United States v. Edward Boliaux , 915 F.3d 493 ( 2019 )

  •                                In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 18-1322
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the
    Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division.
    No. 16 CR 115 — Manish S. Shah, Judge.
    Before WOOD, Chief Judge, and EASTERBROOK and ST. EVE,
    Circuit Judges.
    EASTERBROOK, Circuit Judge. Between 2002 and 2008 Ed-
    ward Boliaux operated EMC Automotive, a used-car dealer-
    ship, in Joliet, Illinois. He borrowed money from three lend-
    ers, using inventory as security. Most loans were secured by
    the cars’ certificates of title, a device called floorplanning.
    Because there is supposed to be only one title certificate per
    car, the dealer cannot transfer good title to a customer with-
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    out paying the lender. Although lenders may allow sales to
    precede payment, they demand that the money be held in
    trust until the loan is retired. But beginning in 2007 Boliaux
    persuaded state officials to issue duplicate certificates of title
    on the pretense that the originals had been lost. He used
    these to obtain multiple loans against single vehicles, exceed-
    ing the cars’ market value and leaving the lenders under-
    secured. He also began to sell cars without using the pro-
    ceeds to repay the loans. After one of the lenders detected
    this and impounded the collateral, Boliaux persuaded the
    custodian to release eight cars, which he sold for his own
    Deceit continued after EMC Automotive collapsed. In
    September 2008 Cindy Boliaux, then Edward’s wife, incor-
    porated Joliet Motors, which Edward operated from the
    premises formerly occupied by EMC. Joliet Motors received
    installment payments sent by the customers of EMC yet did
    not remit them to lenders. Boliaux had trouble borrowing
    against the inventory of his new dealership, and in 2008 and
    2009 he turned to check kiting.
    For these and related acts, a jury convicted him of four
    counts of wire fraud and six of bank fraud. 18 U.S.C. §§ 1343,
    1344. He has been sentenced to 48 months’ imprisonment
    and three years’ supervised release.
    Boliaux contends that the evidence was insufficient—on
    the wire fraud counts principally because he did not trans-
    mit anything by wire, and on the bank fraud counts princi-
    pally because no one from the banks testified that the banks
    lost money. The district court addressed these and other con-
    tentions when denying Boliaux’s motion under Fed. R. Crim.
    P. 29:
    No. 18-1322                                                              3
    Viewed in the light most favorable to the prosecution, see United
    States v. Washington, 
    184 F.3d 653
    , 657 (7th Cir. 1999), the evi-
    dence demonstrated that Boliaux obtained financing from lend-
    ers through materially false representations, and he perpetuated
    his scheme through the concealment of material facts. Boliaux
    argues that the evidence amounted to, at most, a disjointed se-
    ries of immaterial breaches of contract. Neither the facts nor the
    law support this argument. Obtaining money through a scheme
    intended to cheat others is a crime whether or not it is also slop-
    py business or breach of contract. It suffices to note that Boliaux
    lied to obtain duplicate titles for cars that he knew were financed
    by one lender, and used the duplicate titles to obtain additional
    financing from a second lender—thereby compromising the se-
    curity interests of both lenders. Later, he forged lien releases
    purportedly from GMAC, and with those releases, obtained car
    titles that he used to secure more financing—thereby cheating
    those lenders by concealing GMAC’s interests. According to in-
    dustry representatives, clear title to a vehicle that was part of
    floorplan financing was material to lenders, even when liens
    were not individually filed and notwithstanding the breadth of
    the collateral securing financing. The evidence of defendant’s
    control over the car dealerships was sufficient to prove his inten-
    tional participation in the scheme. His intent to defraud was
    manifest in his false statements and forgeries, and in his con-
    cealment of facts associated with Joliet Motors. The charged wire
    transmissions traveled across state lines—from Joliet Motors in
    Illinois and routed through Pennsylvania or Ohio, and they ad-
    vanced the scheme to defraud the lenders because they were
    payments for a vehicle that had been sold to the detriment of the
    lender’s interests. The evidence of Boliaux’s supervision of Joliet
    Motors, and his involvement in the payment-processing system,
    was sufficient to make the wire transmissions a foreseeable con-
    sequence of his scheme.
    Testimony from the victim banks was not necessary to support a
    conviction on the bank fraud counts. The bank records, coupled
    with the explanatory testimony of expert witness Wolverton
    (who testified under Rule 702 without objection) and the evi-
    dence of Boliaux’s control over the bank accounts, demonstrated
    4                                                            No. 18-1322
    the risk of loss to the banks and Boliaux’s intent to deceive
    through check kiting.
