Com. v. Leamy, D. ( 2017 )

  • J. S20022/17
    :           PENNSYLVANIA
    v.                   :
    DONOVAN A. LEAMY,                         :          No. 2637 EDA 2015
    Appellant       :
    Appeal from the Judgment of Sentence, July 23, 2015,
    in the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia County
    Criminal Division at No. CP-51-CR-0008236-2013
    MEMORANDUM BY FORD ELLIOTT, P.J.E.:                      FILED MAY 16, 2017
    Donovan A. Leamy appeals from the judgment of sentence of July 23,
    2015, following his conviction of attempted murder, recklessly endangering
    another person (“REAP”), and a violation of the Uniform Firearms Act
    (“VUFA”).1 We affirm.
    The trial court has summarized the facts of this case as follows:
    At trial, Tyree Gibbons testified that on the
    afternoon of April 18, 2013, he got into a fist fight
    with Appellant outside a corner store at the corner of
    Vernon Road and Phil-Elena Street in the Mt. Airy
    section of Philadelphia after Appellant complained
    that Gibbons had been driving too fast. Gibbons
    recognized Appellant, who has a large tattoo on
    his [sic] the middle of his forehead and by the sides
    of his eyes, as a member of a group called
    “Splash Life,” and told police that he often saw
    Appellant and other members of the group on the
    18 Pa.C.S.A. §§ 901(a), 2705, & 6106(a)(1), respectively.
    J. S20022/17
    corner by his house. A videotape of the fight showed
    a very angry Appellant approach Gibbons and
    showed fists swinging with Gibbons getting the
    better of Appellant. Gibbons also told police that he
    heard Appellant tell another male named Drevon[2]
    to go get the gun.       However, Drevon declined,
    saying that Gibbons was “cool.” Although Appellant
    claimed to have gotten over the fight once it ended,
    the evidence showed that Appellant was still
    tweeting about the fight on Twitter at 9:42 p.m. and
    9:44 p.m. that night. One of the tweets contained
    numerous icons of fists and guns.
    Approximately thirty minutes before the
    shooting, a white Impala pulled up next to Gibbons’
    cousin Deonte Barr.       Appellant’s friend Drevon
    hopped out of the vehicle and asked Deonte who was
    at his house. Deonte responded that only his mother
    was at home. Deonte could see the handle of a gun
    in Drevon’s waistband.     Aware that a fight had
    occurred earlier that day, Deonte rushed home to
    warn his family.
    At approximately 9:00 p.m. that night,
    Gibbons picked up another cousin, Justin Tift, who
    had just come to Philadelphia from Charlotte,
    North Carolina to visit his grandmother who was in
    the hospital. The two men stopped at a liquor store
    and then at Checkers before going to their cousin
    Deonte’s house at 7900 Fayette Street. At Checkers,
    Mr. Tift observed Gibbons speaking to someone in a
    white Impala. After they arrived at 7900 Fayette
    Street at approximately 10:00 p.m., Mr. Tift went
    outside with Gibbons upon hearing that someone had
    tried to grab Deonte.        Once outside, Mr. Tift
    observed a white Impala that appeared empty
    suddenly pull off. About a minute later, Mr. Tift
    heard Gibbons yell “run.” Gibbons made it safely
    back into the house while Mr. Tift was shot ten times
    as he ran, falling in front of the steps to the
    residence. Mr. Tift underwent several surgeries for
    his multiple gunshot wounds and was still
    Drevon Williams, appellant’s co-defendant at trial.
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    undergoing rehabilitation at the time of trial. The
    shooting left his right leg paralyzed. He testified that
    he is in constant pain in the right foot and knee.
    Although Mr. Tift did not see who shot him, Gibbons
    told police that two males walked out of the
    driveway and started shooting. He described one of
    the shooters as tall, thin build, dark skin and tattoos
    on his face. Both shooters wore masks. Gibbons
    identified the male with the facial tattoos as
    Appellant, the same male with whom he had
    engaged in a fist fight earlier that day.
    Appellant denied participation in the shooting
    and presented several alibi witnesses in his defense.
