J.Jackson, Jr. v. WCAB (Radnor SD and ACTS Retirement Community) ( 2016 )

    John Jackson, Jr.,                      :
    : No. 228 C.D. 2016
    Petitioner    : Submitted: July 8, 2016
    v.                 :
    Workers' Compensation Appeal            :
    Board (Radnor School District           :
    and ACTS Retirement Community),         :
    Respondents   :
    BY JUDGE WOJCIK                                    FILED: October 19, 2016
    John Jackson, Jr. (Claimant) petitions for review of the January 21,
    2016 order of the Workers’ Compensation Appeal Board (Board), which reversed
    the decision of a workers’ compensation judge (WCJ) and held that the petition of
    Radnor School District (Radnor) to join ACTS Retirement Life Community
    (ACTS) as an additional defendant was untimely filed. We affirm.
    On September 4, 2002, Claimant injured his knee while in the course
    and scope of his employment as a security guard for Radnor. Radnor issued a
    notice of compensation payable (NCP) acknowledging an injury to Claimant’s left
    knee in the nature of torn cartilage. Reproduced Record (R.R.) at 3a. At the time
    of the work-injury, Claimant was concurrently employed as a security guard with
    ACTS, but his additional earnings were not reflected in the NCP. On September 7,
    2004, the parties entered into a supplemental agreement documenting Claimant’s
    concurrent employment, the recalculation of his average weekly wage, periods of
    total and partial disability, and his return to work at ACTS on July 21, 2003. R.R.
    at 4a-5a.
    On April 1, 2013, Claimant filed a reinstatement petition against
    Radnor, alleging a worsening of his condition as of that date. Section 413(a) of the
    Workers’ Compensation Act (Act).1 Radnor filed an answer denying Claimant’s
    allegations and noting that he soon would receive the maximum 500 weeks of
    partial disability benefits allowed under Section 306(b) of the Act.2 R.R. at 6a-10a.
    At a May 6, 2013 hearing, Claimant testified that he injured his left
    knee on September 4, 2002, while working for Radnor at a football game.
    Claimant stated that he never returned to his position at Radnor. However, he
    returned to his concurrent employment with ACTS from December 15, 2002, to
    February 5, 2003, and from July 21, 2003, until March 31, 2013. R.R. at 75a-76a.
    Claimant explained that his supervisor at ACTS allowed him to work
    modified duties, so that his job there was more sedentary; in his position as a
    security guard at ACTS, Claimant did not have patrol duties, but only worked as a
    stationary guard sitting at the gate house. He stated when ACTS adopted new job
    Act of June 2, 1915, P.L. 736, as amended, 77 P.S. §772. Section 413(a) authorizes the
    reinstatement of disability benefits “upon proof that the disability of an injured employe has
    increased [or] recurred . . . .” Under workers’ compensation law, the term “disability” means a
    loss of earning power. Landmark Constructors, Inc. v. Workers’ Compensation Appeal Board
    747 A.2d 850
    , 854 (Pa. 2000).
    Section 306(b) of the Act states that “[i]n no event shall the total number of weeks of
    partial disability exceed five hundred weeks for any injury or recurrence thereof, regardless of
    the changes in status in disability that may occur.” 77 P.S. §512. Radnor stopped paying partial
    disability benefits to Claimant effective April 20, 2013.
    requirements in February 2013, he was told that he could no longer work modified
    duty. Claimant did not believe that he could perform the additional duties, such as
    walking three hours per shift and climbing three or four flights of stairs several
    times in each of six buildings, and ACTS terminated his employment. R.R. at 80a-
    Claimant testified that he had arthroscopic surgery on his left knee in
    late 2002 or early 2003. He said that he returned to his surgeon, Dr. Bosacco, in
    2010, when the pain in his left knee began to worsen with increased physical
    activity. R.R. at 77a-82a. Claimant stated that, on a scale of one to ten, his pain
    rating would typically be at a four or five but would rise to an eight, nine, or ten
    “as [his] level of activity increases depending on days and shifts or whatever. The
    more activity I have, the more pain I have in general . . . .” R.R. at 79a.
