Opulent Life Church v. City of Holly Springs , 697 F.3d 279 ( 2012 )

  •      Case: 12-60052   Document: 00512001968     Page: 1   Date Filed: 09/27/2012
    FOR THE FIFTH CIRCUIT  United States Court of Appeals
    Fifth Circuit
    September 27, 2012
    No. 12-60052                   Lyle W. Cayce
    Plaintiffs - Appellants,
    Defendants - Appellees.
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Northern District of Mississippi
    Before WIENER, ELROD, and SOUTHWICK, Circuit Judges.
    Until the eve of oral argument, the City of Holly Springs, Mississippi, had
    on its books a zoning ordinance that explicitly singled out “churches” for
    unfavorable treatment, albeit not for the outright banning of their presence from
    particular locations.    The night before we heard argument, Holly Springs
    amended its ordinance, this time to ban “[c]hurches, temples, synagogues,
    mosques, and other religious facilities” from its historic and centrally located
    courthouse square. Opulent Life Church—which has leased property on the
    courthouse square but still needs zoning approval to occupy that property—filed
    this suit in federal district court, claiming that the (now-repealed) ordinance’s
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    church-specific provisions, facially and as applied, violate the Religious Land
    Use and Institutionalized Persons Act (“RLUIPA”), 42 U.S.C. § 2000cc et seq.;
    the First Amendment; the Fourteenth Amendment; and the Mississippi
    Constitution. Opulent Life simultaneously filed a motion for a preliminary
    injunction of the challenged provisions. The district court denied the motion on
    the sole ground that Opulent Life has not shown a substantial threat of
    irreparable harm. For the reasons that follow, we conclude that the district
    court abused its discretion in denying the preliminary injunction and, therefore,
    Opulent Life Church is a fledgling Christian congregation in need of a
    larger meeting space. Since opening its doors in February 2011, Opulent Life
    has grown to about eighteen members.1                 It desires more growth but is
    constrained by its small building, the Marshall Baptist Center, which can
    comfortably accommodate only twenty to twenty-five people. The pastor of
    Opulent Life, Telsa DeBerry, stated in his affidavit that many potential church
    members have attended services but declined to join because Opulent Life’s
    present facility is too small to accommodate them. Opulent Life’s small facility
    has also limited its ability to operate its community service and outreach
    programs.      For example, it can only host certain community outreach
    events—such as Vacation Bible School, Friends in the Park, and Movies in the
    Park—outdoors, when the weather permits, because its current building cannot
    accommodate such events.
    Most of the pertinent facts appear in the affidavit of Telsa DeBerry, who has served
    as Opulent Life’s pastor since its founding. Holly Springs has not yet had an opportunity to
    present evidence to the district court because the court denied the motion for preliminary
    injunction a week before Holly Springs’s opposition was due and before Holly Springs had
    responded. Opulent Life appealed the next day.
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    According to Opulent Life, these space limitations substantially impair its
    ability to fulfill its religious mission. Opulent Life’s mission statement is as
    follows: “to engage all in our sphere of influence with the Gospel of Jesus Christ
    that we may encounter the called and lead them to be in right standing with God
    and man.” According to Pastor DeBerry, fulfilling this mission requires regular
    worship services, community activities and outreach, and welcoming individuals
    who wish to participate in Opulent Life’s activities. Consequently, Opulent Life
    considers it “of vital importance to [its] religious mission that it maintain a
    facility large enough to accommodate a growing congregation.”
    Because of the inadequacy of its present building, Opulent Life has sought
    a more spacious facility for the past sixteen months. Opulent Life launched this
    search in March 2011, the month after its founding.                   Soon Opulent Life
    identified a suitable property in Holly Springs’s central business district, on the
    courthouse square. In August 2011, Opulent Life entered into a lease agreement
    to use the property as a church. By its terms, the lease will commence when
    Opulent Life obtains the proper land use and building renovation permits from
    Holly Springs. The lessor filed an affidavit in this court in early May averring
    that he is experiencing significant financial hardship, that he urgently needs
    rental income from the property, and that he will have no choice but to
    terminate the lease agreement if Opulent Life cannot soon occupy the property.
    Less than a month after signing the lease, Opulent Life applied for a
    renovation permit and submitted a comprehensive building plan to the Holly
    Springs City Planning Commission. The Commission tabled the request at a
    meeting held a few days later. Its stated reason for doing so was that Opulent
    Life had failed to meet the (now-repealed) requirements of Holly Springs’s
    zoning ordinance that apply only to churches (hereinafter “Section 10.8”).2 The
    Section 10.8 only singled out churches, and not other religious facilities, unlike the
    newly adopted ban, which applies more broadly to “[c]hurches, temples, synagogues, mosques,
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    Commission did not indicate which provisions of Section 10.8 Opulent Life failed
    to meet, but it did provide Pastor DeBerry with a copy of those requirements.
    It is Pastor DeBerry’s belief that Opulent Life failed to satisfy Section 10.86,
    which required that sixty percent of property owners within a 1300-foot radius
    approve the property’s use as a church, and Section 10.89, which required
    Opulent Life to obtain approval from Holly Springs’s mayor and Board of
    Aldermen.3 The entirety of the zoning ordinance’s church-specific provisions are
    as follows:
    10.8 Churches
    Churches where permitted in the City of Holly Springs, shall
    conform to the following standards:
    10.81 The amount of traffic generated and on site parking
    accommodations by the proposed facility must be
    located on a through street;
    10.82 Ingress and egress to the property and proposed
    structures thereon with particular reference to
    automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience,
    traffic flow and control, and access in case of fire or
    10.83 Plans must show assurance that noise levels shall not
    disturb the neighborhood in which the facility is
    proposed to be located;
    10.84 The proposed scale and context of the associated
    activities and facilities;
    10.85 A site plan shall be submitted in conformance with the
    site plan standards of this ordinance;
    and other religious facilities.”
    The list of church-specific requirements that the commission gave Pastor DeBerry
    differs in a few minor respects from the requirements in the actual zoning ordinance. Opulent
    Life had to file a Mississippi Public Records Act request to obtain a copy of the entire zoning
    ordinance because prior to that request, the Mayor of Holly Springs, Andre DeBerry, informed
    Pastor DeBerry that the ordinance was a controlled document that he would not release to
    Opulent Life.
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    10.86 Survey of the property owners within a 1300 foot radius
    with 60% approval;
    10.87 Sign must be located on building only and have no
    lighting in residential districts;
    10.88 Must be minimum of 25,000 square feet in B-4 zones;
    10.89 Final approval must be granted by the Mayor and
    Board of Aldermen.
    The zoning ordinance imposes “supplemental standards” for several other uses,
    including home occupations, junkyards, mini-warehouses, bed and breakfasts,
    and mobile home parks. Prior to the recent amendments to the ordinance,
    however, only churches were subject to approval by neighboring property owners
    and the mayor and Board of Aldermen.
    Opulent Life filed suit on January 10, 2012.            Its complaint seeks a
    declaration that Section 10.8 of the zoning ordinance violates RLUIPA facially
    and as applied,4 the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution facially and as
    applied, the Equal Protection and Due Process Clauses of the Fourteenth
    Amendment facially and as applied, and the Mississippi Constitution facially
    and as applied. The complaint also seeks injunctive relief to prevent Holly
    Springs from enforcing Section 10.8 or “the remainder of the Zoning Ordinance
    to impose limitations on churches not applicable to other nonreligious entities.”
    Finally, the complaint seeks actual damages and attorney’s fees.
