State of Iowa v. Kenneth Lee Madsen , 813 N.W.2d 714 ( 2012 )

  •                 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF IOWA
    No. 09–1500
    Filed April 20, 2012
    On review from the Iowa Court of Appeals.
    Appeal from the Iowa District Court for Webster County, Kurt L.
    Wilke, Judge.
    Defendant appeals his convictions on two counts of second-degree
    sexual abuse and one count of lascivious acts with a child. COURT OF
    Mark C. Smith, State Appellate Defender, and Shellie L. Knipfer,
    Assistant State Appellate Defender, for appellant.
    Thomas J. Miller, Attorney General, Jean C. Pettinger and
    Susan R. Krisko, Assistant Attorneys General, and Ricki L. Osborn,
    County Attorney, for appellee.
    WATERMAN, Justice.
    In this case, we review our promise-of-leniency doctrine and
    related issues to determine the admissibility of the confessions of
    defendant, Kenneth Lee Madsen. A Webster County jury that heard part
    of his confessions found him guilty on two counts of sexual abuse in the
    second degree in violation of Iowa Code section 709.3(2) (2007) and one
    count of lascivious acts with a child in violation of Iowa Code section
    709.8. Madsen argues the district court erred in failing to suppress his
    confessions because (1) his first of two interviews was not recorded
    electronically, and (2) his confessions were involuntary under the
    constitutional totality-of-the-circumstances test due to the detective’s
    threat to make him late for work in the first interview and promise in the
    second interview that if Madsen told him everything he could thereby
    keep his name out of the local newspaper and put the matter behind
    him.   The district court ruled police are not required to videotape or
    audiotape noncustodial interviews and Madsen’s confessions were
    voluntary and admissible.      On appeal, Madsen also claims his trial
    counsel was ineffective for not attempting to suppress his confession
    under our common law evidentiary test for promises of leniency.        In
    response, the State invited our court to abandon the evidentiary test in
    favor of the totality-of-the-circumstances test.
    We transferred the case to the court of appeals, which affirmed
    Madsen’s convictions and rejected his ineffective-assistance claim based
    on its conclusion no promise of leniency was made. On further review,
    we decline to require audio or video recording of noncustodial interviews,
    and we decline to abandon our evidentiary test for promises of leniency.
    We conclude Madsen’s trial counsel breached an essential duty by failing
    to move to suppress his confessions under that test.        We hold the
    interrogating officer made promises of leniency that require suppression
    of   part    of    Madsen’s      confession,     but   Madsen’s   self-incriminating
    statements made before those promises remain admissible. As a result,
    Madsen is entitled to a new trial on one count of second-degree sexual
    abuse, but his two remaining convictions are affirmed based on lack of
    prejudice.        The decision of the court of appeals is vacated, and the
    district court convictions and sentences are affirmed in part and reversed
    in part.
    I. Background Facts and Proceedings.
    Madsen       met   the    victim,    D.M.K.,    when   the   child   was    in
    kindergarten after the boy’s family moved into Madsen’s Fort Dodge
    neighborhood. D.M.K. began spending time with Madsen when D.M.K.
    was about seven years old.                  D.M.K. visited Madsen’s apartment,
    sometimes alone and sometimes with his brother, D.K., and other young
    boys.    Madsen had a Nintendo 64 at his apartment the boys used for
    computer games. Madsen took the boys bowling and on walks in wooded
    parks. Madsen had a police radio scanner and sometimes took the boys
    “cop scanning”—going to the scenes of accidents and police calls. D.M.K.
    occasionally spent the night at Madsen’s apartment.
    In the summer of 2008, D.M.K., D.K., and their older sister were
    sitting on the front porch of their house with other children.                     The
    conversation turned to sex, and D.K. said to D.M.K., “Why don’t you tell
    about you and Kent [Madsen].” D.M.K. said D.K. was “lying” and went
    into the house. The sister confronted D.M.K. alone to inquire, saying she
    needed to know what happened. D.M.K. began to cry. D.M.K. told her
    that Madsen had measured his penis with a ruler he called a “peter
    meter” and that D.M.K. slept naked at Madsen’s home. The sister told
    their mother, who contacted the Iowa Department of Human Services
    In July, Jodie Keller, a child protective worker with DHS, called
    Madsen and asked if they could meet to discuss child abuse allegations.
    Madsen had previously completed a sixteen-week course of study at the
    Fort Lauderdale, Florida Police Academy and graduated from that
    program. He admitted he learned at the Academy that a person has a
    right to leave an interview if he is not in custody. Madsen agreed to meet
    at the DHS office in Fort Dodge. Because of the possibility of criminal
    charges, Keller invited Fort Dodge police detective Jody Chansler to
    attend the interview.    At the DHS interview, which was conducted
    without audio or video recording, Madsen admitted he had used a ruler
    to measure the penises of several boys who were eight to ten years old.
    Madsen also admitted at this unrecorded interview the boys had
    masturbated at his apartment a number of times and that he had not
    told their parents. Madsen does not claim he was in custody for the DHS
    Detective Chansler followed up with a second interview of Madsen
    on August 6.    Madsen agreed to meet in an interview room at the
    Fort Dodge police station.    This time the interview was recorded by
    audiotape and by videotape with sound. A transcript of the audiotape is
    included in the court record. The video recording begins with Chansler
    opening and closing the door to show it remained unlocked.            The
    interview began with this exchange:
    [DETECTIVE CHANSLER]: You are here on your own
    free will.
    [MADSEN]: Yes.
    Q. You can get up and leave at any time, do you agree
    to that? A. Yes.
    Chansler then referred back to Madsen’s interview at the DHS office
    several weeks earlier and reviewed the names of the five boys who had
    spent time at his apartment, including D.M.K. and D.K. Chansler then
    noted, “When we spoke to you last you gave us the information . . . about
    the measuring of the penises.” Madsen stated, “That was poor judgment
    on my part but . . . I don’t feel I really did anything all that wrong.” The
    interview continued as follows:
    Q. Okay. Run me back through that so I know what
    you did and why you think that wasn’t wrong? A. Uh going
    back to those . . . thinking the night they had done it . . . I
    think that was one of the nights when [D.M.K.] was there.