    Claimant also testified that his symptoms were essentially stable until
    the 2012-2013 holidays. Noting that Dr. Bosacco had passed away, Claimant
    stated that he sought treatment for his knee pain with William Murphy, D.O., on
    April 3, 2013. R.R. at 89a-90a.
    Dr. Murphy testified by way of deposition on October 2, 2013. Based
    on his physical examination of Claimant, Claimant’s medical history, and the
    results of x-rays and an MRI, Dr. Murphy concluded that Claimant had advanced
    degenerative joint disease that was aggravated by his original work injury and his
    subsequent work activities at ACTS.            Dr. Murphy reviewed a “Position
    Description” for the security guard position, updated by ACTS as of March 2012.
    R.R. at 141a-43a. The document, which had blank spaces for signatures of an
    employee and human resources approval, summarized the job duties of a security
    guard as including patrolling the buildings and grounds and monitoring the
    gatehouse. The Position Description also set forth a number of physical demands,
    such as lifting or carrying 50 pounds or more; walking for at least 90 minutes;
    stooping, kneeling, crawling, and crouching; an ability to stand and walk for
    extended periods; and frequent use of stairs. Id.
    Dr. Murphy stated that Claimant’s testimony concerning his job duties
    was consistent with that written description, and he opined that Claimant was not
    able to perform the duties as described.       Further, Dr. Murphy believed that
    Claimant was disabled from all employment. Dr. Murphy stated that conservative
    treatment, including therapy and the use of a knee brace, had helped Claimant
    maintain his condition, but he expected that Claimant eventually would need
    additional surgery. R.R. at 108a-17a.
    On cross-examination, however, Dr. Murphy acknowledged that
    Claimant actually testified that he did not perform many of the duties on the
    written job description, and, in fact, that Claimant’s job only required him to sit in
    a booth at the entrance to the employer’s property. Dr. Murphy clarified that his
    belief that Claimant could no longer perform that job was based on his
    understanding that ACTS would be modifying his job duties. Additionally, Dr.
    Murphy testified that his findings on examination were consistent with Claimant’s
    age, weight, and previous arthroscopic procedure, and that a radiologist report of
    an April 2013 MRI found no change from a prior, post-meniscectomy study. R.R.
    at 121a-27a.
    On October 22, 2013, Radnor filed a petition for joinder against
    ACTS, alleging that Dr. Murphy related Claimant’s current disability in whole or
    in part to Claimant’s concurrent employment with ACTS. ACTS filed an answer
    denying Radnor’s allegations and objecting to the joinder petition as untimely
    filed. Claimant joined in ACTS’ objection.
    Subsequently, Radnor submitted the March 26, 2014 deposition
    testimony of Gene D. Levin, M.D., a board-certified orthopedic surgeon who
    performed an independent medical examination of Claimant on June 12, 2013.
    The history Claimant provided to Dr. Levin included suffering a work injury at
    Radnor in September 2002; not returning to work with that employer; continuing
    to work a sedentary position as a security guard at ACTS; and ceasing that
    employment in March 2013 when the physical requirements of the job were
    changed. Based on that history, his review of Claimant’s medical records, and his
    physical examination of Claimant, Dr. Levin diagnosed Claimant as status post-
    arthroscopic surgery for work related left medial meniscus tear with a progression
    of preexisting degenerative arthritis thereafter. Dr. Levin testified that in light of
    Claimant’s arthritic knee and associated pain, he was limited in his ability to walk
    and, consequently, Dr. Levin approved him only for sedentary work. Dr. Levin
    added that his review of Dr. Murphy’s records did not change his opinions. R.R. at
    The WCJ found Claimant’s testimony credible to establish that his
    increased knee pain was related to his work at ACTS but not to his injury on
    September 4, 2002. The WCJ’s Finding of Fact No. 18 states:
    This Judge has carefully reviewed the evidence of
    record[,] in particular Claimant’s testimony[,] and finds
    that [C]laimant’s testimony is credible in part and not
    Radnor also submitted the deposition testimony of William C. Ford, a certified
    rehabilitation counselor, who drafted an analysis of the security job position based on
    information he obtained from ACTS’ security manager. R.R. at 172a-97a.
