People v. Lopez , 5 Cal. 5th 339 ( 2018 )

  • Filed 6/28/18
    THE PEOPLE,                          )
    Plaintiff and Respondent, )
    )                             S099549
    v.                        )
    MICHAEL AUGUSTINE LOPEZ,             )
    )                       Alameda County
    Defendant and Appellant.  )                    Super. Ct. No. H28492A
    A jury convicted defendant Michael Augustine Lopez of the first degree
    murder of Ashley D., his girlfriend’s 21-month-old granddaughter (Pen. Code,
    § 187, subd. (a); further undesignated statutory references are to the Penal Code),
    assault resulting in the death of a child under eight years old (§ 273ab), and
    committing lewd and lascivious conduct on a child under the age of 14 (§ 288,
    subd. (b)(1)). The jury found true the special circumstance allegation that the
    murder involved torture (§ 190.2, subd. (a)(18)) and the enhancement that he
    inflicted great bodily injury while committing lewd and lascivious conduct
    (§ 12022.8, subd. (b)). The jury also found true that Lopez suffered five prior
    prison terms. (§ 667.5, subd. (b).) The jury returned a verdict of death. The trial
    court sentenced Lopez to death on the murder count and stayed Lopez’s remaining
    This appeal is automatic. (§ 1239, subd. (b).) We affirm the judgment in
    its entirety.
    On June 4, 1999, Sandra Harris, Lopez’s live-in girlfriend, brought Ashley
    to the hospital. Ashley was unconscious and badly bruised all over her body; she
    had suffered extensive trauma to her genitalia and a serious head injury. Ashley
    never regained consciousness and died from her injuries later that day.
    Lopez was tried jointly with Harris, who was found guilty of first degree
    murder and willful infliction of cruelty on a child (§ 237a, subd. (a)). The jury
    further found true that she willfully caused and permitted a child to be injured,
    resulting in unjustifiable pain and death (§ 12022.95). The trial court sentenced
    Harris to 25 years to life with the possibility of parole. Harris is not a party in this
    A. Guilt Phase
    1. Prosecution Case
    a. Family Overview
    Lopez and Harris lived together with their three-and-a-half-year-old son,
    M.L., in Hayward. Harris had two daughters from prior relationships: 24-year-old
    Nicole and 17-year-old Laurie. Nicole had lost custody of her three children,
    including Ashley and five-year-old S.B., because of a drug problem. S.B. lived
    with Lopez and Harris, while Ashley lived with Harris’s stepfather, Jesse Lopez
    (no relation to defendant Lopez). Laurie also lived with Jesse, although she
    visited her mother almost every day to smoke methamphetamine together. Lopez
    also regularly smoked methamphetamine.
    Lopez worked at a window manufacturing company. His usual shift started
    at 6:00 a.m. and concluded at 2:30 p.m., with a 30-minute lunch break at 10:00
    a.m. Lopez often went home on his lunch break.
    Harris worked as the co-manager of her apartment complex in an office
    adjacent to the apartment she shared with Lopez. She typically worked from 3:00
    p.m., after Lopez returned home from his job, until around 8:00 p.m.
    b. Ashley’s Stay with Laurie
    On May 26, 1999, Jesse developed a medical condition and needed to be
    hospitalized for a few days. He called Harris, asking for Laurie to pick up Ashley
    and take care of her for a few days. Jesse gave Laurie a check for $400 to cover
    Ashley’s expenses. Because Laurie had plans for the upcoming holiday weekend,
    Laurie asked her mother and Lopez to watch Ashley instead. But they refused,
    saying they could not afford it.
    Laurie watched Ashley from Wednesday, May 26, through Saturday, May
    29. Ashley maintained her regular sleep schedule of sleeping through the night
    and waking up at 7:30 or 8:00 a.m. During the three nights that Ashley stayed
    with Laurie, Ashley never woke up in the middle of the night needing her diaper
    Laurie’s friend Kelly R. helped her take care of Ashley on May 28 and May
    29. Kelly bathed Ashley and changed her diaper, and did not notice any injuries
    or diaper rash at that time.
    c. Ashley’s Stay with Lopez and Harris
    Laurie brought Ashley to Lopez and Harris’s apartment on May 29, again
    asking them to take care of the baby. They refused, saying they could not afford
    to take care of Ashley. Lopez eventually told Laurie that they would take care of
    Ashley if Laurie gave them the money that Jesse had left her. Laurie asked Jesse
    if she could give Lopez and Harris the remaining money in exchange for watching
    Ashley, but he told her to wait until he was discharged from the hospital.
    Nonetheless, Lopez and Harris accepted the care and custody of Ashley later that
    The following morning, on Sunday, May 30, Harris visited her daughter
    Nicole in jail. While Harris was away, Ashley played outdoors with other children
    in the apartment complex. A neighbor testified that she saw Ashley playing
    outdoors on and off for approximately three hours, during which time Ashley
    appeared to be enjoying herself. She was walking normally and did not appear to
    be injured. When Harris returned at approximately 2:00 p.m., Ashley was asleep.
    When Ashley awoke, Harris noticed that she was walking strangely and in a
    bowlegged fashion. Harris thought Ashley probably had a diaper rash because she
    had a history of having severe diaper rashes that caused blistering. Harris took
    Ashley’s diaper off and noticed that instead of a diaper rash, the baby “was
    bruised down there.” Sometime later that afternoon, Lopez visited Laurie at
    Jesse’s house to pick up the money remaining for Ashley’s care, approximately
    The next day, on Monday, May 31, Harris briefly visited Laurie and her
    boyfriend, David S., at Jesse’s house. Harris told David that Ashley suffered
    bruising from riding a bicycle the previous day.
    The following day, on Tuesday, June 1, the apartment complex manager
    Luz Arzate arrived at the office next door to Harris and Lopez’s apartment at 9:00
    a.m. Arzate heard Ashley crying on and off all morning in what she described as a
    painful cry. When she asked Harris about the cries, Harris responded that Ashley
    was vomiting and had a fever. Sometime that day, Harris told Laurie that Ashley
    had injured herself on a bicycle. When Laurie asked Harris if she planned to take
    Ashley to the hospital, Harris said no because she did not have medical insurance.
    Later that afternoon, Harris went to work next door. Harris heard noises
    coming from her apartment at approximately 4:00 p.m. and went home to
    investigate. Harris walked toward the bedroom shared by S.B., M.L., and Ashley.
    She observed Lopez standing in the doorway; S.B., Ashley, and M.L. inside the
    bedroom; and two neighbor children, Rouslen and Andy, also in the bedroom.
    Harris saw Ashley lying on the floor, crying, with Rouslen standing over her
    holding a stick. Harris heard Lopez say, “Why is this baby on the floor with no
    diaper on and you poking her and hitting her with the stick?” Lopez told Rouslen
    and Andy, “Get the hell out of here.”
    A few hours later, Harris left their apartment to lock the complex’s laundry
    room door. She heard a commotion coming from inside her apartment. Harris
    walked into her bedroom and saw Lopez holding Ashley. Ashley had diarrhea and
    was vomiting at the same time. Lopez was trying to change her diaper, and S.B.
    was gathering toilet paper, trying to help him clean up. Harris believed that
    Ashley was getting the flu.
    On Wednesday, June 2, Arzate arrived at her office at 9:00 a.m. She again
    heard Ashley crying and believed the crying had intensified from the previous day.
    When she asked Harris if Ashley was all right, Harris responded that she believed
    Ashley was sick. Harris told Arzate that Ashley bore more bruises every day.
    Harris further explained that she thought M.L. was hitting Ashley.
    When Laurie visited Harris later that morning, Harris showed Laurie
    Ashley’s bruised genital area for the first time. Laurie testified that Ashley “was
    just bruised badly, very badly. It was red and purple and blue. . . . It was awful.”
    Laurie also saw a little bit of blood in Ashley’s diaper. Laurie asked her mother
    “if there were any perverts that lived around there.” When she told Harris to take
    Ashley to the doctor, Harris replied that she could not afford to take her.
    Lopez returned home from work at some point while Laurie was visiting
    her mother. Ashley suddenly became very clingy toward Laurie and screamed
    when Laurie tried to separate herself from Ashley.
    Later that evening, Lopez and Harris left the house for one to two hours.
    They asked their teenage neighbor, Leonora M., to babysit S.B. and Ashley while
    they were out. Leonora noticed bruises on Ashley’s face. She testified that
    Ashley appeared scared, tired, confused, and dazed.
    On Thursday, June 3, Arzate returned to work at 9:00 a.m. She heard
    Ashley crying again and described it as “a weak and a help cry.” Around the same
    time, Laurie visited her mother while Lopez was at work. Laurie believed the
    bruising on Ashley’s genitals remained the same from the previous day, but she
    noticed new bruising on the side of Ashley’s head. Laurie left her mother’s
    apartment at noon, at which time Harris put the children down for a nap. Shortly
    after, Harris heard Ashley crying. Harris walked into the children’s bedroom and
    saw S.B. sitting on top of Ashley, holding Ashley’s ears and pounding her head
    into the pillow. When Harris walked in, S.B. exclaimed that she did not like
    Ashley and wanted her to go home.
