Freddie Eugene Owens v. Bryan P. Stirling ( 2023 )

    In The Supreme Court
    Freddie Eugene Owens, Brad Keith Sigmon, Gary
    DuBose Terry, and Richard Bernard Moore,
    Bryan P. Stirling, in his official capacity as the Director
    of the South Carolina Department of Corrections; South
    Carolina Department of Corrections; and Henry
    McMaster, in his official capacity as Governor of the
    State of South Carolina, Appellants-Respondents.
    Appellate Case No. 2022-001280
    Appeal from Richland County
    Jocelyn Newman, Circuit Court Judge
    Opinion No. 28132
    Heard January 5, 2023 – Filed January 26, 2023
    Chief Legal Counsel Thomas Ashley Limehouse, Jr.,
    Senior Legal Counsel William Grayson Lambert, and
    Deputy Legal Counsel Erica Wells Shedd, all of
    Columbia, for Appellant-Respondent Governor Henry
    McMaster; Daniel Clifton Plyler and Austin Tyler Reed,
    both of Smith Robinson, of Columbia, for Bryan P.
    Stirling, Director, and the South Carolina Department of
    Corrections, Appellants-Respondents.
    Lindsey Sterling Vann, Emily C. Paavola, Hannah Lyon
    Freedman, Breedan Matthew Van Winkle, and Allison
    Ann Franz, all of Justice 360; Elizabeth Anne Franklin-
    Best, of Elizabeth Franklin-Best, P.C., and John
    Christopher Mills, of J. Christopher Mills, LLC, all of
    Columbia; Joshua Snow Kendrick, of Kendrick &
    Leonard, P.C., of Greenville; and John H. Blume, III, of
    Ithaca, NY, for Respondents-Appellants.
    CHIEF JUSTICE BEATTY: Four prisoners filed this declaratory
    judgment action challenging two of the execution methods set forth in South
    Carolina's death penalty statute1—electrocution and the firing squad—because they
    violate the South Carolina Constitution's article I, section 15 prohibition against
    cruel, corporal, or unusual punishment. The circuit court concluded electrocution
    and the firing squad are unconstitutional under state law, and the parties filed
    cross-appeals with this Court. 2 The primary appeal concerns the merits of the
    ruling, and the prisoners' cross-appeal challenges the partial denial of their pretrial
    discovery request for information on the availability of a third statutory method of
    execution, lethal injection. At this time, we reverse the circuit court's discovery
    ruling, which is the subject of the cross-appeal, and we remand the discovery issue
    to the circuit court for further proceedings to be completed in accordance with the
    time limits set forth in this opinion. We will hold the remainder of the appeal in
    abeyance pending the circuit court's resolution of the discovery issue.
    I. FACTS
    Freddie Eugene Owens, Brad Keith Sigmon, Gary DuBose Terry, and
    Richard Bernard Moore ("Inmates") were each convicted of murder in unrelated
    capital cases and sentenced to death. After their individual actions for direct and
    collateral review were completed, they brought the current action in the circuit
    court challenging the constitutionality of two methods of execution—electrocution
    and the firing squad—set forth in South Carolina's recently amended death penalty
    statute. See 
    S.C. Code Ann. § 24-3-530
     (Supp. 2022). The suit was brought
    S.C. Code Ann. § 24-3-530
     (Supp. 2022).
    See Rule 203(d)(1)(A), SCACR (stating the notice of appeal shall be filed directly
    with this Court when the principal issue on appeal challenges the constitutionality
    of a state law or local ordinance).
    against Bryan Stirling, in his official capacity as Director of the South Carolina
    Department of Corrections ("SCDC Director"); the department itself ("SCDC");
    and Governor Henry McMaster ("Governor"). Because all of the defendants
    represent South Carolina, they will be referred to collectively (as "the State"),
    where appropriate.
    Prior to the recent amendment, section 24-3-530 provided any person
    sentenced to the penalty of death had a "right of election" to select either lethal
    injection or electrocution as the method of execution. 
    S.C. Code Ann. § 24-3
    530(A) (2007). In the event the right of election was waived, the statute
    designated lethal injection as the default method to be used in South Carolina. 