    With its complaint, Opulent Life filed a motion for a preliminary
    injunction to enjoin enforcement of Section 10.8. In support, it attached an
    affidavit of Pastor DeBerry, explaining, inter alia, the harm that Opulent Life
    believes it is suffering because of Holly Springs’s decision to table the church’s
    permit request until it can satisfy the zoning requirements that apply to
    Opulent Life alleged violations of RLUIPA’s Equal Terms Clause, 42 U.S.C.
    § 2000cc(b)(1); Substantial Burden Clause, § 2000cc(a); Nondiscrimination Clause,
    § 2000cc(b)(2); and prohibition against unreasonable limitations on religious land uses,
    § 2000cc(b)(3).
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    Just seven days later, the district court denied the motion for preliminary
    injunction in a two-page order. The district court based its ruling entirely on its
    conclusion that Opulent Life had not shown a substantial threat of irreparable
    harm. The entirety of its reasoning is as follows:
    It appears that the plaintiffs are still able to meet at their current
    location, Marshall Baptist Center. They seek to use the rented
    building in anticipation that their membership will grow. As the
    plaintiffs are not currently being deprived of the right to freely
    exercise their religion, the court fails to see irreparable harm if the
    injunction is not granted.
    The district court entered its order before Holly Springs had responded to the
    complaint or preliminary injunction motion. Pursuant to local rules, Holly
    Springs’s opposition was not due until fourteen days after the motion’s filing.
    Opulent Life filed its notice of interlocutory appeal the day after the district
    court entered its order.
    Holly Springs amended its zoning ordinance on August 7, 2012, the night
    before oral argument. Counsel for Holly Springs advised this court that Holly
    Springs had been working on a new zoning ordinance for more than a year.5
    In amending its ordinance, Holly Springs repealed Section 10.8 and
    According to counsel for Opulent Life, on the Friday before oral argument, Holly
    Springs notified Opulent Life’s counsel of its intention to amend its ordinance the following
    Tuesday evening, and provided a draft of the ordinance it intended to adopt. On the morning
    of oral argument, Wednesday, August 8, 2012, Holly Springs informed Opulent Life’s counsel
    that it had passed the ordinance the night before. It did not give opposing counsel a copy of
    the enacted version of the new ordinance before oral argument.
    At oral argument, counsel for Holly Springs conceded that Holly Springs never
    informed the district court or this court of its intention to amend its ordinance. Holly Springs
    also neglected to file a copy of the amended ordinance prior to oral argument. This court
    instructed counsel to file a copy by the end of the week, pursuant to Fed. R. App. P. 28(j).
    Holly Springs complied on Friday, August 10.
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    replaced it with a new provision that categorically bans “[c]hurches, temples,
    synagogues, mosques, and other religious facilities” from the newly created
    “Business Courthouse Square District.” This new district includes the property
    leased by Opulent Life. The stated purpose of this new district “is to designate
    the area . . . for certain retail, office and service uses which will complement the
    historic nature and traditional functions of the court square area as the heart of
    community life.”         Yet while religious facilities are not welcome, other
    noncommerical uses are. For instance, libraries, museums, and art galleries are
    all permitted on the courthouse square.
    Before turning to the merits of Opulent Life’s appeal, we must ensure that
    this case is justiciable in its present posture. Holly Springs argues that this case
    is at once moot and unripe.6 We address these justiciability challenges in order.
    At oral argument, Holly Springs argued that its repeal of Section 10.8 of
    the zoning ordinance renders this case moot—while simultaneously urging us
    to adjudicate the facial validity of the new ordinance. Opulent Life responded
    that Holly Springs’s mootness contention is refuted by the Supreme Court’s
    decision in Northeastern Florida Chapter of Associated General Contractors v.
    City of Jacksonville, 
    508 U.S. 656
    , 661–63 (1993).
    This case is materially identical to Associated General Contractors. There,
    the Court granted certiorari to decide whether the petitioner had standing to
    challenge Jacksonville’s minority set-aside program for city contracts. Id. at 658.
    Despite raising these justiciability challenges to the old ordinance, at oral argument
    Holly Springs urged us to decide the facial validity of the new ordinance. We asked whether
    Holly Springs “want[ed] us to construe the current ordinance as to whether it’s facially
    appropriate under RLUIPA or not,” and counsel for Holly Springs responded: “The new
    ordinance? Uh . . . we would. . . . Yes. . . . I believe that judicial economy would require that
    you do that.”
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    After the grant of certiorari, Jacksonville repealed its ordinance and replaced it
    with a different albeit similar set-aside program. Id. at 660–61. The Court held
    that the repeal of the prior ordinance did not moot the case, relying on its prior
    decision in City of Mesquite v. Aladdin’s Castle, Inc., 
    455 U.S. 283
     (1982), where
    the Court “applied the ‘well settled’ rule that ‘a defendant’s voluntary cessation
    of a challenged practice does not deprive a federal court of its power to determine
    the legality of the practice.’” Associated General Contractors, 508 U.S. at 661–62
    (quoting City of Mesquite, 455 U.S. at 289). This mootness exception applied in
    City of Mesquite “because the defendant’s ‘repeal of the objectionable language
    would not preclude it from reenacting precisely the same provision if the District
    Court’s judgment were vacated.’” Id. at 662 (quoting City of Mesquite, 455 U.S.
    at 289).
    In rejecting the mootness challenge, the Associated General Contractors
    Court described its facts as presenting “an a fortiori case” to City of Mesquite.
    Id. It explained that:
    There is no mere risk that Jacksonville will repeat its allegedly
    wrongful conduct; it has already done so. . . . The gravamen of
    petitioner’s complaint is that its members are disadvantaged in
    their efforts to obtain city contracts. The new ordinance may
    disadvantage them to a lesser degree than the old one, but insofar
    as it accords preferential treatment to black- and female-owned
    contractors . . . it disadvantages them in the same fundamental way.
    Id. Here, as in Associated General Contractors, Holly Springs has already
    repeated its allegedly wrongful conduct. Instead of imposing special burdens on
    Opulent Life before it can occupy its leased property, Holly Springs has doubled
    down and banned Opulent Life from the property altogether. This may present
    an even weaker case for mootness than Associated General Contractors.
    Regardless, the case is not moot.
    This case is also not moot for another reason. In challenging the validity
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    of Section 10.8, Opulent Life seeks retrospective as well as prospective relief. It
    sought to have enforcement of Section 10.8 enjoined, but it also seeks actual
    damages and attorney’s fees. See 42 U.S.C. § 1988(b) (authorizing attorney’s fees
    for prevailing parties in RLUIPA cases). This alone is enough to ensure that an
    actual live controversy exists between the parties, for which a court may grant
    “effectual relief.” Knox v. Serv. Emps. Int’l Union, Local 1000, 
    132 S. Ct. 2277
    2287 (2012) (“A case becomes moot only when it is impossible for a court to grant
    ‘any effectual relief whatever’ to the prevailing ‘party.’” (quoting City of Erie v.
    Pap’s A.M., 
    529 U.S. 277
    , 287 (2000)); see Knox, 132 S. Ct. at 2287 (“As long as
    the parties have a concrete interest, however small, in the outcome of the
    litigation, the case is not moot.” (alteration and internal quotation marks
    omitted)); see also Erwin Chemerinsky, Federal Jurisdiction § 2.5.2 (6th ed.
    2012) (“[A] plaintiff seeking both injunctive relief and money damages can
    continue to pursue the case, even after the request for an equitable remedy is
    rendered moot.” (collecting Supreme Court cases)).