    Later that afternoon, Leonora returned to babysit S.B. and Ashley for a
    couple of hours while Harris worked next door. Leonora noticed more bruising on
    Ashley’s face. When Harris returned home from work at approximately 5:30 p.m.,
    Ashley started vomiting again. At some point, Harris changed Ashley’s diaper
    and showed Leonora Ashley’s genital bruising. Leonora told Harris that the
    bruising did not look normal and that she needed to take Ashley to the hospital.
    Harris responded that she did not want to take Ashley to the hospital because she
    was afraid people would think she had hurt Ashley and because she did not have
    medical insurance. Leonora asked Harris how Ashley obtained the bruises on her
    face. Harris responded that Ashley had rolled off the bed and hit the side of her
    face on the dresser. Leonora testified that she thought it was “impossible” for a
    baby to roll over far enough on the bed to fall off. Leonora further testified that
    Ashley appeared tired and confused, and remained inactive while Leonora was at
    the apartment.
    Harris had trouble falling asleep that night and stayed awake until 4:00 a.m.
    the following morning, June 4. She testified at trial that she woke up at 5:30 a.m.
    to find Lopez still asleep; she woke him up and sent him off to work. However,
    Harris told detectives on June 4 that she woke up to Ashley crying at 4:45 a.m.
    while Lopez was changing her diaper. Harris told the detective this was unusual
    because Ashley never needed her diaper changed in the middle of the night, and
    she questioned why Lopez had done it every night while Ashley was with them.
    When the prosecutor questioned her on cross-examination, she claimed this
    incident had happened on Thursday, June 3 and the detective wrote down the
    wrong date.
    Laurie arrived at her mother’s apartment around 9:00 a.m. She walked into
    the children’s bedroom to check on Ashley after she arrived; it appeared Ashley
    was still asleep. Shortly after Lopez arrived home on his lunch break around
    10:30 a.m., Harris walked into the bedroom to check on Ashley. Harris walked
    toward Ashley and realized the baby was not responding. She picked up Ashley,
    whose body was limp. At that point, Laurie walked into the bedroom and realized
    that Ashley was comatose. Lopez walked in and took Ashley away from Harris,
    who became hysterical. Lopez began shaking Ashley and saying she was okay.
    Laurie exclaimed that they needed to take Ashley to the hospital. Lopez told
    Harris that she could not take the baby to the hospital because “they will think you
    beat the shit out of this baby. They will arrest you, Sandra.” Lopez lifted
    Ashley’s eyelids and said, “Look, she’s responding,” although she remained
    unresponsive. Laurie grabbed her car keys while Harris took Ashley back from
    Lopez. Laurie drove Harris and Ashley to the hospital.
    d. The Hospital
    Dr. Bernice Rodrigues was the emergency medicine physician at St. Rose
    Hospital. When Ashley came into Dr. Rodrigues’s care on June 4, she was
    unconscious, badly bruised all over her body, had suffered a very serious head
    injury and extensive trauma to the genitalia, and was “essentially close to dying.”
    Ashley was unresponsive to verbal or painful stimuli. The emergency room nurse
    believed Ashley showed signs of abuse and filed a report with the police.
    At some point that day, Ashley was transported to Children’s Hospital
    Oakland (CHO). Dr. James Crawford, the medical director of CHO’s Center for
    Child Protection, examined Ashley that evening. He testified that she “had bruises
    on virtually any part of the body you looked at.” Dr. Crawford opined that many
    of the bruises were consistent with being punched by an adult fist. The bruises on
    Ashley’s torso were consistent with an adult grabbing her and squeezing her chest,
    leaving fingerprint impressions. In addition, Ashley’s right ear had suffered a tear
    about the width of a thumbnail, consistent with someone pulling or squeezing her
    Dr. Crawford described the bruising and swelling to Ashley’s genitalia as
    “the result of some very massive blunt force trauma”; he did not believe the
    injuries had resulted from a straddle injury on a bicycle. Dr. Crawford explained
    that in addition to bruising, Ashley’s genitalia “was ripped and torn” from her
    vaginal opening to her anus. Dr. Crawford noted that whatever had caused the
    trauma was not forced into the vagina itself, but rather was forced into the
    genitalia and then tore the tissue. He acknowledged that an erect male penis could
    have caused the tear if forced into Ashley’s genitalia. Dr. Crawford opined that
    such a tear would “absolutely” cause bleeding and that it would be “quite painful
    for an infant, or toddler, or an adult, to have this much tissue torn.” He believed
    that the injuries had occurred within three to seven days before his examination.
    He explained that a child with the described injuries “would have walked funny”
    and “in a manner to try to minimize the discomfort to herself.”
    Dr. Crawford also testified that Ashley’s brain was “very abnormal” in
    appearance and “very swollen.” In addition to blood around her brain, Ashley had
    suffered a large skull fracture to the back right side of her brain, indicating “very
    significant” blunt trauma to the head. He believed the injury had occurred
    sometime Friday morning. He did not believe another child could have wielded
    enough force to cause Ashley’s head injury.
    During the evening of June 4, Nicole made the decision to remove Ashley
    from life support, and she died. Dr. Crawford testified that the pressure inside
    Ashley’s skull from the brain swelling had prevented blood from flowing to her
    brain in the hours before she was removed from life support.
    e. Subsequent Events and Investigation
    Lopez returned to work on June 4 after his lunch break ended, bringing S.B.
    and M.L. with him. Shortly after returning, Lopez indicated that he had a family
    emergency and left work. He did not return. Sometime later that afternoon,
    Lopez brought M.L. to his sister’s house in Modesto. Lopez asked his sister for
    directions to a local freeway and left shortly after.
    On June 5, Leonora found Lopez’s pajamas in Harris’s bathroom. Leonora
    noticed a spot of blood on the pajama shirt and alerted Harris. Harris called the
    police, who arrived the following day to retrieve the shirt. Forensic testing
    “strongly suggest[ed]” that Ashley was the source of the blood stain on Lopez’s
    A few days later, Lopez drove with M.L. to visit his friend and former
    brother-in-law Isaac Corrales in Monte Rio. Lopez and his son stayed with
    Corrales for three or four days. Lopez told Corrales and his girlfriend, Kelley
    Matheson, that he and Harris “were having troubles” and sent Corrales and
    Matheson to pick up his final paycheck. Lopez also told his friends that M.L. had
    hit Ashley on the head with a toy and that Ashley had hurt herself on a bicycle.
    He did not tell them where he was going next when he left a few days later.
    On June 29, Lopez returned to his apartment complex with M.L. during the
    middle of the night. A neighbor heard him banging on a door and called the
    police. Officers arrived at the scene and arrested Lopez.
    Sometime after Ashley’s death, S.B. was removed from Harris’s care and
    placed in emergency foster care. Child Protective Services (CPS) permitted S.B.
    to attend Ashley’s funeral, at which time she informed Laurie that she had seen
    Lopez thrusting his torso on Ashley. In mid-July, S.B.’s great-aunt Cindy Jardin
    was awarded temporary custody of S.B. While in Jardin’s care, S.B. told her aunt
    that she had seen Lopez punch Ashley in the chest, stomach, and genital area.
    S.B. told her next foster mother that Lopez had previously broken her leg. When
    her foster mother asked S.B. if Lopez had ever touched “his private part to [her]
    private part,” S.B. said that “he only did that to Ashley.” M.L., who was also
    placed into foster care, told his foster mother that Ashley was in heaven because
    Lopez “cracked her head on the hard floor.”
    2. Defense Case
    Lopez did not testify. The defense recalled Dr. Thomas Rogers, who
    performed Ashley’s autopsy. Dr. Rogers testified that he could not opine on the
    cause of Ashley’s bruises. The defense called a neighbor who testified that she
    saw Lopez interact with the children and never saw him hit them. She further
    testified that Rouslen was a tough kid who made suggestive remarks to other
    children. The defense relied on testimony from Harris to imply that M.L. or
    Rouslen, or both, could have caused Ashley’s injuries. Lopez also presented
    evidence through a detective’s testimony that Harris hit her children and may have
    contributed to Ashley’s injuries. During closing argument, Lopez’s counsel
    argued that he was too high on methamphetamine to form the required intent to
    commit murder. Counsel further argued that both Harris and Laurie had a motive
    and the opportunity to inflict injuries upon Ashley, and suggested they may have
    acted in concert.
    B. Penalty Phase
    1. Case in Aggravation
    The prosecutor presented evidence of six instances of prior acts of violence,
    five of which resulted in arrest and prosecution. These five priors were: (1) a
    1992 shoplifting incident during which Lopez assaulted the store clerk and became
    violent with police, (2) a 1986 shoplifting incident during which Lopez attacked
    the arresting officer and threatened another officer at the jail, (3) a 1991 knife
    assault on his estranged wife and her 15-year-old son, (4) a 1994 assault on his ex-
    wife, and (5) a 1990 assault on an officer following an arrest for driving under the
    influence. A neighbor testified about the one prior bad act that did not result in
    arrest and prosecution, which involved Lopez hitting M.L. with a stick “like a
    The prosecutor also presented victim impact testimony from Jesse Lopez,
    Laurie, and Ashley’s paternal great-grandmother. The family members described
    Ashley’s kind and good-natured spirit, how difficult her funeral was, and how her
    death affected them as individuals.
