Order Adopting Rule 1.99 and Amending Notes to Rules 2.1, 2.4, 2.7, 2.8, 2.10, 3.3-3.6, 3.9-3.11, 3.14, 7.2-7.4, and 8.2 of PA Orphans' Court Rules ( 2018 )

  •                               [This is an entirely new rule.]
    Rule 1.99.   Confidential Information and Confidential Documents. Certification
    Unless public access is otherwise constrained by applicable authority, any
    attorney, or any party if unrepresented, who files a legal paper pursuant to these rules
    with the clerk shall comply with the requirements of Sections 7.0 and 8.0 of the Public
    Access Policy of the Unified Judicial System of Pennsylvania: Case Records of the
    Appellate and Trial Courts (Policy) including a certification of compliance with the Policy
    and, as necessary, a Confidential Information Form, unless otherwise specified by rule
    or order of court, or a Confidential Document Form, in accordance with the Policy.
    Note: Applicable authority includes but is not limited to statute, procedural rule,
    or court order. The Public Access Policy of the Unified Judicial System of
    Pennsylvania: Case Records of the Appellate and Trial Courts (Policy) can be
    found on the website of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania at
    http://www.pacourts.us/public-records. Sections 7.0(D) and 8.0(D) of the Policy
    provide that the certification shall be in substantially the following form:
    I certify that this filing complies with the provisions of the Public
    Access Policy of the Unified Judicial System of Pennsylvania:
    Case Records of the Appellate and Trial Courts that require filing
    confidential information and documents differently than non-
    confidential information and documents.
    The Confidential Information Form and the Confidential Document Form
    can be found at http://www.pacourts.us/public-records. In lieu of the Confidential
    Information Form, Section 7.0(C) of the Policy provides for a court to adopt a rule
    or order permitting the filing of a document in two versions, a “Redacted Version”
    and an “Unredacted Version.”
    Rule 2.1. Form of Account
    Note: Rule 2.1 is substantively similar to former Rule 6.1 and Rule 12.15,
    except that certain subparagraphs have been reordered and Rule 12.15
    and its Official Note have become subparagraph (d).
    The filings required by this rule are subject to the Public Access
    Policy of the Unified Judicial System of Pennsylvania: Case Records of the
    Appellate and Trial Courts. See Rule 1.99.
    Explanatory Comment: Piggy-backed Accounts and limited Accounts are
    permitted pursuant to 20 Pa.C.S. §§ 762, 3501.2, and 7799.1.
    Rule 2.4. Petition for Adjudication/Statement of Proposed Distribution; Virtual
    Note: Although substantially modified, Rule 2.4 is derived from former Rule 6.9.
    One modification is to require averments for virtual representation under 20
    Pa.C.S. § 751(6) generally and representation in “trust matters” pursuant to 20
    Pa.C.S. § 7721 et seq. Another substantial modification is the addition of
    subparagraph (e) that requires counsel to sign the petition for
    adjudication/statement of distribution attesting that the submitted petition for
    adjudication/statement of distribution accurately replicates the Model Form and
    subjects counsel to rules and sanctions as provided in Pa.R.C.P. Nos. 1023.1
    through 1023.4. (See Rule 3.12.)
    The filings required by this rule are subject to the Public Access
    Policy of the Unified Judicial System of Pennsylvania: Case Records of the
    Appellate and Trial Courts. See Rule 1.99.
    Explanatory Comment: The Supreme Court has adopted form petitions for
    adjudication/statements of proposed distribution of a decedent’s estate, trust,
    guardian of an incapacitated person’s estate, guardian of a minor’s estate, and
    the estate of a principal stated by an agent under a power of attorney. These
    form petitions for adjudication/statements of proposed distribution are the
    exclusive forms for adjudicating an Account, and consequently, the local court
    and clerk must accept these statewide forms and may not accept or allow any
    other forms previously permitted under local rules. The exclusive statewide form
    petitions for adjudication/statements of proposed distribution appear in the
    Appendix and are available electronically at www.pacourts.us/forms under the
    For-the-Public category.
    Cover sheets or checklists may be required by local rule as permitted by
    Rule 1.8(c).
    Rule 2.7. Objections to Accounts or Petitions for Adjudication/Statements of
    Proposed Distribution
    Note: Although substantially modified, Rule 2.7 is derived from former Rule 6.10.
    The filings required by this rule are subject to the Public Access