    Holly Springs also argues that this case is unripe. Ripeness doctrine “is
    drawn both from Article III limitations on judicial power and from prudential
    reasons for refusing to exercise jurisdiction.” Reno v. Catholic Soc. Servs., Inc.,
    509 U.S. 43
    , 58 n.18 (1993). It is “peculiarly a question of timing,” Regional
    Rail Reorganization Act Cases, 
    419 U.S. 102
    , 140 (1974), whose “basic rationale
    is to prevent the courts, through avoidance of premature adjudication, from
    entangling themselves in abstract disagreements.” Abbott Labs. v. Gardner,
    387 U.S. 136
    , 148 (1967), abrogated on other grounds by Califano v. Sanders,
    430 U.S. 99
     (1977). Determining whether a claim is ripe for judicial review
    requires the evaluation of (1) “the fitness of the issues for judicial decision” and
    (2) “the hardship to the parties of withholding court consideration.” Abbott
    Labs., 387 U.S. at 149.
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    Holly Springs does not argue that Opulent Life’s claims are unripe under
    these ordinary ripeness considerations, but instead that Opulent Life has not
    satisfied a prudential ripeness requirement set forth in Williamson County
    Regional Planning Commission v. Hamilton Bank of Johnson City, 
    473 U.S. 172
    (1985). See Rosedale Missionary Baptist Church v. New Orleans City, 
    641 F.3d 86
    , 89 n.2 (5th Cir. 2011) (collecting Supreme Court cases for the proposition
    that Williamson County’s ripeness requirements are prudential).                        Under
    Williamson County, Fifth Amendment regulatory takings claims are not ripe
    “until the government entity charged with implementing the regulations has
    reached a final decision regarding the application of the regulations to the
    property at issue.”        473 U.S. at 186. Yet even assuming arguendo that
    Williamson County’s final-decision rule applies to Opulent Life’s claims,7 it
    Whether Williamson County applies to RLUIPA and First Amendment challenges to
    land use decisions is an open question in this circuit. The Supreme Court has only applied
    Williamson County’s finality rule to regulatory takings claims. See Palazzolo v. Rhode Island,
    533 U.S. 606
     (2001); Suitum v. Tahoe Reg’l Planning Agency, 
    520 U.S. 725
     (1997); Lucas v.
    S.C. Coastal Council, 
    505 U.S. 1003
     (1992); Yee v. City of Escondido, 
    503 U.S. 519
    MacDonald, Sommer & Frates v. Yolo Cnty., 
    477 U.S. 340
     (1986). We have gone a bit further,
    applying the finality requirement to ordinary takings claims, Urban Developers LLC v. City
    of Jackson, Miss., 
    468 F.3d 281
    , 294–95 (5th Cir. 2006), and procedural due process claims
    that are “ancillary” to or “arise from” a takings claim. See Bowlby v. City of Aberdeen, Miss.,
    681 F.3d 215
    , 223–26 (5th Cir. 2012) (summarizing circuit precedent and applying general
    ripeness principles, but declining to apply Williamson County, to find ripe a procedural due
    process claim that was not ancillary to a takings claim). Other circuits have applied
    Williamson County more broadly. See, e.g., Murphy v. New Milford Zoning Comm’n, 
    402 F.3d 342
    , 349 (2d Cir. 2005) (citing cases from other circuits that apply Williamson County to due
    process and equal protection claims). The Second Circuit applies the Final-Decision Rule to
    RLUIPA and First Amendment claims, but only if a two-part threshold test is met. See id. at
    350 (“Relatedly, we do not believe it necessary to distinguish the RLUIPA claim from the First
    Amendment Free Exercise claim when it comes to our ripeness inquiry.”). The Sixth Circuit
    applies the final decision rule to RLUIPA and First Amendment claims, and has declined to
    decide whether or not to adopt the Second Circuit’s threshold test. See Miles Christi Religious
    Order v. Twp. of Northville, 
    629 F.3d 533
    , 541–42 (6th Cir. 2010) (distinguishing Murphy and
    therefore not deciding whether to adopt the threshold test); see also id. at 545 (Batchelder,
    C.J., dissenting) (endorsing Murphy’s threshold test). We take no position here regarding
    whether and when Williamson County may apply to RLUIPA and First Amendment challenges
    to land use decisions.
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    presents no barrier to our adjudicating Opulent Life’s facial challenges to the
    ordinance. The Supreme Court has held Williamson County to be inapplicable
    to facial challenges. See Yee v. City of Escondido, 
    503 U.S. 519
    , 533–34 (1992)
    (“While . . . a claim that the ordinance effects a regulatory taking as applied to
    petitioners’ property would be unripe for [failure to satisfy Williamson County],
    petitioners mount a facial challenge to the ordinance.” (citation omitted)).
    Although Holly Springs does not contest Article III ripeness, we briefly
    address the application of ordinary ripeness principles. See Urban Developers
    LLC v. City of Jackson, Miss., 
    468 F.3d 281
    , 292 (5th Cir. 2006) (before reaching
    the merits we “must be convinced that the claim in question is ripe, even if
    neither party has raised the issue”). Opulent Life’s facial challenges are easily
    ripe. First, they are fit for judicial decision because they raise pure questions of
    law. See Triple G Landfills, Inc. v. Bd. of Comm’rs, 
    977 F.2d 287
    , 289 (7th Cir.
    1992) (“This lawsuit . . . mounts a facial attack upon the validity of the ordinance
    itself . . . . The issues posed are purely legal . . . . [T]he case is fit for judicial
    decision.”). Second, Opulent Life would suffer hardship if review were delayed.
    Before Holly Springs amended its ordinance, Opulent Life already faced
    considerable hardship absent immediate judicial review. Compliance with
    Section 10.8 would have been onerous, and noncompliance would have meant
    forfeiting the larger meeting space Opulent Life has leased. Now Opulent Life
    would suffer even more acute hardship were review to be withheld.                 The
    amended ordinance bans Opulent Life from its leased property. Each day that
    passes without Opulent Life being able to occupy its new building is a day in
    which its religious free exercise is curtailed. See 42 U.S.C. § 2000cc-5(7)(B) (“The
    use . . . of real property for the purpose of religious exercise shall be considered
    to be religious exercise” under RLUIPA.). Opulent Life’s facial challenges are
    ripe and that suffices for us to decide the merits of this interlocutory appeal.
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    Turning to the merits, we review the district court’s denial of Opulent
    Life’s preliminary injunction application for abuse of discretion.                 Planned
    Parenthood of Hous. & Se. Tex. v. Sanchez, 
    403 F.3d 324
    , 329 (5th Cir. 2005).
    The prerequisites to obtaining a preliminary injunction are familiar. The
    applicant must show: (1) a substantial likelihood of success on the merits; (2) a
    substantial threat of irreparable harm if the injunction is not granted; (3) that
    the threatened injury outweighs any harm that the injunction might cause to the
    defendant; and (4) that the injunction will not disserve the public interest. Tex.
    Med. Providers Performing Abortion Servs. v. Lakey, 
    667 F.3d 570
    , 574 (5th Cir.
    2012). Each of these factors presents a mixed question of fact and law. Women’s
    Med. Ctr. of Nw. Hous. v. Bell, 
    248 F.3d 411
    , 419 (5th Cir. 2001). Factual
    findings are reviewed for clear error; legal conclusions are reviewed de novo; and
    a decision grounded in erroneous legal principles is reviewed de novo. Id.