    2. Case in Mitigation
    In his case in mitigation, Lopez introduced evidence regarding his low
    mental capacities and good nature. Clinical neuropsychologist Nell Riley, Ph.D.,
    administered several tests to Lopez and interviewed him, his mother, and his
    sister. Her testing revealed that Lopez had a very low IQ score typically
    associated with people who are intellectually disabled, but she opined that Lopez
    was not actually intellectually disabled. Riley explained that for a person to be
    considered intellectually disabled, he or she must have a low IQ but also be unable
    to function well in the community without assistance or supervision. Riley noted
    that Lopez held a job, rented an apartment, drove a car, and was generally able to
    “do what pretty much normal people do.”
    Two of Lopez’s coworkers, a neighbor, and several family members also
    testified on his behalf. The coworkers explained that Lopez occasionally brought
    his children to work to celebrate coworkers’ birthdays and that he would bring
    people flowers or cake on special occasions. The neighbor spoke of Lopez’s
    church attendance. Lopez’s mother testified that Lopez was in a car accident
    when he was younger, which left him in a coma for four days. She said after he
    woke up from the coma, he was “different” and “not as happy as he used to be.”
    Lopez’s father spoke about Lopez’s upbringing. Both of his parents expressed
    their love for their son and asked the jury to spare his life. Additional family
    members testified about Lopez’s care for the children and other family members.
    3. Rebuttal Evidence
    In rebuttal, the prosecutor presented evidence that Lopez had committed
    welfare fraud by failing to report income for seven months while he received
    welfare grants. Lopez was not arrested because he cooperated and agreed to pay
    the money back.
    A. Admission of Testimony by Child Witnesses
    S.B. was five years old at the time of Ashley’s death; she was six and a half
    years old when she testified at trial. M.L. was three and a half years old when
    Ashley died; he was one month shy of his fifth birthday when he testified at trial.
    S.B. testified that she had seen Lopez punch Ashley “in her privates” and
    thrust himself against Ashley’s body. S.B. indicated that the night before Ashley
    died, she saw Lopez hold Ashley above his head and throw her onto the ground.
    S.B. hid under the covers and did not see where Lopez went after he threw Ashley.
    She heard Ashley crying before Lopez picked her up, but Ashley did not cry again
    after he threw her down.
    M.L. testified that on the night before Ashley died, his father walked into
    their bedroom, picked up Ashley, and threw her down on the floor. M.L.
    explained that Lopez “cracked her head.” On cross-examination, M.L. testified
    that other people told him to say that his dad hurt Ashley by picking her up and
    throwing her down.
    1. Evidence Code Section 702
    Lopez filed pretrial motions challenging the admission of S.B.’s testimony,
    arguing it violated Evidence Code section 702. Lopez argued that her statements
    were based on “brainwashing” by the adults caring for the children, not personal
    knowledge as required under Evidence Code section 702.
    The Evidence Code provides that “the testimony of a witness [at trial]
    concerning a particular matter is inadmissible unless he has personal knowledge of
    the matter.” (Evid. Code, § 702, subd. (a).) “[T]he capacity to perceive and
    recollect particular events is subsumed within the issue of personal knowledge
    . . . .” (People v. Anderson (2001) 
    25 Cal. 4th 543
    , 573 (Anderson).) “ ‘[T]he
    court may exclude the testimony of a witness for lack of personal knowledge only
    if no jury could reasonably find that he has such knowledge.’ ” (Ibid.) “[I]f there
    is evidence that the witness has those capacities, the determination whether he in
    fact perceived and does recollect is left to the trier of fact. [Citation.]” (Id. at
    pp. 573–574, italics omitted; see 
    id. at p.
    574 [“A witness challenged for lack of
    personal knowledge must nonetheless be allowed to testify if there is evidence
    from which a rational trier of fact could find that the witness accurately perceived
    and recollected the testimonial events. Once that threshold is passed, it is for the
    jury to decide whether the witness’s perceptions and recollections are credible.”
    (italics omitted)].) We review a trial court’s determination to admit testimony for
    abuse of discretion. (People v. Cortez (2016) 
    63 Cal. 4th 101
    , 124.)
    At the hearing on Lopez’s motion to exclude S.B.’s testimony, the trial
    court concluded that S.B. was competent to testify based on the magistrate’s
    finding from the preliminary hearing that she was qualified under Evidence Code
    section 701. (See Evid. Code, § 701, subd. (a) [a person is disqualified to be a
    witness if she is incapable of expressing herself and incapable of understanding
    the duty to tell the truth].) The trial court expressed concern about “put[ting] this
    child through another preliminary proceeding outside the presence of the jury.”
    The trial court stated, “We have the judge’s findings, factual findings. He listened
    to her. And unless counsel can furnish me with some authority that indicates I’m
    required to conduct my own hearing as to her competency, I’m not going to do
    so.” The trial court denied Lopez’s motion to exclude the testimony and noted
    that Lopez’s suggestion of brainwashing and potential inconsistent statements
    would be “fair game” during cross-examination.
    Lopez indicated at the hearing on S.B.’s competency that he would make a
    similar motion to exclude M.L.’s testimony if the prosecutor decided to call him to
    testify. Lopez subsequently filed the motion, and the trial court held a hearing
    before M.L. was to take the stand. The court asked M.L. several questions
    regarding his ability to distinguish between the truth and a lie, and the
    consequences of telling a lie, and ultimately permitted M.L. to testify.
    The core of Lopez’s argument is that the children were not qualified to
    testify because they lacked personal knowledge as evidenced by their inconsistent
    testimony. “Inconsistencies in testimony and a failure to remember aspects of the
    subject of the testimony, however, do not disqualify a witness. [Citation.] They
    present questions of credibility for resolution by the trier of fact.” (People v.
    Mincey (1992) 
    2 Cal. 4th 408
    , 444.)
    The record reveals no abuse of discretion because sufficient evidence
    supported a finding of personal knowledge. Several witnesses testified that S.B.,
    M.L., and Ashley shared a bedroom, which meant the children had the opportunity
    to perceive the abuse inflicted on Ashley. S.B. testified that she saw Lopez punch
    and thrust his torso onto Ashley’s private parts. She also testified that she saw
    Lopez raise Ashley above his head and throw her onto the ground, both of which
    were corroborated by Dr. Crawford’s testimony regarding Ashley’s injuries.
    Moreover, S.B.’s testimony supported a finding that her failure to answer several
    questions was due to a fear of Lopez, and she acknowledged as much during direct
    examination. On cross-examination, the defense exhaustively questioned S.B.
    about any inconsistencies between her trial testimony and her preliminary hearing
    testimony, potential bias, and the possibility that she had been coached.
    M.L. also testified at trial that he saw Lopez pick up Ashley and throw her
    onto the ground, cracking her head. He had no prior testimony with which the
    defense could impeach him, but he was cross-examined about possible coaching.
    We reject Lopez’s argument that a competency ruling under Evidence Code
    section 701 was not sufficient and that the trial court was required to hold a
    hearing under Evidence Code section 702. Here, as in People v. Dennis (1998) 17
    15 Cal. 4th 468
    , 526 (Dennis), “[the child witness] was an eyewitness to the events.
    Consequently, once the trial court properly determined [the witness] was
    competent to testify under Evidence Code section 701, it had no basis for
    excluding her testimony for lack of personal knowledge.”
    2. Due Process
    Lopez contends that if the trial court’s ruling under Evidence Code section
    702 was not error, the children’s testimony was nonetheless unreliable and
    violated his right to due process under the Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments to
    the United States Constitution. Lopez asserts the trial court failed to consider the
    effects of “brainwashing” and suggestive questioning.
    In Dennis, we rejected the defendant’s argument that the child witness’s
    testimony was unreliable because of gaps in her memory and her discussions of
    the events with the prosecutor and others. 
    (Dennis, supra
    , 17 Cal.4th at p. 526.)
    The witness’s limited memories, we said, did not violate the defendant’s right to
    confrontation; that right “secures to an accused an adequate opportunity to cross-
    examine adverse witnesses; it does not guarantee testimony free from
    forgetfulness, confusion, or even evasion.” (Ibid.) We further rejected the notion
    that the witness’s testimony was insufficiently reliable to satisfy the heightened
    standards of a capital case: “Also without merit is defendant’s claim that [the
    child’s] testimony was unreliable and, because it contributed to a judgment of
    death, it violated his constitutional rights under the Eighth and Fourteenth
    Amendments. Defendant was fully afforded the protections of the procedures
    constitutionally required to ensure reliability in the factfinding process. As we
    have previously remarked in rejecting essentially the same contention, defendant
    ‘ “was given an opportunity to be heard and to cross-examine in a judicial
    forum.” ’ ” (Ibid.)
