Jennie McCormack v. Mark Hiedeman , 694 F.3d 1004 ( 2012 )

  •                  FOR PUBLICATION
    JENNIE LINN MCCORMACK,                
    No. 11-36010
             D.C. No.
    MARK L. HIEDEMAN, Bannock                 4:11-cv-00433-BLW
    County Prosecuting Attorney,
    JENNIE LINN MCCORMACK,                
    Plaintiff-Appellant,           No. 11-36015
             D.C. No.
    MARK L. HIEDEMAN, Bannock
    County Prosecuting Attorney,                   OPINION
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the District of Idaho
    B. Lynn Winmill, Chief District Judge, Presiding
    Argued and Submitted
    July 9, 2012—Portland, Oregon
    Filed September 11, 2012
    10914                  MCCORMACK v. HIEDEMAN
    Before: Betty B. Fletcher and Harry Pregerson,
    Circuit Judges, and Donald E. Walter,
    Senior District Judge.*
    Opinion by Judge Pregerson
    *The Honorable Donald E. Walter, Senior District Judge for the U.S.
    District Court for the Western District of Louisiana, sitting by designation.
    10916             MCCORMACK v. HIEDEMAN
    Clay R. Smith, Deputy Attorney General, Boise, Idaho, for
    the defendant-appellant and cross-appellee.
    Richard A. Hearn, Racine, Olson, Nye, Budge & Bailey,
    Chartered, Pocatello, Idaho, for the plaintiff-appellee and
    Kathleen M. O’Sullivan, Perkins Coie, Seattle, Washington,
    for amici curiae Legal Voice, Center for Reproductive Rights,
    and National Advocates for Pregnant Women.
    MCCORMACK v. HIEDEMAN                  10917
    PREGERSON, Circuit Judge:
    On May 18, 2011, Mark Hiedeman, the Bannock County,
    Idaho prosecuting attorney, filed a felony criminal complaint
    in the district court of the State of Idaho, in and for Bannock
    County against Jennie Linn McCormack. The complaint
    charged McCormack with “the public offense of Unlawful
    Idaho Code § 18-606
    ,” which makes it a felony for
    any woman to undergo an abortion in a manner not authorized
    by statute. As a result, McCormack faced the possibility of up
    to five years imprisonment for allegedly violating 
    Idaho Code § 18-606
    , which specifically targets pregnant women. 
    Idaho Code § 18-606
    (2). On September 7, 2011, the Idaho state dis-
    trict court dismissed the criminal complaint without prejudice.
    Prosecuting attorney Hiedeman has not determined whether
    he will re-file the criminal complaint.
    On September 24, 2011, McCormack filed in the U.S. Dis-
    trict Court for the District of Idaho a class action lawsuit
    against the prosecuting attorney, Hiedeman. The suit charges,
    among other things, that 
    Idaho Code § 18-606
     violates various
    provisions of the United States Constitution. The district court
    issued a preliminary injunction, restraining Hiedeman from
    Idaho Code §§ 18-606
     and 18-608(1). Hiedeman
    appeals, arguing that (1) the federal district court erred in
    determining that McCormack would likely succeed on the
    merits; and (2) the injunction is overbroad. McCormack cross
    appeals, arguing that the federal district court should have
    enjoined enforcement of 
    Idaho Code § 18-606
     in conjunction
    with both §§ 18-608(1) and 18-608(2). Additionally, McCor-
    mack argues that she has standing to challenge the enforce-
    ment of Chapter 5, the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection
    Act (including 
    Idaho Code §§ 18-505
     – 18-507).
    For the reasons set forth below, we affirm in part and
    reverse in part the district court’s grant of a preliminary
    10918                 MCCORMACK v. HIEDEMAN
    A.    Background
    McCormack is a resident of Bannock County, Idaho. In
    2010, McCormack was unmarried, had three children (ages 2,
    11, and 18), and was unemployed. In 2010, McCormack had
    no source of income other than child support payments which
    were between $200 and $250 per month.
    In the fall of 2010, McCormack was pregnant and sought
    an abortion. She knew that abortions were not available in
    southeast Idaho. In fact, there are no licensed health care pro-
    viders offering abortion services in the eight southeastern
    Idaho counties. McCormack knew that abortions are available
    in Salt Lake City, Utah, but at costs between $400 – $2,000
    depending on how far along the pregnancy is.1
    But McCormack found out that abortions could be per-
    formed in Idaho using medications, rather than surgery and
    that the cost of such medical abortions was significantly less
    than the cost of a surgical abortion like those offered in Salt
    Lake City, Utah. She further learned that medications induc-
    ing abortions had been approved for use in the U.S. and could
    be purchased over the internet.
    In McCormack’s complaint, she states that she “considered
    terminating her pregnancy . . . by ingesting one or more medi-
    cations she reasonably believed to have been prescribed by a
    health care provider practicing outside Bannock County,
    Idaho.” During the hearing before the district court on
    McCormack’s motion for a preliminary injunction, McCor-
    mack’s attorney reiterated that the medications were pre-
    It is about 138 miles from Bannock County, Idaho to Salt Lake City,
    Utah. This Court takes “judicial notice of a Google map and satellite
    image as a ‘source[ ] whose accuracy cannot reasonably be questioned,’ ”
    at least for determining the approximate distance from Idaho to Utah. See
    United States v. Perea-Rey, 
    680 F.3d 1179
    , 1182 n.1 (9th Cir. 2012) (quot-
    ing Fed. R. Evid. 201(b)).
    MCCORMACK v. HIEDEMAN                        10919
    scribed by a physician. McCormack’s attorney stated that
    McCormack went to “a provider over the [i]nternet.”
    On May 18, 2011, Hiedeman, in his capacity as Bannock
    County prosecuting attorney, filed a criminal complaint in the
    district court of the State of Idaho, in and for Bannock
    County, charging McCormack with the felony of “the public
    offense of Unlawful Abortion, 
    Idaho Code § 18-606
    .” The
    criminal complaint alleged:
    That the said JENNIE LINN MCCORMACK, in the
    County of Bannock, State of Idaho, on the 24th day
    of December, 2010, did induce or knowingly aid in
    the production or performance of an abortion by
    knowingly submitting to an abortion and/or solicit-
    ing of another, for herself, the production of an abor-
    tion; and/or who purposely terminated her own
    pregnancy other than by live birth.2
    A magistrate judge dismissed the criminal complaint without
    prejudice on September 7, 2011. Hiedeman has not deter-
    mined whether to re-file the criminal complaint.
    McCormack does not want to have additional children. If
    she became pregnant, she would seek an abortion again.
    Because there are no providers of medical abortions in south-
    east Idaho, McCormack would need to seek the assistance of
    providers of abortion services outside of southeast Idaho.
    B.    Statutes
    This case requires the interpretation of three Idaho abortion
    Idaho Code § 18-606
    Idaho Code § 18-608
    , and
    The criminal complaint does not allege which trimester McCormack
    was in when she had the alleged abortion. It also does not state the esti-
    mated age of the aborted fetus. Further, it does not specify which statute
    in conjunction with § 18-606 the state was prosecuting McCormack under.
    10920              MCCORMACK v. HIEDEMAN
    Idaho Code § 18-505
    . We summarize the substance of each
    1.   Chapter Six: 
    Idaho Code § 18-606
    Idaho Code § 18-606(2) makes it a felony, except as per-
    mitted by the remainder of Title 8, Chapter 6 of the Idaho
    Code, for “[e]very woman who knowingly submits to an abor-
    tion or solicits of another, for herself, the production of an
    abortion, or who purposely terminates her own pregnancy
    otherwise than by a live birth . . . .” Anyone deemed guilty
    of violating § 18-606 “shall be fined not to exceed five thou-
    sand dollars ($5,000) and/or imprisoned in the state prison for
    not less than one (1) and not more than five (5) years.” 
    Idaho Code § 18-606
    2.   Chapter Six: 
    Idaho Code § 18-608
    Idaho Code § 18-608, entitled “Certain abortions permitted
    — Conditions and guidelines” provides the statutory content
    for the limitation on the applicability of 
    Idaho Code § 18-606
    Under § 18-608(1), a woman may terminate her pregnancy
    during the first trimester if the abortion is performed by a
    in a hospital or in a physician’s regular office or a
    clinic which office or clinic is properly staffed and
    equipped for the performance of such procedures
    and respecting which the responsible physician or
    physicians have made satisfactory arrangements with
    one or more acute care hospitals within reasonable
    proximity thereof providing for the prompt availabil-
    ity of hospital care as may be required due to com-
    plications or emergencies that might arise.
    Under § 18-608(2), a woman may terminate her pregnancy
    during the second trimester of pregnancy, but the abortion
    MCCORMACK v. HIEDEMAN                   10921
    must be “performed in a hospital and [must be], in the judg-
    ment of the attending physician, in the best medical interest
    of such pregnant woman.”
