Com. v. Bradley, K. ( 2020 )

  • J-A03033-20
    2020 PA Super 109
    Appellant                 No. 1196 MDA 2019
    Appeal from the Judgment of Sentence Entered July 3, 2019
    In the Court of Common Pleas of Lycoming County
    Criminal Division at No.: CP-41-CR-0000317-2018
    OPINION BY STABILE, J.:                               FILED MAY 05, 2020
    Appellant Kevin Ray Bradley appeals from the July 3, 2019 judgment of
    sentence entered in the Court of Common Pleas of Lycoming County (“trial
    court”), following his jury conviction for defiant trespass under Section
    3503(b)(1) of the Crimes Code, 18 Pa.C.S.A. § 3503(b)(1). Upon review, we
    In connection with his filming in the lobby of the Williamsport Bureau
    Police Department (the “Lobby”), Appellant was charged with defiant trespass.
    The case eventually proceeded to a jury trial, at which the Commonwealth
    proffered the testimony of Corporal Brian McGee, who testified that he was
    employed with the Williamsport Police Department since September of 2012.
    N.T. Trial, 4/2/19, at 24. Corporal McGee further testified that he worked in
    a supervisory capacity at the police department, which is located “within the
    rear of the City Hall Building.” Id. at 24-25. He explained that the police
    department has two separate entrances, “one is secured and one is controlled
    by the shift supervisor whose [sic] sitting at the desk.” Id. at 25. Corporal
    McGee testified that the police department has a lobby that is open to the
    public. Id. He stated:
    During specific times and hours, the lobby is – the door is unlocked
    and the public can access the duty supervisor, whoever is
    managing that supervisor’s desk or what we call the lodge desk,
    has control over that particular door can secure that door at any
    time. There’s also a button that can release the lock on that door
    to allow folks in and out as the watch commander desires.
    Corporal McGee testified that, on January 25, 2018, shortly after 4:00
    p.m. he had an interaction with Appellant in the Lobby.           Id. at 25-26.
    Specifically, Corporal McGee recalled that as he was finishing up the shift
    change and roll call, an officer informed him that Appellant “was at the
    window.” Id. at 25-26. Corporal McGee testified that at that time, he did not
    know why Appellant was at the station. Id. at 26. Corporal McGee recalled
    that, upon learning of Appellant’s presence,
    I went out, as typical, I went into the watch commander’s office
    which is still within a secure area behind a partition of glass and I
    immediately notice [Appellant] standing at the window and he was
    holding a cell phone in his hand in a manner that was obvious to
    me that he was recording.
    Id. Corporal McGee explained that Appellant “was holding his cell phone, the
    camera was facing towards me and then I asked him immediately if he was
    recording and he stated yes.” Id. at 31. Corporal McGee stated that recording
    was not “permitted in the area that [Appellant] was in.”         Id. at 26.   In
    explaining the reasons for the prohibition, Corporal McGee remarked:
    There’s multiple reasons. One of the reasons is there could be
    confidential information discussed within a secure area of the
    police department and that’s confidential information that we
    would not want to get out to the public, it could be detrimental to
    any case. The walls could be very thin and very easy to hear into
    another room or throughout the secure area into the lobby area.
    In addition to that, multiple times throughout the day we have
    confidential informants that come in there who we obviously want
    to keep their identity safe and secure so that they are not
    retaliated against for any sort of case.
    There’s also under cover [sic] police officers that come in and out
    of there and we obviously want to keep their identity safe and
    secure so that there’s no retaliation against them in the street.
    And, victim of any crime who may want to remain anonymous or
    may be the victims of any sort of domestic violence or any act of
    that nature, we want to keep them safe and that’s our duty to not
    allow some of that confidential information to be put out to the
    Id. at 26-27. Corporal McGee further recalled that on the day of the incident,
    there was a posted no-filming sign in the Lobby where Appellant was
    standing.1    Id. at 27.     He testified that the sign was “to the left side” of
    Appellant and “about eye level, maybe a little bit above eye level.”          Id.
    Corporal McGee was unable to recall the exact date when the sign was posted.
    Id. He, however, testified that the sign was not put up a few days before the
    incident with Appellant. Id. at 28-29.
    Recalling his interaction with Appellant, Corporal McGee testified that,
    upon recognizing that Appellant was filming, “I immediately instructed [him]
    that he needed to cease filming and I referred him to the sign which was
    posted at that time.” Id. at 29. According to Corporal McGee, Appellant did
    1 The sign, which was admitted into evidence, stated in relevant part and in
    capitalized letters that “recording, taping[,] photographing strictly prohibited.”