    Holly Springs argues that the district court’s denial should be affirmed
    because it correctly concluded that Opulent Life has not shown a threat of
    irreparable harm. Holly Springs did not argue in its appellate brief that any of
    the other preliminary injunction factors support affirmance. Opulent Life
    argues, in contrast, that the district court’s irreparable-harm determination was
    both legally and factually erroneous. Opulent Life further argues that it has
    established each of the four preliminary injunction requirements and thus urges
    us to order entry of the injunction.8
    We address each of the preliminary injunction requirements sequentially.
    The United States has filed an amicus curiae brief in support of Opulent Life. The
    United States agrees with Opulent Life that the district court erred in finding no irreparable
    harm, and further agrees that Opulent Life has demonstrated a likelihood of success on the
    merits of its RLUIPA Equal Terms Clause challenge to Section 10.8. The United States stops
    short, however, of urging entry of a preliminary injunction at this juncture. Instead, it
    supports a remand for Holly Springs to present any evidence it can of how a preliminary
    injunction would harm its interests.
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    We first consider whether Opulent Life has shown a substantial likelihood
    of success on the merits.            Although Opulent Life has asserted several
    constitutional and RLUIPA claims, it focused its briefing on its claim under
    RLUIPA’s Equal Terms Clause and advised that “this Court need not look
    beyond the Equal Terms Clause to find a likelihood of success on the merits.”9
    The United States has followed suit. We accordingly limit our discussion to the
    Equal Terms Clause claim, without considering the merits of Opulent Life’s
    other claims.
    In Cutter v. Wilkinson, 
    544 U.S. 709
    , 714–17 (2005), the Supreme Court
    described the history that prompted the enactment of RLUIPA. “RLUIPA is the
    latest of long-running congressional efforts to accord religious exercise
    heightened protection from government-imposed burdens, consistent with
    [Supreme Court] precedents.” Id. at 714. The story begins with the Court’s
    decision in Employment Division, Department of Human Resources v. Smith, 
    494 U.S. 872
     (1990). The Smith Court held that the Free Exercise Clause generally
    does not exempt religious conduct from burdens imposed by neutral laws of
    general applicability.10 Id. at 878–82.
    Congress responded to Smith by passing the Religious Freedom
    Restoration Act of 1993 (“RFRA”), 42 U.S.C. § 2000bb et seq. See Cutter, 544
    U.S. at 714. RFRA broadly prohibited both the federal government and the
    At oral argument, Opulent Life continued to focus on its Equal Terms Clause claim
    in arguing that it is likely to prevail on the merits in challenging the amended ordinance.
    Smith recognized two exceptions to this rule: (1) for “hybrid” claims, resting on “the
    Free Exercise Clause in conjunction with other constitutional protections,” id. at 881–82, and
    (2) for claims brought in contexts that entail “individualized governmental assessment of the
    reasons for the relevant conduct” such as, in the unemployment compensation context,
    exemptions for those who refuse work with “good cause.” Id. at 884.
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    states from substantially burdening a person’s religious exercise—“even if the
    burden results from a rule of general applicability”—unless the government
    could demonstrate that the burden survives strict scrutiny. 42 U.S.C. § 2000bb-
    1. Four years after RFRA’s enactment, the Supreme Court invalidated it as
    applied to the states and their subdivisions. City of Boerne v. Flores, 
    521 U.S. 507
    , 532–36 (1997) (holding that RFRA exceeded Congress’s power under Section
    5 of the Fourteenth Amendment).
    Congress responded to Flores by enacting RLUIPA. Cutter, 544 U.S. at
    715. “Less sweeping than RFRA . . . RLUIPA targets two areas.” Id. Section 2
    of RLUIPA addresses land use regulation. 42 U.S.C. § 2000cc. Section 3, which
    is not at issue here, protects the religious exercise of institutionalized persons.
    § 2000cc-1; see also Cutter, 544 U.S. at 713–14 (upholding Section 3 of RLUIPA
    as a permissible accommodation of religion that does not offend the
    Establishment Clause). The statute includes a rule of construction, applicable
    to both Sections 2 and 3, that it “shall be construed in favor of a broad protection
    of religious exercise, to the maximum extent permitted by the terms of this
    chapter and the Constitution.” 42 U.S.C. § 2000cc-3(g).
    RLUIPA expressly provides a cause of action for violations of its
    requirements: “A person may assert a violation of this chapter as a claim or
    defense in a judicial proceeding and obtain appropriate relief against a
    government.” § 2000cc-2(a). The phrase “appropriate relief” does not include
    money damages against states. Sossamon v. Texas, 
    131 S. Ct. 1651
    , 1655,
    1658–59 (2011) (holding that RLUIPA does not unambiguously abrogate the
    sovereign immunity of the states from damages claims). By contrast, money
    damages are available under RLUIPA against political subdivisions of states,
    such as municipalities and counties. See, e.g., Centro Familiar Cristiano Buenas
    Nuevas v. City of Yuma, 
    651 F.3d 1163
    , 1168–69 (9th Cir. 2011) (holding that
    municipalities and counties may be liable for money damages under RLUIPA);
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    Lighthouse Inst. for Evangelism, Inc. v. City of Long Branch, 
    510 F.3d 253
    260–61 (3d Cir. 2007) (same); see also Mt. Healthy City Sch. Dist. Bd. of Educ.
    v. Doyle, 
    429 U.S. 274
    , 280–81 (1977) (recognizing that political subdivisions of
    states do not enjoy Eleventh Amendment immunity). Under Supreme Court
    precedent, money damages are available against municipal entities unless
    “Congress has given clear direction that it intends to exclude a damages remedy”
    from a cognizable cause of action. Sossamon, 131 S. Ct. at 1660 (citing Franklin
    v. Gwinnett Cnty. Pub. Sch., 
    503 U.S. 60
    , 70–71 (1992)). RLUIPA contains no
    indication, much less clear direction, that it intends to exclude a money damages
    remedy.   Thus, municipalities and counties may be held liable for money
    damages under RLUIPA, but states may not.
    Section 2 of RLUIPA, which protects religious land uses and is at issue in
    this case, contains two subsections that limit land-use regulations. The first
    subsection contains the Substantial Burden Clause, which prohibits the
    imposition or implementation of a land use regulation in a manner that imposes
    a “substantial burden” on the religious exercise of a person, assembly, or
    institution unless the government can show that the regulation furthers a
    “compelling governmental interest” by “the least restrictive means.” § 2000cc(a).
    The second subsection contains three provisions under the heading
    “Discrimination and exclusion.” § 2000cc(b). The Equal Terms Clause prohibits
    imposing or implementing a land use regulation so as to treat a religious
    assembly “on less than equal terms” than a nonreligious assembly.
    § 2000cc(b)(1).    The Nondiscrimination Clause prohibits imposing or
    implementing a land use regulation so as to discriminate against an assembly
    or institution on the basis of religion. § 2000cc(b)(2). The third provision
    concerns “Exclusions and limits” and contains two subparts that prohibit:
    (A) “totally exclud[ing] religious assemblies from a jurisdiction”; and
    (B) imposing or implementing a land use regulation that “unreasonably limits
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    religious assemblies, institutions, or structures within a jurisdiction.”
    § 2000cc(b)(3). Although Opulent Life has asserted violations of each of these
    provisions (except the total exclusion subpart), we confine our discussion to its
    Equal Terms Clause claim.
