Com. v. Wright, J. , 99 A.3d 565 ( 2014 )

  • J-A04037-14
    2014 PA Super 189
    Appellee                       No. 825 WDA 2013
    Appeal from the Order entered April 16, 2013
    In the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny County
    Criminal Division at No: CP-02-CR-0010466-2012
    OPINION BY STABILE, J.:                              FILED AUGUST 29, 2014
    Appellant, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, appeals from the trial
    asks us to decide whether the trial court erred in suppressing a cell phone
    that police seized pursuant to the plain view doctrine. We affirm.
    The trial court recited the pertinent facts and procedural history in its
    Pa.R.A.P. 1925(a) opinion:
    On July 2, 2012, [Appellee, Joshua Thomas
    criminal homicide, one count of burglary, and one
    count of possession of a prohibited firearm stemming
    -girlfriend and mother of his
    paramour. [Appellee] filed a motion to suppress on
    January 25, 2013, and a suppression hearing was
    held on April 5, 2013. On April 16, 2013, this [c]ourt
    2013,    the     Commonwealth     filed   a    Motion   to
    Reconsider, which was denied via Order of Court
    dated May 13, 2013.       On May 15, 2013, the
    Commonwealth filed the instant appeal.
    The following are the facts as found by this
    [c]ourt during the Suppression Hearing:        The
    shooting deaths of Gibson and Black were brought to
    the attention of the Wilkinsburg Police Department
    home at the time of the incident. Clark relayed a
    few different versions of the events of the night in
    question, however ultimately she convinced the
    officers to enter and search the premises, where
    they discovered the bodies of Gibson and Black in an
    and identification of [Appellee] as the shooter, an
    arrest warrant for [Appellee] was issued. The police
    executed the arrest warrant at approximately 2:20
    Upon arrest, [Appellee] was found in bed
    wearing only a pair of underwear. [Appellee] was
    then handcuffed, and, given his state of undress, the
    arresting police officers assisted him in getting
    clothed. They chose and placed upon him a pair of
    khaki shorts. The two officers testified that they had
    the shorts after they were placed upon him, and as
    such, the cellular telephone was seized incident to
    arrest. The [c]ourt did not find as credible testimony
    that the officers gave a double homicide suspect an
    article of clothing to wear with something as weighty
    as a cell phone in the pockets. This action would be
    contrary to the safety of the officers, as the clothing
    could have contained a gun or other small weapon,
    who was present during the arrest testified that the
    of the
    testimony. Based upon the testimony presented at
    the suppression hearing, this [c]ourt concluded that
    the cellular telephone was situated on the nightstand
    next to the bed, and not seized incident to arrest or
    the seizure was impermissible.
    Trial Court Opinion, 8/26/13, at 1-3 (record citations omitted).           Appellee
    stands accused of two counts of criminal homicide (18 Pa.C.S.A. § 2501(a)),
    one count of burglary (18 Pa.C.S.A. § 3502), and one count of persons not
    to possess a firearm (18 Pa.C.S.A. § 6501(a)(1)).
    As set forth above, the Commonwealth filed a timely appeal from the
    trial cour                              The Commonwealth raises a single issue for
    The Commonwealth relies on Rule 311(d) of the Pennsylvania Rules of
    Appellate Procedure, which provides as follows:
    (d) Commonwealth appeals in criminal
    cases. In a criminal case, under the circumstances
    provided by law, the Commonwealth may take an
    appeal as of right from an order that does not end
    the entire case where the Commonwealth certifies in
    the notice of appeal that the order will terminate or
    substantially handicap the prosecution.
    certification implicates our jurisdiction to entertain              this    appeal.
    Commonwealth v. White, 
    910 A.2d 648
    , 653 (Pa. 2006).
    is entitled to some deference, this Court need not accept its good faith
    certification in every case. In White, for example, an evenly divided
    Supreme Court could not agree whether an order denying a recusal motion
    motion was not appealable pursuant to Rule 311(d). In Commonwealth v.
    836 A.2d 871
    , 876 (Pa. 2003), the Supreme Court ruled that the
    Commonwealth could not rely on Rule 311(d) to appeal from a pretrial
    motion in limine admitting defense evidence.     Nonetheless, where the
    (Footnote Continued Next Page)
    suppress his cellphone and its contents based on an allegedly unlawful
    rief at 4.
    We review the trial               order according to the following standard:
    When the Commonwealth appeals from a
    suppression order, we . . . consider only the
    with the evidence of the prosecution that, when read
    in the context of the entire record, remains
    uncontradicted. The suppr
    fact bind an appellate court if the record supports
    of law, however, are not binding on an appellate
    court, whose duty is to determine if the suppression
    court properly applied the law to the facts.
