United States v. Krout , 66 F.3d 1420 ( 1995 )

  •                   UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS
    No. 94-50290
    William Danford, a/k/a Doug Kraus,
    a/k/a Doug Lopez, CYNTHIA ANN VARGAS,
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Western District of Texas
    (October 6, 1995)
    Before POLITZ, Chief Judge, JONES, and PARKER, Circuit Judges.
    EDITH H. JONES, Circuit Judge:
    This is a consolidated appeal arising from the conviction
    of seven defendants for participating in a continuing enterprise of
    murder, drug distribution, and firearm offenses as members and
    conspirators in a Texas prison gang referred to as the "Mexican
    Mafia."   The   principal    offenses   proved   at   trial   involved   an
    elaborate cocaine and heroin distribution scheme within state
    prisons and on the streets of San Antonio.       Most of the inevitable
    differences among the confederates were resolved by murders either
    approved or executed by some of these defendants.                 Although the
    evidence adduced at trial was overwhelming,1 the defendants have
    raised multiple grounds for reversing their convictions.                Of these
    grounds, the challenges to jury anonymity and the imposition of
    consecutive sentencing are the most significant.                   We find no
    reversible error and affirm.
    I.     Evidentiary Challenges
    A.     Wiretap Evidence
    The    assorted     defendants    begin     their    attack    with
    challenges to the evidence-gathering techniques employed by the
    government.        Specifically, they present three objections to the
    evidence     seized     pursuant     to     court    authorized      electronic
    surveillance.       Defendants Huerta and Zamora argue that because the
    terms of the initial wiretap order, entered on September 17, 1992,
    limited the period of surveillance to ten days, interceptions
    recorded after these first ten days must be suppressed (as well as
    the fruits of these conversations).2                Solis Huerta, Nanez and
    Alvarez argue that the wiretap applications and affidavits failed
    to make the required showing that normal investigative procedures
    were tried and failed or reasonably appeared unlikely to succeed or
    too dangerous.       Finally, Alvarez argues that the interception of
    Indeed, the gang's "constitution", introduced into evidence, states in
    its preamble:   "Being a criminal organization . . . [w]e shall deal in drugs,
    contract killings, prostitution, large scale robbery [etc.]"
    Defendants Arce, Solis Huerta and Nanez also expressly adopted this
    the conversations between Huerta and his wife Solis Huerta violated
    their expectation of privacy.
    The first order entered by the district court is slightly
    awkward in syntax.3     Nonetheless, the most plausible reading of the
    order     authorizes    interception       until   either     the       authorized
    objectives were obtained or for a period of thirty days, whichever
    event occurs first.       The thirty days, in turn, are measured from
    "the earlier of the day on which investigative or law enforcement
    officers first begin to conduct an interception under this Order or
    ten (10) days after the Order is entered."           To read the language of
    the order otherwise (i.e., with a strict limit of ten days), as the
    defendants suggest, would impermissibly fail to effectuate the
    thirty-day period referred to in the termination provision because
    there are no circumstances in which interception may extend beyond
    ten days. Moreover, the defendants' argument ignores the intent of
    the issuing judge who obviously anticipated some significance to
    the thirty day period since he required ten, twenty, and thirty day
    progress reports to be filed, and authorized continued interception
    on any changed phone number occurring within this thirty day
    Title 18 U.S.C. § 2518(1)(c) and (3)(c) require the
    applicant for a wiretap order to verify -- and the issuing judge to
    The order provided that monitoring
    shall terminate upon attainment of the authorized
    objectives as listed above, or, in any event, at the end
    of thirty (30) days from the earlier of the day on which
    investigative or law enforcement officers first begin to
    conduct an interception under this Order or ten (10) days
    after the Order is entered, whichever is earlier.
    find -- that "normal investigative procedures have been tried and
    have failed or reasonably appear to be unlikely to succeed if tried
    or to be too dangerous."          "What is required is a showing that in
    the   particular     investigation        normal   investigative     techniques
    employing a normal amount of resources have failed to make the case
    within a reasonable period of time."            United States v. Alfonso, 
    552 F.2d 605
    , 612 (5th Cir.), cert. denied, 
    434 U.S. 857
    (quotation    omitted).         Here    the   affidavits   contained   detailed
    accounts of the investigative techniques that were used by the
    agencies investigating the Mexican Mafia.
    Specifically, the affidavits asserted that informants or
    undercover agents could not infiltrate the conspiracy at high
    enough levels to obtain sufficient evidence to prosecute managers
    of the organization.        This court has previously affirmed wiretap
    orders based upon similar affidavits. See United States v. Guerra-
    928 F.2d 665
    , 671 (5th Cir.), cert. denied, 
    112 S. Ct. 322
    (1991); United States v. Webster, 
    734 F.2d 1048
    , 1055 (5th Cir.),
    cert. denied,      
    469 U.S. 1073
       (1984).     These   affidavits    amply
    established an inability to fully develop a case from informants'
    knowledge, inability to infiltrate with undercover agents, lack of
    access to primary targets, the limited value of searches in proving
    these offenses, and informants' fear and unwillingness to testify.4
    Alvarez lacks standing to challenge the interception of the Huertas'
    conversations; he has no constitutionally recognized interest in asserting their
    privacy rights. See Alderman v. United States, 
    394 U.S. 165
    , 171-72, 176 (1969);
    United States v. Ruggiero, 
    928 F.2d 1289
    , 1303 (2d. Cir.), cert. denied, 
    112 S. Ct. 372
    B.    Evidence of Murders
    Huerta, Zamora, Solis Huerta and Nanez challenge the
    admission     of    evidence   about   the   murders      of   Rangel,     "Chepo"
    Hernandez, "Pancho" Canales, and the attempted murder of "Tye"
    Morales.    Huerta and Zamora argue that the evidence was offered to
    prove   bad    character   in    violation    of   Rule     404(b);      all    four
    defendants argue that the evidence was unduly prejudicial.
    Yet "[e]vidence of an uncharged offense arising out of
    the same transactions as the offense charged in the indictment is
    not extrinsic evidence within the meaning of Rule 404(b)."                     United
    States v. Maceo, 
    947 F.2d 1191
    , 1199 (5th Cir. 1991), cert. denied,
    112 S. Ct. 1510
    (1992).           Huerta, Zamora, Arce and Alvarez were
    charged in the superseding indictment with a RICO offense and RICO
    conspiracy.     That indictment specifically alleged that members and
    associates of the criminal enterprise engaged in the actual and
    threatened use of violence, including murder, to further the
    objectives of the enterprise, to obtain money, and protect the
    organization from law enforcement investigations.                    These murders
    and attempted murder were not introduced as character evidence but
    as acts committed by members of the Texas Mafia in furtherance of
    the RICO offenses.
    The   government   is    not   limited   in      its    proof     of   a
    conspiracy or racketeering enterprise to the overt or racketeering
    acts alleged in the indictment.         United States v. Wilson, 
    657 F.2d 755
    , 763 (5th Cir. 1981), cert. denied, 
    455 U.S. 951
    Morales, Rangel, Hernandez and Canales had all served as "generals"
    in the Texas Mexican Mafia, commanding the members outside of
    prison in San Antonio.        Evidence of how disputes were settled with
    these    members   or   how    they    were   treated    if    believed    to    be