    3.    Chapter Five, the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Pro-
    tection Act: 
    Idaho Code § 18-505
     – § 18-507
    Idaho Code § 18-505
    , or the Pain-Capable Unborn Child
    Protection Act (“PUCPA”), categorically bans non-
    therapeutic abortions at and after twenty weeks. “Any person
    who intentionally or recklessly performs or attempts to per-
    form an abortion in violation of the provisions of section 18-
    505, Idaho Code, is guilty of a felony.” 
    Idaho Code § 18-507
    The Act further states “No penalty shall be assessed against
    the woman upon whom the abortion is performed or
    attempted to be performed.” 
    The Act also provides civil remedies in the form of actual
    damages to “[a]ny woman upon whom an abortion has been
    performed in violation of the pain-capable unborn child pro-
    tection act or the father of the unborn child . . . .” 
    Idaho Code § 18-508
    (1). The Act also permits certain persons, including
    a prosecuting attorney, to file an action for injunctive relief
    against an abortion provider who violates § 18-505. 
    Idaho Code § 18-508
    C.     Procedural History
    On September 16, 2011, McCormack filed her class action
    complaint against Defendant Mark L. Hiedeman, in his capac-
    ity as Bannock County prosecuting attorney. As part of her
    complaint, she sought declaratory relief, and preliminary and
    permanent injunctive relief.
    McCormack simultaneously filed a request for a temporary
    restraining order under Fed. R. Civ. P. 65(b). The parties stip-
    ulated to the entry of the temporary restraining order, and the
    district court approved the stipulation on October 7, 2011,
    10922              MCCORMACK v. HIEDEMAN
    consistent with the memorandum decision entered on Septem-
    ber 23, 2011. The temporary restraining order expired on
    October 21, 2011. On November 14, 2011, the district court
    issued a preliminary injunction that enjoined Hiedeman “from
    Idaho Code §§ 18-606
     and 18-608(1) for those rea-
    sons and on those grounds set forth in the Memorandum Deci-
    sion and Order entered on September 23, 2011.” Hiedeman
    filed a timely notice of appeal and McCormack cross-
    In this case, Hiedeman asserts that (1) the district court
    applied the incorrect legal standard for granting a preliminary
    injunction, and (2) based its decision on clearly erroneous
    facts. Additionally, Hiedeman asserts that the preliminary
    injunction is overbroad to the extent that it grants relief
    beyond McCormack. In her cross-appeal, McCormack con-
    tends that the district court should have enjoined enforcement
    Idaho Code § 18-606
     in conjunction with both §§ 18-
    608(1) and 18-608(2). Additionally, McCormack asserts that
    she has standing to challenge the enforcement of Chapter 5,
    the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (including
    Idaho Code §§ 18-505
     – 18-507).
    This court has jurisdiction pursuant to 
    28 U.S.C. § 1292
    We review the district court’s grant of a preliminary injunc-
    tion for abuse of discretion. Am. Trucking Ass’ns, Inc. v. City
    of Los Angeles, 
    559 F.3d 1046
    , 1052 (9th Cir. 2009). A dis-
    trict court abuses its discretion if it bases its decision on an
    erroneous legal standard or clearly erroneous findings of fact.
    Sierra Forest Legacy v. Rey, 
    577 F.3d 1015
    , 1021 (9th Cir.
    2009) (citation omitted). Application of an incorrect legal
    standard for preliminary relief or with regard to the underly-
    MCCORMACK v. HIEDEMAN                   10923
    ing issues in the case are grounds for reversal. See Earth
    Island Inst. v. U.S. Forest Serv., 
    351 F.3d 1291
    , 1298 (9th Cir.
    2003); Sports Form, Inc. v. United Press Int’l, Inc., 
    686 F.2d 750
    , 752 (9th Cir. 1982). The district court’s interpretation of
    underlying legal principles is subject to de novo review. Sw.
    Voter Reg. Educ. Project v. Shelley, 
    344 F.3d 914
    , 918 (9th
    Cir. 2003).
    I.   The district court did not abuse its discretion in deter-
    mining that McCormack would likely succeed with
    her facial constitutional challenges to 
    Idaho Code §§ 18-606
     and 18-608(1).
    “A plaintiff seeking a preliminary injunction must establish
    that [s]he is likely to succeed on the merits, that [s]he is likely
    to suffer irreparable harm in the absence of preliminary relief,
    that the balance of equities tips in [her] favor, and that an
    injunction is in the public interest.” Winter v. Natural
    Resources Defense Council, Inc., 
    555 U.S. 7
    , 20 (2008).
    This case turns on the first factor—whether McCormack
    established that she was likely to succeed on the merits.
    Hiedeman contends that the U.S. District Court’s conclusion
    concerning the probability of success is based on incorrect
    legal analysis and unsupported factual determinations. Hiede-
    man is wrong on both counts.
    1.   The U.S. District Court did not employ an erroneous
    legal standard.
    The district court rested its decision to grant the prelimi-
    nary injunction on the “undue burden test” set out in Planned
    Parenthood v. Casey, 
    505 U.S. 833
     (1992). Prosecuting attor-
    ney Hiedeman does not argue that the U.S. District Court’s
    use of Casey is an erroneous legal standard. Instead, Hiede-
    man argues that “[t]he rationale for [abortion] statutes — the
    10924               MCCORMACK v. HIEDEMAN
    woman’s health and safety — applies with no less force
    where the woman rather than another person performs the
    abortion.” Thus, he argues that the U.S. District Court erred
    in determining that McCormack was likely to succeed on the
    merits. We disagree.
    a.   History of Abortion Statutes.
    Historically, laws regulating abortion have sought to further
    the state’s interest in protecting the health and welfare of
    pregnant women, who alone bear the burden and risks of
    pregnancies. With this interest in mind, abortion statutes were
    first enacted to protect pregnant females from third parties
    providing dangerous abortions. See Roe v. Wade, 
    410 U.S. 113
    , 151 (1973) (recognizing that, the purpose of abortion
    “laws in the late 19th and early 20th centuries did focus on the
    State’s interest in protecting the woman’s health rather than
    in preserving the embryo and fetus.”); Abele v. Markle, 
    342 F. Supp. 800
    , 806 (D.C. Conn. 1972) (“abortions performed
    before [1867], even under the best of then known medical
    practices, created grave risks for the health and life of the
    mother. There can be no doubt that this was an evil known to
    and appreciated by the Nineteenth Century legislators.”);
    State v. Ashley, 
    701 So. 2d 338
    , 340 (Fla. 1997) (“At common
    law, while a third party could be held criminally liable for
    causing injury or death to a fetus, the pregnant woman could
    not be.” (citing State v. Carey, 
    76 Conn. 342
     (1904) (differen-
    tiating between those actions by a third party and those taken
    upon oneself))).
    As a result, abortion statutes have traditionally criminalized
    the behavior of third parties to protect the health of pregnant
    women. See 
     As one court noted:
    The obvious purpose [of the abortion statute enacted
    in 1846] was to protect the pregnant woman. When
    one remembers that the passing of the statute pre-
    dated the advent of antiseptic surgery, the Legisla-
    MCCORMACK v. HIEDEMAN                         10925
    ture’s wisdom in making criminal any invasion of
    the woman’s person, save when necessary to pre-
    serve her life, is unchallengeable.
    People v. Nixon, 
    201 N.W. 2d 635
    , 639 (Mich. App. 1972);
    see also Gaines v. Wolcott, 
    167 S.E. 2d 366
    , 370 (Ga. App.
    1969) (recognizing that, “the appalling, unsanitary and unpro-
    fessional conditions under which . . . illegal operations are in
    fact performed warrant the protection of the law to women.”).
    [1] Most modern state criminal statutes continue to apply
    criminal liability to third parties who perform abortion in a
    manner not proscribed by the statute. These statutes, known
    as physician-only statutes, impose criminal liability on anyone
    other than a licensed physician from performing abortions.