    credible in part. Claimant’s testimony is credible that as
    he continued to work at ACTS, the pain in his left knee
    increased over the years. Claimant is also credible that
    he could not do the increased duties proposed by the job
    change at ACTS. Even though Claimant did not perform
    those duties[,] given the increase in his pain over the
    years by the performance of his regular job duties at
    ACTS, Claimant was in a position to know he could not
    perform the increased job duties. Significant in this
    determination is this Judge’s observation of Claimant’s
    composure and demeanor during his testimony. To the
    extent that Claimant testified that he had increased pain
    over the years from performing his job duties at ACTS
    and that his pain level increased to the point where he
    did not feel that he could perform the new job duties
    proposed by ACTS, this Judge finds his testimony
    credible. To the extent that Claimant relates this increase
    in pain level to his original slip and fall on September 4,
    2002, this Judge finds his testimony not credible. When
    Claimant’s testimony is viewed as a whole, it is clear that
    his continued working at ACTS and his job duties at
    ACTS increased his pain level. This Judge finds that this
    aggravation of his underlying degenerative joint disease
    constitutes a new injury and is not a recurrence of his
    September 4, 2002 injury.
    WCJ’s Finding of Fact No. 18 (emphasis added).
    Similarly, the WCJ found Dr. Murphy’s testimony credible to
    establish that Claimant’s left knee was aggravated by his continued work at ACTS,
    but not credible to the extent that he related Claimant’s current disability to the
    original injury.   The WCJ credited Dr. Levin’s testimony insofar as it was
    consistent with Dr. Murphy’s credited testimony. WCJ’s Findings of Fact Nos. 19,
    The WCJ found that the petition for joinder filed on October 22, 2013,
    was timely because “the evidence on which it is based was known to the parties at
    Dr. Murphy’s [October 2, 2013] deposition.” WCJ’s Finding of Fact No. 5. The
    WCJ noted that ACTS was given the opportunity to cross-examine any witness
    and/or present other evidence in its defense but did not do so. Id.
    Based on these findings, the WCJ concluded that Claimant’s current
    disability was a new injury that resulted from an aggravation of his pre-existing
    degenerative joint disease and was not causally related to his 2002 injury. The
    WCJ granted Radnor’s petition for joinder, treated Claimant’s reinstatement
    petition as a claim petition against ACTS, granted that petition, and ordered ACTS
    to pay Claimant total disability benefits, including payments for reasonable and
    necessary medical treatment, effective March 31, 2013.
    ACTS appealed to the Board, specifically challenging 20 of the
    WCJ’s Findings of Fact as unsupported by the evidence and contrary to Claimant’s
    testimony. ACTS further asserted that the WCJ erred as a matter of fact and law in
    overruling ACTS’ and Claimant’s objections to the joinder petition and finding
    that the joinder petition was timely filed. R.R. at 52a-53a.
    Relying on Pennsylvania Uninsured Employers Guaranty Fund v.
    Workers’ Compensation Appeal Board (Dudkiewicz), 
    89 A.3d 330
     (Pa. Cmwlth.
    2014), the Board held that Claimant’s testimony on May 6, 2013, which attributed
    an increase in his pain to an increase in his physical duties, was evidence regarding
    a reason to join ACTS that triggered the 20-day period for filing a joinder petition,
    34 Pa. Code §131.36
    , and concluded that Radnor’s joinder petition was untimely. 4
    Accordingly, the Board reversed the WCJ’s order.
    The Board did not address ACTS’ remaining arguments.
    On appeal to this Court,5 Claimant argues that the Board erred in
    reversing the WCJ’s determination and holding that the joinder petition was
    untimely filed. We disagree.