    cooperating with law enforcement was properly admitted to prove the
    allegation in the indictment that murder and extreme violence were
    part of the organization's pattern of racketeering activities. See
    United States v. Firestone, 
    816 F.2d 583
    , 587 (11th Cir.), cert.
    484 U.S. 948
    (1987); United States v. Hawkins, 
    681 F.2d 1343
    , 1346 (11th Cir.), cert. denied, 
    459 U.S. 994
    C.    Coconspirator Testimony
    Zamora challenges the district court's admission of two
    recorded conversations between Rangel's wife, Emily Mendoza, and
    her son, Edward, in which Mendoza discusses the efforts to kill a
    bookie, Ramirez, to whom Rangel and Zamora owed money.                     Zamora
    argues    that   because   Mendoza     was    not   a   conspirator     and     the
    statements were not made in furtherance of the conspiracy, these
    statements were inadmissible hearsay.               This court reviews the
    district court's admission of evidence under Rule 801(d)(2)(E) for
    abuse of discretion.          United States v. Triplett, 
    922 F.2d 1174
    1181 (5th Cir.), cert. denied, 
    500 U.S. 945
    (1991).                 The district
    court's    determinations       that    the   statement       was   made   by     a
    coconspirator and in furtherance of the conspiracy are findings of
    fact reversible only if clearly erroneous.                    United States v.
    964 F.2d 424
    , 434 (5th Cir. 1992).
    Although debatable, the district court's decision that
    Mendoza's comments were made by a coconspirator and in furtherance
    of that conspiracy were not clearly erroneous.                  First, Mendoza was
    with Rangel when he explained the details of the plan to kill
    Ramirez, and she suggested an improvement to the plan.                         ("You
    should have paid Edward instead.")            Second, she also attempted to
    get the job of murdering Ramirez assigned to her son as part of an
    effort to recruit someone to actually commit the murder that was
    initially    bungled.       Although       this   could    be    explained    as   an
    independent endeavor to find work for her son, "[w]here there are
    two permissible views of the evidence, the factfinder's choice
    between them cannot be clearly erroneous."                 Anderson v. Bessemer
    470 U.S. 564
    , 574 (1985).
    In any event, these conversations were merely cumulative
    of recorded conversations among Rangel, Arce, Zamora and others
    that indubitably established a conspiracy to murder Ramirez.
    II.    Jury Challenges
    A.   Jury Anonymity
    We    next   address     the    appellants'         challenge    to    the
    procedure employed by the district court in deciding to empanel an
    anonymous jury, and the substance of the decision that such a
    device was warranted.        The appellants complain that the district
    court abused its discretion in ordering an anonymous jury by: (1)
    failing to conduct a hearing; (2) failing to afford appellants an
    opportunity to refute the allegations in the government's motion
    for anonymous jury; (3) deciding to select an anonymous jury based
    solely on the unsworn allegations contained in the government's
    motion;     (4)   failing    to    advise     the   jury        of   a   neutral    or
    nonprejudicial reason for their anonymous selection; (5) failing to
    preserve the safeguards of a fair and impartial jury selection;
    and, (6) because the unusual circumstances that might justify
    empaneling an anonymous jury were not present in this case.
    Anonymous      jury    empanelment      is    an   issue    of first
    impression in this circuit, but our analysis is guided by the
    standards developed in other circuits, all of which hold that a
    lower court's decision to empanel an anonymous jury is entitled to
    deference and is subject to abuse of discretion review.                    United
    States v. Paccione, 
    949 F.2d 1183
    , 1192 (2nd Cir. 1991); United
    States v. Thornton, 
    1 F.3d 149
    , 154 (3rd Cir.), cert. denied, 
    114 S. Ct. 483
    (1993); United States v. Crockett, 
    979 F.2d 1204
    , 1215-16
    (7th Cir.), cert. denied, 
    113 S. Ct. 1617
    (1993); United States v.
    986 F.2d 451
    , 454 (11th Cir. 1993) (district court has
    wide discretion in determining which questions will be asked during
    voir dire).       Accordingly, this court adopts the same abuse of
    discretion standard of review and will afford deference to a
    district court's empanelment of anonymous juries.
    Keeping this standard in mind, we first reject the
    appellants' objections to the procedural aspects of the district
    court's decision.       The court provided ample opportunities for the
    various defendants to state their objections and to develop their
    arguments.      That the court did not follow the exact procedures
    urged by the defendants on appeal is insignificant.5               Indeed, only
    The court found that anonymity would dispel possible fear by jurors for
    their safety and promote impartial verdicts. To this end, the court ordered a U.S.
    Deputy Marshal to accompany jurors at recesses and to pick up and drop off jurors
    Huerta,    Zamora    and    Alvarez   filed    written    objections     to   the
    government's motion to empanel an anonymous jury.6                A conference
    hearing was also held to discuss the motion, and no appellant
    objected to the court's failure to pose questions to the venire
    other than on the subject of their identities.
    Moving to the merits of the decision to empanel an
    anonymous jury, it must be emphasized that this is a drastic
    measure, which should be undertaken only in limited and carefully
    delineated circumstances.          United States v. Ross, 
    33 F.3d 1507
    (11th Cir. 1994).          Courts that have upheld this form of juror
    protection have reasoned that it is constitutional when needed to
    ensure against a serious threat to juror safety, if the courts also
    protect the defendants' interest in conducting effective voir dire
    and maintaining the presumption of innocence.                United States v.
    40 F.3d 1347
    , 1376 (2nd Cir. 1994); United States v. Amuso,
    21 F.3d 1251
    , 1264 (2nd Cir.), cert. denied, 
    115 S. Ct. 326
    United States v. 
    Paccione, 949 F.2d at 1192
    .                 "These competing
    individual and institutional interests are reasonably accommodated,
    and the use of an anonymous jury is constitutional when, 'there is
    at an undisclosed location at the beginning and end of each day. To attain such
    anonymity, the court ordered simply that the names, addresses, and places of
    employment of jurors and spouses would not be disclosed to the parties.        The
    district court also stated that it would provide a neutral explanation for the
    anonymous status, explaining that it was not the result of any threat by any
    defendant. While the anonymous status endured throughout the trial, the court did,
    however, deviate from its intentions in several respects.      First, it did not
    implement the proposed method of transporting jurors, instead allowing them to
    report directly to the courthouse each day during trial. Second, the court did
    not explain to the jury their anonymous status. Similarly, the court did not
    implement a sequestration order entered during trial until the jury began its
    The district court, nonetheless, deemed all defendants to have joined
    any such objection.
    strong reason        to    believe   the    jury     needs     protection'      and     the
    district court 'tak[es] reasonable precautions to minimize any
    prejudicial     effects      on   the     defendant     and    to    ensure    that     his
    fundamental rights are protected'". United States v. 
    Wong, 40 F.3d at 1376
    (internal citations omitted).                United States v. Vario, 
    943 F.2d 236
    ,    239    (2nd    Cir.   1991),     cert.    denied,      
    112 S. Ct. 882
    (1992)(when       this     balance   is    properly     struck,      the     use   of    an
    anonymous jury does not violate the defendant's constitutional
    rights).        Within       these   parameters,        and,       again    noting      the