    Reproduced Record (R.R.) at 142a.
    not obey his command and continued filming. Id. “He continued to film and
    he continued to state how the City of Williamsport was violating his rights, his
    constitutional rights, and made comments on his video asking the public to
    contact the police station.”   Id.   Describing his response, Corporal McGee
    At this point I exited the secure area of the police station and I –
    upon exiting the secure area I pointed to the sign and began to
    explain to [Appellant] the reasons for the sign being posted,
    confidential information and items of that nature. And then I also
    multiple times asked him to cease recording, multiple times asked
    him to leave. I instructed him that he needs to cease. I instructed
    him that he needs to leave multiple times over and if he did not
    abide by any of these then I would arrest him for the trespass.
    Id. When Appellant continued to disobey his instruction to cease filming or
    leave the station, Corporal McGee “attempted to take [Appellant’s] phone from
    him so that the recording could cease.” Id. at 30. According to Corporal
    At that point in time there was an individual from the public
    attempting to enter. I had no idea who the individual was. I
    didn’t know if it was some sort of undercover officer or confidential
    informant, anything like that. And I also instructed [Appellant]
    that he was under arrest and I was preparing to take him into
    Id. (emphasis added). Corporal McGee testified that he arrested Appellant
    with the assistance of additional officers. He described the arrest as follows:
    [Appellant] attempted to pull away from me taking him into
    custody. There was a slight struggle with [Appellant], it created
    a disturbance, and again, something that can be clearly heard
    through the walls or into a secure area where there was multiple
    police officers and three additional officers – actually I believe
    there were four additional officers – exited and assisted me in
    taking [Appellant] into custody.
    Thereafter, the Commonwealth introduced into evidence and played for
    the jury a station video depicting the incident. Id. at 31. Corporal McGee
    noted that the no-filming sign applied “equally to every member of the public
    who would have walked in.” Id. Corporal McGee stated that if Appellant had
    complied with his command and turned off the recording, he would not have
    asked him to leave the station. Id. at 31-32.
    On cross-examination, Corporal McGee acknowledged that Appellant
    was “well known to the department as someone who videos police.” Id. at
    32-33. Corporal McGee described the Lobby as “an area which the public has
    access to and I, as a supervisor or a watch commander at that desk, can
    control access via locking a door or keeping the door unlocked.” Id. at 33.
    Corporal McGee, however, acknowledged that when the door is unlocked, any
    member of the public “can come in.” Id. He further clarified that Appellant’s
    phone, while he was filming, was pointed toward “the secure area of the police
    station.”   Id.   Corporal McGee acknowledged that anyone could observe a
    confidential informant or an undercover officer enter the police station. Id.
    at 34-35. Corporal McGee also acknowledged that Appellant would have been
    permitted to film individuals entering the police department from the steps
    outside. Id. at 35. He also conceded that the video of the incident depicted
    Appellant asserting a constitutional right to film in the Lobby.   Id. at 36.
    Corporal McGee testified that the Lobby door was unlocked from 9:00 a.m. to
    5:00 p.m. on weekdays. Id. at 37.
    At the close of the Commonwealth’s evidence, Appellant filed a motion
    for judgment of acquittal, which the trial court denied.            Id. at 41-46.
    Thereafter, in response, Appellant testified on his own behalf.         Appellant
    testified that it was his “hobby or activity of videoing police and governmental
    agen[cies]” because he likes to hold “public officials accountable for their
    actions.” Id. at 46. Appellant testified that he had been filming police for
    between two and three years. Id. at 47. He testified that he previously had
    filmed in the Lobby and that no one at the station at that time directed him to
    stop filming. Id. Appellant explained that he was “live streaming” on YouTube
    his visit to the station on the day of the incident and that he “had people
    watching so I had witnesses there in case something happened.”            Id.   He
    testified that he was holding his cell phone “long ways” up, i.e., vertically. Id.
    at 48.    Appellant explained that he refused to obey Corporal McGee’s
    commands to stop filming because “I feel it’s my constitutional right to video
    record the police.” Id. He testified that he engages in “First Amendment
    audits,” which he described as
    Where you go to a place and stand out on a public sidewalk and
    record a building. It’s a First Amendment right to be able to record
    because the Supreme Court rules that you can’t trespass with your
    eyes. Anything you see with the eyes you can record as long as
    it’s in public.
    Id. at 48-49. Finally, Appellant testified that, on the day of the incident, he
    went to the police station to retrieve his phone.      Id. at 49.    According to
    Appellant, the police left him a “message on [his] machine” and “sent [him] a
    letter” to pick up his phone. Id.
    On cross-examination, Appellant conceded that he did not know whether
    something was going to happen when he live-streamed his visit to the police
    station from the Lobby. Id. at 49. Appellant acknowledged that members of
    the public were permitted to observe his criminal trial, but would be prohibited
    from filming the same, absent permission by the court. Id. at 50.