    The statutory text of the Equal Terms Clause provides: “No government
    shall impose or implement a land use regulation in a manner that treats a
    religious assembly or institution on less than equal terms with a nonreligious
    assembly or institution.” § 2000cc(b)(1). There can be no serious dispute that
    Holly Springs is a “government” within the meaning of the statute, see § 2000cc-
    5(4) (defining “government” to include, inter alia, “a State, county, municipality,
    or other governmental entity created under the authority of a State”); that the
    provisions of its zoning ordinance at issue (both Section 10.8 and the newly
    adopted ban on religious facilities) are “land use regulation[s],” see § 2000cc-5(5)
    (defining “land use regulation” as “a zoning or landmarking law, or the
    application of such a law, that limits or restricts a claimant’s use or development
    of land . . .”); or that Opulent Life is a “religious assembly or institution.” Thus,
    the dispositive issue is whether the ordinance facially treats Opulent Life “on
    less than equal terms with a nonreligious assembly or institution.”
    § 2000cc(b)(1). Before considering this determinative statutory language, we
    address the application of RLUIPA’s burden-shifting provision.
    Under RLUIPA, the government bears the burden of persuasion once a
    religious plaintiff establishes a prima facie case of a violation:
    If a plaintiff produces prima facie evidence to support a claim
    alleging a violation of the Free Exercise Clause or a violation of
    [Section 2 of RLUIPA], the government shall bear the burden of
    persuasion on any element of the claim, except that the plaintiff
    shall bear the burden of persuasion on whether the law (including
    a regulation) or government practice that is challenged by the claim
    substantially burdens the plaintiff’s exercise of religion.
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    § 2000cc-2(b). The Ninth Circuit has held that an ordinance that expressly
    differentiates religious land uses from nonreligious land uses establishes a
    prima facie case for a facial Equal Terms Clause claim. See Centro Familiar,
    651 F.3d at 1171 (“[T]he express distinction drawn by the ordinance establishes
    a prima facie case for unequal treatment.”). We agree. Because both the old and
    new versions of the ordinance expressly distinguish between religious and
    nonreligious land uses, Opulent Life has established a prima facie case, so Holly
    Springs has the burden of persuasion on each element of the Equal Terms
    Clause claim.
    We now turn to the critical statutory phrase “on less than equal terms
    with a nonreligious assembly or institution.” Our leading case construing this
    language is Elijah Group, Inc. v. City of Leon Valley, 
    643 F.3d 419
     (5th Cir.
    2011). We explained in Elijah Group that this statutory language “requires that
    the religious institution in question be compared to a nonreligious counterpart,
    or ‘comparator.’” Id. at 422. We described the differing approaches of four of our
    sister circuits to this issue, but declined to choose among them. Id. at 422–24 &
    n.19. Instead, it sufficed in that case to observe that a plaintiff must “show more
    than simply that its religious use is forbidden and some other nonreligious use
    is permitted. The ‘less than equal terms’ must be measured by the ordinance
    itself and the criteria by which it treats institutions differently.” Id. at 424. We
    concluded that the ordinance at issue in Elijah Group violated the Clause
    because it “treats the Church on terms that are less than equal to the terms on
    which it treats similarly situated nonreligious institutions.” Id.
    The approaches of our sister circuits to facial Equal Terms Clause
    challenges fall “roughly into two camps.” Centro Familiar, 651 F.3d at 1169
    n.25. In one camp is the Eleventh Circuit, which treats all land use regulations
    that facially differentiate between religious and nonreligious institutions as
    violations of the Clause, but will nonetheless uphold such a regulation if it
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    survives strict scrutiny review. See Midrash Sephardi, Inc. v. Town of Surfside,
    366 F.3d 1214
    , 1231–35 (11th Cir. 2004). The other camp includes the Third,
    Seventh, and Ninth Circuits. Those circuits hold that a violation of the Equal
    Terms Clause occurs only if a religious institution is treated less well than a
    similarly situated nonreligious comparator.11 The Third Circuit requires the
    comparator to be “similarly situated as to the regulatory purpose.” Lighthouse
    Inst., 510 F.3d at 266. The Seventh and Ninth Circuits require a comparator
    that is similarly situated with respect to “accepted zoning criteria.” Centro
    Familiar, 651 F.3d at 1172–73; River of Life Kingdom Ministries v. Vill. of Hazel
    Crest, Ill., 
    611 F.3d 367
    , 371–73 (7th Cir. 2010) (en banc).
    As Opulent Life concedes in its brief, by requiring a similarly situated
    comparator, our precedent rules out the Eleventh Circuit’s approach, and places
    us in the latter camp with the Third, Seventh, and Ninth Circuits.12 See Elijah
    Group, 651 F.3d at 424. But our precedent calls for a test that differs slightly
    from the Third Circuit’s “regulatory purpose” test and the Seventh and Ninth
    As we observed in Elijah Group, the Second Circuit has followed a similar approach
    in an as-applied challenge, “identif[ying] a comparator that is similarly situated for all
    ‘functional intents and purposes’ of the regulation.” 643 F.3d at 423 (quoting Third Church of
    Christ, Scientist, of N.Y.C. v. City of New York, 
    626 F.3d 667
     (2d Cir. 2010)). The Second
    Circuit has not adopted a test for facial challenges, and even the Eleventh Circuit requires a
    similarly situated comparator in as-applied challenges. See Primera Iglesia Bautista Hispana
    of Boca Raton, Inc. v. Broward Cnty., 
    450 F.3d 1295
    , 1311 (11th Cir. 2006) (“[A] neutral
    statute’s application may violate the Equal Terms provision if it differentially treats similarly
    situated religious and nonreligious assemblies.”).
    Although we do not follow the Eleventh Circuit in applying strict scrutiny review to
    Equal Terms Clause claims, strict scrutiny is the proper test for claims under the Substantial
    Burden Clause. See 42 U.S.C. § 2000cc(a) (expressly providing for strict scrutiny review). The
    omission of strict scrutiny language from the Equal Terms Clause, see 42 U.S.C. § 2000cc(b)(1),
    immediately following the inclusion of such language in the prior subsection (the Substantial
    Burden Clause), is another reason not to apply strict scrutiny review to Equal Terms Clause
    claims. See Keene Corp. v. United States, 
    508 U.S. 200
    , 208 (1993) (“[W]here Congress includes
    particular language in one section of a statute but omits it in another . . . , it is generally
    presumed that Congress acts intentionally and purposely in the disparate inclusion or
    exclusion.” (internal quotation marks omitted)).
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    Circuits’ “accepted zoning criteria” test.13 In this circuit, “[t]he ‘less than equal
    terms’ must be measured by the ordinance itself and the criteria by which it
    treats institutions differently.” Id. In accord with this instruction, and building
    on the similar approaches of our sister circuits, we must determine: (1) the
    regulatory purpose or zoning criterion behind the regulation at issue, as stated
    explicitly in the text of the ordinance or regulation; and (2) whether the religious
    assembly or institution is treated as well as every other nonreligious assembly
    or institution that is “similarly situated” with respect to the stated purpose or
    criterion. Where, as here, the religious assembly or institution establishes a
    prima facie case, the government must affirmatively satisfy this two-part test
    to bear its burden of persuasion on this element of the plaintiff’s Equal Terms
    Clause claim.
    As Holly Springs conceded at oral argument, the now-repealed Sections
    10.86 and 10.89 plainly violated the Equal Terms Clause. Those provisions
    Several jurists have argued that there is “little real contrast in basic approach or
    result” between the “regulatory purpose” and “accepted zoning criteria” tests. River of Life
    Kingdom Ministries, 611 F.3d at 374 (Cudahy, J., concurring); id. at 386 (Sykes, J., dissenting)
    (“The distinction between ‘accepted zoning criteria’ and the ‘regulatory purpose’ of
    exclusionary zoning is nonexistent or too subtle to make any difference in individual
    equal-terms cases. Zoning decisions are always tied to accepted land-use ‘criteria.’”); see also
    Centro Familiar, 651 F.3d at 1173 n.46 (citing Judge Cudahy’s observation approvingly).