    In 2021, the statute was amended to change the default method of execution
    from lethal injection to electrocution and to add the firing squad as a third option.
     § 24-3-530(A) (Supp. 2022). The amended statute now provides that any
    person sentenced to death has a "right of election" among electrocution, the firing
    squad, or lethal injection. Id. The statute establishes electrocution as the method
    to be used in the event no election is made or if, in the judgment of the SCDC
    Director, the other two methods are not "available" at the time of election. Id.
    The firing squad has never been a method of execution for civilians in South
    Carolina. After the statute's amendment, the State indicated no protocols then
    existed for its use. In addition, the State indicated lethal injection was not
    available due to the State's alleged inability to procure the necessary drugs. This
    left only electrocution, a method that several Inmates have rejected. 3
    Prior to trial, Inmates served interrogatories and requests for production
    asking the State to supply discovery information describing the State's efforts to
    obtain the drugs needed for lethal injection. Inmates stated that, to the extent those
    efforts involved communication with other individuals or entities, the information
    sought included the identification of any person or entity with whom the State
    communicated, the contents and dates of those communications, and a list of each
    person who had been involved in the efforts to obtain the drugs for lethal injection,
    along with their title and the nature of their efforts. Inmates also sought to
    discover information regarding SCDC's development of the protocols for lethal
    injection, as well as a copy of the protocols. See id. § 24-3-530(F) (providing
    The State has since advised the Court that protocols have been developed for the
    use of the firing squad.
    SCDC is responsible for establishing the protocols and procedures for carrying out
    The State objected to the discovery requests based on overbreadth and
    relevance, asserting Inmates had not challenged the constitutionality of lethal
    injection as a method of execution. The State also asserted the discovery requests
    could result in the disclosure of the identity of members of the execution team in
    violation of state law. 4 In the event the court permitted limited discovery on this
    subject, the State requested the issuance of a protective order.
    Inmates, in contrast, maintained their discovery requests would not
    necessitate the disclosure of members of the execution team. However, they noted
    that, to the extent the court believed their discovery requests could result in this
    disclosure, the names of the team members could be redacted or the court could
    place the materials under seal. Inmates maintained information regarding lethal
    injection was relevant to their ex post facto claim because that analysis required a
    consideration of whether the newly imposed punishment is greater than that
    imposed at the time of the offense. They also contended the discovery related to
    what steps the State had taken to obtain the drugs for lethal injection was directly
    relevant to their claim regarding the meaning of "available" in the amended death
    penalty statute.
    The court held a hearing on the discovery issue on June 23, 2022. The court
    subsequently filed a Form 4 order on July 5, 2022 that denied the State's motion for
    a protective order regarding the execution protocols (stating they "shall be subject
    to a Confidentiality Order"), but granted the motion "as to the remaining topics
    (i.e., lethal injection information, members of the execution team, etc.)."
    As a result, the State produced the execution protocols pursuant to a
    Confidentiality Order. However, during depositions, the State directed its
    S.C. Code Ann. § 24-3-580
     (Supp. 2022) ("A person may not knowingly
    disclose the identity of a current or former member of an execution team or
    disclose a record that would identify a person as being a current or former member
    of an execution team. However, this information may be disclosed only upon a
    court order under seal for the proper adjudication of pending litigation. Any
    person whose identity is disclosed in violation of this section shall have a civil
    cause of action against the person who is in violation of this section and may
    recover actual damages and, upon a showing of a wilful violation of this section,
    punitive damages.").
    witnesses not to answer some questions, such as how the protocols were
    developed, if they had ever witnessed an execution, and similar topics.
    The circuit court conducted a trial on the merits of the case in August 2022.
    On the first day of the trial, upon Inmates' request, the court required the State to
    produce any autopsy reports of prior South Carolina executions via electrocution
    within twenty-four hours, but the court otherwise adhered to the prior ruling. The
    court clarified that its prior order was not intended to exclude the autopsy
    information and stated the information to be disclosed would be subject to the
    existing Confidentiality Order. The parties revisited the discovery issue during
    trial, and the court commented at one point that it was reading the statute
    preventing the disclosure of members of the execution team broadly to extend to
    "more than the handful of people" who are directly involved in the execution, such
    as the person who "flips the switch" for the electric chair. Rather, the court stated
    its understanding was that the statute's reach extended to "the other staff members
    of SCDC who play a role in that execution."