    After the close of evidence, closing arguments and instructions, the jury
    retired to deliberate. Prior to the verdict, however, the jury returned with
    questions. The jury asked, “With or without a sign present does the officer
    have the right or authority to ask [Appellant] to stop the recording in the area
    in the police station? Second question, if so, does he then have the authority
    to arrest or ask [Appellant] to leave for not complying?” Id. at 75-76. The
    trial court responded:
    The officer has a right to ask somebody to leave a public area if
    they were being disruptive. Being disruptive is a question of fact
    for you to decide and if he has the right to ask him to leave for
    being disruptive, then he has a right to take whatever actions are
    necessary to force compliance with that. That’s about the only
    way I can explain it to you. He has a right to be in a public area
    unless he’s doing something disruptive. Whether or not somebody
    is disruptive is a question of fact. If he’s being disruptive, then
    the officer has a right to ask him to leave or arrest or whatever he
    has to do.
    Id. at 76.    Appellant’s counsel objected to the trial court’s instruction,
    asserting that an officer does not have a right to charge someone with defiant
    trespass where a person is being disruptive in a public setting. Id. Instead,
    counsel argued that the officer must charge the person with crimes related to
    the disruption, such as disorderly conduct. Id. The jury eventually returned
    a guilty verdict. Appellant moved to set aside the jury verdict and, once more,
    for a judgment of acquittal. Id. at 79. Following argument, the trial court
    denied the motion. Id. at 82.
    Prior to sentencing, on June 6, 2019, Appellant filed a motion for
    judgment of acquittal or new trial. On July 3, 2019, the trial court sentenced
    Appellant to, inter alia, one year of probation. On July 8, 2019, the trial court
    denied Appellant’s motion for judgment of acquittal.            Appellant timely
    appealed. Appellant and the trial court complied with Pa.R.A.P. 1925.
    On appeal, Appellant presents four issues for our review.
    [I.] Whether the Commonwealth failed to meet its burden of proof
    as to [Appellant’s] non-compliance with lawful conditions imposed
    for access to or remaining in the [Lobby]?
    [II.] Whether the defiant trespass statute through the prohibition
    of taking video in the [Lobby] was unconstitutional as applied to
    [III.] Whether the Commonwealth failed to prove the required
    element of intent beyond a reasonable doubt?
    [IV.] Whether the [c]ourt’s instruction that the officer had the
    right to charge [Appellant] with defiant trespass if [Appellant] was
    being “disruptive” while in the [Lobby] was unsupported by the
    evidence, erroneous and unfairly prejudicial to [Appellant]?
    Appellant’s Brief at 5 (unnecessary capitalizations omitted). We will address
    each issue seriatim.
    Although Appellant’s first issue is couched as a sufficiency claim, at the
    core he raises only an argument under the First Amendment to the United
    States Constitution.2 Appellant argues that the no-filming condition imposed
    via the sign in the Lobby is unlawful because it violated his right to free speech
    2   Appellant does not raise any state constitutional claims.
    guaranteed under the First Amendment. Additionally, Appellant asserts that
    the no-filming condition displayed on the sign is unlawful since it lacks the
    force of law because it was not authorized by a local ordinance or statute. He
    claims the condition was imposed only following an oral request from the Chief
    of Police.
    The Commonwealth concedes that the filming of police is an activity
    protected by the First Amendment.         Commonwealth’s Brief at 7.          The
    Commonwealth, however, counters that under the circumstances of this case,
    the no-filming condition in the Lobby was a reasonable time, place, and
    manner restriction. Id.
    The First Amendment provides: “Congress shall make no law respecting
    an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or
    abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people
    peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of
    grievances.” U.S. CONST. amend. I (emphasis added).
    Recently, the Third Circuit Court of Appeals explained:
    The First Amendment protects the public’s right of access to
    information about their officials’ public activities. It goes beyond
    protection of the press and the self-expression of individuals to
    prohibit government from limiting the stock of information from
    which members of the public may draw. Access to information
    regarding public police activity is particularly important because it
    leads to citizen discourse on public issues, the highest rung of the
    hierarchy of the First Amendment values, and is entitled to special
    protection. That information is the wellspring of our debates; if
    the latter are to be uninhibited, robust, and wide-open, the more
    credible the information the more credible are the debates.
    To record what there is the right for the eye to see or the ear to
    hear corroborates or lays aside subjective impressions for
    objective facts. Hence to record is to see and hear more
    accurately. Recordings also facilitate discussion because of the
    ease in which they can be widely distributed via different forms of
    media.    Accordingly, recording police activity in public falls
    squarely within the First Amendment right of access to
    information. As no doubt the press has this right, so does the
    Fields v. City of Philadelphia, 
    862 F.3d 353
    , 359 (3d Cir. 2017) (citations
    and quotation marks omitted).3 The Third Circuit, however, cautioned that all
    recording was not protected or desirable. Id. at 360. “The right to record
    police is not absolute. It is subject to reasonable time, place, and manner
    restrictions.”    Id. (quotation marks omitted). In Kelly v. Borough of
    622 F.3d 248
     (3d Cir. 2010), the court noted that the right to
    videotape police is “subject to reasonable time, place and manner restrictions,
    as long as they are justified without reference to the content of the regulated
    speech, are narrowly tailored to serve a significant governmental interest, and
    leave open ample alternative channels for communication of the information.”