    We need not interject ourselves into that discussion. For our purposes here, we note
    that to the extent either test could be read as permitting courts to consider regulatory
    objectives or zoning criteria that are not expressed in the text of the ordinance or land use
    regulation at issue, we may not follow suit. See Elijah Group, 651 F.3d at 424 (“The ‘less than
    equal terms’ must be measured by the ordinance itself and the criteria by which it treats
    institutions differently.”); compare River of Life Kingdom Ministries, 611 F.3d at 371 (majority
    opinion) (criticizing the “regulatory purpose” test for being too “subjective and manipulable,”
    inviting “speculation concerning the reason behind exclusion of churches” and “self-serving
    testimony by zoning officials and hired expert witnesses”) with id. at 376–77 (Williams, J.,
    concurring) (endorsing the “regulatory purpose” test and criticizing the majority’s test as
    “present[ing] a risk of self-serving testimony just as the majority believes the ‘regulatory
    purpose’ approach would”).
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    imposed onerous burdens on churches not imposed on any other type of assembly
    or institution, similarly situated or not. Specifically, those two provisions
    required churches, and only churches: (1) to conduct a survey to find all
    neighboring property owners within a 1300-foot radius and to seek and obtain
    approval from sixty percent of them; and (2) to obtain discretionary approval
    from the mayor and Board of Aldermen. On the face of the ordinance, the only
    “criteri[on] by which it treats institutions differently,” Elijah Group, 643 F.3d at
    424, with respect to these burdensome requirements, is whether the institution
    is a church. This differential treatment of churches cannot be justified by any
    regulatory purpose or zoning criterion set forth in the ordinance. The church-
    specific burdens in Sections 10.86 and 10.89 were unlawful under RLUIPA.14
    We now turn to Holly Springs’s newly adopted ban on religious facilities
    on the courthouse square. The ordinance draws an express distinction between
    “[c]hurches, temples, synagogues, mosques, and other religious facilities” on the
    one hand, and various nonreligious institutions on the other hand, for purposes
    of designating permitted and nonpermitted uses in the “Business Courthouse
    Square District.” Consequently, and as discussed above, Opulent Life has
    established a prima facie Equal Terms Clause violation, see Centro Familiar, 651
    F.3d at 1171 (“[T]he express distinction drawn by the ordinance [between
    religious and non-religious institutions] establishes a prima facie case for
    unequal treatment.”), and Holly Springs has the burden of proving the validity
    of the ban, see 42 U.S.C. § 2000cc-2(b).
    The other provisions of Section 10.8 are not so plainly invalid. Those provisions
    required churches to conform to standards that embodied more typical zoning criteria such as
    traffic flow and noise levels. At least some of those standards, e.g. Section 10.85, are made
    applicable to nonreligious institutions through other provisions of the ordinance. We need not
    resolve the validity of these provisions, however, because both sides agree that two key
    provisions of Section 10.8 violated RLUIPA, and Holly Springs has repealed Section 10.8 in
    its entirety, thereby mooting Opulent Life’s claim for injunctive relief against that section of
    the ordinance.
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    To bear its burden, Holly Springs must first identify the regulatory
    purpose or zoning criterion that explains the religious facilities ban, as stated
    explicitly in the text of the ordinance, and then show that it has treated religious
    facilities on equivalent terms as all nonreligious institutions that are similarly
    situated with respect to that stated purpose or criterion.          The amended
    ordinance includes a description of the purpose of the Business Courthouse
    Square District: “to designate the area . . . for certain retail, office and service
    uses which will complement the historic nature and traditional functions of the
    court square area as the heart of community life.” Insofar as this language can
    be read as purporting to create a commercial district, that justification fails
    because other noncommercial, non tax-generating uses are permitted in the
    district, as Holly Springs conceded at oral argument.           For instance, the
    ordinance permits libraries, museums, art galleries, exhibitions, and “similar
    facilit[ies]” on the courthouse square.      Elijah Group, 643 F.3d at 423–24
    (rejecting the city’s “retail corridor” justification where the ordinance excluded
    churches but permitted “many nonreligious, nonretail buildings” including
    private lodges and clubs); River of Life Kingdom Ministries, 611 F.3d at 374
    (“[S]hould a municipality create what purports to be a pure commercial district
    and then allow other uses, a church would have an easy victory if the
    municipality kept it out.”). In addition, to the extent that the stated purpose for
    the district could be read to suggest that the “heart of community life” in Holly
    Springs is consistent with a variety of nonreligious civic uses, but not religious
    uses, that inherently discriminatory regulatory purpose would likewise fail to
    justify the ban.
    Beyond making these initial observations, however, we do not address
    whether Holly Springs can justify its exclusion of religious facilities from the
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    courthouse square under the test we have adopted.15 Mindful that Holly Springs
    has not yet had an opportunity to come forward with the zoning criteria or
    regulatory objectives that it believes justify this ban, we leave it for the district
    court on remand to determine, in the first instance, whether Opulent Life is
    likely to succeed on the merits of its facial claims against the amended
    We now proceed to the second preliminary injunction requirement—that
    Opulent Life show a substantial threat of irreparable harm if the injunction is
    not granted. The district court denied the injunction solely on the ground that
    Opulent Life cannot satisfy this requirement. It reached this conclusion based
    on its determination that Opulent Life’s ability freely to exercise its religion is
    not currently being harmed because its present meeting space is adequate.
    Opulent Life argues that this factual determination is clearly erroneous and
    further argues that it has suffered irreparable harm as a matter of law. The
    United States agrees with Opulent Life. Holly Springs argues that the district
    court’s analysis was sound and should be affirmed.
    Importantly, Holly Springs’s amendment to its zoning ordinance does not
    matter for purposes of our review of the district court’s irreparable harm
    determination. Opulent Life made clear at oral argument that, in light of the
    At oral argument, Holly Springs attempted to defend the ban by repeatedly stressing
    that it only covers one zoning district and that religious facilities are allowed to meet
    elsewhere in Holly Springs. Although the limited reach of the ban precludes a violation of
    RLUIPA’s proscription against imposing “a land use regulation that . . . totally excludes
    religious assemblies from a jurisdiction,” 42 U.S.C. § 2000cc(b)(3)(A), the ban’s limited
    application is irrelevant to Opulent Life’s claim under the Equal Terms Clause. That clause
    manifestly protects religious assemblies and institutions from unequal treatment in every
    zoning district within a jurisdiction. See Elijah Group, 643 F.3d at 424 (finding a violation of
    the Equal Terms Clause where a city treated churches differently than private clubs in B-2
    zones); cf. Se. Promotions, Ltd. v. Conrad, 
    420 U.S. 546
    , 556 (1975) (“[O]ne is not to have the
    exercise of his liberty of expression in appropriate places abridged on the plea that it may be
    exercised in some other place.” (internal quotation marks omitted)).
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    recent amendment to the ordinance, it now seeks the preliminary injunction of
    Holly Springs’s ban on religious facilities operating on the courthouse square.
    (Section 10.8 cannot be enjoined, of course, because it has been repealed.)