    On September 6, 2022, the court issued an order granting Inmates' requests
    for declaratory and injunctive relief. The court concluded South Carolina's death
    penalty statute, section 24-3-530, was constitutionally invalid in several respects
    and issued a permanent injunction against the use of the firing squad and
    electrocution as methods of execution. Specifically, the court declared that
    (1) carrying out executions by either firing squad or electrocution violates the
    prohibition on the infliction of cruel, corporal, or unusual punishment in article I,
    section 15 of the South Carolina Constitution; (2) the statutory language providing
    a defendant has the "right to elect" his method of execution when alternatives are
    deemed "available" by the SCDC Director is unconstitutionally vague and an
    improper delegation of authority; (3) the lack of constitutional alternatives violates
    the statute; and (4) the retroactive application of the amended statute violates the
    ex post facto prohibitions of the United States Constitution and the South Carolina
    Constitution. The State and Petitioners have cross-appealed.
    In their cross-appeal, Inmates argue the circuit court's pretrial ruling denying
    a portion of their discovery requests constitutes an abuse of discretion. We agree.
    A trial court's ruling on a discovery matter will not be disturbed on appeal
    except where there is an abuse of discretion. Dunn v. Dunn, 
    298 S.C. 499
    , 502,
    381 S.E.2d 734
    , 735 (1989). "The burden is upon the party appealing from the
    order to demonstrate the trial court abused its discretion." 
     "An 'abuse of
    discretion' may be found by this Court where the appellant shows that the
    conclusion reached by the lower court was without reasonable factual support,
    resulted in prejudice to the right of appellant, and, therefore, amounted to an error
    of law." 
     (citation omitted).
    In the primary appeal, the State challenges, inter alia, the circuit court's
    rulings that section 24-3-530 is unconstitutionally vague and violative of the non-
    delegation doctrine to the extent the statute allows the SCDC Director, an
    unelected official, the sole authority to determine whether lethal injection is
    "available" to Inmates in South Carolina as a method of execution. See 
    S.C. Code Ann. § 24-3-530
    (A) (Supp. 2022).
    In their cross-appeal, Inmates contend that, before this Court renders its
    decision on the merits of the circuit court's conclusions, it should find, as a
    preliminary matter, that the circuit court abused its discretion in denying Inmates'
    requests for discovery concerning (1) the State's efforts to obtain the drugs for
    lethal injection, and (2) the process it undertook to determine the drugs were not
    "available" in South Carolina. Inmates contend the South Carolina General
    Assembly has failed to set forth any guidance or parameters for determining
    whether a means of execution is "available," but the term "available" as used in
    section 24-3-530 must have a discernible meaning requiring the State to take some
    affirmative steps to make all three methods of execution available to any person
    who has been convicted of a capital crime and received a sentence of death.
    Inmates further allege the State has failed to meet its statutory obligations to
    properly assess availability, however those obligations are to be defined.
    On the current record, it is impossible to know exactly what steps the State
    has taken to procure the drugs for lethal injection and to evaluate the State's
    assessment that such drugs are not "available" in South Carolina. The State
    represented to this Court during oral arguments that it presumed ongoing efforts
    were being made to procure the drugs for lethal injection, and that it was not
    simply relying on prior representations of unavailability made to this Court in
    recent years. When pressed on this point, however, the State could not articulate
    precisely what those efforts were or when they may have occurred. In any event,
    even assuming good faith efforts have been made and the State could advise the
    Court of its actions in this regard, we cannot rely on the arguments of counsel to
    fill in the record. The arguments of counsel are not evidence, and this information
    should be passed upon by the circuit court in the first instance because that court is
    the proper fact-finder in this matter. See generally Chapman v. Allstate Ins. Co.,
    263 S.C. 565
    , 567, 
    211 S.E.2d 876
    , 877 (1975) (stating when "a law case is tried
    by a judge without a jury, [the judge's] findings of fact have the force and effect of
    a jury verdict upon the issues[] and are conclusive upon appeal when supported by
    competent evidence"); Bowers v. Bowers, 
    304 S.C. 65
    , 68, 
    403 S.E.2d 127
    , 129
    (Ct. App. 1991) (observing mere allegations are not evidence, and "[a]rguments
    of counsel are also not evidence").