    seriousness of such a step, the decision whether or not to empanel
    an anonymous jury is left to the district court's discretion.
    Factors that may justify jury protection by anonymity
    include:    (1)      the   defendants'      involvement       in    organized      crime;
    (2) the defendants' participation in a group with the capacity to
    harm jurors; (3) the defendants' past attempts to interfere with
    the judicial process or witnesses; (4) the potential that, if
    convicted, the defendants will suffer a lengthy incarceration and
    substantial monetary penalties; and, (5) extensive publicity that
    could enhance the possibility that jurors' names would become
    public and expose them to intimidation and harassment.                             United
    States v. 
    Paccione, 949 F.2d at 1192
    ; United States v. 
    Amuso, 21 F.3d at 1264-65
    ;      United   States     v.    
    Ross, 33 F.3d at 1520
    Furthermore, as a caution that use of anonymous juries will remain
    a device of last resort, it is necessary that the district court
    base its decision on more than mere allegations or inferences of
    potential risk.7       In accordance with a holding by the Second
    Circuit, however, the use of anonymous juries will be upheld where
    evidence at trial supports the conclusion that anonymity was
    warranted.    United States v. 
    Wong, 40 F.3d at 1376
    -77 (even if the
    district court had relied only on the government's proffer, the
    trial record supports the court's order of anonymity).
    All of the above factors were present in this case, and
    the district court did not abuse its discretion in empaneling an
    anonymous jury.        Evidence at trial and in wiretap affidavits
    established that appellants were members and leaders of the Texas
    Mexican Mafia.       By its written constitution, the organization
    defined itself as criminals dealing in drugs, contract killings,
    prostitution, large scale robbery, gambling, weapons, and "in
    everything imaginable." One of the group's tenets was to interfere
    with potential witnesses -- specifically, to murder or attempt to
    murder members suspected of informing authorities; such acts did
    occur.    The gang had been linked to dozens of murders in San
    Antonio from 1990-92.       The organization also sought to corrupt law
    enforcement authorities to further their goals.                The appellants
    faced substantial penalties, as Huerta was sentenced to life in
    prison, Alvarez, Zamora, and Arce received sentences of 300, 360,
    and 420 months, respectively, and the shortest term of imprisonment
    imposed on those tried was 120 months.            Finally, prior to trial,
    A lesser showing might be adequate where specific evidence exists
    linking the defendant to organized crime. Satisfaction of this element alone can,
    in turn, translate into the requisite showing for the empanelment of an anonymous
    jury. United States v. Persico, 
    832 F.2d 705
    (2nd Cir. 1987), cert. denied, 
    486 U.S. 1022
    (1988)(anonymous jury upheld where crime family's normal
    course of business suggested risk of obstruction and harm).
    counsel for several defendants observed, and the district court
    agreed, that the case had been the subject of much publicity which
    would likely continue to the case's resolution.8
    B.      Batson Claim9
    After objection, the United States stipulated that of the
    11 prospective jurors stricken peremptorily by the government,
    seven appeared to be of Hispanic ethnicity.                  The district court
    found a prima facie case of discrimination based upon the number of
    strikes against         presumably    Hispanic     veniremen.10       Pursuant    to
    Batson, the court asked the prosecutor to explain the reason for
    each of the challenged peremptory strikes, and the court was
    satisfied that there was no purposeful racial discrimination.11
    This court reviews that conclusion under the clearly erroneous
    standard.       Hernandez v. New York, 
    500 U.S. 352
    , 364-365, 369, 
    111 S. Ct. 1859
    , 1868-69, 1871 (1991).
    The   government     suggests     that   this court should not
    address the merits of the Batson claim.                 To be timely, a Batson
    challenge must be raised before the venire has been dismissed.
    United States v. Maseratti, 
    1 F.3d 330
    , 335 (5th Cir. 1993), cert.
    At the close of oral argument in this appeal, a specific issue arose
    as to whether or not the government during trial inadvertently obtained names and
    telephone numbers for the jurors in this case. This court requested the parties to
    submit further documentation of such allegations and, after careful review of the
    record, we are convinced that such was not the case.
    Batson v. Kentucky, 
    476 U.S. 79
    , 96-98, 
    106 S. Ct. 1712
    , 1723-24 (1986).
    The United States believes that eight other persons who might have
    been Hispanic remained as prospective jurors, and three of them were seated on the
    jury, while two others became alternate jurors. Defense counsel at oral argument
    conceded that at least two seated jurors were of Hispanic origin.
    See n.13 infra for a summary of the reasons given.
    114 S. Ct. 1096
    (1994).          An objection raised after the jury
    is seated and the venire has been dismissed does not preserve the
    claim.    United States v. Collins, 
    972 F.2d 1385
    , 1402 (5th Cir.
    1992), cert. denied, 
    113 S. Ct. 1812
    (1993).                A proper objection
    must be made before the venire is excused and leaves the courtroom.
    Maseratti, 1 F.3d at 335
    n.1.                The record here is ambiguous
    concerning the exact sequence of events,12 but we will assume the
    objection was timely.
    Resolution of the merits of the Batson challenge posed by
    all defendants is much simpler in light of Purkett v. Elem, ___
    U.S. ___, 
    115 S. Ct. 1769
    (1995).             Reversing the court of appeals,
    which had demanded that a race-neutral explanation be related to
    the facts of the particular case, the Supreme Court held that all
    that a prosecutor need offer is a facially valid explanation. 
    Id. at 1771.
         "Unless a discriminatory intent is inherent in the
    prosecutor's explanation, the reason offered will be deemed race
    Id. (citing Hernandez,
    500 U.S. at 360 (plurality
    opinion), 374 (O'Connor, concurring)). Accordingly, a "’legitimate
    reason' is not a reason that makes sense, but a reason that does
    not deny equal protection." 
    Id. 12 After
    the judge read the numbers of the sixteen jurors selected to
    serve, the district court thanked the other veniremen and instructed them to hand
    their "juror" buttons to somebody at the back door. He informed them they could be
    on their way, and according to the record there was a pause as those excused left
    the courtroom. Next, the district judge ordered the selected jurors to move into
    the jury box.    Only after they had moved into the box, and the court began
    addressing the jury as selected did defense counsel apprise the court, "We may have
    a Batson problem."        Counsel acknowledged that he needed to raise the issue
    before losing jurors, but the district court observed, "it's too late to bring them
    back." The court then proceeded to give preliminary instructions to the jury.
    It is unclear whether the veniremen had physically left the courtroom when
    defense counsel first offered a Batson-objection to the district court.
    The district court believed the reasons proffered by the
    assistant United States attorney were genuine, and nothing in the
    record has been identified to suggest this credibility evaluation
    to have been clearly erroneous.13
    III.    Procedural Challenges
    A.   Misjoinder, Rule 8
    "Improper joinder under Rule 8 is considered to be inherently
    prejudicial and this is reviewable on appeal as a matter of law."
    United States v. Bright, 
    630 F.2d 804
    , 813 (5th Cir. 1980).                     This
    criminal procedure rule authorizes joinder of defendants "if they
    are alleged to have participated in the same act or transaction or
    in the same series of acts or transactions constituting an offense
    or offenses."      Its requirement is satisfied by allegation of an
