Com. v. Kimmel, L. ( 2015 )

  • J-E01005-15
    2015 PA Super 226
    Appellant                                      No. 126 MDA 2013
    Appeal from the Judgment of Sentence December 18, 2012
    In the Court of Common Pleas of Cumberland County
    Criminal Division at No(s): CP-21-CR-0003380-2011
    OPINION BY SHOGAN, J.:                            FILED OCTOBER 29, 2015
    Appellant, Lee Allen Kimmel, appeals from the judgment of sentence
    entered on December 18, 2012, in the Cumberland County Court of Common
    Pleas. Appellant claims that his convictions for driving under the influence of
    alcohol and fleeing or attempting to elude a police officer should merge for
    sentencing purposes.     After careful review, we conclude that Appellant’s
    convictions arose from separate criminal acts. Therefore, the convictions do
    not merge for sentencing. Accordingly, we affirm.
    The factual background and procedural history of this case are as
    follows. At approximately 10:45 p.m. on November 22, 2011, Cumberland
    County dispatch received a call relaying that there was a man, later
    identified as Appellant, who appeared to be very intoxicated at the Sheetz
    convenience store in Mt. Holly Springs. The caller provided a description of
    Appellant and the license plate number of Appellant’s pickup truck. Before
    police could arrive at the Sheetz, Appellant departed the property via Mill
    Street. Less than a minute later, Mt. Holly Springs Police Officer Jason Beltz
    arrived at the Sheetz.     He then proceeded on Mill Street in the same
    direction as Appellant.
    Approximately 3,000 feet farther down Mill Street, Officer Beltz
    crossed into South Middletown Township and eventually turned onto Zion
    Road. Officer Beltz turned onto Zion Road because he had been informed of
    Appellant’s address, and the officer was aware that if Appellant was heading
    home, he would likely make that turn. Officer Beltz activated his emergency
    lights when he saw Appellant drive into a posted no-trespass area.
    When Officer Beltz stopped and approached Appellant, Appellant had
    difficulty locating his license and registration.   Appellant’s breath had an
    odor of alcohol, his speech was slurred, and he was unstable on his feet
    when he exited the truck.    Appellant told Officer Beltz that he did nothing
    wrong, reentered his truck, and attempted to drive away.         Officer Beltz
    reached in the truck and removed the keys from the ignition. Appellant then
    exited the truck a second time, pushed Officer Beltz, and reentered the truck
    with a second set of keys. This time, Appellant succeeded in driving away.
    Officer Beltz briefly pursued Appellant but then changed course and
    proceeded toward Appellant’s residence instead of continuing in pursuit. On
    the way to Appellant’s residence, Officer Beltz spotted Appellant’s truck
    stuck on a tree stump.         At that point, Officer Beltz took Appellant into
    custody. At the police station, Officer Beltz read Appellant the DL-26 form,
    which outlines the increased penalties for refusal to submit to chemical
    testing. When Officer Beltz asked Appellant if he would submit to a blood
    test, Appellant jumped out of his seat and made a threatening move towards
    Officer Beltz. No chemical testing was conducted.
    On February 1, 2012, Appellant was charged by criminal information
    with fleeing or attempting to elude a police officer (“fleeing”), 1 driving under
    the influence – general impairment (“DUI-general impairment”),2 driving
    under the influence – general impairment with refusal to submit to chemical
    testing   (“DUI-refusal”),3    resisting    arrest,4   defiant   trespass,5   careless
    75 Pa.C.S. § 3733(a).
    75 Pa.C.S. § 3802(a)(1).
    Although the information filed against Appellant charged him with both
    DUI-general impairment and DUI-refusal, we note that this was improper.
    In Commonwealth v. Mobley, 
    14 A.3d 887
     (Pa. Super. 2011), this Court
    held that DUI-refusal was not a separate crime from DUI-general
    impairment. In so holding, this Court stated:
    The trial court convicted [a]ppellant of two separate counts of
    DUI—general impairment arising out of the same incident, with
    one count alleging [a]ppellant refused the breath/blood test.