    But many of these same criminal statutes expressly exempt
    women from criminal liability for obtaining an abortion and
    do not hold them liable for actions or inactions that affect
    their pregnancy outcomes.3 When state statutes do not
    See e.g., 
    Alaska Stat. § 11.41.289
     (liability for “assault of an unborn
    child” does not apply to actions “committed by a pregnant woman against
    herself and her own unborn child”); 
    Ark. Code Ann. §§ 5-61-101
    (c), 5-61-
    102(c) (“Nothing in this section shall be construed to allow the charging
    or conviction of a woman with any criminal offense in the death of her
    own unborn child in utero”); 
    Fla. Stat. § 782.36
     (“A patient receiving a
    partial-birth-abortion procedure may not be prosecuted under this act.”);
    720 Ill. Comp. Stat. 5/9-1.2(b) (criminal liability for intentional homicide
    of an unborn child does not apply to “the pregnant woman whose unborn
    child is killed”); 
    Kan. Stat. Ann. § 65-6703
    (e) (“A woman upon whom an
    abortion is performed shall not be prosecuted under this section . . . .”);
    Ky. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 507A.010(3) (“nothing in this chapter shall apply to
    any acts of a pregnant woman that caused the death of her unborn child”);
    La. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 14:87A.(2) (penalties for criminalized abortions not
    applicable to pregnant women having abortions); 
    Minn. Stat. § 609.266
    (excluding the “pregnant woman” from liability for “crimes against
    unborn children”); 
    Neb. Rev. Stat. § 28-335
     (providing “[n]o civil or crim-
    inal penalty . . . against the patient upon whom the abortion is per-
    Ohio Rev. Code Ann. § 2919.17
    (I)(expressly excluding women
    from liability for post-viability abortions); 18 Pa. Cons. Stat. Ann. § 2608
    10926                   MCCORMACK v. HIEDEMAN
    expressly exempt pregnant women, state courts interpreting
    them have concluded that pregnant women are exempt from
    criminal prosecution.4
    b.    The Supreme Court has not authorized the crimi-
    nal prosecution of women for seeking abortion
    [2] Consistent with this history, there is no Supreme Court
    precedent that recognizes or suggests that third party criminal
    liability may extend to pregnant women who obtain an abor-
    tion in a manner inconsistent with state abortion statutes. Nev-
    ertheless, prosecuting attorney Hiedeman asserts that under
    (exempting pregnant women from liability “in regards to crimes against
    her unborn child”); 
    Tex. Penal Code Ann. § 19.06
    (1) (exempting the
    woman from liability for “death of an unborn child”); 
    Utah Code Ann. § 76-7-314.5
    (2) (“A woman is not criminally liable for (a) seeking to
    obtain, or obtaining, an abortion that is permitted by this part; or (b) a phy-
    sician’s failure to comply [with specified statutes.]”); Vt. Stat. Ann. tit. 13
    § 101 (“However, the woman whose miscarriage is caused or attempted
    shall not be liable to the penalties prescribed by this section.”); 
    Wis. Stat. Ann. § 940.13
     (providing no fine or imprisonment for a woman who
    obtains an abortion or violates any provision of an abortion statute).
    See e.g., State v. Ashley, 
    701 So. 2d 338
    , 340 (Fla. 1997) (holding that
    a woman possessed immunity from criminal prosecution “for causing
    injury or death to [her] fetus”); State v. Aiwohi, 
    123 P.3d 1210
    , 1224
    (Haw. 2005) (holding that, the definition of “person” in the Hawaii man-
    slaughter statute did not include a fetus, and thus did not apply when a
    woman caused the death of her fetus by smoking crystal methamphet-
    amine); Hillman v. State, 
    503 S.E. 2d 610
    , 611 (Ga. App. 1998) (holding
    that the Georgia criminal abortion statute does not criminalize a pregnant
    woman’s actions in securing an abortion, regardless of the means used);
    State v. Barnett, 
    437 P.2d 821
    , 822 (Or. 1968) (recognizing that a reading
    of the Oregon criminal statute “indicates that the acts prohibited are those
    which are performed upon the mother rather than any action taken by
    her”). Although these cases generally find that a woman cannot be held
    criminally liable, their decisions rest primarily on the state court’s inter-
    pretation of state criminal law, and they did not involve an “undue bur-
    den” analysis.
    MCCORMACK v. HIEDEMAN                    10927
    current precedent physician-only provisions in abortion stat-
    utes can be applied with equal force to pregnant women who
    fail to comply with state abortion statutes. He argues that “[a]
    State . . . has an interest in strict adherence to physician-only
    requirements and need not, as a constitutional matter, carve
    out an enforcement exception for women who take it upon
    themselves to self-abort.” Prosecuting attorney Hiedeman
    mistakenly relies on Roe, 
    410 U.S. 113
    , Casey, 
    505 U.S. 833
    Connecticut v. Menillo, 
    423 U.S. 9
     (1975) (per curiam), and
    Mazurek v. Armstrong, 
    520 U.S. 968
     (1997) (per curiam), to
    argue that the Supreme Court has decided this issue, and thus,
    McCormack is not likely to succeed on her claims.
    First, Hiedeman asserts that under Roe, a state may consti-
    tutionally prohibit anyone other than a licensed physician
    from performing an abortion. In Roe, the Supreme Court rec-
    ognized that the right to personal privacy under the Due Pro-
    cess Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment is broad enough to
    encompass a woman’s decision to have an abortion. 
    410 U.S. at 153-54
    . Roe recognized, however, that there are some limi-
    tations to this right because that right must be balanced
    against the state’s important and legitimate interest in protect-
    ing prenatal life and protecting women’s health. 
    Id. at 162
    Hiedeman cites the following passage from Roe to support his
    argument that McCormack can be held criminally liable for
    failing to comply with Idaho’s abortion statutes:
    The State has a legitimate interest in seeing to it that
    abortion, like any other medical procedure, is per-
    formed under circumstances that insure maximum
    safety for the patient. This interest obviously extends
    at least to the performing physician and his staff, to
    the facilities involved, to the availability of aftercare,
    and to adequate provision for any complication or
    emergency that might arise.
    Id. at 150
     (emphasis added). Further, Hiedeman notes that
    Roe held that “[t]he State may define the term ‘physician’ . . .
    10928              MCCORMACK v. HIEDEMAN
    to mean only a physician currently licensed by the State, and
    may proscribe any abortion by a person who is not a physi-
    cian as so defined.” 
    Id. at 165
    . Hiedeman further argues that
    Casey did not disturb this long-standing Supreme Court pre-
    505 U.S. at 856
     (recognizing “the right of the woman
    to choose to have an abortion before viability and to obtain it
    without interference from the State,” but noting that, “[a]ll
    abortion regulations interfere to some degree with a woman’s
    ability to decide whether to terminate her pregnancy,” thus the
    constitutionally critical concern is whether the regulations “in
    [a] real sense deprive[ ] women of the ultimate decision”).
    Hiedeman’s attempt to equate these Supreme Court princi-
    ples with the Idaho statute at issue in this case is unpersua-
    sive. These principles, embraced by the Supreme Court,
    recognize that women’s health is an important interest for the
    state and one that is considered in crafting abortion statutes.
    These principles, however, in no way recognize, permit, or
    stand for the proposition that a state may prosecute a pregnant
    woman who seeks an abortion in a manner that may not be
    authorized by the state’s statute, including when a pregnant
    woman receives physician- prescribed medication to termi-
    nate her pregnancy. Hiedeman’s reading of Roe and Casey
    expands these Supreme Court holdings to reach an unintended
    Hiedeman’s reliance on Connecticut v. Menillo is equally
    unpersuasive. In Menillo, the Supreme Court reinstated the
    conviction of Patrick Menillo for attempting to procure an
    abortion. Menillo, 
    423 U.S. at 9
    . “Menillo, a nonphysician
    with no medical training, performed an abortion upon a
    female in normal good health for a $400 fee.” State v.
    368 A.2d 136
    , 137 (Conn. 1976). A jury found
    Menillo guilty under a Connecticut statute, which prescribes
    that “any person who gives or administers to any woman, or
    advises or causes her to take or use anything . . . , with the
    intent to procure upon her a miscarriage or abortion, unless
    the same is necessary to preserve her life or that of her unborn
    MCCORMACK v. HIEDEMAN                  10929
    child, shall be fined . . . or imprisoned.” Menillo, 
    423 U.S. at
    10 n.1. The Connecticut Supreme Court overturned Menillo’s
    conviction, holding that the statute was “null and void” under
    federal law. 
    Id. at 9
    . The U.S. Supreme Court vacated and
    reinstated Menillo’s conviction. 
     The U.S. Supreme Court
    stated that Roe supported the “continued enforceablity of
    criminal abortion statutes against nonphysicians.” 
    Id. at 10
    The Court explained:
    Roe teaches that a State cannot restrict a decision by
    a woman, with the advice of her physician, to termi-
    nate her pregnancy during the first trimester because
    neither its interest in maternal health nor its interest
    in the potential life of the fetus is sufficiently great
    at that stage. But the insufficiency of the State’s
    interest in maternal health is predicated upon the first
    trimester abortion’s being as safe for the woman as
    normal childbirth at term, and that predicate holds
    true only if the abortion is performed by medically
    competent personnel under conditions insuring max-
    imum safety for the woman. . . . Even during the first
    trimester of the pregnancy, therefore, prosecutions
    for abortions conducted by nonphysicians infringe
    upon no realm of personal privacy secured by the
    Constitution against state interference.
