Marks, D. & K. v. Redner's Warehouse Markets , 136 A.3d 984 ( 2016 )

  • J-S67002-15
    2016 PA Super 36
    :                     PENNSYLVANIA
    Appellants    :
    v.                 :
    Appellees     :                No. 890 MDA 2015
    Appeal from the Order entered April 23, 2015,
    Court of Common Pleas, Lackawanna County,
    Civil Division at No. 13 CV 6735
    OPINION BY BOWES, J.:                           FILED FEBRUARY 17, 2016
    Darrell and Kathleen Marks (collectively, “Appellants”) appeal from the
    entry of summary judgment in favor of Redner’s Warehouse Markets and
    Redner’s Markets, Inc. (collectively, “Redner’s”) after the trial court applied
    Maryland’s doctrine of contributory negligence and determined that Mr.
    Marks’ negligence barred recovery as a matter of law.      We affirm in part,
    reverse in part, and remand for further proceedings.
    We briefly summarize the facts underlying this appeal. Darrell Marks is
    a resident of Pennsylvania.      In August 2012, he was working as a
    deliveryman for King’s Quality Foods, which delivered items to various
    grocery stores, including the Redner’s Warehouse Market in Elkton,
    *Retired Senior Judge assigned to the Superior Court.
    Maryland.1    On August 20, 2012, while attempting to pull a hand truck
    containing products into the service entrance of the store, Mr. Marks tripped
    on the forks of a pallet jack that was located just inside the threshold of the
    door and fell to the ground, injuring his knee.
    On December 10, 2013, Appellants filed a complaint in Lackawanna
    County, Pennsylvania, asserting claims of negligence and loss of consortium.
    On November 19, 2014, Redner’s filed a motion for summary judgment
    arguing that the trial court must apply Maryland law and that under
    Maryland law, Appellants could not recover because Mr. Marks was
    contributorily negligent in bringing about his own injury.           Following
    argument, the trial court granted Redner’s’ motion.
    Appellants timely filed this appeal.    They present the following two
    questions for our review:
    1.    Whether the trial court committed an error of law when it
    determined [that] Maryland law applied to this case, when both
    parties are from Pennsylvania and Pennsylvania has a greater
    interest in the result of the case than does Maryland where the
    incident occurred?
    2.    Whether the trial court committed an error of law or abuse
    of discretion when it determined that [Redner’s] could not be
    found 100% responsible for the incident and resulting injuries?
    Appellants’ brief at 4.
    We begin with our standard of review:
    Both King’s Quality Foods and Redner’s are registered Pennsylvania
    corporations. Redner’s operates stores in Pennsylvania, Maryland, and
    Pennsylvania law provides that summary judgment may be
    granted only in those cases in which the record clearly shows
    that no genuine issues of material fact exist and that the moving
    party is entitled to judgment as a matter of law. The moving
    party has the burden of proving that no genuine issues of
    material fact exist. In determining whether to grant summary
    judgment, the trial court must view the record in the light most
    favorable to the nonmoving party and must resolve all doubts as
    to the existence of a genuine issue of material fact against the
    moving party. Thus, summary judgment is proper only when the
    uncontroverted allegations in the pleadings, depositions,
    answers to interrogatories, admissions of record, and submitted
    affidavits demonstrate that no genuine issue of material fact
    exists, and that the moving party is entitled to judgment as a
    matter of law. In sum, only when the facts are so clear that
    reasonable minds cannot differ, may a trial court properly enter
    summary judgment. With regard to questions of law, an
    appellate court’s . . . review is plenary. The Superior Court will
    reverse a grant of summary judgment only if the trial court has
    committed an error of law or abused its discretion.
    McDonald v. Whitewater Challengers, Inc., 
    116 A.3d 99
    , 104-05
    (Pa.Super. 2015) (quoting Charlie v. Erie Ins. Exch., 
    100 A.3d 244
    , 250
    (Pa.Super. 2014)).