    As we observed in Dudkiewicz, the regulations governing practice and
    procedure before workers’ compensation judges set forth requirements for all
    pleadings. The regulation at 
    34 Pa. Code §131.36
     governs petitions for joinder and
    states in relevant part as follows:
    §131.36. Joinder
    (a) A party desiring to join another defendant to assert
    a claim relevant to the pending petition may do so as a
    matter of right by filing a petition for joinder.
    (b) A petition for joinder shall set forth the identity of
    employers and insurance carriers sought to be joined and
    the reasons for joining a particular employer or insurance
    carrier as well as the specific facts and the legal basis for
    the joinder.
    * * *
    (d) An original and the number of copies specified on
    the Bureau petition for joinder form shall be filed no
    later than 20 days after the first hearing at which
    evidence is received regarding the reason for which
    joinder is sought, unless the time is extended by the
    judge for good cause shown.
    (e) The petition for joinder shall be filed with the
    Bureau and an original of any answer shall be filed with
    the office of the judge to whom the case has been
    (f) An answer to a petition for joinder shall be filed in
    accordance with section 416 of the act (77 P.S. §821)
    Our scope of review is limited to determining whether constitutional rights were
    violated, whether an error of law was committed, or whether necessary findings of fact are
    supported by substantial evidence. Section 704 of the Administrative Agency Law, 2 Pa.C.S.
    within 20 days after the date of assignment by the Bureau
    to the judge and may include a motion to strike.
    * * *
    (i) After joinder, the original petition shall be deemed
    amended to assert a claim of the claimant against an
    additional defendant. The additional defendant is liable to
    any other party as the judge orders. The additional
    defendant shall have the same rights and responsibilities
    under this chapter as the original defendant.
    34 Pa. Code §131.36
     (emphasis added). Thus, in relevant part, the regulation
    provides that a joinder petition must be filed no later than 20 days after the first
    hearing at which evidence regarding the reason for joinder is sought and that a
    WCJ can extend the time to file a joinder petition for good cause shown. 
    In Dudkiewicz, the claimant filed a claim petition against Michael
    Rossini Construction Company (Rossini) and the Pennsylvania Uninsured
    Employers Guaranty Fund (UEGF),6 asserting that he suffered injuries during the
    course of his employment with Rossini when he slipped and fell off a roof. After
    several hearings, UEGF filed joinder petitions naming two additional parties as
    additional employers. The WCJ dismissed both petitions as untimely, noting that
    they were filed more than 20 days after the claimant was questioned regarding the
    relationships among the purported employers. The Board affirmed the WCJ’s
    finding that both joinder petitions were untimely, explaining that the claimant’s
    testimony at the first hearing described “a vertical chain of contractual
    relationships” between the identified employers. 
    89 A.3d at 336
    UEGF is a separate fund in the state treasury, established in section 1602 of the Act,
    added by the Act of November 9, 2006, P.L. 1362, 77 P.S. §2702, for the exclusive purpose of
    paying workers’ compensation benefits due to claimants and their dependents where the
    employer liable for the payments was not insured at the time of the work injury. Insurers and
    self-insured employers are assessed as necessary to pay claims and the cost of administering the
    fund. Section 1607 of the Act, 77 P.S. §2707.
    On appeal, we rejected UEGF’s argument that the claimant’s
    testimony did not constitute substantial evidence that would support a finding that
    another party was a statutory employer. In doing so, we emphasized that the 20-
    day time period “begins when evidence is presented regarding the reason for
    which joinder is sought, not evidence establishing a reason for requesting joinder.”
    Id. We then concluded that the information elicited from the claimant at the first
    hearing “was sufficient to alert UEGF to the existence of other parties who likely
    were, or at least may have been, in a contractual relationship with [the claimant’s]
    uninsured employer.” Id.