    Id. at 10-11
    Like Roe, Menillo also does not discuss the issue presented
    here: whether the state can impose criminal liability on preg-
    nant women for failing to abide by the state’s abortion stat-
    utes. Menillo does not uphold the prosecution of pregnant
    women who undergo abortions in a manner not prescribed by
    statute. The statute at issue in Menillo was directed only
    against the person who commits or attempts to commit the act
    on the pregnant woman (i.e., it criminalized the actions of a
    third party—a nonphysician). See 
     at 10 n.1 (“Any person
    who gives or administers to any woman . . . .”) (emphasis
    10930             MCCORMACK v. HIEDEMAN
    added). Thus, Menillo stands for the unremarkable proposi-
    tion that states may prosecute unlicensed providers of unsafe,
    “back-alley” abortions.
    Prosecuting attorney Hiedeman also erroneously relies on
    the more recent case of Mazurek v. Armstrong, 
    520 U.S. 968
    (1997) (per curiam). The Montana statute at issue in Mazurek
    was aimed at stopping a physician assistant, who had legally
    provided abortion services under the supervision of a physi-
    cian, from continuing to provide that care. Armstrong v.
    94 F.3d 566
    , 566-67 (9th Cir. 1996). This court,
    relying on Casey, held that the appellants in Mazurek had
    demonstrated a “fair chance of success on the merits.” 
    Id. at 568
    . The question before the Supreme Court in Mazurek was
    whether a state could bar medical professionals other than
    physicians from providing abortion services. Mazurek v. Arm-
    520 U.S. 968
    , 969-72 (1997). Mazurek did not involve
    an attempt to prosecute a woman for seeking a pre-viability
    abortion. Consequently, like Hiedeman’s reliance on Menillo,
    Hiedeman’s reliance on Mazurek is unavailing.
    [3] Here, 
    Idaho Code § 18-606
    (2) explicitly makes it a fel-
    ony, for “[e]very woman who knowingly submits to an abor-
    tion or solicits of another, for herself, the production of an
    abortion, or who purposely terminates her own pregnancy
    otherwise than by live birth” in a manner inconsistent with
    Idaho’s abortion statutes. 
    Idaho Code § 18-606
    (2), which
    criminalizes the conduct of pregnant women—as opposed to
    the conduct of a third-party performing the abortion—is, as
    described above, different from any matter the U.S. Supreme
    Court or this court has considered since Roe was handed
    down. For the reasons explained below, it is likely that
    McCormack will succeed on the merits because § 18-606(2)
    imposes an undue burden on a woman’s ability to terminate
    her pregnancy.
    MCCORMACK v. HIEDEMAN                            10931
    c.   The district court did not err in determining that
    McCormack is likely to succeed on the merits.
    The district court concluded that under Casey’s “undue bur-
    den” test, McCormack established “that 
    Idaho Code § 18-606
    places an undue burden on women’s decision to choose a pre-
    viability abortion5 because it[ ] subjects women seeking abor-
    tions in Idaho to criminal prosecution if those women fail to
    ensure that their abortion providers comply with the require-
    ments of 
    Idaho Code § 18-608
    .” We agree with the district
    court that at this stage, 
    Idaho Code § 18-606
     places an undue
    burden on women’s decision to terminate a pre-viability preg-
    Although women have a Fourteenth Amendment right to
    terminate a pre-viability pregnancy, that right has some limi-
    tations. See Casey, 
    505 U.S. at 895
    . Women challenging an
    abortion statute must demonstrate that the challenged abortion
    statute places an “undue burden” on a woman’s ability to
    decide whether to terminate her pregnancy. 
    Id. at 874
    . “A
    finding of undue burden is a shorthand for the conclusion that
    a state regulation has the purpose or effect of placing a sub-
    Casey recognized “the right of the woman to choose to have an abor-
    tion before viability and to obtain it without interference from the State.”
    505 U.S. at 846
    . Viability, according to Roe, “is usually placed at about
    seven months (28 weeks) but may occur earlier, even at 24 weeks.” Roe,
    410 U.S. at 160
    . Viability is a critical stage in a pregnancy because it is
    at that time that “the fetus then presumably has the capability of meaning-
    ful life outside the mother’s womb.” 
    Id. at 163
    . Subsequent to Roe, the
    Court in Planned Parenthood of Central Missouri v. Danforth, 
    428 U.S. 52
    , 63-64 (1976), affirmed that view but clarified that viability is “flexib-
    [le]” and ultimately a “matter of medical judgment, skill, and technical
    ability.” This is because the “time when viability is achieved may vary
    with each pregnancy,” and thus, a “determination of whether a particular
    fetus is viable is, and must be, a matter for the judgment of the responsible
    attending physician.” 
    Id. at 64
    . Thus, it is “not the proper function of the
    legislature or the courts to place viability . . . at a specific point in the ges-
    tation period.” 
    10932                   MCCORMACK v. HIEDEMAN
    stantial obstacle in the path of a woman seeking an abortion
    of a nonviable fetus.” Id. at 877.
    [4] Under Casey, the challenged Idaho abortion statute,
    § 18-606, constitutes a substantial obstacle in the path of
    women seeking an abortion of a nonviable fetus. Under 
    Idaho Code § 18-606
    , “[e]very woman who knowingly submits to
    an abortion or solicits of another, for herself, the production
    of an abortion, or who purposely terminates her own preg-
    nancy otherwise than by a live birth” is subject to felony
    charges, unless the abortion was performed as permitted by
    the remainder of Title 8, Chapter 6 of the Idaho Code, includ-
    Idaho Code § 18-604
     through 18-615. A pregnant woman
    who violates this statute is subject to the possibility of up to
    five years imprisonment. 
    Idaho Code § 18-606
    (2). The
    remainder of Chapter 6 details the manner in which a woman
    in Idaho may obtain a lawful abortion.6
    [5] Chapter 6 puts an undue burden on women seeking
    abortions by requiring them to police their provider’s compli-
    ance with Idaho’s regulations. If a woman terminates her
    pregnancy during the first trimester but fails to ask the physi-
    cian whether the office has made “satisfactory arrangements
    with one or more acute care hospitals within reasonable prox-
    Under § 18-608(1), a woman may terminate her pregnancy during the
    first trimester if and when the abortion is performed by a physician
    in a hospital or in a physician’s regular office or a clinic which
    office or clinic is properly staffed and equipped for the perfor-
    mance of such procedures and respecting which the responsible
    physician or physicians have made satisfactory arrangements
    with one or more acute care hospitals within reasonable proxim-
    ity thereof providing for the prompt availability of hospital care
    as may be required due to complications or emergencies that
    might arise.
    Under § 18-608(2), a woman may terminate her pregnancy during the
    second trimester of pregnancy, but it must be “performed in a hospital and
    is, in the judgment of the attending physician, in the best medical interest
    of such pregnant woman.”
    MCCORMACK v. HIEDEMAN                          10933
    imity thereof providing for the prompt availability of hospital
    care as may be required due to complications or emergencies
    that might arise,” she would be subject to a felony charge if
    the physician has not made such arrangements. 
    Idaho Code § 18-608
    (1). If a woman finds a doctor who provides abor-
    tions during the second trimester of a woman’s pregnancy, but
    the doctor fails to tell the pregnant woman that the abortion
    will be performed in a clinic as opposed to a hospital, the
    pregnant woman would be subject to felony charges. 
    Idaho Code § 18-608
    (2). Or, as is the case here, if a woman elects
    to take physician prescribed pills obtained over the internet to
    end her pregnancy, which is not authorized by statute, she is
    subject to felony charges. 
    Idaho Code §§ 18-608
    There can be no doubt that requiring women to explore the
    intricacies of state abortion statutes to ensure that they and
    their provider act within the Idaho abortion statute frame-
    work, results in an “undue burden” on a woman seeking an
    abortion of a nonviable fetus.7 Under this Idaho statute, a
    pregnant woman in McCormack’s position has three options:
    (1) carefully read the Idaho abortion statutes to ensure that she
    and her provider are in compliance with the Idaho laws to
    avoid felony prosecution; (2) violate the law either knowingly
    or unknowingly in an attempt to obtain an abortion; or (3)
    refrain altogether from exercising her right to choose an abor-
    Because McCormack has established that she will likely succeed on the
    merits, we do not discuss whether “there is a serious question going to the
    merits.” Alliance for Wild Rockies v. Cottrell, 
    632 F.3d 1127
    , 1131 (9th
    Cir. 2011). As simply a reconfiguration of the four-element test in Winter,
    555 U.S. at 20
    , the “sliding scale” approach to preliminary injunctions
    remains valid: “ ‘A preliminary injunction is appropriate when a plaintiff
    . . . demonstrates that serious questions going to the merits were raised and
    the balance of hardships tips sharply in the plaintiff’s favor.’ ” Alliance for
    Wild Rockies, 632 F.3d at 1134-35 (quoting Lands Council v. McNair, 
    537 F.3d 981
    , 986 (9th Cir. 2008) (en banc)). Given that McCormack has dem-
    onstrated a likelihood of success on the merits, McCormack would also
    succeed under this lesser standard.