    Appellants argue that the trial court erred in determining that
    Maryland law applies.     In addressing which substantive law to apply, we
    employ the conflict-of-law principles that our High Court framed in Griffith
    v. United Air Lines, Inc., 
    203 A.2d 796
     (Pa. 1964).           In Griffith, our
    Supreme Court altered its approach in determining which substantive law to
    apply in tort cases. Prior to that decision, Pennsylvania followed the lex loci
    delicti rule, which applied the substantive law of the place where the tort
    was committed.       Id. at 801.   However, the High Court abandoned that
    mechanical approach in favor of a methodology that combined the
    “government interest” analysis and the “significant relationship” approach of
    sections 145 and 146 of the Restatement (Second) of Conflicts, which we
    reproduce infra.2   Id. at 801-06; Troxel v. A.I. duPont Inst., 
    636 A.2d 1179
    , 1180-81 (Pa.Super. 1994).
    Griffith, supra, addressed the choice of law question in an action
    brought by the executor of a Pennsylvania resident killed in a plane crash
    during a landing in Denver on a flight from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to
    Phoenix, Arizona. Id. at 797. Concluding that the plane crash in Colorado
    was “purely fortuitous” and that Pennsylvania had a greater interest in the
    executor’s recovery, our Supreme Court discarded the lex loci delicti rule for
    a flexible methodology that permitted courts to conduct an “analysis of the
    policies and interests underlying the particular issue before the court.”
    Griffith, supra at 805. Hence, we utilize this approach herein.
    Section 145(2) of the Restatement (Second) of Conflicts sets forth the
    contacts to be considered in applying the analysis required under Griffith.
    They include:
    (a)   the place where the injury occurred;
    (b)   the place where the conduct causing the injury occurred;
    (c)   the domicile, residence, nationality, place of incorporation
    and place of business of the parties; and
    The Supreme Court in Griffith referenced § 379 of a tentative draft of the
    Restatement (Second) of Conflicts. Griffith, supra at 803. The text of
    § 379, without significant relevant substantive change, now appears in § 145
    and § 146 of the Restatement (Second) of Conflicts (1983).
    (d) the place where the relationship, if any, between the
    parties is centered.
    Restatement (Second) of Conflict of Laws § 145 (1983).
    We evaluate these four factors mindful of the overarching choice-of-
    law principles enumerated in § 6 of the Restatement (Second).              Those
    considerations include the following:
    (a)   the needs of the interstate and international systems;
    (b)   the relevant policies of the forum;
    (c)   the relevant policies of the other interested states and the
    relevant interests of those states in determination of a
    particular issue;
    (d)   the protection of justified expectations;
    (e)   the basic policies underlying the particular field of law;
    (f)   certainty, predictability and uniformity of result; and
    (g)   ease in the determination and application of the law to be
    Id. § 6.
    Moreover, as it relates to the instant cause of action, § 146 of the
    Restatement (Second) establishes a presumption in personal injury cases
    that favors the application of the law of the state where the injury occurred
    unless another state has a more significant relationship to the occurrence
    and the parties. That section provides:
    In an action for a personal injury, the local law of the
    state where the injury occurred determines the
    rights and liabilities of the parties, unless, with
    respect to the particular issue, some other state has
    a more significant relationship under the principles
    stated in § 6 to the occurrence and the parties, in
    which event the local law of the other state will be
    Id. § 146.
    The first step in our analysis is to decide whether there is a true
    conflict between the laws of Maryland and Pennsylvania.              Cipolla v.
    267 A.2d 854
    , 855–56 (Pa. 1970). A true conflict occurs where
    an analysis of the policies underlying each of the conflicting laws reveals
    that, in each case, application of the respective state’s law would further its
    corresponding policy. Id. at 855. If a true conflict exists, we then proceed
    to determine which jurisdiction has the greater interests, considering the
    qualitative contacts of the states, the parties and the controversy. Cipolla,
    supra at 856.
    In the present case, the choice of law may determine the outcome of
    the case.    Pennsylvania’s comparative negligence statute, 42 Pa.C.S. §
    7102, reflects Pennsylvania’s policy of providing plaintiffs with a right to at
    least a partial recovery when they are found 50% or less negligent. E.g.,
    Terwilliger v. Kitchen, 
    781 A.2d 1201
    , 1209 (Pa.Super. 2001). This Court
    has recognized that Pennsylvania has an important interest in protecting its
    citizens against tortious conduct.    See Laconis v. Burlington County
    Bridge Com’n, 
    583 A.2d 1218
    , 1223 (Pa.Super. 1990).            In contrast to
    Pennsylvania jurisprudence, Maryland utilizes the doctrine of contributory
    negligence, which protects defendants from tort claims if the plaintiff is
    found to be negligent to any degree.          See Coleman v. Soccer Ass’n of
    69 A.3d 1149
     (Md. 2013).              As application of either state’s
    negligence law would further the underlying policies of that state, a true
    conflict exists herein.