    The refusal of a blood alcohol content (“BAC”) test is not a
    separate element under 75 Pa.C.S. § 3802; rather, those who
    refuse a BAC test must be charged pursuant to 75 Pa.C.S.
    § 3802(a)(1), general impairment.           Since refusal of a
    breath/blood test is not an element of the criminal offense that
    pertains to guilt, the court should not have convicted [a]ppellant
    driving,6 public drunkenness,7 and possession of an open container in a
    motor vehicle.8
    On April 13, 2012, Appellant filed a motion to suppress all evidence
    gathered as a result of the traffic stop.9 A suppression hearing was held on
    May 25, 2012.       On September 26, 2012, the suppression court issued
    of the same criminal offense, DUI—general impairment, arising
    out of the identical criminal episode. Instead, [a]ppellant should
    have been convicted of one count of DUI—general impairment
    and been subject to the sentencing enhancement provided by
    statute relative to a blood or breath test refusal.
    Id. at 891 (footnotes and citations omitted). Neither party raises this as an
    issue. Moreover, there is no concern with respect to sentencing since the
    Commonwealth conceded at the time of sentencing that the two counts
    merged because Appellant was not charged with two separate DUI crimes,
    and the trial court imposed a legal sentence under 75 Pa.C.S. § 3804. See
    footnote 11 below. Thus, we need not address this issue further.
    18 Pa.C.S. § 5104.
    18 Pa.C.S. § 3503(b)(1)(ii).
    75 Pa.C.S. § 3714(a).
    18 Pa.C.S. § 5505.
    75 Pa.C.S. § 3809(a).
    Appellant’s motion argued that Officer Beltz violated the Municipal Police
    Jurisdiction Act, 42 Pa.C.S. § 8951, et seq., because South Middletown
    Township is outside of his primary jurisdiction and is patrolled by the
    Pennsylvania State Police.
    findings of fact and conclusions of law and denied Appellant’s motion to
    suppress. On December 4, 2012, the case proceeded to a jury trial.10
    Appellant was convicted of fleeing, DUI, careless driving, and public
    drunkenness.   Fleeing is generally a second-degree misdemeanor (“M2”).
    75 Pa.C.S. § 3733(a.2)(1). When the fleeing occurs while driving under the
    influence, however, it is graded as a third-degree felony (“F3”). 75 Pa.C.S.
    § 3733(a.2)(2)(i). Therefore, in this case, the fleeing offense was elevated
    to an F3.   On December 18, 2012, Appellant was sentenced to eight to
    twenty-four months of incarceration for F3 fleeing and fourteen to forty-
    eight months for DUI,11 resulting in an aggregate sentence of twenty-two to
    seventy-two months.     On December 28, 2012, Appellant filed a post-
    sentence motion arguing, inter alia, that his DUI conviction merged with his
    F3-fleeing conviction. On January 4, 2013, the trial court denied Appellant’s
    post-sentence motion. This timely appeal followed.12
    The jury adjudicated the misdemeanor and felony counts while the trial
    court adjudicated the summary offenses.
    Appellant was subject to a mandatory one-year minimum sentence for his
    DUI conviction because this was his fourth offense, and he refused chemical
    testing. See 75 Pa.C.S. § 3804(c)(3)(i) (an individual who violates section
    3802(a)(1), refuses testing of blood or breath, and has committed a third or
    subsequent offense shall be sentenced to prison for not less than one year).
    On January 16, 2013, the trial court ordered Appellant to file a concise
    statement of errors complained of on appeal (“concise statement”). See
    Pa.R.A.P. 1925(b).     On February 6, 2013, Appellant filed his concise
    statement. On March 28, 2013, the judge who presided over Appellant’s
    jury trial issued a Rule 1925(a) opinion. On May 3, 2013, the judge who
    presided over Appellant’s suppression hearing issued a Rule 1925(a) opinion.