    622 F.3d at 262
    . (quotation marks and citations omitted).             “If a
    person’s recording interferes with police activity, that activity might not be
    protected. For instance, recording a police conversation with a confidential
    informant may interfere with an investigation and put a life at stake.” Fields,
    862 F.3d at 360.
    In Fields, the two plaintiffs brought Section 1983, 
    42 U.S.C. § 1983
    claims against the City of Philadelphia and certain police officers, alleging,
    3 We treat decisions of the Third Circuit as persuasive authority on questions
    of federal constitutional law.    See Stone Crushed P’ship v. Kassab
    Archbold Jackson & O’Brien, 
    908 A.2d 875
    , 883 n.10 (Pa. 2006).
    - 10 -
    inter alia, that the officers illegally retaliated against them for exercising their
    First Amendment right to record public police activity. Plaintiff Amanda Geraci
    attended an anti-fracking protest at the Philadelphia Convention Center.
    Belonging to a police watchdog group, she carried her camera and wore a pink
    bandana that identified her as a legal observer. When the police initiated the
    arrest of a protester, Geraci moved to record the arrest from a better vantage
    point. She did not interfere with the police. Yet, an officer abruptly pushed
    her and pinned her against a pillar for one to three minutes, preventing her
    from observing or recording the arrest. Geraci was not arrested or cited.
    Plaintiff Fields, who was a sophomore at Temple University, was on a
    public sidewalk where he observed numerous police officers breaking up a
    house party across the street. The nearest officer was fifteen feet away from
    him. Using his iPhone, he photographed the scene. An officer noticed him
    taking pictures and inquired whether he liked taking pictures of grown men.
    The officer directed Fields to leave. He refused. The officer arrested Fields,
    seized his phone, and detained him. The officer ultimately released Fields and
    issued him a citation for obstructing highway and other public passage. Later
    the charges were withdrawn because the officer failed to appear at the court
    Despite the defendants’ decision not to argue against the existence of a
    First Amendment right,4 the district court sua sponte concluded that the
    4 The defendants sought the dismissal of the case on the basis of qualified
    - 11 -
    plaintiffs’ activities were not protected by the First Amendment because they
    presented no evidence that their conduct may be construed as expression of
    a belief or criticism of police activity. Id. at 356. On appeal, the Third Circuit
    disagreed, holding that “under the First Amendment’s right of access to
    information the public has the commensurate right to record—photograph,
    film or audio record—police officers conducting official police activity in public
    areas.” Id. at 360. The court, however, did not address the constitutional
    limits of this important First Amendment right because the defendants offered
    no justification for the action.   Id.   Accordingly, the court noted that no
    “countervailing concerns” existed to justify a departure from the general right
    to free speech under the First Amendment. Id.
    Instantly,   the   Commonwealth      concedes    that   Appellant   has   a
    constitutional right anchored in the First Amendment to videotape police
    activity in public places. Unlike in Fields, however, the Commonwealth here
    argues that the no-filming condition imposed in the Lobby is a reasonable
    justification from or restraint on free speech. We agree.
    The Commonwealth presents several countervailing concerns to
    Appellant’s argument that he had an absolute right under the First
    Amendment to videotape in the Lobby.           Principally, the Commonwealth
    highlights Corporal McGee’s testimony that the police department’s no-filming
    condition in the Lobby was based on several reasons:          (1) preventing the
    disclosure of confidential information relating to ongoing investigations
    discussed within secure areas of the police department; (2) safeguarding the
    - 12 -
    identity of confidential informants and undercover officers; (3) ensuring their
    safety by preventing the risk of retaliation against them; and (4) ensuring and
    preserving the privacy of crime victims. See N.T. Trial, 4/2/19, at 26-27.
    Indeed, the trial court found “Corporal [] McGee testified with regard to
    numerous grounds upon which the no[-]filming policy was based, citing
    confidentiality and victim safety as fundamental components.”         Trial Court
    Order, 7/5/19, at ¶ 2. Thus, the restriction or condition at issue is reasonable.
    The no-filming condition applies to all members of the public who visit
    the Lobby. In other words, members of the public are granted a license to
    enter and remain in the Lobby, provided that they abide by the condition.