    Having found a true conflict of law, we next must determine which
    state has the most significant relationship to the parties and the occurrence
    in order to determine which jurisdiction’s substantive law applies.       As we
    explained in Troxel, supra at 1181 (quoting Normann v. Johns-Manville
    593 A.2d 890
    , 893 (Pa.Super. 1991)), the relevant inquiry is “the
    extent to which one state rather than another has demonstrated, by reason
    of its policies and their connection and relevance to the matter in dispute, a
    priority of interest in the application of its rule of law.”
    In this case, the parties all have close ties to Pennsylvania, as
    Appellants are Pennsylvania residents, and Mr. Marks’ employer, King’s
    Quality Foods, and the company to which he was delivering products,
    Redner’s, are both Pennsylvania corporations.           Conversely, the accident
    occurred at a Redner’s facility located in Maryland, one of four stores
    Redner’s operates pursuant to the laws and requirements of that state.
    Hence, Pennsylvania has a significant relationship to the parties and a
    corresponding interest in providing redress for wrongs committed by or
    against its citizens.3 However, Maryland has a significant relationship with
    the occurrence itself, i.e., the place where both the injury and the negligent
    conduct occurred.4 Additionally, Maryland has an interest in regulating the
    Appellants argue that the application of Pennsylvania law would promote
    the state’s interest in limiting the cost of workers’ compensation insurance
    by “allowing subrogation in accordance with its workers’ compensation act.”
    Appellant’s brief at 34.       Appellants imply that the use of Maryland’s
    contributory negligence law could reduce the worker compensation carrier’s
    right of subrogation and trigger an increase in coverage rates. Id. at 34-35.
    We find that the presumed connection between Maryland’s contributory
    negligence law and the imagined increase in Pennsylvania insurance rates is
    too tenuous to have any bearing upon our choice-of-law analysis.
    Appellants contend that the deposition testimony of the Redner’s
    employee responsible for the receiving area where the fall took place
    established that the unsafe condition was the result of corporate policies
    developed in Pennsylvania. Appellants’ brief at 19. According to Appellants,
    Brenda Roberts testified that she received safety training from the person
    responsible for the receiving area of the Redner’s store in Oxford,
    Pennsylvania. Id. As such, Appellants insist that “Redner’s had safety
    policies or training practices which were applied in Pennsylvania and
    Maryland similarly, which are much more applicable than any code in
    Maryland. Id.
    Based upon our review, however, Ms. Roberts’ deposition testimony
    did not provide any evidence that the safety policies or training practices she
    employed in Maryland were developed in Pennsylvania, or that the Maryland
    store where the fall occurred was operating in accordance with any
    standards developed in Pennsylvania for use in all Redner’s stores, including
    in Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Delaware.             Plaintiffs’ Response to
    Defendants’ Motion for Summary Judgment, 12/18/2014, Exhibit F. At
    most, her testimony established that she traveled to a store in Oxford,
    Pennsylvania to receive her training—not that the policy was designed at
    that location.
    As Appellants failed to demonstrate that their injuries were the result
    of a corporate decision or policy, we reject Appellants’ contention that the
    negligent conduct in this case occurred in Pennsylvania at the corporate
    conduct of, and prescribing the liability of, businesses operating within its
    Appellants refer us to Carter v. National R.R. Passenger Corp., 
    413 F. Supp.2d 495
     (E.D. Pa.2005). In Carter, a Pennsylvania resident brought
    an action against Amtrak for injuries sustained when disembarking from a
    train in Maryland.      Id. at 497.      The federal district court applied
    Pennsylvania’s comparative negligence law and a jury awarded the plaintiff
    $875,000, which was reduced to $612,500 as a result of the plaintiff’s 30%
    responsibility for his injuries. In ruling that Maryland had no interest in the
    application of its contributory negligence defense, the federal district court
    Similar to United Airlines in Griffith, it cannot be said that
    Amtrak, as an interstate common carrier, relied on Maryland's
    contributory negligence defense. Nor does Maryland have any
    interest in limiting Amtrak's liability to protect the state's
    business climate. Amtrak is an out-of-state corporation whose
    main tracks traverse the state between Delaware and the District
    of Columbia.    Whether or not Maryland has a contributory
    negligence bar will not affect in any way whether Amtrak will
    continue to operate there. Unlike other businesses, it cannot pick
    up and leave.
