quotations omitted).
    Defiant Trespass is defined, in relevant part, as follows: “A person
    commits an offense if, knowing that he is not licensed or privileged to do so,
    he enters or remains in any place as to which notice against trespass is
    given by . . . actual communication to the actor[.]”            18 Pa.C.S. §
    3503(b)(1)(i). “Thus in order to establish a violation it is necessary to prove
    that the defendant: 1) entered or remained upon property without a right to
    do so; 2) while knowing that he had no license or privilege to be on the
    property; and 3) after receiving direct or indirect notice against trespass.
    The crime of defiant trespass thus includes an element of intent or mens
    rea.” Commonwealth v. Namack, 
    663 A.2d 191
    , 194 (Pa. Super. 1995)
    (emphasis in original). Therefore, a defendant who entered a property with
    a bona fide, good faith, but mistaken belief that he was entitled to be there
    cannot be convicted of Defiant Trespass.        
    Id. at 194-95
     (reversing a
    conviction for Defiant Trespass where appellant’s attorney had advised him
    that he was entitled to continue to use a trail on complainant’s property
    even over complainant’s objections).
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    In her Brief to this Court, Appellant makes two related mens rea
    arguments. First, she essentially asks this Court to re-weigh the conflicting
    testimony presented at trial, arguing that Appellant lacked the necessary
    mens rea to commit Defiant Trespass because “Appellant and her co-
    defendant left the fur shop at the request of the complainant . . . .”
    Appellant’s Brief at 14.      However, the trial court, as fact finder, found
    credible the complainant’s testimony that:
    [Appellant and her co-defendant] gained access to the premises
    on the false pretense that they were customers. It was apparent
    that their true reason for being there was to confront the owner
    about her business of selling animal furs. When that true
    purpose became clear, the owner told them to leave. Despite
    multiple commands, they refused. Not only would they not
    leave, but [Appellant] began to accost the owner with her cell
    phone. They resisted the owner’s efforts to get them out of the
    store. They also attempted to prevent her from closing and
    locking the door between the lobby and the shop.            They
    remained in the lobby until the police arrived.
    Trial Court Opinion, filed 9/15/16, at 3 (unpaginated) (footnotes with
    citations to the record omitted; emphasis added).               As the evidence
    supporting this conclusion is not “so weak and inconclusive that as a matter
    of   law   no   probability   of   fact   may   be   drawn   from   the   combined
    circumstances[,]” we will not disturb the verdict on those grounds.
    supra at 719
    Finally, Appellant relies on Commonwealth v. Burton, 
    445 A.2d 191
    (Pa. Super. 1982), to argue that their delay in leaving the shop was excused
    by the fact that the shop owner confiscated their phone.            This reliance is
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    misplaced. In Burton, the landlord of a boarding home told the defendant
    to leave and attempted to force the defendant to exit through the back
    porch door, which was being blocked by a large dog.          
    Id. at 192
    .   The
    defendant told the landlord that he was afraid of the large dog, and
    attempted to leave by going through the house towards the front door. 
    Id. at 193
    . The landlord chased the defendant, grabbed him, and attempted to
    force him back towards the rear door. 
     After a scuffle, Appellant broke
    free and escaped through the front door, away from the dog.          
    appeal, we found that Appellant attempted to comply with the request to
    leave, and that his decision to remain in the house longer in order to leave
    through the front door was not “an unexpected action, as no other
    reasonable alternative for exit was presented to him.” 
    Appellant attempts to analogize the instant case to Burton, arguing
    that the shop owner’s act of confiscating Appellant’s phone made it
    reasonable for her to remain in the lobby of the shop until police arrived.
    However, as the trial court pointed out:
    [T]his argument fails for two reasons. In the first instance, the
    crime was complete before the cell phones had been wrested
    from [Appellant and her co-defendant]. The owner had revoked
    their privilege to remain in the store by telling them to leave
    numerous times. However, they refused. Furthermore, [the
    trial court, as fact-finder,] did not believe that they refused to
    leave only because the owner had taken their phones. It was
    clear that their refusal to leave was part of their plan to harass
    the shop owner because of her business.
    Trial Court Opinion, filed 9/15/16, at 3 (unpaginated).
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    Based on all of the foregoing, and viewing the evidence in the light
    most favorable to the Commonwealth as verdict winner, we conclude that
    the Commonwealth presented sufficient evidence to sustain Appellant’s
    conviction for Defiant Trespass where the evidence shows that Appellant and
    her co-defendant: (i) remained inside the fur store without the right to do
    so; (ii) knowing that they did not have the right to do so; and (iii) after the
    owner of the store directly and repeatedly told the two women to leave the
    store. Accordingly, Appellant is not entitled to relief on this claim.
    Judgment of Sentence affirmed. Jurisdiction relinquished.
    Judgment Entered.
    Joseph D. Seletyn, Esq.
    Date: 3/28/2017

Document Info

Docket Number: Com. v. Wanner, C. No. 1098 MDA 2016

Citation Numbers: 158 A.3d 714

Filed Date: 3/28/2017

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023