    overarching conspiracy that encompasses the substantive offenses
    charged.     United States v. Faulkner, 17 F.3d 745,758 (5th Cir.),
    cert. denied, 
    115 S. Ct. 193
    (1994).               If an indictment charges RICO
    violations,     offenses       committed     as     part   of   the   pattern    of
    In Purkett, the reason proffered by the prosecution was that the juror
    had a beard and long hair. These justifications, held sufficient in Purkett, are
    the least trial-related explanations proffered in this case:
    a.    Jurors 1, 13, and 59 expressed difficulty reading the English
    language, which prompted concern because of the voluminous
    transcripts introduced into evidence.     Juror 59 also had a
    tattoo which could indicate prior affiliation with a gang.
    b.    Juror 10's demeanor appeared "lackadaisical," and he laughed at
    inappropriate times. Juror 56 also was excused for failure to
    exhibit an appropriate degree of seriousness.
    c.    Juror 94 indicated in his response that the Mexican Mafia sought
    peace.    Concerned with potential bias, the prosecutor was
    further troubled by his long hair and a beard.
    d.    Juror 100 was excused because of her son's previous experience
    with juvenile court, and her casual attitude.
    racketeering activity are properly joined even if the defendant
    objecting is not named in the RICO count.                United States v.
    Manzella, 782 F.2d 533,540 (5th Cir.), cert. denied, 
    476 U.S. 1123
    Yet   Krout    notes    that   he   was   only   indicted    for
    participating in the heroin conspiracy and with the substantive
    offense of possessing with intent to distribute heroin on March 15,
    1993.    Citing United States v. Bova, 
    493 F.2d 33
    (5th Cir. 1974),
    and United States v. Gentile, 
    495 F.2d 626
    (5th Cir. 1974), he
    reasons that he falls within the rule requiring severance where all
    of the defendants are charged with offenses arising out of the same
    series of acts or transactions, but one defendant is additionally
    charged with an offense which is not alleged to have arisen out of
    the same series of acts or transactions.
    Krout is only partially correct because he ignores United
    States v. Welch, 
    656 F.2d 1039
    , 1049-50 (5th Cir. 1981).                This
    court in Welch held that "the joinder of otherwise separate acts
    may be allowed when the acts are properly linked by means of a
    conspiracy charge."       
    Id. at 1051.
        Significantly, this court
    expressly decided that "[i]t is true that a RICO conspiracy count
    can     provide   the   connexity    between    two   otherwise   unrelated
    conspiracies necessary to satisfy the requirements of Rule 8(b)."
    Id. More importantly,
    the Welch court adopted the reasoning of the
    Second Circuit in United States v. Weisman, 
    624 F.2d 1118
    Cir.), cert. denied, 
    449 U.S. 871
    In      Weisman,    as     in        Krout's     case,    an     individual
    defendant -- Cannatella -- was charged in the indictment with
    bankruptcy fraud and not in either the securities fraud or any
    unifying RICO count.         Nevertheless, the Second Circuit held (with
    this court later approving) that the joint trial of Cannatella with
    the other RICO defendants did not violate Rule 8(b).                         
    Welch, 656 F.2d at 1052-1053
    .          Similarly, no error was committed by Krout's
    joinder in this case.
    B.    Severance, Rule 14
    Krout,     Nanez,    and    Solis       Huerta    all    argue    that   the
    district court abused its discretion in denying their motions for
    relief from prejudicial joinder under Fed. R. Crim. P. 14.
    Generally, however, persons indicted together should be
    tried together. United States v. Arzola-Amaya, 
    867 F.2d 1504
    , 1516
    (5th Cir.), cert. denied, 
    493 U.S. 933
    (1989).                       A district court
    should grant a Rule 14 severance "only if there is a serious risk
    that a joint trial would compromise a specific trial right of one
    of the defendants, or prevent the jury from making a reliable
    judgment about guilt or innocence."                 Zafiro v. United States, 
    113 S. Ct. 933
    , 939 (1993). Indeed, neither a quantitative disparity in
    the evidence nor the presence of a spillover effect requires a
    severance." United States v. Neal, 
    27 F.3d 1035
    , 1045 (5th Cir.),
    cert.     denied,     
    115 S. Ct. 530
          (1994).       Normally,       limiting
    instructions to the jury will cure any risk of prejudice.                       
    Zafiro, 113 S. Ct. at 938
    To reverse for abuse of discretion thus requires a
    showing of specific and compelling prejudice.                 United States v.
    12 F.3d 1350
    , 1363 (5th Cir.), cert. denied, 
    114 S. Ct. 1861
    (1994).     These defendants cannot approach such a showing:
    a.   The evidence about Krout's illicit activity was
    focused and compartmentalized. Presentation of evidence
    related to his delivery of heroin to Saldana and Munoz
    was limited to the 11th, 12th and 14th days of trial.
    Moreover, Krout's opening argument specifically directed
    the jury's attention to the events of March 15, 1993 and
    warned against "spillover." The actual disputed factual
    issues concerning his guilt were simple and limited:
    whether the surveillance officers could see him deliver
    a package to Saldana; and whether or not Erasmo
    Gonzalez's testimony was credible.
    b.   The extent of Solis Huerta's involvement was
    also not difficult to separate from the larger universe
    of evidence. She communicated with her husband Huerta,
    packaged heroin, and connected Huerta with other gang
    members by telephone. Nanez's role was similar but she
    also actively participated in collecting the "dime," and
    facilitating communications between her father Huerta and
    other gang members. Both of these defendants also had
    the testimony presented against them in a block on the
    4th, 5th and 6th days of trial.14
    IV.    Alvarez’s, Krout’s, and Arce’s Separate Challenges
    A.    Alvarez
    1.   Evidentiary Challenges
    Alvarez challenges the district court's denial of his
    motion to suppress evidence obtained pursuant to a search warrant
    In addition to the court's instruction to consider each defendant's
    guilt individually, the care and attention of the jury was obvious from the specific
    and focused notes it sent to the district court throughout its seven day period of
    Initially, the jury requested an index for the volumes of wiretap transcripts.
    Subsequently, the jury sent notes concentrating on Hector Alvarez, then about the
    murder offense involving Arce and Zamora, proceeding to the shipment of heroin to
    California (implicating Huerta, Solis Huerta, and Nanez), moving onto the testimony
    of Morales, and culminating with Krout's March 15 transaction.       This course of
    events reflects careful sifting of the evidence, or as the district court observed,
    they "studied this matter very carefully."
    from the residence of Rosa Rubio in San Antonio.                Regardless of the
    merits of his contention about the deficiency of the warrant,
    Alvarez has no standing to challenge its constitutionality.
    Alvarez has the burden of establishing that his own
    constitutional rights were violated by an unlawful search or
    seizure.     United States v. Wilson, 
    36 F.3d 1298
    , 1302 (5th Cir.
    1994).      Alvarez   neither    alleged      nor    offered    evidence      at    the
    suppression hearing that he had any property or possessory interest
    in the property searched at 6154 Bark Valley. "In general, a person
    who is aggrieved by an illegal search and seizure only through the
    introduction of damaging evidence secured by a search of a third
    person's premises or property has not had any of his Fourth
    Amendment rights infringed."            
    Wilson, 36 F.3d at 1302
    .                    The
    government    alerted   Alvarez    in    its    response       to    his   motion    to
    suppress that he had the burden of establishing his expectation of
    privacy in the premises searched.                   This court does not deem