    Id. at 500.
    We disagree with Appellants’ contention that Griffith and Carter
    require the application of Pennsylvania substantive law in the case at bar.
    Unlike Amtrak and United Airlines, Redner’s is not an interstate common
    carrier that would not have relied on Maryland’s contributory negligence
    defense in deciding to operate in the state.     In reality, Redner’s operates
    four brick and mortar facilities in Maryland and its decision to continue to
    conduct business in Maryland may, in fact, be influenced by the state’s
    contributory negligence defense.    Thus, Maryland possesses an interest in
    limiting Redner’s liability as a means of protecting the state’s business
    climate.   In contrast to a common carrier’s transient connection with
    Maryland, Redner’s might elect to “pick up and leave,” the state. Id. at 500.
    Thus, where the district court determined in Carter that Maryland lacked an
    interest in the application of its contributory negligence defense to limit an
    out-of-state corporation’s liability, instantly, Maryland has an interest in the
    application of that defense in relation to a business that operates four stores
    within its boundaries.5 For these reasons, Appellants’ reliance upon Carter
    is not persuasive.
    Indeed,   contrary   to   Appellants’   protestations,   our   review   of
    Pennsylvania case law addressing similar conflict-of-law issues reveals that
    Maryland has the more significant interests herein. In Troxel, for example,
    two Pennsylvania residents, Mary Siple and her infant daughter Ashley,
    traveled to Delaware for medical treatment, during which Ashley was
    diagnosed with cytomegalovirus (“CMV”). Id. at 1180. Mary Siple, who had
    Focusing solely upon the fact that Redner’s was organized in Pennsylvania,
    Appellants ignore the benefits that inure to Redner’s by conducting business
    in Maryland and they discount the potential for Maryland’s pro-defendant
    policies to affect Redner’s business decisions relating to the four stores that
    it maintains in that state.
    - 10 -
    not been informed that CMV was both contagious and posed a special danger
    to pregnant women, allowed a family friend, Grace Troxel, to assist in
    Ashley’s care.   Id.   Grace Troxel contracted CMV and her infant son died
    from the disease soon after his birth. Id.
    Grace Troxel and her husband filed wrongful death and survival actions
    in Pennsylvania against the Delaware health care providers who failed to
    inform Mary Siple about the dangers of CMV.      Id.   Despite Pennsylvania’s
    relationship to the parties, this Court concluded that Delaware law applied in
    the actions against the Delaware health care providers.     In so concluding,
    this Court stated:
    The patient, who was a resident of Pennsylvania, was taken to
    Delaware for treatment and was treated by [defendants]
    exclusively in Delaware.      No services were rendered by
    [defendants] in Pennsylvania. The services rendered and the
    persons delivering those services in Delaware were regulated by
    the laws of Delaware, not the laws of Pennsylvania. In treating
    Ashley, therefore, the hospital was required to follow and abide
    by the laws of Delaware. As such, [defendants] were entitled to
    rely on the duties and protections provided by Delaware law.
    Pennsylvania law did not follow Ashley and her mother when
    they traveled to Delaware to obtain medical care. Any other rule
    would be wholly unreasonable, for it would require hospitals and
    physicians to be aware of and be bound by the laws of all states
    from which patients came to them for treatment. This is not the
    Id. at 1181.
    Similarly, in Levin v. Desert Palace Incorporated, 
    465 A.2d 1019
    (Pa.Super. 1983), a Pennsylvania resident brought a negligence action
    - 11 -
    against a Nevada hotel.      In determining that Nevada law, rather than
    Pennsylvania law, applied, this Court reasoned as follows:
    Obviously, Pennsylvania has an important interest in
    protecting the welfare of its citizens. We conclude, however,
    that this interest is outweighed by Nevada's interest in
    regulating the conduct and prescribing the liability of hotel
    owners within its jurisdiction. A hotel owner relies on the laws of
    the state in which the hotel is located to determine the standard
    of conduct required of him. It could not be expected that a hotel
    should comply with the laws of all the states of which its guests
    are citizens.