    Commonwealth v. Whitlock, 
    69 A.3d 635
    , 637 (Pa. Super. 2013).
    phone.    Therefore, the sole issue before us is whether the plain view
    (Footnote Continued)
    defendant prevails in a pretrial motion to suppress Commonwealth evidence,
    hen a pretrial motion removes
    whether that evidence substantially handicaps his ability to prove every
     at 875 (citing Commonwealth v.
    486 A.2d 382
    , 386 (Pa. 1985)). In the instant matter, therefore,
    we have jurisdiction to entertain this appeal pursuant to the
    conclude that it did not.2
    In general, the Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution
    and Article I, Section 8 of the Pennsylvania Constitution do not permit police
    to search for or seize property absent a lawfully obtained search warrant.
    Commonwealth v. Anderson, 
    40 A.3d 1245
    , 1249 (Pa. Super. 2012),
    appeal denied, 
    51 A.3d 837
     (Pa. 2012). The plain view doctrine permits a
    warrantless seizure if each of the following conditions applies:
    1) police did not violate the Fourth Amendment
    during the course of their arrival at the location
    where they viewed the item in question; 2) the item
    was not obscured and could be seen plainly from
    that location; 3) the incriminating nature of the item
    was readily apparent; and 4) police had the lawful
    right to access the item.
    The parties do not now dispute that the police were lawfully present in
    In his brief, Wright asserts the Commonwealth waived this issue.      We
    incident to arrest. In response to the tri
    the Commonwealth filed a motion for reconsideration asserting the police
    properly seized the cell phone pursuant to the plain view doctrine. The trial
    court addressed this issue on the merits in its Pa.R.A.P. 1925(a) opinion.
    Raising the issue in a motion for reconsideration was sufficient to preserve
    the issue for appellate review. Commonwealth v. McCandless, 
    880 A.2d 1262
    , 1268-69 (Pa. Super. 2005), appeal dismissed, 
    933 A.2d 650
    2007); Commonwealth v. Santiago, 
    822 A.2d 716
    , 723 (Pa. Super.
    2003), appeal denied, 
    843 A.2d 1237
     (Pa. 2004).
    trial court found that the Commonwealth failed to establish that the
    Trial Court Opinion, 8/26/13, at 4.    A police officer has probable cause to
    the facts available to the
    items may be contraband or stolen property or useful as evidence of a
    crime       Commonwealth v. McEnany, 
    667 A.2d 1143
    , 1148 (Pa. Super.
    1997) (emphasis in original). The probable cause standard does not require
    In Commonwealth v. Ellis, 
    662 A.2d 1043
    , 1050 (Pa. 1995), a police
    testified that the screwdriver was capable of making the pry marks the
    officer observed at the scene of the crime. 
     In addition, an eyewitness
     The Supreme
    Court concluded that the circumstances were sufficient to lead a person of
    reasonable caution to believe that the screwdriver was incriminating
     Likewise, in Commonwealth v. Jones, 
    988 A.2d 649
    , 652
    (Pa. 2010), the Supreme Court held police properly seized a cell phone
    because police knew the victim had a cell phone with him on the night of his
    murder and because police observed a blood-stained cell phone in plain view
    The Commonwealth relies on McEnany, in which police found a cell
    McEnany, 667 A.2d at 1147. The accused argued that the warrant was not
    sufficiently specific to justify the seizure of his cell phone. Id. at 1148. The
    Commonwealth argued, and this Court agreed, that police lawfully seized the
    cell phone pursuant to the plain view doctrine. Id. Police were aware that
    murder. Id. More importantly, police were aware that the accused made a
    Id. Based on
    these facts, the McEnany Court concluded that police were justified in
    seizing a cell phone in plain view during their execution of the search
    warrant. Id.
    To summarize, in Ellis, Jones, and McEnany, police had specific
    evidence tying the seized object to the crime under investigation. We do not
    believe the analysis in any of these cases warrants reversal in the instant
    case.    Here, unlike McEnany, police had no evidence of a specific phone
    call.   This case is unlike Jones in that the physical condition of the cell
    phone did not link it to the crime under investigation, as did the blood-
    stained phone in Jones
    that Jones and McEnany are indistinguishable from the instant matter.
    See Dissenting Opinion, at 10. The distinction between those cases and this
    one is that the police officers in Jones and McEnany relied on articulable
    facts in support of their suspicion that the cell phone contained incriminating
    evidence, whereas here, the police relied on pure conjecture.
    Detective Anthony Perry testified as follows:
    have crucial pieces of evidence for our case to assist
    our case [sic]. I took the phone with the intention of
    either myself or somebody in our office obtaining a
    search warrant to get the information or any
    potential evidence off the phone.
    N.T., 4/5/13, at 11-12. Perry testified that he was aware that Appellee and
    the female victim had a prior romantic relationship, and he suspected that
    he would find communication between the two shortly prior to the murder.