    standing    to   be   waived    where   "no    facts    were        adduced   at    the
    [suppression] hearing from which the government could reasonably
    have inferred the existence of the defendant's standing."                     United
    States v. Cardona, 
    955 F.2d 976
    , 982 (5th Cir.), cert. denied, 
    113 S. Ct. 381
    Alvarez also challenges, primarily under Fed. R. Evid.
    404(b), the admission of two of his prior traffic stops by police
    officers.    During the first stop, on June 11, 1992, Alvarez fled
    the scene and discarded nine packets of heroin and a handgun.                       The
    second stop, which occurred on March 12, 1993, was for driving
    while intoxicated.        Contrary   to   his   assertions,   none   of   the
    evidence admitted about these two stops was character evidence
    within the meaning of Rule 404(b).
    Rule 404(b) excludes most evidence of extrinsic offenses
    offered to prove a defendant acted in conformity with his bad
    character. Uncharged offenses arising from the same transaction or
    series of transactions charged in the indictment, however, are not
    barred by the rule.   United States v. Maceo, 
    947 F.2d 1191
    , 1999
    (5th Cir. 1991), cert. denied, 
    112 S. Ct. 1510
    (1992).                     More
    specifically, evidence of acts committed pursuant to a conspiracy
    and offered to prove the defendant's membership or participation in
    the conspiracy are not extrinsic evidence. United States v. Davis,
    19 F.3d 166
    , 171 (5th Cir. 1994).
    Thus, to avoid the strictures of Rule 404(b), all the
    government need do is suggest a logical hypothesis of the relevance
    of the evidence for a purpose other than to demonstrate his
    propensity to act in a particular manner.           Here, the prosecutor
    proposed to introduce evidence of the first traffic stop because it
    physically   associated     appellant     Alvarez   with   Victor    "Morro"
    Alvarez, a member of the Texas Mexican Mafia conspiracy. Moreover,
    it corroborated the testimony of uncharged conspirator Lisa Rubio
    that these two men were engaged in a drug trafficking operation.
    Finally, the evidence could also be admissible as an act "part and
    parcel of the conspiracy itself."         The June date of this traffic
    stop fell within the time period of the offenses charged in the
    indictment     and   implicated       the     same      offense    conduct     and    a
    participant identified in wiretap recordings.
    The 1993 stop for DWI was similarly admissible.                            The
    evidence at trial was limited to the fact of the actual stop and
    the reason was never provided the jury.                 The United States limited
    its proof to the fact that Alvarez was stopped and identified as
    the driver of a car registered to Lisa Rubio.                     Not only did the
    evidence corroborate Rosa Rubio's testimony about the relationship
    between Lisa Rubio and Victor Alvarez, it also linked Alvarez to
    Rangel, one of the leaders of the alleged conspiracy, because the
    same vehicle     had    been     observed     by    a   surveillance       officer    at
    Rangel's residence in December, 1992.
    2.    Jury Instruction
    Alvarez requested the district court to give the jury a
    lesser included        offense    instruction        misdemeanor       possession     of
    heroin or cocaine, in violation of 21 U.S.C. § 844(a). To be
    entitled to such an instruction, the elements of the lesser offense
    must be a subset of the elements of the charged offense.                             See
    United States v. Garcia, 
    27 F.3d 1009
    , 1014 (5th Cir.), cert.
    115 S. Ct. 531
    (1994); Schmuck v. United States, 
    489 U.S. 705
    , 716 (1989).        Indeed, each statutory element of the lesser
    offense must also be present in the greater offense. United States
    v. Browner, 
    937 F.2d 165
    , 168 (5th Cir. 1991).
    The    elements        of   simple       possession     of   a   controlled
    substance are (1) the knowing possession (2) of a controlled
    substance.      Alvarez, however, was charged in Count I with a
    substantive   RICO     violation   under    18   U.S.C.    section   1962(c).
    Racketeering activities are defined by statute to include "the
    felonious manufacture, importation, receiving, concealment, buying,
    selling, or otherwise dealing in narcotic or other dangerous
    drugs." 18 U.S.C. § 1961(1)(D)(emphasis added).            Simple possession
    of heroin or cocaine does not even constitute a RICO predicate
    offense.      Counts    Two,   Four   and    Five   charged    Alvarez    with
    conspiracies to commit the substantive offense, and to distribute
    and possess with the intent to distribute heroin and cocaine.
    Simple possession is not a lesser included offense of a drug
    conspiracy, United States v. Rodriguez, 
    948 F.2d 914
    , 917 (5th Cir.
    1991), cert. denied, 
    112 S. Ct. 2970
    (1992), nor should it be a
    lesser offense for a RICO conspiracy.
    Alvarez also urges that the district court committed
    reversible error by failing to charge the jury that "mere agreement
    to commit the predicate acts charged is not sufficient to find the
    defendant guilty of conspiracy to violate the RICO statute."               The
    trial court's refusal is reviewed for abuse of discretion.               United
    States v. Jensen, 
    41 F.3d 946
    , 953 (5th Cir. 1994).              Denial of a
    requested instruction is not error when its substance is implicit
    in the instructions actually given.         United States v. Ramirez, 
    963 F.2d 693
    , 705 (5th Cir.), cert. denied, 
    113 S. Ct. 388
    The   district      court's      instructions      separated    the
    enterprise from the pattern of racketeering activity.                And they
    quite carefully explained each of the elements necessary for
    predicate offenses, a "pattern," and conspiracy.15                 Considered as
    a whole, these instructions did not permit the jury to find a RICO
    conspiracy solely upon proof that Alvarez agreed to commit the
    predicate crimes.
    3.    Statutory Challenge
    Alvarez     argues     that    the    elements    of    "pattern     of
    racketeering activity" and activities of an enterprise that "affect
    interstate or foreign commerce" are both unconstitutionally vague
    on their face and as applied to him.                This circuit has already
    specifically rejected the facial challenge to the vagueness of
    "pattern of racketeering activity."              Abell v. Potomac Ins. Co. of
    946 F.2d 1160
    , 1165-67 (5th Cir. 1991), cert. denied, 
    112 S. Ct. 1944
    (1992).          As applied, the statute itself enumerates
    offenses that qualify as "racketeering activity."                    The Supreme
    Court defined the "pattern" component to require the prosecution to
    "show that the racketeering predicates are related, and that they
    amount to or pose a threat of continued criminal activity."                    H.J.
    Inc. v. Northwestern Bell Telephone Co., 
    492 U.S. 229
    , 239 (1989).
    Hence, Alvarez must argue that the scope of this pattern element
    "was so unclear that a person of ordinary intelligence in [his]
    First, the judge directed the jury that "[t]o prove a pattern of
    racketeering activity, the government must prove . . . that the acts are related to
    each other and, two, they amount to or pose a threat of continuing criminal
    activity."   He then defined what the government must establish to prove the
    racketeering acts are related to one another:      "[T]he criminal conduct charged
    embraces criminal acts that have the same or similar purposes, results,
    participants, victims . . . and are not isolated events." Next, the district court
    carefully outlined that the defendant must be linked to the illegal endeavors of the
    enterprise by participating or "conduct[ing] its affairs: To do so, the government
    must additionally demonstrate a relationship among the defendant, the pattern of
    racketeering activity and the enterprise." He cautioned the jury explicitly, "The
    defendant and the enterprise cannot be the same." Finally, the court precisely
    defined the elements of a RICO conspiracy.
    position would not have had adequate notice that his actions