    10934                  MCCORMACK v. HIEDEMAN
    This Idaho statute heaps yet another substantial obstacle in
    the already overburdened path that McCormack and pregnant
    women like her face when deciding whether to obtain an
    abortion. For many women, the decision whether to have an
    abortion is a difficult one involving the consideration of
    weighty ethical, moral, financial, and other considerations.8
    Gonzales v. Carhart, 
    550 U.S. 124
    , 184 n.7 (2007) (Ginsburg,
    J., dissenting); see also Thomas D. Kerenyi et al., Reasons for
    Delayed Abortion: Results of Four Hundred Interviews, 117
    Am. J. of Obstetrics & Gynecology 299 (1973). Among other
    things, women must contemplate whether they are ready for
    a child or another child, including considering whether that
    child conforms with plans for future education and career
    goals. Lawrence B. Finer et al., Reasons U.S. Women Have
    Abortions: Quantitative and Qualitative Perspectives, 37
    Persp. on Sexual and Reprod. Health 110, 113 (2005) (noting
    that a quarter of women cite that they are not ready for a child
    or another child as one of the most important reasons for not
    having a child). Additionally, women often take into account
    the perspective of their family members. See Aida Torres &
    The mental anguish discussed here should not be confused with the
    mental health issues that allegedly arise after a woman has an abortion.
    Numerous medical studies have denounced any link between having an
    abortion and later mental illnesses. See Carhart, 
    550 U.S. at
    184 n. 7 (Gin-
    sburg, J., dissenting) (noting “ ‘neither the weight of the scientific evi-
    dence to date nor the observable reality of 33 years of legal abortion in the
    United States comports with the idea that having an abortion is any more
    dangerous to a woman’s long-term mental health than delivering and par-
    enting a child that she did not intend to have’ ” (quoting Susan A. Cohen,
    Abortion and Mental Health: Myths and Realities, 9 Guttmacher Policy
    Rev. 8 (2006))); see also Nancy E.Adler et al., Psychological Responses
    After Abortion, 248 Sci. 41 (1990); American Psychological Association,
    Report of the APA Task Force on Mental Health and Abortion 4 (2008),
    available at
    health.pdf (concluding that “[t]he best scientific evidence published indi-
    cates that among adult women who have an unplanned pregnancy the rela-
    tive risk of mental health problems is no greater if they have a single
    elective first-trimester abortion than if they deliver that pregnancy”)
    (emphasis omitted).
    MCCORMACK v. HIEDEMAN                         10935
    Jacqueline D. Forrest, Why do Women Have Abortions?, 20
    Fam. Plan. Persp. 169, 176 (1988) (concluding that more than
    20 percent of women “chose to have an abortion at least in
    part because their husband or partner wanted them to” and
    more than 25 percent of minors were influenced by their par-
    ents’ wishes).
    Further, McCormack and other women in her position,
    have to grapple with the cost of the abortion itself as well as
    the long-term financial implications of not having one. See
    U.S. Dep’t of Agric., Expenditures on Children by Families,
    at iv (2012) (finding that for a two-child, husband-wife fam-
    ily, annual expenses ranged from $8,760 to $9,970, on aver-
    age for households with before tax income less than $59,410
    and that the financial cost of having a child “generally
    increase[s] with the age of the child”). Because they do not
    have the financial wherewithal to confirm suspected pregnan-
    cies, low-income women are often forced to wait until later in
    their pregnancies to obtain an abortion. Lawrence B. Finer et
    al., Timing of Steps and Reasons for Delays in Obtaining
    Abortions in the United States, 74 Contraception 334, 343
    (2006) (hereinafter Timing of Steps) (finding “[l]ower-income
    women typically take more time to confirm a suspected preg-
    nancy, which could relate to the cost of a home pregnancy test
    and the difficulty in getting a test from a clinic or a doctor.”);
    see also Diana G. Foster et al., Predictors of Delay in Each
    Step Leading to an Abortion, 77 Contraception 289, 292
    (2008) (finding that many women report being delayed by
    financial factors). Delayed confirmation compounds the
    financial difficulties, as the cost of abortion services increases
    throughout the gestational period.
    Many women, like McCormack, must travel long distances
    to the closest abortion provider. See Casey, 
    505 U.S. at
    86.9 This requires a pregnant woman take time to miss work,
    Eighty-seven percent of all counties in the United States are without an
    abortion provider. Guttmacher Institute, In Brief: Facts on Induced Abor-
    10936                  MCCORMACK v. HIEDEMAN
    find childcare, make arrangements for travel to and from the
    hospital and/or clinic, and to possibly make arrangements to
    stay overnight to satisfy the 24-hour requirement. See id. at
    n.9 (Blackmun, J., concurring). In fact, this has been shown
    to be a significant factor when a woman delays an abortion,
    and low-income women are more likely to have this problem.
    Timing of Steps, at 343. Once at the clinic, pregnant women
    may have to further manage “the harassment and hostility of
    antiabortion protestors demonstrating outside a clinic.” Casey,
    505 U.S. at 885-86
     (citation omitted); see Rachel K. Jones &
    Kathryn Kooistra, Abortion Incidence and Access to Services
    in the United States, 2008, 43 Persp. on Sexual and Reprod.
    Health 41, 48 (2011) (finding that 57% of nonhospital provid-
    ers experienced antiabortion harassment in 2008; levels of
    harassment were particularly high in the Midwest (85%) and
    the South (75%)).
    [6] While the Supreme Court has permitted many restric-
    tions that make obtaining an abortion more difficult, particu-
    larly for low-income women, see Casey, 
    505 U.S. at 886-87
    it has not authorized the criminal prosecution of women seek-
    ing abortion care. Imposing criminal liability upon women for
    their providers’ purported failure to comply with state abor-
    tion in the United States 2 (2011), available at
    pubs/fb_induced_abortion.pdf. Rural women are even more affected by
    the lack of abortion providers. Ninety-seven percent of nonmetropolitan
    counties have no abortion provider. American Congress of Obstetricians
    and Gynecologists, Health Disparities for Rural Women (Opinion No.
    429), at 2 (2009). Nonhospital abortion providers estimate that 19% of
    their patients travel 50-100 miles, and 8% travel more than 100 miles. 
    It is even worse in Idaho. In Idaho in 2008, there were only 4 abortion pro-
    viders and 95% of Idaho counties were without an abortion provider. Gutt-
    macher Institute, State Facts about Abortion: Idaho 1-2 (2011), available
    at In fact, in 2010, of
    the 1,510 abortions performed on Idaho residents, nearly half were per-
    formed out of state. Idaho Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics,
    Induced Abortion Annual Report 129 (2010), available at
    MCCORMACK v. HIEDEMAN                   10937
    tion regulations places a substantial obstacle in the path of
    women seeking an abortion. Accordingly, McCormack is
    likely to succeed on her claim that Chapter 6 constitutes an
    undue burden on a woman’s constitutional right to terminate
    her pregnancy before viability.
    2.   The district court did not base its decision on clearly
    erroneous findings of fact.
    A district court’s factual findings that underlie a prelimi-
    nary injunction are reviewed for clear error, and may be
    reversed only if “illogical, implausible, or without support in
    inferences that may be drawn from the facts in the record.”
    Am. Trucking Assn’s, Inc. v. City of Los Angeles, 
    660 F.3d 384
    , 395 (9th Cir. 2011) (quoting United States v. Hinkson,
    585 F.3d 1247
    , 1251 (2009)(en banc)).
    Prosecuting attorney Hiedeman asserts that the district
    court relied on clearly erroneous findings of fact. Specifically,
    he asserts that the evidence did not establish that McCormack
    used “FDA approved” medication prescribed by a physician.
    We disagree.
    The district court explained that for McCormack to succeed
    on the merits of her “facial challenge,” she must meet the
    standard in Casey: demonstrate that the statute presents a sub-
    stantial obstacle to a woman’s choice to undergo an abortion.
    The district court agreed with McCormack that at the “early
    stage in the proceedings,” 
    Idaho Code § 18-608
     puts, “a
    woman . . . to the Hobson’s choice [sic] of finding a means
    to police her healthcare provider’s actions, or being threat-
    ened with criminal prosecution for her healthcare provider’s
    failings.” As in this court, Hiedeman argued before the district
    court that the “long line of [Supreme Court] cases” demon-
    strates that a pregnant woman who undergoes an abortion can
    be charged with a felony for violating abortion statutes. In
    addressing Hiedeman’s argument, the district court stated
    that, McCormack “clarified at oral argument that the FDA-
    10938              MCCORMACK v. HIEDEMAN
    approved medication she procured through the internet was
    prescribed by a physician.” Emphasis added. The district
    court reasoned that based on this information, one could argue
    that the abortion was “ ‘performed’ by a physician.” The dis-
    trict court explained that “[u]nder these facts, she could be
    criminally prosecuted if the state determined that the physi-
    cian had not complied with Idaho statutory requirements.” In
    sum, the court concluded that McCormack had demonstrated
    that she was “likely to succeed on the merits of her facial
    challenge to § 18-606.” Emphasis added.