    He had told [S.] you know . . . he showed them the ruler and
    said you know why don’t you measure your dick. . . . And
    uh . . . [D.M.K.] had an erection and he turned around and
    he kind of stuck it up and he was showing you know
    everybody how he was doing it. And he didn’t think he was
    doing it right so he had asked me if I would help him and
    show him how to do it. I said well I’d rather not and he goes
    come on just . . . you know I don’t know if I’m doing this
    right. I tried to explain it to him . . . and he goes here just
    do it. So I went over and I slid it in and tried to sit and
    measure it, and I told him how big it was and I went and sat
    the ruler down. So then everybody else started you know
    measuring theirs and I went back and sat on the bed
    watching TV.
    The video at this point of the interview includes gestures indicating
    Madsen had placed his hand on D.M.K.’s penis to hold the ruler against
    it. Madsen continued to describe how he had helped five different boys
    measure their penises on six different days or nights.
    Chansler then referred back to the DHS interview at which they
    discussed how boys masturbated at his home and walked in on Madsen
    masturbating.    The boys that masturbated included D.K. and D.M.K.
    Madsen admitted D.M.K. masturbated “a lot” at Madsen’s residence.
    Madsen made these self-incriminating statements during the
    videotaped interview before Detective Chansler made the following
    promises of leniency at issue:
    Q. Okay. You want this to go away right? A. Well
    Q. Because you have a good job, you have a life, and
    you . . . A. I made a poor choice.
    Q. And you want this to be done with . . . this . . . A. I
    thought it was over. I thought the decision was made . . .
    I’m waiting for the other shoe to basically drop right now.
    Q. Well here is what I need from you okay and I’ve
    explained to you once when we spoke before . . . you’ve got
    . . . in order for this case to get wrapped up, in order for you
    to go along with your life I have to know everything. A.
    Q. And there is more information that I know that
    happened that you haven’t told me about so that’s going to
    keep the investigation open until I get everything and I’m
    satisfied with. I mean you don’t want this in the Messenger
    [the Fort Dodge daily newspaper] do you? A. No.
    Q. You don’t want your family . . . your job to open the
    Messenger and see your photograph and see my name saying
    that you’re under investigation for this, this, this . . . you want
    it over with now, right? A. Yes. I’m trying.
    Q. Well you’ve got to . . . you’ve got to come clean on
    everything. A. That’s what I’m doing.
    Q. Okay. So tell me about [S.] . . . the whole anal
    thing . . . I know there was . . . A. The whole what?
    Q. Okay at any time did any of the boys asked [sic]
    you for help or anything with like anal sex . . . and before
    you answer that think about what I just said about this
    investigation getting wrapped up and getting over with so
    you can move on with your life. I need you to tell me
    everything that went on in that apartment. I’m not arresting
    you today. I’ve already explained that . . . these boys have
    already had . . . they’ve already been down to Des Moines . . .
    they’ve already been interviewed by different people that
    specialize in this thing. Okay there is so much evidence . . .
    so much . . . uh . . . I got all kinds of videos, statements,
    evidence . . . and my last piece is you telling us the truth or
    this investigation is not going to be open and I’m just going
    to keep going and keep going so . . . I need you to make it
    over with. I can’t make it over with you unless [you] help
    out. A. Well I can’t tell you anymore . . . it didn’t happen. I
    mean you know . . . well maybe you don’t know . . . I don’t
    have any problem with cooperating with police, I always
    Q. I agree with that.
    (Emphasis added.)
    The interview then continued with more than twenty minutes of
    Madsen being evasive and denying specific allegations of sexual conduct
    while acknowledging the boys took baths at his home and that he helped
    them bathe. About twenty-four minutes after Chansler’s comment about
    the Messenger, Madsen admitted D.M.K. had grabbed his [Madsen’s]
    penis, which got hard. Madsen then talked about D.M.K. playing with
    his erect penis for minutes, but denied ejaculating.
    Both Chansler and Madsen remained calm and conversational
    throughout the entire interview.     No voices were raised.     Both men
    remained seated during their dialogue.         Chansler never made a
    threatening gesture or movement towards Madsen.         Madsen described
    his conduct with the boys in a matter-of-fact tone.
    Under    further   prompting   by   Chansler,    Madsen   described
    attempted anal sex by D.M.K. and J. in Madsen’s presence.         Madsen
    offered the boys lubricant and used his hands to “stage them.” Madsen
    said he told D.M.K. and J. to cease the anal sex if it was painful.
    Madsen told Chansler that helping the boys attempt anal sex made him
    uncomfortable because Madsen himself had been raped when he was a
    teenager.   Madsen volunteered that “everyone kind of experimented at
    some point in time in life” and attributed the anal sexual activity as the
    boys’ “kind of experimentation stage.” Moments later, Detective Chansler
    turned off the audio tape recorder while the video recording captured
    their final dialogue:
    A. So where do we go from here?
    Q. At this point in time, Kent, all I’m doing is, is
    compiling a report okay? The county attorneys look it over
    and they will deem whether or not they want to do anything
    with it okay? That’s it. A. So they still could issue a
    warrant at this point?
    Q. They could, yes. That’s possible. A. Wonderful.
    Q. But, I’m not saying that’s going to happen and I’m
    not saying it isn’t going to happen. I don’t know. They have
    to look over all the evidence, all the paperwork. It’s not going
    to happen anytime soon. I’ll let you know if it does. But
    they will have to review it. Okay? Anything else you want to
    discuss . . . ?
    Madsen displayed no sense of surprise or betrayal when told the county
    attorney could charge him. He calmly walked out of the interview room.