    constituted a pattern of racketeering activity."               
    Abell, 946 F.2d at 1167
    (internal quotations omitted).             Alvarez was shown to be a
    member of the Mexican Mafia, an organization officially devoted to
    criminal    activities,16     which    dealt   and   distributed      narcotics,
    sanctioned murder, and organized an extortionate collection scheme
    of a "street tax."      RICO was certainly intended to encompass these
    activities designed to further an organized crime enterprise.
    Because Alvarez did not truly develop the interstate
    commerce vagueness argument in his brief, the point is abandoned.17
    B.   Krout
    1.     Replayed Testimony
    The district court denied the jury's request during
    deliberations to replay the testimony of the officers involved in
    the surveillance and stop of Krout on March 15.                      Generally,
    rereading or replaying testimony is disfavored.               United States v.
    700 F.2d 479
    , 486 (9th Cir.), cert. denied, 
    462 U.S. 1123
    (1983); United States v. Keys, 
    899 F.2d 983
    , 98 (10th Cir.), cert.
    489 U.S. 858
    (1990).           Denial of such a request is proper
    when the court finds that replaying the testimony would take an
    inordinate amount of time or create a risk that the jury would
    place an undue emphasis on that evidence.                    United States v.
    Recall, the gang's self-avowed objective was to "deal in drugs,
    contract killings, prostitution, large scale robbery, gambling, weapons . . ."
    We have also considered -- and reject -- Alvarez's argument that there
    was insufficient evidence to convict him on all counts.
    748 F.2d 249
    , 256 (5th Cir. 1984), cert. denied, 
    471 U.S. 1104
    This request from the jury encompassed four to six hours
    of testimony.       The parties themselves were unable to focus the
    request into a more manageable segment of the testimony. Further,
    because    the   testimony    was   audiotaped     it   would   have   required
    redaction prior to playing before the jury.             At this time, the jury
    had already deliberated into the fifth day, and had previously
    requested two other lengthy replays of testimony.                  No abuse of
    discretion occurred in denying this request.
    2.   Expert Testimony
    Detective Martinez testified during the playing of three
    recorded conversations in which "Cowboy" Gonzalez was a participant
    or was discussed.      The district court denied Krout's objections to
    questions soliciting the officer's opinion that references to "the
    people" and the "driver of the truck" indicated that Gonzalez was
    acting with others to bring heroin into the area.                Although this
    court has held that an undercover agent may interpret the "argot or
    seemingly secret jargon of []alleged criminals," United States v.
    Fuller, 974 F.2d 1474,1482 (5th Cir. 1992),18 expert testimony
    regarding the meaning of ordinary words, which the jury is in as
    good a position as the 'expert" to interpret, must be excluded.
    United States v. Allibhai, 
    939 F.2d 244
    , 250 (5th Cir. 1991).               Here
    the excerpts of conversation which Martinez was asked to comment on
    The agent was permitted to explain the term "move around" money means
    money laundering.
    were not alleged by the United States to be code -- as is often the
    case in wiretapped conversations.
    Nonetheless, erroneous admission of expert testimony is
    subject to harmless error analysis.             United States v. Weiner, 3
    F.3d 17,21-22 (1st Cir. 1993).               The testimony objected to by
    counsel did little to incriminate Krout.               First, other evidence
    introduced at trial established that the "people" referred to in
    this conversation about the December 28 transaction did not include
    Krout.19     Gonzalez's own testimony confirmed this fact.               For the
    exact      opposite    reason,    testimony     concerning      the    March    14
    conversation was also harmless to Krout; it was cumulative of other
    incriminating evidence:          Gonzalez testified that Krout delivered
    the heroin to a Mr. Saldana on March 15.                  Significantly, this
    testimony was corroborated by surveillance of the exchange of
    packages between Krout's and Saldana's vehicles, the seizure of
    heroin from a box of laundry detergent in Saldana's car, and 1-2
    cupfuls of laundry detergent from Krout's Blazer.
    3.   Consecutive Sentencing
    Krout's    challenge    to   his   sentence,     however,     merits
    extended discussion.          Krout complains that the district court
    failed to apply the methodology provided by the commentary to
    § 5G1.3(c), a policy statement, and that if it had, the district
    court would have imposed the sentence to run concurrent with a
    sentence imposed in the Southern District of Texas.
    Indeed, after Detective Martinez clarified that Krout was not involved
    in the December 28 transaction Krout's attorney remarked that he "had no problem"
    with the testimony that Gonzalez was not acting alone.
    At sentencing, the district court informed Krout that it
    would impose the sentence for this offense consecutive to a 97-
    month term imposed for a prior drug offense in the Southern
    District of Texas.        (Krout was a fugitive when he committed the
    offenses involved in this case.) Both Krout and his attorney asked
    the district judge to reconsider this decision, and noted an
    "objection" for the record.        However, Krout's objection offered no
    particular legal basis.20         The government contends that Krout's
    imprecise objection is insufficient to preserve the claimed error
    for review.      We agree.
    Krout's objection was in the manner of a simple plea for
    leniency. Indeed, nothing in Krout's objection gave any indication
    of the sentencing error now claimed.             "A party must raise a claim
    of error with the district court in such a manner so that the
    district court may correct itself and thus, obviate the need for
    our review."     United States v. Bullard, 
    13 F.3d 154
    , 156 (5th Cir.
    1994).    By failing to properly object at sentencing, the defendant
    The record reflects this exchange after the sentence was imposed:
    KROUT:        Your Honor, could I say one more thing?
    COURT:        Yes.
    KROUT:        Could I just ask you to reconsider about running it concurrent
    with the Corpus Christi? You know, its a very long time away
    from my family, your Honor.
    COURT:        The Court will deny that request at this time, Mr. Krout, and
    the Court will order that the hundred and sixty-eight months on
    this case run consecutive to the ninety-seven months imposed in
    the Corpus case. The Court, it will--
    FAHLE (Counsel): Your Honor, I'm sorry.     I've just two other
    quick things. I want to make   sure that our objection to that is
    preserved. And, secondly, I    would now orally file a notice of
    appeal, and I'll follow it      later with a written notice of
    waives his right to full appellate review.             This Court will remedy
    errors so forfeited only in the most exceptional case.                      United
    States v. Torrez, 
    40 F.3d 84
    , 86 (5th Cir. 1994).               In other words,
    we review only for plain error.21
    In order to show plain error, the appellant must show
    that there was an error, that it was plain (meaning "clear" or
    "obvious") and that the error affects substantial rights.                     This
    Court lacks the authority to relieve an appellant of this burden.
    United States v. Olano, --U.S.--, 
    113 S. Ct. 1770
    , 1777-81, 123 L.
    Ed. 2d 508 (1993).        In addition, even when the appellant carries
    this burden, this Court is not required to correct the error.                   The
    Supreme Court has directed that such a forfeited error should be
    corrected if the error "seriously affect[s] the fairness, integrity
    or public reputation of judicial proceedings."                
    Id. at --,
    113 S.
    Ct. at 1779 (quoting United States v. Atkinson, 
    297 U.S. 157
    , 160,
    56 S. Ct. 391
    , 392, 
    80 L. Ed. 555