    Lopez asks that we reconsider Dennis in light of studies that “conclude
    children are highly susceptible to suggestive questioning techniques like
    repetition, guided imagery, and selective reinforcement.” (Kennedy v. Louisiana
    554 U.S. 407
    , 443.) But credibility is an issue for the trier of fact, and in
    the present case, the defense’s cross-examination, which thoroughly explored the
    possibility of coaching or brainwashing, provided the jury with sufficient
    information to determine the credibility of S.B. and M.L. Additionally, the jury
    heard testimony from several other witnesses that supported the children’s
    testimony; the jury did not have to rely on their testimony alone to determine that
    Lopez had committed the charged offenses. Harris and Laurie testified about
    Lopez’s actions and Ashley’s reactions during the week leading up to her death,
    and Dr. Crawford explained Ashley’s injuries and their likely causes. The
    admission of the testimony from S.B. and M.L. did not violate Lopez’s due
    process rights.
    B. Sufficiency of the Evidence
    Lopez contends the evidence is insufficient to support his first degree
    murder conviction, the torture-murder special-circumstance finding, his conviction
    for committing lewd and lascivious conduct, and the enhancement for causing
    great bodily injury. We inquire whether evidence was presented from which a
    reasonable trier of fact could conclude, beyond a reasonable doubt, that the
    prosecution sustained its burden of proof. (People v. Boyer (2006) 
    38 Cal. 4th 412
    479.) We assess whether the evidence is inherently credible and of solid value,
    and we view the evidence in the light most favorable to the jury verdict.
    1. Murder and Torture-Murder Special Circumstance
    Lopez contends insufficient evidence supports a finding of deliberation and
    premeditation, murder by torture, or felony murder. Because we find sufficient
    evidence to support a finding of premeditation and deliberation, we need not
    address Lopez’s remaining contentions as to the sufficiency of the evidence of first
    degree murder. (See People v. Letner and Tobin (2010) 
    50 Cal. 4th 99
    , 168 [when
    murder conviction is sufficiently supported under one theory, we need not
    consider additional claims].) However, because Lopez challenges the torture-
    murder special-circumstance finding, we will address the related question of the
    sufficiency of the evidence supporting murder by torture.
    a. Premeditation and Deliberation
    “An intentional killing is premeditated and deliberate if it occurred as the
    result of preexisting thought and reflection rather than unconsidered or rash
    impulse.” (People v. Stitely (2005) 
    35 Cal. 4th 514
    , 543.) The reflection may be
    arrived at quickly; it need not span a specific or extended period of time. (Ibid.)
    We have found planning activity, preexisting motive, and manner of killing to be
    relevant, although these factors do not “ ‘exclude all other types and combinations
    of evidence that could support a finding of premeditation and deliberation.’ ”
    (People v. Solomon (2010) 
    49 Cal. 4th 792
    , 812.)
    The evidence here supported an inference that Lopez abused Ashley during
    times when Harris was asleep or not home. Harris testified that Lopez woke
    Ashley up every morning before he left work under the guise of changing her
    diaper, despite the fact that Ashley normally slept until much later without needing
    her diaper changed. A neighbor testified that Ashley was walking normally while
    playing outdoors on the morning of May 30, but by the time Harris returned from
    visiting Nicole in jail, Ashley was walking “funny.” Lopez created several
    explanations throughout the week regarding the cause of Ashley’s injuries: he told
    Harris that Ashley fell off the bed and injured herself on a bicycle, and he accused
    other children of hitting her. Laurie testified that Lopez did not want to take care
    of Ashley and was unhappy with the financial strain it placed on his family. The
    jury heard evidence that Lopez may have assaulted Ashley as an attempt to punish
    Harris for allowing Ashley to stay with them. S.B. and M.L. testified that on the
    night before Ashley died, Lopez threw Ashley onto the floor, cracking her skull.
    Lopez returned Ashley to her bed and, the next day, tried to prevent Harris and
    Laurie from seeking medical care for Ashley.
    A reasonable jury could conclude Lopez’s actions showed his premeditated
    and deliberate intent to kill Ashley. He complained of the financial strain from
    having to take care of Ashley, suggesting a motive to harm the child. His
    continuing and escalating acts of abuse caused Ashley prolonged pain, he looked
    for opportunities to abuse her, and he made up excuses to explain the bruising or
    blamed other people for hurting her. (See People v. Whisenhunt (2008) 
    44 Cal. 4th 174
    , 201–202 (Whisenhunt) [the defendant’s continuing and escalating acts of
    abuse showed his premeditated and deliberate intent to eventually kill her].) A
    deliberate intention to kill is supported by the fact that Ashley was a small toddler,
    already weakened by several days of extreme abuse, when Lopez lifted her over
    his head and threw her to the ground. Lopez personally inflicted the injuries on
    Ashley that caused her weakened state, which placed him in a heightened sense of
    awareness of her fragility, further supporting a finding of premeditation in the act
    of harming her.
    From this evidence of Lopez’s escalating acts of abuse and conscious
    efforts to conceal his actions and prevent Ashley from receiving needed medical
    attention, a reasonable jury could conclude Lopez intentionally killed Ashley with
    preexisting thought and reflection.
    b. Murder by Torture
    “To prove torture murder, the prosecution must establish ‘ “a willful,
    deliberate, and premeditated intent to cause extreme pain or suffering for the
    purpose of revenge, extortion, persuasion, or another sadistic purpose.” ’ ”
    (People v. Streeter (2012) 
    54 Cal. 4th 205
    , 237.) “The jury may infer the intent to
    inflict extreme pain from the circumstances of the crime, the nature of the killing,
    and the condition of the victim’s body.” (Ibid.) A perpetrator need not have any
    intent to kill, nor does the prosecution need to prove that the victim suffered pain.
    (People v. Edwards (2013) 
    57 Cal. 4th 658
    , 716.)
    The prosecutor presented sufficient evidence for a reasonable jury to
    conclude, based on Ashley’s injuries and the nature of the abuse she suffered, that
    Lopez intended to inflict extreme and prolonged pain. Harris and Laurie testified
    that Ashley’s bruising increased nearly every day leading up to Ashley’s death,
    while Dr. Crawford testified that at the time of death she had more than 100
    bruises over every part of her body. Dr. Crawford further testified that Ashley
    “was repetitively exposed to multiple episodes of blunt trauma, with pain being
    associated with each one.” Dr. Crawford also testified that the bruising and tear
    on Ashley’s genitals resulted from massive blunt force trauma and would have
    been very painful. Arzate testified that she repeatedly heard Ashley’s “painful”
    cries in the days before her death, suggesting Lopez was aware that the child was
    in pain. Laurie testified that Lopez did not want to care for Ashley and felt
    burdened by the financial strain. The evidence is sufficient to show Lopez’s
    willful, deliberate, and premeditated intent to inflict extreme and prolonged pain
    for the purpose of revenge or another sadistic purpose.
    Lopez’s reliance on People v. Steger (1976) 
    16 Cal. 3d 539
    is misplaced.
    There, the defendant continuously beat her three-year-old stepdaughter and did so
    daily during the final week of her life. Like Ashley, the victim in Steger
    ultimately died from a fatal head injury. The defendant admitted to beating the
    victim, telling the police she did so in an attempt to discipline the girl because she
    was frustrated with her behavior. In Steger, we found insufficient evidence that
    the defendant beat her stepchild with the intent to inflict extreme and prolonged
    pain. Rather, “several distinct ‘explosions of violence’ ” took place whenever the
    child misbehaved. (Id. at p. 548.) Here, there is no evidence that Lopez’s abuse
    of Ashley was a reaction to her misbehavior or was otherwise provoked.
    We further conclude that sufficient evidence supported the jury’s true
    finding on the torture-murder special-circumstance allegation. The special
    circumstance requires that a murder be “intentional” and “involv[e] the infliction
    of torture,” which includes a torturous intent. (§ 190.2, subd. (a)(18); 
    Whisenhunt, supra
    , 44 Cal.4th at p. 202.) As discussed, the evidence supports the jury’s
    conclusion that Lopez intended to kill Ashley and that the murder involved the
    infliction of torture.
    2. Lewd and Lascivious Conduct and Great Bodily Injury
    Lopez contends that because insufficient evidence supports a finding that
    he was the cause of Ashley’s injuries, his conviction for forcible lewd or
    lascivious conduct (§ 288, subd. (b)(1)) and the enhancement for committing great
    bodily injury under section 12022.8 must be reversed.
    Dr. Crawford testified that Ashley suffered a laceration extending from her
    vagina to her anus as well as severe bruising. He opined that the laceration would
    have occurred between 72 hours and at most one week before he saw Ashley on
    Friday, June 4, 1999. Dr. Crawford testified that the status of Ashley’s injury on
    Friday was consistent with it having occurred on Sunday, May 30.