    Among other things, the no-filming condition ensures the integrity of police
    investigations and activity. The condition applies only to the Lobby and the
    interior of the police station, and not to areas outside of the police station,
    such as steps or entrances. Admittedly, it prohibits only the recording, taping,
    and photographing within the Lobby. The condition does not bar the use of
    parchment and quill in the Lobby. It, therefore, is a reasonable restriction
    under the First Amendment because it is narrowly tailored to serve a
    significant governmental interest, i.e., to ensure the safety, security and
    privacy   of   officers,   informants   and   victims.   Moreover,   it   prevents
    interferences with police activity. Accordingly, under the circumstances of this
    case, the recording or filming in the Lobby by members of the public is not a
    protected activity under the First Amendment.
    - 13 -
    To the extent Appellant claims that the no-filming condition must have
    the force of law to be lawful and enforced against the public—that is, it be
    authorized   by   a   local   ordinance   or   statute—we   disagree.    As   the
    Commonwealth notes and our review of the record confirms, Appellant does
    not cite any legal authority in support of this claim. “[W]here an appellate
    brief fails to provide any discussion of a claim with citation to relevant
    authority or fails to develop the issue in any other meaningful fashion capable
    of review, that claim is waived.” In re W.H., 
    25 A.3d 330
    , 339 n.3 (Pa. Super.
    2011), appeal denied, 
    24 A.3d 364
     (Pa. 2011). Because Appellant failed to
    cite relevant case law, develop his legal argument, or apply the law to the
    facts of the case regarding this contention, it is waived. Commonwealth v.
    171 A.3d 784
    , 791 (Pa. Super. 2017) (issue waived where appellant
    provided an undeveloped argument and neglected to cite to controlling case
    law), appeal denied, 
    186 A.3d 939
     (Pa. 2018).
    We now turn to Appellant’s second issue, which is intimately related to
    his first.   Whether the defiant trespass statute, as applied to him, is
    unconstitutional because of the alleged constitutional infirmities of the no-
    filming condition imposed in the Lobby.
    Preliminarily, we note:
    [A]cts passed by the General Assembly are strongly presumed to
    be constitutional, including the manner in which they were passed.
    Accordingly, a statute will not be declared unconstitutional unless
    it clearly, palpably, and plainly violates the Constitution. If there
    is any doubt that a challenger has failed to reach this high burden,
    then that doubt must be resolved in favor of finding the statute
    - 14 -
    Pa. State Ass’n of Jury Comm’rs v. Commonwealth, 
    64 A.3d 611
    , 618
    (Pa.   2013)    (internal   citation   and   quotation   marks     omitted).     In
    Commonwealth v. Brown, 
    26 A.3d 485
     (Pa. Super. 2011), we stated:
    When an appellant challenges the constitutionality of a statute, he
    or she presents this Court with a pure question of law, for which
    our standard of review is de novo and our scope of review is
    [As indicated], a statute is presumed to be constitutional and will
    only be invalidated as unconstitutional if it clearly, palpably, and
    plainly violates constitutional rights. Further, a defendant may
    contest the constitutionality of a statute on its face or as-applied.
    A facial attack tests a law’s constitutionality based on its text alone
    and does not consider the facts or circumstances of a particular
    case. An as-applied attack, in contrast, does not contend that a
    law is unconstitutional as written but that its application to a
    particular person under particular circumstances deprived that
    person of a constitutional right. A criminal defendant may seek
    to vacate his conviction by demonstrating a law’s facial or as-
    applied unconstitutionality.
    26 A.3d at 493
     (citations omitted).
    The criminal trespass statute provides in pertinent part:
    (b) Defiant trespasser.--
    (1) A person commits an offense if, knowing that he is not
    licensed or privileged to do so, he enters or remains in any
    place as to which notice against trespass is given by:
    (i) Actual communication to the actor[.]
    (c) Defenses.-- It is a defense to prosecution under this section
    (2) the premises were at the time open to members of the public
    and the actor complied with all lawful conditions imposed on
    access to or remaining in the premises[.]
    18 Pa.C.S.A. § 3503(b)(1), (c)(2) (emphasis added).
    - 15 -
    Here, Appellant essentially repeats his first claim, albeit differently
    framed. Appellant asserts that the defiant trespass statute is unconstitutional,
    as applied to him, because it sanctions an unlawful condition and criminalizes
    his right to free speech under the First Amendment. That unlawful condition,
    Appellant argues, is the no-filming restriction imposed in the Lobby. We adopt
    our conclusion above that the no-filming condition is reasonable and did not
    run afoul of the First Amendment. To the extent Appellant argues that the
    reasons advanced by the Commonwealth to justify the no-filming condition
    are mere conjecture and abstract, we disagree. As the Commonwealth notes:
    The video admitted into evidence showed, however an
    unidentified person in civilian clothing attempted to enter
    the police station while [Appellant] was inside, filming.