    Inmates' discovery requests regarding lethal injection are particularly
    relevant and reasonable in light of the fact that, for over ten years, other states have
    continued to perform executions using lethal injection, rather than electrocution
    and the firing squad. Inmates have argued in this case that the latter two methods
    are unnecessarily destructive to the body and constitute cruel, corporal, and
    unusual punishment. We appreciate the circuit court's conscientious efforts to
    avoid the revelation of any information that would violate section 24-3-580's
    prohibition on the knowing disclosure of the identity of a current or former
    member of an execution team or a record that would lead to this identification. See
    S.C. Code Ann. § 24-3-580
    . We note, however, that the purpose of the statute is to
    prevent the public disclosure of this information. An additional key component of
    the statute is that it does contemplate that disclosure may be authorized when it is
    needed "for the proper adjudication of pending litigation," and the information is
    held under seal. See 
     ("However, this information may be disclosed only upon a
    court order under seal for the proper adjudication of pending litigation.").
    We find Inmates' requests for information regarding lethal injection are
    relevant and necessary for the proper adjudication of the issues in this matter. That
    being said, the circuit court noted a legitimate concern that some of this
    information had the potential to violate the prohibition on disclosing members of
    the execution team. This potential, however, did not require the broad denial of
    discovery to Inmates; rather, the court should have permitted discovery to proceed
    and required all such information to be placed under seal until the disclosed
    materials could be properly evaluated by a court, including the process of appeal.
    Accordingly, although its intentions were based on well-founded concerns, we
    hold the court committed an error of law amounting to an abuse of discretion in its
    denial of Inmates' discovery requests pertaining to lethal injection. See generally
    298 S.C. at 503
    381 S.E.2d 734
    , 736 (1989) (holding the court's conclusion
    that a party's refusal to continue a deposition was unjustified where it was based on
    the good-faith advice of counsel, and the court's imposition of sanctions based on
    this finding constituted an abuse of discretion); Logan v. Gatti, 
    289 S.C. 546
    , 549,
    347 S.E.2d 506
    , 508 (Ct. App. 1986) (holding the trial judge committed "an error
    of law and consequently an abuse of discretion" in denying the plaintiffs motion
    for continuance for additional time for discovery when a witness was temporarily
    unavailable as the judge's order "left the plaintiffs, through no fault of their own,
    without an expert witness to testify as to the standards of medical care").
    We find the circuit court abused its discretion in denying Inmates' pretrial
    discovery requests for information regarding lethal injection. Accordingly, we
    reverse the ruling as to discovery and remand the matter to allow the parties to
    conduct discovery on this subject. Upon remand, the circuit court shall consult
    with the parties in any manner it deems appropriate to determine the specific
    discovery responses that remain outstanding regarding the State's efforts to procure
    the drugs for lethal injection and the process it undertook to determine the drugs
    were not "available" in South Carolina. The circuit court shall oversee the
    completion of this discovery within sixty (60) days of the date of this opinion.
    Thereafter, the circuit court will have sixty (60) days to conduct any hearing it
    deems appropriate and to present an order to this Court regarding its factual
    findings and determination as to the availability of lethal injection in South
    In light of the statutory requirements to maintain the confidentiality of the
    members of an execution team, information obtained shall not be disclosed to
    anyone other than the parties' attorneys, the circuit court, and this Court, and we
    direct that this information and any supplemental record that is developed on
    remand be kept confidential and under seal. The remainder of the appeal is held in
    abeyance pending the circuit court's resolution of the discovery issue.
    KITTREDGE, HEARN, FEW and JAMES, JJ., concur.

Document Info

Docket Number: 28132

Filed Date: 1/26/2023

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/26/2023