    The evidence adduced at trial supported an inference that while Harris
    visited her daughter Nicole in jail on Sunday, May 30, Lopez tried to insert his
    erect penis into Ashley’s vagina, resulting in the laceration that extended from her
    vagina to her anus. The neighbor’s testimony that Ashley appeared to be enjoying
    herself while playing outdoors Sunday morning is inconsistent with Lopez’s
    assertion that Ashley’s injury could have occurred before Laurie dropped her off
    the previous day. Harris noticed that Ashley was walking “funny” when she
    returned home, and she observed redness and bruising when she changed Ashley’s
    diaper that afternoon. Lopez told Harris that Ashley had been playing outdoors
    without a diaper and injured herself on a bicycle that was missing a seat. Laurie
    saw blood on Ashley’s diaper as late as Wednesday, which was the first time she
    had seen Ashley’s genitalia since Saturday, May 29.
    Similarly, the evidence supports an inference that the injury on Sunday
    produced the initial bruising, which was then exacerbated by ongoing trauma.
    Harris testified that the bruising appeared to worsen throughout the week, and S.B.
    testified that she saw Lopez punch Ashley in the genitals. S.B. further testified
    that she saw Lopez thrusting his pelvis against Ashley in the middle of the night,
    suggesting a separate incident from Sunday.
    Finally, for the reasons above, sufficient evidence supports the jury’s
    finding that Lopez inflicted great bodily injury. (§ 12022.7, subd. (f).)
    C. Admission of Evidence of Witness’s Broken Leg
    Lopez contends the erroneous admission of irrelevant and inflammatory
    evidence that he had broken S.B.’s leg and threatened to kill her rendered his trial
    fundamentally unfair.
    S.B. suffered a broken femur in November 1998. S.B. told Harris, who did
    not see the injury occur, that she was sitting on her bed with her stomach against
    the footboard and her legs dangling between the footboard’s vertical slats. S.B.
    tried to stand up too quickly; her body fell forward but her right leg stayed wedged
    between two slats. S.B. crawled into the hallway toward the living room, where
    Harris was standing. An ambulance took S.B. to the hospital, where she stayed for
    21 days. CPS conducted an investigation, after which S.B. returned to Harris’s
    Detective Bobbie Koller interviewed S.B. on June 4, 1999. In addition to
    discussing the events surrounding Ashley’s death, Koller asked S.B. what had
    happened to her leg. S.B. told Koller that she broke it on her bunk bed in an
    accident. At a second interview on July 7, 1999, S.B. told Koller that Lopez had
    grown angry with her, picked her up, and threw her down, resulting in her broken
    leg. S.B. appeared afraid of Lopez and told Koller that Lopez threatened to hurt
    her again if she ever disclosed the source of her injury.
    Shortly after Ashley’s death, S.B. told other people that Lopez had broken
    her leg. Following Ashley’s funeral, S.B. told Laurie that Lopez had broken her
    leg but had threatened that if she told anyone, he would kill her and Harris. Laurie
    testified that S.B. appeared “very very scared” during this conversation. Later that
    month, S.B. told her great-aunt Cindy Jardin that Lopez had broken her leg. S.B.
    also explained that she had not said anything sooner because Lopez had threatened
    to kill her. S.B. told her next foster mother, Debra Karavias, that Lopez had
    broken her leg and showed Karavias where she had screws in her knee. A few
    months later, S.B. explained to Karavias that Lopez had broken her leg by
    throwing her onto the floor.
    S.B. moved to foster mother Beth Hanson’s home in August 2000. When
    Hanson’s daughter asked S.B. about the scar on her knee, S.B. replied, “That’s
    when [Lopez] broke my leg.” Hanson heard S.B. explain that Lopez “took her by
    the arms and threw her and that’s how her leg broke.” Occasionally, Hanson
    heard S.B. crying out from nightmares in the middle of the night. One night, S.B.
    explained that Lopez was chasing her and going to kill her. On another night, she
    explained that Lopez was going to hurt her.
    Before trial, defense counsel moved to exclude evidence regarding S.B.’s
    broken leg and Lopez’s subsequent threats under Evidence Code section 1101,
    subdivision (b). The prosecutor responded that the evidence was being offered not
    under Evidence Code section 1101(b) but rather to show why S.B. initially lied
    about the cause of her injury, and was admissible on the issue of S.B.’s credibility
    and “her motivation for testifying the way she did.” The trial court stated the
    evidence “would probably come in on redirect examination,” assuming there
    would be inconsistencies between S.B.’s statements on direct and cross-
    examination. After hearing argument from both parties, the court ruled that the
    prosecutor could not refer to S.B.’s broken leg during his opening statement or
    question any witness about the leg on direct examination, but the evidence could
    be admissible depending on the cross-examination.
    Just before S.B. took the stand, Lopez renewed his objection to any
    evidence of threats or abuse against S.B. On direct examination, S.B. testified that
    she saw Lopez punch Ashley and throw her onto the floor. On cross-examination,
    defense counsel questioned S.B. about inconsistencies with her testimony at the
    preliminary hearing. S.B. admitted that her great-aunt, Cindy Jardin, had told her
    to call Lopez “Wicked Mike.” While acknowledging she spoke with Koller about
    Lopez hurting Ashley, S.B. said she did not recall most of their conversations.
    S.B. indicated she did not remember certain questions that had been asked of her
    in the past.
    On redirect, S.B. answered affirmatively when the prosecutor asked if she
    was “nervous and afraid.” When the prosecutor asked if she was afraid of Lopez,
    she did not answer. After the third attempt at asking that question with no
    response, the prosecutor asked, “You don’t want to answer that question, do you?”
    S.B. replied, “I don’t.”
    Over Lopez’s objection, the court allowed the prosecutor to ask S.B.
    whether Lopez had ever done anything to her. The court instructed the jury that
    the testimony was “limited strictly to the witness’s state of mind, not for the truth
    of any answer the witness might give.” When the prosecutor asked S.B. who
    broke her leg, again over objection, S.B. did not answer. The prosecutor asked
    S.B. if she remembered telling him, Laurie, Cindy, or her former foster mother
    Debra Karavias that Lopez had broken her leg. After each question, S.B. either
    did not answer or indicated that she did not remember. At the conclusion of
    redirect, defense counsel moved for a mistrial. The court denied the motion
    without prejudice and told defense counsel that he could argue the motion after the
    completion of S.B.’s testimony.
    Defense counsel later renewed his motion, arguing that he never opened the
    door to the prosecutor’s line of questioning. The court disagreed and denied the
    motion for a mistrial. Both Karavias and Laurie later testified regarding the
    statements S.B. made about her leg. In rebuttal, Dr. Crawford testified regarding
    his examination and treatment of S.B.’s broken leg.
    “ ‘Evidence a witness is afraid to testify is relevant to the credibility of that
    witness and is therefore admissible. [Citations.] Testimony a witness is fearful of
    retaliation similarly relates to that witness’s credibility and is also admissible.
    [Citation.] It is not necessary to show threats against the witness were made by
    the defendant personally, or the witness’s fear of retaliation is directly linked to
    the defendant for the evidence to be admissible.’ ” (People v. Williams (2013) 
    58 Cal. 4th 197
    , 270 (Williams).) The trial court must balance the evidence’s
    probative value against its prejudicial effect under Evidence Code section 352.
    (Williams, at p. 270.) The court has discretion to exclude evidence “if its
    probative value is substantially outweighed by the probability that its admission
    will (a) necessitate undue consumption of time or (b) create substantial danger of
    undue prejudice, of confusing the issues, or of misleading the jury.” (Evid. Code,
    § 352.)
    We find no abuse of discretion. The trial court appropriately found that the
    evidence was probative in that it would explain to the jury why S.B. was afraid to
    testify against Lopez, allowing the jury to accurately assess S.B.’s credibility and
    the inconsistencies in her testimony. The trial court limited any prejudicial effect
    by allowing the evidence to come in only on redirect pending the cross-
    examination. Additionally, the trial court instructed the jury that the evidence
    could be considered only for a limited purpose, and we presume the jury followed
    the trial court’s instruction.
    D. Failure to Give Unanimity Instruction on Theory of Guilt
    The trial court instructed the jury on three theories of first degree murder:
    premeditated and deliberated murder (CALJIC No. 8.20), murder by torture
    (CALJIC No. 8.24), and felony murder (CALJIC No. 8.21). Lopez contends the
    trial court committed reversible error by failing to require the jury to unanimously
    agree on the theory of first degree murder. We have previously rejected this
    argument (People v. Geier (2007) 
    41 Cal. 4th 555
    , 592; People v. Cole (2004) 
    33 Cal. 4th 1158
    , 1221; People v. Kipp (2001) 
    26 Cal. 4th 1100
    , 1132), and Lopez
    offers no persuasive reason for us to revisit this precedent.