    The evidence was not just sufficient, it was overwhelming, and
    defendant’s motion for a judgment of acquijal under Rule 29 is
    It is not necessary to say more about the sufficiency of the
    evidence. Later we discuss the decision by Boliaux’s lawyer
    to omit from his brief the district court’s analysis of this sub-
    Boliaux asked the district judge to instruct the jury that it
    had to agree, unanimously, how he carried out his scheme to
    defraud. The judge properly declined. Each wire-fraud
    count of the indictment charged a single scheme to defraud
    implemented in 17 ways (obtaining duplicate titles by falsely
    asserting that others had been lost, pledging the same car to
    multiple lenders, selling cars without repaying the loans,
    and so on). The means used to carry out a fraudulent scheme
    are not separate elements requiring unanimity. See, e.g.,
    Richardson v. United States, 
    526 U.S. 813
    , 817 (1999). Boliaux
    seeks to avoid this rule by contending that the wire-fraud
    charges are duplicitous—in other words, that each count re-
    ally charges multiple crimes, rather than one crime com-
    mijed through multiple acts. The district court addressed
    this argument, too, in the order from which we have already
    Boliaux raises an untimely argument concerning duplicity, but
    he never challenged the indictment under Rule 12(b)(3)(B)(i) and
    offers no excuse for this failure. The claim is forfeited, but in any
    event, there was no duplicity, much less prejudicial duplicity.
    Each wire fraud count alleged one execution of a single scheme
    to defraud with a variety of alleged means. No unanimity with
    respect to those means was required. United States v. Daniel, 
    749 F.3d 608
    , 614 (7th Cir. 2014).
    No. 18-1322                                                  5
    Thus Boliaux lost in the district court on two grounds: forfei-
    ture and the merits. His opening brief on appeal ignores the
    forfeiture. If you lose in the district court on multiple
    grounds, you must contest all on appeal; prevailing on one
    won’t suffice. After the prosecutor relied on the forfeiture
    ruling, Boliaux finally addressed it in his reply brief. That’s
    too late—and as it happens too lijle as well.
    Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 12(b)(3) lists more
    than a dozen defenses or arguments that must be presented
    before trial, so that any error may be corrected (and the
    prosecutor can appeal an adverse decision without encoun-
    tering a problem under the Double Jeopardy Clause). See
    United States v. Nixon, 
    901 F.3d 918
    , 920–21 (7th Cir. 2018).
    Duplicity is among them. There is an escape hatch: “If a par-
    ty does not meet the deadline for making a Rule 12(b)(3) mo-
    tion, the motion is untimely. But a court may consider the
    defense, objection, or request if the party shows good
    cause.” Fed. R. Crim. P. 12(c)(3). The district judge stated
    that Boliaux has not offered an excuse for his delay. That
    remains true. The reply brief does not contend that Boliaux
    had “good cause”—or indeed any cause—for raising a du-
    plicity argument only in mid-trial. The decision may well
    have been strategic, deferring majers until it was too late for
    the prosecutor either to amend the indictment or appeal
    from an adverse decision. This is exactly the kind of strategy
    that Rule 12(b)(3) is designed to block.
    Not content with holding back a duplicity argument until
    mid-trial, Boliaux withheld a multiplicity argument until his
    opening appellate brief. Multiplicity means charging a single
    crime in multiple counts. Boliaux tells us that he commijed
    at most one bank fraud, no majer how many checks he
    6                                                   No. 18-1322
    wrote against insufficient funds, making the six bank-fraud
    counts multiplicitous. Yet multiplicity is among the majers
    that must be raised before trial. Fed. R. Crim. P.
    12(b)(3)(B)(ii). Consideration of the argument now depends
    not only on a demonstration of plain error (the standard for
    all contentions first presented on appeal) but also on a
    demonstration of good cause. Boliaux does not argue that he
    had good cause—or any cause at all—for delay in making
    this argument. We therefore do not consider it.