    [7] The district court’s findings of fact, namely that
    McCormack received from a physician FDA-approved medi-
    cation used to induce an abortion, were not clearly erroneous.
    These facts were offered in both McCormack’s declaration
    and her complaint. McCormack stated in her declaration that
    the medication was “approved for use in the United States”
    and that these medications “are currently offered for sale over
    the internet by abortion providers outside southeast Idaho.” In
    her complaint, McCormack stated that “physicians providing
    abortion services in the United States often prescribe medica-
    tions approved by the U.S. Federal Drug Agency (“FDA”) to
    cause women to abort their pregnancies medically, i.e., non-
    surgically.” She also stated in her complaint that she consid-
    ered “ingesting one or more medications she reasonably
    believed to have been prescribed by a health care provider
    practicing outside Bannock County, Idaho to induce [her]
    abortion.” There is no disputing that an affidavit and a com-
    plaint may be the basis for a preliminary injunction unless the
    facts are substantially controverted by counter-affidavits. See
    K-2 Ski Co. v. Head Ski Co., 
    467 F.2d 1087
    , 1088 (9th Cir.
    1972) (“A verified complaint or supporting affidavits may
    afford the basis for a preliminary injunction . . . .”). Here,
    prosecuting attorney Hiedeman did not offer any controverted
    affidavits as to whether the pills were obtained from a physi-
    cian over the internet or whether they were FDA-approved.
    Additionally, the district court merely commented that oral
    argument provided clarity to the extent that the complaint and
    MCCORMACK v. HIEDEMAN                   10939
    affidavit had to be carefully worded because of the potential
    for McCormack’s prosecution.
    These factual findings cannot be said to be “clearly errone-
    ous” such that the court is left with a definite and firm convic-
    tion that the district court committed a clear error of
    judgment. United States v. Hinkson, 
    585 F.3d 1247
    , 1260-61
    (9th Cir. 2009) (en banc); Alaimalo v. United States, 
    645 F.3d 1042
    , 1060 (9th Cir. 2011) (“To be clearly erroneous, a deci-
    sion must strike [the court] as more than just maybe or proba-
    bly wrong; it must, as one member of this court recently
    stated during oral argument, strike us as wrong with the force
    of a five-week-old, unrefrigerated dead fish.”).
    [8] Accordingly, we conclude that the district court’s find-
    ings of fact were not clearly erroneous and the court did not
    abuse its discretion in relying on those findings.
    II.   The district court abused its discretion in crafting an
    overbroad preliminary injunction.
    The scope of a preliminary injunction is generally reviewed
    for abuse of discretion. SEC v. Interlink Data Network of Los
    Angeles, Inc., 
    77 F.3d 1201
    , 1204 (9th Cir. 1996).
    The district court’s preliminary injunction states that prose-
    cuting attorney Hiedeman “is restrained from enforcing 
    Idaho Code §§ 18-606
     and 18-608(1).” Hiedeman argues that the
    district court’s preliminary injunction is overbroad to the
    extent that it grants relief beyond McCormack herself. For the
    reasons set forth below, we conclude that the preliminary
    injunction is overbroad and should be limited to enforcement
    of the applicable code sections against McCormack only.
    The Supreme Court has cautioned that “injunctive relief
    should be no more burdensome to the defendant than neces-
    sary to provide complete relief to the plaintiffs.” Califano v.
    442 U.S. 682
    , 702 (1979). Injunctive relief is an
    10940               MCCORMACK v. HIEDEMAN
    “extraordinary remedy,” Winter, 
    555 U.S. at 24
    , and “must be
    tailored to remedy the specific harm alleged.” Park Vill.
    Apartment Tenants Ass’n v. Mortimer Howard Trust, 
    636 F.3d 1150
    , 1160 (9th Cir. 2011). A district court abuses its
    discretion by issuing an “overbroad” injunction. Id.; see also
    Stormans, Inc. v. Selecky, 
    586 F.3d 1109
    , 1119 (9th Cir.
    2009). Moreover, the purpose of a preliminary injunction is to
    preserve the status quo between the parties pending a resolu-
    tion of a case on the merits. U.S. Philips Corp. v. KBC Bank
    590 F.3d 1091
    , 1094 (9th Cir. 2010).
    [9] At least one Supreme Court decision suggests that fed-
    eral courts should only enjoin enforcement of criminal stat-
    utes against the plaintiffs before the court. In Doran v. Salem
    Inn, Inc., the Court said “neither declaratory nor injunctive
    relief can directly interfere with enforcement of contested
    statutes or ordinances except with respect to the particular
    federal plaintiffs, and the State is free to prosecute others who
    may violate the statute.” 
    422 U.S. 922
    , 931 (1975). We
    recently held that a district court abused its discretion in enter-
    ing an overbroad preliminary injunction that enjoined “the
    rules themselves as opposed to enjoining their enforcement as
    to the plaintiffs before [it].” Stormans, 
    586 F.3d at 1140
    [10] There is no need for the preliminary injunction in this
    case to bar enforcement of § 18-606 against anyone except
    McCormack in order to preserve the status quo between the
    parties. The fact that McCormack may ultimately be entitled
    to a declaratory judgment stating that § 18-606 is unconstitu-
    tional on its face (which would clearly bar prosecution of any
    pregnant woman under the statute) does not mean that the
    preliminary injunction should apply so broadly, at least in the
    absence of class certification.
    [11] Accordingly, we conclude that the district court’s pre-
    liminary injunction should be narrowed so that it enjoins only
    future prosecution of McCormack.
    MCCORMACK v. HIEDEMAN                   10941
    In her cross-appeal, McCormack makes two arguments: (1)
    that the district court should have enjoined enforcement of
    Idaho Code § 18-606
     in conjunction with both §§ 18-608(1)
    and 18-608(2); and (2) that she has standing to challenge the
    enforcement of Chapter 5, the Pain-Capable Unborn Child
    Protection Act (“PUCPA”).
    III.   The district court erred in not enjoining the enforce-
    ment of 
    Idaho Code § 18-606
     in conjunction with
    both §§ 18-608(1) and 18-608(2).
    In her cross-appeal, McCormack contends that the district
    court should have enjoined enforcement of 
    Idaho Code § 18
    606 in conjunction with both §§ 18-608(1) and 18-608(2). In
    granting McCormack’s motion for a preliminary injunction,
    the district court limited the injunction to § 18-608(1), which
    is the code section governing abortions during the first trimes-
    ter of pregnancy. The district court refused to extend the pre-
    liminary injunction to cover § 18-608(2), which is the code
    section governing abortions during the second trimester of
    pregnancy. In its order granting the preliminary injunction,
    the court stated that it relied on those reasons set forth in the
    court’s September 23, 2011 memorandum. In its September
    23, 2011 Memorandum Decision, the district court held that
    McCormack’s potential punishment for violating 
    Idaho Code § 18-606
     did not extend to all challenged subsections. The
    district court found that “[b]ased on the facts alleged, there
    can be no argument that [McCormack] violated either § 18-
    608(2) or § 18-608(3).” Thus, the court found that McCor-
    mack “does not face any threat of prosecution under these
    subsections.” Accordingly, the court found that there was not
    a case or controversy as to § 18-608(2) or § 18-608(3).
    McCormack alleges that the district court erred because the
    basis for the district court’s injunction against enforcement of
    Idaho Code § 18-608
    (1) applies with equal force to § 18-
    10942                 MCCORMACK v. HIEDEMAN
    608(2). She notes that the criminal complaint fails to cite
    which statute—either § 18-608(1) or § 18-608(2)—Hiedeman
    was charging McCormack under, in connection with § 18-
    606. Further, the criminal complaint makes no reference to
    the trimester of McCormack’s pregnancy at the time of the
    alleged abortion. Thus, the threat she faced (and still faces
    based on Hiedeman’s affidavit that he has not yet determined
    whether to re-commence the criminal action) was that she
    would be prosecuted for violating either subsection of the
    statute. For the reasons set forth below, we agree with McCor-
    mack that the district court erred in failing to extend the pre-
    liminary injunction to § 18-608(2) because McCormack faces
    a genuine threat of prosecution under this subsection of the
    This court has recognized that “neither the mere existence
    of a proscriptive statute nor a generalized threat of prosecu-
    tion satisfies the ‘case or controversy’ requirement.” Thomas
    v. Anchorage Equal Rights Comm’n, 
    220 F.3d 1134
    , 1139
    (9th Cir. 2000) (en banc). Rather, a plaintiff must face a “gen-
    uine threat of prosecution.” 