    E. Instruction on First Degree Murder
    Lopez contends that the instructions permitting him to be convicted of first
    degree murder on any of the three theories presented violated his rights under the
    Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments because he was not charged with first degree
    murder. Lopez asserts that because he was charged only with second degree
    murder under section 187, he cannot be found guilty of first degree murder. Lopez
    further contends the trial court lacked jurisdiction to try him for first degree
    murder. His argument rests on the premise that under People v. Dillon (1983) 
    34 Cal. 3d 441
    , felony murder and premeditated murder are separate crimes and that
    Dillon implicitly overruled People v. Witt (1915) 
    170 Cal. 104
    , in which we held
    that a defendant may be convicted of felony murder even though the information
    charged only murder with malice.
    But we have repeatedly rejected the claim that first degree murder and
    murder with malice are separate offenses. (People v. Hughes (2002) 
    27 Cal. 4th 287
    , 369; People v. Silva (2001) 
    25 Cal. 4th 345
    , 367; People v. Carpenter (1997)
    15 Cal. 4th 312
    , 394–395.) We have likewise reaffirmed “that an accusatory
    pleading charging a defendant with murder need not specify the theory of murder
    upon which the prosecution intends to rely.” (Hughes, at p. 369.) Lopez offers no
    persuasive reason for us to revisit these holdings.
    F. Constitutionality of Special Circumstance
    Lopez contends that the torture-murder special circumstance
    (§ 190.2(a)(18)) is unconstitutional because it fails to perform the narrowing
    function required by the Eighth Amendment and fails to ensure that there is a
    meaningful basis for distinguishing cases in which the death penalty is imposed
    from those in which it is not. He further contends that the special circumstance is
    overbroad. We have previously rejected these arguments (People v. Bemore
    22 Cal. 4th 809
    , 843), and Lopez provides no persuasive reason to revisit
    this precedent.
    A. Coercion to Reach a Verdict
    Lopez argues that the trial court improperly coerced a death verdict by
    refusing to address multiple assertions of deadlock from the jury and by failing to
    dismiss a juror who could no longer serve impartially.
    The jury began penalty phase deliberations at 10:05 a.m. on Thursday,
    March 1, 2001. The jury deliberated until 4:10 p.m., including a break for lunch,
    and then adjourned for the weekend. The jury resumed deliberations without
    incident on Monday, March 5, and Tuesday, March 6. On Wednesday, March 7,
    the jury submitted a note to the court at 3:00 p.m., stating, “Jury is deadlocked.”
    The court informed counsel of the note and indicated its intention to instruct the
    jury to break for the remainder of the day and to return the following morning to
    resume deliberations. Defense counsel asked the court to question the jurors to
    determine whether further deliberations would be helpful and, in the alternative,
    moved for a mistrial. The court declined to question the jury and denied
    defendant’s motion, asserting it was too early in the process to warrant a mistrial.
    The jury resumed deliberations on Thursday, March 8. At 11:20 a.m., the
    jury sent the court a note seeking clarification regarding which acts of violence
    could be considered an aggravating circumstance. The court conferred with
    counsel that afternoon and sent the jury a written response; this issue is discussed
    further below. The jury continued deliberating until 3:30 p.m. and then adjourned
    for the weekend.
    The jury continued deliberations on Monday, March 12. On Tuesday,
    March 13, the jury began deliberating at 9:20 a.m. At 10:50 a.m., the jury sent the
    court a note stating, “This jury is a deadlocked jury, with no hope of resolution!
    Juror #5 has a prepaid trip to Arizona planned for the week of 3-19 to 3-25-01. #5
    will not be available.” At some point that day, the jury sent a second note to the
    court requesting that the alternates be allowed to return to work until needed,
    citing adverse impact on career growth for one juror.
    The trial court asked the foreperson a series of questions regarding the
    number, timing, and division of the votes taken since the jury began deliberating.
    The foreperson estimated that the group had taken eight votes throughout the
    week. The foreperson indicated that the first vote resulted in a five-seven split and
    the two most recent votes resulted in a six-six split each, but could not recall the
    specific breakdown for the remaining votes.
    The court then asked the foreperson if he felt there was a reasonable
    probability that the jurors could arrive at a verdict. The foreperson replied, “No, I
    do not.” The trial court asked whether it could assist the jury by providing any
    additional instructions or having the reporter read back any testimony. The
    foreperson stated that additional instructions or guidance might be helpful, but he
    did not believe there was confusion in the minds of the jurors. The court asked
    Juror No. 1 if she agreed that further deliberations would not result in a verdict;
    the juror agreed. The court asked the same question of Juror No. 3, who replied,
    “I’m not sure that I do [agree].” At that point, the court instructed the jury to
    continue deliberating and said it would await further communication from the jury.
    Later that afternoon, the jury sent a note seeking clarification of the definitions of
    “extreme duress” and “lingering doubt.” The court conferred with counsel and
    sent a written response defining “duress” and directing the jurors to the
    instructions for the definition of “lingering doubt.”
    The jury deliberated on Wednesday, March 14, without incident. The
    following morning, on March 15, Juror No. 8 requested to speak with the court
    privately. With the court and counsel convened in chambers, Juror No. 8 asked to
    be dismissed from the jury. Juror No. 8 said she had “reached a level of
    intolerable stress” and “felt as though [she] was going to snap.” She explained
    that the stress of the long trial and deliberation process was affecting her health
    and made her “more and more tense every day.” She said it was affecting her job
    because she tried to do a full day’s worth of work in an hour or two each day after
    deliberating, but she struggled to keep up and remember what work she had done.
    She told the trial court, “I wake up crying at night because of the gravity of this
    case, and how I take it seriously, and I just want to ask to be taken off the case.”
    The court acknowledged that the jurors had been working hard and asked Juror
    No. 8 to continue to participate. The court said that if after further deliberations
    “you still feel that it’s just too stressful and it’s at the point again where it’s
    interfering with your health, tell the bailiff, again, and we’ll talk to you, again.”
    Juror No. 8 expressed a willingness to try and returned to the jury room.
    After the juror left chambers, the prosecutor stated his belief that the juror
    should be removed. The court responded, “If she had indicated a reluctance to
    continue — I’m not saying that she was enthusiastic about it — I would have
    granted her request. But I — it’s hard to know when, you know, when frustration
    kind of goes beyond that level.” The prosecutor responded that the juror did
    indicate reluctance and “almost broke down into tears. I could see the lips
    quivering.” The court replied that it “didn’t see that” and said that if Juror No. 8
    spoke up again, she would be dismissed, but “not at this point.” Defense counsel
    did not object to the court’s ruling or otherwise indicate any concerns with the
    court’s action.
    Defense counsel reminded the court that Juror No. 5 had a prepaid vacation
    starting the following Monday. The court responded, “I expect something to
    happen today, at least as far as Juror No. 8 is concerned. If she asks to be excused
    again for the reasons she’s indicated, I’m going to grant her request. Obviously,
    I’ll notify counsel if I hear anything further from her. I believe after hearing about
    [Juror No. 5] having to leave, something is going to happen today. Let’s just stay
    tuned.” The jury returned with a death verdict at 2:20 p.m. that afternoon.
    1. Pressure to Reach a Verdict
    Section 1140 provides in relevant part that a “jury cannot be discharged”
    without having rendered a verdict unless, “at the expiration of such time as the
    court may deem proper, it satisfactorily appears that there is no reasonable
    probability that the jury can agree.” “The decision whether to declare a hung jury
    or to order further deliberations rests in the trial court’s sound discretion.” (People
    v. Debose (2014) 
    59 Cal. 4th 177
    , 209.) “However, a court must exercise its power
    under section 1140 without coercing the jury, and ‘avoid displacing the jury’s
    independent judgment “in favor of considerations of compromise and
    expediency.” ’ [Citation.] As this court has explained, ‘[a]ny claim that the jury
    was pressured into reaching a verdict depends on the particular circumstances of
    the case.’ ” (People v. Brooks (2017) 3 Cal.5th 1, 88.)
    We conclude that the trial court did not coerce the jury to reach a verdict.
    Lopez emphasizes the court’s failure to respond to the jury’s multiple declarations
    of deadlock and concerns about their personal circumstances. But the court
    responded to the second note of deadlock by questioning individual jurors on
    whether he or she believed the jury was deadlocked and whether the court could
    do anything to assist the process. (See Cal. Rules of Court, rule 2.1036(a) [when a
    deadlock is reported, the judge should ask jurors whether they have “specific
    concerns which, if resolved, might assist the jury in reaching a verdict”].) The
    foreperson acknowledged that “additional instructions or guidance . . . may be of
    some assistance,” and another juror indicated that further deliberations could result
    in a verdict. The court did not abuse its discretion when it ceased the questioning
    at that point and ordered the jury to continue deliberating. The trial court had
    sufficient basis to conclude there was a reasonable probability a verdict could be
    reached. The court did not state or imply to the jury that it must reach a particular
    outcome, nor did it coerce the jury to reach a verdict.