    One evidentiary contention requires a few words. John
    Brincat appeared for the prosecution as an expert witness on
    the topic of floorplanning. He explained to the jury how
    these loans are made and why lenders’ risk is increased by
    the existence of multiple title certificates and multiple loans
    against a single vehicle. The district judge found this testi-
    mony proper under Fed. R. Evid. 702. Still, Boliaux contends
    that the testimony should have been barred because Brincat
    acted as both an expert witness and a fact witness, a dual
    role that may leave the jury confused about how to treat the
    testimony. See, e.g., United States v. Je@, 
    908 F.3d 252
    , 267–68
    (7th Cir. 2018). The district court disagreed, stating: “The tes-
    timony elicited by the government from witness Brincat was
    limited to his role as an industry expert and did not stray
    into fact-witness territory”. Boliaux contests this by observ-
    ing that Brincat testified about how the whole floorplan-
    lending industry works, and Boliaux insists that because
    Brincat is employed by Automotive Finance Corp. (AFC),
    one of the defrauded lenders, the jury likely would have un-
    derstood him to be a fact witness.
    The district judge did not abuse his discretion by per-
    mijing Brincat to testify. He did not describe any special fea-
    No. 18-1322                                                    7
    tures of AFC’s practices or any of the dealings between AFC
    and Boliaux. The jury surely understood Brincat to be testi-
    fying exclusively as an expert. We are surprised that the
    prosecutor would present Brincat as an expert, enabling the
    defense to paint a vital witness as biased, but puzzling deci-
    sions do not make evidence inadmissible.
    Boliaux presents a few additional arguments, which do
    not require discussion. They have been considered and are
    We promised earlier to return to how Boliaux has treated
    the district court’s explanations for its decisions. Circuit Rule
    30(b)(1) requires every appellant to include, in an appendix
    to the brief, “[c]opies of any … opinions, orders, or oral rul-
    ings in the case that address the issues sought to be raised.”
    Circuit Rule 30(d) adds: “The appendix to each appellant’s
    brief shall contain a statement that all of the materials re-
    quired by parts (a) and (b) of this rule are included.”
    Boliaux’s brief, signed by Andrew S. Gable of Chicago, con-
    tains the required certification. But it is false. The appendix
    omits the district court’s statement of its reasons for finding
    the evidence sufficient, finding the duplicity argument (and
    the proposed unanimity instruction) forfeited under Rule
    12(b), and permijing Brincat to testify. (The opinion ad-
    dresses other topics as well.) The appendix also omits sub-
    stantial parts of the district judge’s mid-trial discussions of
    these and other issues. Was Gable hoping that we would not
    discover those rulings?
    False representations to the court of appeals have conse-
    quences. In civil litigation a false certificate of compliance
    with Circuit Rule 30(a) and (b) leads to summary affirmance
    or dismissal of the appeal. See, e.g., Urso v. United States, 72
    8                                                  No. 18-1322
    F.3d 59, 61–62 (7th Cir. 1995); Mortell v. Mortell Co., 
    887 F.2d 1322
    , 1327 (7th Cir. 1989); Teitelbaum v. Curtis Publishing Co.,
    314 F.2d 94
    , 95–96 (7th Cir. 1963); Sparrow v. Yellow Cab Co.,
    273 F.2d 1
    , 4 (7th Cir. 1959); Chicago & Eastern Illinois Ry. v.
    Southern Ry., 
    261 F.2d 394
    , 400 n.7 (7th Cir. 1958). The client
    then may be able to recover from counsel for malpractice.
    We concluded in United States v. Smith, 
    953 F.2d 1060
    , 1068
    (7th Cir. 1992), that this would not be appropriate in criminal
    cases, where defendants have difficulty monitoring their
    lawyers’ performance—and where dismissal of the appeal or
    summary affirmance would lead straight to a decision find-
    ing that counsel had furnished ineffective assistance, which
    would authorize a new appeal. It is best in criminal cases to
    give the defendant plenary appellate review, as we have
    done, and penalize the lawyer directly. See In re Galvan, 
    92 F.3d 582
    (7th Cir. 1996). See also Guentchev v. INS, 
    77 F.3d 1036
    (7th Cir. 1996) (same approach in immigration law).
    Galvan established $1,000 as the presumptive fine for a
    violation of Circuit Rule 30 in a criminal 
    case. 92 F.3d at 584
    85. See also, e.g., United States v. Evans, 
    270 F.3d 1076
    , 1085
    (7th Cir. 2001). Adjusting for inflation, $1,000 in 1996 is
    equivalent to $1,597 today. This implies that the presumptive
    fine should become $1,600.
    Counsel has 14 days to show cause why he should not be
    fined $1,600, and reprimanded, for his violation of Circuit
    Rule 30(b) and his false statement under Circuit Rule 30(d).
    The judgment is affirmed, and an order to show cause
    will be issued.