    Madsen was charged with multiple counts of sexual abuse in the
    second degree and lascivious acts with four boys.          The district court
    granted his motion for separate trials. Madsen moved to suppress his
    confessions at both interviews as involuntary and on grounds the first
    interview was not recorded electronically.         Madsen alleged Detective
    Chansler used “various statements and tactics to override [his] will by
    making promises and threats.”        And he claimed the detective’s tactics
    rendered his confession involuntary under the Fifth and Fourteenth
    Amendments of the United States Constitution and article I, section 8 of
    the Iowa Constitution. In his brief supporting the motion, Madsen cited
    state    and    federal   cases   applying   a   totality-of-the-circumstances
    voluntariness test and performed a totality-of-circumstances analysis.
    The district court found Madsen’s statements were voluntary under the
    totality of the circumstances, and the failure to record the first interview
    did not require suppression. D.M.K.’s case proceeded to jury trial.
    The jury heard testimony from D.M.K. and his brother, D.K., and
    heard Madsen’s confessions.        Madsen testified and denied any sexual
    contact with D.M.K.        Madsen explained that he made admissions to
    Detective Chansler to avoid public humiliation and loss of his job if he
    did not cooperate. D.K. testified he saw Madsen “jacking off” with his
    hand on D.M.K.’s penis and that Madsen used a ruler to measure his
    penis and his brother’s. D.M.K. testified Madsen would pull down his
    pants to measure his penis and that Madsen wore no clothes when
    D.M.K. was at his apartment. D.M.K. described Madsen as masturbating
    while touching D.M.K.’s penis, that Madsen would touch D.M.K.’s penis
    “pretty often,” and that Madsen put his mouth on D.M.K.’s penis.
    The jury acquitted Madsen on the count alleging oral sex—an act
    Madsen never admitted in his confessions. The jury found Madsen guilty
    on two counts of second-degree sexual abuse and one count of lascivious
    acts with a child. The district court denied Madsen’s motion for a new
    trial and sentenced him to twenty-five-year terms of imprisonment for
    each count of second-degree sexual abuse and a ten-year term for the
    lascivious acts with a child. The terms are to be served consecutively.
    Madsen appealed, and his appeal was transferred to the court of
    appeals. On appeal, Madsen argues the district court erred in refusing
    to suppress evidence as a result of the State’s failure to record his
    noncustodial first interview and erred in finding his confession was
    voluntary under the totality of the circumstances. Madsen also claims
    his trial counsel was ineffective for not attempting to suppress his
    confession in the second interview pursuant to the nonconstitutional,
    evidentiary promise-of-leniency test favored in State v. McCoy, 
    692 N.W.2d 6
    , 28–29 (Iowa 2005).
    A three-judge panel of the court of appeals unanimously affirmed
    Madsen’s convictions, concluding electronic recording is not required and
    that Madsen’s confessions in both interviews were voluntary.          The
    appellate court rejected Madsen’s claim his confession was induced by
    threats or a promise of leniency:
    Detective Chansler made statements and asked
    questions some of which when viewed individually or in
    some combinations might arguably be considered to be
    promises of leniency.    However, the exchanges between
    Chansler and Madsen that we have quoted, when taken as a
    whole, demonstrate that Chansler intended, and Madsen
    understood, that Chansler was referring to his investigation
    and was indicating only that when he became satisfied
    Madsen had disclosed everything relevant to the
    investigation that had transpired, then the investigation
    would be concluded. Chansler’s statements and questions
    gave no assurance that by cooperating with the investigation
    Madsen might gain in some manner relating to possible
    charges or punishment. We find no error in the district
    court’s determination that Madsen’s statements in the
    second interview were voluntarily made and therefore should
    not be suppressed.
    We granted Madsen’s application for further review.
    II. Scope of Review.
    We review de novo Madsen’s constitutional challenges to the
    admissibility of his confessions. We give deference to the district court’s
    fact-findings because of its ability to assess the credibility of the
    witnesses, but we are not bound by those findings. State v. Crawford,
    659 N.W.2d 537
    , 541 (Iowa 2003). We review de novo Madsen’s claim his
    trial counsel was ineffective. State v. Fannon, 
    799 N.W.2d 515
    , 520 (Iowa
    III. Failure to Electronically Record the First Interview.
    Madsen first made incriminating admissions when he was
    interviewed by DHS employee Keller at her office with Detective Chansler
    present.   This interview was not videotaped or audiotaped.        Madsen
    contends the “failure to electronically record interrogations should render
    them inadmissible.” We disagree. The district court correctly rejected
    Madsen’s argument, stating, “While the fact that the interview was not
    recorded is bothersome to this court, it is not of such an egregious or
    suspicious nature to require suppression of defendant’s statements.”
    Madsen on appeal relies on our statement in State v. Hajtic, “We
    believe    electronic   recording,   particularly   videotaping,   of   custodial
    interrogations should be encouraged, and we take this opportunity to do
    724 N.W.2d 449
    , 456 (Iowa 2006) (emphasis added). In Hajtic, a
    videotape of the confession assisted our de novo review in which we
    rejected    the   defendant’s    arguments      that   his   self-incriminating
    statements were made involuntarily due to his difficulty understanding
    English.    The videotape enabled our court to observe the defendant’s
    responses to questions in a manner that made clear he understood them.
    Id. We did
    not say in that case that unrecorded confessions were
    inadmissible, and we decline Madsen’s invitation to take that step now.
    As the court of appeals observed:
    The Hajtic decision, specifically refers to custodial
    interrogation. It is clear that Madsen was not in custody at
    the time of the first interrogation. Keller, an employee of
    DHS telephoned Madsen and left a voice message. Madsen
    returned her call and they set up an appointment at DHS
    offices in Fort Dodge.      The interview was described as
    “pleasant,” and lasted about one hour. Madsen was free to
    leave, and left at the end of the interview. Madsen was not
    deprived of his freedom in any significant way. While it
    would have been better if the interview had been recorded,
    we conclude that information obtained as a result of the
    interview was not inadmissible due to the lack of electronic
    (Citations omitted.)