    The trial court’s failure to address Juror No. 5’s upcoming prepaid trip
    likewise did not coerce the jury to reach a verdict. Lopez asserts this failure could
    have led the juror to believe she would not be dismissed for her vacation and could
    have led the jury to believe it would be forced to continue to deliberate until a
    verdict was reached. However, at the time Juror No. 5 reminded the court of her
    vacation, the jury was seven days into its deliberations, alternate jurors were
    available, and more than two full days of deliberation remained before Juror No. 5
    would become unavailable. It is unlikely the jury would have understood the trial
    court’s failure to respond specifically to Juror No. 5’s situation as a command to
    keep deliberating indefinitely until a verdict was reached.
    2. Refusal to Discharge Juror
    The trial court may discharge a juror at any time if good cause exists to find
    that the juror is unable to perform his or her duty. (§ 1089.) “The trial court’s
    decision whether or not to discharge a juror under section 1089 is reviewed for
    abuse of discretion and will be upheld if supported by substantial evidence; to
    warrant discharge, the juror’s bias or other disability must appear in the record as a
    demonstrable reality.” (People v. Holloway (2004) 
    33 Cal. 4th 96
    , 124–125.) A
    reviewing court does not reweigh the evidence but “must be confident that the trial
    court’s conclusion is manifestly supported by evidence on which the court actually
    relied.” (People v. Barnwell (2007) 
    41 Cal. 4th 1038
    , 1053.)
    The court did not abuse its discretion by leaving Juror No. 8 on the panel.
    Although the juror explained that the trial had caused her stress and prevented her
    from doing her job, at no time did she indicate that she could no longer serve
    impartially as a juror. It is true that Juror No. 8 asked to be excused from the jury.
    But when the trial court asked her to continue participating and assured her that
    the court would talk to her again if she continued to feel the deliberations were too
    stressful and were interfering with her health, the juror was willing to continue.
    Although the trial court did not specifically ask the juror if she was able to
    continue deliberating impartially or permit counsel to ask questions, the juror’s
    responses indicate a willingness to continue to deliberate as she was originally
    instructed to do. In these circumstances, the trial court’s decision not to dismiss
    the juror was not an abuse of discretion.
    B. Trial Court’s Response to Jurors’ Question
    Lopez contends that the trial court’s response to a jury question regarding
    its consideration of acts of violence, coupled with the prosecutor’s argument,
    allowed the jury to consider inadmissible evidence during its penalty
    As noted, the prosecutor introduced evidence of five prior violent incidents
    at the penalty phase under section 190.3, factor (b): an October 1992 incident
    involving an alleged assault and resisting arrest; a May 1986 incident involving
    alleged assaults and resisting arrest; an August 1991 incident involving Lopez’s
    ex-wife and her son, alleging an assault with a deadly weapon; a June 1999
    incident involving an alleged assault on M.L.; and a December 1990 incident
    involving an alleged assault and resisting arrest. The record contained evidence of
    additional instances of violence, including allegations that Lopez physically
    assaulted and threatened S.B., physically and verbally abused Harris, and hit
    Harris’s grandson. During his opening statement, the prosecutor told the jurors
    they could “consider anything you heard in the first part of the trial in arriving at
    your verdict.”
    The trial court instructed the jury, pursuant to CALJIC No. 8.85: “In
    determining which penalty is to be imposed on the defendant, you shall consider
    all of the evidence which has been received during any part of the trial of this case,
    except as hereafter instructed.” Pursuant to CALJIC No. 8.87, the court instructed
    the jury that it could consider the five violent criminal acts as aggravating
    circumstances, but it “may not consider any evidence of any other criminal acts as
    an aggravating circumstance.”
    On the fifth day of deliberations, the jury sent the court a note seeking
    clarification regarding the prior acts of violence. The note read, “Can any acts of
    violence be considered as an aggravating circumstance or are we limited to the 5
    acts of violence listed on 8.87 of the jury instructions? ‘A juror may not consider
    any evidence of any other criminal acts as an aggravating circumstance’ vs. C8841
    [sic] ‘you must determine what the facts are from the evidence received during the
    entire trial unless you are instructed otherwise.’ ” Defense counsel requested a
    simple “no” to the question regarding consideration of any acts of violence, and a
    “yes” to the question of whether the jurors were limited to the five acts of violence
    listed in CALJIC No. 8.87.
    Over defense counsel’s objection, the trial court sent the following response
    to the jury: “You have asked if any acts of violence may be considered as an
    aggravating circumstance, or, are you limited to the 5 acts of violence listed in
    8.87 of the jury instructions. [¶] Under instruction 8.85, you are limited to the 5
    acts of violence alleged to have occurred and listed in instruction 8.87 as
    aggravating circumstances. Before a juror may consider any such criminal act as
    an aggravating circumstance in this case, a juror must first be satisfied beyond a
    reasonable doubt that the defendant did in fact commit the criminal act. [¶] Under
    instruction 8.85, you shall consider all the evidence which was received during
    both the guilt and penalty trials in determining which penalty is to be imposed on
    the defendant. You shall consider, take into account and be guided by all the
    factors in that instruction which you find to be applicable.” Lopez specifically
    objected to inclusion of the third paragraph. On appeal, he asserts that the trial
    court’s response, coupled with the prosecutor’s opening statement during the
    penalty phase, erroneously led the jury to believe it could consider inadmissible
    evidence as aggravating factors.
    The trial court did not erroneously lead the jury to believe it could consider
    inadmissible evidence as aggravating factors. The court’s response correctly
    summarized the instructions. CALJIC No. 8.85 authorizes the jury to consider all
    evidence presented in determining an appropriate penalty, but as the trial court
    made clear, this instruction is subject to a limitation: “Under instruction 8.85, you
    are limited to the 5 acts of violence alleged to have occurred and listed in
    instruction 8.87 as aggravating circumstances.” (First italics added.) Although
    the trial court’s response generally summarized CALJIC No. 8.85’s directive that
    “[i]n determining which penalty is to be imposed on the defendant, you shall
    consider all of the evidence which has been received during any part of the trial of
    this case, except as hereafter instructed,” it left out the statement “except as
    hereafter instructed.” Even without that phrase, however, the court’s response did
    not expressly contradict or impliedly conflict with CALJIC No. 8.85.
    The court’s response also reminded the jury that the aggravating
    circumstances were “limited” to the five acts of violence listed in CALJIC
    No. 8.87, and the jury was told to consider the factors “which you find to be
    applicable.” The trial court’s use of the word “limited” conveyed that only the
    five acts in CALJIC No. 8.87 could be considered aggravating. The jury thus
    presumably understood that it could not consider other violent acts as aggravating
    circumstances. Notwithstanding the prosecutor’s opening statement, the trial
    court’s instructions and response to the jury’s questions correctly stated the law.
    Lopez points to nothing in the record suggesting the jury did not follow the trial
    court’s instructions regarding proper consideration of the evidence presented.
    C. Griffin Error
    Lopez contends that the prosecutor committed error under Griffin v.
    California (1965) 
    380 U.S. 609
    (Griffin) when he improperly referred to Lopez’s
    failure to testify and lack of remorse.
    In his closing argument, the prosecutor referred to the defense witnesses
    who gave mitigating character evidence, stating, “Other than the fact that Michael
    Lopez was kind to them, brought them flowers, drew cards and cartoons for them,
    babysat for them, I didn’t hear any one of them say Michael Lopez had any
    remorse for this crime. Not one.” The prosecutor then discussed the testimony of
    Lopez’s parents, arguing, “Did you ever hear Mr. or Mrs. Lopez say: Michael
    Lopez told me, sorry, Mom, for breaking your heart. Sorry, Mom, for putting you
    through this all these years. Sorry, Mom, for having you come to court and having
    you beg for my life. Sorry, Mom, for—” The court sustained defense counsel’s
    objection and told the prosecutor to “move on.” The prosecutor continued, “Did
    you ever hear one word of remorse from him?” Defense counsel again objected,
    citing Griffin. The court responded, “I had sustained your objection. [Prosecutor],
    move on.” The court denied Lopez’s motion for a mistrial. The prosecutor moved
    on to a discussion of sympathy and lingering doubt.
    The Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution provides that “[n]o
    person . . . shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against
    himself.” This provision “forbids either comment by the prosecution on the
    accused’s silence or instructions by the court that such silence is evidence of
    (Griffin, supra
    , 380 U.S. at p. 615; see People v. Thompson (2016) 1
    Cal.5th 1043, 1117.) But there is a difference between a prosecutor’s comment
    that a defendant failed to take the stand to express remorse and a prosecutor’s
    comment that there was no evidence that a defendant had ever expressed remorse.
    (See People v. Zambrano (2007) 
    41 Cal. 4th 1082
    , 1174 [“the prosecutor did not
    comment that defendant had failed to take the stand to express remorse; he simply
    said there was no evidence that defendant had ever expressed remorse”].) “So
    long as the prosecutor’s argument does not amount to a direct or indirect comment
    on the defendant’s invocation of the right to silence at the penalty phase
    [citations], it does not violate constitutional principles.” (People v. Lewis (2001)
    25 Cal. 4th 610
    , 674.) Here the prosecutor did not comment on Lopez’s decision
    not to take the stand. Rather, he pointed out that none of the mitigation witnesses
    testified that they heard Lopez express remorse at any point when he asked the
    jury, “Did you ever hear one word of remorse from him?” This comment was in
    reference to statements Lopez had made to his parents outside of proceedings; it
    was not referring to his failure to show remorse to the jury directly by not
    testifying. Such commentary was not improper.