    A divided three-judge panel of this Court initially affirmed Appellant’s
    convictions but vacated his judgment of sentence and remanded for
    resentencing.     The majority concluded that Appellant’s DUI conviction
    merged with his F3-fleeing conviction.        On September 12, 2014, the
    Commonwealth filed an application for reargument en banc, which was
    granted. Oral argument was held before the Court en banc, and this matter
    is now ripe for disposition.
    Appellant presents one issue for our review:
    Whether the [trial] court erred in denying [Appellant’s]
    post[-]sentence motion for modification of sentence when
    [Appellant] was sentenced to separate and consecutive
    sentences on [the F3 fleeing and DUI when DUI is] an essential
    element of [F3 fleeing?]
    Appellant’s Brief at 6.13
    Appellant contends that the trial court erred by not merging his F3-
    fleeing conviction with his DUI conviction for sentencing purposes. A claim
    that convictions merge for sentencing is a question of law; therefore, our
    standard of review is de novo and our scope of review is plenary.
    Commonwealth v. Orie, 
    88 A.3d 983
    , 1020 (Pa. Super. 2014), appeal
    99 A.3d 925
     (Pa. 2014).
    See Pa.R.A.P. 1925(a)(1) (permitting the trial court to request that the
    suppression court issue an opinion dealing with issues decided by the
    suppression court). Appellant’s lone issue in this appeal was included in his
    concise statement.
    On reargument, Appellant pursued only his merger claim.
    We begin our examination of Appellant’s merger claim by reviewing
    the statutory provisions pertinent to his underlying convictions.         Section
    3802(a) of the Motor Vehicle Code provides that “[a]n individual may not
    drive, operate or be in actual physical control of the movement of a vehicle
    after imbibing a sufficient amount of alcohol such that the individual is
    rendered incapable of safely driving, operating or being in actual physical
    control of the movement of the vehicle.”             75 Pa.C.S. § 3802(a)(1).
    Generally, a violation of section 3802(a) is an ungraded misdemeanor. 75
    Pa.C.S. § 3803(a)(1).       However, “[a]n individual who violates section
    3802(a)(1) where the individual refused testing of blood or breath . . . and
    who has one or more prior offenses commits a misdemeanor of the first
    degree.” 75 Pa.C.S. § 3803(b)(4). In this case, Appellant was subject to a
    one-year mandatory minimum sentence because his conviction represented
    his   fourth   offense,   and   he   refused   chemical   testing.   75   Pa.C.S.
    § 3804(c)(3)(i).
    Section 3733(a) of the Motor Vehicle Code provides:
    Fleeing or attempting to elude police officer
    (a) Offense defined.- Any driver of a motor vehicle who
    willfully fails or refuses to bring his vehicle to a stop, or who
    otherwise flees or attempts to elude a pursuing police officer,
    when given a visual and audible signal to bring the vehicle to a
    stop, commits an offense as graded in subsection (a.2).
    75 Pa.C.S. § 3733(a). As noted above, fleeing is generally graded as an M2,
    75 Pa.C.S. § 3733(a.2)(1), but when the fleeing occurs while driving under
    the influence, it is graded as an F3. 75 Pa.C.S. § 3733(a.2)(2)(i).
    Appellant’s claim is that his fleeing conviction, which was graded as an
    F3 because it occurred while he was driving under the influence, should have
    merged with his DUI conviction for sentencing purposes.                 Merger in
    Pennsylvania is governed by section 9765 of the Sentencing Code, which
    provides as follows:
    No crimes shall merge for sentencing purposes unless the crimes
    arise from a single criminal act and all of the statutory
    elements of one offense are included in the statutory elements of
    the other offense. Where crimes merge for sentencing purposes,
    the court may sentence the defendant only on the higher graded
    42 Pa.C.S. § 9765 (emphasis added). “Accordingly, merger is appropriate
    only when two distinct criteria are satisfied: (1) the crimes arise from a
    single criminal act; and (2) all of the statutory elements of one of the
    offenses   are   included   within   the   statutory   elements   of   the   other.”