    Additionally, [Appellant’s] argument regarding the particular
    reasons given were present at this particular time is not directly
    on point – the no-filming condition is not needed only when a
    certain situation implicating it is present; rather, the no-filming
    condition is needed because, in a police station, a situation
    implicating the condition – a victim who wishes to remain
    anonymous reporting a crime, or a confidential informant or
    undercover officer proceeding to a private area – could arise at
    any time and without warning in the regular course of business at
    a police station. It is impossible to say when such a situation
    requiring confidentiality will arise, and such situations will arise as
    a matter of course – this is a fundamental difference between the
    interior of the police station and the world outside.
    Commonwealth’s Brief at 14 (emphasis added). Accordingly, Appellant does
    not obtain relief.
    We next address Appellant’s argument that the evidence presented at
    trial was insufficient to establish that he had the requisite mens rea to commit
    defiant trespass.
    - 16 -
    A claim challenging the sufficiency of the evidence is a question of law.”
    Commonwealth v. Widmer, 
    744 A.2d 745
    , 751 (Pa. 2000).
    The standard we apply in reviewing the sufficiency of the evidence
    is whether viewing all the evidence admitted at trial in the light
    most favorable to the verdict winner, there is sufficient evidence
    to enable the fact-finder to find every element of the crime beyond
    a reasonable doubt. In applying the above test, we may not weigh
    the evidence and substitute our judgment for the fact-finder. In
    addition, we note that the facts and circumstances established by
    the Commonwealth need not preclude every possibility of
    innocence. Any doubts regarding a defendant’s guilt may be
    resolved by the fact-finder unless the evidence is so weak and
    inconclusive that as a matter of law no probability of fact may be
    drawn from the combined circumstances. The Commonwealth
    may sustain its burden of proving every element of the crime
    beyond a reasonable doubt by means of wholly circumstantial
    evidence. Moreover, in applying the above test, the entire record
    must be evaluated and all evidence actually received must be
    considered. Finally, the finder of fact while passing upon the
    credibility of witnesses and the weight of the evidence produced,
    is free to believe all, part or none of the evidence.
    Commonwealth v. Antidormi, 
    84 A.3d 736
    , 756 (Pa. Super. 2014), appeal
    95 A.3d 275
     (Pa. 2014).
    To   establish   defiant   trespass   under   Section   3503(b)(1)(i),   the
    Commonwealth must prove that a defendant (1) entered or remained upon
    property without a right to do so; (2) while knowing that he had no license or
    privilege to be on the property; and (3) after receiving direct or indirect notice
    against trespass. See Commonwealth v. Wanner, 
    158 A.3d 714
    , 718 (Pa.
    Super. 2017 (citation omitted).     The crime of defiant trespass includes an
    element of intent or mens rea.
    Here, upon our review of the evidence viewed in a light most favorable
    to the Commonwealth as the verdict winner, we agree with the trial court’s
    conclusion that the Commonwealth proved beyond a reasonable doubt that
    - 17 -
    Appellant committed defiant trespass.          The trial court found that “Corporal
    McGee testified that he informed [Appellant] that he was not licensed to
    remain in the police station” if he did not cease filming. Trial Court Order,
    7/5/19, at ¶ 4.      The record, detailed above, shows that Appellant did not
    comply.     Instead, despite Corporal McGee’s repeated commands to stop
    recording, Appellant continued to film in the Lobby, pointing his phone toward
    the secure area of the station.5 Accordingly, under the circumstances of this
    case whereby Corporal McGee gave repeated warnings to Appellant to stop
    filming, to cease or leave, and Appellant’s refusal to comply, it is clear that
    Appellant had actual and direct notice that he was no longer licensed or
    privileged to remain in the Lobby. Thus, based upon the foregoing and viewed
    in a light most favorable to the Commonwealth, we agree with the trial court
    that the Commonwealth proved beyond a reasonable doubt that Appellant
    committed defiant trespass.
    Appellant also argues that he lacked the intent to commit defiant
    trespass because he believed he had a constitutional right under the First
    Amendment to videotape his visit to the police station; based on that belief,
    he continued to film in the Lobby. We disagree.
    The trial court and the Commonwealth correctly point out that
    Appellant’s mistake was one of law, not fact. If Appellant’s argument were to
    be accepted, the Commonwealth argues, it “would provide an absolute
    5   While he was filming, an unknown individual attempted to enter the Lobby.
    - 18 -
    defense to any prosecution” where a defendant asserts a good-faith, yet
    erroneous, understanding of the law. Commonwealth’s Brief at 15. It is well-
    settled that mistake of law is not a defense. See 18 Pa.C.S.A. § 304 cmt.
    (“Generally speaking, ignorance or mistake of law is no defense.”) (citation
    omitted); accord Commonwealth v. Cline, 
    177 A.3d 922
    , 926 (Pa. Super.
    2017) (citation omitted), appeal denied, 
    187 A.3d 210
     (Pa. 2018).
    Appellant’s reliance on Commonwealth v. Namack, 
    663 A.2d 191
    Super. 1995) to compel a different outcome is unavailing. There, the defense
    was premised on a mistake of fact, rather than a mistake of law. We noted in
    Namack that “a bona fide, reasonable mistake of fact may, under certain
    circumstances, negate the element of criminal intent.” 