    In the written judgment of commitment the district court
    explained its decision to impose consecutive sentences:
    According to U.S.S.G. § 5G1.3, the sentence for the
    instant offense should result in an appropriate
    incremental punishment that most nearly approximates the
    sentence that would have been imposed had both sentences
    been imposed at the same time. Based upon the purity of
    the heroin, the defendant's obstructive behavior, and the
    fact that the defendant was not prosecuted for bond
    jumping in the Southern District of Texas, the court
    finds that the consecutive sentence in this case is
    Rule 52(b) of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure provides: "Plain
    errors or defects affecting substantial rights may be noticed although they were not
    brought to the attention of the court."
    The actual sentence imposed for this offense was at the low end of
    the guideline range of imprisonment:           168 months in a range of 168-
    210 months.
    Guideline section 5G1.3(c) provides that, in any case
    other than those covered under subsections (a) and (b),22 "the
    sentence    for    the   instant     offense    shall    be   imposed     to   run
    consecutively to the prior undischarged term of imprisonment to the
    extent necessary to achieve a reasonable incremental punishment for
    the instant offense." U.S.S.G. § 5G1.3(c), p.s. The commentary to
    this section, application note 3, provides that "to the extent
    practicable, the court should consider a reasonable incremental
    penalty to be a sentence for the instant offense that results in a
    combined sentence of imprisonment that approximates the total
    punishment that would have been imposed . . . had all of the
    offenses been federal offenses for which sentences were being
    imposed at the same time."
    Although the district court has the ultimate discretion
    to impose a sentence consecutively, see United States v. Bell, 
    46 F.3d 442
    , 446 (5th Cir. 1995), it is required to consider the
    applicable sentencing guidelines and policy statements.                    See 18
    U.S.C. §§ 3584(a), (b); 18 U.S.C. §§ 3553(a)(4), (5); United States
    v. Parks, 
    924 F.2d 68
    , 72 (5th Cir. 1991).                    In addition, the
    Supreme Court has held that commentary that interprets or explains
    Subsection (a) applies where the defendant committed the instant offense
    while serving an undischarged term of imprisonment and subsection (b) applies where
    the conduct resulting in the undischarged term of imprisonment has been taken into
    account under the relevant conduct provision in determining the offense level for
    the instant offense. Appellant and appellee agree that subsections (a) and (b) did
    not apply in the present case.
    a guideline is authoritative. Stinson v. United States, -- U.S.--,
    113 S. Ct. 1913
    , 1915, 
    123 L. Ed. 2d 598
    (1993).          In United States
    v. Hernandez, -- F.3d --, 
    1995 WL 509345
    (5th Cir. 1995), this
    Court held that a sentencing court is bound to consider § 5G1.3(c)
    as   well as    the   implications    of   the   methodology   suggested   by
    application note 3.        "[T]he district court must consider the
    suggested methodology before determining whether a sentence should
    run consecutively or concurrently."              
    Id. at *3.
       The judgment
    entered by the district court, quoted above, clearly reflects that
    it considered both § 5G1.3(c) and the commentary to that section.
    Krout argues, however, that the district court's failure
    to apply the methodology provided by the commentary to § 5G1.3(c)
    was error.     We cannot agree.      As we noted in Torrez,
    the methodology proposed by note 3 is permissive only.
    The specific formula . . . is conspicuously preceded by
    the language "[t]o the extent practicable, the court
    should consider . . . ." This language denotes merely
    one possible manner of determining the appropriate
    incremental penalty. Thus, even if the district court
    had considered this provision, it would have been free to
    decline to follow the suggested methodology. In other
    words, the district court would not have violated this
    provision if it had considered it and then determined
    that imposing the sentence consecutively provided the
    appropriate incremental 
    punishment. 40 F.3d at 87
    (internal citation omitted).             In Hernandez, this
    Court held that the suggested methodology is advisory only.            
    1995 WL 509345
    at *3.        Therefore, failure to apply the methodology
    provided cannot constitute error.
    Krout also argues that the reasons given by the district
    court for imposing the sentence consecutively were insufficient to
    justify that decision in light of the policy concerns underlying §
    5G1.3. In Hernandez, we held that "[i]f the district court chooses
    not to follow the methodology, it must explain why the calculated
    sentence would be impracticable in that case or the reasons for
    using an alternate method.         Thereafter, the district court is left
    with discretion to impose a sentence which it believes provides an
    appropriate     incremental     punishment."        
    Id. (internal citations
    Although it is not clear from the district court's judgment
    why it did not follow the recommended methodology or why it used an
    alternate method, it is clear that the district court considered
    the relevant commentary and, with reasons, decided on what it
    believed to be an appropriate incremental penalty.                   We need not
    decide whether under Hernandez the district court's reasons were
    insufficient because any error in the district court's judgment
    could not be considered so "clear" or "obvious" as to be deemed
    "plain" error.23
    C.   Arce
    This court reviews the court's denial of a motion for
    severance or a motion for continuance for abuse of discretion.
    United States v. Dilman, 
    15 F.3d 384
    , 393-94 (5th Cir.), cert.
    115 S. Ct. 183
    (1994)(severance);              United States v. Kelly,
    973 F.2d 1145
    , 1147-48 (5th Cir. 1992)(continuance).                Denial of an
    eleventh hour or mid-trial motion for a continuance - even when an
    attorney unfamiliar with the case must take over representation of
    We are not saying that the reasons articulated by the District Court
    would not be proper justification for the imposition of a consecutive sentence under
    the Hernandez mandated methodology.
    a defendant- is not an abuse of discretion.           See    United States v.
    777 F.2d 248
    , 255 (5th Cir. 1985), cert. denied, 
    475 U.S. 1096
    (1986).   Arce seeks to establish the requisite "specific and
    compelling" or "serious" prejudice based upon the ineffective
    assistance of counsel he received from his first attorney Harrison
    and based upon Harrison's absences from trial, which allegedly
    denied him counsel altogether.
    This    court,     however,    will   not   address      ineffective
    assistance of counsel claims on direct appeal except in unusual
    cases.   United States v. Higdon, 
    832 F.2d 312
    , 313-314 (5th Cir.
    1987), cert. denied, 
    484 U.S. 1075
    (1988).              Only in that rare
    instance where the details of the attorney's conduct are "well
    developed" in the record is such a claim properly considered on
    direct appeal."    
    Id. at 314.
       Because the record is not definitive
    about when Harrison's absences were covered by Langlois, we defer
    to the usual vehicle for resolution of a Sixth Amendment claim, a
    section 2255 motion.
    Finally, to the extent that Arce attempts to find an
    abuse of discretion in the district court's denial of his motion
    that is not grounded in effective assistance of counsel, the
    district court's careful and extended reasoning easily suffices to
    reject the attack.
    V.   Sentencing Challenges
    We     have   specifically      considered        each   appellant's
    challenge to the sentence imposed and reject all of their attacks;
    every appellant was properly sentenced or the error claimed was
    Having carefully reviewed the contentions advanced by the
    appellants, we find no reversible error of fact or law.