    We reiterate our admonition in Hajtic encouraging videotaping of
    custodial interrogations.     Since Hajtic was decided, “the use of video
    recordings as evidence at trial has become a common practice . . . to
    further the truth-seeking process.” People v. Kladis, 
    960 N.E.2d 1104
    1110 (Ill. 2011) (also recognizing videotape “objectively document[s] what
    takes place by capturing the conduct and the words of both parties”). We
    also encourage electronic recording of noncustodial interviews when it is
    practical to do so. But, because noncustodial interrogations occur under
    a variety of circumstances, we decline at this time to adopt a per se rule
    requiring electronic recording.   Madsen concedes his interview at the
    DHS office was noncustodial. We hold the failure to electronically record
    Madsen’s first interview does not render his confessions inadmissible.
    IV. Detective Chansler’s Alleged Threat to Make Madsen Late
    For Work.
    Madsen argues he made involuntary admissions in his first
    interview to avoid being late for work after Detective Chansler threatened
    to keep him there all day until he told him what he wanted to hear. The
    district court heard the testimony of Detective Chansler and DHS
    employee Keller denying any pressure to continue the interview. Madsen
    came and left voluntarily and departed ahead of the time he said he
    needed to leave for work. The district court found Madsen’s admissions
    in the first interview were voluntary and not the product of any threat or
    coercion. We agree. It defies common sense that Madsen would confess
    to class B felonies to avoid getting in trouble for being late for work. We
    are not inclined to suspend disbelief in our de novo review of the record.
    See United States v. Jacques, 
    784 F. Supp. 2d 48
    , 56 (D. Mass. 2011)
    (finding confession voluntary because “it defies credulity to think that
    Trooper Mazza told Defendant, and that Defendant believed, that
    confessing to an arson would result in his immediate release from
    V. Madsen’s Constitutional Voluntariness Claim.
    Madsen moved to suppress his statements to Detective Chansler in
    the second interview as “involuntary” and “obtained in violation of . . .
    the 5th and 14th Amendments to the Constitution of the United States
    and, the Constitution of Iowa, Article I, Section 8.”      We will apply the
    same analysis to each constitutional provision. See In re Det. of Garren,
    620 N.W.2d 275
    , 280 n.1 (Iowa 2000) (refusing to deviate from federal
    analysis in considering state constitutional claim because appellant
    “ha[d] suggested no legal deficiency in the federal principles . . . nor ha[d]
    he offered an alternative test or guidelines”).
    For the reasons set forth in the next division of this opinion, we are
    reviewing   the   promise-of-leniency     claim   under   our   common    law
    evidentiary test. Because we hold Madsen’s confession that followed the
    promise of leniency must be suppressed under that test, we do not
    decide whether that part of his confession was involuntary under the
    totality-of-the-circumstances test. We will address Madsen’s claim that
    his confession which preceded the promise of leniency was involuntary
    under the totality test, and we confine this analysis to the earlier part of
    his confession.
    Under a constitutional totality-of-the-circumstances voluntariness
    analysis, statements are voluntary if the defendant’s will is not overborne
    or his capacity for self-determination is not critically impaired. State v.
    661 N.W.2d 536
    , 541 (Iowa 2003).
    A number of factors help in determining voluntariness.
    Among them are: defendant’s age; whether defendant had
    prior experience in the criminal justice system; . . . whether
    deception was used; whether defendant showed an ability to
    understand the questions and respond; the length of time
    defendant was detained and interrogated; defendant’s
    physical and emotional reaction to interrogation; whether
    physical punishment, including deprivation of food and
    sleep, was used.
    State v. Payton, 
    481 N.W.2d 325
    , 328–29 (Iowa 1992) (citations omitted).
    The district court viewed the videotaped confession in ruling on
    Madsen’s motion to suppress. The court ruled the videotaped confession
    was admissible:
    This court’s impression was that Defendant discussed his
    involvement in the facts of the case in a matter-of-fact
    manner with the belief that he had done nothing wrong and
    was perfectly willing to voluntarily continue the
    conversation.    This court concludes that Defendant’s
    statements at this interview were voluntary and should not
    be suppressed.
    The district court reached the same conclusion after the jury
    convicted Madsen and the court denied his motion for new trial:
    In reviewing the videotape of the interview, this Court was
    struck, not by any indication that the Defendant was under
    duress, but most by the fact that the Defendant appeared
    much at ease and that his statements to Detective Chansler
    were clearly voluntary. This Court likened the August 6,
    2008 interview to two men having a conversation on a park
    bench. For those reasons, this Court found no substance to
    the Defendant’s motion to suppress and the Defendant’s
    statements were deemed admissible at trial.
    Our own review of the videotape persuades us that Madsen’s
    confession that preceded the promise of leniency was voluntary under
    the totality of the circumstances. Madsen was thirty-five years old and a
    graduate of a sixteen-week course at the Fort Lauderdale Police
    Academy. He admittedly knew he was not in custody and was free to
    leave or remain silent. Madsen remained calm throughout his interview.
    The video does not depict a man whose will was overborne or whose
    capacity for self-determination was impaired. Accordingly, Madsen was
    not entitled to suppression of the part of his confession that preceded the
    promise of leniency. We next consider whether Madsen’s confession that
    followed the promise of leniency should have been suppressed under the
    common law evidentiary test if his trial counsel had raised that issue.
    VI. Madsen’s Ineffective-Assistance-of-Counsel Claim.
    On appeal, Madsen argues his trial counsel rendered ineffective
    assistance by not attempting to suppress his recorded statements under
    the nonconstitutional, evidentiary promise of leniency prohibition favored
    McCoy. 692 N.W.2d at 28
    –29.           The motion to suppress cited
    constitutional authority and did not cite McCoy or otherwise develop the
    evidentiary standard, nor did the district court address the evidentiary
    test. The evidentiary standard was not preserved for direct appeal and
    can only be reached under the ineffective-assistance framework.            See
    State v. Rodriguez, 
    804 N.W.2d 844
    , 848 (Iowa 2011) (“Ineffective-
    assistance claims are an exception to our normal rules of error
    “Ineffective-assistance-of-counsel claims have their basis in the
    Sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution.”           State v. Vance,
    790 N.W.2d 775
    , 785 (Iowa 2010). To establish an ineffective-assistance-
    of-counsel claim, a claimant must prove by a preponderance of the
    evidence “(1) his trial counsel failed to perform an essential duty, and
    (2) this failure resulted in prejudice.” State v. Straw, 
    709 N.W.2d 128
    133 (Iowa 2006) (citing Strickland v. Washington, 
    466 U.S. 668
    , 687–88,
    104 S. Ct. 2052
    , 2064–65, 
    80 L. Ed. 2d 674
    , 693 (1984)). The claimant
    must prove both elements by a preponderance of the evidence. King v.