    Regardless of the zoning obstacle, the harm asserted by Opulent Life is its
    inability to occupy and use its leased property.16 We now consider whether the
    district court properly analyzed Opulent Life’s asserted irreparable harm.
    We conclude that the district court erred and that Opulent Life has
    demonstrated that it will suffer irreparable harm absent the injunction it seeks.
    Most basically, Opulent Life has satisfied the irreparable-harm requirement
    because it has alleged violations of its First Amendment and RLUIPA rights.
    “The loss of First Amendment freedoms, for even minimal periods of time,
    unquestionably constitutes irreparable injury.” Elrod v. Burns, 
    427 U.S. 347
    373 (1976); see also 11A Charles Alan Wright, Arthur R. Miller & Mary Kay
    Kane, Federal Practice and Procedure § 2948.1 (2d ed. 1995) (“When an alleged
    deprivation of a constitutional right is involved, most courts hold that no further
    showing of irreparable injury is necessary.”). This principle applies with equal
    force to the violation of RLUIPA rights because RLUIPA enforces First
    Amendment freedoms, and the statute requires courts to construe it broadly to
    protect religious exercise. See 42 U.S.C. § 2000cc-3(g) (“This chapter shall be
    construed in favor of a broad protection of religious exercise, to the maximum
    extent permitted by the terms of this chapter and the Constitution.”); see also
    Reaching Hearts Int’l, Inc. v. Prince George’s Cnty., 
    584 F. Supp. 2d 766
    , 795 (D.
    Md. 2008) (“[T]he infringement of one’s rights under RLUIPA constitute[s]
    irreparable injury.” (citing Elrod, 427 U.S. at 373)). In the closely related RFRA
    context (the predecessor statute to RLUIPA), courts have recognized that this
    If anything, the amendment to the zoning ordinance adds urgency to Opulent Life’s
    preliminary injunction motion because the ordinance now makes it impossible, instead of just
    difficult, for Opulent Life to obtain permission to operate on its leased property.
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    same principle applies. See Kikumura v. Hurley, 
    242 F.3d 950
    , 963 (10th Cir.
    2001) (“[C]ourts have held that a plaintiff satisfies the irreparable harm analysis
    by alleging a violation of RFRA.”).
    Holly Springs resists a straightforward application of this principle by
    attempting to distinguish Elrod.17 To do so, Holly Springs relies on the Third
    Circuit’s decision in Hohe v. Casey, 
    868 F.2d 69
     (3d Cir. 1989), which reasoned
    that while the “loss of First Amendment freedoms, for even minimal periods of
    time, unquestionably constitutes irreparable injury,” Elrod, 427 U.S. at 373, “the
    assertion of First Amendment rights does not automatically require a finding of
    irreparable injury.” 868 F.2d at 72–73. “Rather the plaintiffs must show a
    chilling effect on free expression.” Id. at 73 (internal quotation marks omitted).
    But even if we were to adopt the reasoning of Hohe, its facts make clear that it
    sets forth only a narrow exception to the Elrod principle that is inapplicable
    here. In Hohe, the plaintiffs challenged the constitutionality of certain union
    fees. Id. at 71. Pending final disposition of the challenge, the union escrowed
    the disputed fees to ensure protection of the challengers’ interest against
    compelled speech. Id. at 72. Thus, the only asserted harm by the challengers
    was that “the mere deduction and collection of the fees . . . deprived [them] of
    money they might use to support their own political, ideological, or other
    purposes.” Id. 73. This minor and temporary monetary harm does not match
    Opulent Life’s exclusion from its leased property, which Opulent Life asserts
    significantly impairs its free exercise of religion. Elrod, not Hohe, governs this
    Holly Springs also contends that Opulent Life waived this argument. The record
    refutes this contention. Opulent life made this very argument in its memorandum in support
    of its motion for preliminary injunction.
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    case.18 Opulent Life has alleged violations of its First Amendment and RLUIPA
    rights and thereby satisfied the irreparable injury requirement.
    Moreover, even assuming arguendo that we were required to consider the
    specific evidence in the record, we would still find irreparable harm. The record
    is replete with evidence of irreparable harm to Opulent Life’s ability to freely
    exercise its religion. Opulent Life avers that its current building is too small for
    its present membership. The building cannot accommodate Opulent Life’s
    community service programs—programs Opulent Life considers essential to its
    religious mission. The building also allows no room for Opulent Life to grow,
    and has already prevented would-be members from joining and limited Opulent
    Life’s ability to welcome visitors.         This frustrates Opulent Life’s religious
    mission. Moreover, the sufficiency of this evidence is buoyed by the rule that
    courts may not second-guess a religious entity’s sincere belief that certain
    activities are central to or required by its religion. See Hobbie v. Unemployment
    Appeals Comm’n, 
    480 U.S. 136
    , 144 n.9 (1987) (“In applying the Free Exercise
    Clause, courts may not inquire into the truth, validity, or reasonableness of a
    claimant’s religious beliefs.”); Merced v. Kasson, 
    577 F.3d 578
    , 590 (5th Cir.
    2009) (“The judiciary is ill-suited to opine on theological matters, and should
    avoid doing so.” (citing Smith, 494 U.S. at 887)).
    In lieu of Elrod, Holly Springs also urges us to follow an unpublished Sixth Circuit
    decision, which held that a church’s religious exercise was not substantially burdened by the
    denial of its application for a permit to build a larger building. See Living Water Church of
    God v. Charter Twp. of Meridian, 258 F. App’x 729 (6th Cir. 2007) (unpublished). According
    to Holly Springs, Living Water supports the conclusion that Opulent Life has not shown
    irreparable harm. To justify reliance on this substantial-burden case, Holly Springs cites
    authority for the proposition that substantial burdens amount to irreparable harm and then
    concludes “[c]onversely, if no substantial burden, then no irreparable injury.” But this
    argument fails because it rests on a basic logical fallacy. A substantial burden may well be
    (and probably is) sufficient to establish irreparable injury, but it surely is not necessary.
    Living Water does not affect our conclusion that Opulent Life has shown irreparable harm.
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    This evidence of irreparable harm refutes the district court’s
    determination. Indeed, the district court’s brief analysis does not even address
    this abundant evidence of ongoing harm to Opulent Life’s religious practice. In
    addition, the district court’s analysis is flawed because under its logic it would
    be almost impossible for Opulent Life ever to show irreparable harm. The
    district court’s reasoning would not support an irreparable harm finding until
    Opulent Life’s membership exceeds its building’s capacity, but Opulent Life
    insists that it cannot grow without a larger building, and supports this assertion
    with record evidence. In sum, our review of the record leaves us with a firm
    conviction that the district court erred in finding that Opulent Life’s members
    are not “currently being deprived of the right to freely exercise their religion.”
    See Inwood Labs., Inc. v. Ives Labs., Inc., 
    456 U.S. 844
    , 855 (1982) (a district
    court clearly errs in its factual findings if “an appellate court is left with the
    definite and firm conviction that a mistake has been committed” (internal
    quotation marks omitted)).
    Moreover, Holly Springs’s responses to this evidence are unpersuasive.