Document Info

Docket Number: 94-50290

Citation Numbers: 66 F.3d 1420

Judges: Jones, Parker, Politz

Filed Date: 9/28/1995

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 8/1/2023

Authorities (59)

United States v. Michael Curtis Keys , 899 F.2d 983 ( 1990 )

United States v. Leonard Finestone , 816 F.2d 583 ( 1987 )

United States v. Peter Vario, Michael Labarbara, Jr., James ... , 943 F.2d 236 ( 1991 )

United States v. Robert Hawkins , 681 F.2d 1343 ( 1982 )

United States v. Allan Ross , 33 F.3d 1507 ( 1994 )

United States v. Shawn Daniels, Tyrone Scott, Paul George, ... , 986 F.2d 451 ( 1993 )

United States v. Wilson , 36 F.3d 1298 ( 1994 )

United States v. Alex Wong, Roger Kwok, Chen I. Chung, Tung ... , 40 F.3d 1347 ( 1994 )

united-states-v-bryan-thornton-aka-moochie-dc-criminal-no , 1 F.3d 149 ( 1993 )

United States v. Eliot H. Weisman and Salvatore J. ... , 624 F.2d 1118 ( 1980 )

United States v. Angelo Ruggiero, Gene Gotti and John ... , 928 F.2d 1289 ( 1991 )

united-states-v-carmine-persico-aka-snake-aka-junior-hugh , 832 F.2d 705 ( 1987 )

united-states-v-angelo-paccione-anthony-y-vulpis-john-j-mcdonald-a-a , 949 F.2d 1183 ( 1991 )

United States v. Vittorio Amuso, Also Known as Jesse, Also ... , 21 F.3d 1251 ( 1994 )

United States v. Bullard , 13 F.3d 154 ( 1994 )

United States v. Colleen Parks , 924 F.2d 68 ( 1991 )

United States v. Gina Antoinette Browner , 937 F.2d 165 ( 1991 )

United States v. Torrez , 40 F.3d 84 ( 1994 )

United States v. Tom Welch, Charles Cashell, William L. ... , 656 F.2d 1039 ( 1981 )

united-states-v-alfredo-fernandez-chino-al-alfonso-steve-guggino , 552 F.2d 605 ( 1977 )

View All Authorities »