    Id. at 1021
    Finally, we find persuasive the reasoning of the United States Court of
    Appeals for the Third Circuit in Shuder v. McDonald’s Corp., 
    859 F.2d 266
    (3d Cir. 1988).   In Shuder, a Pennsylvania resident fell in a McDonald’s
    Restaurant parking lot in Virginia. 
    Id. at 266-67
    . In reversing a verdict for
    the plaintiff based upon Pennsylvania law applying comparative negligence
    rather than Virginia’s contributory negligence, the Third Circuit provided the
    following analysis:
    We think it is clear that Virginia has by far the more
    significant contacts. To start with, the accident occurred in
    Virginia. Further, the Shuders voluntarily went to that state.
    Surely Virginia has an interest in how persons conduct
    themselves within the state. The place of the accident was not
    fortuitous as, unlike in Griffith, this case did not involve a
    moving instrumentality. Rather, the accident arose from the use
    of and condition of property, traditionally matters of local
    control. Indeed, a building permit was obtained for the driveway
    on which Mrs. Shuder fell. The Shuders, at trial, urged that the
    property was negligently constructed or designed, again matters
    of local concern.
    - 12 -
    Id. at 272
    As in Troxel, Levin, and Shuder, the alleged tortious conduct in this
    case occurred in Maryland.        Also, to the extent that Mr. Marks went to
    Maryland as a condition of his employment as a deliveryman with King’s
    Quality Food, his presence in the state was not fortuitous, as in Griffith.
    Moreover, like the incident in Shuder, the accident stems from the use and
    condition of property located in Maryland, “traditionally matters of local
    control,” and that state undoubtedly has a significant interest in regulating
    the conduct of businesses operating there.               Shuder, supra at 272.
    Furthermore, the Appellants’ allegations of wrongdoing directly implicate the
    activities of Redner’s’ employees at a facility located in Maryland and
    operated pursuant to the laws of the State of Maryland.                 Pennsylvania
    appellate     courts   have   applied   the   law   of   other   jurisdictions   where
    appropriate, even when it prevents Pennsylvania residents from obtaining a
    tort recovery.    See Cipolla, supra at 854 (“Inhabitants of a state should
    not be put in jeopardy of liability exceeding that created by their state’s law
    just because a visitor from a state offering higher protection decides to visit
    there.”). Accordingly, we conclude that the trial court did not err in ruling
    that Maryland law applies in the present case.6
    This conclusion is consistent with the Restatement (Second) of Conflict of
    Laws § 164, regarding contributory fault. That provision reads (emphasis
    - 13 -
    Turning to the second issue raised on appeal, Appellants assert that
    the trial court erred and abused its discretion by granting summary
    judgment in favor of Redner’s based upon its conclusion that a jury could not
    find Redner’s 100% responsible for Mr. Marks’ injuries. See Appellants’ brief
    at 35-50. Appellants contend that reviewing all of the facts of record in the
    light most favorable to them, Maryland case law dictates that it must be left
    for a jury to decide whether Mr. Marks was contributorily negligent. Id. at
    36-37, 39-40, 43-47. We agree.
    Pursuant to well-settled Maryland law, a finding that a plaintiff was
    contributorily negligent operates as a complete bar to recovery against a
    defendant who was also negligent.     Wooldridge v. Price, 
    966 A.2d 955
    961 (Md.App. 2009).    “To establish contributory negligence as a matter of
    law, the act relied on must be distinct, prominent and decisive, and one
    about which ordinary minds cannot differ.” Catler v. Arent Fox, LLP, 
    71 A.3d 155
    , 180 (Md.App. 2013) (citation omitted).
    Before the doctrine of contributory negligence can be
    successfully invoked, it must be demonstrated that the injured
    party acted, or failed to act, with knowledge and appreciation,
    either actual or imputed, of the danger of injury which his
    conduct involves. Stated another way, when one who knows and
    appreciates, or in the exercise of ordinary care should know and
    (1) The law selected by application of the rule of § 145
    determines whether contributory fault on the part of the plaintiff
    precludes his recovery in whole or in part.