    Commonwealth v. Raven, 
    97 A.3d 1244
    , 1249 (Pa. Super. 2014), appeal
    105 A.3d 736
     (Pa. 2014).
    Here, the record reveals that Officer Jason Beltz conducted a traffic
    stop based on his suspicion that Appellant was driving while intoxicated.
    Appellant stopped his truck and exhibited signs of intoxication.         Appellant
    then became combative, and the officer took Appellant’s keys.            Appellant
    then returned to his truck, locked the door, and retrieved a second set of
    keys from his pocket. At this juncture, Appellant chose to again drive the
    truck while intoxicated while fleeing from Officer Beltz, and Appellant was
    arrested at the conclusion of his drunken flight. Affidavit of Probable Cause,
    11/23/11, at 1-2; N.T., 12/4/12, at 34-46.       The circumstances here are
    straightforward: there was the initial DUI, followed by a traffic stop, followed
    by Appellant choosing to flee while DUI.
    When determining whether separate crimes constitute a single criminal
    act, this Court has stated that “we should look to the elements of the crimes
    involved as charged by the Commonwealth.” Commonwealth v. Jenkins,
    96 A.3d 1055
    , 1060 (Pa. Super. 2014), appeal denied, 
    104 A.3d 3
    2014) (citing Commonwealth v. Comer, 
    716 A.2d 593
    , 599 (Pa. 1998)).
    In Jenkins, the appellant struck the victim. The blow broke the victim’s jaw
    and caused him to fall to the ground. Jenkins, 
    96 A.3d at 1059
    . After the
    victim fell, the appellant restrained the victim on the ground and stole items
    from his person. 
     The Jenkins Court explained the manner in which the
    appellant therein was charged as follows:
    As charged in the information filed on July 9, 2012, the
    Commonwealth asserted that [the appellant] committed robbery
    when, with his codefendant, he “assaulted [the victim] by
    punching him in the face causing a facial laceration and fractured
    jaw. [The victim] was forced to the ground, restrained and
    searched for personal belongings, which were stolen from
    [him].” Information, 7/9/2012, at 2 (unnumbered, emphasis
    added). With regard to simple assault, the Commonwealth
    asserted that “during the course of a robbery, [the appellant]
    assaulted [the victim] causing a facial laceration that required
    stitches and a fractured left jaw.” Id. at 3.
    96 A.3d at 1061
     (emphasis in original).
    Similarly, in the case at bar, the affidavit of probable cause, the
    criminal complaint, and the criminal information reveal that Appellant was
    charged with committing DUI and charged with felony fleeing because, after
    the traffic stop, he fled while in violation of the DUI statute, 75 Pa.C.S.
    § 3802. This is parallel to the information in Jenkins where it was stated
    that the appellant broke the victim’s jaw and then restrained the injured
    victim while committing a theft.    In both this case and in Jenkins, there
    were separate criminal acts.       Therefore, in the case at bar, because
    Appellant’s convictions arose from separate criminal acts, merger is not
    For the reasons set forth above, we conclude that the charges do not
    merge, and thus, there was no error in the sentence imposed. Accordingly,
    we affirm the judgment of sentence.
    Judgment of sentence affirmed.
    Judges Donohue, Lazarus, Mundy, Wecht, Stabile, and Jenkins join the
    Judge Bowes files a Concurring Opinion in which Judges Donohue and
    Wecht join.
    Judge Olson files a Concurring Opinion.
    - 10 -
    Judgment Entered.
    Joseph D. Seletyn, Esq.
    Date: 10/29/2015
    - 11 -

Document Info

Docket Number: 126 MDA 2013

Filed Date: 10/29/2015

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 10/29/2015