    One of [the] witnesses, Joan Seech, stated she has
    known Appellant for many years from the
    neighborhood and that he was always at her home
    visiting with her children. Ms. Seech testified that
    she was in her bedroom when she heard the
    gunshots. She further testified that she immediately
    went to her children’s bedroom, she did not see
    Appellant there and that her children told her
    Appellant had gone to see what had happened.
    Ms. Seech later changed her testimony to say that
    Appellant was still in her home at the time.
    Sabrina Gray, Ms. Seech’s daughter, claimed
    that Appellant was at her home all day, that he
    never left, and that he was with her in her room
    when the gunshots occurred. However, Ms. Gray
    was unable to explain how Appellant could have been
    at her home all day when a video showed him in a
    fight outside a store in the afternoon.
    Gerald Scott, who was present at the fist fight
    earlier in the day, testified that he was in
    Sabrina Gray’s room with Appellant when they heard
    gunshots, that he left with Appellant to see what had
    happened, and was arrested. Scott refused to sign
    his statement to police.
    Trial court opinion, 5/23/16 at 2-4 (citations to the transcript omitted;
    punctuation corrected).
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    On April 18, 2013, [appellant] was arrested
    and charged with [the above-mentioned offenses].
    On April 7, 2015, Appellant waived a jury and
    proceeded to a trial before the Court. The trial was
    held over three days [on] April 7, 2015, April 13,
    2015, and April 16, 2015. On April 16, 2015 the
    Court found Appellant guilty of Attempted Murder,
    REAP and VUFA § 6106.[3] On July 23, 2015, the
    Court sentenced Appellant to an aggregate term of
    12 to 27 years[’] imprisonment. Appellant filed a
    Notice of Appeal on August 23, 2015.[4]            On
    August 26, 2015, this Court ordered Appellant
    pursuant to Pa.R.A.P. 1925(b) to file with the Court a
    Concise Statement of Matters Complained of on
    Appeal. A timely Pa.R.A.P. 1925(b) Statement of
    Matters Complained of on Appeal was filed by
    Appellant on November 12, 2015.[5]
    Id. at 1-2.
    Appellant has raised the following issue for this court’s review: “Was
    the evidence insufficient to support [appellant]’s convictions because the
    verdict of guilty on all counts was based on a guess and pure speculation?”
    (Appellant’s brief at 4.)
    Appellant argues that the evidence was insufficient to prove his
    identity as one of the shooters because even though he was arrested shortly
    after the incident, no firearm was recovered and no gunshot residue was
    Drevon Williams was acquitted.
    Appellant did not file post-sentence motions.
    Appellant received three extensions of time in which to file his
    Rule 1925(b) statement.
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    found on appellant’s person.     (Id. at 11.)6   Appellant further argues that
    Gibbons’ identification, based at least partially on appellant’s facial tattoos,
    was inherently unreliable because the perpetrators wore masks.          (Id. at
    11-12.)   According to appellant, the trial court would have to infer that
    Gibbons had “x-ray vision” in order to rely on his identification. (Id. at 12.)
    Appellant contends that motive alone, i.e., the fist fight that occurred earlier
    that day, is insufficient to sustain a conviction. (Id. at 11.)
    The standard we apply in reviewing the sufficiency of
    evidence is whether, viewing all the evidence
    admitted at trial in the light most favorable to the
    verdict winner, there is sufficient evidence to enable
    the fact-finder to find every element of the crime
    beyond a reasonable doubt. In applying the above
    test, we may not weigh the evidence and substitute
    our judgment for that of the fact-finder. In addition,
    we note that the facts and circumstances established
    by the Commonwealth need not preclude every
    possibility of innocence. Any doubts regarding a
    defendant’s guilt may be resolved by the fact-finder
    unless the evidence is so weak and inconclusive that
    as a matter of law no probability of fact may be
    drawn from the combined circumstances.            The
    Commonwealth may sustain its burden of proving
    every element of the crime beyond a reasonable
    doubt by means of wholly circumstantial evidence.
    Moreover, in applying the above test, the entire
    record must be evaluated and all evidence actually
    received must be considered. Finally, the trier of
    fact while passing upon the credibility of witnesses
    and the weight of the evidence produced, is free to
    believe all, part or none of the evidence.