    (2) The applicable law will usually be the local law of the
    state where the injury occurred.
    - 14 -
    appreciate, the existence of danger from which injury might
    reasonably be anticipated, he must exercise ordinary care to
    avoid such injury; when by his voluntary acts or omissions he
    exposes himself to danger of which he has actual or imputed
    knowledge, he may be guilty of contributory negligence.
    Thomas v. Panco Mgmt. of Maryland, LLC, 
    31 A.3d 583
    , 602 (Md. 2011)
    (citation omitted).
    “Ordinarily, contributory negligence is a question of fact that is for the
    jury to decide. Only when no reasonable person could find in favor of the
    plaintiff on the issue of contributory negligence should the trial court take
    the issue from the jury.”   McQuay v. Schertle, 
    730 A.2d 714
    , 721 (Md.
    App. 1999) (internal citations omitted).     The burden of proof is on the
    defendant to prove the contributory negligence of the plaintiff.        Bd. of
    Trustees, Cmty. Coll. of Baltimore Cty. v. Patient First Corp., 
    120 A.3d 124
    , 135 (Md.App. 2015).
    In addressing this issue, the trial court discussed the above-cited legal
    principles and summarized the facts that it considered relevant to the
    accident.   It then concluded that Mr. Marks was guilty of contributory
    negligence as a matter of law. The trial court reasoned,
    In the case sub judice, the evidence indicates that [Mr.
    Marks] did not look where he was going or take any other
    precautionary measures to avoid his accident. During [Mr.
    Marks’] deposition, when asked if he looked at the ground as he
    walked into the back door at Redner’s, [Mr. Marks] stated “No. I
    look straight ahead.” (Deposition of Darrel Marks, p. 58 ¶¶ 15 -
    24). [Mr. Marks] also admitted that he knew that pallet jacks,
    like the one he fell over, were used by delivery people for
    Redner’s and that he saw such pallet jacks at that Redner’s
    - 15 -
    location in the past. (Id. at p. 68 ¶¶ 12 -24). Even after
    construing the evidence in a light most favorable to [Mr. Marks],
    it is obvious that [Mr. Marks] took no precautionary measures to
    make sure there were no obstructions in his path, despite
    knowing that the warehouse in which he was entering often had
    pallet jacks inside. [Mr. Marks’] failure to even scan the interior
    of the doorway before he walked in indicates a failure to use that
    common caution that an ordinarily prudent person would use
    under the same or similar circumstances. As a result, this court
    is convinced that no reasonable jury could find that [Mr. Marks’]
    own negligence did not contribute to his injury. Thus, because it
    is clear and free from doubt under Maryland law that [Mr. Marks]
    was contributorily negligent, [Mr. Marks] is barred from
    Id. at 7.
    Based upon our review of the record, we agree with Appellants that
    the trial court failed to view all of the facts presented in the light most
    favorable to them. Properly viewed, the record reflects that Mr. Marks had
    been making deliveries to Redner’s in Elkton, Maryland approximately twice
    per month for the preceding nine months. Mr. Marks’ Deposition, 8/20/14,
    at 47-48. He was aware that Redner’s generally stored products on skids,
    but on the day in question, he did not see very many in the warehouse or
    any in the path that he walked. Id. at 57.
    He further explained that Redner’s required him to follow an
    established procedure when making deliveries to the Elkton store. He was
    required to: (1) park the truck; (2) sign the sign-in sheet in the warehouse;
    (3) go into the store and remove any expired or opened products on the
    shelves; (4) return to the truck with those products; (5) place new products
    - 16 -
    from the truck into a handcart; (6) bring the handcart of new products into
    the warehouse to the receiver who “checks it in to make sure everything
    that’s on the list is there”; (7) go into the store and put the new products on
    the shelves; and (8) sign out on the same sign-in sheet. Id. at 51-52. Mr.
    Marks was following this procedure on the day of his accident. Id. at 59-76.
    When he entered the warehouse to sign in, Mr. Marks encountered no
    difficulties and there were no obstructions on the floor.   Id. at 62, 64-65.