    First, Holly Springs boldly proclaims in its brief that Opulent Life “concedes its
    ability to function meaningfully in its current location.” But this assertion is
    belied by all of the record evidence just discussed and, in any event, Holly
    Springs does not state where Opulent Life made this purportedly critical
    concession. Second, Holly Springs argues that Opulent Life’s “long litigation
    delay” suggests it is not suffering irreparable harm. See 11A Charles Alan
    Wright, Arthur R. Miller & Mary Kay Kane, Federal Practice and Procedure
    § 2948.1 (2d ed. 1995) (“A long delay by plaintiff after learning of the threatened
    harm may be taken as an indication that the harm would not be serious enough
    to justify a preliminary injunction.”). Opulent Life dismisses this argument as
    frivolous. Whether frivolous or not, it is unconvincing on the these facts. Not
    only is it in tension with Holly Springs’s primary contention that Opulent Life’s
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    claims are unripe, but worse, the majority of Opulent Life’s four-month delay
    was caused by Holly Springs’s refusal to produce a copy of its zoning ordinance
    and the consequent necessity that Opulent Life resort to a public records request
    to obtain a copy. Third, Holly Springs offers to present evidence on remand
    “disputing Pastor DeBerry’s comparisons of the Marshall Baptist Center with
    the leased building on the town square.” Most pertinently, Holly Springs states
    that Marshall Baptist Center is zoned as an office building with a maximum
    occupancy of ninety-four, and that Opulent Life’s “Facebook page displays
    images of an event held in a room with musical equipment, a long banquet table,
    and approximately 50 - 60 chairs.” But even assuming arguendo that Holly
    Springs can establish these facts, they do not discredit Pastor DeBerry’s sworn
    assertion that the Marshall Baptist Center can accommodate only twenty to
    twenty-five people during customary religious activities. Nor would these facts
    undercut Opulent Life’s other record evidence that its current building is
    inadequate for its present membership.
    Finally, another independent reason that Opulent Life has established a
    substantial threat of irreparable harm is that it will lose its lease if it is not
    allowed to operate in its leased property. “The deprivation of an interest in real
    property constitutes irreparable harm.” Third Church of Christ, Scientist, of
    N.Y.C. v. City of New York, 
    617 F. Supp. 2d 201
    , 215 (S.D.N.Y. 2008), aff’d, 
    626 F.3d 667
     (2d Cir. 2010). This threat has become significantly more imminent
    since Opulent Life filed its notice of appeal, as explained in Opulent Life’s
    motion to expedite its appeal, which was granted in May 2012. Opulent Life
    attached to that motion an affidavit from its lessor, Rowland Huff. In it Mr.
    Huff explains that if Opulent Life is not allowed to occupy the property soon, he
    will be forced to terminate the lease and to find another lessee because he is
    suffering financial difficulties and is not currently receiving rental payments
    from Opulent Life under the terms of the lease.
    Case: 12-60052      Document: 00512001968       Page: 28    Date Filed: 09/27/2012
    No. 12-60052
    Opulent Life has met its burden of showing a substantial threat of
    irreparable injury.     The district court abused its discretion in reaching a
    contrary conclusion.
    The third preliminary injunction factor requires Opulent Life to show that,
    absent an injunction, its threatened injury outweighs any harm Holly Springs
    will suffer as a result of the injunction. We have just concluded that Opulent
    Life’s harm is irreparable; hence, Holly Springs would need to present powerful
    evidence of harm to its interests to prevent Opulent Life from meeting this
    requirement. Nevertheless, Holly Springs argues persuasively that it is entitled
    to put on evidence before a preliminary injunction may issue against it.19 This
    is especially so given our conclusion that the case should be remanded to allow
    the district court the first opportunity to decide whether Opulent Life is likely
    to succeed on the merits of its claims against the new ordinance.
    Holly Springs asserts its right to present evidence in the district court
    based on Fed. R. Civ. P. 65. Rule 65(a)(1) provides that a “court may issue a
    preliminary injunction only on notice to the adverse party.” We have held that
    the “Rule’s notice requirement necessarily requires that the party opposing the
    preliminary injunction has the opportunity to be heard and to present evidence.”
    Harris Cnty., Tex. v. CarMax Auto Superstores Inc., 
    177 F.3d 306
    , 325 (5th Cir.
    1999) (“The notice required by Rule 65(a) before a preliminary injunction can
    issue implies a hearing in which the defendant is given a fair opportunity to
    oppose the application and to prepare for such opposition.”) (citing Granny Goose
    Foods, Inc. v. Bhd. of Teamsters & Auto Truck Drivers, Local No. 70, 
    415 U.S. 423
    , 434 n.7 (1974)). Moreover, “[c]ompliance with [R]ule 65(a)(1) is mandatory.”
    Parker v. Ryan, 
    960 F.2d 543
    , 544 (5th Cir. 1992). Here, Holly Springs never
    The United States agrees that a remand is appropriate to allow Holly Springs to
    present evidence on the issue of the harm an injunction would cause it.
    Case: 12-60052    Document: 00512001968     Page: 29   Date Filed: 09/27/2012
    No. 12-60052
    had an opportunity to present evidence or to be heard in the district court
    because the court denied the preliminary injunction motion before Holly
    Springs’s response was due. Under these circumstances, the proper remedy is
    to remand to the district court.     Cf. Harris Cnty., 177 F.3d at 326 (“[A]
    preliminary injunction granted without adequate notice and a fair opportunity
    to oppose it should be vacated and remanded to the district court.”). Remand is
    necessary to allow Holly Springs to present evidence concerning the harm it will
    suffer if a preliminary injunction is entered, as well as to allow both sides to
    address, and to present evidence concerning, Opulent Life’s claims challenging
    the validity of the recent amendments to the ordinance.
    Fourth, Opulent Life must show that a preliminary injunction will not
    disserve the public interest.    “[I]njunctions   protecting First Amendment
    freedoms are always in the public interest.” Christian Legal Soc’y v. Walker, 
    453 F.3d 853
    , 859 (7th Cir. 2006); accord Ingebretsen ex rel. Ingebretsen v. Jackson
    Pub. Sch. Dist., 
    88 F.3d 274
    , 280 (5th Cir. 1996) (holding that where a law
    violates the First Amendment “the public interest was not disserved by an
    injunction preventing its implementation”). This principle applies equally to
    injunctions protecting RLUIPA rights because, as discussed, RLUIPA enforces
    the First Amendment and must be construed broadly. Accordingly, Opulent Life
    will have met this requirement if on remand it is able to establish a likelihood
    of success on the merits.
    In sum, the issues on remand include but are not limited to: (1) whether
    Opulent Life is likely to succeed on its claims challenging the validity of the
    newly adopted religious facilities ban; (2) whether the harm Opulent Life will
    suffer absent a preliminary injunction outweighs the harm an injunction will
    cause Holly Springs; (3) the amount of actual damages Opulent Life suffered on
    Case: 12-60052       Document: 00512001968          Page: 30      Date Filed: 09/27/2012
    No. 12-60052
    account of Sections 10.86 and 10.89, which violated RLUIPA; and (4) at the
    district court’s discretion, whether Opulent Life should be awarded reasonable
    attorneys fees as a prevailing party under 42 U.S.C. § 1988(b).20
    For the foregoing reasons, we VACATE the district court’s order denying
    Opulent Life’s motion for a preliminary injunction and REMAND for further
    proceedings consistent with this opinion.
    Even if Opulent Life proves only nominal damages, it is a prevailing party potentially
    eligible for fees under 42 U.S.C. § 1988(b). See Farrar v. Hobby, 
    506 U.S. 103
    , 112 (1992) (“We
    therefore hold that a plaintiff who wins nominal damages is a prevailing party under § 1988.”).

Document Info

Docket Number: 12-60052

Citation Numbers: 697 F.3d 279

Judges: Elrod, Southwick, Wiener

Filed Date: 9/27/2012

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 8/5/2023

Authorities (49)

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View All Authorities »