    Investigators did recover fourteen fired cartridge casings (“FCCs”) from the
    scene, eight .9mm Luger FCCs and six .380 caliber FCCs. (Notes of
    testimony, 4/7/15 at 57.)
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    Commonwealth v. Johnson, 
    833 A.2d 260
    , 262-263 (Pa.Super. 2003),
    quoting   Commonwealth        v.   Lambert,    
    795 A.2d 1010
    ,   1014-1015
    (Pa.Super. 2002) (internal citations and quotation marks omitted).
    Gibbons gave a statement to police in which he identified appellant as
    one of the gunmen.       (Notes of testimony, 4/13/15 at 20.)7          Gibbons
    recognized him from the fight earlier that day at the corner store. (Id. at
    18.) Gibbons stated that appellant and his group called “Splash Life” were
    always hanging around on the corner. (Id. at 19-20.) Gibbons described
    appellant as a tall, dark-skinned man with a big tattoo in the middle of his
    forehead and around the sides of his eyes. (Id. at 19-21.) At the time of
    the shooting, appellant was wearing the same clothing that he had on during
    the fight. (Id. at 21.) Gibbons told police that although they were wearing
    masks, he could see appellant’s facial tattoo. (Id. at 20.)
    Gibbons was a recalcitrant witness and refused to identify appellant at trial.
    In fact, Gibbons claimed he could not remember the shooting or giving a
    statement to police. (Id. at 9-10.) Therefore, Gibbons’ statement to police
    incriminating appellant was admissible at trial as substantive evidence.
    Commonwealth v. Lively, 
    610 A.2d 7
    , 9-10 (Pa. 1992); P.R.E. 803.1 (A
    writing signed and adopted by the declarant is deemed to have been given
    under reliable circumstances and is not excluded by the hearsay rule if it is
    inconsistent with the declarant’s testimony at trial and the declarant is
    subject to cross-examination). Here, Gibbons’ statement was reduced to
    writing and signed and adopted by the witness. (Notes of testimony,
    4/13/15 at 49-51; Commonwealth’s Exhibit 7.)             Gibbons also picked
    appellant’s photo out of a photo array. (Id. at 41, 51, 56; Commonwealth’s
    Exhibit 10.) See also Commonwealth v. Ly, 
    599 A.2d 613
    , 617 (Pa.
    1991) (“where witnesses are in court and subject to cross-examination, a
    police officer may testify concerning pre-trial identification by the witness”
    (citation omitted)).
    J. S20022/17
    Gibbons’ statement, which the trial court found to be reliable,
    combined with other circumstantial evidence including motive, was clearly
    sufficient to sustain the verdict. Gibbons was familiar with appellant and his
    distinctive facial tattoo. As the trial court observed, “because the tattoo in
    the middle of Appellant’s forehead was quite large and continued down the
    side of his eyes, the tattoo would have been visible around the eye cutouts
    despite the mask.” (Trial court opinion, 5/23/16 at 5.) Gibbons accurately
    described appellant’s height, build, and skin tone. (Id.) Moreover, “[A]ny
    uncertainty in an eyewitness’s identification of a defendant is a question of
    the weight of the evidence, not its sufficiency.” Commonwealth v. Cain,
    906 A.2d 1242
    , 1245 (Pa.Super. 2006), appeal denied, 
    916 A.2d 1101
    2007), citing Commonwealth v. Minnis, 
    458 A.2d 231
    , 233 (Pa.Super.
    As described above, there was additional evidence linking appellant to
    the crime, including that he had lost a fight to Gibbons earlier in the day and
    had asked Drevon for a gun.      Appellant sent out angry tweets about the
    fist fight just minutes prior to the shooting.     The trial court also found
    appellant’s alibi witnesses to be not credible.      The trial court believed
    Gibbons’ prior statement to police which was its prerogative.      (Trial court
    opinion, 5/23/16 at 6.) Appellant’s sufficiency claim fails.
    Judgment of sentence affirmed.
    J. S20022/17
    Judgment Entered.
    Joseph D. Seletyn, Esq.
    Date: 5/16/2017