    Here, in finding that the joinder petition was timely filed, the WCJ
    observed that “the evidence on which the petition for joinder was based was known
    to the parties at Dr. Murphy’s deposition.”       WCJ’s Finding of Fact No. 5
    (emphasis added). Notably, the WCJ did not indicate that the relevant evidence
    was first known to the parties at this time. Thus, it is not clear whether the WCJ
    understood that the 20-day period begins to run from “the first hearing at which
    evidence is received regarding the reason for which joinder is sought.” 
    34 Pa. Code §131.36
    In any event, Claimant testified on May 6, 2013, and, as summarized
    by the WCJ, Claimant’s testimony credibly established that “he had increased pain
    over the years from performing his job duties at ACTS . . . .” WCJ’s Finding of
    Fact No. 18. Claimant has not challenged the WCJ’s findings on appeal, and those
    findings reflect that evidence regarding the reason for joinder was received at the
    May 6, 2013 hearing. Thus, the Board properly held that the joinder petition was
    untimely filed and reversed the WCJ’s decision.7
    Alternatively, citing Strattan Homes, Inc. v. Workmen’s Compensation Appeal Board
    633 A.2d 1250
     (Pa. Cmwlth. 1993), and Krumins Roofing & Siding v. Workmen’s
    Compensation Appeal Board (Libby), 
    575 A.2d 656
     (Pa. Cmwlth. 1990), Claimant argues that
    the WCJ did not abuse her discretion in permitting joinder because ACTS was not prejudiced by
    the WCJ’s ruling. While Claimant suggests that the decision to grant or deny a petition for
    joinder is a matter for the WCJ’s discretion, the regulation at 
    34 Pa. Code §131.36
     allows a party
    to join another defendant as a matter of right, subject to the requirements of the regulation,
    including the requirement that the petition is timely filed. The regulation does afford a WCJ
    discretion to extend the filing deadline for good cause shown, but Radnor did not assert good
    cause or request an extension of time to file the joinder petition.
    We recognize that the Court appears to have applied an abuse of discretion
    standard in Krumins to uphold the denial of a joinder petition, and, relying on that case, we stated
    generally in Dudkiewicz, 
    89 A.3d at 335
    , and Strattan, 
    633 A.2d at 1257
    , that joinder is within
    the discretion of a WCJ/referee. In Krumins, the referee explained that the employer’s July 1986
    request for joinder could have been made in October 1985 and that the claimant would be
    seriously prejudiced by further delay. However, neither the referee nor this Court made any
    reference to the regulation at 
    34 Pa. Code §131.36
    . In Strattan, the claimant argued that the late
    joinder of an additional defendant violated his right to due process. In contrast to the facts here,
    the additional defendant did not challenge the alleged late joinder in Strattan and, as in Krumins,
    the regulation at 
    34 Pa. Code §131.36
     was not addressed. In Dudkiewicz, we acknowledged that
    under §131.36, “[j]oinder is permitted as of right, so long as a petition for joinder is filed within
    the prescribed time period . . . .” 
    89 A.3d at 335
    . Noting that a WCJ may waive or modify the
    deadline for good cause, we stated that “[t]he decision to grant or deny a petition for joinder is
    within the discretion of the WCJ.” 
     However, we specifically examined the language of 
    34 Pa. Code §131.36
    (d), which sets forth the 20-day time limit, and held that the WCJ “neither erred
    nor abused his discretion” in denying an untimely-filed petition. 
    89 A.3d at 330
    . We conclude
    that these decisions are not inconsistent with our holding in this case, and we emphasize that the
    regulation at 
    34 Pa. Code §131.36
     circumscribes the WCJ’s discretionary authority by allowing
    joinder as a matter of right if the requirements of the regulation are satisfied.
    Accordingly, we affirm the Board’s order.
    John Jackson, Jr.,                        :
    : No. 228 C.D. 2016
    Petitioner      :
    v.                   :
    Workers' Compensation Appeal              :
    Board (Radnor School District             :
    and ACTS Retirement Community),           :
    Respondents     :
    AND NOW, this 19th day of October, 2016, the January 21, 2016
    order of the Workers’ Compensation Appeal Board is affirmed.