    Policy of the Unified Judicial System of Pennsylvania: Case Records of the
    Appellate and Trial Courts. See Rule 1.99.
    Explanatory Comment: If the notice received by the objector has a service list
    appended to it setting forth the name and address of each interested party who
    received the notice under Rule 2.5, the objector must mail his or her objections to
    every name and address appearing on the service list.
    Rule 2.8. Pleadings Allowed After Objections are Filed
    Note: Rule 2.8 has no counterpart in former Orphans’ Court Rules.
    The filings required by this rule are subject to the Public Access
    Policy of the Unified Judicial System of Pennsylvania: Case Records of the
    Appellate and Trial Courts. See Rule 1.99.
    Explanatory Comment: Preliminary objections to objections are limited in the
    grounds that may be raised. Insufficient specificity, failure to conform to law, and
    the inclusion of scandalous or impertinent matter, inter alia, are not properly
    raised as preliminary objections to objections. (Cf. Rule 3.9 and Pa.R.C.P. No.
    Rule 2.10. Foreign Heirs and Unknown Distributees
    Note: With only minor modifications, Rule 2.10 is substantively similar to former
    Rules 13.2 and 13.3. Former Rule 13.1 has been deleted.
    The filings required by this rule are subject to the Public Access
    Policy of the Unified Judicial System of Pennsylvania: Case Records of the
    Appellate and Trial Courts. See Rule 1.99.
    Rule 3.3. Contents of All Pleadings; General and Specific Averments
    Note: Rule 3.3 has no counterpart in former Orphans’ Court Rules, but is derived
    from Pa.R.C.P. No. 206.1(c) and Pa.R.C.P. No. 1019.
    The filings required by this rule are subject to the Public Access
    Policy of the Unified Judicial System of Pennsylvania: Case Records of the
    Appellate and Trial Courts. See Rule 1.99.
    Rule 3.4. Form of Petition; Exhibits; Consents; Signing and Verification
    Note: Rule 3.4 is based upon former Rule 3.3 and Rule 3.4, but has been
    modified to require averments for virtual representation under 20 Pa.C.S. §
    751(6) generally and representation in “trust matters” pursuant to 20 Pa.C.S. §
    7721 et seq. Another modification is the addition of subparagraph (d) that
    requires petitioner’s counsel to sign the petition, or all of the petitioners to sign
    the petition, if unrepresented, thereby subjecting these signatories to rules and
    sanctions as provided in Pa.R.C.P. Nos. 1023.1 through 1023.4. (See Rule 3.12.)
    The filings required by this rule are subject to the Public Access
    Policy of the Unified Judicial System of Pennsylvania: Case Records of the
    Appellate and Trial Courts. See Rule 1.99.
    Rule 3.5. Mode of Proceeding on Petition
    Note: Subparagraphs (a) and (b) of Rule 3.5 are derived from former Rule 3.5.
    The final sentence of subparagraph (a)(2) is identical to former Rule 3.7(h)(1); it
    merely has been relocated to this section. Subparagraphs (c) and (d) of this Rule
    have no counterpart in former Orphans’ Court Rules.
    The filings required by this rule are subject to the Public Access
    Policy of the Unified Judicial System of Pennsylvania: Case Records of the
    Appellate and Trial Courts. See Rule 1.99.
    Explanatory Comment: Personal jurisdiction is conferred by statute in certain
    circumstances. See e.g., 20 Pa.C.S. § 7712. A sheriff does not need to serve the
    citation issued by the clerk; instead, any adult person may serve the citation and
    file the proof of service in accordance with subparagraph (a)(7) of this Rule 3.5.
    See 20 Pa.C.S. § 765. If a citation is not being issued with the petition, then the
    petition must be endorsed with a notice to plead. See Rule 3.5(b) and Pa.R.C.P.
    No. 1026. The court, by local rule or by order in a particular matter, may establish
    a procedure for rules to show cause as provided in Pa.R.C.P. No. 206.4 et seq.
    Rule 3.6. Pleadings Allowed After Petition
    Note: Rule 3.6 has no counterpart in former Orphans’ Court Rules, but is based,
    in part, on Pa.R.C.P. No. 1017.
    The filings required by this rule are subject to the Public Access
    Policy of the Unified Judicial System of Pennsylvania: Case Records of the
    Appellate and Trial Courts. See Rule 1.99.
    Explanatory Comment: Any interested party may file a new petition bringing a
    new issue or dispute before the court or seeking alternative relief in the same
    trust or estate. Motions are permitted in Orphans’ Court Division, and this Rule
    3.6 does not prohibit or limit motions practice.
    Rule 3.9. Preliminary Objections
    Note: Rule 3.9 has no counterpart in former Orphans’ Court Rules, but is derived
    from Pa.R.C.P. No. 1028.
    The filings required by this rule are subject to the Public Access