    Id. at 194
    . We ruled
    that the evidence was insufficient to support defendant’s conviction for defiant
    trespass where he presented evidence that he and his family had used a trail
    across his neighbor’s property for many years, and his attorney advised him
    that he had a legal right to use the trail despite his neighbor’s protests.
    Because Appellant here asserts a mistake of law in his belief that the no-
    filming condition was unconstitutional, such a mistake is legally insufficient to
    negate the element of intent for purposes of defiant trespass. Accordingly, he
    is not entitled to relief.
    Lastly, Appellant argues that the trial court abused its discretion in
    answering the last question posed by the jury prior to the jury returning a
    guilty verdict.
    - 19 -
    “When a court instructs the jury, the objective is to explain to the jury
    how it should approach its task and the factors it should consider in reaching
    its verdict.”   Commonwealth v. Chambers, 
    980 A.2d 35
    , 49 (Pa. 2009)
    (quotations omitted).    “In examining jury instructions, our [standard] of
    review is to determine whether the trial court committed a clear abuse of
    discretion or an error of law controlling the outcome of the case.” Id. at 50
    (quotations omitted). “A charge will be found adequate unless the issues are
    not made clear, the jury was misled by the instructions, or there was an
    omission from the charge amounting to a fundamental error.” Id. Moreover,
    “[i]n reviewing a challenge to a jury instruction the entire charge is
    considered, not merely discrete portions thereof. The trial court is free to use
    its own expressions as long as the concepts at issue are clearly and accurately
    presented to the jury.” Commonwealth v. Eichinger, 
    915 A.2d 1122
    , 1138
    (Pa. 2007) (quotations omitted).
    Here, our review of the trial transcript reveals that the trial court
    instructed the jury on defiant trespass as follows:
    To find the defendant guilty of this offense you must find the
    following elements have been established beyond a reasonable
    doubt. First, that the defendant entered or remained in the
    [Lobby]. Second, that notice again[st] trespass was given by
    actual communication to the defendant.           Third, that the
    defendant knew that he had no permission from the owner
    or the authorized person after being told to leave. Fourth,
    that the defendant defied an order personally communicated to
    him by the owner or other authorized person. If after considering
    all the evidence you find the Commonwealth has established these
    elements beyond a reasonable doubt you should find the
    defendant guilty of criminal trespass by a defiant trespasser.
    - 20 -
    If not, then you must find him not guilty. The defendant cannot
    be guilty of criminal trespass by defiant trespasser if you find
    either of the following:
    That the location was open to the public at the time and the
    defendant complied with all lawful conditions imposed on access
    to remaining in the premises or that the defendant reasonably
    believed that the owner or other authorized person would have
    permitted him to enter or remain on the property.
    N.T. Trial, 4/2/19, at 69-70 (emphasis added). During deliberation, the jury
    asked the trial court, “With or without a sign present does the officer have the
    right or authority to ask [Appellant] to stop the recording in the area in the
    police station? Second question, if so, does he then have the authority to
    arrest or ask [Appellant] to leave for not complying?” Id. at 75-76. The trial
    court responded:
    The officer has a right to ask somebody to leave a public area if
    they were being disruptive. Being disruptive is a question of
    fact for you to decide and if he has the right to ask him to leave
    for being disruptive, then he has a right to take whatever actions
    are necessary to force compliance with that. That’s about the only
    way I can explain it to you. He has a right to be in a public area
    unless he’s doing something disruptive.             Whether or not
    somebody is disruptive is a question of fact. If he’s being
    disruptive, then the officer has a right to ask him to leave or arrest
    or whatever he has to do.
    Id. at 76 (emphasis added).
    Reviewing the totality of the trial court’s instruction, it is clear that the
    court did not abuse its discretion as the charge was adequate. We recognize
    that the court could have been more precise in answering the jury’s last
    question.   Instead of instructing the jury that it needed to find whether
    Appellant was disruptive, the court would have been more accurate in
    instructing the jury, as it had done previously during trial, that it needed to
    find whether Appellant had violated a condition upon his presence in the
    - 21 -
    Lobby. We, however, find this error to be non-prejudicial. As mentioned, the
    trial court previously provided the jury with proper instructions on all elements
    of defiant trespass. See N.T. Trial, 4/2/19, at 69-70. Additionally, as the
    Commonwealth points out, the trial court’s use of the term disruptive did not
    prejudice Appellant and Appellant does not explain how he was prejudiced.
    Rather, the use of the term disruptive was more beneficial to the defense
    because the jury analyzed the term in the context of all evidence presented
    at trial, including the video of the incident. The trial evidence shows only that
    Appellant   refused   Corporal   McGee’s         repeated   calls   to   stop   filming.