    D. Admission of Rebuttal Character Evidence
    Lopez contends that the evidence he had committed welfare fraud was
    improperly admitted and violated his rights to a fair trial and reasonable penalty
    After Lopez’s case in mitigation, the prosecutor sought to introduce
    evidence that he had previously committed welfare fraud. Over defense objection,
    Jennifer Hazeltine, a welfare fraud inspector with the district attorney’s office,
    testified that in June 1996 she received a referral regarding possible welfare fraud
    by Lopez. Hazeltine discovered that for seven months, while receiving food
    stamps and general assistance, Lopez had failed to report his income. Lopez
    unlawfully received a total of $2,705. Lopez admitted his failure to report his
    income and arranged to repay the amount at $40 per month.
    If a defendant introduces character evidence during the penalty phase, the
    prosecution may respond with character evidence of its own to undermine the
    defendant’s claim that his good character weighs in favor of mercy. (People v.
    Loker (2008) 
    44 Cal. 4th 691
    , 709 (Loker).) “The scope of proper rebuttal is
    determined by the breadth and generality of the direct evidence. If the testimony
    is ‘not limited to any singular incident, personality trait, or aspect of [the
    defendant’s] background,’ but ‘paint[s] an overall picture of an honest, intelligent,
    well-behaved, and sociable person incompatible with a violent or antisocial
    character,’ rebuttal evidence of similarly broad scope is warranted.” (Ibid.)
    At the same time, we have rejected the notion that any good character
    evidence introduced by the defendant will open the door to any bad character
    (Loker, supra
    , 44 Cal.4th at p. 709; see People v. Rodriguez (1986) 
    42 Cal. 3d 730
    , 792, fn. 24.) “When a witness does ‘not testify generally to
    defendant’s good character or to his general reputation for lawful behaviors, but
    instead testifie[s] only to a number of adverse circumstances that defendant
    experienced in his early childhood,’ it is error to ‘permit[ ] the prosecution to go
    beyond these aspects of defendant’s background and to introduce evidence of a
    course of misconduct that defendant had engaged in throughout his teenage years
    that did not relate to the mitigating evidence presented on direct examination.’
    [Citations.]” (Loker, at pp. 709–710; see People v. Ramirez (1990) 
    50 Cal. 3d 1158
    , 1193.)
    Lopez contends the evidence was improperly admitted because he did not
    introduce evidence concerning his reputation for honesty. But Lopez did present
    testimony concerning his strong Christian beliefs, church attendance, and daily
    prayers. (See People v. Ramos (1997) 
    15 Cal. 4th 1113
    , 1173 [in light of evidence
    of the defendant’s religious recommitment, the prosecutor properly could
    introduce evidence of acts tending to contradict that impression]; People v.
    Siripongs (1988) 
    45 Cal. 3d 548
    , 578 [evidence that the defendant was a “ ‘devout
    Buddhist’ ” opened the door to inquiry on prior convictions].) Additionally,
    Lopez introduced testimony from a mental health expert regarding his low IQ. He
    did not object when the prosecutor asked the expert if such a person could be
    capable of committing welfare fraud. The expert acknowledged that a person with
    Lopez’s IQ could lie. The trial court did not abuse its discretion in allowing the
    prosecution to introduce the welfare fraud evidence to rebut Lopez’s character
    A. Challenges to the Death Penalty
    Lopez mounts a number of challenges to California’s death penalty law that
    our prior decisions have considered and rejected. He provides no persuasive
    reason for us to reexamine the following conclusions:
    “California’s death penalty law ‘adequately narrows the class of murderers
    subject to the death penalty’ and does not violate the Eighth Amendment.
    [Citation.] Section 190.2, which sets forth the circumstances in which the penalty
    of death may be imposed, is not impermissibly broad in violation of the Eighth
    (Williams, supra
    , 58 Cal.4th at p. 294.)
    “ ‘[T]he California death penalty statute is not impermissibly broad,
    whether considered on its face or as interpreted by this court.’ [Citation.] We
    further ‘reject the claim that section 190.3, factor (a), on its face or as interpreted
    and applied, permits arbitrary and capricious imposition of a sentence of death.’ ”
    (People v. Maciel (2013) 
    57 Cal. 4th 482
    , 552–553.)
    The death penalty statute “is not invalid for failing to require (1) written
    findings or unanimity as to aggravating factors, (2) proof of all aggravating factors
    beyond a reasonable doubt, (3) findings that aggravation outweighs mitigation
    beyond a reasonable doubt, or (4) findings that death is the appropriate penalty
    beyond a reasonable doubt.” (People v. Snow (2003) 
    30 Cal. 4th 43
    , 126 (Snow).)
    The United States Supreme Court decisions in Apprendi v. New Jersey (2000) 
    530 U.S. 466
    and Ring v. Arizona (2002) 
    536 U.S. 584
    have not altered these
    conclusions. (People v. Demetrulias (2006) 
    39 Cal. 4th 1
    , 41 (Demetrulias).)
    The trial court need not instruct the jury that it must return a sentence of life
    without the possibility of parole if it finds that mitigation outweighs aggravation.
    (People v. Duncan (1991) 
    53 Cal. 3d 955
    , 978.)
    The death verdict need not be based on unanimous jury findings. “While
    all the jurors must agree death is the appropriate penalty, the guided discretion
    through which jurors reach their penalty decision must permit each juror
    individually to assess such potentially aggravating factors as the circumstances of
    the capital crime (§ 190.3, factor (a)), prior felony convictions (id., factor (c)), and
    other violent criminal activity (id., factor (b)), and decide for him- or herself ‘what
    weight that activity should be given in deciding the penalty.’ [Citation.]”
    (Demetrulias, supra
    , 39 Cal.4th at p. 41.) A unanimous finding regarding the
    mitigating factors is similarly not required. (People v. Bryant (2014) 
    60 Cal. 4th 335
    , 457.)
    CALJIC No. 8.88 is not impermissibly broad. (People v. Breaux (1991) 
    1 Cal. 4th 281
    , 316, fn. 14.)
    Instructions on the meaning of a sentence of life imprisonment without the
    possibility of parole and on the “ ‘presumption of life’ ” were not constitutionally
    (Demetrulias, supra
    , 39 Cal.4th at p. 43.)
    “Comparative intercase proportionality review by the trial or appellate
    courts is not constitutionally required.” 
    (Snow, supra
    , 30 Cal.4th at p. 126.)
    “The trial court has no obligation to delete from CALJIC No.
    8.85 inapplicable mitigating factors, nor must it identify which factors are
    aggravating and which are mitigating.” (People v. Cook (2006) 
    39 Cal. 4th 566
    “The capital sentencing scheme does not violate equal protection by
    denying to capital defendants procedural safeguards that are available to
    noncapital defendants.” (People v. Thomas (2012) 
    53 Cal. 4th 771
    , 836 (Thomas).)
    California’s death penalty does not violate international law or international
    norms of decency. 
    (Thomas, supra
    , 53 Cal.4th at p. 837.)
    B. Cumulative Error
    Lopez contends that the cumulative effect of the errors during his trial
    mandates reversal. Because we have found no error, there is no cumulative
    prejudice to evaluate.
    We affirm the judgment.
    LIU, J.
    CHIN, J.
    KRUGER, J.
    FYBEL, J.*
    *      Associate Justice of the Court of Appeal, Fourth Appellate District,
    Division Three, assigned by the Chief Justice pursuant to article VI, section 6 of
    the California Constitution.
    See next page for addresses and telephone numbers for counsel who argued in Supreme Court.
    Name of Opinion People v. Lopez
    Unpublished Opinion
    Original Appeal XXX
    Original Proceeding
    Review Granted
    Rehearing Granted
    Opinion No. S099549
    Date Filed: June 28, 2018
    Court: Superior
    County: Alameda
    Judge: Philip V. Sarkisian
    Michael J. Hersek, State Public Defender, under appointment by the Supreme Court, Evan Young and Janet
    R. Gilger, Deputy State Public Defenders, for Defendant and Appellant.
    Kamala D. Harris and Xavier Becerra, Attorneys General, Dane R. Gillette, Chief Assistant Attorney
    General, Gerald A. Engler, Assistant Attorney General, Glenn R. Pruden and Alice B. Lustre, Deputy
    Attorneys General, for Plaintiff and Respondent.
    Counsel who argued in Supreme Court (not intended for publication with opinion):
    Evan Young
    Deputy State Public Defender
    1111 Broadway, 10th Floor
    Oakland, CA 94607
    (510) 452-8712
    Alice B. Lustre
    Deputy Attorney General
    455 Golden Gate Avenue, Suite 11000
    San Francisco, CA 94102-7004
    (415) 510-3821