     In evaluating the genuineness
    of a claimed threat of prosecution, courts examine three fac-
    tors: (1) “whether the plaintiffs have articulated a ‘concrete
    plan’ to violate the law in question,” (2) “whether the prose-
    cuting authorities have communicated a specific warning or
    threat to initiate proceedings,” and (3) “the history of past
    prosecution or enforcement under the challenged statute.” Id.;
    see also Babbitt v. United Farm Workers Nat’l Union, 
    442 U.S. 289
    , 298 (1979) (holding that, “[w]hen contesting the
    constitutionality of a criminal statute, it is not necessary that
    the plaintiff first expose himself to actual arrest or prosecution
    to be entitled to challenge the statute that he claims deters the
    exercise of his constitutional rights.”) (citation and alterations
    These principles extend to the abortion context. In Griswold v. Con-
    381 U.S. 479
    , 481 (1965), the Supreme Court concluded that a
    MCCORMACK v. HIEDEMAN                         10943
    [12] Applying these principles here, McCormack faced
    prosecution and continues to be threatened with prosecution
    as a result of her alleged violation of 
    Idaho Code § 18-606
    , in
    conjunction with either § 18-608(1) or § 18-608(2). First,
    McCormack has allegedly already violated 
    Idaho Code § 18
    606, which makes it a felony to obtain an abortion in a man-
    ner not authorized by the Idaho abortion statutes. There is no
    question that prosecuting attorney Hiedeman filed felony
    charges against McCormack for allegedly violating 
    Idaho Code § 18-606
    . But, the criminal complaint fails to specify
    whether in conjunction with § 18-606 Hiedeman brought
    charges under § 18-608(1), regulating abortions during the
    first trimester, or § 18-608(2), regulating abortions during the
    second trimester. Further, there is nothing in the criminal
    complaint that states the gestional age of the fetus or the tri-
    mester that McCormack was in when the alleged abortion
    occurred. It is also undisputed that the state court dismissed
    these charges without prejudice and Hiedeman has not
    decided whether to re-file the charges against McCormack.
    medical director who had been convicted for giving information, instruc-
    tion, and medical advice regarding contraception had standing to challenge
    the constitutionality of the Connecticut law. Then in Carey v. Population
    Servs., Int’l, 
    431 U.S. 678
    , 682-84 (1977), the Court held that a corpora-
    tion that had been advised by New York authorities that they were violat-
    ing the New York statute prohibiting sale of contraception to minors under
    16, and had at least been threatened with prosecution on at least one occa-
    sion, had standing to challenge the statute. Finally, in Planned Parenthood
    of Idaho, Inc. v. Wasden, 
    376 F.3d 908
    , 916-18 (9th Cir. 2004), an abor-
    tion provider, Dr. Glenn Weyhrich, stated his clear intention to continue
    to perform abortions for his patients, including some minors, despite a
    statute prohibiting him from performing abortions on minors. 
    Id. at 916
    We concluded that Dr. Weyhrich’s clear intention resulted in a “suffi-
    ciently concrete and imminent injury-possible prosecution and
    imprisonment-to challenge the provisions that ban abortion providers from
    performing abortions on minors.” 
     (citing Diamond v. Charles, 
    476 U.S. 54
    , 65 (1986) (“A physician has standing to challenge an abortion law that
    poses for him a threat of criminal prosecution.”)). Therefore, we held that
    Dr. Weyhrich had standing based upon a threat of prosecution by the
    county prosecuting attorney. Id. at 917.
    10944                 MCCORMACK v. HIEDEMAN
    Thus, McCormack is susceptible to Hiedeman re-
    commencing the criminal charges against McCormack under
    § 18-606 in conjunction with either § 18-608(1) or § 18-
    608(2). Second, Hiedeman, in his capacity as county prosecu-
    tor, has communicated a specific threat on two occasions to
    bring felony charges against McCormack, when he: (1) actu-
    ally brought a criminal complaint against McCormack, and
    (2) filed a declaration stating that he may still re-file the com-
    plaint. Finally, this history of past prosecution, in the form of
    an actual criminal complaint being filed against McCormack
    Idaho Code § 18-606
    , weighs in favor of a preliminary
    injunction for McCormack with regard to § 18-606 in con-
    junction with both § 18-608(1) and § 18-608(2).
    [13] Thus the possibility exists that Hiedeman was going
    to (and may still) bring criminal charges against McCormack
    based on her alleged violation of either § 18-608(1) or § 18-
    608(2).11 Accordingly, we conclude that the district court
    erred in failing to extend the preliminary injunction to § 18-
    608(2) in conjunction with § 18-606.
    IV.     McCormack does not have standing to seek pre-
    enforcement prospective relief against the enforce-
    ment of the PUCPA.
    In her cross-appeal, McCormack also argues that she has
    standing to challenge the enforcement of Chapter 5, the
    “PUCPA.” PUCPA categorically bans non-therapeutic abor-
    tions at and after twenty weeks. “Any person who intention-
    ally or recklessly performs or attempts to perform an abortion
    in violation of the provisions of section 18-505, Idaho Code,
    It appears to some extent Hiedeman concedes this argument. In his
    reply brief, Hiedeman states in a footnote that, “As [he] understands the
    injunction, he is precluded from initiating any prosecution under § 18-606
    against the mother of an allegedly aborted fetus.” Therefore, Hiedeman
    appears to agree that he cannot bring criminal charges under either § 18-
    606(1) or § 18-606(2).
    MCCORMACK v. HIEDEMAN                            10945
    is guilty of a felony.” 
    Idaho Code § 18-507
    . PUCPA further
    states: “No penalty shall be assessed against the woman upon
    whom the abortion is performed or attempted to be per-
     PUCPA also provides civil remedies in the form
    of actual damages to “[a]ny woman upon whom an abortion
    has been performed in violation of the [PUCPA] or the father
    of the unborn child.” 
    Idaho Code § 18-508
    (1). PUCPA further
    permits certain persons, including a prosecuting attorney, to
    file an action for injunctive relief against an abortion provider
    who violates § 18-505 by performing an abortion at or after
    twenty weeks.12 
    Idaho Code § 18-508
    PUCPA was not enacted without controversy. Idaho’s own
    Attorney General explained in a 17-page letter that PUCPA
    “plainly intends to erect a substantial obstacle to the right to
    choose,” and “there is strong reason to believe that [PUCPA]
    is unconstitutional under existing precedent.”13
    It is worth noting that this law is directed at a relatively small percent-
    age of abortions, both nationally and within Idaho. In 2008, the most
    recent year for which abortion statistics are available from the Centers for
    Disease Control and Prevention, there were approximately 825,564 abor-
    tions performed in the United States. Karen Pazol et al., Centers for Dis-
    ease Control and Prevention, Abortion Surveillance-United States, 2008,
    at 1 (2011). Of these abortions, only 7.3% were performed at 14-20
    weeks’ gestation, and only 1.3% performed in or after the 21st week of
     In Idaho, in 2010, there were 1,510 abortions. Idaho Bureau
    of Vital Records, supra at 129; id. at 167 (The Idaho population in 2010,
    was 1,567,582). Of the 1,510 abortions, only 6 were performed at 16-20
    weeks’ gestation, 5 performed at 21-24 weeks’ gestation, and 1 performed
    in or after the 25th week of gestation. Id. at 133.
    The Attorney General noted that Supreme Court precedent establishes:
    the Act’s various restrictions operate, at least in part, prior to via-
    bility. First, twenty weeks precedes the usual viability point, as
    recognized in Roe and Danforth, by at least four weeks . . . . Sec-
    ond, although technology advances since the 1970s have made it
    easier to sustain life outside the womb at an earlier state, it seems
    clear that, in at least a fair percentage of pregnancies today, the
    fetus is not viable by twenty weeks.
    Thus, “[b]ecause the Act’s restrictions apply at twenty weeks, they operate
    pre-viability for at least some portion of pregnancies.” With regard to the
    legislative findings, the Idaho Attorney General admits that these findings
    “do not disturb [its] analysis.”