    Accordingly, when viewed in its entirety, the trial court’s charge to the jury
    was not erroneous so as to warrant a new trial.             See Commonwealth v.
    858 A.2d 1198
    , 1201 (Pa. Super. 2004) (“A verdict will not be set
    aside if the instructions of the trial court, taken as a whole, and in context,
    accurately set forth the applicable law.”); see also Commonwealth v.
    724 A.2d 293
    , 314 (Pa. 1999) (“Error cannot be predicated on
    isolated excerpts of the charge . . . it is the general effect of the charge that
    controls.”); Commonwealth v. Mickens, 
    597 A.2d 1196
    , 1204–05 (Pa.
    Super. 1991) (noting that when viewed in its entirety, an isolated
    misstatement is insignificant where it fails to prejudice the appellant, and the
    charge is otherwise free of errors.).
    Moreover, relying on Commonwealth v. White, 
    492 A.2d 32
    Super. 1985), Appellant challenges the trial court’s instruction to the jury that
    it was “permitted to find [him] guilty of defiant trespass if [it] believed he was
    - 22 -
    being disruptive.” Appellant’s Brief at 29. Appellant argues that, if Corporal
    McGee believed he was being disruptive, he should have charged him with a
    crime related to the disruption.
    In White, the defendant was terminated from a Ford Aerospace Plant
    and told that if he wished to be reinstated he would have to take a medical
    leave of absence. The defendant was given two days to decide whether to do
    so. The next day, the defendant went to the plant gate used by employees,
    visitors, business invitees, customers, job applicants, and retirees seeking
    medical information, and where it was normal for employees, their
    dependents, and retirees to come to request medical forms.          The former
    employee was asked to leave, but stated he would not leave until he spoke to
    the company’s Senior Labor Relations Representative about requesting
    medical leave and forms.            After speaking with the representative, the
    defendant was twice asked to leave again, and upon his refusal, was arrested.
    The defendant was found guilty of defiant trespass. On appeal, however, we
    reversed, finding he had an affirmative defense under Section 3503(c)(2),
    which we noted was an adoption of Model Penal Code (“Code”) Section 221.2.6
    Citing the notes to Section 221.2 of the Code, we stated:
    The primary objective is to exclude criminal prosecution for
    mere presence of a person in a place where the public generally
    6 While Section 3503(c)(2) derived from the Model Penal Code, its notes and
    comments are not binding on this Court. See Commonwealth v. Brown,
    375 A.2d 331
    , 334 n. 4 (Pa. 1977) (while comments to Model Penal Code may
    be helpful in interpreting statutes, they were not specifically adopted by the
    legislature and therefore are not binding).
    - 23 -
    is invited. Persons who become undesirable by virtue of disorderly
    conduct may of course be prosecuted for that offense. The Section
    is not intended to preclude resort by the occupants to civil
    remedies for trespass, including his privilege, whatever it may be,
    of barring entry or ejecting.
    White, 492 A.2d at 35 (emphasis added). The White Court found that the
    plant gate area was open to the public for the specific purpose for which the
    defendant was there and found “no evidence that the defendant failed to
    comply with any lawful condition imposed on his access to those premises or
    in any other way ‘breached the peace.’” Id. at 36. Based on these findings,
    the court held that the fact that plant management revoked the defendant’s
    invitation to be on the premises was not sufficient to remove the defendant
    from the protection of Section 3503(c)(2). Id. The defendant was charged
    for his mere presence in a place where the public generally is invited.
    As stated, in White the defendant’s mere presence was criminalized.
    There, [t]he Commonwealth presented no evidence that the defendant failed
    to comply with any lawful condition imposed on his access to those premises.”
    Id. at 36. Here, however, Appellant deliberately failed to comply with a lawful
    condition for remaining in the Lobby when he refused Corporal McGee’s
    repeated warnings to stop filming.     See Trial Court Order, 7/5/19, at ¶ 5
    (Appellant’s “conduct amounted to an affirmative refusal to comply with a
    condition on presence.”). If Appellant had complied, according to Corporal
    McGee’s testimony, he would have been permitted to remain in the Lobby.
    Accordingly, Appellant’s reliance on White is misplaced, as the facts
    underlying this case are distinguishable.
    - 24 -
    In sum, we conclude that (1) the no-filming condition imposed in the
    Lobby passes constitutional muster; (2) the offense of defiant trespass was
    not unconstitutional as applied to Appellant; (3) the Commonwealth presented
    sufficient evidence beyond a reasonable doubt to establish that Appellant
    possessed the necessary mens rea to commit defiant trespass; and (4) the
    trial court did not abuse its discretion in instructing the jury. Thus, we affirm
    Appellant’s judgment of sentence.
    Judgment of sentence affirmed.
    Judgment Entered.
    Joseph D. Seletyn, Esq.
    Date: 05/05/2020
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