    Id. at 12-13.
    As is evident from the foregoing, Perry did not articulate any specific
    basis for his suspicion. Appellee and the victim had a romantic relationship
    at one point, but that relationship was over, and Perry did not explain why
    the past relationship supported his suspicion that Appellee and the victim
    had any contact on the day of the murder. Likewise, we believe the learned
    relationship with the victim. See Dissenting Opinion at 8-9. In McEnany,
    on the other hand, police had specific information that the accused phoned
    the victim on the day in question.      Similarly, in Ellis, the police officer
    offered facts to support his belief that the screwdriver was used in the crime
    under investigation. Perry offered only generalized speculation in support of
    seizure.   See Commonwealth v. Holmes, 
    14 A.3d 89
    , 96-97 n.16 (Pa.
    2011) (a police officer must rely on articulable facts to justify a seizure);
    Commonwealth v. Parker
    the probable cause standard is flexible, mere suspicion is not a substitute for
    probable cause as
    that cell phones often have crucial evidence would support seizure of a cell
    phone under virtually any circumstance.
    battery from the cell phone supports a different result in this case. In his
    affidavit of probable cause to search the cell phone, Detective Kenneth
    Ruckel stated criminal suspects commonly remove batteries from cell phones
    in order to avoid GPS detection. Affidavit of Probable Cause, 7/3/12, at 3.3
    According to the suppression hearing transcript, the battery was removed
    In these facts, we discern no basis for a seizure of the phone to search
    its digital contents.     The scope of a search is limited by the basis for its
    authorization.    See, e.g., 619 A.2d at 740 (Pa. Super. 1993).      The same
    holds true for searches for digital evidence.      For example, this Court in
    or lack thereof   to
    suppressed the phone based on its conclusion that police unlawfully seized
    it, and therefore the trial court had no occasion to address the propriety of
    Commonwealth v. Orie, 
    88 A.3d 983
     (Pa. Super. 2014) held several
    an email account without narrowing the search to files relevant to the
    alleged criminal activity. 
     at 1002-104
    conduct simply by introducing testimony that the phone was in pieces and
    that its physical condition evinced evasive conduct. We do not believe the
    digital contents of the cell phone are relevant to that point.           Said another
    way, the physical condition of the phone in this case does not justify a
    conclusion that its contents could be incriminating. As we noted above, the
    instant facts are quite distinct from those of Jones, where police found a
    July 3, 2012 affidavit of probable cause           which is not at issue in this case
    we believe misses the mark.5
    The Orie Court noted that the law concerning search and seizure of digital
    information remains under development in Pennsylvania. 
     at 1009 n.43.
    Riley v. California, 
    134 S. Ct. 2473
     (2014) is
    misplaced.   The Supreme Court noted, as the Dissent asserts, that cell
    Id. at 2485
    . The
    Court did so, however, in support of an 8-1 majority opinion rejecting the
    (Footnote Continued Next Page)
    - 10 -
    Finally, the Commonwealth argues that police acted properly in seizing
    opportunity to delete information.               Here, the Commonwealth relies on
    Commonwealth v. Bostick, 
    958 A.2d 543
     (Pa. Super. 2008), appeal
    987 A.2d 158
     (Pa. 2009). Bostick is entirely inapposite, inasmuch
    as the question before the Bostick court was whether exigent circumstances
    justified warrantless entry into a home.                 Id. at 556-57.     Exigent
    circumstances exist where a police officer has probable cause to believe that
    immediate action is necessary to preserve evidence of a crime. Id. at 557.
    As we have already explained above, police did not have probable cause to
    incriminating evidence.   The
    Commonwealth lacked probable cause to seize the cell phone.                      See
    Commonwealth v. Joseph, 
    34 A.3d 855
    , 861 (Pa. Super. 2011) (noting
    that the Commonwealth must demonstrate both probable cause and exigent
    circumstances to justify a warrantless seizure), appeal denied, 
    63 A.3d 775
    (Pa. 2013).
    (Footnote Continued)
    The initial seizure of the phone was not at issue in Riley, and Riley
    therefore has no direct application here. Furthermore, the Riley majority
    relied on the vast quantity of personal information contained in a cell phone
    to support its opinion protecting an individual from unlawful government
    intrusion therein. Here, we believe the result urged by the Dissent would
    violate that protection.
    - 11 -
    We conclude that the trial court did not err in rejecting the arguments
    properly advanced by the Commonwealth.6            We therefore affirm the trial
    Order affirmed.
    BOWES, J. files a Dissenting Opinion.
    Judgment Entered.
    Joseph D. Seletyn, Esq.
    Date: 8/29/2014
    To be clear, we have decided only that the plain view doctrine and exigent
    phone. We offer no opinion on whether police could have seized the cell
    phone on some other basis, or whether the police had any valid means of
    - 12 -