    797 N.W.2d 565
    , 571 (Iowa 2011).
    A. Failure to Perform Essential Duty. To satisfy the first prong
    of the Strickland test, Madsen must show that “counsel’s representation
    fell below an objective standard of reasonableness.” 
    Strickland, 466 U.S. at 688
    , 104 S. Ct. at 
    2064, 80 L. Ed. 2d at 693
    .            In evaluating the
    objective   reasonableness   of   trial    counsel’s   conduct,   we   examine
    “whether, in light of all the circumstances, the identified acts or
    omissions were outside the wide range of professionally competent
    Id. at 690,
    104 S. Ct. 2066
    , 80 L. Ed. 2d at 695.         We
    evaluate the attorney’s performance against “ ‘prevailing professional
    norms.’ ” Ledezma v. State, 
    626 N.W.2d 134
    , 142 (Iowa 2001) (quoting
    Strickland, 466 U.S. at 688
    , 104 S. Ct. at 
    2065, 80 L. Ed. 2d at 694
    1. The evidentiary test for promises of leniency.      We have held
    counsel breaches an essential duty when he does not attempt to
    suppress a confession under our evidentiary test and the confessions
    were induced in violation of that test.          
    McCoy, 692 N.W.2d at 29
    (“[C]ounsel’s failure to [file a motion to suppress] constituted a breach of
    an essential duty.”).   We find the record adequate to resolve Madsen’s
    claim on direct review.    As noted in McCoy, there is “no strategic or
    tactical reason for not filing the motion.” 
    Id. at 27.
    This prong turns on
    whether Detective Chansler induced Madsen’s statements in violation of
    our evidentiary test for promises of leniency.
    In McCoy, we found officers impermissibly promised the defendant
    leniency under our evidentiary 
    test. 692 N.W.2d at 29
    .       We
    distinguished the evidentiary test from the constitutional test and cited
    to our cases that applied the evidentiary approach. 
    Id. at 27–28
    State v. Quintero, 
    480 N.W.2d 50
    , 52 (Iowa 1992); State v. Mullin, 
    249 Iowa 10
    , 14, 
    85 N.W.2d 598
    , 600 (1957)).           We recently applied this
    evidentiary test in State v. Polk, 
    812 N.W.2d 670
    , 674 (Iowa 2012).
    Under our evidentiary test, a “ ‘confession can never be received in
    evidence where the prisoner has been influenced by any threat or
    promise.’ ” 
    McCoy, 692 N.W.2d at 27
    Mullin, 249 Iowa at 14
    , 85
    N.W.2d at 600).
    2. The State’s invitation to abandon the evidentiary test.         The
    federal courts use the totality-of-the-circumstances test to review
    promise of leniency issues.   See Arizona v. Fulminante, 
    499 U.S. 279
    111 S. Ct. 1246
    , 1251–52, 
    113 L. Ed. 2d 302
    , 315 (1991).           The
    State in this appeal urges us to use that approach for consistency and
    for policy reasons:
    Iowa’s courts should rely on the constitutional “totality
    of the circumstances” test for several reasons. Under the
    evidentiary test, a confession may be excluded even if not
    induced by the officer’s improper promises. “A confession is
    like no other evidence.       Indeed, the defendant’s own
    confession is probably the most probative and damaging
    evidence that can be admitted against him.” Arizona v.
    499 U.S. 279
    , 296, 
    111 S. Ct. 1246
    , 1257, 
    113 L. Ed. 2d 302
    , 322 (1991). The jury should not be denied
    the use of such evidence without a real inquiry into the
    actual effect of any promise of leniency that may have been
    Although it may be difficult to “measure the force of
    the influence used or decide upon its effect on the mind” of a
    defendant, State v. Mullin, 
    85 N.W.2d 598
    , 600 (Iowa 1957),
    the court should be able to sift the evidence and determine
    whether an alleged promise of leniency actually led the
    defendant to confess. . . .
    Use of the evidentiary approach in connection with
    allegations   of    promissory    leniency   can    lead     to
    inconsistencies. Such an approach places Iowa courts at
    odds with federal courts, in which the constitutional “totality
    of the circumstances” test is used and a promise of leniency
    is only one factor to be considered in determining whether a
    defendant’s statement is voluntary. See, e.g., United States
    v. Coleman, 
    208 F.3d 786
    , 791 (9th Cir. 2000); United States
    v. Larry, 
    126 F.3d 1077
    , 1079 (8th Cir. 1997). The legal
    standards applicable to a particular defendant’s case
    therefore would depend on whether he or she is charged in
    federal or state court. In addition, within Iowa’s court
    system, the legal standard applicable to a defendant’s claim
    of involuntariness would depend on whether he or she
    alleged promissory leniency or another type of compulsion,
    such as physical brutality or deprivation of food, water, or
    sleep. When a defendant claims that his or her confession
    has been extracted by compulsion, the legal framework
    applicable to the claim should not depend on the specific
    type of compulsion at issue.
    Because application of the evidentiary approach can
    lead to both exclusion of highly probative evidence that may
    not have been obtained through compulsion and
    inconsistencies in how claims of involuntariness are treated,
    Iowa’s courts should employ the constitutional totality of the
    circumstances test.
    We agree these are good reasons for using the totality-of-the-
    circumstances test in lieu of the evidentiary, common law per se
    exclusionary rule. But, we note the evidentiary rule has the advantage of
    clarity and is a better deterrent against police misuse of threats and
    promises of leniency to obtain confessions. Courts and commentators
    have long recognized promises of leniency can induce false confessions
    leading to wrongful convictions of the innocent. In Mullin, we observed:
    Wigmore says . . . the query is, “Was the inducement such
    that there was any fair risk of a false confession?” Were the
    statements made to the accused strong enough so that it
    could in reason be determined that the prisoner would lie
    and say he was guilty when he was not, so as to gain some
    special favor?