    He likewise saw no skids or pallet jacks on the floor when he left the
    warehouse the first time. Id. at 69. After returning to his truck and loading
    his handcart with new product, the cart weighed approximately 100 pounds.
    Id. at 70. He reentered the warehouse about ten minutes after his sign-in
    visit.    Id. at 69.   He walked up the ramp to the warehouse pulling the
    handcart behind him. Id. at 71. To enter the warehouse, Mr. Marks had to
    balance the product on his cart and hold open the door to the warehouse,
    which opened toward the outside. Id. at 71-72. He had to hold the door
    with one hand and pull the cart through the doorway with the other, so his
    body was “twisting” as he walked. Id. at 75. He testified that he looked
    straight ahead as he walked into the warehouse, not at the ground, because
    that was how he naturally walked, and since there had not been any
    obstructions on the ground when he walked that same route minutes earlier,
    he had no reason to look down. Id. at 58, 73.
    - 17 -
    Mr. Marks testified that it was bright outside and the inside of the
    warehouse was dark, which required his eyes to adjust to the differing
    lightening conditions. Id. at 74. He took two steps inside the warehouse,
    whereupon he tripped over the forks of a pallet jack. Id. at 73, 76, 78. As
    the forks of the pallet jack were low to the ground and a similar color to that
    of the warehouse floor, he did not see them before he tripped. Id. at 57,
    78, 82.
    Analogous Maryland case law precludes the grant of summary
    judgment in this case on contributory negligence grounds. In Diffendal v.
    Kash & Karry Serv. Corp., 
    536 A.2d 1175
     (Md.App. 1988), the Maryland
    Court of Special Appeals reversed the trial court’s grant of summary
    judgment based upon contributory negligence after Anna Diffendal was
    injured while shopping at the Kash and Karry supermarket.        
    Id. at 1176
    Mrs. Diffendal had walked to a case of frozen items, picked a product out of
    the freezer, and was proceeding back to her shopping cart when she fell
    over an L-bed cart that was in the aisle. 
    Mr. and Mrs. Diffendal filed a complaint against Kash and Karry
    seeking damages for Mrs. Diffendal’s injuries and for loss of consortium. 
    Kash and Karry filed a motion for summary judgment based on Mrs.
    Diffendal’s contributory negligence, which the trial court granted.     
    Id. at 1176-77
    .    The Diffendals appealed and the Court of Special Appeals
    reversed, holding, “Mrs. Diffendal’s failure to look down the aisle before
    - 18 -
    proceeding to her cart was not such a ‘prominent and decisive act’ from
    which reasonable minds could not differ that she was contributorily
    Id. at 1177
    . According to the Maryland appellate court,
    More than one inference is permitted under the circumstances of
    this case. It could be inferred that, under these circumstances,
    Mrs. Diffendal was not negligent in failing to have noticed the
    cart over which she fell, or in failing to have avoided the injury
    she sustained. In addition, Mrs. Diffendal stated in an affidavit
    that she did not see the L-cart before she fell. Thus, it may be
    inferred that the cart was placed in the aisle after she began
    looking for the waffles. A reasonable inference is that an
    ordinarily prudent person, while shopping in a supermarket, with
    her attention drawn to the selection of merchandise displayed in
    an open food freezer, could make the same error of judgment,
    and trip over a cart placed in an aisle near the displays of
    Id. at 1178
    Instantly, as in Diffendal, Mr. Marks’ failure to look down as he
    walked into the Redner’s warehouse through the same threshold that he
    entered ten minutes earlier without obstruction, while his attention was
    drawn to the product in his heavy handcart, did not make him contributorily
    negligent as a matter of law when he tripped over the forks of a pallet jack
    that had been placed in his path in the interim. Accordingly, the trial court
    erred and abused its discretion by granting the motion for summary
    judgment. Hence, we reverse the trial court’s grant of summary judgment
    and remand for further proceedings.
    Order affirmed in part and reversed in part.          Case remanded.
    Jurisdiction relinquished.
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    Judge Platt Joins the Opinion.
    Judge Panella Concurs in the Result.
    Judgment Entered.
    Joseph D. Seletyn, Esq.
    Date: 2/17/2016
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