    10946              MCCORMACK v. HIEDEMAN
    The district court determined that McCormack lacked
    standing to challenge enforcement of PUCPA and, for that
    reason, refused to issue a preliminary injunction enjoining
    Hiedeman from criminally prosecuting or bringing any civil
    action for injunctive relief against abortion providers. The dis-
    trict court concluded that McCormack does not allege that she
    was pregnant when she filed this action nor does she allege
    that her past conduct in purchasing medication to induce an
    abortion would fall within the proscription of PUCPA. Fur-
    ther, the court found that her testimony that she would seek
    an abortion if she became pregnant did not suffice to give her
    McCormack concedes that her challenge to PUCPA is “pre-
    enforcement.” McCormack has not been prosecuted or threat-
    ened with prosecution under PUCPA. But, McCormack
    argues that because no physician located in southeast Idaho
    offers pre-viability abortions to women beyond the 19th week
    of their pregnancy, no physician will have standing to chal-
    lenge the constitutionality of PUCPA. Nevertheless, McCor-
    mack relies on the fact that she was criminally charged under
    Chapter 6 (§ 18-606) as proof of potential future criminal
    charges under PUCPA (Chapter 5). She also argues that based
    on her prior status as a pregnant woman, she should have
    standing to challenge this statute.
    1.   Standing based on the possibility of future criminal
    charges under PUCPA.
    In contrast to the previous issue regarding Chapter 6
    (including § 18-606, § 18-608(1) and § 18-608(2)), no
    charges were brought against McCormack under Chapter 5
    (PUCPA). Hiedeman brought charges only under § 18-606,
    alleging that McCormack purposely terminated her own preg-
    nancy in a manner not authorized by statute. Although
    McCormack was prosecuted for submitting to a pre-viability
    abortion, PUCPA was not even enacted at the time the crimi-
    nal complaint was filed.
    MCCORMACK v. HIEDEMAN                   10947
    McCormack argues, however, that she remains threatened
    with prosecution under PUCPA based on the prior Chapter 6
    criminal case being dismissed without prejudice and Hiede-
    man’s declaration that he may re-commence a prosecution.
    She argues:
    it is irrelevant which statute or subsection of a statute
    Hiedeman may choose to use to prosecute McCor-
    mack . . . for terminating a pregnancy in Bannock
    County. McCormack is threatened by a repetition of
    her alleged injury by the threat Hiedeman will prose-
    cute her or her provider again under any applicable
    statute for terminating pregnancy in Bannock
    She asserts that to determine issues of standing, the court
    must look to the facts as they existed at the time the complaint
    was filed. American Civil Liberties Union of Nevada v.
    471 F.3d 1010
    , 1015 (9th Cir. 2006); Clark v. City of
    259 F.3d 996
    , 1006 (9th Cir. 2001) (“Standing is
    determined by the facts as they exist at the time the complaint
    is filed”). Here, when McCormack filed her civil complaint
    on September 16, 2011, PUCPA was enacted. 
    Idaho Code § 18-501
     (enacted April 13, 2011). Thus, she asserts that the
    court can consider the effect that PUCPA has on McCor-
    mack’s prospective chance of being criminally charged.
    [14] McCormack cannot satisfy Thomas‘ three-part test,
    set forth above, for determining whether a plaintiff faces a
    “genuine threat of prosecution” under PUCPA. See 
    220 F.3d at 1139
    . First, McCormack does not have a “concrete plan” to
    violate PUCPA. PUCPA explicitly excludes women from
    criminal liability. 
    Idaho Code § 18-507
     (“No penalty shall be
    assessed against the woman upon whom the abortion is per-
    formed or attempted to be performed.”). Therefore, there is no
    “concrete” way for McCormack to violate the law as an indi-
    vidual pregnant woman because PUCPA specifically excludes
    women from criminal liability. Second, the “prosecuting
    10948              MCCORMACK v. HIEDEMAN
    authorities have [not] communicated a specific warning or
    threat to initiate proceedings” under PUCPA. Thomas, 
    220 F.3d at 1139
    . Hiedeman’s declaration specifically states: “My
    office has not determined as of this date whether new or addi-
    tional evidence is or may become available to warrant re-
    commencing a prosecution under § 18-606.” Thus, the only
    threat of future prosecution is under Chapter 6, not Chapter 5
    (PUCPA). Finally, the third Thomas factor does not tilt in her
    favor because there is no history of past prosecution or
    enforcement under PUCPA. McCormack was prosecuted
    under Chapter 6, not Chapter 5 (PUCPA).
    In short, McCormack does not face a genuine threat of
    prosecution under PUCPA sufficient to confer standing to
    challenge the statute.
    2.   Standing based on her testimony that she would seek
    an abortion if she became pregnant.
    McCormack’s testimony that she would seek an abortion if
    she became pregnant does not suffice to give her standing. It
    is undisputed that McCormack was not pregnant when she
    filed this lawsuit. As a result, she does not have standing
    under any theory articulated in Roe.
    In contrast with Jane Roe and akin to McCormack’s posi-
    tion, the Roe Court found that John and Mary Doe, a married
    couple who filed a companion complaint along with Roe’s,
    did not have standing. Roe, 
    410 U.S. at 127-129
    . The Does
    alleged that they were childless, that Mrs. Doe was not preg-
    nant, and that they had been advised that Mrs. Doe should
    avoid pregnancy for medical and “other highly personal rea-
    Id. at 127
    . They alleged that if Mrs. Doe became preg-
    nant, they would want to terminate the pregnancy by abortion.
    Id. at 128
    . They also alleged that they were injured because
    they were forced to choose between abstaining from normal
    sexual relations or putting Mrs. Doe’s health at risk through
    a possible pregnancy. 
     The Court said, “[t]heir claim is that
    MCCORMACK v. HIEDEMAN                   10949
    sometime in the future Mrs. Doe might become pregnant
    because of possible failure of contraceptive measures, and at
    that time in the future she might want an abortion that might
    then be illegal under the Texas statutes.” 
     The Court con-
    cluded that the Does did not have standing:
    Their alleged injury rests on possible future contra-
    ceptive failure, possible future pregnancy, possible
    future unpreparedness for parenthood, and possible
    future impairment of health. Any one or more of
    these several possibilities may not take place and all
    may not combine. In the Does’ estimation, these pos-
    sibilities might have some real or imagined impact
    on their marital happiness. But we are not prepared
    to say that the bare allegation of so indirect an injury
    is sufficient to present an actual case or controversy.
    Id.; see also Abele v. Markle, 
    452 F.2d 1121
    , 1124-25 (2d Cir.
    1971) (holding that non-pregnant plaintiffs had no standing to
    challenge abortion statute solely on basis of childbearing age
    because “[a]lthough some of them may in the future become
    pregnant and may in such event desire an abortion . . . it is
    also possible that they will not become pregnant or that if they
    do they will, upon further reflection, decide for other reasons
    against an abortion. . . . It is clear that any threat of harm to
    them is remote and hypothetical.”).
    As with the Does, in McCormack’s case there are too many
    “possibilities that may not take place and all may not com-
    bine.” Roe, 
    410 U.S. at 128
    . Therefore, McCormack does not
    have standing to challenge PUCPA based on the fact that she
    was pregnant before filing her civil complaint or based on a
    possible future pregnancy.
    3.   Standing based on the alleged chilling effect PUCPA
    will have on doctors’ willingness to provide abor-
    tions after nineteen weeks in Idaho.
    McCormack asserts she is injured by PUCPA because it
    will have the effect of ensuring that there are no providers
    10950               MCCORMACK v. HIEDEMAN
    willing to provide an abortion after 19 weeks of pregnancy in
    southeast Idaho. But the record demonstrates that there were
    no providers physically located in southeast Idaho willing to
    perform any abortions before the law was enacted.
    [15] Even if a doctor could bring a challenge to PUCPA on
    the basis of potential prosecution, McCormack cannot do so
    on behalf of an unnamed provider. Accordingly, the district
    court did not err in determining that McCormack lacked
    standing to challenge PUCPA.14
    For the reasons discussed above, we affirm in part and
    reverse in part the district court’s grant of a preliminary
    injunction. Specifically, we AFFIRM the district court’s
    determination that McCormack will likely succeed with her
    facial constitutional challenges to 
    Idaho Code §§ 18-606
    18-608(1) and; AFFIRM the district court’s conclusion that
    McCormack lacked standing to seek pre-enforcement relief
    against the enforcement of PUCPA.
    We REVERSE the scope of the injunction to the extent that
    it grants relief beyond McCormack. We also REVERSE the
    district court’s determination that McCormack did not have
    standing to enjoin enforcement of 
    Idaho Code § 18-608
    (2) in
    conjunction with § 18-606. Each party shall bear its own costs
    on appeal.
    AFFIRMED in part, REVERSED in part, and
    Our holding does not foreclose other constitutional challenges to
    PUCPA, in the event that a party can demonstrate standing.

Document Info

Docket Number: 11-36010, 11-36015

Citation Numbers: 694 F.3d 1004

Judges: Betty, Donald, Fletcher, Harry, Pregerson, Walter

Filed Date: 9/11/2012

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 8/5/2023

Authorities (37)

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Abele v. Markle , 342 F. Supp. 800 ( 1972 )

View All Authorities »