    While it is hard to believe that a person would admit
    false facts showing his guilt without greater assurance than
    is sometimes held sufficient to make inadmissible alleged
    confessions, the courts feel compelled to go to the extreme to
    protect the weak or confused innocent party who may feel
    his chances of establishing his innocence are too remote to
    turn down what appears to be an assurance of leniency if he
    will confess to the crime of which he is accused. It seems
    more reasonable to assume that before an accused would
    falsify bad conduct for good conduct, he would demand some
    fairly specific assurance or promise of leniency, which is the
    obvious reason for the many decisions that a mere statement
    by an officer that it would be better or wiser to tell the truth,
    is not such an assurance or inducement as to make a
    statement by accused inadmissible. However, when the
    officer or officers go further and explain just how it will be
    better or wiser for the accused to speak, these statements
    may suddenly become more than an admonishment and
    assume the character of an assurance or promise of special
    treatment which may well destroy the voluntary nature of
    the confession in the eyes of the 
    law. 249 Iowa at 16
    , 85 N.W.2d at 601–02 (quoting 3 Wigmore on Evidence
    §§ 823–24 (3d ed. 1940)).
    In McCoy, we also reiterated that “ ‘the law cannot measure the
    force of the influence used, or decide upon its effect upon the mind of the
    prisoner, and therefore excludes the declaration if any degree of
    influence by force or other inducement has admittedly been exerted upon
    692 N.W.2d at 27
    Mullin, 249 Iowa at 14
    , 85 N.W.2d at
    600 (internal quotation marks omitted)).                     The use of a per se
    exclusionary rule eliminates the need for the court to attempt to read the
    mind of defendant to determine if his confession, in fact, was induced by
    or made in reliance upon the promise of leniency.
    The State previously invited us to abandon the evidentiary test in
    McCoy, and we declined to do so. In McCoy, we noted the district court
    had applied the evidentiary test and “the State filed no post-hearing
    motion asking the [district] court to employ the federal totality-of-the-
    circumstances test.” 
    Id. at 28.
    Thus, the issue was not preserved. The
    State faces no such obstacle here: the district court used the totality-of-
    the-circumstances        test    in   ruling     that   Madsen’s       confession      was
    admissible, and it was Madsen’s trial counsel that failed to argue for the
    evidentiary test in district court.          On balance, however, we favor the
    evidentiary test as the better deterrent against promises of leniency that
    can lead to wrongful convictions. 1
    Accordingly, we decline the State’s invitation to abandon the
    evidentiary test in favor of the totality-of-the-circumstances test.
    3. Application of the evidentiary test. Our court has not previously
    addressed whether a threat of adverse publicity in the newspaper or a
    promise to avoid newspaper coverage would render a subsequent
    1District  courts should first employ the evidentiary test to determine the
    admissibility of confessions challenged on grounds of a promise of leniency. If
    application of the evidentiary test requires suppression of the confession, the district
    court need not also apply a totality-of-the-circumstances test. If the district court finds
    the evidentiary test does not require exclusion, it should still employ the totality-of-the-
    circumstances test to ensure the State has met its burden of establishing that
    defendant’s confession was voluntary.
    confession involuntary.     In this case, Chansler’s statements about
    newspaper coverage were combined with statements including, “you
    want this to go away . . . you want this to be done with.”         Chansler
    thereby implicitly conveyed the message that by confessing Madsen could
    avoid public charges against him.
    In Polk, we held “the [officer] crossed the line by combining
    statements that county attorneys ‘are much more likely to work with an
    individual that is cooperating’ with suggestions [the defendant] would not
    see his kids ‘for a long time’ unless he 
    confessed.” 812 N.W.2d at 676
    In McCoy, we required a new trial because the defendant confessed after
    the detective told him twenty-five times that “if he didn’t pull the trigger,
    he wouldn’t be in any 
    trouble.” 692 N.W.2d at 28
    . In Quintero, we held
    the police improperly coerced defendant’s confession by threatening that
    his sixteen-year-old nephew would be tried as an adult and sent to
    prison unless he 
    cooperated. 480 N.W.2d at 50
    , 52. In State v. Kase, we
    reversed a conviction because the defendant confessed after a Division of
    Criminal Investigation agent told her “that if she told him what she knew
    about Vaughn’s death and signed a consent to search her apartment no
    criminal charges would be filed against her; otherwise, she was told, she
    would be charged with murder.” 
    344 N.W.2d 223
    , 226 (Iowa 1984). In
    State v. Hodges, we held that defendant’s confession was inadmissible
    when he was told “that a lesser charge would be much more likely if he
    gave ‘his side of the story.’ ”   
    326 N.W.2d 345
    , 349 (Iowa 1982).        In
    Hodges, we offered some parameters:
    An officer can ordinarily tell a suspect that it is better
    to tell the truth.     The line between admissibility and
    exclusion seems to be crossed, however, if the officer also
    tells the suspect what advantage is to be gained or is likely
    from making a confession.             Ordinarily the officer’s
    statements then become promises or assurances, rendering
    the suspect’s statements involuntary.
    Id. (citing Mullin,
    249 Iowa at 
    16–17, 85 N.W.2d at 601
    We find the detective’s interrogation techniques impermissibly
    promised Madsen leniency.       Detective Chansler suggested to Madsen
    that his confession was necessary “for this case to get wrapped up” and
    to keep his name out of the newspaper:
    Q. Well here is what I need from you okay . . . in order
    for this case to get wrapped up, in order for you to go along
    with your life I have to know everything.
    Q. You don’t want your family . . . your job to open
    the Messenger and see your photograph and see my name
    saying that you’re under investigation for this, this, this . . .
    you want it over with now, right?