    Policy of the Unified Judicial System of Pennsylvania: Case Records of the
    Appellate and Trial Courts. See Rule 1.99.
    Explanatory Comment: Preliminary objections raising an issue under
    subparagraphs (b)(2), (b)(3), (b)(4), and in some instances (b)(1), may be
    determined from the facts of record so that further evidence is not required. In
    such situations, the court may summarily decide preliminary objections prior to
    the filing of an answer.
    Rule 3.10. Denials; Effect of Failure to Deny
    Note: Rule 3.10 has no counterpart in former Orphans’ Court Rules, but is
    derived from Pa.R.C.P. No. 1029.
    The filings required by this rule are subject to the Public Access
    Policy of the Unified Judicial System of Pennsylvania: Case Records of the
    Appellate and Trial Courts. See Rule 1.99.
    Explanatory Comment: Reliance on subparagraph (c) does not excuse a failure
    to admit or deny a factual allegation when it is clear that the respondent must
    know whether a particular allegation is true or false. Cf.Cercone v. Cercone, 
    386 A.2d 1
    , 4 (Pa. Super. 1978).
    Rule 3.11. Answer with New Matter
    Note: Rule 3.11 has no counterpart in former Orphans’ Court Rules, but is
    derived from Pa.R.C.P. No. 1030.
    The filings required by this rule are subject to the Public Access
    Policy of the Unified Judicial System of Pennsylvania: Case Records of the
    Appellate and Trial Courts. See Rule 1.99.
    Rule 3.14. Amendment
    Note: Rule 3.14 has no counterpart in former Orphans’ Court Rules, but is
    derived from Pa.R.C.P. No. 1033.
    The filings required by this rule are subject to the Public Access
    Policy of the Unified Judicial System of Pennsylvania: Case Records of the
    Appellate and Trial Courts. See Rule 1.99.
    Explanatory Comment: Rule 3.9(d)(1) provides for amending a pleading after
    the filing of preliminary objections.
    Rule 7.2. Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings
    Note: Rule 7.2 has no counterpart in former Orphans’ Court Rules, but is derived
    from Pa.R.C.P. No. 1034.
    The filings required by this rule are subject to the Public Access
    Policy of the Unified Judicial System of Pennsylvania: Case Records of the
    Appellate and Trial Courts. See Rule 1.99.
    Explanatory Comment: The Official Note to Pa.R.C.P. No. 1034 is fully
    incorporated by reference herein, except that the court may, but is not required
    to, promulgate local rules governing the procedure for these motions.
    Rule 7.3. Motion for Summary Judgment
    Note: Rule 7.3 has no counterpart in former Orphans’ Court Rules, but is derived
    from Pa.R.C.P. No. 1035.1 et seq.
    The filings required by this rule are subject to the Public Access
    Policy of the Unified Judicial System of Pennsylvania: Case Records of the
    Appellate and Trial Courts. See Rule 1.99.
    Explanatory Comment: The Notes, Official Note and Explanatory Comments to
    Pa.R.C.P. No. 1035.1 et seq. are incorporated by reference herein, except that
    the court may, but is not required to, promulgate local rules governing the
    procedure for these motions.
    Rule 7.4. Injunctions
    Note: Rule 7.4 has no counterpart in former Orphans’ Court Rules, but is derived
    from Pa.R.C.P. No. 1531.
    The filings required by this rule are subject to the Public Access
    Policy of the Unified Judicial System of Pennsylvania: Case Records of the
    Appellate and Trial Courts. See Rule 1.99.
    Explanatory Comment: With the repeal of 20 Pa.C.S. § 772, the propriety of
    and procedure for obtaining an injunction in an Orphans’ Court matter was
    uncertain. This Rule clarifies that an injunction may be requested and issued in
    this court. The procedure for requesting the issuance of an injunction shall
    conform to the practice set forth in Pa.R.C.P. No. 1531. The Notes and
    Explanatory Comments to Pa.R.C.P. No. 1531 are fully incorporated by
    reference herein.
    Rule 8.2. Motions for Reconsideration
    Note: The filings required by this rule are subject to the Public Access
    Policy of the Unified Judicial System of Pennsylvania: Case Records of the
    Appellate and Trial Courts. See Rule 1.99.
    Explanatory Comment: The period for filing an appeal is not tolled by the filing
    of a motion for reconsideration unless the court grants the motion for
    reconsideration prior to the expiration of the appeal period. See Pa.R.A.P.
    1701(b)(3). Interlocutory orders may be reconsidered anytime during the
    pendency of the proceeding. See Key Automotive Equip. Specialists, Inc. v.
    636 A.2d 1126
    , 1128 (Pa. Super. 1994); 42 Pa.C.S. § 5505.

Document Info

Docket Number: 758 Supreme Court Rules

Filed Date: 1/5/2018

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/5/2018