    Q. Well you’ve got to . . . you’ve got to come clean on
    The statements threatened Madsen with an adverse newspaper story if
    he did not tell Chansler “everything.”        Chansler’s statements also
    communicated to Madsen there was “an advantage . . . to be gained” if he
    confessed.   See 
    id. The investigation
    would “get wrapped up” quickly,
    Madsen could “go along with [his] life,” and he could avoid newspaper
    publicity that would humiliate him in the community. The statements
    flunk our evidentiary test for a promise of leniency.
    Accordingly, Madsen’s counsel breached an essential duty by not
    moving to suppress statements made after the impermissible promises
    under the evidentiary promise-of-leniency test.
    B. Prejudice.     Madsen must also establish counsel’s deficient
    performance prejudiced him. Prejudice exists if “ ‘there is a reasonable
    probability that, but for counsel’s unprofessional errors, the result of the
    proceeding would have been different.’ ”     State v. Graves, 
    668 N.W.2d 22
    860, 882 (Iowa 2003) (quoting 
    Strickland, 466 U.S. at 694
    , 104 S. Ct. at
    2068, 80 L. Ed. 2d at 698
    ).         A “reasonable probability” means a
    “substantial,” not “just conceivable,” likelihood of a different result. 
    King, 797 N.W.2d at 572
    . Counsel’s error must “undermine our confidence in
    the verdict.” 
    Id. at 575.
    Importantly, the State did not admit Madsen’s entire interview into
    trial evidence. The State only admitted ten video clips of the interview
    ranging from seconds to several minutes.        Detective Chansler testified
    about the statements contained on the video, the State cross-examined
    Madsen as to the video statements, and prosecutors incorporated the
    video clips into closing argument. The first two clips contained Madsen’s
    admission that he measured D.M.K.’s penis with a ruler.                These
    statements were properly admitted into evidence because Madsen made
    the statements before the detective’s promise of leniency. See 
    Mullin, 249 Iowa at 17
    , 85 N.W.2d at 602 (requiring threat or promise of leniency to
    precede confession). The remaining clips contained admissions made by
    Madsen after the detective engaged in improper questioning. Video clips
    three through ten contained statements by Madsen that he walked
    around naked while D.M.K. was at his apartment, that D.M.K.
    masturbated him for several minutes while the two laid in bed watching
    TV, that he did not tell the boys’ parents that their sons engaged in
    sexual activities at his house, and that the sexual activity at his house
    was “something different, something wild.”
    We must decide whether the admission of the statements
    contained in video clips three through ten prejudiced Madsen. The jury
    convicted Madsen on three counts. We review each count separately.
    1. Count I. Count I charged Madsen with second-degree sexual
    abuse in violation of Iowa Code section 709.3(2), alleging Madsen
    directed D.M.K. to touch his genitals. Jury Instruction No. 9 required
    the jury to find:
    1. Between July 1, 2005 and July 31, 2008, the
    Defendant did commit a sex act with a child, by engaging in
    hand (D.M.K.) to genitalia (Defendant) contact with D.M.K.
    2. The Defendant performed the sex act while D.M.K.
    was under the age of twelve (12) years old.
    “Sex act” is defined as “any sexual contact between two or more persons
    by: . . . contact between the finger or hand of one person and the
    genitalia or anus of another person.”     Iowa Code § 702.17.       We have
    stated whether a “sex act” has occurred is a fact question for the jury
    that can “be determined from the type of contact and circumstances
    surrounding it.” State v. Pearson, 
    514 N.W.2d 452
    , 455–56 (Iowa 1994).
    D.M.K. testified he masturbated Madsen at Madsen’s direction.
    D.M.K. stated Madsen “took my hand and jacked himself off” and that
    Madsen’s penis was “hard.” This testimony was corroborated by more
    than four minutes of impermissible video clips that showed Madsen
    explaining how D.M.K. masturbated him.          Video clips numbers six,
    seven,   and    eight   contain   admissions   by   Madsen   that    D.M.K.
    masturbated him for several minutes while the two watched television.
    Madsen admitted his penis was erect.
    While the jury may have found D.M.K. to be a credible witness, the
    admissions contained in the video clips made conviction for this count
    virtually certain. The statements removed any reasonable doubt effective
    cross-examination of D.M.K. could create. In fact, Madsen’s counsel did
    not even attempt to impeach D.M.K. as to this testimony.        Given the
    undeniably persuasive value of Madsen’s four-minute confession, we find
    there is a “reasonable probability” the jury would have returned a
    different verdict as to Count I if tapes six, seven, and eight were not
    admitted into evidence.
    2. Count II. Count II charged Madsen with lascivious acts with a
    child in violation of Iowa Code section 709.8(1), for measuring D.M.K.’s
    penis with a ruler. Section 709.8(1) makes “it unlawful for any person
    sixteen years of age or older” to “[f]ondle or touch the pubes or genitals of
    a child” “for the purpose of arousing or satisfying the sexual desires of
    either of them.” Jury Instruction No. 10 required the jury to find:
    1. Between July 1, 2005 and July 31, 2008, the
    Defendant did fondle or touch the genitals of D.M.K., a child,
    with or without the child’s consent, by measuring D.M.K.’s
    penis with a ruler.
    2. The Defendant did so with the specific intent to
    arouse or satisfy the sexual desires of the Defendant or
    3. The Defendant was then eighteen (18) years of age
    or older.
    4.   D.M.K. was under the age of fourteen (14) years
    D.M.K. testified Madsen just “put [the ruler] up to my penis and
    measure[d] it.” D.M.K. testified he did not ask Madsen to measure his
    penis and that Madsen “would just pull down my pants.” Madsen had
    the ruler at his house and according to D.M.K. called it the “peter meter.”
    D.M.K.’s sister testified D.M.K. told her about the “peter meter.” D.M.K.’s
    brother, D.K., testified Madsen “would pull down me and my brother’s
    pants and he would measure us” and that “he would do it on his own.”
    D.K. testified he saw Madsen hold D.M.K.’s penis while he measured it.
    The State also admitted two video clips from Madsen’s police interview.
    The video clips contain statements Madsen made before Detective
    Chansler’s impermissible questioning. The first tape lasted thirty-three
    Q. All right man . . . when we spoke to you last you
    gave us the information about the measuring . . . move this
    over here so they can hear both of us . . . about the
    measuring of the penises . . . . A. I’m saying that was poor
    judgment on my part but still I mean . . . .
    Q. Okay. A. I don’t feel I really did anything all that
    wrong. I mean nothing was . . . I guess it really doesn’t
    matter now but . . . .
    The second tape contained sixteen seconds of conversation:
    Q. . . . And when you said that you helped him you
    had mentioned you slid it in . . . how did you do that?
    Describe that . . . I mean on the bottom of his penis . . . on
    the top . . . I mean . . . A. I put the rule under . . . you know
    like this and you know measured it.
    Gestures on the video accompanying this discussion make clear Madsen
    admitted touching his hand on D.M.K.’s penis while measuring it with
    the ruler.   This confession preceded the promise of leniency and is
    therefore admissible. 
    Mullin, 249 Iowa at 17
    , 85 N.W.2d at 602.
    Overwhelming evidence, therefore, establishes Madsen’s guilt
    under Count II. The admissible evidence allowed the jury to find Madsen
    measured D.M.K.’s penis with the “specific intent to arouse or satisfy
    sexual desires.” D.M.K. and D.K. both testified Madsen pulled D.M.K.’s
    pants down to measure D.M.K.’s penis. The boys testified to a sexually
    charged atmosphere, each stating Madsen “jacked off” in front of them.
    D.M.K.’s sister testified D.M.K. told her he slept naked on Madsen’s
    couch. Madsen cannot show suppression of the inadmissible statements
    would create a “substantial” likelihood the jury would acquit him on this
    count.    Counsel’s deficient performance does not undermine our
    confidence in the jury’s verdict on Count II.
    3. Count III. Count III charged Madsen with second-degree sexual
    abuse in violation of Iowa Code section 709.3(2), for touching D.M.K.’s
    genitals. Jury Instruction No. 11 required the jury to find:
    1. Between July 1, 2005 and July 31, 2008, the
    Defendant did commit a sex act with a child, by engaging in
    hand (Defendant) to genitalia (D.M.K.) contact with D.M.K.
    2. The Defendant performed the sex act while D.M.K.
    was under the age of twelve (12) years old.
    D.M.K. testified to the following exchange:
    Q. Did [Madsen] ever touch your wiener? A. Yes.
    Q. What did he do? A. Jacked me off.
    Q. So he took his hand and put it on your wiener?
    A. Yes.
    Q. Did he do the same motion that you made earlier?
    A. Yes.
    Q. When he touched your wiener, did he do that more
    than once? A. More than once.
    Q. Tell me what you mean by more than once?
    A. Every time I was over there, he would do it.
    Q. So it happened pretty often; right? A. Yes.
    Q. After that started happening, did you tell anybody?
    A. No.
    Q. Why? A. Because I was scared.
    None of the eight inadmissible video clips contain admissions by
    Madsen that he masturbated D.M.K.             We also do not believe the
    inadmissible video clips contaminated the jury’s verdict as to this count.
    Neither Count III nor Count IV, which alleges oral sex, was corroborated
    by the inadmissible statements in the video clips.     D.M.K. testified to
    both the masturbation and oral sex on direct examination.        The jury
    acquitted Madsen on Count IV, but convicted Madsen on Count III. The
    acquittal resulted from counsel’s effective cross-examination of D.M.K.’s
    oral-sex testimony.    During cross-examination, D.M.K. admitted he
    denied Madsen performed oral sex on him during a deposition and in an
    interview with Detective Chansler. The acquittal shows the jury did not
    rely on the inadmissible evidence to convict Madsen for charges
    unrelated to the inadmissible statements.
    Madsen’s counsel, however, did not attempt to impeach D.M.K.’s
    testimony that Madsen masturbated him.              The jury found D.M.K.’s
    uncorroborated and unimpeached testimony that Madsen masturbated
    him to be credible. The inadmissible statements regarding other acts do
    not undermine our confidence in the jury’s verdict for Count III. Madsen
    cannot show suppression of the video clips would create a “reasonable
    probability” of a different outcome on Count III.
    For these reasons, we find Madsen established the requisite
    prejudice as to Count I alone.     Madsen’s conviction and sentence for
    Count I must be reversed. Madsen’s convictions for Counts II and III are
    VII. Resentencing.
    The district court imposed consecutive sentences of the maximum
    twenty-five-year prison term allowed for each of Madsen’s convictions for
    sexual abuse in the second degree (Counts I and III) and a ten-year term
    for lascivious acts with a child (Count II) for a total sentence of sixty
    years. The reversal of his conviction and sentence on Count I would still
    leave Madsen sentenced to a twenty-five-year and a ten-year term on the
    convictions affirmed on appeal to be served consecutively for a total of
    thirty-five years, a punishment within the district court’s discretion.
    However, the district court considered the fact Madsen was convicted on
    three counts when imposing the consecutive maximum sentences. On
    this record, we believe it is appropriate to remand for resentencing on
    Counts II and III. See State v. Gibb, 
    303 N.W.2d 673
    , 687–88 (Iowa 1981)
    (remanding for resentencing upon reversal of one conviction when the
    district “court considered the fact of three convictions in imposing all
    three sentences”); see also State v. Keutla, 
    798 N.W.2d 731
    , 735 (Iowa
    2011) (noting our discretion to remand for resentencing, even when
    sentences are severable, and concluding it is appropriate to do so upon
    reversal of part of a combined sentencing arrangement viewed “as an
    interconnected package”). “We do not suggest what the sentence should
    be as that determination lies within the discretion of the trial court.”
    Gibb, 303 N.W.2d at 688
    . The district court may defer resentencing on
    those counts until after the retrial on Count I.
    VIII. Disposition.
    We affirm Madsen’s convictions for Counts II and III but remand
    for resentencing as to those counts. We reverse Madsen’s conviction and
    sentence for Count I and remand for a new trial on that count. Costs are
    taxed two-thirds to the defendant, one-third to the State.
    All justices concur except Mansfield, J., who takes no part.